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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1907)
THE ' OREGON DAILY ' JOURNAL!, PORTLAND TUESDAY EVENING, JULY- 30. 1007. I . r59B-5S-!!5-asH-!- J : 1 1 ' . . 1 1 , , ' i ..JUL-. .Mil , BOULEVARD M itV ' .... . . , . . 1 jl I imflTl in n mi nn ' caus eeturning feok satubday's : endurance run. ; ;: h WIIJS pv OTiPiM'innin Ul UIIUU HUUU CARS RETURNING FROM SATURDAY'S ENDURANCE RUN. w .4'. , i j. 1 .i .-..,.,. ... . - Better Batting Responsible r; for Bearers ; Capturing; last Week's Series.- fa IMPROVEMENT SHOWN IN EIELDHG ALSO Donahne Leads la Batting With ' Percentac, of JMlCucr nd McCredf Not Far Behind and no ' Regular Player Bitting Below .200 ' 1 .vS"-" r-wnwM.-".!-. ,f maumwmtm ,nn,t ; ,, , ,,,, j r';Sn fc , " ' - - 10 SOUND CITIES Project Agitated Hero Being Taken Up . by Mobilists t on the Sound. i.1 V) si. Better Mttinf ana Mtier naiaiog, cqt aUr bttfr battlnr, waa rei pou- for Portland's eoaat lMfuera tak 1n (our out of tlx of laat WMk'a rarata from tho top-notchora In tba parcantasa "' column. f Tnraa f tha regular plarara ana two of tha pltcbara battad abora .100 and pot on of tha ragular players battsd below .100. la. tba Beam bunch for LITTLEJSPARKS FROM tlmaa at bat, an average of .181. which I , la exceedingly urge. uaaer ana mo . Cradle are not far behind, with araragea of, i.tO. and .141, respectively. Caaer (i tlwtyi a fair batter, but aaldom a No. 8 la L. N. Oreenley'a Stevena-Duryea car tad No. 10 la J. B. Kelly'a White ateamer. M0T0RD0M Barney Oldfleld broke two world'a ton-notch batter. Laat week be did I records for a half-mile track at Farao. nimaeir proua in tae nimng una. Far stands lowest amons tha fielders with .100 and Atherton nest with .117. The figures aa made out from tha official score cards are aa fol lows: Player. : At Bat Hlte. Arer. -layer. - ai ui Donahue 21 fiC6redlV ' '.'.'.'.V.'.'. tl ri I mlleg over tha track In 1:11 and one m aaaa oil "111 ii1'-fc .w. A. A. A. tour with perfect soores started yesterday on a four-day run to Cleve- Groom Hartman Mott Lovett Bassey -Atherton Fay .... Klneella. Calif f .. Porkorney Bchlmpff Pernoll k I . a .20 4 a a A 4 e .181 .160 .141 .118 .111 .110 .113 .221 .117 .100 ,000 .000 .000 .000 .000 Tha outfielders have all clayed their posltlona perfectly during the past week and a marked .Improvement has been evident on tha Infield. Mott especially has picked up In his fielding, as well as In his batting. Prone to make wild throws at critical points, last weeic land from New York to break tha tie. fineolallv oonatruotad alAntrln mntAr u-ucks are being used by Wisconsin pea cannera for hauling their product to market Each truck haul, aavaral ton or peas at a time. According to tha New Tork law tha owner or a car must register it with tha secretary of state. . but need not iaae out a license to drive it If ha em liioya a licensed chanffaur. J. L. Snow of Boston, recently drove a roaasier to tne top or Blue bill, the highest point of land on tha Atlantic coast of the United States, over a road unusually steep and rough. A semi-weekly 'bus line Is to be In augurated between Philadelphia and fiisiono v aiiey forge, where Washing ton prayed In camp and where Senator Knox now has his country home. oome or me nrst power-driven fire nur'led toVSSi Tfr. who j&ffitf WW'S Waft N A at-ahort for five aamoa. aver- Mv4un?!. ".."? ?. m .?87 n.d aViLi ... 