The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 30, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Hembers of i Assembly and
Provincial Officers Are
- Chosen at Polls.
All Legislative Powers Exercised by
'Commission to Be Given Awem-
. , hlh. rcirhtv-One Member First
' Meeting to Be Held Xert October.
' (Joorol Special Service.)
.Weahlngton. a C July Today
election la th Philippine Mends mark
the flrt formal atop toward Filipino
" aelf-government Naturally enough the
administration efflclala here are keenly
Interested In the conduct and reeult of
'the election, which la tor the choice ot
member of the flret Philippine as
sembly, and for provincial governors.
member ot provincial board, munlo
; ipai president, vice-preeldents and nu-
nlcloal eounaellora. All or ineee 01
.rirara. with tha exception of municipal
counsellor, are to bold office for two
Tear and to assuum. weir auuea upon
he lt of January next Tha municipal
eounaellora are to hold office for four
- The Philippine aaaembly la the reeult
;f the promise of President Rooaavalt
made to the Filipino through Secretary
T.ft ta a-iva tha dmdI or tn islands
meaeure of self-government, -conditioned
upon their good nehavior for a term of
two yeara The assembly la to be gtveo
all the legislative power heretofore ex-
erclsed by the Philippine eommlaalon la
11 that navt at tha archtselaao not in
habited .by ' Jdoroa or non-Chrlatlaa
. tribe. ' " . .
."- The aaaembly la to be composed of
" 11 annortlonad OB tha baala Of
one delegate for each 10.000 ot popula
tion, and provision la made to increase
this number, but the total number of
.delegate cannot exceed 100. The body
may De comparea in a
the American house of
general way to
"while the PhllloDlna eommlaalon will be
tha upper house or senate, and the acta
or tna aaaeraoiy must secure me ap
. nraval of .tha eommlaalon In order t
become law. The first aaaembly will
convene early la October, when Becre--tary
of "War Taft will be praaant to wit
ness the proceeding.
First Shipment of the Kind
; Received for Hunting
1, ' . ton's Railway.
V- i H'oeraal Spedal'Servlo.)
' 5 Los Angeles; July . I0-Twe mJIHdh
.feet of Dak lumber Jn log,.. and. .theJ
first cargo of that kind of timber ever,
; rbrought acros the Pacific, reached Ban
' 'Pedro today oa the a nip Skogstad. The
vassal waa loaded at Mororan, Japan,
and- is tinder charter to tha China Im-
' port & Export Lumber company of
Shanghai -
From the loga will be made 72,000
. ttea for Huntington's new .electrlo line.
'Construction work la already under way
.and will be. hastened by the shipment.
, The lack of tlea has delayed the com
. pletion of extensions, and new work oa
' severakpart of the Pacific Electric sys-
tern, tuntlngton companies now are
. the major cortlon of their tlea
t . W. 2dwards, agent for the importing
i company, declares that this shlpemnt
Administration Is Angry
Because North Carolina
Judge Was Too, Hasty.
Federal Jurist Took; Too Much Re
sponsibility Upon Binuielf in In
terferinjr .With. a Blatter Which
Did Not . Concern Him.
fWasbingto Bares ef The JoersaL)
Waahlagton. July id. No secret 1
mad In Washington that the, admin
latration officials are annoyed that Ted
era! Judge Piit chard of North Carolina
has precipitated the clash between fed
eral and state court over the case In
volving the Southern Railway failure
to observe the North Carolina tat' law
compelling roads to sell tickets for I M
cents a mil within tha state limits.
That la haa injected Into current dis
cussion needlessly tha Issue of atate
rights, la conceded br those hleh In
authority. Apart from tha legal phase
the people of
of the matter, on the queatlon solely of
ucy, it is regarded aa unroriunate
at Jude-e Prltchard did not await the
exhaustion of tha resource of the State
courta before appealing to federal, au
thority, thus inflaming
the atate and nlaalnar the
tlon by Inference In the position of
countenancing the procedure.
