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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1907)
II THE OREGON DAILY' JOURNALS PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENINO, JULY 50. 1S07. riuxTixa OGILBEK BROS, PRINTERS CARDS, billheads, etc, rnon. jmu ihi. 145H 1st st MODERN PRINTERT. PHONE PA- clflo 1621. R. 21, Ruaeel bid., 4th and Morrison BIB. RKAL ESTATE ranuPBAM . A rvmEN-RRAL Es tate, insurance, loan. 8m us bafor. Olivine. 148 Mississippi ava, jrnone "Woodlawn 101. ; JTW. ooiLBitfl, reaL totATg aNU loans: established IMS. 146V. 1st, MWitYl 1 I. . ' Ehikic1 AnENdV. DEALBfts IN Tml eetete and rental 806 Stark at Main 1114. FOR FARMS'OF EVERT DEBCRIP; TODAY'S MARKETS Lewistori Peach Crop Is of a High Grade Lebanon Will Have Cannery Business Good on Front Street. , jenkins mm TRANSPORTATION. IvARfil IvEATHER STMTS HIELONS ; . DIVIDEND ON STEEL IS DECLARED TODAY New York, -July 10. La this afternoon the directors of the United Statea Steel company de clared the regular quarterly divi dend on both the common and preferred laauea. I A FwiltlUOIIE showit lines tlon. W. W. Espey, 119 Commercial ( Pmn f Rfroot A Mix Wirti T IH nut Business Caused RESTAURANTS. GO TO THE BUST BEE FOR DELI- cateasens. rtome ctKiain. .,ru- InrlAn at. THE BEAVER RESTAURANT. 101 Burnslde at., reopened by experienced caterer. A. J. Parker, proprietor. " ROOEINQ ipiv pmiFINO. GOTTERINO. RE- pairing and general Jobbing. J. Losll. III Jefferson at r-cmc ...... SAFES by Hot Weather. Front atreet feature: Many prlcea ruling On tomatoes. Watermelons moving at last Peaoh crop will be ahort Egga and, poultry quiet. Weather make good market Bananaa aold at a loaa. Butter market firm. clear backa. unamoked. 11c: smoked, llo per lb; Union butta, 10 to 11 lbs, un ...L.I o.. ... ih' amnlcad. la D T ID ...n.nimi 1 1 Un ner lb: emoked liu'e per lb; shoulders. It Ho per lb; pickled tonguea. 0o each. Lack of Arrivals Adds Strength But Values Do Not Move. . to T.rv-it. lard Kettle leaf. dOc llo I Official receipts per lb; 6s, llHo per lb; 60-lb tins, lltto Hogs. Portland Union Stockyards, July 10. Sheep. Cattle. 160 260 214 11 400 100 111 developed with the warm weather of the and Front atreet waa becoming over- The sales or melons toaay, are quite encouraging, ana me per lb; steam rendered. 10a. 110 perl Today . lb: 6a Hike per lb; compound, 10a, 10c! Week ago ...... .. per lb. i r ago.... FISH Rock cod, 7 per lb: flounders. 1 Prevloua year c per lb; halibut. 7c per id; ainpea haaa. 1 Kn ner Ih: catfish. 11C per lb: al- Damand for watermelona haa suddenly I mon. fresh Columbia chlnook. llo per . . . I.i.. ....ik.j. f A.. wm IK h.rr4.M K a I ,k. w - , . . a. . at a, n IU, PIV.1UV.UI, iVV " a ., .UV DV Ili.1 K V IV BJU Li I Ul . b V,VV iioperiior top atuff. A Deen at the amallneaa of hoc ar rlvala of the early paat will reveal with out much aearch the ezaot reaaon why .. Harrlnir.Hall-Marvln aafea and M.-Mnon fit eel safe Co.'a bank aafea: "a . T II aecond-hand fireproof aafea and bank towiver .ka.n H. thn or writ. I "y ver. vs. II 7th at fclEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES jarge linee carrira. uuciwiui urvnvu, Jacka, Jails, metal furniture. Both phones. J. E. Davla, 61 Id. SPIRITUALISM. , atocka will all aell easily. More are arriving on each freight, but are being reehlpped I&st rxir in: aoiea. an oer id: annmpa. lb; perch. c per lb; tomcod. 7o per lb; I Weather condltlona at this time are lobetera, no ner id; rresn macaerei, saiggatnat bog ahlpmanta even for a amau per lb; crawfish. 16e pier doi; aturgeon, J dfatanee outaide of thia city. It ia II He per lb; black baas, 20c per lb; I Dractlcallv out of reaaon for Backers liver Smelt 7C Per lb: Shad. 40 Pr lb: I in hrlnar .t. hiu. Inln tha P.flflf! blcJL?5!!'l-c Pr lb. '. I coast marketa. - The amall auppliea left them wlth- requlrementa for riving on each freight, put are oeing - 0YSTERgZ.Bhoalwter bay. par gal- therefora la ShoW merchant, are receiving jjg. ".Vpei .Via L ,e!0mA'rk'.nd.Moftprrc..Caanr. rfflS O&Tirrb.alUnn.WVc u more mm m ruiill Th. tnmntoea are usually of a good grade and are Oregon prod uct, ahlpped from The Pallee. MRS STEVENS. PORTLAND'S RELIA- Oregon and California peachea will We I palmlat and spiritual Tlfa reader; be. ahort. The crop will be aomewhat reaainrs dally. 141 H Yamhill. larger than the apricot crop, but It la tin SxvFP tPiRtTtiAl. niCAbKrL not expected that they will ever drop iml l.t.put In thO doi. .... I ho market at thia tlma la the fact CLAMS Hardshell, per box. , 12.40:1 .k. i. -w. i.i akaa i . ev a I aax a a vbmbj rri v mitv U an iiiv awv-ea-a raaor clama, 2.00 per box; lOo per dot. ysTu .Uh,p for toamy iMt Tuesday, a rani, ooai ou, no, . i year ago, or two yaara ago today. ., ROPE Pure Manila. 