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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1907)
1 HIS OKEUON DAILY JOUKNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, , JULY S3, 1D07. ALASKAN HOUnTAItlS HIGHER THAN INDICATED I : First Survey Made by .Government Along,, Southeastern I Territory Coast Was Hurriedly Compiled So Reports ii 2 I The mountalna and glaolere along- the southeastern Alaskan eoaat are - much higher than the fig-urea given by the ;, sovernment charts. ' Not that tha peaks ', have grown' ainoe the last survey, but "waa mad hurriedly and under dir ricultles not -conducive to accuracy. eoond survey la being- made and It aa ', already led to the discovery that gla ' clers tower several hundred feet hlgbr over tha sea- than , tha maps indicate. t". Thla -Interesting Information wis brought here when Captain- . P.: J ', werflch, lighthouse . Inspector . of . thla district, returned from a 7,000-mlle cruise along the coast of-Alaska and ' among the Islands In tha north Paclflo k and behrlng aea. . Tha cruise waa made on use stanch, and rineiy equipped 'ten ; der Armerla, which waa., recentlj brought out from tha Atlantic eoaat Tha Armerla reached Seattle yeaterdiy na captain werncn came by rail to a Portia i Th? because of . urctnt business. meria win nroceed to tha heed era. at Astoria soon. ' ;. .y casai Harveya. "Surveye of tha glaclera along Lynn rica tn are oeing maaa oy.our geoioal department," said Captain Werlich. iimi we mountains - are consiaeraoiy iimw loan mown oy tne nrsi survey: This, bears out observations I -made on previous visits to that part of tha coun- ""Reeeerohee are going on in several - places along the Alaska coast, two . aolentlflo aapedltlona, tha Boston Tech nological and tha Carnegie, being In tha tie Id. I met tha former On board of tha Lydla at Unalaaka and tha latter pn tha brig Galatea at Sitka. Tha Bos ton Technological haa been examining tha volcanoee on Unalaaka extensively and tha conclusion haa been reached that , Immense quantities of aulphur are with in easy reach. Those In charge of tha expedition are very enthusiastic over - tha result oA. their visits to the vol- canoes on f'fmak Island and say tha .sulphur thefjln plain view la fully aa food aa thai (hipped here from Japan." " An account tha awHra -trttr hU lasted TO daya, would fill a good-alsed ' book, for there was always something going on after leaving Portland early . i tha spring. AH tha Ughthouae sta tions and towna along- the ooaat were visited, and some of them had not been In communication with tha outalde world alnca the visit of tha tender Heatbor eevaral months before. . ' ' Keeper Ole Olaon at Scotch Cap tlfht gave a graphlo account of how It took him' a month to reach his station when appointed about the first of tha year. He had been transferred from one of the Alaskan coast stations nearby and took the steamer -Dora- for- his new home, Puch a high surf waa running that the steamer could not get hear land for a whole month and In tha meantime Keeper : Olson remained on board and did duty at tha wheel. He waa finally put . ashore at Middle Point. a small place -consisting of one hut occupied nv a trannar named Roaanbera.' It la about 11 mllea north of Scotch Cap and OUon decided to walk to the station . that nlaht. fitartlnc out at 1 1 o'clock In tha aventng ha walked and walked, nearly all night in tna oeep snow and early In the morning fell asleep In the drifts . from exhauatlon. Somehow or other he did not freese to death, hut . awoka ' much refreshed and continued . on ma way . towara oootcn. Cap. Ha arrived there at S o'clock In the afternoon. Everybody declared his escape from ' freezing to death waa miraculous. ' Things are quiet In Alaska tnia aum- rrer,-' continues captain v emcn. Nome.' .has suffered much from serious strikes, and other places are dull and dead. Men are ' hanging around doing nothlna- and It was said that a number of ateamera would be taken off their rune