THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, JULY 3. 1CG7. CALEB POWERS' FOURTH li I ATRIAL COMMENCES TODAY Famous Goebel Assassination Case Called Before Judge ' bobbins of Graves County, Kentucky,- Who Is Ap- t ! ' a 1 pointed a Special. Court. - ;v ' '. IffM Tun of lwrs 0n. ' March 10, 1100. arrested on eharf of eompllolty In murder of Governor OoebeL ,v ' , July . 1 MO First trial began. ,' - August It; 100 Convicted U4 sentenced to Imprisonment for lit. -, March 18, 1101 Court of ap- Peals rvarsd and ordrd nw trial? ;. v ' .-- . - October 1, ,1101eaeond trial bsn. November t, I91 aln eon vloted and sentnod to lmprl- onmont for Ufa. .-- Dwtmbtr I, ! Court of 4 appeal rversd decision In aao- - oad trial Ofuat ft. 1IW Third trial be- and aantanood to death. December I, 1104 Court of ap peats rmml the verdict for tha third time. t March II. 1I0S UntUd States oovrt nt tha oaaa back to tha tat court. March I. HOT Powers ootn platad svn years la Jail. . . (Jooraal Special Service.) Oorgtown. Kjr Julr t. A apaolal term of tha Scott circuit court convened today to try tha caaa of Caleb Powara for' eon pi racy In tha murder of the lata Governor William Goebel. The case case will be tried before Judge J. E. Bobbin of Grave county, who presided at Powers' laat trial, and who ha been designated by Governor Beckham. as Special judge for the preaent trial. The trial about to begin la the fourth of the famous oaaa. Three times has Powers been convicted of complicity In the Goebel assassination. . Twice he haa been sentenced to imprisonment for life, and once to be hanged. - The present trial la the outcome of J decision by Justice Harlan of the 'nlted States supreme court, who ren ered his opinion that the Jurisdiction of the etate and not the federal court waa paramount after the case had three times gona to tha court of appeals, which ordered a new trial each time. The friends of Powers desired to have tha present trial held before a federal court, advancing for their argument tha statement that Powers was being deprived of his constitutional1 rlghta of a xair inai, xney Daaea tneir charges on Powers' two former trials, when the Juries were composed of It Goebel men. wnue ai nis last mai, ll or the men who held his fata In their hands were follower or. the ' Goebel faction, al though the remaining Juror waa not cjoeeiy aiiiea to any party. 4 . The ' atorv of tha murder of Wll. 11am Goebel la one of the most unusual in the criminal annal of the country. Jim Howard and Henry Toutaey, two friend of Power, hava already been eonvioted of complicity in tha: murder ana are now serving; lire sentences in the venltentlary. while si-Governor Wll nam -rayior. in wnoae interests tne con victed men are said to have acted, la still at large in Indiana, whither he nea a soon as nis name waa Drought. into the matter and where he now lives by grace of the magistrate of that state. wno refuse to give nira up to the Ken tucky court. The Kentucky legislature annronrlated 1100,006 to ferret out the assassins and bring them to justice. This large sum has never been accounted for and the veil of mystery that enshrouded the killing from the very beginning la stUV present. , rowers im toss;. The case of Power, who Is still a young man. haa esolted no little arm- pathy In many parts of the country, and he 1 daily In receipt of a large num ber of letteas expressing the hope that he may win his hard-fought battle for ire. rowerr rnenaa nave atooa or him loyally, and were It not for the assist ance they .have rendered him he would have Ion since been-In the penitentiary and forgotten. When he waa ereted he did not have a dollar and public sen timent wa against him: but when the legislature appropriated 1 100.000 to prosecute him and those Indicted with him his friends went to work to raise funds to assist him. It ha been said that every prominent Republican in the United States has contributed to tha. hi .sum -raised for his defense, and among them are men tioned the names of President Roosevelt secretary Tort and tne late Senators Quay and Hanna. rowers aDDarentlv has not Buffered In health from hi seven years' confine ment In Jail. He takes exercise regu larly every day and spends much of his time In reading and writing. During nis eiay in prison ne na written a nls torv of his life, which haa beea nlamrf on the market and from which ha hu derived a conatderable sum. GARFIELD F HID OF CRATER F Secretary Is Carried Away With Scenic Marvels of V ' That Region; j; arrangement yoo made for our trip to nJoyed It thoroughly. The lake !,,u wonaerrui place and should vrm? i mor oeeaibl to traveler v .'iJAUij RurjOLPrf OARFIELD.