THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; ; PORTLAND. TUESDAY . . EVENING," 'JULY 80, 1807V 13 I 1 P t JHZ,?X MAKE 10 PER .' CENT : 'Pr,ot on a thousand dollars Invest- ViV A , c5 coniroi tne money an ' ftQQjjQ "tfl FQRf I ft ' 10 - rooms. lncoma, Und mnnthlv V 1 JAft '. " 100, 14-roora house; (in furniture. 11,1 t-room house varvxionfrat 1111 I .v,rVooin house: paying welL 4760. HJCTFIELD SMITH: lit U 4th at . $860 buys, a first-class r66min! , house, with It room, nicely fur- manna, iuii or roomers; good location! owner must Imy, pity, CalH2tt N. 3d. WAtf TED-HONEST AN ' WITITT500 tor moving picture snow in rortiana; vn proposition.", Call mo'i,' 146). ., onin street. Complet. kURfflTURflVaWUgAfl.1 toryfor sal,, oheap. Enquire I II Yamhill at. bust th wood. cflMBmsuaB your wood , much cheaper. For par xiomars aaaraaa m-4D, journal. A CHANCE TO MAKE MONET A. mail hotel near large furniture fac tory, cioaa in. Thompeon uguen, in Bandy road, .phona Eaat 1085, or Wood. lawn ioi. Bar6aIN HoTeL A for sal, rood Springfield. Or-. 'frc-R AALe HALF TWTgftEflT IN A FIXTTTrHB . looamy. box , i a, rood aountrv newaoaDer and lob of' floe, in a good town, and doing a good oua nees. Address v-sos. joumu. generaL" kERCrlANDisfc- $t6r1S W littia country town; aoing a good buslneee; 18,000 a took; good ator build ing and living rooms; iota. Darn, horses, cow, to.J postofflca para $275 . par yer.r. Aaaraaa 2, journal. WILL GlVM la IffttRtSt 1M TWC household necaaaltlaa, patantad, for use of IS. 060 to a tart factory; Immense baleai.360 par cent profit; absolxitja ee- cur-r; return or money wimin nihe. guaranteed. Eaat 4260. WANTED PARTNER If LIGHT manufacturing business; will nay 320 to ISO weekly; 1160 and services re- quired. Hoom 11. - 856 H Waahlngton. 1RUG BUSINESS THE ONLY DRUG store in valley ' town, doing a good buaineaa; will aell all or half Interest In same; will rent or sell building; good opening for general merchandise in con nection ; will consider good residence, or hotel proposition in exchange.' See owner at my office. Turner, ' 101 Washington at VlOUNT ANGEL, OR., WANTS A DRY goods and general merchandise, alao 'jewelry ator; splendid opening for such. Call and see for yourself, or ad dress Doug Btone. Mount Angel, Or. DAVIS HOTEL FOR BALE, REASON- ' able terms. 110H N. Id. PLACER GOLD MINE A GtLT-EDGE W. ri. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. THREE SPECIALS NEW I ROOMS, '4 finished,, walking distance, full lot, 11,000. .i Holiaday addition lot, $800. New I rooms, Balmon St., near IJd, $3,200. . .-a -v, v ,,-.',. .;., ' . .. Coma tarty tomorrow. . F. MOZNETTflL - . ' 801 Commercial bldg. ) foil SALE-i-R66ll. NEW, WobSSRH home; best location on aaat side; oloa In; 11,800 lea than -cost and can make desirable terms. Phone Main I til, 117 4th at. " - f6r flALft-TWd LoTfl. fiakkBLEf addition: 178 cash, balance monthly. inquire zisn tsurnaiae, room 11 HOUSE FOR SALE LOT 80x100, SIX . roome. with plumbing, etc, complete ; one block from carllne; prloe f 1,100. Ad dress W-4 8 1, Journal. . (0 ACRES FINE FRUIT LAND. UNIM- ? roved, aasiiy el eared, near Portland; per acre; will trade. Hatfield emlth, 1I8H 4th st ROOM MODERN HoUSE, Lot 80s 100. fruit and aharie trwi in Alhin.- close In, 14,000. . Hatfield at Smith. TFMBETi. I-ROOM PLASTERED Coa6E; Lof 10x100: 10 minutes rlda from hmi. nessi 11,100. Hatfield A Smith, 1I6M 11U w. NEW 8-ROOM HfllJfea. MODETRN best oar sarvlca beautiful looatlon; it will pay you to look thU up. Phone Eaat )TOR sale 6 y 6WMER, Hit, Hit cash: balaeca II per month, at oer cent, a gooa lot near wuiamette oouie vard, walking dlatanca O. R. 4k N. shop and several other Industrie Call 111) Missouri ave. Take St. Johns oar, Phone woodlawn 114. ANTHONY HARDT. XJNNTON. OR. reeldenoe and buelneee lots, water front and factory sites; farms and tun ber lands. BOUGHT TW6 Lc-td CHEAP, BUT" On account of slcknees oan't complete payments; must sell immediately, u-ezi, journal. BtJCHTEL k KERNS MAKE A 8PE- claltr or eaat side realty, renuua. loans, eta ill g. Morrison at. Arbor Lodge Snap Coma quick before advance In vain holce homes and lots on St Johns 11 ;nes. ne Choice terms; make data Phone Woodlawn II 1 oroDOBttlon for investment Ruble. Welppe. Idaho. FOR BALE REAL ESTATE 14,600- SUMMER CHANCE. -A nice 8 -room house at 871 Commercial at., almoat new, modern, corner lot, near car; very easy terms. See us. 11,700 An l-room dwelling at south east corner E. Washington and 17th ats, new and modern; cash. IJ.SOO Dwelling of 8 rooms on lot be tween 86th and 17th ats. on E. Belmont, modern and new; 11,200 caah, balance time. 18,000 A (-room new house In Sunny alde, nice condition; 11,800 cash, balance easy. I3.IE0- -A snap In a l-room dwelling In Sunnyatde, on two lots; 12,650 cash, balance mortgage. 91,600 8-room good house to Sunny aide, on one lot; 8609 caah, bal ance eaay. 1,600 6-room house in Orchard Homes addition, on two lota; ' a bar gain; caah. $T100-A" 4-robm house' and one lot In Sunnyslde a snap In. small ,. ' property; $500 and monthly ' payments. . C R. DoDnell & Co. REAL ESTATE. Room II. Ill Stark st NEW1 S-R60M" HOUSE, 4 CLC-SETS woodflber piaster. 