The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 30, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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SascM Sale of a Guanmteed Razor All f his WeelC Reg. $2.50 Value, Special 1
-first Floor-
-First Floor-
'First Floor-
Do : You Use the Best
Strops ;
Porpoise Strops at...
U. S. Cavalry Strop at. ,......75c
Tbrry Strop, regular $1.00 at, 67c
Torry Strop, regular $1.25 at. 58c
Best Russian Leather Strop$2.00
Shaving Mugs
Souvenir Mt. Hood; regular 50c:
sale price 39
A fine assortment Silver
Mugs 92.50 to $3.50
Lather Brushes
FROM 25 TO $3.50
Rubber Set Lather Brush, guaran
teed ; regular 75c ; special . . . .40
A full line of Gillette Safety Razors
at regular pricey A ' .
Star, Gem and Yankee, iSafety
Razors at half price. , J V
Bargains for the Vacationist
We Have All the Popular Toilet ".
Postcard Albums, all fa Per Cent Of! . . -
and Bath Soaps to Select From
Valiant's Antiseptic Soap, per box 8 cake. 25ft
LiebiVs Skin Cure, for all akin troubles; 154 cake; v
box .. 40
Sylvan Toilet Soapyou will find this extra nice:
special, box .25
U-AR-DAS as good as any, better than man, at,
cake, 15c; box 40
English Playing Cards, regular 75c . special...... 45
Success Playing Cards, regular Mc; special. ...... 1G
7x11 Steamboat Cards, regular 18c; special.;... 8
Box Paper, regular 60c ; special. ............ i . . .20
Kelso 'Bond, Foreign Mail, N. Yr Linen, Louisine;
regular 15c and 20c; special. ................. 12
Our Peerless Razor Is guaranteed
satisfactory or your money back.
Regular $2.50, while.'- ;:: A no
they last ..... . . . ...... tj) 1 JO
-First Floor-
Do You
Snap Shots?
Buster Brown Cameras,
2x3tf . .92.00
Ansco Films. ' .'
Lumiere .Plates.; f
Cyko " Postcards, 15c
doz.; gross ..81.50
First Floor
Cut Glass
Cot J Glass , Bowl, 8-inch ;
rtg. $6.50, spl.. 84.83
yt doz. Colonial Glasses;
reg. $8.50, special 96.20
Handle Nappie; regular
$4.40, special ...93.21
Sugar and Creamer; reg
ular $6, special. .84.48
Water Pitcher; regular
$6.50, special ....94.63
-First Floor-
Specials from the Leather Department
Suit Cases
Pigmoid Suitcase, sole leather corners 9 5.75
Sole Leather Case, hand sewed, reinforced. .9 8.00
Sole Leather Case, hand sewed, with straps. .912.00
Sole Leather Case, an exceptionally good case 815.00
Black Walrus Case, size 24 .....$16.50
Sole Leather Case, bellows sides, special $26.50
Hand Bags
Russet Leather Bag, size 19 ; reg. $10.80 ; spl. 9 8.75
Russet Leather Bag, size 16; special.... i.,. 8 8.75
Sole Leather Bag, regular $16.50; special... ,.91105
Sole Leather Bag, size 18 812.75
Sole Leather Bag only..... .818.75"
Sole Leather Bag, kilt, with straps, only..... $25.00
Fourth Flow ,
.lV;.V ;l vV ' .
.-;.: : ': v.:-1 - !.,. ' - v
'For tho ' Home, Sum
mer Cottage or Dan
t. .. i- 1... 3.. aJLc..L
.. Extra Ttluea to 30c
10c and 15c
First Floor
It's not how much you
make, It's what you save
Bath Capi, pur g urn 53
Kerchief Caps GOA
"Rub Dry? Tbweli.
special 10
Sponge Bags; regular 25c
and 35c ......., 17
Phone Orders
Call Hip Exchange 11 for Imme
diate ordering of goods adver
. . , tUed, or A11S9.
d, Clarke & Gompany
"The Largest Retail Drug Store in the United States"
, Mail Orders
Our Mail Order Department Is
complete. You are as safe to or
der by mail as to call personally.
The best always write today.
CO I If!! S
-.Park Board Members Anxious Regarding Legality of
-. Madison Stist Bridge Improvement Bonds Much
! PropeiTj4cessary "VVlien Construction Begins.
