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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENINO," JOTT S3, ISO?. OLD SOL'S RAYS LATEST BALDNESS "SURE CURE" The Eodcstjr of Women " atnrallv makes them shrink from the 1 tnAmUtM oiiMtlona. tha obnoxioul Si- emulations, and unpleasant local treat tnenti, which some physicians oomldax Muntdl in tha treatment of. diseases of I women. Yet, if help can be bad, It li better to submit to tan oraeni wen ei the disease tow and spread. The troable la that to often the woman undergoes -alj Heal Estate Agent Gage Says Nature Has Come to Belief - . of the Much Maligned Butt of JokesinlthsOo iS :; : Bareheade d, He Says. the ann i Tho cured tlon which dia oan trttnd x tf Vr.rtprc wr itk. in ic At last a sure cure. for baldness baa been found. No longer will the shlny ; pated oltlsens who lamber Into , the ;. barber shop chairs to have their scalps : tnaiMf ed and rubbed with ointment and ' the prehlatorto ""halroll" ieed to wander into the' tonaorlal parlors and aire up i inair 70 cents tome mua-manniriu. - loose-tonrued.wlelders of the rasors and 'hears.,.'.- . .wn- , 'i; Nature" has come to the relief of the much-malls-ned butt of the Jokesmtths, . .and all he has toWlo to-grow a Ions, .flowing-, curling:' hirsute adornment that .would make the heads- of the seven Sutherland slaters look like a mowed .lawn Is to walk forth under the broiling sun bareheaded, via hoi. wno Has been abused and railed at the past few daye because of his proximity to the earth's 'urface Is the purveyor Of the panacea mat maaee nair. grow -wnere . nair re fused : to grow under the' stimulus of barbershop tonics and other liquids sup ''jxeuto work the charm,- according to ,A70age. a well-known real estate jv.Tof Portland, who haa returned from ru two weeks' outing with his family at the base of Mount Adams. When Mr. Gage left Portland the top of his head rssembled the shaven side of a billiard ball. Now It Is covered with a luxuriant growth of young hair that would make Barnum A Bailey's bearded lady turn green with envy. All he did to coax the a-rowth through his - scalp was to stand, beneath the burning, I scorching ray a of the tun and look pleasant The sun did the rest.,1, "r i Tor a few days his head felt its If it were coming off end part of It did in large layers of, epidermis. Finally, in order . to keep the sun from shining directly upon his brain cells, Mr. Gage tempered the treatment. - The first week he went about bareheaded alliday except rpr a few houre In the afternoon when the sun , was hottest, thus toughening his scalp and graduating himself up to the time when he could pass the entire day without wearing a hat ' i Boon be iotlcd one lone hair rlsins to the surface through the sun-reddened scalp.- Careful nursing brought forth another and joy rose . supreme In the breast Of Mr; Oin at tha ale-lit of the struggling nairs. But alas and alack I Mr. Gage went too near Old Sol when the fiery chariot Is establishing a new peed record across the heavens and the two struggling ploneere of what later came to be a wildernees of curly, matted hatr were burned off clean to the edge of the scalp and. to a careful ob server like Mr. .Gage, somewhat beneath the scalp.' ..