1 lots: sell cheap. H. Notter, Woodlawn. Phone Wood lawn 761. FOR SALE ON ALBINA AVE. CAR- llne, 8 housea Inquire 1014 Alblna ave. H6USE FREE LoY f 6R Ut&& tHaN value l-room house, on easy terms; lot 100x100, near fiedmont barns; i,(; caah I860; 110 per month. Phona wood lawn 1177, I MUST SELL AT ONCE HAVE A new 1-story cottage near Union, ave. close in on eaat aide. Call and see ma at room 18, 168 Stark at A. Wilson. 18,100 BEAUTIFUL SIOHTLT COR ner on Portland Heights, lOOx 100, with fine view; located near the carllne and achool. Moore Realty Co.. 17 -It, Mallory bldg.. 868 Stark at. SEVEN ACRES ON SECTION LINE road; a very short distance from Mt. Tabor reservoir; one of the best acre age InvesUnenta In Portland. J. A. Ward. 170 Stark at. New 4-r6om house at anabel; artistic and modern in design and conatructlon; In aelect neighborhood and restricted addition to Portland: for sale cheap on eaay terms; must be sold within 10 days. THE veteran land wu. 166 Sd St. TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO., Corner 2d and Washington ats. From Owner to You I WILL SELL MY HOME ON THE east aide, close to three car lines, house of 10 rooms, uodern, in pink of condition, on three lots, raised three feet from sidewalk, beautiful selection of finest shrubbery and roses galore, and the best of choice fruits In bearing and abundance. House well built and finely finished, plate glass windows, food view of the mountains snd river; ine large porchea , and convenient to one of the best schools in the city. Ad dreaa owner at once, F 466, Journal. WE WILL BUILD ANY STYLE HOUSE you like from 81.600 to 82.600. Pay va by the month. The Bpanton Co., 270 Stark atreet. 20 ACRES, THE MOST IDEAL TRACT in Portland; is ready for Immediate sub-dlvlalon, buy now and have It ready for fall trade; $760 'an acre one-third caah. The Spanton Co., 270 Stark st. liTSoTANXCliTIONAL REAL -ES-tate opportunity it is good for 60 Ser cant profit -within a year. The panton Co., 270 Stark street. FOR SALE A " 7-ROOM MODERN house on East-Ankeny and Rose City Park carllne. good aervlce. Thompson A Ogden, 848 Mississippi ave., or 882 Bandy road; phone East 1086. VOR SALE NEW MODERN 8-ROOM house, two blocks from oar. Hlahland: also fine new modern seven-room houae on union ave. in Piedmont Inquire owner, iiti union ave., im. Bargain. . Nob Hill Home. 17.660 9-room new and modern home: full concrete baaement and finished at tic: choice location on inod mm; mil lot; well Improved with cement walk, lawn and shrubbery. Could not be du plicated for leaa than 810,000. Thla la exceptionally enrap. JAMES J. FLYNN. 611 Chamber of Commerce. WE ARB STILL IN A POSITION TO locate several parties on railroad lands In aouthern Oregon, cruising better thin 4.000 000 feet per quarter section: for making tender to the company and til ing paper In the clerk's office after- ward, location. Including . all attorney vhun the sum of 816. Now coma and look Into this proposition. If you nave never ouuni mnr ; ruin .h. jwnan haratofore: remember thla doesv- not InUrfers - wlttt any of your other rights, cau aoa ui parueu lSrS. 4 mm t Open avenlnga. "Phono Main 1118. '" . tt m rfk.ii i.AN75fl. ' Intending purchasers desiring to be located upon lands with heavy timber in the land Brant of the Oregon 4k California raliroaa in soutnern urarra can secure tne same oy acting juiciy. Locatl- f 3 Including all necessary at torneys fees are reaaonaoia axi areas J. E. Verdln. Grants Paas. Or.s L60KTNa FOB TIMBER T We f fef you every advantage through our system of expert examinations which enables you to determine the suit ability of a tract without spending time or money. .If our general report indi cates that we have what you want our estimate by two and a half acres are easily verified. TRY "THE LACEY,WAT. ; JAMES D. LACEY CO., 128 Chamber of Commerce-Portland. 107 Lumber Exohange. Seattle. ands Btmnf AND BOLD IMBER te timber buyers only; we nave a rew ohotce tracts for sale which we own. Have detailed estimates by forties. O. F. Sanbourn A Co., 401-1-1 Buchanan ffl'L sifE-66LukBiA WVer, i,- reet fir 000.000 feet fir and oedar timber. C. C. Shay,-Main 1141. 106 Abington bldg. $12.6d0 BU'I'S" HALF ' iNlERkS 'tit sawmill: dally caDicltr of mill 80. 00; 18,000,000 feat, timber; Bead horses, logging outfit, eta; 160 per day net pronts, wnion can ce inoreaseo: nest of reaaons for wanting partner; $ 7,8 JO cash, balance payments, C c Shay, Mam 1K4I. SOB AoingTon Diagi PERSONAL. WN J BH DULL, AND INACTIVE; flexlne PiHe cure aU weakneas; It a box, 8 for 86; full guarantee. Address 1 u" -Mnon, druggist. Port- L J 1 1 i Ji PRACTICAL FURRIER; ff,"k,n rments redyed and re modeled; expert fitter; estimates glvenj ;?w"t..5!l,c waahlngton. Phone Main 7808. SidLES, wrInkLes. MvzAirUJWi hair removed. No charga to talk It ZlmrL,MMrm' ". room 880 Filed. ner bldg. Phone Paoino 116. BACK MjTEd OB MAOAZlN'kS AT renta Jones Rnnk ,(a ti im BEilMAW B(5(31S. MAAilNEid. NOV- 1 v,rran. ,ngusn, t rencn, Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction- Schmale Co.. Ill First st. HALbEN'S RriElUMATfc! CURB- nure cure ror rnaumit im hai.1 k nil druairlsts. CHRONtd. bKRVtUi Xiib SPECUL diseases