7 mTurh hattar than Behlnrnff. I"'. a.u' aniooaiea practically all automoolla invention In all innntr State Road Commissioner Hutchinson Of New Jersev. who la rhirrxl with an. off his rams I forc,n"' the apaed laws, recently was lavs a whole h,el,d UR &r rural constable; who wnr.!" I Claimed ha waa anasdlnv In h. car. A big express company haa decided to replace all its horse-drawn vehlclea In Indlanapolla with electricity trucks. A garage with a capacity of 1 cars Is be ing constructed to house tha maehlnaa. ,From New York to Cane Charlea. hnth in tha fl'ld and at the bat Last ' week waa Fay's best in coast league company. The one fielder who waa raaev ' Casey often nlav waelc and handles 15 or 40 chances with out an error. Last week he made five and his average consequsntly drops low- ?st of the four Inflelders. Atherton's elding Is somewhat better than It -Was. . : . Averages axe made out Of the nine players who worked In the field during the week. Donahue played center in Virginia. in j uuuri ana sv minutes AFTER riORTHERN 1EIIIIIS HONORS Reuben Hunt and Partner Will Play at Tacoma and Vancouver Tourneys. ueerau speeuu smca.j San Franclaco, July 10. San flran- clsoo will be represented In tha cham plonshlp tennis tournaments up north this season as well as In the big com petition for tha hla-hest honors of southern California. Reuben Hun is oreoarlnr to leave for Tacoma, where tne nortnwest cnampion ship tournament tanes place, next weea. He will stay in the north for tha Inter national, which Is to be held In Van- pUce'Sf" Livett one d.Ynd hi. record Jg"382 ff' by hJer,0ma K taken for this day. in consequence. "" ' . former oUy. who low- Following la the record Flayer. ;.-. Eftssey ... t .11 ovett 6 MoCredie Donahue' ; Atherton Fay Mott Casey Schimpff .. 4 ..67 ..11 ..12 ..14 .. 0 A. B. 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 8 2 It 2 11 8 21 5 1 2 ered Bsrney Oldfleld's tims by about A competition for instruments de- Slsnad to InHlnata tha- nil nAnnminn together with the speed of cars, is on In ranee, a vaiuaoie prise Is offered, to say nothing of the free advertising wniuia uiv millior Will BVI. tly orranlaed. the M'MINNVILLE WINS THIRD WITH COLTS PC. 1000 1000 1000 1000 .172 BOA rtu . i.i . i i AKnouin nut recen ""I o.. A.. wn: r" :: i.r l g 7 g i vnua auiuiuuuiii asaociaLion OI 83s I inrHufKiN many tuvwuwv vi varviwi urivinff. wiin InS j-bbuji mai me licenses or two motor sis nave neen suspended for a time. At a cost of 14,000 Calvin a Smith no. jurs. emun or umcago, with chauffeur, recently completed a 0,000' mne tour or Europe without a serious biwhoowp or a ciasn witn customs au thorities. They used an American car. A new motor street sorlnkler In una VQf- (Special Dispatch to The Journal.). Forest Grove. Or., July !0.-in the concluding gams of tha series of three Berlin does the work of two horse th. McMinnvllla team drubbed ths-Colt. aT&WK bi una oi i j uuiuoiiiiiuuj vu mo vv i lqi auto BDrinxiera can ftnvaw xi fi grounds Sunday before one of the and sprinkle a mils of road with one largest crowua ux am asaavn. j.u cui ruling. . mum li in a. I J ha nnrman armv nnw haa inn It was a nerve-racklns exhibition up armored war aiitomnhiiajt HHvan k to tha alxth. with 1 and 1 Chalked UD I enrn of chanf enra nhaan k. v ..a " r, - n - -' -- . I a..fcu,cijfc men ui tui m.1 III T. X na with two men down, the visitors opened machines are kept together and fre the ginger Jar, filled - tha bases and quently maneuvered like a squadron of "Mauri" Holman nounded out a lons I cavairv drive way over the left fielder's head a shipment of cars that left a factory lUr llViaao iaaa, asaaaiaaaia, a,, maa ai.viiu iwUlUOLKO Un JOftrCll 1U WU not M. other men. Five scores were made this I eelved In San Francisco until nearly the inning and the same act was repeated In I and of June, having- been 110 days on the eighth, ? I the way. Thl la believed to be a record .' cwan una xvoupor, uuin w. . v,. iu- ior biow transportation across tha con dents, put up brilliant ball In their re-1 tinent spectlva positions, third base ana tne in sham contrast with tha rafuaai nt siao. . r . uovernor uugnes or New York to rer- A home run. tnrea two-sacKers ana mlt the use of troona to