because of tha decline la business. We were at Nome June 10 and cams down after a few atopa only. Jrokee; Sato Sard Blow. Tn ' Xakvn aaa tha Armaria, noked into ,bn of the worst blows aver en- countVrd. It waa Impossible to stand on deck because of the wind and tt awept over tha water ao f aat that It could not whip up a aea. It waa too atormy for aeaa. But tha waves came when the wind died down. Tha Ar maria rolled fearfully; never aaw any thing Ilka it and It continued for eome time. We were then on our return voy- .re. We atoppad a couple or daya on Unlmak Island and round trout in super abundance. Great bis- Una fellows sim ply filled the - streams. Very foggy weather waa encountered during a good rtlon of the trip and several large eberga were met. ' At one place wa ran cloaa .enough to one to out off a couoie or tone ror our rerrireraiore.- One result acaomnllshed by the trio was tha buoying and lighting of the mouth of tha Yukon river and tha ea- to) . . Bracing food for steady i;. nervesT- ITtttritive food for heal , ; thy appetites ; Strengthening food for sturdy muscles The most nourishing wheat food Oneoda Biscuit i to ' In moUturt and 'I' , dust proof packages. KATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Ml Lc2 umiiie WORLD SEATTLE RACEGOERS NO LONGER STIFLEDTj W I L L BENEFIT (Isedal Dlptc te The Joaraal.) Seattle, Jtuy 10- Tha experiment of oil! roads is to be tried in Kin county. The road bet wees' the city an The Meadowa has been one of the most troublesome In the county, particularly to auto drivers, nut those wno attended The road t 1 . v I tO I JNOW AmaiffamaWr rrOHUSeS the raoee Saturday noticed an almost to Revolutionize Method of Saving Gol(L v, complete absence of dust had been blled. All macadam roads in the oountr will I be oiled, and about to mllea of new mao- adam la In prospect. The county engi neer figures that It will coat about $100 a mile to oil the highways. por ice! CONTRIVANCE SMALL AND EASILY HANDLED tabllshment of many buoya and lights I Portland Mechanical Rnrlneer Bno along the coast The stations were foun g th id In good trim. PROMINENT HOTELMEN REVIVE OLD MEMORIES AFTER 18 YEARS ceeda Without Use of Gravity Pres sure or Compressed Air to Deliver Metal Under the QulckaUver. Watches cleaned 11 "at Metager'a, 141 waablngton street. Aberdeen Remains Lldleaa. (tpeelal Diapetefa te The Joaraal ) Aberdeen. Wash.. Julv 10. No an. parent errort waa maae Dy tne rerormera to closs the town Sunday, and It was aa wide open ,as ever. For II years JL C Bowara and James T. Clyde, formerly manager of tha Hotel Kavlland of Cincinnati, who la in Port' land on hla way to Seattle to assume tha managenient of tha new Savoy hotel. had not met, yet upon their meeting In the Portland hotel Saturday night they : reoopnlaed each other i Immediately and commented ioon the lack of chanae In f one another's appearance, Anen tne aotei managers got loretner i'm. corner 'of the hotel and talked r'ut old times'' In New fork, which !ace they both left to come west with ' Billy" Lee- lit II8. Mr. Bowers went to Spokane, Mr. Clyde to Kansas City and Mr. Lee to Tacoma. .- Mr. Lea haa -, alnca died, but many traveling men who came to the coast remember him well In connection with Mr. Bowera and Mr. i Clyde. r ; . Mr.- Hyde atarted In tha hotel bust- . nesa In San Francisco, but came to Port land on aeveral occasions while on the coast, the last time being In 18S4. In speaking about hla former visits to the Hose City he said: Wise Counsel rrom tba loath. "I want to give aome valuable advice to those who suffer with lame back and W. F. BadeU, a Portland mechanical ahlp of Beck, Tenn. "I have proved to engineer, haa auoc. In harmonising L""?,1,"" "riV.t apeclftc gravity and amalgamation In j lng conditon. The first bottle gave me worklng,out an amalgamator which aev- I great relief and after taking- a few "Even in those daya Portland always oral weU-known mining men hold wlU ora botUei i I waa comP"'y cf "a: had tha appearance