of men and women cured b modern scientific methoda; electric treat ment ror aiaeaeea or me prostate; con sultation free. Dr. W. I. Howard. Com monwealth bldr.. 6th st. cor. Pine. MANLY VIOOR RESTORED BY DR. Roberts' Nerve Globuiea One month's treatment 82; 8 months', i:; sent se curely eealed by mall. Agents, Wood ard. Clarke A Co.i Portland. Or. MRS. .OBROClC jRAbdATE MAd seuse; cabinet bath, salt glow; alcohol rub, cream maasage; raferenoea 183 Seventh st Main 468. DR. BLNO CHOONO, iMPORifeft Ck'l neae root medlclnea; sella Chlneae tea, certain cure for all dlseaaea. Ill Id st, between Yamhill and Taylor. Turkish baths, too oreooniah HORSES, VEHICLES, HARXES8 HORSES AND BUOOIE8 FOR RENT by day, week and month; special rate to business nouses, ftn ana Mawinorna East 71. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. KELLER Harneaa Co.. 4 N. Ith st FOR SALE FARM1 WA(36M. ON gray horse, 1.160 pounds. Apply Jos eph satchel, Barnes road, 1 mues west City park. f6r sale - a speedY LIttLB driving horse, buggy and harness. Phone Woodlawn 1080. GOOD DRIVING HORBfl FOR SALS cheap.t No. 1088 Mallory ava FOR SALE FOUR SPAN HORSES, five and seven years; good workera loo MiiwauKie st. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND records: Stelnwav (and other olanoa. Shemran. Clay A Co. Ith and Morrison ate., opp. postorrice- FINE PIANO. TAKEN IN ON MORT- gage, ror sale cneap; casn or your own terms, call up Mr. urown, jaain 6Z84. Automatic 8204. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. THREE FRESH COWS FOR SALE OR trade for horse. 148 E. Madison st Phone E. 2991. FRESH COWS. E. Z. BROS. LENTS. 6 blocks of car station. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BARGAINS STEEL RANGES, stoves, iron beds, sprlnga mattresses. tables, chair a, dreasers, cbeffenlers, car pets and linoleuma, new and good as new, at loweat piicea Come and see uh; it win pay you; your goods taken in xchanee. Fox A Brower. 81 N. Sd. Phone Main 1111. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CUKE SURE cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. FOR SALE ONE HOTEL RANGE. Inquire 271 1st st. SHOW CASES AND FIXTURES. NEW and second-hand. Carlson A Kail- bide: ladlea days, cantlaman nlahta. Main 1168. tVlti PRESSED WHILE YOU WAlf. 60a Ladlaa' aklrta pressed, 60c. Gil bert, 101 Vs Sixth st, next to Quelle. fnone Main ions. MISS OIBSON GIVES SCALP TREAT ment: dandruff. 26 8 H Morrison at. room 61. BALM OF F108 FOR ALL FEMALE dlaeaaea. 626 E. Belmont Phone East 4014. 1 DR. T. J. PIERCE. SPECIALIST, bI8 eases of women; all irregularttlea cor rected; no exposure; medicine by mall. Office 111 lat at. oorner Yamhill. Port- land. Or. YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE ?1ves electrical, alcoholic and medl ed treatments, also tub baths. 41 Raleigh bldg., Ith and Washington sts. MISS LE ROY. ilH A LDEft Wf7. room 4; maasage and magnet to treat ment LADIES DR SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills are the only sure remedy for delayed periods by mall 82 per box. Dr. Pierce, 111 1st CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS JOHN A, MELTON, 104 4TH ST-Or-ftce and store fixture built and re modeled; showcases and oountera Phone Main 1787. - e. ,U&L'i6iii)htnfSL flfoftfi Tlx- turea: general jobbing. IT lat st Phone Main 1110. H6Sa MOVtNA AND' OENltRAL RiU ' pairing; foundation and carpentering. le jm. yarutnere. uwr in. CHIROPODISTS JOHN OARTNER HARD AND SOFT , corns, callous removed without pain; ingrown nans cured. Phono Tabor 101, 191 4a xl Beimont st tmkWdM and pedIcUrIHo- Mra M. U. Him Koom lie jrieianer bldg. Both phones. CHIROPRACTORS I. M. GORDON, . D. C, SCIENTIFIO sbinal adlustment aoute and ohronio diseases: nours iu to 1. 1 to . 1 to a. n-17 Haieigh bldg. COAL AND WOOD PORTLAND 8AWDUST A BLABWOOD Co 166 Front at, suooessora to Ful ton wood Co. Kir, oak, slabwood, ooaL Tel. Main 1918. Tf for phoMPT Delivery 6 SUfi: wood call Main 4171. Oak. ash. fir and coaL Port lend Wood A Coal Co uth and Savler ata WESTERN VEKB A rUL CA Houae and blaokamlth coala. charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 111 TELEPHONE EABT 7. F. B. JONEB A CO, Wood and Coal. 161 East Water st FOR QUICK DELIVER? Pri&NB Oregon Fuel Co.. 864 Alder- if CLAIRVOYANTS AND FALMISTf A MIDDLE-AGED GENTLEMAN. A Blranger in city, win be in Portland 8 or 4 days; would like to meet a lady or suitable age; oDject matrimony. B-460, Journal. 