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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1907)
1J THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY SO, 1007. ill SUlPIIUi! i .' V' -V. ,. ... 4. ... 1 1 " ' ... '.' , me she (ieman" Steamer. Eva Will Preparations Being Made for Return Soon - Tortland. to r Proposed Y. 31. 0. A-Y. . vW. (X AStnicture UKDER CHARTEE TO "a; v., .4.,,,. . i ,,4 ' The work f clearing the site of, tha UrVDDIM a . M ' A "V 'TW -.' sK. ... JJllXOUl WjUXAXI X ,n on in non of Taylor. between i J ; , I ui a ovtnw, street haa be run. i. ... .L.'.-i-r' ,' j r- ' '- I v vuuumii occupying Fir Steamer to, Com Here With f f o. dlnveat on. Nothing Bat Sulphur to ' Holda Sailing Veaaela In Trade la Yean of the PmC v For the flret time In tha history of the port a ataamer will bring, a, fuU cargo of gulphur ; to i thla harbor and Ban, Francisco from 'Japan. .;. Heretofore Canro I ?n other district, and the cheaper atruc ttlMa U I I 1 W. . A J . - uw una uown. . excavating t0K.lP foundation of the new atructure wm De(in aa Boon aa the alta la cleared. -It le reported that the Mount Hood Railway company will erect a four- jvory omoe Dunain for Its own use on the quarter-block recently purchased by them at the southwest oorner of Union avenue, and East Stark street While me loaai representatives of the com pany refuse to confirm the report, it is known that this company has taken title to a large amount of East Stark itrtfit this mineral ltas neen impunea rwm property and that It will probably come the mines near Hakodate on galling Into the city along- that street with Its teescla, or In .mailer QuanUUe. on-tha fiB. 'ffl1 n tft regular liners, but from now on It wW ,Mt uM9 business district. . W. II. Orenfell is building a f on r aerlee, two-story frame flat on Park atreet between College and Jackson. - probably come In bulk on large tramp ateamera,, Mitsui. A Co, tha .Japaneae brokere, with a branch? office Beta and at San Francisco i will bring tha big shipment -.' . ' ' ' '1 - The news of tha transaction ' waa given out this morning when - It waa , announced that the" German steamer ( Eva would come here from the. land of the rising aun aoon. The Bva la well knowa here, having rwenur eaueo v k fc, Eynrfene Cornea fntA hence ror Valparaiso , wun a cargo i , , . , TAKING FIRST LOOK AT A LOCOMOTIVE HUM D Mil EXHIBIT Kedfprd Is Organizing:' for a y; Grand Festival Week : xf Pleasure. i.i- TWENTY, THOUSAND ; VISITORS EXPECTED Governor Chamberlain Will Probably Be Preyient to lieUrer Addreaa ' Unique Entertainment Feature! Treaented by Local Talent. J' . (Spedel Dlipttrk to The Jooraal.) ' ' Medford. Or., July 10. Preparations are rapidly being completed for the Medford carnival and fruit fair, which will be held from 'August 8 to, 10 under the auspices of tha . Medford commer cial club.: During the aama 1 time . the SUta Horticultural' society will be in session here. An elaborate program haa been prepared and indications are that Medford will be called on to entertain 20,000 people from various parts of the state. - - . , Dr. C. R. 'Ray,v chairman of tha ax- eoutlve committee, ha received the fol lowing- frora Governor Chamberlain: '1 not sura that I can be with yon during tha carnival,' but I will tak pleasure in going If I can get away from my labors here, -i ; 1 thank you for ' the courtesy ' implied by your Invitation.-and trust you may all have a Pleasant and. prosperous time." - John Manning, district attorney of Multnomah county, haa accepted an In vitation to speak at Medford -(hiring ther carnival, and has selected August I.i II the dav on which ha' will dullvar an address.