It 1 pointed out that there was ade
quate remedy In the state courta for
the 'alleged conflacatory law reducing
paaaenger fares. The North Carolina
supreme court la among the best in the
country; Its decisions are ranked by the
federal supreme court aa of unusually
high character, and the general govern
ment la not disposed to irritate the
state Judiciary needlessly, by construc
tively impugning their willingness to do
Justice to lltlganta.
Pritchara Xada Kurtek.
It la not dented" that for Juds-a
Prltchard, prior to the atate courts hev-In-
aiven final declaration on the rate
law. to aaaume Jurisdiction was exceed
ingly bad policy. It la areued and not
denied that It would have been the or
derly course of procedure to permit the
laaue to be fought out In the atata
courta, and then. If it appeared that
under the - federal constitution, .there
had been confiscation of property, and
no relief had ' been afforded by the
North Carolina ' supreme court, redress
by the federal court would have been
mat tn administration is especially
distressed at tha lack of wisdom on
Judge Prltchard'a part may be inferred
when It la remembered that In tha first
session of the Fifty-ninth congress
southern members arsrued for Senator
La Follette'e amendments and sup
ported them by their votea, providing
for measures to partially trlo federal
judges of their power In relation to
tn national rate law. it waa nmtea
then in the debate that there waa
alight' ground for the Intimation that
the federal Courta were Quicker to sym
pathise with the corporations than were
tne state luaicisries.
So that the North Carolina situation
dlatresses the administration exceeding
ly, and the rashness of the federal Judge
is uopioroa.
xjenioxw xnaiaens.
. A' weft-itnown Iinl authority here haa
declared that b haa Knowledge or only
two instances or an attempt to nave
an Inferior federal court Interfere with
writ of habeaa corpus with tha ruilnaa
or a atate court upon tne constitu
tionality plea, and that In only one--'
that of Judge Prltchard was the at
tempt successful. The other waa in Ne
braska, and the federal Judge refused
to take jurisdiction, pointing out that
. Kidney disease may davalnn suddenly 1
and become fatal la a few week, but
mis la rare. it usually appeara wun
mild-symptoms, although aa tha kidneys
are not aenaitlva, it may have been de
veloping for months even years. It 11
usually curable the first few weeka,--ln
fact, it often get well of itself. , But
If It haa been Inn annua-h In the ay-1
tern to have become chronlo (fastened)
the booke then declare it to be Incur I
able, right here la the crucial queatlon:
via, now loaf have yoa bad tit If it
ha been in the system for some months
there la nothing known to medicine that
will reach it except Fulton's Renal Com
pound, ii airrers rrom eu xianey meat-1
clnes aver known in thla tremendously I
Important point it la the only one that!
reduces inflammation and correct the
kidney function AFTER it has become
chronic, a well aa before. Aa there!
la no sharp dividing line- marking tne I
time when the trouble chances to the
chronlo form ian't It a clear aa noon
day that thoughtful people with kid
ney disease ahOuld take at onoe the
only known apeclfio that reachea it. In
all stares; v I
The annual death are over 11,000 1
170 per day. These census figure show
how appallngly serious and prevalent!
this thing Is getting to be that is In
nocently referred to la the homes sal
"kidney trouble."
'Hundreds of citlaene of thla city
could go into the witness-box and swear I
to their recovery and among them
would be the editor of this publication;"
Ban Franolaoo Win and Spirit Re
view. ,
If you have
right Ask for
Fulton a
v. ! 1
- i
Descendants of First Settler
N Meeting in Boston
(Jearaal Saeetal MsrvtoeJ
Boston, Maae., July 10. Sons and
daughter of the Jonathan Fairbanks
who emigrated to America la lttl and
settled In Dedham, Massachusetts, in
1C3I, of whom Vice-President Charlee
Warren Falrbanka la one, held their an
nual reunion today. During the day
the membera of the family, several
thousand In number, made a pilgrimage
to tne old homestead in uedham, re
turning to Boaton thla evening In time
to hold a family banquet In Berkeley
The old homeatead at Dedham baa
been In the possession of -the family
continuously ror 170 yeara. and tne
family association, which la incorporat
ed, proposes to rale a fund to preserve
it in perpetuity.