of a aubstantlal. ehortly revoluUonUe gold mining. ,'ZnmS this great remedy? Sold conservative, wealthy city. She never Briefly stated, Mr. Bedell haa aocom- nder guarantee at Red Cross Phar- Imnraaaad nna tain a. fmntUr inn pllshod what for 40 years mining engl- macy. Price too. Of courae her development haa been re- " over tha world nave tried to markable. Why, tha walla of tha Port- do deliver tha produot from tha placers land had not been thought of at that tTOt n,I1 "to and under the time. If I remember, correctly. . All of 'u"r. J vity and th. ?ltyJlra!l down tha river front Bedell'e Invention la known aa the and the woods oovered tha greater por- -flour gold amalgamator," a small port- ,23 tht T,58t M J-' ' . ' bla contrivance, easily handled and Theee bulldinga that are going up weighing only 460 pounde. It can be and have gone, uo are tha surprise I ..hipped to any mining camp without have met a with. No one aver dreamed the least trouble and oosts to raanu- of them In tha daya when I waa In facture only 150. It requires but eight thought horsepower to operate with a handling Mexican Mustang Liniment Portland. - Tb Inhabitant Portland would probably grow to be a capacity of 100 tone, in he new Invention without tha use of rravitr nressure or comDressea air de livers the product into and under the AT THE STOCK THEATRES "The Royal Slave" at the Star. The Royal Slave" la tha title of thrilling melodrama whichla tha bill at tha Star thla week. To those who are -fond of that form of amusement the Star Is offering, a play of unusual in terest thla week. It was produced yes terday and pleased a large audience. There have been several changea at the Star and a number of new faces are seen - in the company. Conspicuous among the departures are Miss Margaret Pitt and Mr. Raymond Whit taker, lead ing man and woman, who have left the company, miss Claudia Coioma, tna new leading woman, made a decidedly Pleasing impression and will undouoteo- nrova to be one of tha moat popular : ie women or tne city. ; 1 Ainrge portion of tha success of the play la undoubtedly due to the efforts of Frank Decamp and Eunice Murdock. Mr. DeCamp has the title role In the I... k.AW . I . ,1 A 1 f'lOVV I1U MUUJ S1TV UUUBUHU; iWU III" erpretatlona of their parta. . - . "T fThe Road to Triaco" at the Lyric, There are all the elementa of romance and drama connected with tha daya oj '41, and a story dealing -with the tlr ring events of that time alwaya arousea interest.- It waa the age of gold, and In such an age there are naturally charac ters of every dscrlption from which an author may choose.. -.. It was from that period that the char- r$ET7&. C STOMACH iP BITTERS t j An ' attack . ef CramV. Diarrhoea, Sick ' Headache, Indigeatiori, , Dyspepsia or Biliousness can be quickly jlieved by resorting to the itters promptly. We guar- pure and "it has a 04 record of cures back Always keep k bottle hand.; ' -. ,, ...... . . goodly slsed city, but1 fsw looked to see her tha metropolis aha haa grown to be." Mr. Clyde la accompanied by Mrs. iniraiiMv h muni at two hollow Clyde and their children. They will be shaf U which extend down into the in f ortiana aeverai oaya wnen tney quicitUver and these ahaf ta are con will leave for Seattle. Mr. and Mra. .tmti. in mntinn. vnin. th nulrk- Clyde have many friends in Portland, silver alive and aotlve and distributing who have been showing them tha eights I tha product equally and uniformly, ex of the city. , I nosing to tha notion of tha quicksilver every particle of value, regardless of Us minuteness. All particles in tha product wnicn win 6oeae;aloklytstlie very oare of tha dleeaee and atopa tha asoat deep-aat, axoruelatlng palna almoat laataatly. Mexican Mustang Liniment acter in "Tha Road to Frtfloo, tha melodrama 4 that la bains offered at th Lvrlfl tav th All An mtrlt mnanv I arnaaammifi. or ox a vcio .ru-viiy z: r t . : . Am A1. trrmmrotr man rnstE or nmnkc wAeT tt rm nrswn a rwtiniinr in t - . . . . r r i as human