The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 29, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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    is p5d
no war with am
rJavpflKrenfJU.ei. ,.
f f "
Bobert Cook Defied Court
, and Officers and Landed
,in Jail for Contempt He
Formerly Fed Horse on
Dining-Eoom Table.
. -' "7 defy the Juvenile oottrt end all Ha
. ' officer. I am going to taka mychll
' Aran, and go to Seattle," declared Rob
. art Cook with conalderable earnestness
-' to Jedgs F1ar this morning, "... , .
Tfo, you will not," replied tha judge.
Too wlll'go to Jail for it Hours for
contempt et eoart." - y .. - ;; h'J
.., Tha Judge proved a batter prophet
'than Cook for Cook la now In tha coun
;t ty Jail serving tha 14 hours, whlla the
Cook children ara atlU under tha car
". of tha Juvenile court ' ',":" ; ;
. , Cook waa Intoxicated ' When ha an.
tared Judge . Fraser't chambers thia
morning. Hla three children, aged f,
11 and II rears, had been taken from
him laat March baoauaa they wara not
gt van proper care, and wara committed
to tha Bora' and Olrla Aid society.
1 Later, at Cook" a reaueaC ' tha children
v . wera placed with a motherly woman to
. ooara, cook paying tneir boara, nut the
cnuaren aim remaining nnaer tne au
pervlalon of tha Juvenile court
Taaterday in tha absence of tha wo-
. man with whom tha children ara board
. ing. Cook - while drunk want to tha
house and beat ona of tha little girls.
This morn Inn. atlll drunk, ha appeared
In Judge Fraser'a chambera and aald:
"I am going to taka my children away
with me V
"You tnsit leave those children where
. they ara," replied Judge Fraaer. i
"I won't do It." ahoutad Cook. "I am
going . to taka them. I defy the ju
venile court and all It officer. I am
taka my children - and . go to
Demonstration,; .Expressive
: or Commendation in Ac
quittal of;" Haywood, Is
. . Planned for This Evening
oy Labor in Portland.
At thla point Judae Fraaep Inatruet-
d Officer 8. D. Whlta to ahow Cook
where tha Jail li located In the court
house basement Cook waa committed
for 14 houra for contempt of court and
waa escoriea to jan oy urrieor White.
After reach In tha Jail Cook aaked
Whlta to apologia to the Judge for
Ma aetione. Ha aaia he waa Intoxicat
ed and bad aald mora than ha had meant
'. to aay. .,.
Cook's wlfa fa -dead. While llvlnr
nwf nni wun ma inree cnuaren ne
irequentiy Dec (me intoxicated and on
ona cocaalon led hla horse Into the
house and attempted to feed .It on ma
tuning laoie.
MTbe Story of the Golden Fleece"
PenotlfnUjr Coocelred and Mag
m nlflcentlr Told Storr.
A hua demonatration. axnreaalre of
commendatloo for the verdict returned
by tha Jury of tha 'Haywood eaa and
ympathy for tha acquitted man la to I
ba held In thli city thla evening. -Thai
neaaonairation win ha under tha auapt-
eaa of the Moyer-Haywood-Pattibona ai-
tatlon laavua.
xnt oamonatratlon mm mmlai nt a
treat parade, la which org aaiied labor
win participate, muelc, apeecbea ana
renaral congratulatlone at the result of
tna trial, a apedlaj invitation haa bran
laaued br thoae arrane-lna for the dem
onatration to all who believe In tha jua-
uce or tna jury'a aecision to take part.
Arrangement for the event ara beina
looked after by John Cameron, a aoectal
organiser Of thla city. Members of the
Amenoan Federated trades approached
Mr. uameroa and obtained from him a I
promlae to arrange the details.
Tha Una of march for the oarade will
Degin at tna oiock on vn ana Burn
slde streets, proceed eaat on Burnalde to
Second, then south to Yamhill and than
to Fourth, and from Fourth to tha
fiasa rjock at - Fourth and Salmon.