1I63 ETHEL WARD TREATS SUC- cessfuuy corns, bunlrms and Ingrown toenails: she alao manicures. Koom 10, 861 H Morrison at LADIES! DR LA FRANCO'S COll bound: aafe. speedy regulator: 26 cents, druggists or mall: booklet free. Dr. La Franco, Philadelphia. Pa. LAT3lEfl! ASK YOUR DRUOOlsf FOR Chlchesters fliia, tne Diamond Brand. For 21 years known aa beat, aafeat Always reliable. Take no other. Chi cheaters Diamond Brand fills are aold by drugglata everywhere. TWO YOUNO SOUTHERNERS DEfilRE an aooualntance with number of voun lad I ea; object, good time. M-462. Journa ATTORNEYS PIGGOTT, FINCH A BIGGER. ATTOR- neys at law. Muiaey oiag oorner 2d and Morrison sts. ASSAYERS WELLS A PROEBSTEL, MINING EN- glneers, metallurgists and asaayers, 104 U Waahlnaton St GARViN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Aasay Office. rlson st 186 Mor- Have four quarter and six half acres at East 86th at., one block from car. one from church, excellent soil Bull Run water, easy paymenta R. V. Belford, owner. Phone E. 4788. GOOD BUYS $600, INSTALLMENTS. for a lot and 2-room houae at Creston; $960 for 2 lots and large house at Tre mont Park; $1,700, Installments, for new modern 6-room house, full lot, at Cres ton. Lewis G. Conant, room 10, 268 Stark. FOR SALE 6 -ROOM MODERN COT tage, 998 E. Yamhill, Sunnyslde; owner. $1,600 SMALL PAYMENT DOWN, balance $16 ner month buys a 6-room houae; good lawn, fruit and nut trees, gas; all assessments paid; owner. Woodlawn 1822. IF TOU'HAVE $1,000 THAT YOU want to double inside of 12 months and have absolute real estate security. Join .our syndicate: the bank handles your money and holds title for you. Address D-45S. Journal. atrom fRQ Pnuch at. FREE FOR EVERYBODY RING UP Main 4290 or call 212 Front st We buy and sell furniture, clothing or any old thing. 1 2 STEAM WOOD SAWS, WILL SELL cheap. Inquire Lowengsrdt. 66 Park. BUY FROM THE SECOND HAND store where your credit Is good. 826 1st st. 1'aciric l70 ART FR-JE LESSONS IN Embi ,ldenr Every Day. THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP, 282 Waahlngton St STUDIO, BUY ROSE CITY baby swings, or Washington at lawn swings, lawn seats. 620 SHINGLES LARGE OR SMALL LOTS, The noted Port Orford cedar in stock. Call and see them, a E. Gilbert 1U Front. FOR SALE ONE 1I-H.-P. RAMBLER auto, rood order. 1200. Phone Wood' lawn 79. 6-HORSEPOWER UPRIGHT ENGINE for aale. also 7-horsnnower donkey poiier, cneap. j. u. nayer. a za st. PHILIPPINE RELICS. SPEARS, BO- los, knives, brasses at Beauregard s, 4su'j Washington st LARGE MODERN BUNGALOW, COR ner lot swell new 6-room cottage, also 6-room house; 'easy monthly paymenta Owner. Phone Eaat 676. SMALL HOUSE, LOT 70xio6. GRAY'S crossing, Mt. neon line; terms, or big TBaiin ior casn.-- owner, sit ueuum bldafr , . FINE CORNER. 60x100, IMPROVED, small house; $660. Take Sell wood car, 7H Tacoma. FOR SALE BY OWNER 6-R66M modern house, central part of town; , wood fiber plaster cellar, woodshed, fruit trees, lot 100x126: price $2,200. 203 E. Polk st., St. Johns. Phone Union 283. COOS BAY OPTION 6n ACREAGE.' to plat; snap; sure speculation; ln vestigate. Address 6-426, Journal. LOT 60x100, 100 FEtif FROli Rlffi sell at, and enough lumber and brick to buna, oniy i50. 604 Goldsmith. J00 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS ANb lota; bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Additon. Lents, Oregon. Take Mt HCOIt cur, ay, FOR SALE 100x100, AT 9TH AND Oxford, set out with choice fruit: small 2-room house; good buy. Phone Woodlawn 79. FOR SALE A GOOD STRONG FRAMEJ bicycle at your own price. 316 r argo. FOR SALE CHEAP EDISON EXHI- bltlon motion picture machine: films for rent. Newman's Motion Picture Co., 140 ft sixth street. STB ji. P. PALMER. M. VAN ALSTINE. PALMER-VA- ALSTINE CO.. REAL E. .'ATE, INSURANCE, 222 Failing Bldg. Main 666 L A-2658. FiVE ACRES FOR $3,000; A SNAP. ON Arlington heights. , Top of Canyon road near council ureet; an piattea. Andrew Kan. 187. Morrison st quarter block, cor. Ufa ana cpirng. sts. -ortiana Heights, by owner. Auureaa a-oo, journal. FOR SALE BY OWNEiR; NEW iVE . room modern house; close in; lot 60x joo: easy terms, wail or address 901 E. Klgntn at. ix. BEAUTIFUL BLOCK, HOLLADAY'S addition; 2 houses; will bring $60 per month cheap for cash; see owner on SMALL COTTAGE, PLASlERKt) fhrougnout; ciosa to car; izs down, balance $10 per month. Inquire 271 Yamhill st. after 8 p. m. Also 6 full lots. BY OWNER, 4 FOR" COT- taae:lot 40X12B: leaving city. In quire T. B. araasnaw, red house, 3 blocks est of Nashville, Mt Scott car. FOR SALE 2 LOTS ON BROO'KLTlsf Heights, ivixiva, east lacing, or sell eparately. $660 each. 10 acres of 18 deep river bottom, all In bearing orchard, on river at Rose burg,' $2,600. Will exchange for Port land property. R. F. M02NETTS, BOB Commercial blk., 2d and Wash. st. FINE COTTAGES LOWEST PRICEa $1,0004 rooms, plenty of fruit ii.soo to 81.900 6-room modern, full plumbing, gas and electric Hchts: fiber IJfiri , a-iiiiiaufc-sj va ssvavawi M UWWi ifulre 208 4th. Tel. Mam 8990, SfrtHTLY 'RESIDENCE. LOT aOxlfltf. null Run water. cement walks and curbs -all paid, for,' and less than two blocks "from carllne, only 16 minutes" from heart of clty $460, terms, Co lumbia uoucn bidg. 14 600 NEW HQLLADAY PARK RES- J idence: six room a modern; fine sight-1 ALL KINDS REAL ESTATE BOUGHT, - sold and exchanged. Abraham White, 227H Waahlngton at. corner 2d, Labbe bldg., offlcea 8 and 9. Both phones. NEW ADDITION FINE LOTS 60x100, streets 60 feet, near car station at Lents, 60 car rare; only IU; terms. Take Mount Scott car. O. R. AddlUoh. Lents, Or.. 6c fara FOR MOVSEfl AND Lots CALL AT KOI ri. st sr., or pnone laoor 011. HAVE YOUR ABSTRACTS MADE BY Security Abstract A Trust Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce. QUARTER BLOCK. . Normandale. 100x100; fine corner rood bargain; for short time by owner. 