16 Vc; standard, Cattle Axe Juat Steady. l'e; alaal, 11c. . . . I At tha recant droo of JKo In cattle I ('Mil 1111 tar1 a A.m. 1 ( .... I r?ti BurnaCVornerlOth. l?.?.1" .V5T SSSS o ! ? ?" Zh"S. i? -b.b. ihti tlma to hold It." oWn Ind for" .p-- STREET PAVING WSiJ2S. M . Mr4 ,?. M,05C i u t (i 1 1 j . uunt i vi, w . r , .AHiii.inr . n n (if ar rim aivau u.r - . i. - aavv -. - - i WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, aide walks and eroee tngs. 114 Lumber Exchange. THE BARBER ASPHALT PA VINO CO. , of Portland. Office 166 Worceater blk. 1 SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS imflTKR A KLfclSER SIGNS. have built ud the largeat algn R"r c'l'"-l'. .'f.,7,. and keeping our pimlaea. Our prlcea . tn ,trwt. are right. ft ana juveren myw. rnun- - RecelT;t, . Gutter are not heavy. Tha Menanw m. : .rMunerlea that are paying 10 ccnta u 'RTflVS THAT ATTRACT" PORT- nu.rM aattlna- harelv enough at that land Sign Co., m etam. yacirio io. price to supply their traae. n ib noi tnougni mil inert wm w "y vi""7fPT" market JTront Street Active. Wont atreet la verv buay. More fa vorable weather ia now coming on, and fruit aaIeB are large. Arrangements ior the shipment of fall frulta, aucn aa grapes, apples, etc., will begin to ar rive within a rew oaya. Tha nanenaa that arrived yeaterday In auch poor condition are being aold " c SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES OF EVERT DESCRIP tlon; bank, bar and atore flxturea made to order. The Lutke Msnufao- taring Co.. Portland. Jt. H. BtRDSALL. DESIGNER: , ACT. M. winter Lummr uo. 7 nammun TYPEWRITERS " BLICKENSDERFER TYPEWRITER Agency Suppllea: repalra. Raleigh tldg th and Waahlngton ata PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. TOWEL- SUPPLY CLEAN TOWELS DAILY COMB. -' bniBlt, soap. II per month. Portland Laundry Towel Supply Co., Ith and Couch ats. rnoneeiB. TRANSFER AND HAULING C O. PICK OFFICE II 1ST ST.. BB- wMn. at uric and Oak ats.; phone" III, ' tianna and furniture moved and packed for shipping; commodious brick ware- ' House with eeparaie iron rovma, tivui 'and Clay ata. "' At STTV.nrilO TRANSFER CO 'Henrv Roe . W. A, Cleland. . ... IT. P. 8heaacreen. General transfer and atorage; aafea, elanoa and furniture moved, packed and ahinned. 201 Oak at Both phonea. i VAN HORN TRANSFER & STORAGE jo ino.-aneciaJty Id et. comer Ash. Furniture and piano moving a aDecialtr: atorage warenouse. v-t Phone Main lilt PENINSULAR EXPRESS & BAGGAGE Tranafar. 247 Alder at Phone Main m. , OREGON TRANSFER CO, 114 N. ITH. Main II. Heavy hauling ano storage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAQE A TRANS fer Co. Storage. 124 Stark. Main 407, WHOLESALE JOBBERS DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND, OREOUH, feVERDlNG at FARRELL. PRODUCE and commlaalon merchants. 140 Front t)t, Portland, ur. ynone Main F5Wft75 FtTRNlTURE MANUFAC turlng Co. Manufacturers of f urnl tare fqr the trade. Portland. Or. WAbtiAM A CO.. WHOI-ESALE GRO- cers, manufacturers and eommlaalon - merehav ts. iw ana w in. FURNITURE MANUFACTURING AND special oraera. nuvenaaya lurni tore factory, 107 Front st, ALLEN A. LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and; Davis sia., ronuno. w . V HOLES ALE CROCKERY AND glajaware. Prael, Hegrele & CoV Port land, Or. ' THE OREGON CHEESE CO. INO- Cheeae, Duuer, egga, eic, omry piu vcta bought or handled on commission. 121 6th st (Swetland bldg.). PorUand, Or. LEWIS-8TENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY Co., Barbers' Supplies. Barbers' Fur niture. Barbers' Chairs. 10th fc Morrlaon. KLAMATH A COMING DAIKYING EEGI0N (Special 1U pitch to Tbe Journal.) Klamath Falls.. Or., July 10. State Dairy Commlsaioner J. W. Bailey Is at Klamath Falls on a semi-official visit, 1 his first to this county, and he Is im- ? reascd with conditions here relative to he dairy business. He says he con siders conditions almost Ideal for the eatabJishm ent of, large dairy interests. He drove to Bonanza, in the valley be low Klamath Falls, to visit the Bonanza creamery, the first to be established In the county. For the first time Klamath county creamery butter is for sale -in tnis city. Mr. Bailey win visit crater Lake before returning to Portland. BAKER CITY AUTO : f FIRM INCORPORATES " Rpeelal Plapitch to The Journal.) Salem. " Or.. July SO: The following incorporations have filled articles: - Queen City Automobile company, in corporatora J. W. Huff, H. L. Pattee, O. L., Fowler, George H. Foster, E. A. IluftV main office Baker City, Oregon, capital atock 16,000, objecta conduct- - Jng tha' business, or buying, selling. , renting and repairing automobiles. ' The Buttersworth-Stephenaon com pany. Incorporators John w. Cook, A. L. HutterswortiV H. O. Beckwlth, main of fice Portland, capital stock 116,000, ob- ject, real estate, brokerage and general contracting; business. ; . " ''Vavriieti BojrV Bodf Fonnd. Sil.I Ptanatck : t The' Joorn CnnVinn. Wash.. Julv 10. The bodv Of Harry Eggleaton, son of City Trea surer II. M.