Members tt th park board arc nx
' lotwly wMii th court'i ecllon on
lb lesaUty of tb ' Madison ktrett
' brldn ImproYomtnt bonds, for on It
- blnros ths $1,000,000 appropriation for
ths systom of parlw. ana Douievaroi
ths psopis rotad for tn ths Juno lec
tion.- With, rtalty Taiues rapidly aq
Avanctas;. ihs .board' i . 'r to b 't
work purobMln property alone the pro..
r posea rouv ana miauiam
'construction. ,;;. .... . . ...
' Members of the board ibis mornim
.sUted that Immediately th le-alltf of
th bond Issue was es.Ubllshed land-
scape en-lneer would be employed to
devise plans to air Portland tbe finest
park system In America. The city en
gineer's force will be called upon to
Id In the work of laylnc out the
' around to be eraded for the boulevards
"nd the small parcels of round for
nelrhborhood parks. This force will also
, overlook the construction of the nec
essary bridges to be built over ravines
In the city In tbe continuous boule-
; VAn outline of both the boulevard and
the neighborhood park scheme was
Riven by the board previous to tbe elec-
lion , and the beauty of tbe selection
was at once apparent The boulevard
stretching back from tbe Willamette On
either side will eive the traveler a
magnificent glimpse of the Willamette
vaney 101
or miles ana miles on euner
side, with the tall peaks Of Hood:
Adams, St. Helens and the Three 81b-'
ters punctuating the vkyttne la the far
distance. 1
The boulevard will be sevsral miles
In' length and when completed it la
Disappearance of Coin Occa
sions Consternation
Among Officials.
(Joaraal Bpertal Service.)
San .Francisco, July SO. The disap
pearance of a gold dlso valued at 110
.fjrosa the, mint yesterday afternoon oc
oaaionea great aeai or consternation
among the officials of the institution,
it. with Its natural surround- not so much on account of the amount
lng-sr will be more beautiful than any of the loss, as the fact that leakage
was developed through which greater
In America.
Tired mothers and fathers and rest
less r -children unable to leave thel
homes to go long distance to public
Sark will find the neighborhood parks
ellghtful recreation spots. They will
be made attractive ' by every possible
means and should not only prove sight
ly but most Inviting places.
In projecting the boulevard and
neighborhood park system the board Is
prepared to spend the entire $1,000,000.
The board members stated this morning
that If the bond Issue Is cleared up In
tne next two montna tney nopea 10 nave
the landscape expert on the ground to
Actual construction.
auDervlae the lavlnr out of the system
. - . . . . . . . .
iv October.
state, might be carried on during the Dee adjusted and were ready for the
loss mignt be sustained. As soon as
the shortage was discovered the doors
of the adjusters department. In which
the loss occurred, were locked and the
premises were searched and later the
employes. . The search extended even to
tbe hosiery and lingerie of the women,
but It failed to discover the little disc
Testerday afternoon a tray of blank
$30 discs was sent to the adjusting de
partment from the molding department,
nd weighed and charged to the second
department. William Montgomery, the
chief adjuster, instead of weighing the
tray, accepted the account of the mold
ing department. After the discs had
winter and early spring, and by sum
mer the boulevard and neighborhood
parks could be turned over,
stamping department, it was dlsoovered
that - the number was one short.
(Continued from'Page On )
i10 to bis credit In the First National
"Charles Logus has an account of IMS.ll
vlTn Polk directory of 1$00 shows his
, 7 residence at 1$ Grand avenue, but the
xi name does not appear Jil. the volumes
Issued since tnat year.
- " Mo Traoe Can Be Tonnd.
Of the following, although they gave
''J their residence as Portland wnen mail
ing their deposits, no trace of them can
' ite found In the directories: Their
j names and the amount of each dormant
account, as as follows: Chas. W. Btenrt-
born. $60J.70; R. E. O'Brien, S419.BS
, Thomas McNamara, $760; J. J. Leuten
!egger, $148.98; John Lanners. tfi6S.tO
Vf Hnrdenfeld. I2H.1B.
But these are onlv a few of dosens
tot other Portlanders who through overj
u sight or other reason, nave negioc wu
their accumulations of money. These
' f range from a few dollars to over $200.
