The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 29, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Town Topics j
I ""'ibscrlbern can havs Tha journal de-
It 4 at tha regular rate at tha fol-
lowing resorts by notifying; the e(ents
at tha various placaa mentioned. Sub
. aorlptlona by mall ara payable in ad-
- Vance 2 . ' - 1
Oearhart Park. . . .. .P. 3. Struck
Hot Lake ..Hot Lake Sanitarium
i Wllholt Spring. ....... tF. W. McLeraa
, r. Boy? Bon Mineral Springs Hotel
? Sfc,M,s Sprin-.,,,,,,. Thomas Moffett
Colling 8prlnfc-7..V.......C..T. Belcher
Ilwaco . . , ..Louie Cohen
iduzig tieacn. . ..................
. . Marehall Pottenger and O. A. Smith
Naheotta. . v ... J. JZrovn
: uooan fara.. Mattnews uneaiora
Seavlew .Frank K. Strauhal
. The Breakers. ......Tha Breakers Hotel
- . - ' -
juarquam urano .,........,........
...."Tha Story of tha Golden. Fleece"
Grand , ........... Vaudeville
I'Trlo ............... "Road to Frisco"
Star "The Royal Slave"
Tha Oaks, t . . .O. W. P. oars, 1st Aider
Tha Eugena Merchants Proteotlva as
soclatlon has' sent a delegation to Port
land v to present . Eugene's . claims to
Southern Paclfto officials for something
WO In tba Una of depot and yards.
eltliens sav tha Southern PerlftiVa
elation accommodations are 20 years be
hind the timesand they think It time
ins company awoke to the fact that Eu
frene and the tributary countryis grow
nr. and other corporations and Individ
r uals are Improving their facilities. The
committee haa a conference wlth Gen
eral Manager J. P. O'Brien this after.
, r. noon. It was composed of T. E. Toran,
, J. W. Haya, Al Hampton, F.' E. Dunn.
. M. Svarverud. J. . Rodman. TT V. Hnl.
lenbeck, F. E. Chambers, Drew Griffin.
ta. u camobeil. w. B. Moon. C. H,
(1; Fisher, W. O. Qllstrap, M. 8. Barker,
' ; Major 1. D. Matlock. R. M. Murphy, J.
M. Shelley. O.-J. Hull. T. H. Garrett. C.
8. Frank. Otto Kauffman, F. C. Potts,
v j. tiarniie. tr. A. Kanain, AL, o. Mitcn
11, 8. Kloddahl. ..... j -
, weanesaay arternoon from I to a
1 . publlo exhibition will bs held of the
- work of tha metal school at the Ad
, ministration resUurant building. Lewis
and Clrk fairgrounds. Twenty pupils
hare been taking the course under Miss
JUinren Watklna The bulldins- which
was fitted up at considerable expense by
, Superintendent Insley is admirably
aaaptea to mis work, light, roomy and
rmea witn gas ana water. Tne at
rectors of the Art association feel much
gratified at the Interest manifested and
hope to be able to continue the school
' . although Miss Watkins expects to re-
i urn w uieveiana. . j
Rev. J. E. Klttredge D. Dw who sup
plied the pulpit of the First Presby
terian church, before the permanent
- pastor was secured, and who . made
. many friends while hers, has been se
s rlously 111 In Pekln, but Is now much
Improved In health. Dr. Hunter Wells
. writes from Korea that Dr. Klttredgn
had has a temperature of 10 or 167.
He and his wife were expected to visit
, there when, he was sufficiently recov
. ered. Rev. William Hiram Foulkes
has received a letter from Dr. Kltt
redge written from Hawaii on his re
turn trip, saying that he Is much better.
A line, large work horse was over
corns yesterday morning at Fourth and
Morrison streets with a disease of the
spins. A veterinarian was called to
' Bee the, animal and gave It the remedlea
twiuar In such eases. Hs said that If
the horse could be kept quiet for H
cor s nours ne inougnt it would re
t eovsr a large crowd of amateur
horse-doctors were attracted to the
scene, most or wnom bad a sure remedy
v that they wanted to try on the sick
animal, but tna owner wisely decided to
stay with tha professional's line of
The First
One Hundred
THE hardest
money to save, and :
;the easiest way to get
"the first one hundred"
is to 6tart a savings ac-!
count in our bank. One :C
dollar start! ; an ac-
':(;. count,-an d.V.j?;r;;:;;;:
b Interest
Compounded Twice
j -.",- Year, t
Every ;
Oregon Trust &
Savings Bank
. Sixth and- Washington Sta,'
-Portland, Oregon.