- Eggleston, was found yes ter Jay tnmer tha Monroe street bridge. n ,7,,),!r, Tha boy fell into the river a - Ka while attempting to lump a channel five fet wide. Tha body went over the hiarh falls and was badly mang ld from falling on, tha rocka below. It was in the large wninpooi ior sis oaya. tained. Today's cattle arrivals amounted to 160 bead as against 160 head a wevk ago, 214 head a year ago, and 16 head thia same Tuesday two yaara ago. A year ago today cattle demand waa Just fair with values holding. Firmer Ton in sTaaajt. A firmer tons Is everywhere shown In tha sheep market and local condl tlona are well In line. There were no arrivals today and thia had a stimulat ing enect upon values out no cnangea were shown. Receipts a week ago were 400 head a against 100 head a year ago and 116 head two years ago today. A year ago sheep values were firm but unchanged. Hose Beat eaatern Oregon. 11.60: stockers and feeders, $6.00 1.26; China rat, is.26tvi.60. r - Cattle Best eastern Oregon steers 11.76; best cows and heifers, $2.76 1.00: bulls. 11.00. Ilkaan Wa.kaoa A A A i K Unhl t v. t..i . v.. .b ,.. i . ""-- . a.ow iiuia, .uif .v. an. vw.a. w. li.ispB.vO. sal: Iron bbla. 18c per gal, BENZINE II deg., cases, 260 par gal; iron bbla, 13c per gaL TURPENTINE In cases, llo par gal; wooden bbls. 93c per gal. WHITE LEAD Ton lote. 7o per lb; 500-lb lots. So per lb; less lots, IH per lb. WIRE NAILS Present basis at 11.11. NEW YORK STOCKS WON'T HOLD RISE FALL WHEAT IS HHICK THE BEST AS DIRT THIEF Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS - a mips M. M. stpoksa n AUg. City Street . Cleaning Fore man Charged With Selling Earth for Private Fills. V mvMLM auu . a. an rraaldaal . jja ' SB ' .at - V a,Ul Spring Grain SOWn TOO Late street cleaning department la tha offi cial head against whom A . . . L .....M.....,,.el, u . B. ilVASTA MOVTM. ' " Uiliag Txom Sasma. Hint .y. aa. . . m. w. 00.H1 leu .wit. to Secure Benefits of Moisture. mt is tha offl- 4".lF iCTvV.'L'Vi'n chargea of sal- WW ""'T 0, A7. -V 15 M fills have been " ... . . . . . . :".", "- " mm, mm Fall Wbsrt U Beat. Examination of tha wheat fields of Oregon and Washington during tha past week show fall sown grain to be in much tha beat condition. In many In ataneea spring wheat Is suffering from, tha lack of ' moleture. While tha harvest Is over In many places In tha eastern por tion of tha two states. It will be fully a week before opera tions will be general.1 CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES. July 10. July 21. Gain. 1101. lint city dirt for private fills have been made, his Identity being . -dlacloaed at I tha meetlne- of tha street cleaning com mittee of the executive board yesterday! V af tarn Ann Tha nffanaa allaaad oonalat-I ad of selling dirt waahed down Union vraasaaai ,,,,, ,,,jrnly aa avenue by Isst winter's storm waters! Santa Ion ................. ..July aa to property owners along that street. onoina ..aly gg XUV Via.B M W11VI1.11UMIJ umiiau wi tha foreman. - who aeserta that it ia spltework' on tha part of - subordinates in tha department Auguat haa bean set aatda . as tha tlma for tha hearing. Jenkins la also acoused of a minor of fense, that of breaking a horae while he was supposed to be giving big time to tha cltv and later auarterlne? tha horaa at tha city barn at tha city 'a expenee. ine accuaea oinoiai states uiai na : saw anujrazsoo Bom sUtllntT . m. -sran astMK City Ctttoa, MS WaakUgVta St. Colombia Klvcr Occntry uatrxATOB zxxm nnuKa-u. . asi s aa4ikt a -nw AKsaaVA KrAii bvK tMlnat I i7Z i T- ..lit tfc.7 h Vh.M ! sal filed by- aever&l of tha subordinates, but Caartst Th. r.iu7r---aa thev wera not Written tha namea of "M"" Dally aatrtae her tea ISrtlaal aaJ The Dallaa, aadar. be flag Pertkal H t a. arrhrhis a boat la. a- J.T ire igai aaa paaseasers. gpieadU aaaaaiaiiiiii Uraatsck. rarOaadi laat el Mala 114. rerUasT tha complalnanta are not known. . In or-1 a- , B. . dsr that tha charges may be prepared wOMTM 9ACXWX0 aTTBAJUJLLP OO.I in proper lorm avna inaa wiui .um Doarui r nAiiiAve tha hearing has been onUnued until I StCBlnSDiDS K0AN0KE Thnrali. Aiianiat a. l Chargea have also been filed against I Park Superintendent Monteltb by I pharlea Paaala, a discharged am plojra of Sat) for -reka, San Franc! eoo and Loa n n i.r 1 1 mm i una IT, I.U1 ifjt ttC till n Z tJc not made publlo, will be heard at tha -iiclet efflea 111 Third, near AldaE n!S Jtij 'iiB.7 u-lk "-ting of tha board FrlW morning. I phenes M. lilt. H. TOUNO. Agent, m a a . AT " I 1 CHALLEIIGE TO May. 1.01 100 Earl Strength Gives Way to Weak ness Late In Day Steel Meet log Ia on Today. EASTERN MARKETS HOLD. soon, although a rlea may come within tbe next 10 days. Front street prices: Grain, Flour and Feed, GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, le, largo lots; small lots, Ityc. nw-AT iuh. 79llo: red Ruselan. 