nrntant mnii. rA. tha-hiaaa tM Anntn "Uonil" I (am at V. - ffJ.l.ll. . aa.awwwwv v. w. .via v aiiucruni duu nLoo. over an. i s.uuu soiaiers wers usm to aniard tha S'i, the McMinnvllle first baseman. I course during tha recant Grand Prix was quuo enoujr apiaea in uie i I in ranee. part or tne game, out put up prores Sionai wara, nunnf ma trnnr. pcnurni- R.n,I.PH,'u.l..l VU Jack Helsar haa nurrhaaa Turk Tank- tMnevanri AT Tidail tha i-inha h McMinnvllle. North Pacific's with Turk at short. Lodell nuiinan pn tniru, m at second and Johnnie King Helser guarding the Initial sack have Si ,lan ln'leId that compares favorably with l "f n ns league, xjeo iiavarnlcht Terry and Olney are leadlna- twlrlers. Hanov Olds Jack Helser Is trying to escape the BWatl hoodOO that la fnllnalna- tha taa a4 i t- ' " "a vnaaa avuu Carev I If on In can An It ha avlll avat ,,. auuyer i Dira. . Kar Henkle. tha thraa Mnnm'i Pnr. tenfield. McKay. Smith of the St Jnhna Apostles ana Miller of Kelso learned the ruuiments oi tne game at Columbia unl varsity. v . fcaa Aawaaaa WlllttJ liann, 1LIICU the ball for a homer with all the bases occupied at the cannerv town last Sun day. Now the fans are bealnninar to him 1 anca. over iuo rootera accompanied tne visitors and several hundred dollars changed 7anaa.Tna lineup: colts. 'Davis Moore Getter Wlrts ....a Kopple . . . . R. Schults . W. Schults . Brltton . . . Betties ...If.. . . .cf . , . . .c. . ...If.. . . .ss. . ...2b.. ...8b;. , ...p.. IIQUUiiMi nuiuu la lu w -aiaa aa, aw couver. British Columbia, beginning Au rust 11. Hunt Intended to have Carl Gardner ?:o with him to play in the doubles, but hat expert left yesterday for Los Angeles, snd no other racket wlelder has as yet been decided upon. But Hunt will undoubtedly take a doubles. partner along. j George Busch. a member of tha Cal ifornia club, won tha Oregon state cham- nionsnip two years ago. since tnen no local tennis man haa competed In the northern tourneys. Hunt should give a good account of himself. He haa In the past always played a much stronger' game on for eign courts than ha has st home. When he returned a few seasons back from a very sucoessful tour of the eastern states and had been ranked among the first ten players In the country. Hunt was expected to defeat the tennis cracks In this part of tha state with ease. But ne railed to nanais nis racxet up to ex pectations and was taken Into camp handily. During the past few months, however. Hunt has gradually returned Into his 'Old-time form and tha tennis players of the northwest will find In him a most xormiaaoie opponent OUTLAW LEAGUE MAY INVADE THE SOUTH (Special Dispatch to The Journal. Seattle, July 10. A combined move ment la afoot on the part of automobile enthusiasts In Taooma and Seattle to Improve the roads between Chehaiia and Vancouver. The road from Seattle to Chehalis are satisfactory to the mortor lists, but from .the latter point to the Columbia river they are declared lmpas sable, in many tilacea. There are 660 automobiles In Seattle and a lara-e number In Taooma. and near I ly - all are enthuslastlo over the pros pect of making Sunday trips to Port- iana. wnicn iner declare is almost im possible at present because of the con- aition or, the roads, it is believed tnat wllh sood roads between the Puret sound cities and Portland at least 26 or 10 automoblllst s would take the rids to Portland every Sunday. In order to Insure success to the movement the matter will be taken up by motorists of tha three cities with the county authorities In tha counties where the road need Improving. Pres sure will be brought to bear upon them In such a way that they will make the matter of better roads a queatlon of prime Importance and carry the work to an early conclusion. WEFERS DISCOVERS SPRINTING WONDER (Joarnal gpeelal Service.) New