Out of town banks likewise have
'-Shown negligence In checking up. At
i the First National, there is a credit of
!$6.6J to the Columbia Valley bank of
. ' Alb-all Vn m AaA fxf .t Tfl
; the money has lain there, and for the
- " same length of time there has been
.! $23.92 to the credit of the First National
'bank of Ooldendale, $80 to the Bank of
.Pullman, Pullman, Washington. $8.7$
to tbe Bank of Rosalie, Washington,
, and $3.24 to tbe Wakefield bank, Hlma,
' Washington.
t The Cornell Park association of Port
'land, has $326 at the Ladd A Tllton
bank, .which It forgot about some doten
years ago. David Robertson, deceased,
has credit of $828.67 in the same ln-
' stitution, and Joost rl. ucnneiaer, wno
floured In the Benson-Hyde cases, is the
possessor of 2 cents which he can draw
- at any time rrom tne same institution.
Small Wslawnsa Overlooked.
The R. L. Polk directory forgot about
$2 68 which It left on deposit at the
First National about 10 years ago, and
In the same bank the - Portland Ma
cadam Road company has $151 and the
Portjand Tug Boat company $148. Coun
cilman W. T. Vaughn has overlooked
! $2.0 which was left with Ladd A Tllton
' about 168. Rev. Q. K. Hawes has $4.54
! in the United States National bank, and
(H. W. Hayne has a seven-year-old de
posit of $6.08. with the First National
i bank.
ut ih.J,i2r,r"."rTrl columns
In the Pacific Banker of July 17. and in.
eludes the. names of administrators
panlea. real estate, the names of de
ceased persons, and scores of lndlvl
duals, all of whom have wealth of which
apparently they have no knowledge.
The Individual the farthest distance
5ffi.l" l?:Bit-"M: JL? tSda'y on the Carman!!
lit at tne rim National, and James
Bbeakley or tbe same northern town,
owns 10 cents on. deposit at Ladd ft
Til ton's. j
Eleanor Robeon Coming Home.
(Joersal Special Service.)
London, July 10. Miss Eleanor Rob-
son, the young American actress who
Mas scored a aecided lxndon success in
her engagement just closed, sails for
fearly in
September she will opea at the Academy
of Musto In New York for an engage
ment of six weeks In "Salomy Jane.
This Time It la an Age4 Methodist
Minister, Missing Since July 8
No Newt of O. Holt.
(Special Dispatch te Tbe JearnaL)
Walla Walla, Wash., July to. Rev.
William White, an aged and well-to-do
Methodist minister, baa disappeared from
Walla Walla, and despite a vigorous
search no trace of him has been found.
He was last seen July t, leaving his
home on Lincoln street with a bundle.
Friends are preparing a description,
which will be sent o the towns of the
northwest. In an effort to find some
trace of him.
The disappearance of Charles Holt,
the druggist who left Walla Walla the
latter part of June, la still a mystery,
neither his employer nor his .wife hav
ing heard anything from him.
(Joaraal Bpeelal Sarrlee.)
Washington. D. C, July $0. It Is
announced that Secretary Taft will
make no speeches In Idaho on his com
ing trip to the west Secretary Taft
a year ago was sent to Idaho by tbe
President to speak for the reelection of
Governor Qoodlng, the main issue be
ing the attitude of unrelenting pursuit
of the murderers of former Governor
Steunenberg, which had been assumed
by the state administration. This was
the first move made by the president
to Indicate his belief In the "undeslra
blllty" of the leaders of the Western
Federation of Miners, and the acaulttal
of Haywood Is believed to be harmful
to the presidential aspirations of Sec
retary Taft In the far west.
Huntington Stops Trolley
Construction to Secure
Lower Taxation.
(Joaraal Bpeelal Berries.)
Los Angeles, July 10.-Pasadena is
In a state of consternation generally and
business and political circles are stirred
to depths because H. E. Huntington has
Issued an ultimatum that be will build
no more railroad 11ms there or spend a
cent for improvements, because ne
claims to have been overtaxed by the
city. Assessor Don D. Kellogg fixed
the tax valuation of the Paclflo electric
holdings In Pasadena at approximately
t00,000, an Increase of $400,000 over
last year, and the railway magnate
speaks In bitter terms oi what ha con
siders unfair treatment.
Apparently there la a strong feeling
among business men that Huntington has
cause for complaint, since a storm of
oritlclsm Is whirling about Mayor far
ley and the assessor. The latter has
made matters worse for himself In de
fense of the asssesment, by stating that
he has indulged In the praotlce of treat
ing corporations fairly where they
"made frank and liberal statements,
but That he retaliated In cases where
they did not do so.