71cr bluestem, 11081c; valley, JO 81e; ket Parted strong and made aome ad CORN Whole, $21.00; cracked, 121.00 vancea early. It sold off later on liqui- tuar tnn I li.Hnn Kv tk. .am. n.rtlaa who aold BAHLltl Heu-rwo. ii.vw .v ye,tHm. and closed but iractionaiiy ir ton; rolled, $21.00 24,00; brewing, changed either way. Hogs, Cattle and Sheep 1 ne decline ox in in. price 01 bji grades of copper on the Metal exchange today caused aome- selling pressure ana loss in Amalgamated shares. The meeting of the directors of the Chicago . United Btates steel company win na 1 Kansas City neia loaay o-nu il ia aaiu uiai tiio bu.i.o- ment for the second quarter will show an increase In earnings or n.z&o.ouo Chicago. July 10. Chlcaao wheat trade atarted ' bullish todav. not 1th- standlng tha fact that -Liverpool cables came llttd off at tha start and made Dut uttie improvement during tha day. ine unicago session waa ratner aun. but what little bualneaa appeared waa of bullish nature. Bradstreeta report ot me grain viaioia aupply anowmg a small loss was a slight help toward maintaining prices. The report shows: Wheat east of Kocxies, increased 1.160.000 bushels Canada, decreased 1,267,000 bushels; Europe and afloat, decreaaed 100,000 bushels; world's decrease, 807,000 bush- eia. Corn Decreaaed 1,261.000 bushels. Oats Deoreased 1,111,000 buahels. Official Chicago prices by Overback, Starr & Cooke company: WHEAT. fMMEAUl ttVlllJJtlflSiiJ PLAY CHECKERS Jamestown Exposition LOW RATES C. L. Burr Desires to Play A-tnnr- s. , xoi m a m rn I rweniy uames ior iiiaui- pionship With Mr. Berg. IS. u. per 122.00(321.00 RTE $1.66 per cwt OATS New Producers' price No. 1 white, 121.00 per ton; gray, 127.00. FLOUR - Eastern Oregon patenta, $4.80; straights, $4.26; export, $4.00; valley, $4.1004.40; graham, $1.76: J hole wheat, $4.00; rye, 60s, $6.60; balea, 3.00. , MlLLBTUr T Din, aii.uv pr .un. xu; July Sept Dec May , Sept JJec. May. Are Steady L ' In Chicago. I -o- VOlvaBV, v Ul w. vaiaiya.t awvaaa,. HOara. uatue. oneeD. 14.000 1,000 10,000 July 18,000 11,000 6,000 ept 6,000 s.aoo ilt 11 100 100 CORN. H 614 40tl 60 nil 61U OAT8. 100 101 II 41 SI 1oH 11 middlings. $26.00; snorts, country, zu; ji i908i city, 111.00: chop $11 00 $21.00, , feteel shares were dull during the "Ax Froaucers; Pce vinioi or, aay Kai cl0aed about yesterday's tig Ulamette valley, fancy, $17.000 $18.00 : ( Willamette Ordinary. $11.00 14.00; eastern lOregoa, $18; mixed, $10010.60; clovei1, $160 grain, $8010; cheat, $8.60010.60, Batter. Eggs and Fonltry. BUTTER FAT F. o. b. Portland 1 ft points over Monday. flweet rrmm. 28 Ue: sour. SIHC I bittter Cltv creamery. 27mjl0c:l Official New York orlces by Overbeck seconds, z&ho; outsiae rancy, zoc; see-1 & uooxe company: onds, 22Hc; store, Oregon, lssyisa EGGS Extra fancy, candled, 22 22 He; good candled, 21 22 He c-IEESE New Full cream, flats. 1616ttc per lb; Toning Americas, 11 POTTLTRY-Mlxed ohickens. lie: fancy I AmaL Cop. Co hens; 12 llo lb; roosters, old, lOo lb; I Amar. u. ir., frvera. l.ffllBc lb: broilers, iididcid.: 1 mw. v., Omaha 10.000 Hogs left over, 4,100; receipts a year SeD .n i7nnA- mlYii 10i.S0: heavv. ..7' .1. . 1.1-V. . I .? 1. . . - . . - T. - , . , . I LCU uvcr mi iHsv.uu. niau uu ciiuana - " i j. j o M 8. 40 ; rOUgn, 10.10 Iff .vo ; llgni, i j,- .U(O'O.0V. Cattle Steady. . Sheep Steady. NEVADA MIXING STOCKS. Southern Faolflo Is BaUIah. Southern Pacific was the bullish stock tnr th. riflv aal.a hAlna1 hatter and sharea making a closing gain of about Bid Prices Current Today on the San Francisco Exchange. Sept Jan. J. Wark called at Tha Journal office fiW- ff- 9J,e today and deposited $26 aa a guamntea J W 91 I V fWU 1,14 IU sjs VUaM4VU gU-IA WJ 1 II 2 C. L Burr to F. K. Berg to play a series of 10 games of checkers for da champlonauip of the Pacific coast, which Burr allegea Berg laya claim ux. The challenge Is for a purse of 160 or mora. Burr placing no limit upon tha amount he la willing to risk pn the game. Burr's defy follows: saya In the Chicago Inter Ocean regard ing the playing of a match at checkers and hereby challenge him to a bout of 20 games for a atake of $200 and mora if desired. "Mr. Berg Is posing as tha champion of the Paclflo coast and If ha wishes to defend the honor let him meet me across tbe board for any atake he may choose to name above 160. I will play on the following condltlona: "Each man to select five openings and each to olay both aides of suoh openings seleoted. I will also play the restriction. wui piay ill i'5 B MESS PORK. ..1141 1141 1141 ..1140 1(66 1140 LARD. ..Ill 121 III ,.22 $20 117 .. 