-. - But he did not despair and kept up the treatment with renewed vigor. His efforts were at last rewarded with the hair which now adorns the top of his head, although one bald-headed friend who has tried every known treatment to replenish diminishing locks of hair with Indifferent succsss Insists he is wearing a toupee. Mr, Gage Indignantly denies the statement and says It Is his own real hair. UNDISPUTED ON TIME CARDS : TWELVE MILES IN FOUR MINUTES and shame for nothlnr. Lf women who hftvabec e'e Favorlto Presorts reclatlon of the. curs tha examinations and local treatment? TJirrfl la.jriQ CJJ1; tnivHdna f)rf fnr women. M "Favorlto Prescription.' ; it cures (2biHUUng drains, irregularity and female weakness. It always helps. It almost always cures. It Is atrlctlr non alcoholic. Hon secret, all Its ingredient! being printed on Its bottle-wrappert con tains ; no doloterloua of bablt-formloi true, and every native medicinal .root entering Into its composition hat the full endorsement of those moat eminent in u several schools of medical practice.' Some of these numerous and strongest of pro fessional endorsements of Its ingredient, will be found In a pamphlet wrapped around the bottle, also In a booklet mailed See on request, by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of affalo, N Y. These professional en dorsements should have far more weight than any amount of the ordinary lay, or non-professional testimonials. ... - ; The most Intelligent women now-e-dtrt insist on knowing what they take as med Icine Instead of opening their mouths like a lot Of yonng birds and gulping down whatever Is offered them. "Favorite Pre scrlDtlon la of shows oouxtmoi, It makes weak women strong and sick women well. ' -" ' - ' - .. ; . Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser la sent fret en retsipt oi sumps to pay expense w mailing ontw. Send to Dr. K. V. fieri, Buffalo, N. 21 one-cent stamps for pa- per-coverea, or si stamps xor eiotn-oouiu. t If sick consult the Doctor, free of charge by letter. All such communications arc held sacredly confidential Dr. Pierce fe Pleasant Pellets invtaorst and regulate stomach, liver and bow! RAILWAY tuiLDEBS i CAN'T GET LABOE SKIRTS Never did we hear tell of such a veritable sacrifice of good merchandise as la taking place at tha Golden Eagle this week in skirts. We are out to greatly re duce this stock, even at big cut below, cost prices. You had better be In early tomorrow as the ready-to wear Is a very busy place Just now. Petticoats worth t?A $2X0 for OSC Skirts worth up i Pt to $5.00 for I.0y Skirts worth up ' PA to $7.50 for ...... )L.D) Skirts worth up i 'C Art to $15.00 for ...... D.UU Skirts worth up i'A AO to $25.00 for $VVO Ckocji.c:iyAMPU.rKO(i ir;ajo tspTJ llffiiliiii ffi .; -t !' ..." About 250 dozen hanJ omeljr designed and cut gla$, gait and pepper holders, with sterling silver screw tops. These are really pretty little utensils, tbe tops . are rich looking and dura ble and the edges are so sharp, they , would pass for wheel cut glass any where., These should b bringing us 25c each, but we decided yester day, to put them in the clean sale each sweep fX No mercy will be shown to any department of the store, stocks; must be lowered away below their present condition and the easiest way to do it we find is to cut the prices so low that you must buy in order to do justice tb your own pocketbook. Tomorrow begins another harvest of money-saving reductions in all lines, involving goods that you would secure if you saw them -t A statement that will be believed by . jfew, but nevertheless a statement Of tnoontrorertlble fact. Is that the South ern Paoino railroad company's trains .make it miles In four minutes on one .stretch of track in Oregon. Let the light of this knowledge shine In and ' Illumine. the dismal path of that com pany's right-of-way from Portland to ;shland. Twelve miles In four minutes, or ISO ' ' miles an hour, - made with a dinkey engine of the vintage of 1884, Is the fecord as It stands . undisputed on the I me schedules of the company's west side lines. The feat la accomnllshed by the trains that run from Corvalllsl to Portland. The distance from Cor-1 veins to Portland, since tbe St Joseph (StwcUl Dispateb to ... - ' . ... . .A . I maUaha tl -V. T 1. 