There the speeches and other features
of tha demonatration will ba held. Ad
dresses will ba made by- T. K. Latimer
pi aeatue, ana a number or local labor
.5 4
. '
I (
V v.t' s
l.tilillin im
Mfeia Mann-
y (
4 M
It Is Tmpossible for Handful of Hoodlums at San "Fran-V
Cisco to Bring: About Conillct in Face of . Churches , ;,
" " and Civilizing Influences in America.'; $$($k
la It poaalbla that with all our pow
erful ohurchea, all our Christian and
civilising tnfluaneaa, an oar sanity, that
a handful of hoodlums la San Franclaoo
can throw this great nation Into war T
That waa Bishop Cranston's answer
when a mlolster aakad him thla mom
log If thara wara aay war talk In Japan.
'1 have talked , aaaln and aaaln with
man powerful In Japanese affalra," aald
tha bishop, "and they all deny tha possi
bility. They admit what , 1 Japanese
atateaman bava told ua here that thara
T -
' i .J
I Fl lill.l .M,TI,lfc.. ,..-,..a-J...i-.JiC'fPf fS.t l.-,,. 1 ..J. i j. -. . ,r..
. It la seldom that any western city
la oelected for tha first performance
of a new play, but Portland haa been
chosen aa tha place for tha Initial per-
. formanca of :The Btory of tha Golden
Fleece," in which Mlas Kanoa O'Nell
will a tar.
i Tha piece la aald to ba a beautifully
conceived and magnificently told story,
. possessing dramatlo possibilities of
J rest promise. It haa never bean pro
ueed on any stage and Interest In tha
premiere at tha Marquam tonight la
'accordingly great
' Mlas O'Nell haa scored a grant many
trlumpha, aspecially In tha west and In
foreign countries. ' She haa for yeara
.been recognised aa one of tha leading
.American tragediennes and baa estab
lished a world-wide reputation.
; Advance notlcea of "The Story of tha
- Golden Fleece' haa been few for the
reason that It has never bean aeen on
the atage and nothing haa been written
about Its presentation. However, Inter
est is just aa keen as if whola pages
bad been printed.
Tno rirst presentation of "Tha Btory
of tha Golden Fleece", will ba given at
tne Marquam tneatre tma evening by
Miss O'Nell and her company. It will
ba tha Dill at that theatre for the reat
of tha week. Including matlneea Wednes
day, Saturday and Sunday.
ur. J. H. naaron or New Tork. a
supervisor in tha publio school system
thara. who waa tha principal speaker of
tha Catholic taaohera Institute last
weak, went to Seattle yesterday to open
an Institute of , like kind there. Tha
Catholic teachera of tha atate will meet
for a weak beginning today. Dr. Haa
ron will then go to Helens, Montana, to
hold one for that dloceee the following
Saturday afternoon Dr. Andrew C.
Smith took Dr. Huron. Arehhlahnn
Christie and a number of the Portland
priests us tha river to sea tha altaa
chosen for tha new Cathollo Institu
tions to ba erected. At Oswego a new
orphanage la under conatructlnn and
the walla of tha basement sre up. Be
side it la to be built a mother house
for which excavation haa bean hun
where novloea for sisterhood will ba
trained. These bulldlna-a will nrnhahlv
w mwj jor use in tna eariy winter.
Aeroaa tha rlvar rrnm thla ! In
beautiful location an tha eaat alH. will
be built a woman's college. The ground
Is being cleared and tha place is now
called Ville Maria. Thla Institution
win ne oonauotad nv tha Hia.r nt tha
Holy Names and will of far collegiate
work onlr. balnar a suDnlamant to at
Mary's academy. The college courses
now given at hi Mary s will ba trans-
xerrea to xne new coiies-a whan it li
enmnltad niAKhlv mtimm mmmi -r
The school will stand on a Blot of 70
acres overlooking mo Willamette and
la said to hold ona of tha nrattUst Inna.
none arouna nsre..
tMr. and ' Mra." Carl Boa, of Walla
Walla, Washington, ara .at tha Oregon
tiotel. Mr. Roe la manager of tha Walla
Walla Union, Senator Ankeny's news-
Mr? and lira, a H. Byland of Vale,
Oregon, ara at tha Imperial hotel. Mr.
.Byland la the United States commis
sioner at Vale. .
Charlea Fisher, editor and owner of'
.tne Eugene vzuy ouaxd, la at tha Im
perial noiei.
