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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1907)
. THE : OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. TUESDAY, EVENING, JULY SO, 1S07. ban Francisco Office Oregon Journal 789Market,St,bet JdV4th AXtrmmrurwTM Ain van . scjuvtio bxosxtjbs. - . Oregonlans when la San Francisco can bev their mall sent 1b on cf Ths Journal offloe, ARTHUR I FISH, Re-pfsssntatlvo. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS J 00 v 400 J7I ... , : NOTICES NEW . TODAY, LAMBERT, WHITHER CO. ; Rea Estate Department, ; w noouoox uo. - SSeron Parir"Bass Llns Road" 8-acre tract la cultivation, S100 par acre and up. . This Is one of tha best buy In Multnomah county "Invest! 1,000 ACRES z , IT par acrs. Call and Investigate and w will show you a money-maker, , 80. ACRES ; Suitable for subdivision, Tha baat buy In ths vicinity of Lents.- . J A SNAP Half block on Grand avs, ."solid ground." ' This is a Una stors or. fac tory sit. On of tha cbaapaat buys on tba East Bids, o. - v 10x100, room house, modern eon vntences,"lQast ltd at ; $110.00 Per ;Acre - If acres, . I miles from city limits. A good buy. " NOTICE OF iTHJB BAt.E OF 8TATB Lands Notice la hereby given tnst the state Lana ora win receive seaiea blda until t o'clock P. M., on September . If 07, for the purcitsse or tne rouow lns described Indemnity School Land. to-wit: - ",r ' NWt Of SIGH t Section II T 4 N. . DWU nf llMtlnn 1. NWK 700 I of NWii of NWJ4 of Section Jl I t n i..ti it till a of Bee llftl,l T. , i.i f it II 14. 15, ... .,wm t va , , - -I . , a o 1 M a RmHah 91 lilt 1 fir KMLltm 08 tlon J. SB4 I SB54 of Section 1 f U N. R. WV , ' " twit county? ZT'-' ,. m 100 8H of BH of Section 10 T 1 8. R. II E. All of Section II T " r. rku of nwu af section a 400 R. 10 fi , , , . NEH of BE or Deciion Park Iand cotnpanr to ElUateth , A. Power, lot I, block 106, Uni versity park.,.. Title Guarantee 4 Truat company to Elisabeth A, - Power, lot 6, - block t. WMt Piedmont.' . R. JU Free borough t al. to B. f, oirne, jot i, wock , Monta- . Walter' C and Mary E. Smith ti ' rrmoK ana Aaaie Tabor, lota It ' and 18. block Kit KlnmnnJ ' B. F. Ayera to Earl W. MoHobl Anton N. Ledvlna to' WviielVuV. y uiuc i, r-aru view aaui- Portland Ileal ty A Truat company-' Y w " J"",UJ"1B, ioia- a ana e,: ; Joeeph and! Alice J. JNaah to Hen- ry C. Wulf. lot 6. block. 8, " .' 9"byr t Portland Railway, , 'in t-ower company, an un- , divided half of portion of the D. It- C of Jacob Zimmerman and wife, in townahln 1 north. s ............... Jana Haatlnga to Oeorje Smith, iiurin za ie fir lot a iTinNAtr. fDevera & Labbe'a aubdlvlalon Of block "V." aihlna hnmnluil Theodora . Kaieberc to Llna H. Kwinc tot ii, block 10, Arleta No I........... i... anca or mortaaaa loana. call on Paclflo of Section 4-j, l.ot 1 oi neciion a n inie et -i-ruatco., Z04---7 trailing oias. i o. xv. . IVT. ' of nU, NM Tof 8E4. SE4 of Sf ot Section 17 T I 8. R l ' m wu4tf skm or section i, . til D if n " .. . .rmii .J of NB14 or oection " " . B w "4 or oeciion t f g" nnfu n aitu RRU of BWU. of See- MM I tlon 11 NEii oYNW. NW of NKML J Of Section ll T 8. R. 17 B. . SWU of Nil it or section 700 s. R. II S. .. NE Of 8WU Of BCCUOn I, WW f 8. R. J H o . WfiOhANe aWd ab- ToFbw iracia o real eaiaie rrom ine i mwu nu Guarantee A Truat Co 140 , Waahlngton a RlE? T It 6. R. 1 at., cor. Id. . BWU bf SecHon II, NKU of , of NEH of Section II T 17 MARRIAGE LI CESSES. NEU of Section 1. NwU Of NW14, E of NWIi. NW14 fE. NB14 of 8W, EU of BE of Section 11 WW , Notices. NOTICE OB STOCKHOLDERS' MEET i ' f ' ' IKO. . - Tha underalgned lncorporatora of the Portland Country Club ft Uv Itock aeeoclatioft, dealitnated by a majority of auch Incorporator to open books and receive subscriptions to the capital miw. . w iiib curporaiion anq lo IIX HELP WANTEP ftlALE. wanticd siNatiB man, about n years old, to drive retail oil wayon on commission; must have good refer ence. Address A-481. Journal. ' SEVERAL, GOOD MEN WITHOUT DK- lly to prepare for U, S. "Chinese and immigration v Inspector. - 'Appncauona upon a time for a meeting of th aub- "t be-filed at once. . Lift po one, acribera to the stock of said corpora- big salary, Ejanilnalon Ast 11. See WANTEDOKEA ESTATE. PROPERTY WANTED 1 WANT A bargain In full also resilience lot; not over 20 minutes" out. H. Atlen, 27QJBtarlt. miviwj v..t m iJivaiiiia uv (lie iud crlbera or tha ilnrk of th Unrtinnii Country Club A Uv Stock aasoclaUon, in v nmu i vommerciai ciud rooms in day. the 17th day of August. 1107, at tha hour of four o'clock n ,mA t th Surpose of electing not less than three tractors of aald corporation, aa the stockholder present ahaJl datermlnA. the adoption of by-laws, and for the transaction of SUch other hualneaS mm may propeny come before the meeting. ,1-uruMd, iLreon,. juiy zm, ' ; . . O. A. WE8TOATB, TOM RICrfARDSON, ' ' Incoroorator. N THS UNITED STATES DISTRICT inHav wiit coast bcnoois, sis Oregonlan bid. Open evenings. ' ; WANTED FIRST " CLASS littiCU man. 441 E. Morrison. . '' '", WANTEDMAN TO RU. Rip' SAW. Aianuiaciurin; WANTEP 7TO BKKT WANTED ' TO RENT HOU8E8. COT tagea. flata,' atorea, office, rooming houses, eto. Landlorda will do well to call on ' PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF , OREGON. ' . Phone B. 71. ' M. E. Cor. Id anT Oak. WSNTlD TO HIRE A OENTLJg ' , horse for light work on grocery team, L-418. Journal. . - - . ''y'21' WANTEDROOM AND BOARD WITH FOR KENT HOUSEKEEPING FURNISHED HOlTsrcKtthjPINf; ISE Clarence E. Wallenateln. 