York, July 10. "If there Is any athlete In training at the present time who will establish a new world's mark in the 100-yard dash this year It is R. SWIMMERS TO PLAY FISH AT SAN DIEGO (Journal BptcU! Service.) Ban Dleao. July 10. Tha nnaatlnn of the relative endurance Dowar of a. man as against ths skill and strength Cloughan," said Bernle Wafers, the oi a nsnerman is to be settled in a con- I noted sprinter and trainer of the Irish test between A. B. Daniels, a Denver American Athletic club. millionaire, who is stopping at Hotel "Cloughan, who has recently been del Coronado, and F. Kelsslg. a looal graduated from Fordham college, has aeaier in sporting goods. The fisher- shown great speed this season while man comenas tnat ne can land the bu- representing the Irish-American Ath man nsh within 10 minutes, using a 1- letio club," says ths New York World tnreaa una soo feet in length, and on Cloughan Is a youngster, only 1 ordinary bass rod. years old. He is a big fellow and has The human nsh Is to hava KO fr tha form nf a a-rt runnar Ha la n free line and Is at liberty to dive, double ideal build, deep-cheated and has long and turn at will, or by swimming di- legs. Weiers predicts that before tha racuy away rrom me nsnerman en- year has ended his charge will have aearur 10 area ine line. The una is to be attached to the human fish by means of a swivel and belt so ss in no way to mierrere with his movements. He may use every endesvor of strength or skill, save the actual breaking of the line with his hands. In the east wnere such contests have been conducted, the fishermen Invaria bly have been victorious. SQUIRES WILL TRY . TO REDEEM HIMSELF n JL N I WILL CURE YOU IT for treatment you mav look for ward to a complete, and perma nent cure, and with the very first treatment the curing will begin. This is pretty definite talk- upon what is commonly regarded as an uncertain and speculative matter. But I am in a position to sneak definitely and positively. With me the cure of men's diseases Is not uncertain or speculative at all. 6? i ray j Wy ' Cured ii SB. TAYXOB, The Zaeadlng gpeelallet.'' MY PEB OINUY $10 'X,Oa?SBBI OOWOKBatOZA TPHIUa . .' OLEBT ,- ,.: ' ' FUaxa . v ' hung up a record of 8 2-6 for tha 100- yara aasn. PORTLAND PLAYS LOS ANGELES THIS WEEK Portland and Los Anreles cross bats this afternoon at Atheitic park. Groom will probably pitch for Portland and Nagle for Los Angeles. Manager Berry has announced that his two new pltch- ... UVantr IrMlinaa lata at ,ka Qn Jose team of the California State league ana itanaoipn, iormeriy or tne Oakland Coast league club, would join him soon. If they arrive in time the two teams will play one or more double-headers I have treated so many eases tha t I know Just what X can do and what I cannot do, and I never promise or attempt too much. I accept ' no ease In which I have doubt as to my ability to cure, and results are alwaya equal to the clalmbs I make. Following are some of the diseases I cure, and reasons why my ourea are certain. . ' ? ' t else esre to stay owed "weekx-eee," itydroeooale, peeifle blood polaom and all mam's (lis asses t Consultation and Advice Free Contracted Disorders In no other aliment peculiar to men la a prompt and thorough cure so aaaentlal. Contracted die ordera tend to work backward un til the most vital nerve centera be come Involved In the Inflammation, Then follows a chronio stage that stubbornly resists all ordi nary treatment Safety demands that every vestige of Infection be eradicated at the earliest possible moment My treatment la thor ough. The remedies employed have a mora posltlv action than has ever before been attained, and so perfect Is my msthod of appli cation that oven chronio cases yield completely. Varicocele This most prevalent of all dis eases of men Is also the most neglected, either