-, ;, , Vnloa IToraltr ' yeatnrea..'''" William- McMurrav srenerar naaaan. gr agent of tne Southern Paclno lines, has also accepted an invitation. to speak at - the carnival; other apeakere who nave been Invited are, Senators Fulton, Oearln and Mulkey,1 who are expected to make speeches in addition to the regular program provided by tha State Horticultural association. . ' Tha carnival is under the manage ment Of Lincoln J. Hart, who suocess fully conducted the society olroua at Portland -. recently, and who has ar. ranged an elaborate program with spe cialties 1 which will be conducted . by Medferd people, aasisted by outside at tractions. ' Amona- tha features are the dally balloon ascension and parachute drop and a thrilling leap for life over a 40-foot gap by a dare-devil bicycle AGED JOURNALIST LEAVES FORTUflE D ARROW TO ADDRESS . SPOKANE SOCIALISTS ,' (SnMUi nifpeUk te The Joaraal.) Spokane, Wash., July 10. In view of tne Haywood verdlot the Socialists sre Jubilant and are holding rallies,- cele brating the event. rThey have arranged to have Clarence Darrow and other members of tha federation affloers' force - of attorneys, address . meetings here at some early date. - - Howard Paul, Supposed Pot- : erty-Strickeii, Leaves ' ' $500,000 Estate. , time, but Instead -Of going to rplatlves here, lived . In -. small , apartmnnm, ac companied by a nuree, who was nao his abjocf stenographer, and oe appeared to be in poverty. dui now n aavninns that he hoarde gold. lie left 1400,000 in Enaland to tha newsboys of London, and 160,000 to a. young man who b friended him. In care of the Knlcker- ' ror it, waa over which booker Trust company. New Torlc, was left approximately 'H' (Joernat Special, Serrtee.) Los Angeles, July 80. Surprising , te many acquaintances that he made In this, city, wheij he contributed to aey oral newspapers, and waa regarded aa an eccentrlo and harmless, but poverty stricken old man, comes the news from London that Howard Paul has died there and left 1600,000, mostly In cash. , Paul made hie home here for soma there la likely to be a rontest as he willed that It should go to the ''sewing women of New fork," and at the same time cut off three sisters in tha east with t&00 aarh. . , , - 1'aui waa tne aumor or a weu-anown book, "At Dinner With Celebrities." - He waa at one time head of the edi torial staff , of a Philadelphia .news paper, '''.' ;vy ,; .-. J ; ; PORTLAND FIRM GETS?! UMATILLA CONTRACT '" " '-'" . v : . ",..1''.. . (Wtihlnttoo Bureae of .The Jonrnal) Washington D. : C., - July 'J0.--The Portland Wire 'A Iron Works has been f riven the contract for furnishing not ess than 23,000 nor mora than tt.000 ; pounds of ateel fabric to be ud In tha conatructlon of concrete plprs for the ITmattlla Irrigation projrrt. It involves between 1.2u0 and 1 1,600. 189 Washington is the center of in terest for men today. DIES FROM A. FALL , ON HIS 0VN KIJjrfT 1 (Rpeelal Diipatrt tn The ionmal.) ; Butte, Mont. July 10. Frank Mai dead from an injury received in a peculiar accident . , Malonlg had won a dagger at a pleasure resort and had placed tha knife In his inalde coat pocaec wnne wanting aiong tne street ne inppea ana reu. xne e tripped and fell. The dagger entere-1 nia oreasv penetrated his lungs and also severed a large artery. All efforts 'o staunch the flow of blood proved un availing and death aoon followed, v- Metiger A Co. Jewelers, 141. Wash Ington street.'-', ;,'-,..'..,. . .-, ; Tha want ads will bring about a good many transactions today and at least ' one of them should, concern you. - lumber under charter to the Portland Lumber company. She carries about 1,000 ons, so that this will probably be tha laraest sulphur shipments ever aent across the Pacific ocean.