1 , A ahortar than tha. M m,.f. rimin. inM I land A Seattle railroad contractors that! this city via Fourth street. Trains Tbe Janrnst) -The Port- are run by the shorter route, but the price remains the same for .the trip. Therefore, at a point between McMlnn vllle and the cut-off-It become neces sary to dlspoae of 11 miles suddenly, wlftly and silently, which these trains do In a manner that reminds the pas senrer of the prestlgitator who swal lows a whole tgg and reels out furlongs Of paper tape from his tosides. This run IS said to furnish the fast est time made on the Southern Pacific system from Portland to Mew Orleans. AIMS AT DOCTOR AND KNOCKS hava been worklnc at Waahtucna. arad- ins- for the road. have been compelled to stdo work because they cannot ret men. While the road was having troubia over its right of wsy with the Palouse Irrigation & Power company the men sot scattered and now there are none to do the work. Efforts sre being made here to raise a crew at an Increase over the former pay. Allen A McKlvor say they hope to be running again in a few days. - The Other Side. The best finds In bnen's furnishings sre on the other aide of Washington I Robinson A Co.'s side. No. 211. Great sale still on. . OUT MINISTER'S TEETH ON CAR OX KLAMATH DITCH White with anger because his sworn enemy had the temerity to say "Ho do you do?" to him on a 8t. Johns streetcar . Sunday afternoon. H E. Bhlelds made a vicious swing with his fist at. tne race or vt. u. u. rietcner, ? chiropodist with offices In the Allsky ulldlng. Shields' aim. however, was a trifle Inaccurate. The unsteadiness of the tnrovlng car caused him to miss his ' target and his fist after grail ng the Side of Dr. Fletcher's face landed head on In the mouth of Rev. R. N. Dunn, en innocent bystander. Mr. Dunn la a 'St Johns minister, and two of his front , teeth were disengaged from the gums by the force of the blow. In the police court yesterday the cause of the disturbance which threw many -of the women passengers Into a uu oi nervous exouemeni chiropody, much to like. Enmity sprung -up .between the two .me a. and Shield at one time told Washington. D. C July 80. The sup- srsar'ss . inrn ss i - - . - . . i T I ervising engineer in cnarge or me ivia- tht S,!? I math project, Oregon-California, roports that the mam canal was suocessruiiy June and 1,000 acres being new land. Under the Adams system 1.700 acres numerous screams, was brousrht out AT. I... UlUIIUIfl ..If A J I . Einioll.r. WUH I ... - . . said, taught Mrs. Shields ths art of a. wl" ".l1 Vi her husbanA'a die- I "r'?",."! - iwwiinDihiua ofHfimvmt onv lime loiu I , , " r r I ' . ... Dr. Fletcher never to speak to him un- f ar. r5elv,,I,IBKW'Ur Lnd d1': der penalty of a thrashing. Dr. Fletcher, however, . disregarded the instructions snd as a result was yesterday compelled to. sidestep a terrific blow. The latter found Its period when it brought up In uiv imcv oz ins minister. Dr. Fletcher had Shields arrested on a charge of assault and battery. Judge (Cameron rouna onieiaa guilty, out con tinued sentence unaer good behavior. tlonal new land will be served as fast as contracts made for the season' can be entered into and approved. This Is the first time that water has been fur nished by the government ayatem