-I : Wmh na(kwa twi. y. : " .--vnwwi, Tl T VI11II ftUl J,0 wAthr- n t Robinson & Caa, tit Waahlngton atreet . - j . Preferred Moc Canned Oooda. ' ,; Allen It Lewis' Best Brand. , FIGHTING FOB (Continued from Page One.) DISTIIICIII FOR CHINESE LAWYER BRIDGE IMPROVEMENT BONDS LEGAL SAYS CITY ATTORNEY ' City Auditor Barber this morning stated that he had received Informal notice from City Attorney Kavanaugh'a office confirming the legality of the 4S0,000 Madison atreet bridge Improve ment bond voted at the June election. Mr. Barber will at once advertise- for bid for the sal of the bonds, which will give aa opportunity to test the mat ter In the court In a friendly suit. Possibly on . of the members of the way and means committee of the coun cil will bring the suit at once, after which the bonds may be sold. It Is not expected that there will be any loss of time in disposing of the bonds. Both former City Attorney McNary and City Attorney Kavanaugh are of the opinion that failure to poet notlcos of the bond issue doe not Invalidate the lue. The Washington supreme uuun wm upon 10 aeoiae a case i - " - . , ' " -" wau um. l ii o latUQ snouia siana. ine fact that the ques tion originated In the council and not wim me people, me two attorneys say. Is purely technical and 'haa no effect on the legality of the election or the bond issue. . , (gpeeUl JMsoatca to The Jooraal.)". uAtnrA Cir July 11 Mayor J. V. Reddr : nd party .have' Just returned from a camping trip to Crater lake and surrounding mountain. . Th trip fol lowed that mad by Secretary Garfield, who wa accompanied part way by th mayor. Mayor Reaoy report ne roaus leading from Medford to tha Crater Lake park la fair condition, and state that a few hundred dollar would put them In shape for automobiles. On the Klamath aide of the lak road are In excellent condition. . . Secretary Garfield reached Crater lake at o'clock in the morning, and wa en tertained by WUl O. Steele, president of th company which 1 to build th hotel and operate atage line through the nark. Secretary Garfield expressed himself a much pleased wltn tne iaae, which he described on of th eoenlo pot of America, end well -worth the hardahlD of tha Journey. H exorcised hi Intention of visiting the lake again in tne near future, when he could spend mor time viewing it marvel. WO JUooaunead Itoads. Mr. flarfteld nromised that th. gov ernment would build good road through th nark and forest reserve, and that he would recommend . to - con r fees in his next report an appropriation for this purpose. The secretary stated that fed eral officials would cooperate to the fulleet extent with the county and state officials in making crater laae acces sible. He also fully confirmed the. con cessions granted the Crater LAK com pany by Secretary Hitchcock and etated duaivs and nemetual. ' Mr. Garfield climbed several of the highest point about th lake, oaa of which, the high peak to the right or the path leading down to th lake, waa for mally christened HGarfleld Point.' to oommemorate the first visit paid by any cabinet of floor to Crater lake. He also toole a swim in the lake, as well aa a Doai riae 10 me isiana. OasoUn Tmnih on &ak Mr. Steel ha established a camp on the banks of th lake where visitor can obtain meals and feed for horse. Until a hotel Is built, a tented city has been temporarily established. Th first meal to be aerved waa tnat given secretary Garfield, who described the banquet as in every way fit for a king. Over to trout from the lak were served as one of the courses. A a-asollne launch 'haa been placed on tha waters of the lake and ia used to convey sight-seers across to th Island where the crater, still filled with anow. ia vieitea. - until a few days ago, sight seers were not permitted to go down to the