Slgnor Da Caprlo'a park band "la Im
proving with each performance and la
now regarded the beat organisation that
aver played under a local director. It
compares favorably srlth- tha large
oanas that have been vial ting here In
recent years. Tha concerto ara growing
" fupuiaiur ana tne cixy s generosity
In providing such a high claaa feature
jor tne entertainment of Its cltlaena la
thoroughly appreciated.
lesieraay arternoon'a concert In City
v urcw an immense auaience. xnou
aanda occupied seata In the shade of tha
trees surrounding the band atand and
even the, heat did not cauae them to
hesitate when It came to expressing
their appreciation by applause. Several
encores were aemanaed and the band
responded promptly Slgnor De Cap
rloa solo and tha flute and horn duet
by Messra. Walrath and Rath
among the numbera creating a demand
for more of the kind.
-rittti ,,MBumb,r"' th overture
"William Tell" met with tha
proval, probably because of it being bet
ter known to the audience than, for in
stance Tschalkowsky's "Slave'' march
or Waamara "Invnoatlnn m toi
Rlenal." both of which were splendidly
rendered. The grand selection from
-juo ounems ana -suite Hlstolre D'un
-irrov ware aiso roucn enjoyed, as
wss ins opening maron by Slgnor Da
Capri o. .
Tomorrow night's eoncart will be
given at uoiiaoay pare.
I III IJI II fifl JBiaBB)Va-.U,ja
upper cut snows soldiers on the sklrmlsli line utthe Urget ranga. In the center are the officers, the
nrtn from left to right Is Colonel James Jackson; second to his left Is Adjutant-General W. E. Flnser; below
is a new of the camp. Company K of Portland iron the state trophy cup orer Company D of Roseburg by
tne score or 480 to 480. u. f. Shields won the Indmdnal prlxe. The encampment close today.
la aoma feeling of Irritation, but there
la no idea or going to war. in mv so
journ In thalr country X could detect no
unrrienaiy reeling. In fact, in travel
tng, in securing-conveniences, In hav
Ig courtesies shown ma and everything
made oomfortable and pleasant, I met
wun 'Detter treatment mere man I do
In my own country, No, thara will ba
no war. Patrtota In both countries,
sane-minded men, will fight tha Idea.
It would ba an unneceaaary thing. They
have a great many soldiers ready for
action, and no have we, but If It should
coma to war they could mobilise aa
army muoh mora quickly than we,"
Goes aa to eattls.
Right Rev. Earl Oranston, D. D., 1
Lk D.. blahon of the Methodist Episcopal
church, returned last night from a trip
through Japan in tha interests or the
church. He spent tha day with hla
. . . v. w.. n i r Tzr t t
and left for Seattle thla afternoon, after
a reception tendered him at the Grace
Methodist church by tha Methodist pas
tors of tna city. Thla morning ha mat
tha paatora In a called meeting at Tay
lor street church, and told them of tha
progress bf Methodist work In Japan.
Thara haa been muoh discussion con
cerning tha laat move of the general
assembly granting to Japan her own
Dianap ana giving ner mora waepena-
ence in her own church government.
The blsboo decided that It waa tha wis
est plan, for the Japaneea muat know
their own ways and feelings beat, and
oonsequently tha native bishop waa ap
' . v''V.; ''r:' -H:f -v
"Since I have been ' on tha ground,
tha bishop aald, "I am Inclined to with-.
draw any ' objection I may hava had '
aalnst Janan a - nolle r with Kami.
There waa a tendency on tha part of tha
tnisslonarlea to criticise Japan but sinoe
they hava aeen tha results they admit
Ua Wisdom. Korea cannot ba worse
governed by any nation than It waa by
Itself. Missionaries and bualneaa man
both prefer Japanese government.,,-. ,
Only OItU Ooonpatlos, ' " . --
"After all It la merely a civil occu
pation, but tha whole tons of tha ooun
try is being changed. There la not ao
much bribery and corruption. - Tha
courta hava been mada over, not ' by -hupplantina
tha Koreana but br r-en
forcing the bench with Jaoanasa '
strength and Ideaa and giving those la
power to understand that thara ahall ba .
no mora bribery. , ',
"Thara mat ba rtui of crualt but
after all the case la parallel to our pos
session tt ths Philippines.- We, too,
have bean crltlolsed doubtless. Our ao
tlon waa. benevolence and tha heathen
cannot appreciate that at once. But In'
time results will ahow . tha wlstfca. of -
ths Dlsn. Bo with Juian. Na nnVl
In tha world cara more for publio JudJy.
rnent and they will -do their best for1
Korea. .TheT will buiM railroads. -
plolt tha minus and make publio lm
provemente. As for the emperor of
Korea ha baa absolutely no abUitr and
hla aon la even- woraa off In natural
endowment nd haa ruined what little'.'
he haa by dissipation and misuse till
ha la little better than an imbecile. -
atlsaae Aathoxl?.