417 Eaat Hat St., is; Barbara Hefner, 1. Gordon Stuart, 111 Thurman at, II; Janet McKennon, IS. Jesse R Martin. Ill Eaat ITth at. II: xUiia lxuise lxttman,, .10. All of Sectlou 14 T 40 8. It. 1 B. Klamath County: . 1 Of Beet lan I T 11 8. ft. 7 E. BWU of SEU of Section 16. BE 14. of 8EK of Section II. NM - of NEK of 6. W. Haniler. Crab tree. Or.. 11: Pearl I aZ.,, as n i ' a "V "'""X "L r.-u .. t.?ci ?n w.wb. oi i-"' i- clem. ,.-.1., ... iqru 0( section 11, Kwv 01 section BUl"ihht"- Woolworth. 11: Patience W-AlfiJ".1 ' 80B 10 T " "SlTO-ln' tsr.n. w.n. w.-l. ... L NWH of NBU of Section I. NJ4 Jennie Collier, 18. ofliEU of Section II, 8EU. Wedding Cards. W. Q. Smith k Co.. I of NEU of Section 17. 8W4 of NWU. Washington bldg.. corner 4 tb and Wash-1 NV4 of SWU, WH of BSSi of SecUon ingion sis. 14 T II B. n. II b ' ' txr.ii " .4- .w- I . 4AA 1.. I I . Lot 1 of Section 11 T II B. R. 14 K. irouuiim iiui i a. iiaa uaa l a u w iur au. . " . - i ,i Alvln S. fltwk. 144 Id at. of be or eecuon ia,T is m. Tonaeth A Co.. dorlats. for flowers of I Zt boh a i. w aa a alt Win. ill w I "1-J wvwW .i.m. w.a D fc. IH11IJT. v- Clarke Bros.. FlortaLa Fina flnwara I Tit 1 af Section 1T40SR.11E. and floral designs. IS Morrison at I 6E4 of 8EU of Section I, NWU of Full drees suits for rent. .11 aLaaa. I ?E ia or BecMon s . . JU. ti si- ni - ian uounivi fcj w TS vi - m vs v w , 8. R. I W, FINE BUVS f 500O Swell home on EaiOth it, near salmon; fine lot, rooms, big reception hall, pan pantry, .full concrete "basement, concrete iide- 1 walk J, fireplace, furnace, excellent ' plumbing, porches, front ana rear an exceptional buy. -6S2S0 S rooms, modern, has hot water beating syitem, porches front ana rear, line piumoine;, iuu ot in select location,; East Ankeny it i i erms can oe arrangea. , ' : . Commonwealth Trust Co. Sixth and Ankeny. -, QOOD BUYS room, all modern, 'with full cement easement, ana waeatuoa vet. . 7-room, 1 lots.,...,,.. 6-room, modern.,. C-room, 1 lots................ . B-room ... .................... 6-room 4-room, t lots. 4-room ........................ ...................... . , Vacant lots. glOO to S400. , ' All Juasy lerma. . aee r M,S,BROWN ' Millard Are Moon Boot! Carllne. 1,BUU 1.800 i ISO WEATHER RETORT The high pressure area over the 'northern Rocky mountain atatea baa In creased In energy and remained nearly stationary. The narometer ia relatively low over California and Arizona, and the disturbance over the upper St. Law rence valley has advanced east to the New England coaat. Shower have oc curred in northeastern Washington, northern Idaho, western Montana, New Mexico, eastern Colorado, weatern - Ne braska and In the Atlantic state from Philadelphia to Jacksonville. Unusually warm weather prevailed yesterday in Oregon and temperatures of 80 degrees r more were common throughout the Willamette valley and In the southern portion of the state. . Indications are for cooler weather In this district tomorrow, with conditions favorable for ahowers tonight or to morrow in western Oregon and weatern Washington, - Tamo. ' .. -Max, Min. Preclp, Dimiia SEUOf BW i. .t !WJ?.I2??S R- 10 W. i,i. iiuui iiirii, ruiioo fr I Mrn S Of Section 17 T 11 8. on. RnsSSSi it m, .-a -uJ. .i J EH of NWU. EH of SBU of Section ROSEWuly 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Syl-J,,. ijvit of Section 11 I 18. R. I XL vesier, noses, i Ban Karaai street, a B-o Bectlon J4 T I 8. R. I K. , Multnomah County: -NEU of 8ection 11 T 1 N. R. I E. Sherman County: Lota 1. 1, 1, 4, NH of NE H of Sec tion 1 T 1 N. R. 11 E. Of BE it of Bectlon IT T 4 B. R. BWH of BWU or section II I IB. It. IS xu. DEATHS BAM MAN July It. Mrs. Francis Bam- man. aged II years, I months and 1 aays, fast lira and Powell street; nhy thlsls pulmonolis. 1 THOMAS July IT. Mra. Winifred .iSTnVvM ZLr.LM 'nd " Tillamook County day a. E0I North atreet: aanllltv CULVER July 17. Mabel Eunice Culver. aged 1 years, 1 month and 17 days, 84 E. Water street; tubercular meningitis. UNDERTAKERS MAX M. SMITH. FLORI8T, 160 ITH st, opposite Meiersh rank's. Main me. J. P. FfNLET a bom. Id and MAM son eta. .- vine ox . eounty coroner. Phone Main I. bUNNINO. M'ENl'JtiS OlLBAUftlC undertakers and embalmera; modern In every detail. Seventh and fin. Main av. iaoy imiiuni, , EDWARD 'HOUlA. UDERtAiaJt; 110 Id at. - t . A. B. HEMSTOCK ftJNMAL M - rector. Eaat 11th and Umatilla, Pbona seiiwooo 71.- uiay asstsisnt. rectors, embalmera, J71 Russell. East ivoo, ' uaur aeaigi van i ER1CSON. UNDERTAKING CO.. AND Ml embalming. 401 Alder lilt. Lady assistant - t aln CEMETERIES RTVTTB VTirwKI Mfir.lT nnivira eta family lots. 10x16, for 1100,' and! upwards, according to slxe: tha oni cemetery in Portland which perpetually maintain ' and carea for lot. For information, applyto W. R. Mackenxle, Worcester block. W. M. Ladd. president ROSE CITY SINGLE GRAVES. " f i5; fsmily lots, 126 to 171. Superintend ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont st and Cully road. Phon Tabor 106. For full information apply to Frank Schlegel. oi Commercial blk. Phone Msln 1812. MEETING NOTICES. " : mm Abilene. Tex. Baker City. Or. Chicago, 111.'-.'.. ,., 74 Denver, Colo. 14 Fresno, Cal. II Iyos Angeles, Cat'...,.. 71 . New York, N. T.. - 74 Phoenix. Aria. ...... ...101 Portland, Or. 10 , Roaeburg, Or. II Saoramento, CaL ...... 14 Salt Lake. Utah ....... 91 San Diego, CaL .' 