shores of the lake on account of the danger along the trail which ia still par tially covered with snow. In climbing to the shores of the lake It 1 still neo essary to go over snowbanks. Elevator on the Fradplo Th sit of the proposed hotel i on the divide over which the road from Klamath reaches the lake' brim. A spring on the mountain side above will furnish plenty of water. It I the com pany's intention to erect an elevator aown the precipice leading to the water's edge, so that tourist can avoid taking the 1,600-foot climb from tha water to the hotel. Mayor Reddy ha received th fol lowing communication: "I wish again to express to you and the citlsen of Medford my, appreciation of the courtesies extended to me. The train between Bpokan and Portland, but It 1 believed they will undertake to beat the O. R. A N. t'me by several houra i Sapid Progr on Yew Boad. The rapid progres that Is being made by the north bank line toward comple tion haa spurred the O. R, A N. Co. to nauauraie pians ror successfully torn pet in with It for th Snokana and aaat. em Washington business and frequent conference will be held from this time forward by tha truffle and departmenta of I lie Oregon road. Work of atraightentng th O. K. A N. main line, for which an Initial appropriation of $600,000 waa made last year, is be ing pushed by a large force of men under Contractor Huson. Th bridge between Portland and Umatilla are belna- taken out and heav. ler Steel atructure ubtitutd, not be cause the old bridges were dilapidated, but because of the necessity for heavier bridges to carry the monster locomo tives that are already being put into service on the O. R. A N. line. The Improvement policy 1 to be carried Into eastern Waahlngton and determined ef fort will be made by the Haniman road to maintain It prestige in. the through and local business all along th line between Portland and Spokane. v. -77,'; Seid Back. Jr. Admitted to ':. Practice in the Xocal ; r Federal Courts. field Back Jr.. who waa admitted to practice befor both th UnlUd State district and circuit oourt thia morning by Judg Charles B. '.Wolverton, is be lieved to b ;th first Chin who vr gained that distinction. ' Por many year, long before Judge Wolverton entered upon, th Judicial dutlee In the local federal court, Seid Back wa th official - Chinese Inter preter. Everybody grew acoustomea io see him in in reoerai counrooin ana few knew he was a native born Port lander. When Lawyer Charles 3. flchna- bel moved the admission or cteia aca surprise was expressed upon th face of those In court, and Julge Wolverton asked "Did you say a oltlsea of th United Biateer . "Yea, your honor," was th reply. very wvii, riiiQ mw wmi. an order be entered admitting him to practice." Beld Back waa happy and blandly smiled In true oriental fashion. He wa the recipient of the congratulation of all th court attach and officer. well a th other lawyer present. He is a natlva of Portland and ia th son of on of the most prominent Chinamen in Portland. Although bla real name 'd Oaln. he chos to be 'admitted under th paternal cognomen wltn the ,rT title to prevent confusion In .,otlv bnK accounta. - Seid lisck Jr. is well educated and popular among the Chinese residents of Portland, among whom he will probably derive hi principal clientage. V 7. . If you want to rent year n-; f .r. nlshed room advtrtUe It 1n the "I nr. nished Rooms" column of 'I tie Rate one cent a word.' I'hon It ut4 can't bring It. . . ' wrererred tk Canned 6eo ; ' Allen A Lewis' Hest Hrand. hi rrr WAITER KNOWS anJ. provocatiYe of good humor as GUrardelli's Cocoa. Its delic ious fragrance and sustaining goodness fill the most exact ing guest with generous Im pulses. The best thing too lor Ids owa breakfast Is Ghirardelli's Cocoa Hill Military ' Academy A Boarding and Day School for Young Man and Boy. . PmuMilAii for enllMea. IT A. unitary and Naval Aaademtea. A ' , 1 . . A . . I A D..L.UW n.M.II AmKam ,Kll mII fit... ITnlvAMltlAa and Agricultural College. Military discipline. Manual training. Business course. Th principal ha had II years' experience In Portland. . Com-; rortaoie quartera neat environments, atase reservauooa now. mv iuw . t rated catalog and other literature address ' . ' J.. W. HILL, M. D., Principal and Proprietor Last Call at $12 per Share " i ! Consumers Coal Co. Slock Advances Tomorrow Io : : $13.00 per Share : : J If you are superstitious, wait until ntxt wek and buy at ;'t : $14.00 PER SHARE ! If you want to know why this stock U advancing so fast, go se the mine. Then you will wonder why wa are not selling at $30.00 per ahare. CONSUMERS COAL CO. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO, FISCAL AGENTS. ' COMMONWEALTH BUILDING. SIXTH AND ANKENY. , OUR CLEAN SWEEP RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS REFUSE TO RIDE IN UNSAFE MAIL CAR 'Seventeen railway mall clerks oper ating on the run between Portland and Dunsmulr, CalUornla are preparing a petition to forward to Chief Clerk Frank XL Whitney ia which they will atate their refusal to further us th mall ear provided for them on the run. . The oar has been in us for 11 year and Is In such a oondltlon that th men ooBsider It unsafe for further use. The Wood ha rotted and decayed until one can klok hole through the floor and Side of th oar. . Th men are afraid to rida in th car which is always placed St ween a heavy-engine and a long train i heavy Pullman car. Th men do' SURVEYORS RUN ,1104 neoessarfly fear a wreck but say they are afraid the car will get smashed between the heavy cars when the long train oomes to an abrupt atop. All the men have not yet signed the petition but aa oon as they have It will be placed In the hands of Mr. Whit ney and If immediate action Is not taken the men will quit work. They contend that they are entitled to aome considera tion for the work which they have to do and wty insist that the oar they work In be made a safe aa possible. Just who is to blame for th ramshackle ve hicle being kept on the run ia unknown v" "w.' lUBjr win insist tnat It he taken off or they will Quit work. 10 EASTWARD Klamath Fallto LakeTiew There to Connect Wita Party From South. Klamath Fatta Or- Inly !. Bngl- 8er Journey with 10 assistants haa . ..Ukt in Klamath Falls from Odell to begin th preliminary work of surveying from Kiamatn rang east. wver since th eonstruotloa of: the Natron-Klamr mXa ffliu. , .im v " . hmvwim " line wa decided on, urvey have been ' ka nnswiAaa saniiiin an snJH gU7 VUV ' yvt yvsv vat swvaa aaag au Mr fT&46 for the Oregon Kastern from Survey wu vw run, in won coin Ue In faw A-am mm, A wall Ka aah, JJISJUVlUal aa as, a.w ,-. eMsva w vw vwir tlnued until tsaVkerlew la reached, where ZTa .a la man wilk at rva r lee . sji JUIIWUVU wv rf ihu m aaa-a aiav is running south from th lino of the aAuKM ITsisitsam Coal Land Conspiracy, MOwankee, Wla, July JJ. Hearing ss resumed befor United States Com missioner Blood good today in the case of Ouy uoit ana aia uir prominent Milwaukee men indicted by th federal a-rand iury of Colorado in connection with the alleged Colorado coal land con spiracy cae. - - ----- - -y- - Cream, Sugar and a Squeeze of Iemonjfn ICED POSTuh MDellciom for hot days. "lui -TU ! t Vcllvillc" la okis. Th-reV tf Reason rr GLASS JURORS MIL TO AGREE Seven Stand for Conviction and Five for Acquittal on Final Ballot. (Journal Special Service.) Ban Fran cisoo. July !. Staruiin. seven for conviction and five for - julttal th Glass jury failed to reach an agreement and wa discharged yes terday afternoon by'Judare Lawior. Th Jurors stated that they were unable to determine whether Zimmar or Ola was guilty. Th court has set the re-trlal of th Yioe-presldent OaT the i1kntirin company for August 5. and th prosecu tion is confident of being able to aecur a conviction. . unl?8,..X,,.ce"prf'"'nt dimmer testlfle m.iii.i. uim in me next trial he will be given the fuU penalty of the Califor nia lw which n.nvM.. '.I- . 