InteVeat, with thrilling scenes XV&ZiVf.t and situations, the play la one of the DJ,,trJtV.r .TVnSS-Jh f,H-V thrLvril11" 0ff0red AJ'taSS Tha play waa offered yeaterday to a Hf"? T"4. il WaI?T&J.?. large audience and was a decided hit IV" Dumoae preaented. Amoni the members ot the hrlfWitV th.SeJmi'oh ne Allan mikmiit who au.tain uTr.n.nt Y bean perfecting tha new machine Oarae avary alias eel of Maaiar Baaaf " that good, Kawaat Uahnaat eaa Nona kattar, Nona so rjood. psru are Miss Verna Felton. Mra. Clara ,drvl nanvint?arionf. a Allen. Forrest Seahury, Irving Kehnedy, m-rJit rS "SiftV.rSf hiwin. Marrv Rianchard nnnth.r. 4 tha Colorado Agrioultural building, "The Road to Frisco" Will be tha bill Harry Blanchard and others. REDUCTION SALE Men's,Youths' and Juvenile Wearables College Brand Clothes Our entire assortment of famous College Brand Clothes the garments made exclusively for college chaps and style- . wise fellows, at the following REDUCED PRICLS: $15.00 Suits . . $12.85 $18.00 Suits . . $13.85 $20.00 Suits . . $15.65 $22.50 Suits $25.00 Suits $27.50 Suits $18.85 $19.00 $20.00 Men's Outings 1-2 Choice of 157 Two-Piecc Suits our entire Fancy Outings, single and double-breasted. 41 Pru7 wor.rvat ot All at sizes. $12.50 Suits . . . $6.25 $15.00 Suits . . . $7.50 $18.00 Suits . . $9.00 Children's Straight Pants Wash Suns AT HALF PRICE, $20.00 Suits $22.50 Suits $25.00 Suits at e $10.00 $11.25 $12.50 Boy'i and Children's Straw Hatt AT HALF PRICE. Lewis and Clark fair grounds. Six ma chines are completed and tha Manufac turing eb , Guarantee corporation hs tha amalgamators. None will be sold, at, tha f.vrln tar tha antlra mrmmlt with BSlSKf t0r' I 8atUrday Md brnD?or&me'dGtUoarmant a'BSsaiABea AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATRES Manager Errlckaon is certainly able to find vaudeville attractions and every week ha apringa a surprise on tha pub lic. For several weeks he haa been offering bills that were really remark able from a vaudeville standpoint, each containing features vwhlch of themselves ere worth tha patronage of the public Thla week ha la offering a bill that . 'Bitters I ant.. It I years', r of it- A on. hand, la good, though not so unusually so aa inoaa or tne past lew weeks. "Taming a Husband" la the name of a farce played by Beatrice Moreland and Percy Huntina. which Drdvidea an abundance oi mirtn. - Hunting is a cievar comedian and Mias Moreland la a clever actress, making team of real ability. Allen Bhay, aa skilled In coin, and card man ipulating . aa one could imagine, la another interesting; feature of the bill. Aa a tlrht-wlra nerformer Cavana la really a wonder and performa aome thrilling, feata. , He is one of the best in ma line. mat nas D land -vaudeville. ; There are many other reallymeritor- jous reature or tna bill which is ing targe nouses. the company preferring to lease them to mines at a monthly rental of $50. Pres ent intentions are to turn out between SO.OOO and 26.000 and with this end in view, Portland will . gain another large manufacturing Industry. Later Denver and other middle west and intermoun- tain cities will have branch plants In all proDaouuy. ' i Better to Illustrate the working of the machine, a few daya ago a aatnole waa tendered the Oarvln-Cyanide people of tnia oity.0xne rocic.and dirt dj been seen In Fiort draw- HIS PICK STRUCK ,, ' ' A HIDDEN PRIMER (Spedil'Diipeteb to Tbe Jonrel.l : ; Helena, Mont., July 80. Charles Sut ler, representing jammer, JBradDury and wnitoacn, a nrm or Chicago, Milwaukee and 6t. Paul construction contractors. ini at an explosion , or dynamite on the new-transcontinental lino east of here. netantly killed, and Joseph Rob.. loye, waa badly injured by waa arts, an employe, waa badl; Roberta struck his pick against a primer covered with dirt In a mfna and anex- uiuaiun iduowbo. noDerts waa Drought to s neiena noepitai. recover, -t t . .v. Ha wlU prpbal ,oly ON SECOND SECTION u OF A GfiEAT PROJECT Boise. 