The whole city now seems to have
both the mayor and assessor by the ears
and there is talk of cltlsens visiting the
city hall and Joining In a formal de
mand for Kellogg's resignation.
Huntington had extensive plana made
xor pasadena s railroad progress, .
(Continued from Page One.)
iu Tn woais
Knew that Ballard's Snow Liniment
has no superior for rheumatism, stiff
Joints, cuts, sprains, lumbago and all
pains. Buy It. try It and you will al
ways use It Any body who has used
Ballard's Bnow Liniment Is a living
roof of what It does. All we ask of
rou Is to get a trial bottle. Price 26c,
Oo and tl.00. Sold by all druggists..
ago In company with Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Butler, also relatives, and their return
home is a sad one, because of the party
Mr. and Mrs. Butler and child, and
-year-old Ruth Martlndale were lost
The body of Mr. Butler, as mentioned
above, was picked up by the Roanoke
on her way south. The other bodies
have not been recovered.
Strangest of Bascnea.
One of the strangest rescues of the
whoie tragedy was perhaps that of Mrs.
Martlndale, who was washed upon the
partly submerged deck of the disabled
San Pedro late In the morning. Their
daughter Ruth was lost. . , v .
"We were fully resigned. t -tteet
death," said Mrs. Martlndale. "as we
clun" together on the after deck of the
coiumDia wnen sne maae ner nnai
plunge. We thought there was no hope
of rescue- and so decided to die to
gether. I thought we bad gone down to
tne DOttom ot ine sea in tne awrui
swirl, whsn again I found myself high
In the air and thrown there by force
or tne explosion, we nad released our
holds on each other and came up sepa
rated. ve saw nothing of the child after
the terrible plunge. Mr. and Mrs. Rock
well leaped' over the side clasped in
each other's arms a few moments be
fore the craft went down. Mr. Butler
leaped overboard with his 2-year-old
babe In bis arras. Mrs. Butler followed
him, but all were lost"
Teacher Wfce Xsoaped.
Another survivor who came up on the
Roanoke was Miss Annan Akeson of
Litchfield, Minnesota, She was return
ing alone from the teachers' conven
tion at Los Anreles. after having soent
part of the summer at the University of
Berkeley. Miss Akeson lost everything
but a small handbag, which she imme-1
diateiy dubbed her trunk. . The surviv
ors all speak in the highest terms of thel
treatment afforded them by the people!
or KureKa
Captain Dunham of the Roanoke de
clares that the Columbia went down In I
at least $80 fathoms of water, because
he looked up the chart at the time of
sighting the wreckage.
' ' (Bpertil ttmtek to Tne Joaraal.
Ylf 1 1 m. IL.'.n. IV-.k T .. ! .. ft A T)t
dent Strahorn of the North Coast road
gave the walla Walla Evening States
man autnority to orricially announce
today, that the North Coast road, after
leaving Walla Walla, wlU head directly
north, crossing Snake river at the
mouth of the Palonse river and thence
proceeding to Rltsvtlle In .Adams. Thel
road from walla Walla to the northern
extremity of the county will touch Pres.
con ana neasant view and give trans
portation wit av ,blg a wheat kbelt not
toucnea oyv raiiroaaa. snort oi 10 mue.
An engineering party la now engaged In I
running, preliminary, survey of the
' Commercial iw Vlagiie.
" i ' (Joaraal' Bneelal Bert lee.)
Detroit, Mlchx July JO. The large as.
sembly room of the Cadillac hotel was
filled this morning at the opening of the
annual convention of the Commercial
law League or America, an organisa
tion which, as its name implies. Is com
posed of attorneys who mates a specialty
of commercial business. The roll call
developed the fact that nearly every
state ana territory was representees to
gether' with most of the provinces of
Canada Mayor Thompson and Presi
dent Wilkinson of the Detroit Bar as
sociation, delivered addresses of wel
come and responses were made byEr
nest T. Florence of New Orleans, B. C
Ferguson of Chicsgo, ' and A. R. Mo-
Masters of Montreal.
Metsgers spectacles $1.,$4J Washing- I
ton street, .
281 Washington Is the center of In
terest for men today.
(Special Ditpitcb to TOe Journal.
