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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1907)
THE? OREGON: DAILY r JOURNAIV PORTLAND,- TUESDAY V EVENING, JULY S3, ; 1007. ;.' AGTS. FOR BUTTERICK PATTERNS MERCHANDISE PURCHASED ON CREDIT TODAY GOES ON AUGUST ACCOUNT Established I - r M Years Portland the Great 50th Anniversary Sales" The 'Big Store" presents a fonnldable array of special offerinrs for tomorrow! Hourly Sales. Remarkable Money Saving opportunities far all lines of High Grade merchandiao The time ot 1 t- ' ' ' ' ". ''" J ' 1 - "" I M lining M..i.,,1 i i ! , ' " year when we clean up all broken lots and odds andTends regardless of cost or formey selling ! 1 fHI . IT S . m "" " in in- in "I n iiWIRiiiililli i i "' " " m. ". ' . prices Remember-The 50th Anniversary Sale Bargains also continue in all Departments 8 A.M. to 9 A.M. 9 A.M. to 10A.M. On Sale From 10 to 1 1 A. M. is AGENTS FORTERRINS,, OLOVES, HiWednes lySales M n ii i i i ii . r . . - . 11 AM. to 12mT 12 M. to 1 P.M? Wash Skirts on Sale at 89c Special lot of 100 women's Wash .Skirts in tan, linen, blackand white and bine and white dots; ail new, pretty styles; best reg. $2.25 QQ and $2.50 values, on sale at..'.07C Great Specials in Basement 500 Comb and Brush Racks AO with mirror; reir. 65c vals for.. iC 250 Wooden Towel Racks, 4- in arm. 15c vals. for, so'l. each.. 1UC 500 Coat-Rat Racks with mirror Women's U'd'rvests Only Sc 2,000 women's :. gauze - Undervests, Swisa-ribbed; low neck; ' no sleeves, come in all sizes; on sale from 8 to 9 o'clock a. m.; great special val. C cm this low price, garment. C Toilet Paper, Doz. Rolls 35c 10,000 packages of small size rolls of Factor Toilet Paper at a remarkably low price; great special value, from 8 to y a. ra. Un sale at this re- re markable low price, doz. rolls.. ODQ SOc Stationery for Only 31c 200 boxes of fine Stationery, in blue, white and gray; regular 50c value, on sale at a special reduction; Ol from 8 to 9 a. m., at, per box. ulC , ';, '.Take advantage. ' Boys 75c Pants, Special 38c Boys' Knee Pants, in wool cheviots and tweeds; medium grays and dark mixtures; come in all ages; best reg. values up to 75c a pair, on sale OQ 8 to 9 a. m. at this low price.. OOQ Men's Elastic Susp'ders 18c Men's Elastic Web Suspenders, strong leather e:. Is; newest de- 1 O signs; reg. 35c and 50c vals.. IOC Men's 20c pure linen white 1 1 Handkerchiefs, on sale at, ea.. 11C Special Line Hand Bags 23c Great special line of Handbags, of all kinds. Splendid styles, large assort ment: values up to $3.50 each, on sale front 8 to 9 a. m. only at OO-, this special low price, each...M)C I I F. Mr to A K. M. Correspondence Cards at 23cj If A special lot of women's Correspond ence caras at very material reduc tion!. Liame in blue and whit; o reg. values 35c box, choice .... tLtOC un sale tor one .hour. 1 to 2 p. m. Men's Bicycle & Golf Pants Men's wool Bicycle and Golf Pants. in fancy tweeds and cheviots; best reg. $3.5(1 vals.; to be closed OA out at this low price, pair. . ... . OVC On sale for one hour, 1 to 2 p. m. $1.75 Dressing Sacques 48c oaeques, oong Kimonos and Wrap- . i I ' 1 S 1 jjcib, irimmea in Draia or i-tncn sat in bands; in dark colors only; AO- reg. vais. to $1.75; on sale at.. 1UI. $80 Trirrimed Hats at $1.95 Special lot of 100 women's trimmed Hats-ythe season' best shapes and trimming. Values no $8.50 i AC each; on sale at, 2d floor.. 1D PjflXPPOour, 1 to 2 p. tn. College PUlow Tops-for 19c oimict: wiiuiiucu 'vOUe( rlHOW Tops, in ' assorted styles; best reg 50c valsv 6n sale 1 to 2 p. m.v f Pa aale for one hour,, 1 to 2 p. m. Children's Underskirts 21c Soecial lot of "children's1 white Cam. brie Underskirts.: with fancy -hem stitched ruffles; ages 3 to 12 years. Rej?. 75c vals. on sale from; I, ni to 2 p. m, only at, special,1 pair,, swaw 111 OCOINWINO nj Matting Rugs for 50c Each A specially attractive reduction in Rugs. 500 Matting Rugs in oriental and floral designs, size 36x72 inches; great special values; on sale CA from 9 to 10 a. m. only at. ea. . 