There are aald to be 6,000 living
families who trace their origin to Jona
than, first American Falrbanka, among
whom, are S00 civil war veterana
. Art dak the prominent membera of the
family, Tn addition to the vioe-prealdent
of the United Statea, are Vlotor A. Met.
calf, secretary of the navy; Arthur I
Bates, memoer or congress rrom Fenn
eylvania; Joafah . Quinsy,- ex-mayor of
Boaton; Anarew & uraper, atate super
MUo A-Jewett, United State consul at
Sivas. Turkey." Dr. Albert Shaw, editor
or tne Keview or it e views: countess
Marrharlta de Chraporitaky of Russia:
tne atarcnioneaa or uonegaj, ueiras
relief first should-be sought In the stat
courta un to the. court of last aopei
within -tha commonwealth. : ' I
Administration VX flolals deplore ,the ,
Incident the more in that Its opponent ,
nave Been alleging reoerai usurpation
of power properly lodged in the several :
states. It is therefore with extreme re-
Ireland, and Judas Francis J. Wins ol
Cleveland, Ohio.
aret that tha adminiatratlon realises
that Judae Prltchard haa stirred need
less discussion over state rights, and
AiA nnt n.rmlt tha atata rtf Vrtrth r-jM.
?f oak wood is the opening wedge for 'a to Mmpoae It. own difference with Three Women and One Man
Duauieaa wnicn wiu mean toe import-i .
in of 10.000.000 feet of lumber annual
ly. .Local agenU will build a mill at
San Pedro for aawlng.
Every man who visited Robinson
Co.'s sale last week is a satisfied man
today. Hfcie etui on.
Inspects hospitals
, r 'T -; ... . . -
t r1 -
- ' (Beeelsl THroetch to The Journal.
, ... Spokane, Wash., July 10 Slater Mary
Antoinette oz Montreal, superior general
.: of the Sisters of Charity in the Pacific
v - northweat, has come - to - Spokane and
. will pass aeveral days Inspecting the
Sacred Heart hospital.' The reverend
. - islstera visit is regarded as of Import
' ano among the members of the odrer,
1 as It is two years since aha waa here.
filaiae. Antoinette avnraaaaa haraalf
highly pleased -with the work In the
i institutions at Portland, Taooma. Seat
. la .nfl VinMnvtr n I mn m W. 11-n,
; empire. She will visit instltutlona in
Montana and the Dakotas on her re
tunr ' to Spokane from 'the Coeur
O'Aienes in northern Idaho, afterward
continuing per journey nomeward.
Sassy Irrepared.
Enter on Wait for Gov
ernment Land.
Manager of Continental Houses
Combine to Form Variety "
(loaraal Rpertal Berries.)
Berlin, July SO. With a view to se
curing a larger number of American
vaudeville attractions for continental
variety theatres, invitations have been
sent to the managers of leading vaude
ville houses of Europe to attend con
ferences in Berlin next month. It la
hoped that the meeting, whloh Is Inter
national in acope, win lead to the con.
elusion of agreements concernlar im
portation and terms of payment of for
eign specialty performers, and the adop
tion Of other measures lOoklns- to mora
advantageous business relations, though
It is denied that the plan contemplates
the orranlsatlon of a trust. American
vaudeville specialists, who have enjoyed
growing popularity nere in recent years,
nave proved airncuit to ODtain, per
formers hesitatlna to make a lournev tn
fulfill only one contract. Managers hope
to perteot an - asrreeinsnt wnereov sne-
cialty people of the first rank, will be
assured of a profitable tour if they come
to jburope.
(Journal Special. Berrlee.)