"Tha Koreana themselves ara thalr ,
worst rulers. Thoae wha ara vested
with a little, authority misuse It Tha
Korean Dolioeman ara ths nruelleat am
ths streets.
"Korea la a great field far minlia. .
tlon now. It shows tha moat remark
able progress In missionary work I '
hava ever known anrwhere. Thara ara
now 4 ft AO A Mnnirti U lh .Vi...). .
. -- - - ..I . V.I HI VII KIIII
riS.OOv mora on probation. The Korean
mina is in an admirable frame to re
ceive consolation and I believe thara
will ba ona of tha araataat IIVtllMllMl
siuninn mere tne world nas
. it n avw in uieir roiost.
Many Prominent People of
Forest Grore Believe
They Are Victims.
Quarter Block at Gibbs and
Water Streets, in South
Portland, Is Sold.
The northwest corner of Oibbs and
Water streets. South Portland, haa been
aold to E. J. Bellinger by Franklin
Drake for (6,500. Tha property com
prises a quarter block and la In a proa
peroua bualneaa district In that section
of the city. Several small frame resi
dences occupy the site.
Another sals In the same district re
cently consummated was tha fractional
block bounded by Gibba. drover and
Second streets, and the railway rluht-
of-way, purchased by H. Schmltser from
There's a bare possi
bility that $5 may inter
est you.
You can save that by
buying now.
$20 Suits cut down to
J ; $15 Suits cut down to
$10. ;
" ' Hats, Shoes and Fur
nishings reduced.
irchawk-BIdg: ;
K3 cr-d 1C3 Third SWfi
'" ft a sT1ir enwlA astfa j Wtoawrk
tana, are visiting friends and relatives
In thla city. They lived hare until two
yeara ago whan they moved to a ranch
near Forsyth.
Near tha ranch tha Milwaukee road is
being built Mr. Clay declares that the
progress on tha construction of that
road la remarkable. There la not a
section ZB miles in length In that part
of tha state where tha road la not be
ing constructed, ha aaya.
"It will ba completed before people
realise It," ho said.' "Immense camps
and construction gang ara at work con
stantly and there lr not a section In that
vicinity where long atretchea of track
have not been completed."
Portland's councilmen win be given
a rest during the hot weather until
August 14. when tha first meeting dur
ing next month will be held by tha
city's legislative body. The- 'vacation
period is brought about by the new
ordinance, which becomes off active tha
ond and fourth Wedneadaya for council
meetings instead of the Xirat and third,
as neretorora. . :,. w .
Heawig Bmittt lor
H. Knapp haa aold to W. H. Ewln the
house and lot at the aoutheast corner
of Pacific and East Seventh atreets for
uottiieb Bamet na purchased a house
and lot at the northwest corner of
Shaver and East Eighth streets. North
Irving ton, and 13,125. The property be
longed to George Bratthauer.
Edward H. Warner haa purchased
from W. M. Smith a house and lot on
Missouri street, near Shaver, for
cornuT on
B. F. Jones Alleges Hard
ships Endured by Travel
ers on Taquina Branch. .
(Special DUpitch to The Journal.
Salem. Or., July 29. -F. A. Welch,
secretary of the state board of agri
culture, has petitioned tha stats railway
commiaslon that tha Southern Pacific
be compelled to furnish a orosslng for
the street a short distance south of
the fair grounds depot This will save
teams tne necessity of aoina to the
crossing norihof tha depot. A loading
Chute is In thn wav of a crnaalna- but I be held.
the netltlnn akva it la usAlaaa. na It I Htreih rented a room 'from Mm
cannot be reached without passing over I Houeer, landlady of the lodging house,
the state's lani last Thursday night for which ha paid
h T M. .1.1 . 1 I 9R . I'll A Lit..!.. J . , .