8480: terms. Address journal. FOR SALE, ALL OR PART OF LOTS 16, 16, 17, IS, block 16, Burkley: these are high and sightly, racing south. J. B. Smallen, owner, iusw uivision at, NEW 4-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, near s canines; line location; terms or cash. Phone East 6404. , $860, TERMS. TAKES COMFORTABLE 6-room nouse; water, eiectrio tignt, barn,, fruit, lot 40x120, 2 blocks Mount ucott car, iNasnviue; owner, ivi urana ave. N. 81.600 CASH. For sale" by owner, 6-room house, 886 E. 34tn, lot fioxioo. inquire on prem ises. ' " ' QUARTER ' BLOCK IN IRVINGTON; aiao a- sinaie lot. ov owner. ii wu- llamg at, cor. McMlllen. FO SALE FARMS. 40 ACRES: HOUSE: GOOD BARN: snrlncr and creek; plenty fruit: cher ries, tsaruett rears, appies. ana prunes of different Vftrfetles: one hour by train from Portland; good timber; good poul- try rancn. '4. arms ?,uuu casn, Aaareas Box 18. route 4, Sherwood, Or. DON'T BUY A FARM. WHEAT OR stock ranch, until vbii talk -with Turner, he knows where to find them. Office. 808-Washlnat on st. 88-ACRE FARM. , SUITABLE FOR stock or fruit. Phone Woodlawn 190. TDEBER. ly location; reasonable terms. 718 E. Muitnoman su. Owner, I FOR FARM AND-TIMBER LAND SEE i;uiara ana ciayton nosenurg; vr. 100 LAYING HENS, 60 PULLE registered Jersey. House and acreage to rent. Woodstock car, 86 Holgate. $9 BUYS GOOD WHEELER-WILSON sewing machine. Call room 25, 291 2d. FOR SALE 28x50 J. I. CASE SEPAR ator; self feeder, wind stacker; 16 horse Russell engine; all ready for Im mediate use. Fred G. Conley, Gresham, Oregon. FOR SALE CHEAP FIVE-ROOM COT- Mt. tare: two lots: Archer olace. ucott car, reter Hendricks. WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Tw75 wheels, lady's and gentleman's: for particulars call 895 2nd, cor. Harrison. FURNITURE OF 4-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale. Including Eclipse range. Eclipse heater, folding bed, two iron beds, springs and mattresses, dresser, dining table, two kitchen tables, corner chair, 4 rockers, 6 dining chairs, two stand tables, cooking utensils, lamp and dishes; $86 takes it. 691 E. Everett st. city. FOR SALE COUPON GOOD FOR $43 on any piano or organ in Reed-French store. Will accept best offer, no matter how small. F-453, Journal. if BERGES' ART STUDIO, 644 H Washington st High grade oil paint ings In landscapes and portraits made to order. ARCHITECTS ERNST KRONER, ARCHITECT Plans and specifications; also building superintendence. H. J. HEFTY, ARCHITECT. LUMBER Exchange, room 423. ACCORDION DRESS PLEATING MISS a GOULD, 617 S WETLAND bld.7. Accordion pleating and buttons covered. See lelyin For ADVICE THAT WILL DO TOT7 OOOD. Melvln has made thousands of dollars for Portland peopla He has deoetved nona If your mlnlna stocks are a fail ure be will tell you. If you have 'money to Invest, do not throw ft away. Melvln will guide you and ahow you a way to success. He advises in buslnesa Do not buy or sen real estate; no not invest in any. thing before consulting him: let Melvln be your guide and you will always be successful PROF. MELVTN TELLS TOUR NAMUJ, AQHJ, OCCUPATION. WHERE YOU LIVE. NUMBER OF TOUR HOUSE AND THE STREET WITHOUT ASKING A QUESTION, without any previous knowledge and having no natural means of knowing who you are, whence and for what you cama He tella you of frlenda and enemies, who la true and who la falae, tells you whom and when you will marry, giving name, datea, facta and locations; taking no fee In advance and accepting none unless satisfaction is given. LOW FEE. 60 cents. 61 centa 60 cents, 60 cents. BANKS. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON. Northwest Corner Third an! Oak Ptreeta 'Transacts &neral Banking Buainess. DRAFTS , IS8TJTTJ Available tn mad? - th V014 fit1 Europe, Honxkong and Manila. CoUeeUotue Eft.T?!yTcVWwoR"ra t cashier. ,w. tarMTTn Vice-President.... ..n7 LEA BARNES Assistant lhter. ...... .W. A. ULS Assistant Cashier. '; AM. W..IQHT ADD ' ffatabttshed 111. 1 3. W. LADD. fK. DBj"AHTME-T. on time riia TlLTON.-,nANKERfl Portland. Oregon, i am?Jn"tS General BanWflf Businesa kyA Py1na-a boofca iued on aayin" deposttw. Intereat paid MECIiNAT8' NATIONAL BANK Portland. Orairo" 8. d CATCHING.. Uleoond A wristant Cashier . Transacts a General Banking Buslnesa Drafts nd Cotters fJJ2f AvallaM. to a n p,rt,"of the World. Collections a Specialty. . . . Vlea-PreeMent Asalftaat Casta at VM. R. M ACRE A 1 1 T. tTRTCHAELL....Asst Managof FIRST NATIONAL BANK Portland, Or. Oldeot National Bank Pelll Coaal CAPITAL AND arm PT.rra ti sna aaa aa mrPOHITS. IK.000,00 A. L. VTT.tji . . , rt At vrtvn . " Aaaiataat CastltST . J. W. NEWKIRK Caahler B. F. STEVEN 8. .Seoond Ass't Caatift TRUST COMPANIES. , PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY Or OREGON Tho Oldest Trust Company W Oregon RESOURCES OVER 12,200,000. General nankin. Two Prflf!; , Interest on check accounts (even hundreds) on daily balanosg of $600 of - -'.-r-v crwan na exenange on su parts m low. . tttLtM isaa . Time cerUflcatea. I to 4 per cent; ahnrt-call special eerxvca-. . r, IU to 4 per cent. Call for Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS. ' , , Southeast Corner Third and Oak Sta Phone Private whsgo TJ t COHEN Prealdent I H. L. PITTOCK. . . .. J"P!2!2 E PAOET. Secretary J. O. GOLTRA. .. .Assistant georatarf CO. 266 Morrison Street Pwrt'and, Ortf Buslnesa SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.. 