under tne Kiametn project. OIL AND GAS TO RECLAIM DESERT Eastern Oregon and South ern Idaho Look to On- tario Fields. ,. (Special Dispatch to The' Journal.) , ; ' Ontario, Or, July 80. The Oregon i OU & Gas company, which has secured I targe lease holdings and is preparing 4 to carry on the development of the fields on a large scale and In a thor ough manner, is said ' to Contemplate the Installation of natural gas plants at Bolss and Ontario and other points -here they are now sinking wells. Even gas alone which' Is pouring out of Th wells at present Is only utilised VMM That won't eome off, sppears on baby's faaa after 'one tottle ol. White's Cream Vermifuge, the . great worm -medicine. Why not Keep tnat smue on oany s face if you keep this medlolne - on hand, you will never see anything else but miles on nis race. Mrs, u , -well. Oklahoma, writes:! "My baby was peevish ; and fretfuL Would not eat and I feared ho would die. I used a bottle of White's Cream Vermifuge ana ne nas not jiao a sick Say since, i eoia oy au aruggisia Makes the skin 1 n . . likc70UwantJtDe,in a moment. HAQAFS Magnolia Balm in for the Face, Keck, Cannot be detected. A lianid Arms and Hands. Tt is neither slick v nor Breast ' It's harmless, dean and refreshing. U.Two coior,qkjaoa.ytmtc4: . Use it toornine, noon and night Sprin ' Bummer, Fall,Wnter, SAMPLE FSEi "'f--';-i ' "' ' LYON MTO. CO., ' ' " . v 44 Soath Fifth 8t., fiaooKLTM, K.T. , : TEA ' Pood tca is. so cfyeaptJt oily to drink' poor tea. J Go by the book.": - ( - - - - ; - ? Tear sreeer reteras resir aieaey if yea dea't tks Scallllaf ' Besti we sar alia. f for this purpose the future possibilities of eastern Oregon and southern Idaho for immense fortunes cannot be over estimated. A very important feature of the de velopment or tne oil and gas resources now going on in the Snake River valley, and which has been quite generally overlooked. Is its relation to the ad vancement of irrigation projects In this section. Immense Deserts Beelalmed. Immense areas of exceedingly fertile sagebrush land cannot now be Irrigated because they are higher than -the water supply. Cheap fuel means cheap power, snd it Is estimated by competent parties that if oil and gas are produced. In abundance, as they undoubtedly will be, the cheaD fuel thus nroduced will mwn the . way . for the irrigation Of these landa at a cost of from 15 to $10 per sere, whioh Is a very 'small fraction of ths present average cost of irriga tion. It is hardly- nnaalhl tn Hmf Bh, cneap xuei will xow to Cure ChlUhlataa. "To enjoy freedom from chlllblalns," writes John Kemp, East Otlsfleld. Ma, "I apply Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Have also used it for salt rheum with- excel lent results." Guaranteed for fever sores, indolent ulcers, piles, burns, wounds, frost bites and skin diseases. 25c rat Red Cross Pharmacy, m. ' u u . RESTORES GRAY HAIR SjsSSSSSSSSiaBaBlBBBSSfBBBSBBffBBBBBBBSfM sbHbSBSBbBbI 1 lo its NATURAL COLOR. The Domestic COUNTER SHIRTING OINQHAMS 26 I Inches wide, in pretty stripes and checks, regularly lzc, n per yard, for LUC LIGHT PERCALES Excellent quality Percales, in all colon, dots, etripes, checks, etc., worth 1 rt 19c per yard, cut to iui. TOWELINO Bleached Linen Toweling-, 16 inches wide, with pretty and lasting colored borders, SW.".C...... 10c UNBLEACHED MUSLIN 36 inches wide and of good, substan tial weight, regularly 13c ( Aft" per yard, at 13 yards for . Pi.VU TABLE DAMASK A Urge num. ber of mill ends of regular 75c per yard table damask on AQi ale at f7C Dress Goods COUNTER JAP SILKS 21 Inches wide, of excellent quality, in