7UC Postcard Alb'ms at low price 1,000 Postcard Albums at a money- saving reduction; holds 200 cards; reg. 35c to 50c values, on sale OO at this unusually low price, ea. OC On sale for one hour, 9 to 10 a. m. Matted Pictures for 12c Ea. 5.000 Matted Pictures, in an immense assortment of subjects; wonderful values; on sale at this remark- O ably low price, each 1C On sale for one hour, 9 to 10 a. m. Damask Towels Sale at 19c 200 dozen hemstitched Satin Damask Towels at a soecial reduction: best regular 30c values on sale at jfl this remarkably low price, ea. lrC On sale for one hour. 9 to 10 a. m. Wo'n's Walking Skirts $1.98 Soecial lot of women's Walking Skirts in light gray checks, stripes, plaids and mixtures: best l no reg. $5 value St tach., ... 3ia30 On sale lot Che hour, 9 to. 10 L m. $2.00 Black Goods f Or 25i 2,000 yards of Black Dress Goods in s-lendid styles; thrifty housewives will take advantage; values to $2.00 yard; to be cleaned up at. WC On sale for one hour, 9 to 10 a. m. Grape Juice at 40c per quart ,000 quart -bottles of the celebrated remont Grape Juice,, the best hot weather drink on the market: great value; from, 9 to 10 a. m. j A onlv on sale at, bottle.... fVC Great Art Department Sp'ls Broken lot of Tassel Fringe in as sorted colors; regular' 10c values 2 Odds and ends of Doilies, Shaving Pads, Sets, etc.; wonderful vals... of Art Department, on Third Floor. 2 M. to 3 P." M. Porch, Lawn Swings $6.9l $9.00 Lawn Swings, on sale.. f 6.95 I $1Z.UU Hammock Stands, ( A AC with canopy; choice at. . . . )77u $1Z50 Porch Swings, on A QC sale at this special price .... $JtJO Children's 40c Hose for 18c Oiildren'a.nlain Cotton Rihhrf VTo in licht and 'hearv wpio-ht: uriat special Values; come in all O sizes; reg." 35c and 40c vals.. IOC r rora fio j p m. only ,5 4, Great Bargains in Basement KfY hSn PJis'n Tan Pun on4 Qartoa fretty- floral" decoration; sp'1....25f 00 all-copper, nickel-plated Tea Ket- f O . 1 Aft. Jk. mm. T imm- ivn -r iizr: irv jii.wj value, oa sale ' at, sp'L ea Great Sale Folding Go-Carts Fulton Folding Go-Carts,.with heavy tires; nickel-tnmmed; on sale for: 1 12.00 values on sale for. each . 510.50 values, on tale for, each f L9.Q0valucs on -sale fqrJ,.each f ;T.4o Boys' HandcarsitXow Price Special lotv of :2S iBbyS. Handcars best ' model on the market; easy to ! operate; " best- regular ;.50 7C values, Z to ,3 p. m., eacn..Ka ioy oepartment, on inira rioor. 65c Chiffon for 33c per yard 2,000 yards of black and white Chiffon and Silk Soie, 43 incnea wide; best regular 65c, vat on QQ sale at this low price,' yard.. ''W On; sale forgone hour, 2 to .J p. 'm. Lingerie D r e 8 8 e g Values Up to $12.00 : for $2.48 Each Women's and . misses' white lawn, dotted Swiss, batiste and linen Lingerie Dresses, 2-piece styles, lac and embroidery:, trimmed; also blue, gray and green chambrays; values up to $12.00: to be . cleaned up at..... $3.48 Women's Oxfords at $1.00 pair 500 pairs of women's vici kid Oxfords, i tt. t ' . ngnt weigiu or neary soies; patent tips. tn St regular $2 Of) 42 2 n'4 aa $2.50 values .l.UU Curtain Materials at Half Price Remnants of Cretonne Swiss. Madras. bilk, etc.; to 5-yard lengths; the best styles and colorings and grades, at one half regular price; on sale from 10 lA to 11 a. m. at ,... $6.50 Suit Cases for $5.40 Each 200 Cowhide Suitcases, 24-inch size, fig ured linen-lined, shirtfold; brass lock and bolts; best model: best regular $6.50 value; on sale from 10 to II Afi a. m., at, each $0tXJ Great Bargains in Basement 500 blue and white Japanese Tea- A rots; great values, each ivb ,000 opal glass