71 San Francisco, CsJ, ..,.14 Spokane, Wash.' ....... 14 ',- Taooma. Wash.. . . . . , , . S4 ' Washington. D, C. 71 Yuma, Aria .......... ,104 74 61 44 . 61 II 61 14 81 . 17 II 61 44: 14 ' 61 0 . 10 II 71 T. T. .0 .0 .10 ' .0 . .0 .0 .9 .0 .10 .0 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. . Mary A. and Benjamin Fallows to Ola M. Stryker. lot i. block L - - Fallows Terrace 1,160 ' F. H. and Dora V, Kearney to ; John and Emllie Hlnck, lots 1 and 1. block I, Highland 1,160 jbawara A- ana nawerine Lm MC . O rath to Portland Knights of T3..lf,M W.UU1UU, VUUUIJI. BBDULmLIUII. .'s lot 1, Park block 6, city. 16,000 , ju miiu duu r. jpvyumwn w John Dunphy and Mary Dun ; phy, - lot 1, block S, Alblna Homestead. ... Arleta Land company to Florence M. Frey. lots I and 10, block I, ' Ina park , Arleta Land company to Charles F. Frey,, lot 8, block 16. Ins - Park Amel and Emma Sundgren to Willis E. Potter, lot 11, block IS, First addition to Holladay 1 Park addition Aloys Harold to Caroline Schra- - . meg, lota 10 and 11, block I, - Morgan's addition In Glenhaven Park , Aloys Harold to Caroline Schra , Jiek, lot 4, block 1. lot I. block 1, lot 8, block 1, lot 16, block I, Morgan' addition in Glen haven Park Aloys Harold to Mra, Caroline Schramek, lot, 6,- block 1, Mor- tran s addition . to Glenhaven Park Real Estate Investors' associa tion to Jessie B. Darr, lot 14. block 74. Sell wood.... Mclinda A. and Frank Mitchell to Peter M. Peterson, I acres be arlnnlng at a point In tha center line of Tabor avenuo extended '-" ' 2S6.7 feet north of the half aec- . tlon line of section It. town ship 1 south, range 1 east. Ji4 t 1,400 Bn And THlie Selling and Ben Selling truetee). to J. Alice ' . una Lewis W. Sutton, lot IS,, Mck 9, lyaurelwood Park. . . O. W. unii Nllle Taylor to F. T. ' r.rirx-k. lot 10, block 1 South i, ii n v '(3? jo-' :i .'I. and Alice J. Nash to; Arl.i J- Thomas, lots 1 and 1,1 Link 1, villa addition...." Kits if a n.l worten E. Nottage to A'-' ' H. Iwnbow. east 41 feet it i-.'-n I end 4, block 114, Last I"Ot Udtl4, ,,,..., ';. NO MEETING OF GEORGE wssnington camp ,, until ruesaay, August 6. ' H. A. FREDERICK, Clerk. M. W. A, EVERGREEN CAMP, Ui meet Wednesday evening, Allsky bldg.. Id and Morrison stay - - - U. W. "A.' OREGON GRAPE CAMP NiK 1,176. Mondays. 17th and Marshall. visitor welcome, CARPENTERS' HEADQUARTERS, corner E. Pine and Grand ave. meeta every Tuesda- night. Phone East 6171. BUSINESS NOTICES INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. - Covensnt Contract Col. 417 Flledner bldg. Main 111 L sEelLy CO. 14fri xm FLaNderS; flour, feed. hay. grain. Phones A-lsil. Paclflo 111. " L C. HENRtctiBEN CO.. JEWELERS; ana ooiicians, zs wasningron st ISEW "FICTION LIBRARY. .181 10TH st; books loaned at 3 cents the day. ami -m x-17-1 T k m OTrr 1 mi 1 - DnTI VI -Ti,. mm m. w "7 V, 11 IT Til Lot 4 of Section I. BEU of NEU, Lot 1 of Section 4, 8EU of NEU. Lot 1 of Sectlorr 6. EH Of B of Section 7. 8WU of Section It, NWH of NEU of Sec tion 17, NEU of Bectlon 11. NWU of NWH, SH ol NWU of Section I1TP S N..R. I W. Lots-1 and 4 of Section I T I N. R. Lots I and 4 of Section 11 T 4 S. R. 10 W. Union County? EH of of Section 11. BH Of Bectlon ltSH and SH of NH of Seo tlon 11. 8WU of Section 14, EH. SEU of NWH. NBH of SWH of Section 16, NH of NH of -Section 16, NH of NH of Section 17. SH of SEU of Sec tion It, NH of SWH of Section 11 T 6 S R. life.,' 8WU of Section II. BH of NH and fH of Section 10, SWU of 8W U of ection 11 T 6 8. R. II B. ' wu, of BEU. Lots and 4, of Beo- lion l i v o. it. so ju. v . BEU of section 1, T I B, K NK , NH of Section 11 T I fl. 3. 16H 1 Waacn County! . . ' i ," Lot 6 and I. SWU of SEU of Seo tlon 1 T 1 N. R. 16 E. tj 7 Wheeler County: ' . , NH of SEU of Bectlon Yl. NWU of NWH. NH-O? SWU.. NEU of SEH of Section 23. WH of NWK.fNWU of RWU. NKU oi in w ox (section 14. SEU of NEH of Section II I I 8. R. ii, S., j. 1 ' Lot 4 or section II T B. R. II E. Lot 1 of Lection 1 T I 8. R. II 3. NH of NWU of Section IT! a R. E. .. ' - ; .. ' . EH of swu of section n t i a. R. SWU of NW?4 of Section 21 T 10 8. R 81 TO. . " -. Lota I and I, SB H of NWU. NEU of 8WU of Section 4. NE U of NW 2 of Section I T 10 8.- R. 16 K. NEUf NE of Section 11 T 11 S. BSWU pi SWU of Section B, NWU of NWU of Section T 11 8. R. 16 B. NWH of SWU of Section 4 T 11 R. H...J4 K. Al! bid must be accompanied by a res-ular aDDllcatlon to purchaaa in ac cordance with the law -for- the sal of school landa ana by cash or check for at least one-nrtn or Tne price offered. - Nn bid for less than lt.00 ser acra Will be considered.' Tha right to reject any ana gn bids Is reserved. N . . . . -." Applications and bids should be ad dressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State Land 'Board, Salem. Oregon, and marked "ADDllcation and bid to purchase in demnity school landa." v O. O.BROWN, vierg Diaie ijgna ooara. Dated this Ith day of June. .1107. SEALED PROPOSALS Court ' for the Dlatrlct. of ()rnn in ins maiier oc p. u. uonaiason, DanK rupt Notice la hereby given that the property belonging to the estate of said osnnrupi. wnicn is in oossession or tne trustee, consisting of furniture, fixture, carpet, safe, cash register, bedding, linen, silverware, dishes, cooking uten sils, typewriter, billiard table, and all other peraonal) property sow ' in the . V . V , ' T . w, U.l J . vl .. Wl. HV WIU at private aale by the truatee, L. U Swan, at his. office at Albany, Or., at 19- o'clock a. m. Thursday. ' August I. 1107. the same to b. sold to the highest bidder in cash Upon sealed bid, which must be deposited with the trustee on or before the aald time set for the sale. Oreaon Furniture rA Mnitaiim mad. ' y"'i - - -r. -. ..Jt"1 IVWm "H'M I WANTED-A ,PAKiii. private family,-by iwo young men: tmJiil Permanent! glvs fulf partloulars" CMsi - 1 m , . is in ' rui i i ni'rL'H UJL'XIItC I ui nn i. nltur In well-located bouse, where. I n p.minrtnn tvoewrlter with tabu. lators Pernjanent P""'"""; ""y.'tt5.J could pay for same in monthly pay O. box 764, stating experience and ment. . P-45I. Journal.' ' .'