all colon and cream, white and black, OJ. reg. 300 pef yard, for aViC TACQUARD SILKS 27-inch fancy -Jacquard Silks, suitable for waists, suits, etc, worth t?n $1.25 per yard, for UUC BLACK TAFFETAS Of surpas aing quality, black, 27 Inches wide,; vrorth $1.00 per.yard. : J PANAMA-r-50-lnch Cream Panama Cloth; beautiful goods, OQ worth l2i yard, for e70C BAtsTE Cream Batiste, mater ial 50 inches in width, big value at the1 regular price, 85c, AQ clearing st. ,.......t7C -' I""' ' The Drapery COUNTER ART DENIMS A handsome as sortment of these that regularly brought 20c per yard, 36 1 A inches wide, clearing at .... lzC CRETONS Our Cretons of un questionable goods. This line sells regularly at 12c, ol going at 03C CURTAIN SWISS, In SfMnch width that always sold at J fn 15c per yard, for iUC SHEETS 72x90 inches across, regular 60c value . . 53d PILLO W SLIPS Matchless Pil low Slips, 45x36 dimea- in. slons, reg. 15c, for ., IUC COUCH COVERING, In the Ro man stripes, and fringed, QQ worth $1.25, for VOC SMYRNA RUGS, 30x60- CI OA epiaabt Inch, worth $2.00 Wash Goods COUNTElt WAISTINO Mercerlitd Waistings, 27 Inches wide, of, white; these gocxls are worth 25c per yard, 1 CI clearing at ........ 7..1JC INDIA LINEN Whltej India Linen and checked nainsook, goods you need at this season; regular 10c quality : in olng at .... .. . . ... ... . 1UL troir LAWN. ORGANDIE 27-inch fancy Lawn Organdie, Batistes and numerous other kinds, worth tip to Zc per yard -v'-i ' ifl- ' going at . 4 . . . ., .... ..'..-.i . 1 UC SILK ORGANDIE 27-Inch Silk Organdie, . in fancy t stripes and pretty conventional designs, plaids and Moral patterns, worm 4Q-, up to 75c, for , ......... ..tIC mean to Ontario and surrounding town a It means that On tario will become a great manufacturing- and distributing center and that Other towns in tha diatrlnt will alar, Increase in population and importance, eaa-fc a a PIPE LIXETO BOISE. Prospect Hailed With Delight as Solving Fuel Problem. (Special Diipeteh to Tb Joaraal.) Bolae. Ida.. JulT Sa.VLennrt from Ontario, Oregon, to the effect that the Oree-on Oil A Oaa comoanv at that place Is preparing; to carry on develop ment of its holdings in thet vicinity on a large scale snd is contemnlatlna lping oil to Boise. Should this be done lolse s fuel Question would ha nniv! tlcally-solved. The plan of the company Is to reach other towns also with pipes, .uu .. vns iiuuuriance oi tnia contem- StODS its falling but, and positive ly removes Dandruff. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Is not a dye. Guaranteed perfectly pure. . Philo Hay Spec. Co.. Newark, N. J. 30c. bottles, all drulete oaxjrosBxa xotsxjs. late move to this section of the coun. ry cannot, b overestimated. CALL ISSUED FOE : CONCrEESS OF JEWS ' (Jonraal Special' Sarvlee.1 New York. Jiilv sn n.i.. 5," ir wish organisations in ' tha ymiva oimem are expected to attend the meeting In Carneeia hall nevt n. tober to establish an International Jew.' Un conference. It Is proposed to call tha bodv tha Tntarnatlnnar rnn... .,1 It 1 ( .-1 . . B w i".f ". vam oi me aavaniages urged Is that tha Annc-ritaa vmiM v.. -ki. act authoritatively in ase Of oppression r iuw,T, avnu anuiiea 10 recognl- v rwii iiuui tun cur nr . a on.. other ruler. International headquar ters probably w!U be established in uinaun or jraris. -r CANINE HERO DIES7 : IN LINE OF DUTY : (Spatial DttMtch te Tbe JoeniLt ' Brjokjuia. Wash Inlv in 'Dln. IV. jsmoua Dear aog, belonging to Tom Hopper, was killed veaterriav h a. atroat car while protecting Hopper's children from assault . from (trim, djin ..u. did not see the oar coming. . .'J Cpmmltted on Larceny Charge, (Special Dlapetch teTb Joaraal. ; Aatorta, Or.t July 80.