Vases; regular 15c re values; special at, each ( On sale in the basement. Boys' Wash Suits at Half Price All our Boys' Wash Suits at one half regular prices; sailor and Russian blouse styles: ares 2lA to 12 years. Regular prices from 50c to $5.00 each; your 1 yU choice at half price. I& A Great Sale of hammocks Four lots of Hammocks at low prices: $1.25 Hammocks on sale for 901 $1.85 Hammocks on sale for f 1.39 $3.50 Hammocks on sale for $2.85 $5.00 Hammocks on sale for S3.85 Men's 35c Ties at 11c Each Special lot of men's fancy silk revers ible four-in-hand Ties; light and dark patterns in large assortment; regular 25c and 35c values, on sale at this 1 1 remarkably low price, each lit 75c Wash Belts at 39c Each Special lot of white linen Embroidered Wash Belts; all new; this seasons tyles: regular 75c values, on sale from 10 to 11 a. m.. only; at this special OA- low price, each J7C On Sale From Women's Jap Silk Waists $6.00 Val ues Now $1.69 Each Special lot of women's Jap Silk Waists, fancy yoke or tailor-made; trimmed in lace, silk em broidery, pin or one-inch tucks; white, blue, pink, lavender, black; all sizes, large variety; values up to $6.00, each f 1.66 $2.50 VTabourettes for $1.69 500 solid oak Tabourettes, mission styles and finish; two cizes, 15 and 18-inch. Regular $2.50 values, on sale from 3 to 4 p. m. only at 'this special $ CQ price, each .........ylv9 Women's Underwear for 9c Women's Richelieu rib Gauze Under vests, sizes, 4 and 5; regular 25c A values, on sale at. soecial. each .... 57C Women's fine ribbed white Cotton Knee Length Pants, 25c values.... ....... ve $2.00 Dress Goods for 25c yard 3,000 yards of wool Dress Goods of all kinds, immense variety to choose from; regular values up to $2.00 the yard; 3 to 4 p. m., to be cleaned .up at JC special .each. . . . . , $2.25 Shoes for $1.25 the pair Women's kid lace shoes with extension soles and Cuban heels; patent tips; blu- cher and lace styles; sizes 2y. to 8; regular SZ.00 and $Z.25 values at, the pair WashBclts for Only 5c Each Broken line of Wash Belts, values un to 35c each, on sale 3 to 4 p. m. only at this' special low price each take 1? advantage of sale............ ...... yC No phone orders filled at these prices. Book Department S p e c i a 1 s The One WftTHH.' hv n "-.. v "t iv i.juu ivi itur.titHti mm mm, ooowni lor, special,' eacn.,..Aytr unamoers' ropuiar : Kncyciopeaia, " u, 000 references, 1,000 illustrations... 10 HBeoirNtHol U -.Bf SINNING jJ Boys' Combination Wash Suits $2.00 Values for 98c suit Boys' Combination Wash Suits, two pairs trousers and cap to match blouse; all told, 4 pieces; ages 3 to 12 years; plain and fancy crashes and cham brays. Best regular $2.00 values, on sale at QCr soecial. suit .570fc $2.00 Parasols for 57c Each Grand clean-up of Parasols, white and colors; all new, pretty styles, seumg reg ularly at prices from $1.00 to $2.00 each; . m sssl mam your cnoice, trom iu to 11 a. m. t-i only at this low price, each VI Camping Blankets $1.60 Pair 500 pairs of gray mottled Camping Bianaeis, mil ux size; special tbiuc, on sale' from 10 to 11 a. m. only at this special low price, pair fl ?f take advantage. tpi.UV Great Summer Furniture Sale Regular $3.00 and $3.50 Porch Rockers on sale from 10 to 11 a. m. n CC at, each )LMJ $3.00 Folding Camp Cots on JO AC sale from 10 to 11 a. m. at.Y,"' $9.00 Chafing Dishes for $6.89 A special lot of 25 Nickel Chafing Dih 3-ntnt iie: heat model: regular jy.UU values, on sale trom iu to ii a. m. only, at this specially low fr OA price, each U.OU 50c Hosiery for 22c per pair 2,000 pairs of women's Laee Hosiery, boot and lace allover ettects; embroi dered insteps, plain cdHons and lisles, etc.; great variety; all sues, vals. yyn up to 50c a pair for C Ribbon Remnants for 15c Each 5,000 remnants of Ribbons, silk and sat- . rr . a f .l A . in taiieia ana fancies, in grana assort ment; 2 to 5 inches wide; 1 to 3-yard length; great values, from 10 to 11 a. m. at, per remnant........ IJC Untrimmed Hats for 25c Each 1,000 women's Untrimmed Straw Shapes, all colors; all the very best styles; val ues up to $3.98 each, to be closed out, from 10 to 11 a. ra. only at this OC special low price fciOC Wash Goods for 6c per yard From 10 to 11 a. m., 5,000 yards of colored lawns; all good designs and colorings, selling regularly at prices up to 15c the yard; your choice, from 10 to 11 a. ra. at U4C 3 to 4 P. M. Tailored Suits $14.00 Values at the Low Price of $3.85 Women's Tailored Suits in checks, stripes and in visible plaids; trimmed with straps; tailored stitching; skirts are full pleated; regular $14 val ues, to be cleaned up from 3 to 4 p. m. at , $3.85 $1.25-$1.75 Gloves at 25c Pair Great clean up. of 2-clasp Silk Gloves, embroidered styles; also Silk Mesh Gloves in a broken line of sizes and colors; $1.25 and $1.75 values at, OC. pair )C 50c White Goods for 12c 3,000 yards of White Goods for waists and suitings: all new, pretty styles, sel ling' regularly at prices up to 50c the yard; your choice during this lOl, period .' JSrfSC $3.50 Parasols at 98c Each Maan-iin r( all M-tt 41-xa PnsAla newest and best styles; $2.50 to $3.50 Values; on sale trom 3 to 4 p. m. only at tnis low price, each take ad- QO. vantage .VOC $1.50 Corsets for Only 59c Special lot of women's white batiste Corsets; medium and high bust, long and short hips; regular $1.50 . values; to be cleaned up at, the pair come 75c Val. Laces for 10c Dozen 200 dozen French Val. Laces and Inser tion; white, cream and ecru; regular to !4-inch wide; edging and insertion; values i to 75c per dozen yards; - 1A for dozen ......'....lUC jc xronmings tor xara 2,000 yards of Drest ; Trimmings 'r Per- sian nanas ana Judges; also lancy Draida 4n all colors; values up to 75c the yard; ra or cieanea up, irom J to P- 1 m. at; yard. 1. .......... . . IOC' Scotch Lappet at 7c per yard 5,000 yards of Scptch Lappet for sash and long curtains, striped ettects, in large variety; 36 inches wide; great value, this low price I C On sale for one hour, 11 to 12 a. m. 25c Boxes at Low Price 12c Special lot of 500 Glove and Hand kerchief boxes, to burn, placed on sale at special attractive prices; 0 rear. 25c values at. each 1C On sale for one hour, 11 to 12 a. m. $13.50 Tea Sets for $8.99 Four-piece silver-plated Tea Sets good design and quality; best reg. $13.50 value, on sale at this A A remarkably low price, set.. POtV On sale for one hour, 11 to 12 a. no. $12.00 Linen Suits at $2.48 Women's Linen Suits, in semi-fitting, jacket, Eton and shirtwaist styles; pure linen: come in all sizes. Reg. values up to $12 each, on 0 AO sale, 11 to 12 a. m.. at $tO $6.00 Trimmed Hats $1.25 200 women's Trimmed Hats, great special value; all desirable shapes and trimming: values up to $6 each, on sale 11 to 12 a. m.. at this PI 1C unusually low price, each.. . pl.J 35c Wash Goods Only 12c 3,000 yards of Cotton Suiting, in light and dark colors, mercerized effects, etc.; regular values up to 35c yard. to be cleaned up at this special lOl., low price, the yard Silk Gloves at 10c per pair Broken line of two-clasp Silk Gloves, sizes Sy and 6 only; double-tipped fingers; great special values, on 1 A sale at this ridiculous price.... 1UC Oi sale for one hour, 11-to 12 a. m. Women's 50c Neckwear 19c 1.000 Women's Silk Ties, consisting of Windsors, four-in-hands, college ties. made-up bows of all kinds, etc.; values up to 50c each, to be cleaned lit. out, 11 to 12 a. m., at, special.. 