. received. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED MISCELLANEOUS CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS, SAV. age ft Pennell, 145-147 1st st, Phong I B..I.U A .... . . I .VIL1U U V. jrt rooms, 3 In suite. ,nn,n,i ii week; free wood, phone and bath; sleep.' Ing rooms. Il.ll7 E. iak. . NKW, M OLE UN, CONViaNlKNfTSXTli: room apartment with bath; hot and cold water; steam heat: rerrlaeratnr an gas range. Apply to Janitor, 271 Bev- J? ruth, cnr. Jefferson st. Main 160. lnT, i??,u,r.'5;',,ln" room, water, gating. 601 H Alder. . . . : fOB RENT Liail lt i lOttsEKEEFlNfl rooms, with bath ' and ana Washington. m ii , -TOR RENT HOUSES VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURH and pianoa moved, atored or ahipped. r innn main ivid. flFL'C and .. Ill WANTED'.- YOUNG LADIES ; tTO LEARN TELEPHONE OP. ERATING; GOOD SALARY, SHORT HOURS, PAY WHILE LEARNING LUNCHEON SERVED FREB OF- CHARGE AND LOUNGING AND REST; ROOM8 IN CONNECTION. AP PLY CHIEF OPERATOR, TEL- EPHONE BLDG.. WEST PARK AND ALDER STB. . WE PAY MOKE FOR FljRNlTURiiL' PORTLAND AUCTION ROOM8 , Main 66R. Ill 1st st. IF YOU WanT TO vdi.tU see" li Second Hand Palace Histeat nrlnes paid for second-hand (rood. . JI7 Flan ders. Phone Main 161 S. - ' HIGHGE8T PRKES PAiD FOR ALL' , kind of eecond-hr.nd rood a. . TJnlnn I Exchange. 141 Front st. ' Pacific 14S1, I DEFORMITY APPLIANCES MADE tS order, K. H. Karl son A Co., Ill An keny st., Msln 1150. WANTED FURNITURE ANTJ hOuSlC bold . Mod . Of . every 'rltirrtnltnii cmugni. auta ana .exqnangea., Tne I ZJLVll h TUlfJ" It I Ha KfiKN : tMfctf , rniimL 1 l -'lsit Main "my" Hoe Xtllf blddera. Inventory may be seen in 4h . Washington st. corner Seventh, . up- WETWILL .BUYTOUR HOUSEHOLD office of L. L. Swan, at Albany, Or. piaira. jynona jaam smai naip i gooas ana guarantee best prices.. Csll. Dated this tlth day of July, J10T. j wanted. -,-.: j phone or write. & J. A U Rubeiistein. We rent AnO seLL HaKOs. sherT man. Clay A Co. .,"-'. Slousk 'FOft rEUT ktiAuTlFt'l s-roora nome, near Mawtnorn sun st. Keystone , , iteaity co, f xinrny uiug, ....... l-ROOM HOUSE, west side. ISO. 7 ;t 6-room flat, near Steel bridge, 110, ... l-room house, east side, 118. HATFIELD A SMITH 1ISH 4th st. 6r rent 6-room CottAOe, cif: ment basement, 111 , Sherman; key at 664.1th st. - . FURNISHED HOUSES. FOR RENT 6 ' FURNISHED HOUSE. keeping rooms. Call in the mornings lefore t:0; at 611 Clay at. i- U bwah, Truatee. qirlb WANTED APPLY STANDARD i,"jiro,l?1 oppoaue nauona potet nnKrtnv Jtm.v t ai factor No Grand ave. and East Paclflo 1401. . .- a will be received at thai Taylor st BEFORE SELLING YOUR FUR- chool clerk. Clt HaiL un I WANTErvZolRfii "' T4" WAifiai " "F1T4 nlture, etc- phono East 1017 aVd save ipOntLANb. - Sealed bid office of the a . . . . .T. . a . . .Mai. a T I ..... - . I. . . . I MAM.. ' us i Til. r ina v . l n i r x. m 11 , x ir , w.i i .kih. .nn m r.w . mil Mwa,-. , ,. i .. . "... j . tho'fol owina- wVrk oV the ANTEfa-l!JdrtTl,Afey xvAci&fi tSi FIhtohht,1Jld.1I!J rmIZmmZ MATURE WOAN ,AS AS ISTANT TO v"1! E' C""Ch- . ril5tP Tii C '"-.dr ,ln"5- Brr' t take management Sept 1. Apply at I WANTED OOOD, SPEEDY 6 IN OLE grading grounds. and pavement on ' school once. Address IV. -411, Journal, ftT pIlns PTn'ca'So'r STENOGRAPHERS,, BOOKKEEPERa '"" driver. - Address D. F. Bulley, TUa can be seen at architect's office, 114 ,aS"V. i",v,fr,u RS,"o, bureau. nmvianFn rOM Pfllt uvvr E. Ird at. All proposals must be A"ky ld- 1. KNlSUb,P KOOJIS FOR RENT. pamea or certmed check for 10 per uiklb wanted jpkkatoks vul' ir 1 lNaKjrrpr iniww. cent of the amount of proposal. The work On shirts and overall. Lessons I .fii? .12 scnoot Doara reserves tne Jeot any and all blda. THOS J, JONES, Architect. iayior st, right to ro- given to inexperienced. Apply at Stand- i'""'.nV JStlT-t?rZr tKVZi ' '..'.., ..Sftonr KO..I. Orfnd avv and East knoch.ld" nlii Vth. cor. Clav. ' y j ni m j traj n. ax i-r ntr ssrsr , i a m w iur mm.. i ' bll)8 E0R FOOD SUPPLIES WANTED WANTED-MrST CLasS U'AlTRESd, T?.t?SEfui.h.d -tSim bt8'Inl by the port of Portland during Au- , In our lunch room. Call today. Swet- btlK.3f lyr , tm,,""i na gust 1107. will be received until noon land's. 171 Morrison. it orrice i id on' bl JOHN P. DOYLE. Clerk. gust, i07, wui d receivea until noon i "". ' aiornaon. iul i. .u, , n. i lm.u of July II, at office in city halt Blda WANTED-FlfcST WAttRESsES Af TS2uS- 8 ii n -I.T8 muat be mad on blank forma which Hnh.rt-rfurtl. 