through dread of the harsh methods of treatment commonlr employed, or. throurh. Ignorance of tha grave dangers that accompany the disease, As , varicocele Interferes directly with tha circulation and prooesa of waste and repair throughout the generative organs, the necessity of a prompt and thorough cure . , cannot be too forcibly e raphe- si aed. I cure varicocele In one week by an absolutely petoleae process. My cures are thorough and absolutely permanent end are accomplished without the use of knife, ligature es eaustle-. The DR. TAYLOR Co. B34V4 MOB SHOW 9TMXWT. Cot. Koirteoa and Saoead Streets, rortlaad, Orafeaw Hoars A. X. te 9. X. Smadays io So I. (Jonraal Bpedal Sarvlce.) Los Anseles. July 10. Arran have been comoleted between Riliv ria. laney. the former manaarer of Jim Jaf. I before ths end of the week. fries, and Barney Reynolda. tha man. I Manager McCredie is anxiously awatt ager of Bill Squires, whereby Delanev ng word of a new shortstop which will look after Saulres hereafter, it i Scouter McBreen of the American Delaney's Intention to match Squires league promised to send him. McBreen with Schreck or Johnson and then thought he could get Wagner, a sab-' foroe Burna to give him another chance, stitute taflelder on the Boston Amerl- (Joarnal Special Service.) Los Angeles, July SO. Local ball nlavers are disousslnsr the possibility of the California state league enlarging its province and including rive towns In southern California. A meeting of the league magnatea has been called for Auaust 26 in San Jose, which Is to be attended by local managers, and the matter of expansion to southern terri tory oeciaea. Los Anacles. San Dleao, Bakersfleld. Pasadena and Santa Barbara ars the towns now under consideration as mem bers of the state league. There also Is a possibility that the Tehachapl team, which reoentlv defeated Pasadena by the score or o to 8, win join. with tne addition or the southern teams, the state leaaruo probably will become a twelve-team organisation. The local managers who are to attend the Ban Jose meetmar next month, are A. lin, for Ban Diego; Oscar Chaves, for Santa Barbara, and M. A. Treostl for Los Angeles. The state lea. rue now includes Stock ton. San Jose. Alameda, Sacramento. Oakland, and the Cordovas, and plays Bunaay bail. YESTERDAY'S RACES. Delaney in speaking of Squires said: "That fellow is so In a- to surorlae tha American public yet I don't think the best man won on July 4, but as Burns took down ths money, It would be un becoming on my part to belittle his victory, m won ana ne won honestly, and yet I think Squires can defeat him If they should meet again." Squires will place himself under the care or tne veteran trainer, and will not go back to Australia until he has redeemed himself In the eyes of nla irieuus. Circuit Meet at Cleveland. (Journal Special Service.) Cleveland, Ohio, July 80. The track at Glenvllle never looked better than- it did today at the opening of the grand circuit race meeting under the auspices of the Cleveland Driving Park com pany. All signs point to one of the best meetings in the history of the club. The meeting Is to laat four days, instead of Ave, as in previous yeara. Four races are scheduled daily for thrna days, while on Thursday five races are carded. McMinnvllle Wins Again. McMinnvllle and Forest Rrnvt thnaa old baseball rivals, crossed bats again on the diamond Sunday, a large crowd being present McMinnvllle won. 18 to 2. cana. Charlea Atherton says that Waa- ner Is a sreat player and would make a strong addition to any team In the west. More Cheap Rates. On August 8, 1 and 10 ths Canadian Pacific will again place on sale round trip excursion tickets to eastern points at very low rates. Passengers routed via epoKane, via Seattle and Sumas or via Victoria and Vancouver. For full particulars call on or address F. R. Johnson, u. A. p. 13.. Portland, Oregon. Yacht Upsets With Five. (Soeclal Dlapatch to The JoaroaL) Astoria. Or.. July 80. Roy Graham and four companions were sailing in t ran am s yacnt sunaay, wnen it cap sised. The boys were rescued by a launch from Booth s cannery. s? L000 POISON Is the wont aiaeaae earth, rat tba taaleat to rare WHEN yon KNOW WHAT TO DO. Ml ay bars plmplea, spots oa tba kin, sores in tb mouth. Dicers, fitllnf balr, bona palm, ca tarrh, and don't know It la BLOOD POISON. Send to DR. BROWN. 