865 867 111 SHORT RIBS. ,. 866 115 III ,. 800 800 7IT 1841 1161 III 10 117 815 800 Chicago and retnrn, 7LI. St. Louis and retnrn. $17.11. St Paul. Minneapolis, Duluth, Sop, rlor, Winnipeg and Port Arthur and re turn, 110. 3-TCAINS DAILY 5 For tlcketa, aleeptng ear rsasi rations and additional -Information, call on or address) H. DICKSON, C P. 4k T. A. IAS TXXM9 Wtm rOSILUS, OB. Telephones I Main 110. Bona A-lItt. Ho! For Astoria OOI FastSteamerTelcgraph Dally (except Thursdays). Lea vea JUdec street dock I a. m. Snadays a. m. fl round trip, rmoira ha ! sea. Liverpool Grain Market. Liverpool, July 10. Official prlcea . .... .( TUTtll 1 . .. la some private room in Portland begin- COlOlllUUl KlVCF IDrOUQll LlDC I a , . a.J n.1 1 1 nl.w amm a I 0 Mala. AUBU. a U , miu nm aaa.v .wia. v. i six sanies each day. contlnuoualy re- DESCRIPTION. 1 Mr'tirr Co, iZ?mlVXSlCi I mi.i painttj art china, 142 Washington meet, " o OIL o. mM riiinba 11c ih- inrlnr ducks, llo lb: I Amer. LOCO.. C geese, old. 810c per id; spring geese, er. sugar, c. ilHlao per lb; turkeys, llpllo lb; for old; squaba, $2.60 per dosen; pigeons. $1.76 per dosen. uressea poultry, iv jC per Ib. higher. .ops. Wool and lUdsa, HOPS 101 croD Prime to choice. m7c; medium to prime, 6?4c; con tract a, 1107 crop, 10911c. wuol. i07 cup vaiiey, zoo no eaatern Oregon, 18 21c MOHAIR New 1907 Z2SHC SHEEPSKINS Shearing. 150200 ennhr short wool. 2EiSI40c: medium, wool. BU..7Kn aih: inn. wool. 7H-M11 no aann i AJOi. r. at 1.. o TALLOW Prime, per lb. !4c: Na -oi. eoutnern, c 2 and grease, 2?2Ho. CHITTIM BARK 6C per Ib. Fruits and Vegetables. POTATOES $2 per sack; old, $1. ONIONS Jobbing price New Cali fornia' red. $3 per sack: New Walla Walla, $2.6008.00 lb.; garlic. So per lb. APPLES New, ll.OO0il.76. FRESH FRUITS Oranges. $1,000 4.00: bananaa. 6c lb.: lemons. 16. 00(37. 50 per box; limes. Mexican, $4.00 per 100; pineapples, $!.256.00 dosen; grape fruit is.ze; cnerriea, epiuc id; peacnes, ooe tvii.16: crawroras (uaurorniai. Oregon cantaloupes, $3.60 4.60; rasp berries, $1.26; plums, $1 watermelons. lMlc; cultivated blackberries, $1.26 crate; wua, bo id; craoappies, eow 76c per box; Bartlett pears, $2.60 per ox. VEGETABLES TutoIds. new. 80c (ft 11.00 sack: carrots. 75cffl!1.00 ner sack: beets,. $1.60 per sack; parsnips. $1.00 11.26; cabbage, $2.00; tomatoes, Oregon, BVOvuc; parsnips, vucwti; wax Deans, green, so per id.; cauliflower. $1.26 60 dozen: toeas. 6c: horseradish. 8c lb.: artichokes. 65c76c dozen; rhubarb. 3c lb.; green onions, 26c per dozen; bell pep pers. 10lle per lb.; head lettuce, ( ) doz. ; cucumbers, hothouse, 2030c dox; outdoor, 40 80c box; radishes, 16c dozen bunches; eggplant, 16.25 crate; green corn, , lOo dozen; celery. $1.26 dozen. - . Crrocarlas, JTuta, Ztc. RTTGAR . m. Cube. 18.22 : Dowdered I8.07H; berry. $5.87; dry, granulated, Sb.87tt; Btar, ia.. com. a, ja.svtt: extra B, $6.87 Ml golden C. $6.27 H; D yellow, $6.17ttt beet granulated, $5.77; barrels, 10c; half barrels, , 25c; boxes, 50c advance on sacx oasis. (Above prices are, 10 days net cash Quotations.) : HONEY $1.10 per crate. COFFEE Package brands, $16,810 16,61. SALT Coarse Half ground, 100s. 112.50 per ton; 60s, $18.00; table, dairy, 50s, $17.50; 100s, $17.25; bales, $2.10; Imported Liverpool, 60s. $20.00; 100s. 119.00; 224s, $18.00; extra fine, barrels. 2a, 6s and 10a, $.60t.50; Liverpool lump rock, $20.60 per ton; 601b rock, $11.00; 100s, $10.80. . 5 1 (Above prices apply; to sales of less than car lots. Car lots at special prices subject to fluctuations.) ' m . RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1; Icj No. 2, 5c; New 6rleanslea4.7c; AJax, 6c; Creole, 6e. BEANS Small white, 11.10: large white. $3.25; pink, $3.40; bayou. S.o; Llmas, c; Mexican reas, -iw NUTS Peanuts, J urn do, iko per id; !8 97741 II fm I Amer. Smelt, c. do preferred . Anaconda M. Co. Amer. Wool., c. Atchlsen, com . . do preferred . B. 4 C, com . . . do preferred . Brook. R. Tran. Can. Pacific c. C 4 G. W., C. C, M. V St Paul Chi. & NW.. c. Ches. & Ohio.. do 2d ofd. do 1st pfd... . Dal. & Hudson.. P. & Rio G., o.. do preferred . Erie, com do 2d pfd do 1st pfd.... Great North., p. ill. central .... Louis. & Nash.. Mex. Cent. Ry.. M., K. A T., o.. do preferred . . Distillers : Ore Lands Missouri PaciflC National Lead... N. Y. Central.. N. y., a & w.. Norfolk & W.. o do preferred. . North American North. Pao., c, . Pac. Mall S. Co Penn. Railway,., P. G., L. 4 C. CO. Reading, c do 2d pref do 1st pfd.... Rep. I. & 8.. c... do preferred.. Rock island, a . . do preferred.. 