-The prelimi nary examination of J. H. Andrews, charged- with stealing tit from Lewis Tennel, was held in Justice court yes. terday and he was committed to tha county Jail hi default of 1200 ball, to await the aoUon e the ciroult court, HOTEL, JEFFERSON TURK AND GOUGH STREETS SAN TRANCISCO SPCOIAL SUMMER RATE New hotel, faeee Jefferson Square. "Two blacks from Van Neaa Ava, the preaent shop ping district, c Car liaas tranaf arring all ever city, paaa doc. JCrarr modern eenvenienoa, 850 room aingle or en suite. 160 private baths. American and European plana. Prices mede ate. Omnibus meets all trains.. STEWART -BARKER CO. Xas Hotel Stewart Opens September 1st Crockery Section To one who appreciates really good goods marked at rock bottom prices a visit to our crockery department is a treat. There is a hir varfetv of oracticsllv all thlnes needed in the household and the clean sweep be fore stock taking reductions makes it a new incentive to visit this section of tne store. We are selling Bird Cages this week that areregular 91.60 values at, 89c Tinware Specials Pie Plates, all sixes 8 Bread Pans, all sixes t 7 Oil Stove Tea Kettles .14e Copper Bottom Tea Kettles ...47e Colored Cuspidors 0f Coffee Pots, 1-qt -..He) Large Funnels 44 Pudding Pans, all sixes 6 Wash Basins 7 Wire Sink Strainers ,...t Graniteware Specials Puddings Pans, 1-qt ,...13 Pudding Pans, 2-qt. 17et Tudding Pans, 3-qt ....23 Pudding Pans, 4-qt . i ..... . ...... . . . .27r CoffeePots, 1-qt ........32 Coffee Pots, 3-pts. ...,37e Coffee Pots, 2-qts. 43 Colanders, big eixe 29e Dish Pans, 10-qt 58 14-qt and 17-qt sixes, 68e 78 Tea Kettles, No. 8 73i m MMAVTVm MMW Key Route Inn Hotel" 22nd Street - and Broadway OAKLAND Sunnv rooms, nrlvate hatha, lonsr-dls taneer telephones, compressed air clean- in a. larae ioddv. care a ia cana wiia ulsins and service unsurpassed. For rataa, e,c afldreea - f ..i-j. ' N. S. MULLAN, Manager. Formerly Assistant Manager Palace , t xotei. - tsan a rancisco. - HOTIL HOLLAND UUs Street, e. Powell and XEasea, sa yrancieoo. NOW OPEN Strictly riret-Claea, Absolutely rtr. juroox. ui MAQvaMY so wita swta. GALVANIZED TUBS, OA regularly $1.00, for OJC tOALVANIZED TUBS, ' QQ regularly $1.10, for ... 30C Jply Glasses-Covered and locovered ' Per doien Per doxen Per doxen 23c 25c 27c 31c Per doxen The lovelly Sale CONTINUES -. Tbe amount of goods in the novelty department at the present time is too great to attempt stock taking pre vious to lowering. This is just the reason why we are making this section the scene of a big sale event at which 90 per cent of the goods will be sold at a loss. Fancy Back Combs Cut to the Limit 48c Over 1,000 fane? shall, am ber saa oiaci saoz jaair rinmha with lal novaltlaa In brilliant settings, fanoy stones and solid backs i also nombar or aesigns in mstal moautlnai. Vhsv are regular Tames nere np to 91.60 eaoh . . We have an eaormons varf etv of shell and amber Back Oosabs, plain or fanoy trinuned. Maav ezcaadlmg- Sr prettr designs with brll sat settlBgs. These are all SM ana see vatnes ana are good big aneasura at taesa prices, yc A beautiful rerlety of fancy Back Oomba Faney amber, shell aad plain black oombs, handsomely set and mount ed with atones and various snltable metals. These oombs nave been selling at 1.78 aad Sfl.00, but we must make a sweep of this de partment BOW, : t 1 7 prloe re Back Oombs BO regularly, la fanoy VIA anov S3.00 shell and amber, set wl brlUlaats, mbiea, tnrnolae. Jades aad faaey metal mountinsa. - an nana