6S6 Arch St., Philadelphia. Pans., tat BROWN'S BLOOD CURE, 1.00 per bottle I laat oo- month. Bold la Portlana only by Woodward. Clarke A Co. Now Doctors Say: "Don't Drug" Chicago. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won." Lost .66 Pittsburg....... 52 Yora. . .-. -.Tr.-.TnrTaTOt- -New Philadelphia Roaton Brooklyn...'. .46 .....( , a ....... ..1 Cincinnati .......... 86 St. Louis.. .......ll 24 8! 84 87 44 49 68 71 P.C. .730 .611 ;00 .664 Mil .409 .228 Yesterday's Games. At Chicago Chicago 2, Brookln J, ... m.Kt ...HnataM at TM.V... jn. ri lbuu; . v, a B ' At at. Louis- New York 4. St Louis 8. At Cincinnati Philadelphia 8, Cincln- i natl 1. . " - -- ' -, American League. At Boston-Boston 4, Cleveland 2. v , Payon Defeats Sheridan. (Special Dlapatch to-The JosrsaLt- notice him. Havernlcht and McBride, the kid bat tery of the North Paclfloa, are so small that one almost needs tha una of a ml. oroacope to looate tne Dattery. McBride IS hittl.TB- At a .219 Clin and roundinar Into form-rapidly, Havernlcht usually juicnaa as lour-nn same or Detter, Ahern, McBride, Summers, Howard, Stone and Anderson of tha Wabash club hava been Invited to sia-n- with tha Trl. City league but they prefer Independent pail tor mis summer. , The Holladay addition Club haa lhansed uniforms and now are wearlna tne maroon. Bar Kennedy of tha Cuba is an an thuslastio football player and Is a star At prlghton Beach. . Mile and a sixteenth Druid won. Azora second. Tlooina third. Time 1:42. Six furlongs -Live Wire won. Earls court second, juonee tnira. Time 1:18 1-6. . Six. furlonirs Trouble Maker won. Robin Hood second. Big Ben third. Time 1:11 2-6. The Glen Cove handicap, six furlongs ueweu won; jtsotanist secona; a&i Mssterson third. Time 1:11 1-6. Mile and a quarter Car tha re won Cederstrom seoond; Sonoma Bella third. Time 1:06 1-6. Five and a half furlongs King Cobalt won; Corncob second; Hans t third. Time 1:0S. ' . r . Tuiv .n TYi naMa rononmr on mi craca jaunicer jniu baseball club won their second game of club s eleven. the series "With the Yamhill ; County Amateur league rrom eneriaan Bunaay by a score of 2 to 1. Dayton and Carl ton are now tied for first place, with a percentage or iuuo to tneir credit, Batteries Dayton, Aaderaon Klock; Sheridan, Post, Boydaon , Brooks. :i)s . .. Motor Cycle Endurance Contest. (Joarnal Special Service.) New York. July 10. A larre number and I OI motor cyoiists started zrom this city andto4a.on e national endurance conteat vi in muM Tne oocuve point is Providence, where the annual meeting Of the Federation of Amarlcan Motor Cyclists 'is to be held Thursday. The route of the endurance run Is by way alamasoo, Mich.,: July 10. What I or-at-ougnKsepsie, springnsid ana wor- Itaclng at Kalamazoo. '(Journal Special Service.) aaytti. Mlnh..