. x-. rfuneo ui newaori, wuuum uir I -- mv lununiui uar na ua ju
(Bptelal Dlapatch to Tae laeraal)
Forest Grove, Or July 19. It haa
Juat ootne to light that city council-
men and officials, a state senator, a
prominent lawyer, many bualneaa man,
and aoma members of tha faculty of
the college of Forest Grove hava been
bunkoed by a magaatna write-up artiat
with a deooy magaslna. Hlllaboro not-
ablea were also dona by - tha - same
Ona Brail, or XL Held, conducting .n
advertising agency In Portland, Is
charged aa tha ona who worked the
firat families In town. He made his
ppearance here aoma time In March,
'lalmlng to represent "Held'a Tourist
Magazine," ne went to ail the city rath
ara with Uys proposition that be would
run all of thalr pictures and a write-un
of tha town in "thla moat progressive
weekly publication Of Portland" If they
liH.snfr MTPin Hnna l.ltA in acnption nnca. tna amau aum or ii.
1 ""v" -"" Of course tha members of tha town
board lumped at thla balk for before
them loomed up Mayor Laughlln, Judge
J ' vi i a I Moms. Rocoroer ana ax-Editor Mogi
Uruav mKUU I Treasurer CorL ex - Representatfve
vnnn nmoa, osnswr niunes anu
many others, who. for thalr dollar par,
Casper Strelb. formerly a member of I .l,1"1' ttZ
- i voaw uiiwiuavu aiiiu f ti awa w uuu
mo art aepariraeni or neatiia ana Ta- aend me Heia a Tourist Bulletin for ona
coma, ended hla Ufa Saturday night In
the Standard roomlnar-houaa. 1I1U
North Sixth a tree t, by hanging himself
io a Deaposi. xne body waa round
yesterday afternoon and removed ta
Finley's undertaking oarlora. An In
vestigation by tha coroner and police
haa failed to bring to light any motive
ior me suiciae ana an inqueat will not
er Streib Ends Life
Booming House Sat-
Failure to ProTide Wheat
Cars Causes Shippers to
Enter Third Suit.
year." They merely Inclosed tha amount
In tha solicitor's hand and wera "Halo'
un. aa they allege.
Held- made arrangements wun r
corder Hoga to write up Forest Grove,
tha sketch to appear along with the
council men a couple or weeks after he
received tha plcturea- In March. But tha
"prominent facea aeen in everyday Ufa
hava been anxiously looking day in and
day out ever alnca, only to be aadly
disappointed by every mall until they
nave given up au nope oi seeing meir
faces In tne Portland publication.
Held haa been written, but no reply
railway commission to better the pas- the rental In advance for tha next night I has aa vet been received.
tJ. W. Lacrone, a clerk formerly em
ployed by the Blumauer-Frank com-
EJn7.,waa sentenced to 89 day e en the
rockplle by Judge Cameron this morn-
is. . ucrone waa arrested on a war-
h?,r.ihrg1nS-hlra wlth mbesslemant.
But this waa afterwards reduced to aim-Pi?.,1"'"'-
j He was arrested by De
mf. r,,Va.nJf, Snow, who found numr-
Have trouble nui ." Kir .
Rev. Hugh Gallagher. C. S. C, presl
dent of Columbia univeraity, returned
yesterday from Notre Dame university
with rlans lsld for tha year's work.
With him came Rev. Mr. Tobias, who
nas been conducting -Tobias hall at Ht.
Edward's college In Austin, Texas, and
who will remain here. Other new In
structors secured by the president are
Rev. William Moloney, C. S. C. and Rev.
Thomas McKeon, C. 8. C. Mr. Moloney
nas ror two years been a director or
studies at NeHre Dame, an Mr. McKeon
of the clans of 1902, has Just received
his doctor's degree from the Catholic
university at wanhlnaton. He will hava
charge or the science- work at Columbia
Mr. Welsbecker of Notre. Dame will
conduct the English department These
three men will arrive within the nax
raw weeka to prepare for their now
The Inatmctors leaving Columbia this
year are Father William Lavin, who
foes 40 take a chair at Notre Dame
ather Emmanuel, who goes to St Ed
Ward's college; and Father Sebastian,
wno goes io noire uame.