8. L. & S. F. 2d p. do 1st pfd.... South. Pac, c. . . do preferred.. Southern Ry., c.. llVi ,ao prererrea. .t Texas & Pacific! 20 T., S. L. & W., c. 28 s 91 II 61 IS 111 76 104X 104 10S 87 48 San Francisco, July 10. Official bid prices: Sandstorm 40c. Red Tod 14.10, Mo hawk 116.87 A. Columbia Mt 57oA. Jumbo $4, Jumbo Ext $1.72. Vernal 6c. Pennsylvania 8c A, Kendall suo a. Booth 43c, Blue Bull 82c, Adams 11c, Silver Pick 80o, May Queen 10c, Nevada Boy 8c, is. a. taxi, bo, tiiue uen ioc. July Sept Dec. Sept fiteam era of tha "OPEN RIVER" Una Open. Close. Julv 19. Lcaa. rn TSn-irdML ntli iVnlUK STREET DOCK .very JJonl 7s ld 7s ld 7s lid Ud the entire number of gamea are fin- day. Wedneaday ana, Friday ' -at FIVH 7s 1 d d isned. Play to be under the atandard J-f" C-'nV,t. ai , TTmatin. 7. 6d d I law. of th. game a. laid down In Lee's n Mi JSSlt "Sv! ...K.t.nti.f. mv ohaiiana-. mnii in riv. early. Low rates. Prompt servica. Vn . h m7 Rar,'. "nrond Telephone Main 1101. HOOI. ait. ..7. 2d 7a 2 . .7s 4d 7s 4 CORN. ,.4sl0d 4sl0d 4sl0d d St, Louis Wheat Market, September wheat. St Loula. Julv 10. 810. 0 7 I T , J I . C ,-1 nHl.V,l. CA UlVaral. ttt RBlZ ill.). VU, VX. I.U1UII1U1. ouu, .A.w.asa. w. St Ives 90c, Conqueror 12c, Blk. Rock JflJ? 4c, Lone Star 18c, G. Wonder 2c, Pot il lati-h 36c A. Oro 22c. Kendall Ext 8c. 1I1H I V ' 7 ' . . . . . ra. Hanast. Halt. 40. Aiayne ic. Atlanta oac. Great Bend 78c, Slmerone 19c, Empire Liverpool Cotton Market, Liverpool. Julv 10. Cotton futures closed 2 to 8 points lower. ?5i 10c A, Red Top fext 82c, Florence $6.35. United States Oovernirjcmt Bonds, Dlam'f B. B. con. 23a, . uaisy York, . July A a IvatKUIUt la.BU, VU1UIIIU1I1.(UU1 vw vwiiu, . .& T3AnJ Iln n. Tl.n.4 latl. . . . Via . x.u i fc. ' ' -.a Hid Anx 8c Mlllstorm 40oA. B. B. Bonanza T-0f r.glgtared 105 6c, Kewanos 66c, Esmeralda 9c, Port- do COUDOn i06 land 20c, Cracker Jack 18c, Ficla Mo- Threes, registered 102 hawk $1.15, Red Hill 66c, Mohawk Ext. OOUDOn 108 148& ?c' LSU 2."?nJcX Yl Tller t!0c' iran?vla Threes, amall bonds ..107 35 JL.P,.clt JF'.L ?l Y' JVfS 6o CoL Pours, registered, new.. 117 Mt Ext So, Goldf. Cons. $7.60. ,j0 coupon 1211 lS-Ctr la-.41 T rP4 T) M a. A4S 4 Ophlr II, Mexican Bo, Gould A Curry li!!.?bi!.,!.6B" ""HI k o I n. r. vi..i.ia ii. ao.mM (an Philippine Fours 109 Ui7 I lav, .jJ 1 1 . T llglllll. V i u. ajuvu.' wu, I r - 14H4 Hale A Norcross 65c. Yellow Jacket 90c. 28 Belcher 27c. connaence eoc, sierra ev. I.ri KAli 'lil KlTIIiTl 701 380. Exohecuer 40c Union 28c. I JJXi JAi.l Vll XJ DVUJU Asked. . 106 101 103 104 128 129 106 134 65 74 ITS OWN CANNERY by Sale of Stock Existing Small Plant to Be Bought do preferred . Union Pac, c... do preferred . . U. 8. Rubber, c . . do preferred.. U. S. Steel Co., c. Wabash, c do preferred . . W. U. Telegraph. Wis. C, c do preferred. . 27 28 27 112 !! 6 26 49U 143 97 100 is 38 98 100 13 40l 40 40 Call money closed 2 Der cent Total sales for day, 425.100 shafes. New York Cotton Market. Virginia, 7c per lb; roasted, J 0c per lb: Japanese. 56ttc: roasted. '7trJc per lb; walnuts, California. 10c per lb; pine nuts, 14 16c per lb: hickory nuts, 10c per lb; Brazil nuts, 18o per lb; fil berts, 18c per lb; fancy pecans. 18020c pw ; aimonds, 1 ZlttC - S; i , y v Meats, rish and Frorlsloas..' , FRESH MEATS Front street Hogs, fancy, 1 He per lb; large, - 7lo per lb; yeaL extra, !9o per lb; ordinary, 5 il Poor. 67e per lb: mutton, ,,nrwSJ?c Jr lb. j HAMS, BACON, ETC. Portlahd pack, P.0?;1)1"".. 10 to II lbs, 16c per lb; i lb" l6o per Ib; I to 20 lbs. 16c: breakfaat bacon. 1512o per lb; ; picnics, He per lb; cottage roll,i 11 e per lb; regular ahort clears, un amoked. llo psr lbs smoked, llo pet lb; '"'i.' ' . . -Xrr-i' ir v '' : Jsn Feb.... March .. April j .. May . . . July ... Aug. Sept, Oct.. Nor.i Dee.: Open. High. Low. .1195 1200 1190 .1204 J204 1201 ....1215 ....1150 ..,.1146 ..4.1144 ....1177 .,,.1175 ....1186 1210 1145 1148 1144 1175 1175 1183 July 80 29 1192 1193 1195 1196 1202 1200 1216 1204 1210 1209 1185 1166 1142 1148 1144 1144 1176 . 1175 1179 1178 1184 1184 BULLFROG DISTRICT. Original 7o. Bullf. M. C. 13c, Mont Tliillr atx Nut n.nlr 91n T. Harria If Amethyst 29c. Gold Bar llo. Stelnway rS- Pener But Anx. 8c, Bonnie Clare I Jen Thousand Dollars to Be Raised DUU a"i. juajriiu. v vy 1 1 n . oov. anuuij viuu Ext TO, G. Scepter 9o, Monty. Mt. 14c, B. Daisy iocA. Homestake cons. c, Yankee Girl 6c A. Nugget 4o, Tramp cons. 4ic, victor ioc a, Nortn star ac a. TONOPAHS. Ton. Nev. 18c. Mont. Ton. $1.25 A, Ton. Ext 11.45. MacNamara 28c. Mid way 90c, Ton. Belmont $3.30, Ton. No. Star 22c, Ohio Ton Sc. West End Cons. 79c Kescue 14c, Ton. & caiir. 7c A, Gol den Anchor 14c, Jim Butler $1, Ton. Cash Boy 6c. Ton. Home 5c. Boat. Ton lOcA, Monarch Pitts. Ex. 7c. Mont Mld- Hixt 40, uoiaen urown ec. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manh. Cons. 60c A. Manh. M. Co. 6c. G. Wedge 6c Sevier Hump 6c Dexter 16c. ju joe zc,-crescent ma, uomDlna (flpaelal Dlapateb to Tbe JoamaL) Lebanon. Or.. Jalv 10 At a nnhiin meeiiiiK neia in ine ODera nouaa la waa decided that Lebanon ahould build a large fruit and vegetable cannery. Tho initiative step In this direction was taken by the Crowfoot grange a few weeks ago when it aoDolnted a com. mlttee to see bow much fruit and vege tables could be secured for this pur pose. This committee met with great encouragement and reported to the local development league, the president of tion 2c Granny 24c, Mustang 22c. Little which called this meeting. Grey 20cA. Cowboy 6e A, Grig. Manh. C. A. Maeboeuf, diet ?c. Broncho 7c, Jump. Jack J 6o, Pinenut aarent of the Southern Par 6c, Buffalo 8c, S. Dog 16o. Y, Indian uamp yc VARIOUS DISTRICTS. Falrv. Sliver King 15c A. Falrv. Eagle 66c. Nevada Hills $6.26 A, No. Star Wonder 6c. Eagle's Nest 20c A, Ruby wonder zoc a, Alice or wonder fccA, nitsDurg Oliver ream n.v. trlct frelrht k "1. . I agent or me ooutnern Paclflc at Fprt orse 4C, I land, waa tha nrlnxlnnl an.nU. a .h. I - - . a - r v ...v venlng. M. A. Miller and several nthara spoke. it was publicly announced that there was a man present that would nut un such a cannery as waa wanted. If the geopie would give mm tneir support, ut after discussing the matter it was decided to mane it a Joint stock' com. pany and get as many aa possible in teres teu in in. movement, NVi anlslYl ii CGeeWo Ike WeO-aTae i SeliaN. accordance with Mr. Berg's proposal In the Inter Ocean, I herewith deposit $25 with th. sporting editor of The Journal as an evidence of good faith. Said sum must be covered In 10 days from data of publication of this chal lenr. or I shall conclude that Mr. Berg does not want to play and that his talk Is mere bluff.' Mr. Burr Is from Forest, Washington, and formerly resided In Portland. R0CKPILE PKIS0NERS VERY QUIET TODAY Th. prisoners at Kelly butts, where wreck the jail with dynamlt. and fad's that eVdlaeavw".1! If glrtag escape, as related exclusively In The to tbe world kla wonaarral ntaiedl-a, Journal yesterday afternoon, are quiet HO If EHOUHYFOIHOMS OK sxuoa tmso i today and are working industriously UXCVJilt JW7TH0UT OPiaaflOW, OB breaking rock and feeding it into tjie WITHOUT IHI AID Of 4 fariFS. big crushers. . H "i!?t! t?. ran. Catarrs. Aathata. It la believed that onlya few of the fe ".ZS" -52 64 prlsonera at the rockplle, aald. from "'Tl. w"! "T?.. Wf hia. In ,h. 4i,nr.nn knn that th. I .' ."". af WHK i"""" .." .-. -C""TA Th. saas aaa an rrmn uimm. UIia.IUliVl BUU18 V W aa, , prisoners in ine dungeon wm d. Kept there for a considerable tlm. on bread an1 water. One of the men who Was I placed in th. dungeon after th. dyna- fast laoslva From Faktae. Chins . lata, Ian mite waa exploded, H. Spaulding, was sad SellaUa, released laat night the prison guards ir TOO AM AITLTOTBD. DONT SaXAY. CHINESE aal mmA Wm DOCTOR A SURE CANCER CURE havlne- been eonvlced that he was not a party to th. daring attempt to .scape. TARIFF EXPERTS ARE SOUGHT BY SERVICE DELAYS ASS DANQEBOtm If yea eaaaot call. Write for aymptna, Uaag aad eircalar. Inelose 4 eanta la ataau , CONSULTATION FREE. VMM C. OXt WO OBUZU MXUIC ia (Joomal Ipeeial Sarvfee.) Washinaton. Julv 10. In Durauanoe of the policy of davaloplng expert in the service of the state department, an examination is being held today th. civil - service commission ' of candi dates for appointment to th. bureau of foreign trad, relations. Th. examina tion is expected to attract some capable college graduates who are desirous of making a oareer In that partloular Una, The successiui candidates win do eou 11814, lint St.. Oar. a-aruaaa, urates. a-iaaae aiaatias TBia JaOIAICA BANANAS SUFFER FROM DROUGHT PEACH CROP UNUSUAL IN LEWIST0N C0UNTRYk4t 8nccial Dispatch to Tbe Journal.) Lewlston, Idaho, July 10. Lewiston's crop of peaches will this year exceed the yield of any previous season. Early In the year it was reported all of the orchards were nipped by the frost and that the yield this year would be very small. The crop in but ona section of the Lewlston country was damaged by the Waiters. G. D. Harris and H. C. Mc Tlmonds was appointed to form Plana ano go aneau witn ine movement This committee met and decided to organise with a capital stock and to sell snares at io each. The commute, is rapidly selling th. stock. c. F. watters. a farmer who lives two miles north of Lebanon, has run a small cannery tor several years and has mad. a success of It. The plans seem to be for the new company to take thia small cannery and increase its capacity many times, to move the plant frost, that being Vlneland. across the Snake river. Hera some damage was I in,n T.h-non and buhd a Urn hnlfrtina- done to the peach crop, and yet the near tha railroad, wher. th. business utuuaru uicii iii vvvu cmuu i wiii be ODerated. It is believed such boxes of Portland Bank Statement, Clearings today .