2ClT, v. . .v.. mkJtl wunini im prisonment for each offense and would """u wouia go to jail lor RAILROAD BRIDGES , INTO ABERDEEN II t Wm STOCS-TAEDNG SME (Special Dtspetes t V Ioaraal. Aberdeen. Wash.. July 18. The TTninn Pacific .railroad bridare. which la to cross the Chehalis river near th An derson A Mlddleton milL will be tha larsest here, it draw span being lit feel Matnr J Xf niann th. went engineer, says the proposed with drawal of th engineers now in tha field IS - no eatiM for lUlMRMMMU, aya that it will be necessary to go over all the information secured by them in order to aecur th necessary appropriation to ' carry on th work now-begun. It la his belief that an- Otnair va.r issrltl ai.. Ka iaJ V...H 4 this pic7 Tr.,w.Zurr- "w t Th Northern Paclfio railroad ' ha been given permission to replac Fits present structure across the WisHkal rir wnn eieoi Dnage, ana it is un derstood work wlU sooa begin. - v j BEGINS 1 WOraTV DEPARTMENT Our beautiful and extensive assortment of fancy Back Combs, Hair Puis, Oat Pub and Novelties of all kinds simply must be reduced before invent The bis bargain results from the fact that we were fortunate a few weeks ago in securing, at a big concession, the complete samples of one ot the big gest houses in New York in this line of goods, and first come first served will be the order of things while the "bonanza" lasts and that won't be long judging from the way they are selling at regular figures. Fancy Hat Pins Fancy steel pointed Hat Pins In all new novelties, such as wood tops, pearl tops, fancy knobs, ster ling silver, metal finished and gold plated and fancy stone set Not a ;in in this lot was ever offered or less than 35c Many of them are excellent 50c shies. Clean Sweep Sale price. Tuea- IA. day ...I7C Fancy Knob, plated style ateel pointed Hat Pins in Swastka fan. cy metal tops and brilliant and atone settings of every kind. At 20 and 25 cents, the regular nrieea. we have been told that they wera easily tha biggest Value in Ore- ron. Clean Sweep Sale 11. price Tuesday AC Fancy Hat Pins Five hundred fancy ateel pointed Hat Pius in jet and colored atona effects. Among these - can ba found values up to 10 cents each, but the majority are 5c and 8c roods. To make a sura and speedy clearanea these go on ssla 1 Tuesday at, each ............. .1 C Fancy cut glass and gilt topped Steel pointed Hat Pins in a beau. tiful variety of ;. colors, ; Anions: these will be found Hat Pins that will do Justice to tha most elah. J orate bonnet. Regularly 12c val II ue. . Clean Sweep Sale price II TuescUy..;.......f,..,.,, Fancy Back Combs Over one thousand fancy shell, amber and black Back Hair Combs, with late novelties in brilliant Bettings, fancy atonea and solid backs; also a number of de signs in metal mountings. 'There are regular values here up to $1J0 each. Tuesday Clean Sweep AO Sale price OC Fancy Back Combs Here- is a beautiful variety of fancy back Combs. Fancy amber, shell and plain black Comba, hand somely set and mounted with atones and various suitable metals. These combs have been selling at $1.75 and $2.00, but we must make a sweep of this department now. Tuesday Clean Sweep Sale 79 price. . ..I alC We do not attempt to give you any idea of the, extensive variety of novelties included In this. Clean Sweep Event. We merely mention a few of the articles which will give you some idea of the nature of the sale. The prices quoted should be sufficient to bring you here Tuesday without fail, and if you do come youll come again. , Careful 3 Attention a to Orders 4 I Pi 1 1 1 1 1 1 uTi TM t I ft h -II ftS B I i J I m.m f I JTW I kK a u B m 1 I , v r Careful; Attention to IliUll , - Orders Fancy Waist Sots Here's a lot of fancy 3-piece waist amrt sets tnat ' represent a : very worthy bargain. Silver, gold and medallion mounted designs, good to look at and gooda that will keep their color as long as you want to use them; Usual 35c to 50c value everywhere Tuesday 1 Qean Sweep sale price, set 1 1 C Fancy Back Combo Fancy Back Comba up to $3.50 regularly, fat fancy shell and am ber, set with .brilliants, rubies, tur- quoia, ; jaaea ana fancy metal mountings. All hand , finished combs, regular $2.25, $2 JO and up to 83.30 value -Tuesday no Clean Sweep sale price..... iOC Fancy Bacll Combs : We have an enormoua variety of shell, - and u amber black Back v,omDs, Plain or , fancy trimmed. Many exceedingly pretty designs wtu oruuant aetungs. These are all 39c and 50c values ; and are good big measure at these prices. Clean Sweep Sale Tuesday Shell Hair Pins Fancy shell Hair Pins in ph!i c crimped designs; six atylea In aT package. At t figurea these nave prove J t'.e popular value in the tcj -ular price 12Je the r age; Tuesday per r 1 .