JSstacada la to nave a 1260,000 car
manufacturing plant with a capacity
of turning out five finished cara per
day.- . -
The w.-H. Judson company of Port-
latut has ' Purchased tha elant of th
Estacada Manufacturing company, and
will immeaiaieiy expend izo.ouo on lm
nrovementa, v
' The Estacada council has asrreod th
vacate several sireeis xnai tna new con
cern mar nave ample room for wxpan-
alnn Tha Proximity of a mand llmli.r
supply and ample electric, power in
duced the promoters to .select Estacada
i the sue jor me new enterprise.
W. H. Jordan Is president of the com
pany, and u. ti. Aiartio, secretary. ,
'.?'" -i- iWh ' m i' '
aenger service on the Corvallls-Yaqulna nd on Snturda
Drancn line, tie alleges that tne com
pany runs only mixed naaaenarer and
freight trains with Inadequate baggage
accommoaauona, ina car peine aiviaed
inio oaggage ana amokinar compart
ments. Round trio tickets ars sold only
to Newport, which he aaya la unfair to
omer places aiong tne route. Tickets
must be presented to ' the paseenaer
aireni si rvewpon ior return, ao Pas-
aengers cannot go to wav-statlons with.
out paying full fare to Newport Tickets
ara gooa on only one boat rrom Taquina,
the road's terminus, to Newport, while
passengers must wait 30 to 46 mlnutea
for baggage to be transferred. Ha aaka
that tickets be made good on all boats,
or sold only to Yaquina instead of to
Newport, and that non-mixed passenger
trains do run at least in'
v did the same.
Taaterday. while maklns- tha bada.
Mrev Houaer had occasion to go to the
room oi-cupiea oy otreio. Receiving no
response to a knock at the door aha
aeciaea mat tne occupant or tha apart
ment waa aaleep. Returning several
houra later and unable to gain admit
tance sne aeciaea mat something was
wrong ana looaoa over tne transom.
A rata of finis and a third fur. v..
been announced by tha Southern Pacific
for the Medford merchants'
the aummer ?, rruii lair, August 8 to 10. Tha fair
"in uw iivcii uiiunr ine ausDicea nr tna
Medford Commercial club, and will be
one or tne mggest eventa of the year In
tha Rogue river valley. During tha
same week the Oregon State Hortlcul-
It la threatened by some who believe
they have been swindled that ba will be
brought to account
(Speelal Dispatch to The Journal.)
The Dalles, Or.,' July J9. Mrs. Joseph
Sharer died at her residence at Sherar's
Bridge yesterday evening from the ef
fects of an operation performed a month
ago. Her maiden name waa Jane An
toinette Herbert and her father came to
Waaco county In 1850 when Jane was
two yeara Old. She married Joseph A.
Bherar In 1863 when 16 years old. Since
1871 they had lived at Sherar's Bridge,
where eh and her husband had im
proved property that waa one or the
most delightful spots in Waaco bounty.
UTi' WE1 k TyTl "lXnj'TTT!,OT XT' I tural aoeietv will hnid fta &nnii mmZ I .n" w.aa a woman of great force of
ovflr infl irflTR win rt A in trn,on. I - --- - - . - - .
It Is expected to hava irn inH
dally at the carnival, aa the Bogus river
vsi-rey is one or tne largest ana most
The third snft brought against the O.
R. a N. by shippers of wheat for failure
to provide cars In which to ship wheat
waa filed In the circuit court thla morn
ing by tha Northwestern Wa rehouse
eompany, eeektna- $1,1(1 damages from
the Harriman Una.
The total amount of damajrea now
sought by ahlppera in the three suits lie
198,760. Ths Interior Warehouae com
pany early In July aued for $11,811 and
the next dav Kerr. Glfford A Co. muaA
for $88,749 damagea. ,
It la alleged that the contracts wara
made In 1904 with eastern wheat deal
ers ano cars oraerea ror tne wheat,
which were not furnished for long per
iods after they , wera ordered. Tha
quickest service Is alleged to have baen
19 days, while In one caaa It la charged
that cara were not aupplled until
days bad elapsed.
Mary Hansen Appointed Ad
ministratrix of Estate in
County Court.
(Joaroti Special Service.)