1 , Ings Accounta Acts aa Trustee for. awtasaa, , CKCTJRITT SAVINGS A TRUST . 1 Transacts a General Banklnc ' Lirarta and Ittara of rvedit Avallahla on All Parts ox me C. F. ADAMS President I U A LEWIS First Vtoa-frealdaol a. i MILS... Second Vlee-Prestdent R. C JUBITZ GEO. JO. RUSSELL Assistant Secretary .fteoreiar 1ITLE OTTARAVTTMB A TBT7HT W1MPANT 340 Waahlnarton Street' 1 MORTGAGE LOANS ON Portland Real Estate at Loweat Rata Tttla Insured THOR BURN ROSS. GEORGE H. HILL Vice-President Abstracts Furnished. Prealdent JNO. E. AITCHISON President T. T. BURKHART TreaswreT - BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. THE BENSON BLDG-, 211 tt Morrlaon at, corner Fifth. PHONE MAIN 7246. Alwaya Conault the Beat PROFESSOR KHIMO, Greatest living astral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; adviser on buainess and all affairs of life; tells your full name and what you called for, whom you will marry, how to control the one you love, even though miles away; re unites the separated: aires secret bow- era to control; does all others ad' :rtlae to do. Hours 10 to k dally and Sunday. I62H Washington st Phone Main 1217, Mrs. Palmer The World Wonder V Palmist and Psychologist She reads your life with unerring sight 29 N. 8d st, Portland. CONSULT THE BEST IT WILL PROVE CHEAPEST IN THE END. FREE TEST! FREE TESTi Take this advertisement te PROF. D. NIBLO. I03H Washington st. M ORRIS BROTHERS. Chamber of Commerce Building. Municipal. Railroad and Public Service Corporation Bonds; OWNING-HOPK1NS COMPANY Established 189 8 BROKERS. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bough t and Sold for Cash and on Margtn. Private Wlrea. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phona Main fT, 1- Oyerbeck & Cooke Company! ffiKw,a& GRAIN, PROVISIONS, COTTON. STOCKS AND BONDS. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. Continuous Markets by Private Wire. Quick Servlca GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD. LEAVING PORTLAND. Shasta Exoreas 8:11 a m. Cottage Orove Paaseager . 4:16 p. m. California Express 7:46 p. m. San FTanciaco icxprees ,...u.v p. w. webt mum. Corvallls Paasenger 7:00 a. m. Sheridan Passenger 4:1? P- Forest Grove Passenger a. m. 'Forest Grove Paasenger .. 8:80 P- Southern Pacific ARRIVING POBTXJLXr Oregon Express Till Cottage Grove Passenger.. 11:00 Shasta Express 7:8f p. m Portland Express 11:80 p. m WEST SIDE. Corvallls Paasenger 8:88 p. m. Sheridan Paaaenger 10:80 a. mw Forest Grove Passenger.. 6:00 a. m. 'Forest Grove Passenger.. 2:60 p. m. Northern Pacific. Twmm mnA Hattla Kid. . . . 8:80 tL m. North Coast A Chicago Llm. 1:00 p. m. Puget Sound Limited :v p. m. Overland Expreaa . . 11:45 p. m. North Coast Limited . Portland Expreas Overland Express ..... Puget Sound Limited . .... T:00 a. t. 4:18 a. m. 8:18 n. m. 10:66 p. ny Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. Local Passenger .......... 8:00 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 8:30 a. m. Spokane Flyer 7:00 p. m. in. City A Chi. Exp. 7: p. m- Spokane Flyer , 8 hi, Kan. City A Port Ex.. hloago-Portland Special .. Local Passenger 8:00 a. m. . 9:45 a. m. 8:20 p. m. 8:46 p. nv Astoria & Colombia River. Astoria and SeasldaExp. . . . Aatorla A Seaside Express. "Seaside Special ......... auy exoept punoag. 8:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 1:10 p. m. Astoria A Port Passenger. 11:10 p. m. Portland Express 10:01 p. m. Saturday only. All other trains dally. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORKS Id and Everett sts. rnone siain Prophetess Viola Marshfleld. spirit medium. SUM Morrison st MAY ANDREWS, CARD READER. AT 126 Main at., 2 to. Phone Main 7548. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. W.M.MILLER, V. 8., VETERINARIAN. 26 N. Ith at Phone Main 1601. All branches of the aclenoe. CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL for horaea and doga. lit Gllaan st Phone Main 1484. DR. C. E. BROWN, D. C. M. DO 09 and horse hospital. 101 N. Out st Main 4081). HOTELS THE BELLEVUE. EUROPEAN PLAN, ith and Salmon. H5f EL Portland, Am. plan, 13. 35 oaf BELVEDERE. European; 4th and Aider! HARDW. WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS made to order. Portland Hardware Co 74 Ith. INSURANCE ISAAC L. WHITE. FIRS INSURANCE, 344 Sherlock bldg. DRESSMAKING AUTOMOBILES HOWARD M. COVEY. A rent Pierce Great Arrow, Locomobllea, Cadi 11 ao and Knox. Temporary location Club Garage. 16th and Alder sta BLANK-BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS A KILHAM, 109-111 2D st Blank books manufactured; agents for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf, the beat on the market BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES BUTCHER8' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A. Dekvm. 