- .Half of tha cargo will be delivered at Ban Fran rximnn mnA th remainder brouaht here. . It la now aeveral years since tha last sulphur cargo was -brought here from Japan. It came on the achooner K. K. Wood, which later became notorious be cause of the murder of the captain by the Japanese cabin boy. The murder occurred on the voyage out of Portland , after the sulphur oargo had been deltv-, trt hara.- Another larae cargo of sul phur waa brought here from Oerghentt, .Sicily, some -years ago , on- a Brltlah squaro-riKHT. ndl QUI The deman for sulphur Is sp creaslna here, and it la said that a vfor sulphur Is large percentage peedlly In-' of the cargo to come on the Eva will be disposed of to hop ; , Uvea of Many of Good People of Tlllajnook Country. ,..-;."'(.. y--' ' v; ; ? ri'-:'!; .X (Special Dlipeteh te The JoemaL) i Bar CltyOr.. July ,10. Tha achooner aiucut loaded with material for tha Lytle railroad haa" arrived In from Portland. Tha arrival of this consign, ment has -been espected dally for -the past month and consequently there waa much rejoicing when tha barge waa sighted out over the bar, v The Wallacut landed -at- the wharf - ut T1 iri . ,111V uur aen consisted or a locomotive 10 flat oars, a .steam shovel, handcars, 1,000 steel rails, spikes, bolts, coal, hay, tools und numerous other things necessary la the construction of a railroad. tiesiaee tne matorlala the Wallacut growera for bleaching purposes. The raper mills also uae -iurgo quuuun u tn T. .iT- Hiii ,- he manufactucf of paper, an Industry fRf JA, .wh ! U pta which la rapidly growing mora eaten- Qj. eJ thi, f clty P" Detween,Ta- " In view of the Increaalng demand for ? .'SSEf H J!)6 sulphur on thia coast,-it Ta interesting Sd'1 ' 1 Bom.' 0?.th . . ,u. ..n-Jiiin. la nna, tluo reslaentS Of . this country hava lo fi VIC) ilia, w irumiu .v ..w wi i Kaam .... lu , . ,, - along the Alaskan coast, on the lslanda iftg'i .'.t'" 7" fnd of ifnalaska. looklna Into tha prospecta IS?' nowL A?ut raUroada and locomo- of mining tne aui volcanoea. ' Accord the aulphur found ao far compares very favorably with that exported from Japan. . . - - ng Into tha prospecta , ' T. JV.. .k rSuroaa" M looomo- phar cast up bytha i'vf ta ,whtJhejr haI en tola Ald llnr to reoen? reporta .V.Hn2 ? nlM, on th tf waa quite id so far compares . .3 STEAMERS WITH COAL. KcdhlU amd Knight Templar En ' Route From Australia. t , ' Two ateamera have been fixed to bring coal from Newcastle. N. 8. W., to thla port thla fall and mora might be char- The first aonnd of a locomotiva hii was heard In tha Tiiiamnnir -...... when one of the workmen, gladdened by the prospects i. of again 1 treading terra firmo. climbed upon the engine and vig orously pulled the bellcord. . Tha dnb waa crowded .- with : ourinua Mnni. ever since strangers hsve been flocking ....v tvnuAivu uiuoa arvuna My City. THE ORZGdN WURHAL, Portland, Oregon: ' :. "iierifV; to .id;.-;. ;iit;;S. ;;K;.V:;.... .to win t ScholarsMp by tubgcriblnf to the,.., JOURNAL for the period of . . .month beginninf .;. ; .' , . . . . ., 1907, 'Indicate here ' whether NEW or, OLD pubscriptiori No. of polnti due Please credit my account and deliver the paper to the following addrese: ... (Signed)' ; DIRECTIONS Points not credited to contestant unless CASH accom- panies the order. To make sure; contestant gets proper,, credit for the points, remit direct to The Journal or giYe the money to the contestant you wish to favor. .. A person now. taking The Journal will be allowed votes if ...k..:u :. -j a r .i . tr..' ... .h i hiiv luvaviiuu ,9 suvaiibCMiy mice iiiviiiiia-ui uiui c,. v uica ic iijuwcu on new subscriptions for any payment above one month. ' 1' ( , . i - -j r 1.