- Jul V 10. xwiiaaa to be the btrrest race meet-1 cester. Hill cllmblnsr and eoonomr tests Xing ' ever held , In western Michigan I ars to form aa important feature Pf the OpeneoT toaay . as nwreanon yrav, w onntiriue through ' the remainder of the I - tXl 1? Out of Beaten Tracks. event on the rour aays" program is wen i mere s where the real valuea are filled. The stakes and . purses offered I found in men's furnishings. Robinson for the meeting amount te ugoOu. ,.f ve wut shew jrou, a Waablngton. At Bntte. Three-eighths mile Katie , Gleason won, J. Nasi second, Lady Adelaide tnira. u ime . Five and a half furlongs Tlnlock won. Klnsr Thorpe seconds Harka third. Time i;ii 1-.. Five-elahths mile Rustlinr Silk won. Dick Shanley seoond, Zeks Adams third. Time 1:01. Three-fourths mile Fire Away woh. eponatrass secona. innia tnira. Tims 1:18 1-4. Mile and sixteenth Neva Welch won. Mike Mulvaney second. Lampadroma tnira. Time Mile Ed Sheridan won, Vinton seoona, uereniiy third.- Time i:7 l-i At Seattle. j Five furfonRs Maid of Orleans won. Sightly second. Rose H. third. Time 1.01 l-l. , 81x furlonsa David Bolsnd won. Dick wnaon secona, canairao tnira . Time - Five furlongs Gosslper won. Silver Stocking seoond, Grace G. third. Time o:6 s-a. . ' a. aMaavav nvia, H. .vai .vvvuu. Elota third. Time 1:42. Mile and sixteenth Tar risen won, Or- Chan seoond, Buna third. Time 1:471-4. mue ana liny yaras -Lies atee won. vaout MadrioK third. Frist Peep eecond. Time hif. , Outs. Roratehes. Bruises, Healed -by" ; "T-tU BODSEHOIaD StmOBOlT." ' Druaclsts refund monev if DR. MR. TER'S ANTISiUPTIO ' HSAIONO OIL - No doctor can cure all diseases. That's all moonshine. They are "pretenders." If you can't cure a man, tell him so. Physicians use too many drugs. There ere only a few great drugs worth handling. I'll not name them. Dr. Wm. Osier In a recent address to physicians. a a I do not believe that the average length of human life would bo di minished by an hour if all tha drugs in Christen dom were dumped Into the sea barring, perhaps, half a dosen. Alfred Leffihg- welL M. D.. Amer ican Humane Association. a At last, some of our eminent physicians are be- finning to tell he truth about drucs. They hava deceived the peo pie Just about as 10! Ions; as they can. unless they check the advance of ecience. It Is sci ence that has "shown them up." It ' has , proved that - man's body Is electrical; that electricity runs our bodies and produces what we call life. It has shown that most all sickness and chronio disorders are due to lack of eleotrio energy. It has taught us the worthlessness Of drurs that they are only poi sons, and poisons don't cure. Ths reason drues don t cure is because, they do not help Nature. Nature needs electricity, nourish ment something that builds up. Drugs ' contain ne nourishment no electricity Just poison which- tears down. . - My way or curing is to-rsstore electricity where It Is needed. and pain and sickness will disappear. That's because electrlolty gives strenarth. power to the body, en- ahllnc every orsan to perform Its work properly, and when every or gan is in a strong, neeuioy oonai tlon there can be no pain or sick ness. .. " Wear Electro-Vlor while you sleep. It feeds a constant stfeam. of , electricity to your nerves, and fr- they carry It to every ors-an and tissue of your body, restoring health and vim. Electro-Vigor Is a simple electrlo appliance, constructed on scientific principles, and Is the product of my twenty years' experience in treating; with electricity. It is not an electric belt; It never needs charging, for It makes Its own power continuously. - Electro-Vigor is cheaper than, a course of drugging. e e After two months application o f Electro-Vigor I no longer surfer from pains in my back and kidneys, my rooa aigests prop erly, and all tha symptoms of weakness are cured. CHAS. PICKARD. Joseph, or. THIS IS FREE HEN YOUNG MIDDLE AGE OLD mm POSITIVBUY CURED FOREVER Beware of Imitators Consultation Free By our method we are enabled to reach the vital spot with our direct treatment, which drives every disease germ from the system b going to the root of the disorder. We Invariably obtain prompt and satlsfaotory results because our searching exami nation brings to light the nature and extent of the trouble. Our experience in eurlng