131-183 1st st. carries a full line and cc .iplete assortment at lowest market prloea. S. BERKENWALD A CO., 304-806 Ev erett st. largest butcher supply house on the coast. Write for catalogue. DRESSMAKER FROM SAN FRAN- clsco wishes a few more customers; alteration work neatly dona 284 id at Phone Pacific 805. MADAME ANGELES 243 FIFTH. PA- clflo 983. IAs. Met w66d. ByPL6YERfl' L1A blilty and Individual accident security bonds of all klnda. Phono 47. 803 Mo Kay bldg. EDUCATIONAL BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COL LEGE. Elks' Building, Portland. Oregon. Chartler shorthand and Bliss book keeping aa taught in the Behnke-Walker will lead you to success. Facts 737 calls for help and placed 811 since Aug. l. win place you wnen competent mi roll now. CLEANLNQ AND DYEING CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRES8ED, 31 ber month. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark st. H. W. TURNER, DYER CARPETS 606 Jefferson st dyed a specialty. Mam zti. HERE IT IS! CLEANING. PRESSING and dyeing done by experts. 648 waahlngton st. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE FOR TRADE A GOOD 36-ACRE farm to trade for Portland property; has small honse and stable and 10-acre full bearing orchard apples and prunes. 1 mile of railroad station, about 6 acres brush, balance In cultivation. Title Guarantee A Truat Co., corner 2d and Washington sts. AUTO RUNABOUT IN BEST ORDER; will exchange for good horse am! buggy, i-465. Journal. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A 6 room modern cottage; win exchange for outside Drooertv or vacant lota. Thompson & Ogden, 848 Mississippi ava, or 882 Bandy roaa. rnone tuast ions- WE HAVE A CLIENT WHO WANTS to move west, he owns 1100.000 worth of good city, farm and other property which ha desires, to exchange for Oregon jropertyor any aina; give description n first letter: write today. B. F. Loos Co., ues Aioines, la. F. THOMAS, FEATHERS AND feather boas cleaned, curled and dyed: work called for and delivered. 764 Water st, Portland, Or. Phone Main 2375, ; CARPET CLEANING PORTLAND EUSINESS COLLEGE, Tenth and Morrison. A. P. ARMSTRONG. LL.B.. PRINCIPAL. Open all the year. Private or class in struction. Position certain when comne tent All modern methods of bookkeep er tausht: also corresDondenca. raDld calculations, office work, Chartler short hand; easy, rapid, legible, catalogue free, BTAITDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. Largest plant on coast; Lorlng and Harding ats.; phone East 280; carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; steam and compressed atr process; renovating mattresses and feathers n specialty. FOR 8ALE OR TRADE A STEREOP. ticon witn illustrated songs ana slides and lecture; value 3126. Address B-466. journal. EXCHANGE LARGE STORE BUIL1V ' in, splendid for general store, good valley town, would exchange for Itock of goods and rant back, or take farm or oity property. - Owner H-468, Journal. PERSONAL LADIES. IF YOU ARB UNEASY - about, yourself If your -condition or health is not what it ought to be, con sult Dr. Isabella Mackle. She has helped others,, she wlU surely help you. She treats by natural methods. Room 10. ISO It Morrison at Phone Ain 7110. JOYCE BROS.. PROPRIETORS OF THE Electric Cleaning works; carpets c.eaned and laid, both dry and com prassed air cleaning; carpet refitting our specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Main 2 It 2 and A-2872 270 Grant st HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Washington and 10th sts. Fltedner bid a. Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Typewriting and all English branches taught both day and night financial Alb T6 six w6rMy" vouna- ladles who wish to take shorthand course. Apply at onca at office. 617 Commonwealth bldg., Ith and Burnslde sts. L' BRONSON1 SALMON' STljbld 6f shorthand and typewriting; full course In 12 weeks; open all summer; established is. Muner . bldg., w. Park and Morrison. SHORTHAND, THE GRAHAM SYSTEM Taught by an expert Actual office ex nerlence. Positions secured when com' petent. Butler, publio stenographer, 814 tne ueicum. 8END YOUR BOY TO HILL MILITARY academy, Portland, O.-. aloe-ue. Write for cat ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES M. J. WALSH CO.. 811 STARK ST.. Electric and Gas Fixtures and Supplies, Mantels, Tiling. Grates and Doglrona. PACIFIC CO. ENOl- ilectrlo Stark. You can buy some things in the stores to day that were adver tised in y e 8,t e r d a y's Journal for less than the merchants paid for them for such are the vicis situdes of storekeepingT It is economy to read the store ads. ' ELECTRIC neers. contractors, repairers. wiring, supplies. 84 1st, cor. Mam 6B. K. H.Tate, Mgr. WESTER KLfiCTRlfl WORKS. i Ith st. Contractors, electric supplies, motors and dynamos, wo Install light anopower piani a MORRISON ELECTRIC ' U Fixtures, CO-291 wiring. TT re- Morrison St' pairing. East 8128. FAIRBANKS, MORSE MOTORS AND dvnamoa . Stark ats. - A. C and D. C. 1st and LAND SCRIP WANTED AND FOR BALE ALL klnda Including approved forest re serve serin for surveyed, unsurveyed, timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton, 'The Portland." Portland LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES L. MASTICK A CO, FRONT and Oak sts.. leather and skins of every description for all purposes; sole and tap cutters; findings. MONEY TO LOAN MONET MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MUNKI MUWK X SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. OBT 110 TO 3100. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER -ARSnT.TTTWT.T NO SECURITY. LOWEST RATES EASIE8TPATMENTS A CALL WILL CONV1NAJ1S tuy. REMEMBER, IF YOU WORK. WE WILL ACCOMMODATE YOU. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK7 RAILROAD MEN A SPECIALTY. STATE SECURITY CO.. 704 DEKUM BLDG. HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WED, AND SATURDAY TILL I P. M. MONfeY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY Industrial, mining, railroad and timber propositions of merit flnanrml- loans negotiated; stocks and bonds bought and aold on strictly com mission basis. Companies Incorporated and organised. Bond Issues prepared and marketed. Our brokerage depart ment offers the best racuiues iur mak ing safe and profitable inveatments, and Is the qulcaest medium for financing food propositions. Oregon Realty Co., uite 8-9, 362 Washington st Phone Main "630. Portland, Or. MnKlT TO LOAN On Improved city property or for build i mimo-M for from 2 to 10 years' time, with privilege to repay all or part inan after two years. Loans ap proved from plans ana money advanced aa building progresses; mortgages taken up and repiacea. c- FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agant, III otara r MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PBO , pie Just on your own name; dont borrow until you see ma; my syatera . , Is the best for railroad men, clerks,' bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other ' employes; business strictly confidential ' F. A. Newton. Ill Buchanan bldg. lis , Washington. h WILL LOAN 88.000. PER CENT, ON real eatata Farripgton, 311 Fantoa MONEY ?6 LOAN: LAROfi LOANS specialty; alao building; loans; lowest rates: fire Insu'anea. William G. Back, in railing oiag. QitcK LOANd 6M aLL jBEV5iJHHt-L S. W. King; 45 Waahlngton bMg. - Main 1100. kONEY t5 LOAM 6N ALL VOfLS of security.- William Boll, room a, Washington olds;. ' To LbAM-fltMri to fiUlT CN CHAT- tel security. K. A. Frama 614 th Marauam. WANTED io.660 LOAN 6W property from I to I years: value three times amount wan tad. 101 Com mercial bidar. A L6Arf Por THri AsKlN(3 SALARY or Chattel. The Loan Co 410 Cekunt bldg. MONKY-T6 LOAN W 1500 Tfl Charleson aV Co.. Commercial. - Mcino iie. no bo'T b6rr6W m6neY 6M SALA7 untu you see Hutton Credit Co. ' (IS Dekum bldg. ' MONEt TO LOAN1 . 6M IMPROVES city property or for building 1 pur poses. Columbia Lire 4k Truat Co- 314 MONEY TO LOAM bit raL ESTATE. chattel mortgages or personal ae curity; notes bought C. WT Pallet t, $04 Fenton bldg. ,t DON'T WORRY $10 TO $100 LOANED salaried peopla with or without se curity. Crescent Loan Co . 423 lie hawk bldg. ' " MONUMENTS NEXT at KINGSLEY. 161 1ST ST. Portland's leading marble and granite worka MUSICAL PIANO, ' VIOLIN. CORNET. TROM- ..A'tV "'"" A. Smith. 284 12ih st - Main 4708. MACHINERY THE H. 1 C ALBEB . CO. SECOND- hand machinery, sawmills, eta. . 24$ Grand ava . ; a. 3. PAUL, iod &t 6f .-A. C6ii plate Una sawmill machinery also engines and bollera ' 03TEOPATH10 FUYSICIANL DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON. 8PB. claliat on nervous acuta and ahmnla diseases L Offica 111 Fenton bldg. Phona Pacific 1190. ' . . , . . DR. a B. NbRTHRuAj 4i5-i6-lf Cfi kumbldg. Sd, and Waahlngton sta Phona Main 34, Examination free. CbNFlDENTIAL LOANS ON SAL- ri.a. insurance bollclea pianos, fur nitura warehouse receipts, eto.t any de serving person may secure a liberal ad vance, repaying by easy weekly or monthly Installments. NEW ERA LOAN 6 MORTGAGE COM. 106 Ablngton Bldit ; GASOLINE .ENGINES GASOLINE ENGINES. Stationary and marine; eiectrio equip ments; launches: accessories; wholesale and retail engine repairing. Reieraon Machinery Co.. 182-4-6 Morrison t. SHEFFtECb M"ARtNE ENGINES. AN t fropeller. . Falrbarka. .Morae & Co and Stark sta REFITTEDs. GASbLINB "ENGlNKels low price; call or wrlta KalrbarJta, Moras & Co, tit and gtark sta, UNCLE METERS LOAN OFFICE. 14$ 3d at. near Alder." established 1870 1 old and reliable; any amount loaned on watches, diamonds, jewelry and aeal sklna. iJX'ry.vJ'Wi-''.' M6NE AbVANCEb SALARIED PK6 ple and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offlcea In 40 principal cities; save yourself money . by getting ou terms first TOLMAN, til Ablngton Bldg. CASH . ON HAND FOR PURCHASE money, raortgagea, bonds for deeds or contracts of sale on real estate,, either country-or city property-, h. E, Nobla Commercial blk. la and Waahlngton, PUBLIO STENOG HAP1LE RS MISB X B. MAT. 80S 8 WE TLA ND copying oeeaa ana abstraeta spee'lty. FATE KANDLE. 309 ALtSKY BLDG, PAINTING AND PAP-JUNO, P,. A. DOANE GIVES BEST ESTIMATB for satisfactory work. 288 Yemhlll PLUMBEKS FOX A CO.8ANITARY PLUMB Bits. 231 2d. bet Main ind Salmon Ore.oo phone Main IQ01..-----.. ,Y";-, . jr- DONNERBERO RADEMACIIEfi moved to NO. 303 Burnslde PAINTS, OIL ANl"1 GLASS F. E BEACH a CO THS J'l" Paint Co. -Window glass aej 136 lat st Phone 13H. RLUBEn STA-V P. C. STAMP WORKS, "j Phone Wain 710. ' aeala. stenuiU: b" 1 brass sis-na and 1 " 4