-. f,."-".j,.: Wednesday. July 31, at 2;30 p. m. the second ,free demonstration 6n Salads and Salad-making by Miss Lillian Tingle. :After the demonstra tion we invite you to inspect pur market and refrigerators. : Open markets are not sanitary. Dresser's markethas a plate-glass front and all meats, poultry and fish are kept in sanitary ventilated refrigerators,' under . gfass. This is the melon season. Don't cut warm melons, don't waste-your ice '. cooling them. Ours are ice cold. Try one. V , s - ' - 5th C& Stark Bonding rermlte. ;,'v C T. Olson, one-storr dwaiHn r. tered before tha season is over.- The I ver, . between Sumner and -wK. vensels engaged are the British tramps 1 11.200; H. J. Crouae, . two-story dwell- . Knight Templar and Keanui, tne rormeriing, ast Lincoln, between East Thirty one of the largest tramps afloat,-1 her seventh and East Thirty-eighth 11 600: net register being 4,80 tons. The Red- H. E osoh. aepeies dwelling, filgh- The en route fleet was further swelled I $500: ... Charles . Henderson, two-story known French bark Alice Marie, to car-1 Mra E. G. Jones, repair dwelling,' Bal- ; , j v v v.Hiwiiv .w,,a nuinuiy iiiuil. uriwwa . AlOTSniH v. ana Twelfth Portland. She comes for W. P. 'Fuller 260: Elerath A Son. wTeck building ' "1 W.KVl,7.!fc West Part . vvv aiai s via. vvavsi un iv iw "viva- fiw, DUIfinVr JNtjWeil.r IWOHft'tOTy' dWslll- ed to the list there is now 78,721 tons Jng, Dekum and Morse. I1.S60; W. C. " Sn, ,rout? v1w '" loading thla Repass, two-story dwellmg, Broadway! r fall,, which Is more than at any time between Eaat Seventeenth and East ; at the corresponding data during sev- Nineteenth. 12,800; Carl V. Anderson. eral years pasC U . Is nearly twice one-atory dwlllng, Sumner, between Al- " TV' " uuou x-usjv ouuiiu. oina and Michigan, , 11,600; H. A. . f hasa raln av Anlir A ft KM fAna hAiinl fw In.. a. . - . 7 . ' w w l isil .T...V1 u .. ji . . .tTi oiernae, one-aiory a weiung, Eaat Fll- V""" "'iiietn, net ween Jbast Main and East Sal. UIUI1, ,1,VV. " t , time. ALOXG THE WATERFRONT ' . c vV h:-i, v. . y; 'i""..v.: . ':H-'Tha steamer Costa Rica ss11ed this .morning for San Franelaco.s-The San Francisco A Portland - Steamship com . pany Is making every effort to get the : steamer Lawton ready by tha, end ' of : September to take the Columbia's place. The American achooner Susie M. Plummer 1a coming to the Columbia ;,' river from Guaymae to load lumber. She left the Mexican port July 8. . : r The steamer Alliance, . Captain Olson, .' will be at 'Couch street dock soma time J; this ' evening. She will sail ? fori Coos v Bay : Saturday night The steamer ; : Breakwater, Captain Macgenn, : sailed iur v;ooa Jiay laai niirnu-j- The oil steamer 'Asuncion will arrive V Up at Portsmouth this afternoon, The . ' .:-.K. WJ - PnrtAr mil Irrvll hiiv. mIIm! . :vt ? The eteam schooner Excelsior arrived I lumoer' ror a return cargo. f A ' steam schooner arriving at' San Francisco reporta having passed a long strip or tne sieamsnip coiumma a liur - ricane deck adrift, near where the vea i ? ael went down. The - fact that it has torn away from the iron hull goes to , yivvv ino n-'Bcriiuu mat sne pans to , ai great depth. r,'C'f, 4 1 11 i t ".V.- '.''.. rf- ' f 1 Aatorla, v.?- Julv SO. Arrived at t 'and Jeft up at 4:80 a. m,, ateamer Asuncion, rrom jsan Francisco. Arrived down at ; gorier, tor Monterey. Bailed at 7 a. . m., sieamer iireaitwaiBr. for Coos Bay. : V i! . San Francisco. Julv 20. Arrlvad. i , steamer George W. Elder, from Port t..Ki.'