Sacramento, Cal., July SO. Three
women and one man yesterday entered
upon a long, weary wait at the door of
the United States land office In this
city in order to be the first In line on
the morning of August 16, when lands
in Calaveras and Tuolumne counties are
to be restored to entry.
- These lands were restored to settle
ment by homesteaders on December It
last, but will not be subject to entry
ror timber, scrip or ueu until August
15. After that date actual settlers will
have preference - for to days over all
other applying for entry. Some choice
land will be thrown open, and the
scramble for it promises to be spirited.
The women and the man On watch are
irura one party, out are giving no line
upon the location tney propose to make.
They enter upon their it days wait with
a fortitude that promises to carry them
Rightly selected food will alone cure
tjnsnv ( A imam a. at . .
- r i v. eui7 r ntuu, pioicrDioiy
cooked; a dish of Grape-Nuts with
- ere am; t wo of t-bo tied eggs ; (Put two
ga in a un pint cup or boiling water,
Cover and set off for nlna mmiu
Whites will then be the consistency of
i r" ,u ""si easuy aigestea; sues
"ura cnp toast, cup or Fostum Food
v.ui iee.
k On that fcreakfast you cAn work like
V a 08 PrIetiy nourished until
"r.s.". uerrous trouoies, neart oal-
pitauon, stomacn and bowel troubles.
aiuuer complaints anf .k.
Kianey complaints and various
. aiaoraers wui graduallv 1lnn.r
Arm solid health will set In.
Whyr Tou have probably been living
-f? 2orl3r aeleeted food, that : is food
'tht.dofif foataln the required e?i
menta the body need. That ant V
food. and eoffeV i. the dirVct'o? i!
direct .cause of more than half th. ni-
'the human body acquire i U1
Orape-Nuts i a perfectly cooked wwi
.'and bdtk that anr the fostum f2o
Coffee contains fine misoroscopio nartfc
le of phosphaU of potash obtained In
'a natural way from th grains ofthe
field and by solentlno food experts In
corporated Into food and drink. That
element jolna with the albumen in food
Uo make - gray - matter, whloh Is tha
riling ef IM brain cells and th nerve
centres uirougmnn tne numan OOdy.
A man or woman thua red ta sclent!-
and vunjity, ana becomes capable of
rni;ui ung siiccessruuy tn affair of
jit: 'Jo proque a perfect body and
money-making- Dram, the ;. body ' muat
have .i n r'.zht kind of food and the ex
j.ert t 'i-Fppc'niist knows now to make
It. i'--t is irpe-Nuts and Posture
1 ' . rroducad at tha nnna-tenA
fctor r,t t!e Postum Co., at Battle
CrfU; ii. -Kead "The Road te Well-
Y-,!.' X izir "Xtere'g Ziaason."
'Journal Special Service.)
Denver. Colo.. JulyS0 Beainnina to
day and continuing through the rest of
this week Denver and vicinity will be
the rallying- place for hundreds of stamp
collectors throughout. the country. The
occasion is the annual convention of the
American Pbilatello association, which
be ran its session today. An Interest
lna- contest for the presidency of th
association 1- already on, the leading
candidate for the place being el Boeb-
tin of Pittsburg and J. N. Luff of New
fork. Not the least attractive feature
of the gathering Is the elaborate die
play of valuable - collections .of rare
stamps by dealers and membera of the
association. fVvv; --.v-v-1 V-.'-
.- i' - i a .' ' . , ' - : '
IBoeeial tMtttcS to The JocraaLt
Spokane, Wash., July 10. The Great
reortnern hag stopped the 1 Blackwell
road from Tmlldlng a trestle over Its
road at Northport. The company haa
stationed a guard there and refuses to
.7 ln" new fa to drive piling. The
matter Is now before the officers of the
. Stl 'i thought a aetttement
.nay be reached this week -
.y . . ; . . .'-;r:-
Showeri Bo .Ko Crop Damage. i
;i2--Sflt.t5rVh 3tiir ;i i-copiou
5Wtl .fvfl over th Psfcue
S?.7, 'J14 alr Is now oool and ln-V)-htS?tnAh,r1r'
bundred of acre
-it" 2"tinA.Ujr ln tn ahock, but there
will be m damage te It at Uiia Ume.