14th and Jefferaon. I for gentlemen, 11.21 per week and up. be had by applying at the office. Wiwrrn-1 .ihttra Vrt rteift ii ..'W NICEL YTFtXRNISHED ROOM a 19.00 A rhinea miutnii mIi- achocit from I month and up. 121 Salmon. , Phones 7:10 p. m. to I:I0V. m, at 147 H Stark SSl'S?t3MJn9iJle 9"- , , , at Annly Sl Clav st. fhone Main 7S41 THEHbUTLER. MODERN HOTEL. YOlfNO WOMAN fiAfihlERi SAiLAftf . furnlahed up-to-date; gas and eleo- IK0: muat he mod at flarurea and write i".. y'Tt ""'""'" THE MEAT CUTTERS' UNION OF Portland, will meet Wedneadav even. ing, July 11,. at 8 o'clock, at room 10, 161 H Washington, st All meat cutters invited, u Charter list still ooen. O. A. Kelley, Secretary. Charles J. Penni card, president. . a fair -band; etito experfence. Address) THE YAMHILL HOUSE. 181 YAMHILL xi-too, journal. - I ana jrra, aia. ; niceir lurnianna LOST AND POUND. w m KFT-jrirVSr. pf i 7 flhtf? AA rooms, single or en suite. 6oth phones. wages. Apply 111 N. lid stH Tuesday housekeeping anu fuknibued morning. rooms, reasonable. I01H 1st at iroTTXrr. i pr.ira irn iv mio I THArHKRS FOR CHINESE: EPIHCO. THE MANITOU. IllH 1ST ST.. FUR mattresses renovated and returned P"l mission; nigni scnooi rrom 7:10 nianaa luunu,, .ikhio tam running same day. tit Front at Main 47 to 1:10 a. m. Apply at 141 Ith and water ana -nam, moaern in every re- PorUand Curled-Hair Factory. H. Mets- Ma-r sta. i- . ger, proprietor. , - ukimbiieij kuum tvnn pkiv- 110 REWARD-STOLE OR STRAYED MALE AND EMALB HELP. llw of e ooklng, U Uw Beach, aais HVIIS M -v iV TV arw SVSB lUf from barn on eaat side July II. a . LTV for th- .hu. 1 . . , i. ' ..' j I tut . vrTi?-r ml-xi . mt. wnvirH Tin I or 120 for the season -...ii,, inin uiwiuvq aiiuiivi-i, JiUlUVV I II j .-w - - " - - , i ..'"it q... i.-l a ' anuuL 1 I. J1U aj' please notify Andrew Ran ft Co. prepare for the civil, eervlce; good THE AVALON HOTEL,. FURNISHED LOST ftlNVi of KfcTft 'oN Mnwni'V positions constantly had. by those I rooms, modern throughout Cor. 11th" Jfv a. itaturn to riaii v ath it aV-f who are qualified ror tnem; w rnaae aiana wasningron secure reward. peclalty of preparing you. I. C. 8., Ill FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE -- - 1 r at- a V . . a . . ' SStZJff .yiF 1 STENOO RAPHCRS1. BOTH MALE AND 1 ersW IT.?" " S owner can have same by proving prop erty and paying for care and advertis ing. W. H. Burdlck. 151 E. 11th st. N. LOST GOLD SCARF PIN, DESIGN, woman's head; finder will receive IS reward by leaving at Journal office. LOST-ON SUNDAT'S OUT-BOUNI5 r WANTED GOOD COOK FOR SMALL , rooms, single and en i suit PortUdallii train. lLv'a red l. Hotel; wages 115 per month. J. W. bfds. electro lights; 11.16 leather purse, -keepsake. Reward Phone Livingston, Msaras, ur. ; " - ' ,"'" "c'" V1'. Main 1415 or care Journal. WANTED MAN AND WIFE f6& ELEGANTLY FURNISH ED ROOMS sawmill camp; woman to run board- single or en sui.e. xt tin si., near female, good positions open with best m thr of thr rirv nc. firms; no cherge. - Underwood Type. tween city hall and courthouse, 147 H writer Co.. II Ith at - I Kth at., nlcelv furnlahed rooma In thnr. HELP WANTED AND SUPPLIED, oughly renovated house, from 11.60 pef male or female. R. G. Washington st Pacific 1170. Drake. 106 H week up. THE NEW LAND HOUSE GOOD rooms, single and en suite; good clean to 13.50 per Pacific 1566. LUBi-BUADi. ettut. o AUJJSS ,T.. .. .ki Hmm P(irtlil. 9 Grind ave.. "Seward ' " Betura lpple"nr.ferVed. 111 Sandy 1 THE CURTIS. OornEr iltli AKb ' !; ", J:.;' , v , I ; , . t I T,n. road, corner Slth. v Commercial; over Danslger's clothing JST SATURDAY, 6 P. M., A LARGE I KfTirn rtAnn WAV nn it nr. irnu I store: rood rooms: central locatlnn: HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE ' FOR SALE . .' --nyAr-1 -i-rXji"X-" -irujl- -ji 'Tl i""i iii-I in iiirvigj - FOR RENT SIX-ROOM HOUSE; FUR. nlture for'sale; three rooms pays rent, I0 1st st -Phone Main 80l. FlHNITURE OF5ROO M FLAVOrt saie, riat ror rent Flat I, Hiro-. vurt. tti narnaon st yFOR RENT FLAT" JUST COMPLETED MODE) FLATS ; of T, f and 4 rooms; walking distance, 100 feet south of 23d and Washington sis., wreen ave., ceaar Hilt. i FOB RENT 8TORES)FFICE8 FOR" RENT TWO ""GROUND FLOOll offices; Front and Ankeny sts. Apply R T. Cox. ' Telephone Main 421. A NICE OFFlOE SlJlTB FOft liiiNt: Madison bldg.. Id and Madison sts. 6 .LEase lARff WILL V BUHLS r i stores, with hlxh basement. ' and . room to suit tenants. Phono Paotfla 1142. ' ' v .. - , FOR RENT MISCELIANEOU8. HALL AND BALLROOM. NEW WITH moaern conveniences, rnone Main ins. - SUMMER RESORTS asS-Waia-Naaaj. tmmm BEACH PROPERTY. The finest beach property ever offered.'' Joining Breakers hotel property, to bo mown i aa Manhattan Beach, 150. ; acre tract a portion with building re- strictlonsi other unrestricted; easy term. A. C. CHURCHILL ft CO., 110 Second st. City. LOCKSLEY HALL SEASIDE. OR.. DiC P. L.'Austln. proprietor, assisted by L. ACarlyla; rates from 111.60 per week npt ratea and reservations may be made now with Dr. Austin, dentist Raleigh bldg. SHELBURN HOTEL NICELY ' FUR- ' nlshed rooms; everything flrst-classf home cooking. Mrs. T. P. Hoar. Sea. l,a tXTaah FOR FURNISHED ROOMS AND housekeeping rooms, address Mrs. Isabel Yager. P. O. box 121. Newport, Oregon, or phone Main 6121. BUSINESS CHANCES. 