'Ida.. Jul lll.lMnnr 'fmm Emmett, 0 mllea weat of Bolae, on tha Payette river, is to the affct thai a party of government officials connected witn tne reclamation aervlce. Includ ing Chief Bnalneer Ncwoll and niri. r In... T) will ..I.,. . I . , August to look over the ditch survey and dam alto of the Boise-Payette pro leer with a view f commencing work in tha near future. , by assay v a trace, nun tnrouan the amalgamator 37 ft centa In gold was obtained. These local mining men, all of promi nence, indorse tha new invention: An gus McQueen, I N. Oreenley, Harley J. Armstrong. S. B. Edwards and C. I. Wild. H, 8. Taylor, managing- editor of the Mining World, Chicago, aays it la the greatest mining Invention of the age. Portland and North Yakima men con trol the Invention. They are, Duncan McPhall. C R. Edwards, A. H. Northrop, xi. a. Attix ana w. d. ueaeu. STRANDED LABORERS IN DESPERATE CASE I. Lured Into Alaska, They Find Strik ers Won't Let Them Work Cannot Remain. (SpecUl Dispatch to Tbe Journal.) Seattle, July 80. Something Ilka 178 men are stranded near Fairbanks, out of work and harasssd by striking miners, and trouble la threatened fori tha men that aent them north. The un-l The Kind You Have Always Bought, and whi&i has been T In tue for oxer 80 years, has borne the slgnatore of and has been made tinder his per sonal supervision since its infancy Allow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jut-as-good" are bnt Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fe verishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friends fortunatea went north on the Dolphin, leavina- this citv June 4. They had been promised Si a day and board ar placer mining. They paia an employment agency IS each for their position and IsS for transportation. Three have re turned. They aay they were employed for Lawson, Berry & Maddocka. They were told of no labor troubles in tne north, but when tnev arnvea near ir banka tSev found 1.000 men who threaU ened them and hooted them aa scabs. The three who returned are Q. Cornel ius, H. Chase and IX M. Englern. They aay the members of the party who are left behind are out or work, and ror tna moat nart out of money. Ni necessary 7S to pay his way back to tha United Btatee, and not being allowed to work there la no way of earning it Tha three who returned will file a ault against the employment agency mat aent them north. - ' ' Mora railroad tickets are Bold at Albany than at anv other bolnt aouth of Portland, says tha Herald. GENUINE ALWAYS Bean the Signature of The MjYoufc - inU$e For: Over 30 Years. Special Sale Midsummer at PORTLAND'S BEST SHOE STORE, On April 1 we opened this store with the NEWEST A ! J . J .1 a. - a. If - - wiu ii u pnr nrm ucterrnincuon to uose put ati accunniui tion of a busy season at this time. This poKcy insures to ow, patrons FRESH and STYLISH SHOES every day- in the year. The, price redactions are numerous and extend throughout the MEN'S, BOYS', LADIES'. MISSES, and " CHILDREN'S departments. J All Low Guts, sach as OXFORDS, GARDEN TIES, PUMPS, SLIPPERS, etc., are greatly reduced. Below we mention a few of the marry MiSummer Bargains : LADIES' WHITE CANVAS 2, 8 and 4-hole GIBSON TIES, genuine Goodyear welt; regular $2.TO raises. Kb? ?125. . t - - -. . , LADIES' PATENT COLT and GUNMETAL' GIB SON TIES, Goodyear welt; regular $3 values. Now Q1.C3. LADIES' PATENT COLT and GUNMETAL' BLUCHER OXFORDS and GIBSON TIES; also BUT-' TON OXFORDS, hand turned and Goodyear welt; regular ' $3.50 and $4.00 values. Now f 2.85. MEN'S GENUINE PATENT COIT and GUM METAL BLUCHER OXFORDS; regular $4 values. Now $3.35. And many other styles too numerous to mention. WE INVITE YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR PB-" CIAL $3.50 WINDOW DISPLAY bt MEN'S SHOES. Your choice of any style in this window $3.&0 per pair. MISSES' and CHILDREN'S OXFORDS in WHITE, BLACK or TAN a.t ridicubusly low prices. C a! -J jvosemnai s PORTLAND'S BLST SHOE, STOHL f Srvaath WaaiXpffa Sec Our Windows rormerly at 14? TI r.l -7