the diseases of men extends over a long period. Our facilities are or tne oast, ana our treatment is most cleanly and perfect We especially Invite those who have deep-seated and chronio disorders to call and be examined. Con sultation and examination Is free and carries with It no obligation to enaaxe our services. In Most Cases Our office ars equipped with the most modern and scientific mechanical devices for ths treatment S7 Years In Portland of chronio and private diseases of men. $io OUR FEB shaky, whose WE CURE NERVOUS DEBILITY This Is to men who lack courage, whose nerves era eyes have lost the sparkle, whose brains are muddled, Ideas confused, sleep resUess, confidence gone, spirits low and easily depressed, who are backward, hesitating, unable to venture because they are afraid of failure; who want somebody to decide for them, who are weak, run down and restless. It is to men who have part or all of these symp toms and want new life new energy. We especially solicit those eases In Y,hich many so-called treatments have failed, or where money has been wasted on other methods of treatment. Don't experiment whan bur direct method offers a certain means of cure by local treatment - , WE CURE VARICOCELE . 'vfa Varicocele causes congestion of the blood in some of the most vital blood vessels of man. It causes a dull, heavy, listless feeling, which, is often mistaken for nervous debility or general decline. - Varicocele re suits from partial paralysis of the delicate nerve fibers that control local circulation of the blood. Tha muacular coating of the veins is deprived of nervous control and becomes Inactive, weakens and relaxes. The blood vessels expand from the pressure within. The circulation becomes aluggish and clots form in little nooks and pockets that constantly en larr. a as the relaxation continues. . . orovi.TATxox run, ' ' ;' WRITE if you cannot call. All correspondence strictly confidential and all replies sent in plain envelopes. No names, cases, letters or pho tographs of- patients published or exposed. - HOURS 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.: Evenings, 7 to 8:80; Sundays, 8 a. m. to 12 noon, . t st. louis "ar dispensary COmsTXB raCOMD A1TD TA1CKZU BTasVBZTC, afOBTlaAaTS, OaUDGOV, ME IN TREATED AND' CURED Best Service, Lowest Charges. Cores Gnaracleed Falling Who are afflicted with NERVOUS Strength, commonly called "LOST V- a w ... w waa M UUO a AU Jt 11 rt I It II I r afTV It SIISIIRV 1 Drains, Pimples. Lame Back. Inflammation of the Bladder and I- cess and overwork. Piles, Fistula and Hydrocele or other weak- Kidney's, Highly colored Urine. It MANHOOD. I m nnl.npv . nMnmnt.... v. 1 1 . , a a...w. -,,;"".:"'.. amuii worry, results er ex- Sr,MarHage.b"-Ut1r n,t tn6n ,or tudy. Business, Pleesure v "A-5!S-iilS--IVif0'1- heredltsry, kin Diseases, KheumattaqsL Sores, Swelling-, Discharges, Gon orrheas, Oleet, tjtturaTkiaargad lstrete eV sKdZeW ableechargesnE' c"u ana Conscientious fiervlceTrReason. pau er write aa. y. j. roagCB. n lw K Fortlaad. Or. CUt 'r OUt this coupon and mall It . to me. in give you a beautiful 100 page book. which - telle all about my treat ment This book ,i M ,... illustrated with pictures of fully developed men and women, snowing now Electro-Vigor Is applied, and explains many things you want to know. I'll send the i-ox, cioseiy sealed and prepaid, free. u ; wui ma tnia coupon. Scott's Santal-Pipsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE rlnflausietiea er Catarrh u the lSlaader and IXaeaaad Kid. tly be rfcfeMa et bow S. A. HaU, M. D. "I S43 rpsaoM frcrewl, ' " ., . MX TMAMCXnOO. Please send me, prepaid, your free 100-page Illustrated book. T-80-T . Name . , ,l ., . . ; - Address . i ,:...... i .- j I V a n eU by re. soceasaoraT. cores ataadin s, . 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