(Journal Special' Service!!
Sacramento. July SO. Yesterday af
ternoon a phenomenal feature was wit-
nessea irom tne snore or iaxe xanoe.
Two storms coming from opposite di
rections met at Carnellan bay, near-the
state line, and watchers on the beach
say spray rise from the lake in the
form of - a -pyramid. A waterspout
sioweiy orosaea tne Day ana oroKe when
it reached the shore of the state line
point. v --
Four or five boats containing fishing
Parties, had narrow escapes. In one of
hese was Attorney 8. I White of this
city, ana naipn iowe or Ban Jose.
Through superhuman efforts of the
boatment they reached ahora and only
just m tune to avoid tne. waterspout.
i r -
(Joarnal Saedal Service. 1 '
Minneapolis, Minn., July SO, Knight
of the forceps, the men. who treat ach
ing molars, hundred of them not only
irom sui pana ot tne. unitea states.
but from a number of other countries
as well, are to be the guest of Min-
neapolla during the remainder of thla
week. Tne occasion is tne annual con
vention or tn national venial associa
tion. . , - . i "
Paper Will be read by eminent den-
tiata nora f ranc, nwitaeriana. utr.
many, Italy and England, and, while the
We seH for less even
on , our ' liberal , time
methods than does the
cash merchant. The
great ' variety In all
lines of Home Furnish
ings found tf In this '
store insures the .lady
or gentleman in search
of either modest roods '
at modest prices, or the
more elaborate and ar-
:, tJstic of home decora
tions. A choice to meet
universal approval. f
Geyihtz Block boundco er yimu. tm axd . so'sS pdrtuno-
Comfort and Oiiiin
We do" not handle
credit as though it
were some bit of finery
only to be enjoyed by
- r.. txr. t..... .1 .
a icw. vv iv a4wa,'
found that it payfCo
trust people. We make
of this great establish
ment. meeting .place
for. both rich and poor
man, on . one founda
tion of generous credit
to an alike.
Treat SupDlies
People who are not held down by home, business or other, duties ttca to be making a mad rush for the cooler,
dime of the seashore. : The wiser ones take" such articles as are necessary. ' We off er here a few of the rnany4
Httle needs-at very little prices. . v ' " 'TV; ll , .'..V'?..
Nicklc Plated Solid Copper Kettles , :
Seamless body, an excellent value at f AA
$1.75, on sal at, each SI.VU
Nickel-plated solid copper Tea and Coffee Pots,
carved designs. . . '
The 4-plnt, $1J5 aUe ................ ...fl.OO
The 3-pint, $U5 sUe SOe
PIitteriTbal IVUI Stud Picklog -
Fancy 14-inch white seml-porcelaln, regular lie
Platters to clean up quickly 25c
A few 12-inch Platters in plain whit seml-porcelaln. P
These are 33c values, now offered at 17C
A number of 10-lnch K. T. and K. Platters.. This is the best of OC
semi-porcelain makes. Actual Wc values, at .eWC
Stew Kettles, sizes 16 and 18-lnch, 20c and 23c regular selling IH
kettles, on sale at, each , - 1UC
Knives, forks, spoons, cooking utensils,, cups, and all essential
added features to the success of the outing trip, we offer at very small
Sale ofcGcod! Comfort Porch
and Laivn Furniture
Just the sort to add a touch of good looks to the
general appearance of the yard or porch, and a
mighty good assurance are" these to the lovers of
.a . . . . . r
not weainer conuon.- ..-v.v ., r-
IIOjOO old Hickory Chairs at Wi......Sr.25
$ 8.00 old. Hickory Chairs at ... f 5.25
$ 6J0 old "Hickory Chairs at ......... ...94.25
I7J0 Porch Settees, dark green or fA
dark red ..................v..........;. J4.DU
NOT& These out of doorv pieces are those '
left from a sale which we had on the same. The
prices are lower than -we . have ever offered on
these same.