San Francisco. July 29. The caaa of
T. V. Halsey, accused of bribery of
supervisors for the telephone company.
was continued until Wednesday, Burns
states ha will get new evidence for the
Glass trial and will certainly convict
Glass on retrial. Glass gave ball for
nis appearance August a.
important rruu sections In the Paclfio
northwest. There will ba literary and
musical programs, and all kinds of pop
ular sports and oontests. . A great elec
trical illumination nigntiy by tne eleo- i
trio iigni eomnany la neinar arrane-ad
and one brother. George Herbert of
Cornucopia, Oregon. She waa ona of the
oldest or uregon-s pioneers ana was
known and respected oyer this county
ana eastern uregon.
(Joarnal Special Berries.)
July 29. A detachment of
129 engineers, electricians, and sannera
passed through Omaha under rush or
ders to proceed to
Manua Day.
Manila to mine
4 (Joarnal Special Berries.) a.
e Seattle, July 29 After a splr- -
J tea ' contest with . Carson City, e
tha Woodmen of the World thla 4
morning selected Portland for tha 4
next head camp in 1919. The 4
most important question of the 4
sessions this afternoon wJU. be 4
when the matter of raising the 4
per, capita tax and equalisation 4
4 insurance rates wjii do uxen up, -4
d..jii.Ian - rm : t..i . a v
Swain of Milton died at t o'clock thla
morning in a drug atore of heart fa
ure. He waa taken 111 suddenly on tha
street ana went to tne store ior relief.
He died before the dootorcould relieve
him. with a second attack. Swain waa
long employed by. tha survevlna corns
engaged about Milton making topo
graohio surveys. He leaves a. wlfa and
cnuaren at wuton. . . - .
Salem. Or July. 29. .The case of tha
state 01 uragon versus Christ Nsiison.
decided against the defendant by the
ciroult court of Clatsop county, haa
been appealed to the auorema court Tha
question Is as to the rigbt of the atate
of Oregon to legislate aa to fishing In
the Columbia river without conjunction
with the state of Washington. The
a4 aoUl -.sabs'- ia skJ a i J x .
A A a a a m a s i' a il r t uuum cuusiuerauon
Special DlepaUli to Tbe Journal.)
Roseburg, Or., July 29. After having
aaaertea on wne in tna east,- wsaamg
another at Vancouver eignt aaya ago.
deserting her three daya later, and elop
ina with Mlaa Percy Hoffman of Port-
land, Henry W. Johnson, is undsr ar
rest here. Johnson was arrested at Le-
ona upon complaint of the Vancouver
autnoriuas. a leuer trom aiiaa hoii
man to relatlvea in Portland, appealing
for money, disclosed the whereabouts of
tne ooupio 10 tna autnoriuea.
. (Jeamal IpeeUl Sarrlet.)
4 McGregor, Texas, July 19For
4 an hour and 20 minutes raster
4 : day the thermometer registered
4 ITS ta the sua and 11? In the
4 shade. Aa area three miles long,
4 and two miles wide waa affected.
4 Scores were overcome and horses 4
4 " n4.. poultry dropped dead, r 4
In the county oourt thla morning
Mrs. Mary Hanaen. alater of William
("BUlylf Ayers, won tha first round of.
the legal battle over hla estate whan
Judge Webster announced that he would
appoint Ayers' sister administratrix Of ;
the estate, Instead of C. E. Kumelln,
who also- sought the appointment
Attorney W. 8. Hufford. who appeared
rnr tlnm.Kn mnlA It riv.kakl. , W .
v 1 1 .. 1 i . . r . . .
numeim wui appeal to tne eirouil court.
tnougn Kumenn is out or tne city
no aecision as to an appeal .v0ta
reached until he returns. ' Mrs. rMnaan
will give $10,000 bonds as administra
(Special Dlapatch to TUe Journal.)
Goldendala. Wash. July 29. William
Baker waa burned to death last nle-ht at
Eolumbus in the lodging house of Dave
ova, which was totally destroyed.
Baker was a North Bank railroad la
borer. It la thought tha firs was In
cendiary. , : -
Sec Ad Back Page
If the tea is "good .you
ask for a second cupful'
not,, you ask for -therV
. Tsar sroeer rstams roar money II yon deal
Uks Sdulllag'y Bsat) w aay aim. ; - -j