$ 957,710.25 do year ago 861,926,37 Gain today Balances today ...... do year ago between Ho, 000 and 45j000 peaches. The crop of apples, pears, plums and apricots at Vlneland was not affected by the rrost and tne irees are nojr over burdened with ripening fruit. Above and below Vlneland on th. Snake river the orchards passed throught the Lfrostv nla-uis successfully. The peach crop is unuBuauy neavy, and or pari. oBlse, Ida.. July 10 Charles P.t.r- ucuwnjr until ,u.7, ..-w vaio w i aon, a convict wno escapea irom th. ..$ 105.788.83 79.616.99 161,568.14 " Foreign Exchange Rates. . v Now Tork, July 10. Exchange selling . a . . Dla.llM. 1V7 vn. An r. LVTB . DiiMB, ..... . u. ., vv days sight 482.90; cables, 487.75; Paris, 114. pfus.l-l; Berlin. , plus 1-31. a plant would pay big from th. begin ning, v' EX-GUARD CATCHES ESCAPED CONVICT tir. fruit crop of th. Lewlston counti-y this year win exoeea ny is per cent that of th. best preceding year. Th. market - for, peaches - ha - been strong, the fruit being sold far ahead, and Indications are that other kinds of fruit will sell as readily. 1 i I., .i ; i .- .: New. York-London Sliver. . New Tork. July 10. Bar silver 69 e: I esoaoed. juonaon, it i-ia. nenltentiary lasx unuraoay. c&ntured near Garden i Valley by Groom er, a former guard at that lnatl been Arch tntlon. Groomerreeognlsed the di-1 oner and immediately . took charge of him. Peterson told his captor that b hail been let out on parole. Groomar did not belle v. th. convict's story, com municated with the sheriff of Boise ounty and learned that Peterson had .am, ww d. . nrougni : pace at once. (Joqrnal Special Sarrke.) Kingston, Jamaica, July 80. Central districts In this island ara aiiffartnc fi'lfrlnfJrnaFfonaJ tarfff I, ?.Hi" ''"Om a SSV.r. drought and th. OUtlOOB T ii. 1 Aha tor th bnana orop la not bright It Ethn e..thiaSti S rarSnt'var-r aJd drought Is causing a greater JKit.Tnttnn mi iff ViiJ. If loB tbtM th oarthquak. In January, S 0t the nd vr 'mn. is reported In som. ut- department , N dlstHcts of St Elisabeth's parish. Six deaths from starvation hav. irnirrtkA POLTPE RH ATtE-UP A "bt earthquake ahook -the island rUJJ-LUTJ DilliVXi UI Sunday, but no damage was dona AJ WALLA WALLA rjjjjjg DAUGHTER DID NOT KILL HERSELH Speelal Dlapateb to Ta JoornaLl Walla Walla, Wash., July 80. Offi cers eleoted at the city election July 9 qualified yesterday and assumed office at noon today. Michael Davis succeeds Jerry Brown as chief of police, and (Journal Special Btrrlea.) Kansas City, Mo., July 80. Mrs. Jen nle Mathews, mother of Laura Matth- citra&A big sha police department J. , expected P tonight !.!!2?. 'AMf. 0J,be"!v,.ha wnen umei uavis iuea witn tne council his list of appointments, Patrolman Wolff, who fought Davis -in the prt- Lawson Bnyg Smelter, marles, filed his resignation today In , , anticipation of being beheaded. He will tJournal Special Strrlee.) take charge of th."clty fish hatchery . PrascotU Aris.r- July - 0. Thomas A number of patrolmen who fought Da- P'T.0'1 f. B"t0, ow Y.n"kth,1 ?um vis will probably be dropped f rom th. boldt amelter near Prescott, haying Be fore. - cured possession on July 6 of all but 6,- vuu aiinroa ui ma capita, suna u um Eonsolldated - Smelter company. Mr, awson admitted that " th. deal was closed, but would not divulg. his plans nor his associates, who ar. said to b. th. Standard OU orowd. . . v Major Huntington Dead, fjoaraal SDeeial Sriea.) Paris, July 10. Major Henry A. HunU ea KNELL OF GAMBLING SOUNDS AT KLAMATH i mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . (Siscetal Dlptcb to The JaoraaL 1 mam ath Falls. Or.. Julv so Tha edict haa gone forth from Mavor B St. itnuiiB xiaiiuif vi xuouiaaa r&iia. mar i . . : . , . , . ra. . v. all gambling within tha oorporate iim- ZFm H?i4wh .ht hi I. Tnn.t rnamtS Tha nnll. h.. k... B aOtf HSnry. WM Shot Wl HO authorised to enforoe the order, which K.i... Oairta md a r,i.ali -Ji.,7.. .it trini. r ' iV... I man a bedside, made an unsuccess; M WVX UUUt mmm,. i va. aaaaisa. AAIU1UU ins Blot machine. The tlm h&s come Bar kaM tln VI BltVl TTa 111 la MM I " 111 Waahlngton Is tha' tenter :of In-1 will not stand for th. town being wld. for men today. .. v. , i . t f open, henea the mayor's order Ib ""' " "" 1 ' ' '1J'to'5 lng the hearty approval of th. best cltl- 1 Main springs, $1, Metxgefs, til Waslw ens. , ' - . . ImtoB ltml;.v'.Jvoi:'l:l Hier rui atw i