A Word About Sewing Machines
' 1 J
Perfected to a degree of complete
fitness In every way to better satisfy
the lady who wants to get out of a
machine all that can possibly be put
into one, the Oevurts "Special"
sounds the note of higher satisfaction.
The price, $23.00. goes a small way
toward proving the merit of the ma
chine. There would be a whole lot
more "home sewing" done if every
Portland lady was acquainted with
this highly reliable machine. $1.00
down is all It takes; then 50c a week
Clearance of Women's Garments
To Increase the interest of those
in search, of clearance prices and a
few real bargain we quote a few .
Skirt prices from, our little metro
politan suit room; "
Ladies' finely tailored . and neatly '
trimmed Skirts in such of the col-, ,
ors aa are mostly in. demand, as
well as plain blacks and novelty
mixtures. The values Af ..
from $6.50 to $8.00. Cholcef 470
These Skirts are not out of sea
son, but strictly new.
Misses' Skirts in about the same
material and trim, at 0 QC
the special yDVD
Ladies' regular $7 JO white Mohair
Plaited Skirts. Skirts of -the right
material and hang for stylish
summer wear. &0 QC
Choice 9JeJ
Women's very finest Silk Petticoats, of elegant soft chiffon taffeta ma
terial; in black only. These Skirts are elaborately trimmed down the
front and at bottom witn medallions and Heavy silk applique.
These $15.00 values, special
01 Interest to Men
We are going to inaugurate,!
three days event of no mean In
terest to the man of shrewd vis
ion. About our Men's Suits, we
would say that they are the best
we can get together for the price.
When we buy suits of the tailor
we take the same essentials into
consideration as we expect of the
man who buys of us. ' Now com
mencing tomorrow and until Fri
day night we will offer" men's
high grade tailored suits at very
inviting prices.
Outing, Suita
A very fine assortment in pattern and
cut, ranging in value from (11 A C
$17.50 to $20.00. .Choice.. 11. 4D
Outing Suits
In finely woven and patterned gray
worsteds; $2240 values - 61'yl AK
at, choice v. ,.$f sTUJ
Men's very neat end ' stylish " gray
checks in tne suit, value (1ft AC
$15; Thursday special ,. ..:ll.4D
Men's three-piece Suits, In the popular
invisible over-plaid effects; the $2240
SS?....:... 114.45
In addition to these four Suit specials
we offer all other Suits in fancy wor
steds, black unfinished worsteds and
Thibets,i also all staple blue Serges at
greatly reduced prices. .
To Stranger Friends
Those of you who are in Portland for a short time or expect to be here
soon we ask that you favor us with a visit while in the city.
Consistency in Endeavor to Please
Has One of the Finest Beaches
on the Pacific Coast
and It an
It is easily reached, is not an expensive place to visit, has ex
cellent hotel accommodations, affords perfectly safe and delightful
surf bathing and all sorts of beach pastimes, such as clam-bakes,
oyster hunt,s, tisning, people ana shea gathering, etc, enjoys, a-.r
mild and inviting climate, picturesque scenery, and all the other at- f
W SVHV" vau ivoivu va v.fvaMuu aaaaa vaiui
i NEWPORT is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to A1-'
bany or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Train service
daily and the trip a pleasure throughout Leave Portland 8 a. m.
't(' ' - ' ... .
"Rate from Portland $6.00 for the round trip. Tickets on sale
daily and good for return until October 31. Therj is also a Saturn,
day-Monday rate from Portland of $3.00, tickets on sale Saturdays,
good for return Mondays. Correspondingly . low rates v from alt '
other points. Call atJthe city ticket office pf the Southern Pacific,
Third and Washington streets, in Portland, or at any S. P. agency
elsewhere, for complete information,
General Passenger Agent, Southern Pacific Company,. Portland, Or.,
One of the Most Attractive Beach Resorts
on the Pacific Coast Just Nov; Is
areas, toe tnonta' ef "the Oelambla.Blver, oa the Waahingtoa
aUe, reached from the Olvr ef Vortlaad en the '4
pleaSld eaVorsiea
X ABOUT s Koxms.