289 LOST SATURDAY, WANTED GOOD BOY OR Oi RL FOR I store; good rooms; central location neur ae us goia nugget Din. Return I ,1.. lh.i.: ..i. .. tli - ,nn.ui tnii, mnttnttmA m .fn.i. -- 409 Tllford bldg. on Friday d. m.: re- . ,""-. " " ' --" " "r ward. i WANTED YOUNG MAN OR LADY oi-auuuV1h junniotuiu KWMfl to taxe cnarr or subscription agency I "y""' wrawnwi for popular magaslne. X-460, Journal. splendid location, r-466. Journal. HELP WANTED MALE Stave Bolt Cutters Waited SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. $1.50 per cord, timber yel low fir, apply R. 306 Steams ej-tiJaTI0 Afl toLlm mag., roruana, Oregon. THE GRAHAM., 64SU WASHINGTON nicely furnished housekeeping, single snd transient rooms; -very reasonable. PAINTER. PAPERHANGER, WORKS w6 BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHES reasonawe lor vwners. ju. xaeves, 4 49 l 'rooma; eiocinc. iigni ana usin, line Alblna ave. - location, d 4 wasnington, nat A. KI.DERLY SOBER GERMAN WANfW THE YAL7. 1I1H GRAND AV.. WITH to take care of orivate Diace or watch. I m wanting aistance ana car lines: man; trustworthy; reference. Address I large, airy rooms, single or suites; also nouaeaeeping, ait momrn conveniences; very reasonable. Phone East 4141. , FRONT AND ADJOINING ROOMS, handsomely1 furnished; other - outside tor with a good reliable firm. dress 6a East coucn at Ad- A first class STABLEkAN WaITs ar"L?"';?.ll"L0.r J.kjrV."9,H. work with transfer erenceg given. L-461. company. Ref- 1WCE FURNISHED ROOM, NEW. AND modern. 4 K. lotn. (Jau evenings or WlKTRD A FIRST.CT.AHfl AIJ riaare smith. Lance ft Muir. SIS Sal. M..w ir,st m.nV H-.r-n.m trmtrr pnone East 41ls Monaay. on I as Blasterina and common caroenter LARGE,- PLEASANT FURNISHED WANTED INTELLIGENT YOUNG work. .L-460, Journal. room in modern private home, suit- men to prepare for railway telegraph I - ; I able ror one or two.- Main 4ii and atatlon service; graduate fur- SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS: CLEAN, 4.100 150 126 750 10 40 16 150 100 700 9 MEO NOTICES. PORTLAND. OREGON. JULY 28. 1907 Sealed bids will be received at the office of the school clerk, city hall, up to ll m., Friday, August 8, 1907, for tne r louowing ; worg on ' tne East uiae Hign Bcnooi buiiaing and grounds, vis.: First, ptumblng and drainage. Second, rradlna and oavement on school grounds. . Third, stone retaining walls, etc. : Plan and specifications for same can tte seen at arcnitecrs orrice, 3a- mm : All Ml, at h. mn. I. . U . . n 1 1 ,'l l'(VD.l ..... W . WVW,' companied by certified check for 10 per cent of the amount - of -proposal. -The sohooi board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. - THOMAS J." JONEH. Arcniiecl. runiiiAinLi. va., ,. duxii. aw,' flaalt :hMa will ha . received at the office of the school clerk, city hall, up to IS m . Friday. Ausrust 2. 1907.' for Sainting tne Hoiiaaay scnooi Duuaing. pacifications for same can be seen at architect's office, 184 East Id st. All proposal must be accompanied by certi fied check for 10 per cent of amount of proposal. Tne scnooi Doara reserves tne right to reject any and an mas. . THOMAS J. JONES. Architect PORTLAND. OREOON, JULY 28,. 1907. Sealed bids will be receivea at tne office of the school clerk, city halL up to 12 m.. Friday, t August 2. 1907. for naintlne the Holladav School building. Specifications , for same .can be seen at architects orrice, 134 East sa st Alt proposals must be- accompanied by certified check lor 10 per. cent oz tne amount of proposal.:. The school board reserves-tne rignt to reject any ana an bids, THOMAS J.-JONES. Architect PORTLAND. OREGON, JULY 28, i07. ' .-r81 Wds will be received at the office of the school clerk, city halL up to 11 n, Friday, August. 2. 1907. for plastering the following school buildings, ?it-i.l'rwli,lRer School building ani JTSfi ?.n D ,?chol building. FJsns and pJflf"yp. can be seen at ahltect's hi .Jijil. i 8t- A proposals must i a Sfnl.d.bF certff led check for ih-wi i? 'ie smount ' proposal, ihe avbool board reserves the right to reject any and all bids .. - ' ,-.. THOMAS J. JONES, - Architect, ' PROPOSALS will be received at the office of J. H. Ackerman. State blda-.: Salem,- Or.. until 2 o'clock p. m., on the 1st day of August, r 1907,-and then-opened, for the construction (except heating, which will be let separate) or tne juecnanio Arts School building, ' at Corvallls, Or., in accordance with the drawings and aneci flcatlons, copies Of - which mays be had at tne orrice or j, Acxerman, naiem. Or., office of E. E. Wilson, Corvallls, Or., and at the office of th architects, Bennes, Hendricks ft Tobey, 67 Labbe oiog,, i-oruana, , ur. uovernor u. E. Chamberlain, chairman; J. H. Ackerman, Walter M. PJerce. Building Committee. w. j. .err, nresiaent u. a. u. nlshed with passes from school to positions Oregon College, 60S Common wealth bldg. ... '.-,. A GOOD, RELIABLE MAN TO B3 special work. Address V-461, Journal. SEWER DIGGERS WANTED; modern, . central. reaaonable rates. FXPERIFNCTcn NTTRSM 141H 1st st Phone Paclflo 1122. REASONABLE ONE ORTV0 NICE 'NINJi nours. MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO learn plumbing, plastering, bricklay- THOROUGH, wishes employment. 'Phone A-8860. EXPERIENCED WOMAN OF 5 wants a position to run roomlnsr- house. D-453, Journal' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. ing; also sheet metal sattern drausht ing; positions secured; day and night classes; rree catalogue; visitors wei HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR MEN. tON. Sd st Phone Main 1821. H-?n .S?yK. J vrt?v"Ch001"' 8an ?ran- PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE jnteee: rooms; clearr; quiet; very oentral. 