17C 4 P. M. to 5 P. M. Children's $3.00 Dresses 98d Soecial lot of children's Dresses in Buster Brown arid pleated styles: black and white checks and fancy plaid mixtures; braid and but- AO ton trimmed; 6 to 14 years.. ?OC Children's Shoes 52c a pair II 500 pairs of infants' and children's kid and patent leather shoes, in lace and button styles; kid or patent tips; sizes 2 to o; regular values up to CO $1.25 pair; on sale at, pair....)C $1.25 Center Pieces for 69c Special lot of Scalfs and Centerpieces , in crepe and art denim, with fancy Dresden borders; best reg. $1 JA and $1.25 vals., special, each.. U7C- On sale for one, hour, 4 to 5 p. m. Men's Poros Knit U'w'r 35c Men's Poros-Knit Underwearcool and i serviceable hot weather under wear; in all sizes shirts and OC drawers: grand values at JDC On sale or one hour, 4 to 5 p. m. Semi-Made Corset Cov's 25c Special lot of semi-made Corset Cov ers of sheer lawn, neatly embroidered, pest regular values up to use nr. ,each, one, hour only at, each.. LtDC On sale for one hour, 4 to 5 p. m. 50c Handkerchiefs 23c each Sfrll lrtt fit unttifn'i CninrtA kerchiefs, latest novelties, in mercer- 35c and 50c vals, 4 to 5 p. m. at. &6C $15.00 Silk Suits for . $6.85 Special lot of women's Silk Shirtwaist and Jumper Suits in black and white, blue and white, red and white, brown and white, checks and fancy stripes, $15 vals., while they last 86.85 Men's Outing Suits at $3.10 Men's Linen Crash Outing Suits. made in regular outing style; wash able; cool for hot weather dQ f A wear; great value at $91U On sale for one hour, 12 to 1 p. m. Great Sale Basket Telescopes Telescopes, 35c size, special ea..20 Telescopes, 20c size, special ea..lOj Wistaria Suitcases in all best styles at this reduction. .ONE THIRD OFF On sale for oae hour, 12 to 1 p. tn. Table Damask for 38c yard 2,000 yards of Turkey Red Table Damask: very best patterns; great special value, on sale for 1 0 hour only at this special price. OU On sale for one hour, 12 to 1 p. m. Great Sale Men's ShirtsX55c Great special lot of men's Oxford and Madras Negligee Shirts, soft attached collar; plain colors and fancy pat terns; aflsizes. Reg. $1.00 vals, C C on sale IVthis low price, DDC $4.00 Hand Bags for $2.53 Snria1 lnf ni ra1 h nrn.Ki rlr A11ira r " - - - - " - - tor Handbags, 6-inch size; best stvles: rear. $3.75 or $4 rala.. on sale f. am 12 to 1 p. m. at thiaO CQ special low price each pJ II II Men's Underwear Only 69c Men's Form-Fitting Union Suits in blue, white and ecru; nicely made and finished: all sizes. Reg. $1.25 sizes, on sale from 12 to 1 only at this A remarkably low price, suit U7v II Great Sale Ruching 21c box 500 boxes of Ruching in boxes; six neck lengths to a box; white and col ored; the very best styles; great val ue; on sale from 12 to 1 p. m. 0 only at, per box 1C 115 P. M. to 6 P. M. Men's Outing Pants at $2.98 Men's fine emalitv On finer Pant (on. CV worsteds, cassimerps. rhvWc -rA blue serges; $4.50-$5.00 values f2.98 Men's fine white Flannel 1A Outing Pants; grand value. pt.iu $3.00 Suit Cases for $2.30 Keratol Suitcases, linen-lined: inside straps; bag handle; good lock; great value, from 5 to '6. on sale di in at this special price, each . p) V Third Floor. Boys' Apparel 2d Floor Hoys' starched White Linen Col- Q iars. uuster urown styles, at ea..Ot. unuaren s Kompers, ages Z to 6 years, blue, crav and ninW rhm. e brays; white braid-trimmed at. lOC Men's Bathing Suits for 63c Special lot of men's two-piece Bathing Suits; best styles, all sizes, for men, oung men and boys; regular Q Fl.00 values, on sale at. each.. DJC For one hour, 5 to 6 o'clock .ft m. 50c and 75c Stools foe 29c Special lot of 100 white enamel Stools for bathroom use: aln ntfaKl fr.r children's playroom,"' etc.; best reg. 50c and 7Sc. values nn nit ln AA' Toy dept for, special, i each. ?5"C Men's $2.00 Belts Only 39c Men's leather Rrltt in ; arid varied assortment of styles; vals" up to $2 each; on sale, 5 to 6 - QQ ' p. m. at this special price, each. DUC On sale in Men's Furnishing Deot: - - .