It 1 upward of 19 miles long, very broad and level and almost a
lavement, xi is ooiiea- ita entire length wun
tent cities, villa, fine hotels, antr ail the
Summer beach .resort. IT'S TUB
a good time.. Thousand, go there
compact as a composition pavement.
towns, cottage settlements.
American element . . predominates, the
gathering Is of a ' most r cosmopolitan
character. Several auditoriums are to
be used for the business sessions of
the association and for the numerous
demonstrations and clinics. The exhi
bition of dental roods and suoolles In
connection with the meeting is the larg
est display or its una ever aeea any
where. , - . - :
Tne orncers or tne national asaocia-
tion who have charge of the conven
tion are: President, A. H. Peclt. Chi
cago; first vice-presiaeni, u.-j. mo
MUlen, Kansa CHyk second vice-president,
O. E. Hunt, Indianapolis; third
vice-president, O. 8. Vann, Oadaden,
Alabama; corresponding secretary. Bur
ton isee Thorpe, : Jjouis; recoraing
secretary, U.
Butler, Buffalo; treas
urer. A. . H. jialandjr, Knoxvlile. Ten-
Besaee, . ; i -u.-
(Jearaal Special Service.'
Kenton, Ohio, July. JO. Attorney tf,
B. Boaclt, former mayor and chairman
of the Hardin county Republican exeou-
uS romramw," hm . given blm
self, up to the sheriff, confessing that
he had embeisled 128,000 from an as
Ute managed by him. ., -77
y -:r.'4krAAMa.Aa. a v-as n mMJA X JL
Spokane, Wasbn July" SlTearV ciar.'
a IS-yeax-ola Inmate of the House eiJ
' amusement accessories of 'a popular
?'UOI TO OO .for rest, health and
or their Summer outing. Try it :
The Potter Sails Every Day
.' - , : axcnsPT STnroATB ajtd ntzsATS.1
. See published schedules. , .
Fare From Portland, Round Trip, $400
Saturday to Monday Tickets $2.59;
Purchase tickets and make reservation at Cfty Ticket Offlce,
and Washington streets, Portland; or. Inquire -of ahy O. 'H. ' V N.
eisswaere jor iniormation. . ,...,
X oWDWSATr Oeaaral raeseagar Agn.. P0TT4ro. OB.
gxgggzBggassggggxagissBSsa eggggggggsggggsrgggggggg
the Qood Shepherd, made her escape
Sunday by tying a sheet to a water-
pipe and letting herself down from
window; tumping the lest 14 feet. She
waa in chapel at the time and secured
permission te retire to the anteroom by
making her " nose bleed. Free, h
phoned to someone ai a private rest
denoe, whom she . eaued f "Frank," and
told him to meet her with S6 at Waah.
tnsrton and Front streets. She haa nt
een round. ; ,. .- , .. ,. . .
afetsger feella diamond at IS tr cent
profit-- - - ... - .
Its Washington is the center ef In.
tereet for men today. - . . t , .
Preferred' Stock Oanmed Ooeaa. -'
aUea Lewla 2t firaaS, .
Nineteenth Year Opens Sep
tember 16V; 1907'; ;
The academy St boys
and girl for
eastern and western colleges. : Boarding
hall for girls provide for .a limited
number.; elementary grade, boLPUori-
mary and grammar, under the Stel
management . Office hours during tnf
a.tmmae. . a ... m.Ia- 11 m- ,nl f ram . i
S to p. tn. . For .catalogue, address
The eeoole' who' read and answer ad
are the people who make buslnes and
buslnesa . eaTattrl , poealbl la thia
(V. :