460 ram tit ii. near xweirtn 230H RUSSELL ST; OWEN APART ments; two furnished apartment of two rooms eacn. " PLEASANT ROOMS IN SINGLE OR 12 N. 11th st Af 1 tf.awlu- WASTED-SALESMEN; MAf MAKE IT N. 2d it. ... . . . IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE unitea states, lor the district of Ore gon. in the matter of William . M, lart. bankrupt Notice Is hereby given that on tha zn oav or July. A. u. 1907, William M. art vt Portland, Oregon,' was duly tmjuuicaiea Danarupt; ana tnat tne nrst meeting Of hla crkdltora will he hal,l at room 204-6, Fenton bldg. Portland, jt cBuu, un vno em out pi August,' lav I, at 10 o'clock a. m., at which time the saia creaitors may attend, prove thir claims, appoint a trustee, examine the oanxrupi ana transact such other busi ness as may properly come before such meeting. ', juaiea jmy is, 1907. i CHESTER G. MURPHY. Referee in Bankruptcy. PORTLAND. OR.,-JULY 28, 1907. Sealed bids' will ' be received at the oince oi ine scnooi cierk, AMiy nail, up tn 14 n :' Frlitav. Aitvu.f ioa.7a. plastering - tha following school build in en. viz: ' Terwillia-er nr-lmnl hnltilin. and Creaton school budding. Plans and specifications ror; same can be seen- at architect' office, ,384 East Id st AU nronosala must be aecomnanlail hw eeerl. nea cneces ror iu per cent ox tne amount of proposal, rThe school board reserves IDS rignt to reject any ana ail btas. THUMAti j. juneh, Architect. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ' ins The annual meetinar of the atnoir. holders of the Coeur d'AIene Develop, ment . company, for the election of n hoard of directors for tlx cnnulnn i-Mr. ond for the transaction of such other business as may regularly come before them, will be held at the Office of tha cnrrtDanv. rooms 501 to 504 Chamber of Commerce building, Portland.-Oregon, on August ,- at- i ociock a. m. . ; - dEORGE F HOLM A V. Secretary Coeur d'AIene : Development Lompanj. . . , v Portland, Oregon. July 1L HOT. - Phone Paclflo, 111 Phnna P.Mein'linA 1100 to 1160 per month: some even " rn'i 4..v,t mora atnolr olaon wnn MM I fWJUJ-r bnUBS uwruviJUlvni J. oT faV?romC . . .W. and farm help a spe- vanced weekly: choice of territo. Id- Wwt,asfe r, fa V? QyEMBERS; N.ndT. V W.ra1 Wis special member. 11, end Yamhill sts. Y. M. C A., 4th t. Phdhe' Main 8487. Union Hotel WANTED AGENTS T WLT Bl V'l'U mmTr IN1DTI A -kTT-a JPX W I ka j.a ai - . , , " . Y" MixMJ. wn, BirngiD HI, JHUTIUN DULY MADE, Free employment to all: boarders' rates seconded and carried, the board oi t.60 per week; room, 25o and up; ape- directors tf the Bgrmers' Fire Relief clal monthly rates given. Anderson, association, of Butteville, Oregon, at a proprietor. - . ."-,..,. meeting held July 11. 190.7, decided that WANTED COUCH AND LONGE interest of thla association - can matter, do ironi, cor. Davis. i wwt uo aervea oy appointing one gen- feral solid tin asent tot Mtrh nmmtv in cSS&r' direct, 'will" receive application RAILWAY MAIL, CLERKS FOliW oapTclfy".'? "the'nelc't"'' X&& on. uPDoriuniues to advances k. i Anmat in ion? t-k. kj i -i.,- J r , ... J.7.- Ii""rt i.' va.u trace,. u"" ""' " "i"""" rvvu i me rignt to reject any or all sppllca Good salary to start. Call or writs Pa- tions. Address i tbe leeretan Htnrv iei it,.,., flnhnoia MotVav km. i sl.. lT "creiary, ,enry "v"-" - lJ "" ju. Deiiia. Aurora, urexon. double: central; cheap. kOTEL OAK FIRST-CLASS FUR nlshed rooms, electric light, gas, bath and phones; situated next. to City park. 847 Oak st - ' ROOMS WITH EVERY CONVEN . lence, 12 a week and up. 109 Jefferson. I OR 5 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Main 1581. 1. . UNFURNISHED ROOMS. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent. 660 Couch st. . FOR RENT THREE UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms.' Ill E. Everett. EOUR-ROOM FLAT, 111. -188 Market st; i three rooms; water, 1W S40H f ront si. : THE COAST REALTY CO.. 92SH Morrison st. Headauartera for real estate , and homesteads, timber claims, ' etc.; also business opportunities. 145.000. half caah KO anrea imoroved level land, only 1 miles from of flea. 117,600, half cash Income property close In. 111,000, half cash, or trade Hard, 'ware store at invoice, established 10 years,. doing 146,000 yearly. . 115,000 Manufacturing at invoice. 17,000 General store, 10 per cent off. Inventory; 15,000 handles It 12,000 . at Invoice New shoo storo (cltv. 16,000, half cash Nearly new saw. mill with lot of lumber, logs, timber, etc.: clears 40 dally. 11,000 60 acres, improved, near Ore gon city, good buildings, . etc.; , easy terms. Other acreage. j " . 18.200. half caah 120 acres level Wheat tland; will' be worth 1100 acre. 110.000 buva one of the finest homes on the Heights (others all prices). " 12.260. , half ; raah -room modern hOUSe. " .; i- ' , 1 '-. '' '" 12.000 l-room neW strictly modern house. 11.800. 1100 cash 4-room house with 6 lots 1100 ifp. '.. Roomlna-housea. sll sixes: restaurant. confectionery, grocery stores, etc., ana other business opportunities. 1600 Confectionery, close in, etty, 8) living rooms; three years' lease; rent only 16. 1500 buva half Interest in large res. taurant -with position as cashier 1150 monthly, and board guaranteed. 1600 buys interest In real estate busi ness, old established, money-maker. ' ' can. write or phone Main loos. A-4160, THE COAST REALTY CO, I2SH Morrison st, FOUR- UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms' with water and light ;,No 70 E. loth North: rent S1&. lnoulre- II E. Eighth North. Phone East 2888. ' - ROOMS AND BOARD. MVfwaaroat WimSR TJZ99 CO?. as 'tei1 fe. '&g- wse Root sfflia mJ "o.a77MKi - ' 1 nooa iver country, uregon; exclusive gonlan bldg. Open tonights agency given to party qualified. For STKNOUKAPHEKa, BOOKKEEPERS, term ana particulars . address Oregon -eashiers. clerks. Registration bureau. Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. ioi Aiisky bldg. . Agents WANTED-CA,N"YnrT' hwi.t' guuusr ii o ws noea you; complete Ant., .;...i.i W.i..' . -1 11 ' . .... -. i ww.iifc mixjvi viwir necmh - .nvr rite lor WANTED -A YOUNG MAN A8 BO- choice of territory. Capital -City Nut- SOMETHING "NEW, IN" jHIGH-ORAblS licltor for printing house) steady lob: good wagea - to rignt man. Address 13-42 s. journatu If : you 'are thinking of sectiring a home and ,s prefer, to locate in some particular section of the cityj ,a " classified ad " in The Journal will bring . T you offers" of all prop-' , erty that is for sale or;, rent in that locality.- - Derfumea: ; nrtce ver low! annnlv limited. R. It, Plummer, at drug store, zou sa st. AGENTS TO SELL STOCK; EXPENSES and commission guaranteed; good men should make from 26 to flOOv weekly. 207 Couch bldg. - WANTED REAL ESTATE MR. WANT MONEY, IF YOU WANT 100 men to sell your property to their friends, list It witi me; new plan. M. D. Howse. 48 Ith at Main 8188. I. WILL. BE IN PORTLAND AUGUST - l;-. 1 .want ..a -modern S or 7-room house; I will pay cash; please send me full description and price so I can in-vestlo-ate as soon as I xet to Portland, Georre Davis. , 160 Hanover ave- Oak land. Cal. WANTED 2 ACRES NEAR CARLINE, suitable ror chickens ana garden: will pay about 8S00. 50 down and 116 per month. ,. The gpanton .Co., 170, Stark st. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS; waixing aistance; gentlemen prererreo. i - jjownsoaie ai. - - . FOR REM HOUSEKEEPING. 11.21 WEEK UP CLEAN, FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms, - parlor, -. bath, laundry, furnace beat yard. 208 H Stan ton at. u car. ilM WEEK UP LARGE, '' CLEAN furnished , hqusekeeplng-rooms, , laun dry and bath. ,184 Sherman st, south. rortiana. 2 OR 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPINcY with use of piano.- - 448 6th at. HOUREKKF.PINO-B.OOMH. F-LF-ftTRTrt lights, phone, 11 a week up. S01H Water st . -- THE OTIS FURNISHED HOU6E- -, keening- and : sinsle rooms: walklns aistance. - 371 m. jHurnsicie st. MILLER, PAGE ft CO . 1 . . Brokers. -Room 8, 171 H Morrison st flnnd chance for enternrlsins' - man frocery and confectionery business of ered for few, davs onlv at low figure ol 1800. See us about this. Also vervf desirable lota in good residential pspW of city on -easy terms. . I w can ihnv vnn 'imnt rood Dirva in small and modern home at prices and terms sultabla to all. List your Drop. ertier with us for quick sale. , We have an Al milling and smelting stock for sale; good money maker and best of references; only small number of shares lert. it wui pay investors to look into this. - " 1 MILLER. PAGE A CO. ' ' ' WANTF.TWPAftTIES WITH IDL monev to invest - in ; amounts of and up, in heavy manufacturing concern now established in this city. Best open ing-in United Stales. F. L. Schott, 404 H East Morrison st, Portland, Oregon. GROCER WANTED. TO PURCHASE) an establishment on the -east side of the river.. Address X-428 Journal y, WE HAVE WHAT YOU WAN. Rooming-houses, restaurants, hotels. Grocery stores, meat markets, - At Real-estate, business shances. Invert. -r ments. Western Realty-Company, Room 510. 286 H Washington st MiNING AND ' INDUSTRIAL STOCKll : and bonds - bought and sold. Corre spondence invited. H. W. Donahue Co., 611 Buchanan bldg, - Phone Main ' 7851. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ; rooms for rent. Inquire at 80 E. 12th St., corner Htarw, FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOM modern flat: adults only.- 95 N. 13th THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING and transient rooms, reasonable. , 7th snd Flanders sts. ' - LARGE, PLEASANT FTFrTnISHeD room In modern 1 private home,- suit BDie ior one or two. main 4110, ANY COMBINATION OF FtfltNISHE5 ur uniurnnnpu new lists, cottages or housekeeping rotfhts, at very low prices; on west sido of river, near fine shady grove. Apply 364 North 26th, Wills metta Heights cars to 2th, turn south 41(1.11 tlitUfa. THREE FURNISHED - HOUSEKEEP ..Ln.' rooms; new ; house,- gas range, 117 Belmont, corner, I Oth, Sunnyskle. , FOR SALE CONFECTIONERY AND Jce cream '" parlor; good location? small capital required. . Address W-42S, Journwl. .- ' FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 10-ROUf , fnntnlnr houa r.(tahla for boarding house; a good money maker; 6 minutes ; walk from center of town; will sell': cheap if taken at once; 1 leaving town. Call after 11 a. m, 49 ,N. Park st. Phon Pacific 80. - ; .. RESTAURANT FOR SALE CHBAP ON , , account - of other . business. Address B-415, Journal. , 11,000 OR 11.200,' ALL THAT IB RE- quired for half-interest In two store, or will sell one store outright splendid opening for business man. Address K-412. Journal. " HOTEL AND ROADHOUSB TO LEASifl Old-established.- with or without loonf furnished; newly remodeled; 135 also 7-room house and orchard. 810; and , 4 flats. 1.8 rooms, 626; all on west jftlde. C-H. Plggott, owner, lawyer.. 4, 5 3wa , S. MHlkev blda-. NEWSPAPERREPUBLICAN, SPLEN-1 - did valley field; Cylinder press, big j lob business, v For sal on terms. T-42S, Journal. - 1 . FOR BALE GOOD . HOTEL, 80 steady boarders, will sell reasonaoin, too much business. Inoulr at ' 6. Gllsan st 4I