-',v.asioria, July z,. naued at 4:30 n. v m.; barkentine J.. M. Griffith, for Re . jdondo. .. Arrived at 9:80 p. m.. and left , .. up at midnight, steamer Roanoke, from i 'fV on reoro ma way poru, San Pedro, July 80. Arrived, Nor- wcglan ateamer Swogstad, from Muro- ;' -rsn, via coiumota,' river. Newcastle. Australia. ' Julv so Ar. n -rived July 27, British ship Cimsdale. - from Portland. . h. . ? - . , :. , Astoria, July 30. Condition of the '.ffwrHii m., smootn; wind southeast. nines, wcaixier ciaar. Tides at Astoria today High, water: v, si1'! fc-ra... 7.7 feet; 5:18 p. m.. 8.4 feet, vr.l" water. 10:58,0. m., 0.7 ifeet; 11.47 p. m 1.8 feet .. V.' ....... BIARIXK INTELLIGENCE ; I Mpuu xiiners jna to Mn, Alliance, Cooa Bay .J. ...Jul an Kedondcv Saattla. .y4 . )Z i Z 551? so Roanoke.' San Pedro and way..'. .July 80 Costa Rica, San FrancUcoV.VAuVat 1 O. W. Elder, San Pedro and way!Jug.S. i uuiunun. urirau,,.,, v,, , iAuruat 1 ifPt Arabia, orient i.. ...... , ; Aiesia, er. ss.rr,s,.,.,;..;j:;';Benv'.S Nlcomedia, oneat , . , , October 1 ';.'-:;'egula'llaarg to,:tpsjrvv;j Roanoke, San Pedro and way..i,,juV i Redondo,-' Seattle' and way,,V'i,Auguats Allltince, Coos Bay August 8 Nicomndla, orient. .Auguat S Jtrf-nkwaler,-. Cooa Bay ,Aug. E ; av. Kl'ler, San Pedro and way,. Aug. 7 I'nuta Klca, ian Francisco ...;Aue. i JurmntiH, orient...., Augrust 18 Arlia, irli-nt....,k.....r, September 15 Aif .ia, orieni. ................ .rsept; 35 Vessels la' Fort." . . " Jii nrlif Ibfi-n, Nor.- str vr; .- .-.Alblnai V.)ii. i:r. rh Elevator dock -ii h,si! ., Am. tktn. ......... .Knappton ; i i.r.z. i'r. ss..4is. west. i.Dr. ua Alw-na. Aim. pi )i .Weetport .. .... .M . t. rA1uMkla XT f j lijli'li.t. KLAMATH'S PUBLIC LIBRARY INSTALLED (Special Dlapatch te The Jonrnal.) - Klamath Falls,' Or July 80. Tha Klamath Falls public library Is now In stalled in tha new building donated by Major Charles E. Worden, president of I ins American tsana Trust company vi mis - xne ouuaing is located at the corner of the courthouse yard. Although In some way, Mr. . Carnegie overlooked this place In his generous donations,, the city .haa been . fortunate in naving carnegies among her own people. . .The cltlsens have given very liberally, and a large crowd attended tne opening in tne new pulldlng. It is the old Methodiat church building, ren ovated, and would be a credit to a city raucn larger inan Kjamatn vails. The library now has about 800 books, as well ss tne leaaing magazines or tne day. Transit, ? Am. achr . -. ; . , ." ........ Astoria Virginia, jm. senr... BL Helens Irene. Am. achr.. .Astorlb Thyra. Nor. str. . . .Inman-Poulaon dork 1 iyra, Am. str. norm faciric dumber Co Nicomedla. Gr. es....t. ........ .Alaska Kxceisior. Am. as. . . .Portland Lbr. Co. jaines ittoipn,, Am. sen. . westr Roanoke, ; Am. ; str. . . ,, .Martin s ,- -i.umi)er .axrier aa . monta, - - Aurella. Am. str.. , . . . . . . .San Francisco Casco, Am. str. ,8an Francisco . B sV; if t xl '-' 1L : Very Med Horace Oo the SSIOES fhiing's . YbttMeed the Most CLEARING That's the watchword with us. It's the uppermost thought in our mind now. We have left no stone, from stockroom to counter, unturned in our untiring effort to restore our stocks to their normal 'endf-me'Seasons''yconditioni This page of phenomenal offers represents a careful sifting of our lines' in every section. The time is rapidly drawing near when every vestige of this stock will have to be disposed of so we may begin the new season under the most auspicious circumstances, hence our disregard for profits. Not Just Odd Old Styles Lots . But myriads of fabrics and up-to-. the-hour patterns , . They are actual $12;50, $15, $16.50 and $18 values at . ........ itport dock! Inmani Am. str. , . . .San Franctieco Thomas L.; Wand. Am. str.Ban Francisco t-oaater. Am. sir..,....:.. Ban .Francisco Surle M. Plummer,; Am. sen. . .Ouaymas Waao. Am. str..'. . n . ...4. San Francisco Northland, Am. atr. . .... .San Francisco King Cyrua. Ait: achr. . 1 .San Francisco BeulaU, Am. sen. . . . . , ..tian Francisco AmeiicanaAm. sch ..... San Pedro Xn Sonte With Cement and General. Buccleucn. Bft sn. . . , ... , ...... mmourg Brenn, Fr, bk. . . . . in. i . i .Hull Conway Castle, ; Sr- bk , r .Antwerp Europe, Br. bk.. ..... ..v I.,', t Antwerp Genevieve Moiinoa, r. dk.. i .. , . lonoon Rene Kervller. Fr. h.. . .... ..Hamburg L'aenneo, Fr ah.--.... .Swansea Ij finer. fT. dk.. . . . . tixnaon FR DK.......... Hamburg I Moaambloue. Br. sh,,, Newcastle E. I Samoa. Br. bk ..... ., .. ..... Shields I Slam, tier. ah. . . , . ; . . , . , ... ...... Jbondon Thiers, Fr. sh...... ...... Newcastle, IS. Vincennes, Fr. b k.... Olasgow Marechael Turrene, Fr. bk.,.. Hamburg Villa de Muinouse. Fr. dk...... Antwerp l Ouetharyf Fr. bk. ., ., 'i,t , , , .Antwerp I Pierrl Loti. Fr; bk.. .....Antwerp Men's $25.00 Suits reduced to $12.50 Men's Pegtop Corduroy Pants, the $4.50 -.kind, now $2.35 Any Summer Suit irr the House, values to f'y: ',$30.00. Choice $15.00 Men's $20.00 Suits reduced to $9:50 Men's $10.00 Outing Suits now $3S5l!3 Any Straw' Hat in the house, 25c-to $3.50 and $5.00 values , $1.00 Plenty of Split StrawrSailors- iri" this lot walden Abbey, Br. ah... .... Antwerp I Ancwerp . . .Lelthl Olenesslln. Br. sh, V PriSHI 1 1 ease it r . II m., ...... General de Boladeffre. Fr. bk . London General de Nerrier Fr. bk... . . .London Bayard.' Fr. bk. .. . . . .v.. ,,. .Antwerp vine dt Kijon.Fr. tk .Antwerp Coal Ships En Xonta. Belen. Fr. bk.".".....:..i.Newcastle, A. vouae viueoois jaaremi, jrr. dk.... - . . ...i. ... ..Newcastle, A. S", verdon1 Br: ,ah......... Newcastle, A. " uiacoiv. Am. Da . v... . .Newcastle, A, Any Panama Hat in the house, $7.50, $8.00 1 , . . . and $10.00 values, now j ; : $3;so Any Straw Hat $1.00 to .$1.50 Values, now selling at - ' 500 -''''j '''v'.iv ';,'.;,''. 'v-s'' ;".;.' V. '. ':,.' 'if,',. . Split Straw jailors and Soft Straws T -r - ......... al.v Men's $5.00 Pants now, ."$2.85 $365 . . T , -w. -- 'eWaWea Men's $4.00 Pants now; ...":.. ... . .$2.35 Men's $3.00 Pants now $1.85 Men's $6.Q0 Panamas, the greatest values ever shoVvTvbow $2.50 Men's $1.50 American Pongee Shirts now Men's $1.00 Tan Sateen Shirts now 1 . .ti. ...... .Columbia No. I r. .-s. . ...Portland Lbr. Co. A 111. si h ............. .Drydork ,'Va .fWi::araett J, & 8, rrLf atriek, Br. sh. v.. .-Newcastle, A, St-.Wln-en, Br. ah.. Newcastle, A. Crlllon. Fr, ble...,.iL... Newcastle. A. I i?." ' "i;".' aT- o- weweaatie, A. g.uBjne ocnneider, Fr. ;bk. Newcastle, A. Vfcul!li y.r- ah.... NewcaaUe, A. Cimitr-aC'mA' -W.-H,-NewcasUe, A. -? ' Br- ".. -Sydney, A. ..wp anesBaats MA . ente. Queen' AlexaniiM i - ..L Strathness. Br., str. .v. Port Los Angeles SSr&P?. tch; .i 'sfc SO fnV.nn .tIf , , fwwger a. sta waah- Me" . k v- ','- .'.'.,......-. - , vr. ;.i.-: '.-'. . ( " '': '.' V .-?. -".Vw' -'. '.'?- .-';' -'-i V". -V . Look in the pther store windows and then look in ours, where you will find The Best Qobds ; ; ;;The Newest Styles The Lowest Prices , , ' s -, -: 1 " L ' The Store That Others Imitate But None Dare to Follow IJJ. jl Uv- CHI "Out of the High Rent District" v JLL V UL 69-71 THird Street i "Not in the HighJ Price Cliauft" w-TM .---7 JAvfc: Horseshoes Oveir the Doors 'A