xm lshed oombs, tertflav 92.89, a.SO aad np to 30 QOr eaina aala nrloa ' Almost Giving Away Dair Pins llvs anadred faaey steel pointed Hat Fins ia Jet and colored stone effects. Among these oaa be found values up to 10a each, but the majority are Bo aad So mods. To make a sure aad speedy clearance these) go on sua atb eaoa . lc and rUt Vaaoy eut rlase topped steal pointed -Hat Has la a beautiful variety of colors. Amonsr these will be found Xat Mas that wlU do jusnoe to the most eiab- te bonnes. Segularlr 7W ora 18 SHe value, aoa ...... fancy knob, plated style, steel pointed Bat Pins, In Swastika fancy metal tops aad brilliant and stone set tings of every kind. At BOo and 8 So, the reralav prloes, neen tout snas uey blgrest 1IC we have were easily the value la Oregon j vrloe Jfaaoy steel pointed Xat Bias, la all new novelties, wood and pearl tops, fancy knobs, sterling sliver, metal finished aad gold plated and fanoy stone set. Wot a via la this lot was ever offered for less than 350. Xaay of them are f Q exoellent BOo values..'' For Men and Boys Men and boys can come here any day and feel confident of securing something good in the way of a price concession. Tha num. ber of items given here will give some Idea, but there are a hundred gigantic values m the men's wear that we nave never men tioned. Underwear BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR with snort or long sleeves, good, strong, and good fit ting, sucn as you u oe asaca wc ana 5 do per garment elsewhere, . OAg selling at ...;.C, Suspenders Men's Suspenders, in all styles, colors and lengths, a big variety, all strong and suit able for working or dress, regu- ' OA A lar up to 50c value MlC Men's flats Men's College and Crush Felt Hats, tn blacks, browns and grays; tnese Hats are worth $2.50 and $2,75 elsewhere, . 01 AO Golden Eagle price y 1,0 Boys'JjaMisSli' Boys' Sweater Jackets, of solldV wool but toned, with V-shaped neck land different colors and trimmings; these are 1 10 regular $1.75 value, selling at eplellF Boys'jGoU;ttpsi'ili These are made up in variously patterned tweeds and could be called a bargain 1fi' at 25c, our price, to clear the lot .;.,1UC Boys Knickers ; We have over ' 500 pairs of these and we want to , make a speedy sweep ' of them. They are strongly sewn Pants, In tweeds, cheviots, etc., riveted buttons,, ( w worth 50c apiece, going it ..Ui..'...lw. Mail orders receive careful atention her always, a ; c, . , , , HOTEL MOORE OrZa AU THS TIAS, 01ATB0F BEACH, SXASI9S. 0SX00B TbeTllff Heasa ef Orerea. - Directly es tbe baaeh, evertooktng the eeean. Hot aalt batha aad serf eathlns. Baereatlon pier tor fUhlnf. Baa parlors, toetrle lights, flrvplaee aad furaaee heat, rtae walks aad drlTaa. Sea food e epeeialtf Sates, $2.50 and $3.00 per day SPECIAL BATES BT TBS WE IK. -T--"- DIN I. atOOSS. Prop. HOT8U AUDU Bp IS SAV nAVClSC-XtTBOrSAB Ml OSXT. 1 . , salte, Eleratsr, eteaei Ushte aed all swdara eeaenl Strictly (lnt-elaaa. Oeavaalaat te shop. Slne-la kat, alMtHe utM. Strlctl plug eantera. Oa diraet Haefioe farrr aad Cblrd aad Townatad dapot. aatae ft a p. SSS SUIe It., sear Vas Kaaa STeaae, Wo Portland . .s , PORTLAm ORCOOZC KiniOPEAN flaAN ONLY BXADQUARTXRR ' FOR ' TOURISTS AND COMMERClAlt . TRAVKUSR-V -- - - Everything te eat and drink, aad It costs ne mere ta tbe , Portland Hotel RatbskeOer than Isawbera la tne etty, -weekday nlgbt fxem Silt te 11 - : ft Sevna. seaaa4rei The BRLAK1LRS HOTEL V 1 i j-r ' f? -rtratsnr-, resort or rvi facttio r - Slaetrlo Ught. fiteam. Hot and Cold Bait Watar in i:vrr 1 to Breakers, Pacino County, Wash. Postoffioe AJar, i - 4- -