Astoria, or.. July 3a. Reports re
ceived rrom all over Clatsop county in
dicate not only the perfect executing of
the Sunday closing order, but also that
there Is general acaulescence. The onlv
complaint comes from Seaside, where
the saloonmen threaten to retaliate by
forcing the closing of all places of
amusement. It Is not considered nrob.
able that they will go to this length,
however. Only trifling Infractions of
tne taw were oDservea ana no arrests
were cad.
(Seeds! Diapttch te Tbe Joaraal.)
The Dalles. Or.. July 80. Peter
Schmidt of Hood River hss been held
in bonds of $600 to keep the peace.
The 'comnlalnbir witness Is his wifo.
Hs threatened to kill her and she went
before a Justice of the peace and had
him put under bonds. He could not
furnish the bonds and In consequence
has to stay In JalL
(SBeetaf Dlasateh to The loeraaD
T ji rtranda. Dr.. July 80. The first
case to be brought Into court in Union
eounty under tne new law- maaing non-
support of a family an rrense punisn-
We are having what we firmly believe is a record-breaking sale of Muslin Underwear. We have placed on sale $20,000 worth of Muslin Garments. There are
hundreds of styles to select from, and every garment offered in this sale is fresh from the factory, as every one knows that this is a new addition, and the oldest
garment in tne nouse can t oe over two months old. Having made the largest purchase of muslins that ever came to this state we obtained reductions in prt
which our customers and friends now reap the benefit. With the careful and wise buver aualitv is alwavs the first consideration. It is the aualitv of our offe
which will sell them, and the sale is unique, because neither fire, bankruptcy nor any other , calamity is the cause of it we just want to sell the Muslin Underwear
That Is All
You will find the prices astonishingly low. When you get high quality garments at cheap muslin prices, why not? A glance at our windows will show you
that there is nothing exaggerated in. this statement.
able by Imprisonment has been filed In
circuit court nere. jyisinci Attorney
Ivanhoe charges nobsrt wasnam wun
unlawfully neglecting to support .his I
wlfa and three children, who reside at
Union. Under this complaint Sheriff I
nas arrest ea wasnam , in
-v. , 1 .
school clerks, manufacturing concerns, I Clackamav county and brought him to
-wool growers' associations, trust' com-' La Grande, where be U now imprisoned.
$1.00 Gowns 49
$1.25 Gowns 69
$1.50 Gowns 79
$2.00 Gowns...... 1.10
$2.50 Gowns $1.45
$3.00 Gowns $1.65
$3.50 Gowns $1.95
$5.00 Gowns $2.75
$1.25 Skirts 69
$1.50 Skirts.., 79
$2.00 -Skirts $1.10
$2.50 Skirts......... $1.45
$3.00. Skirts $1.65
$3.75 Skirts... $2.15
$5.00 Skirts......... $2.75
Corset Covers
$ .25 Corset
$ .50 Corset
$ .75 Corset
$1.00 Corset
$1.50 Corset
$2.00 Corset
$2.60 Corset
$3.50 Corset
Covers.... 10
Covers .... SJ
Covers. . . . 45
Covers.... 59
Covers. .. . 79
Covers. ., .81.10
Covers. . . .1(1.45
Covers. . .iS1.95
$ .50 Drawers... 29
,$ .75 Drawers 45
$1.00 Drawers... 4..... 59
$1.50 Drawers 79
$2jD0 Drawers SI. 10
$2.50 Drawers J 51.45
$3.00 Drawers JJ1.65
$3.75 Drawers $2.15
Chemise. .. ,
Chemise. . .
Chemise. '.. ,
Chemise. .. ,
Chemise.',. .
It has a special fitness for oddity vat tmuminlness that is captivatlni" in
the eatreme. . Proptr selecting can only be mad from a large variety
of style terras we display. We therefore call attention to a multi
tude of brooches. hat pin, -carf pins link buttons, bracelets, pendants
and rings of the highest order of workmanship at very attractive prices.
Comer Third and Washington Streets. '
Diamond Importers,,... Opticians. .riufacturtoE; Jewelers
Wednesday Extra Special Drawers:
75c Val. Wednesday 45c
Isabella Drawers
75c Value
$1,25 Value
$1,50 .Value
' - ess m esSMsew- SB W W -BJ m BSBBBBMi
: 49e I I
' 'I $ 5.
JJ $io.
00 ; Value ................ . ..... ' 83.75
60 Value j:.: :.;r. .85.75,
$10.00 rvalue ... ........... ..... iXV? ..,$7.25
: Sole Agen t for