Deposit! Over $2,600,000
,W. H. Moors. . . . . President
B. X. Lytle. .Vloe-Presldent
W. Cooper Morris,, Cashier
East6mj;bregon Contcstan
l Determine to Secure
ol CrtnTnTc'hlln
.. : ; VUU1UIU wvy r.y .
j i'.'w'f'!',''.., , ., . ... t ' '"I '-'Vi '. '
roung Woman It Very Popular sad
f; : . ." - ;.!.'". '
. 'la Public School Gradoato Other
' Conteatanta Are Eqaalljr Anxious
'' .: " '" '
to Win Oat With Honors.
: Miss Bessie G&ylord of North Powder
is in The Journal contest . to win
hoiarahin and to lead the contest, dls
trlet of " sastsrn Oregon If possible... I
Miss Gaylord Isads that dlatrlct about
August 16. she 'will M allowed to ap
point somsons to so on a summer vaca
tion' trip to Alaska, sntirsiy at uis
nsnss of Ths Journal-'' - i
. Rut Miaa ' Gavlord'a first and ' chlsf
purpose is to earn a scholarship In
was found to be under ase and was rs-
qulred to postpone bis admission until
tOdSy.'. .
At Lents ths recently organised Bap
tist church has secured a. quarter block
of ground and wlA proceed at ones to
erect a chspeL Lumber Is on ths
ground and work will begin this week.
Ths church has about SO members. , ,
Water throught hoso for sprinkling
yards or sidewalks or wsshing porches
or windows must be paid for In advanc
ana ussa oniy neiween ins nours or
and S a. ra.. and C and t. m. It muat
not bs used for snrinklins streets. If i
usea contrary to these rules, or wssts
fully. It wUl bs shut off.
St earner - J en as - Ilarklna. tor rm mu
Waahousal and way landlnrs. dailv u.
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
OOCK ml m p m. ,
NVajo Indian blankets. Ill Sixth st
AiniKi innian nasketa, ill Blzth St.
Eastman kodaks. Ill Sixth street.
-Woman's Exchanr. lit Tenth tM
tuocn i;av io . ousiness mens luncn.
A cms OH Co. ssll safefr coal otl anit
fine gasoline. Phone East 711; B-100I.
"Golden Grain Granules" Is
highest quality. D. C. Burns.
of ths
gessle Gaylord, eastern - Oregon
contestant who will ride over 200
miles for : subscriptions.
D. Chambersopttclan, 111 Seventh.
Bsrgsr signs tH Yamhill phona
Bark Tonlo for rheumatism.
Beck Jeweler 108 Alder.
For les csll Main 111 nr A.ltlR
Delivery company. 161 Stark st
Well Known Ex-Portlander Expired
In Sonthern California From
Exposure and Overwork.
business college. She Is now central
at ths telephone exchange .at North
Powder and she also assists on ths
books of ths place where she ! em
ployed. She baa seen just snougn oi ran
iuii . llf tv Isarn- that much DreVlOUS
training and knowledge is required of
young women nowadays wnen iney ewes
good positions and Miss Gaylord desires
a thorougn Business eauuuan.
Shs graduated from tne eignm grsae
lAf th . Knrth Powder nubile schools
three veara ago and. she reels tnat sns
naa a gooa xounaaiion upun wuicu tu
build a special schooling. ,
Tot TJaloa and Baker Counties.
Ml a Gaylord Is . about to leave the
telephone office to devote, her entire
time to gathering subscriptions - in
Union and Baker counties. On some of
ths roads shs will travel, the houses sre
ift tn is miles snart. but ths people
living In them will be quick to respond
to her appeal for assistance tin ths con-
The 'fsrmer or eastern Oregon aeais
Mlas Gaylord wlil be able to see In a
whole month. Yet Miss Gsylor ! i my
complete the contest with a lar, r vote
than any. Portland city contest t If
shs Is ths persevering, esrenst C 1 that
and her photograph I, ate,
shs will become one of the leaders of the
contest. . . ,
Miss Gaylord's father . is popular
among the farmers and stockmen of the
Pine Creek country. He belongs to ths
Modern Woodmen of America and mem
bers of .that order in that portion of
eastern Oregon may contribute subscrip
tions In her fsvor. Her mother belongs
f uth.' Episcopal church and ahs will
look to that denomination for assistance.
During M u rs vi.'a . u.. .
No hPowder, her grandmother, Mra.
i,.?- Carroll, who is In business thsrs.
will receive subscriptions for her." ,
.Virinji.r,1ih, t r?"4 VHsjfway,
v.,.uu iiaa m. uroiner ana Sistsr,
DOtn Of whom are ahout rmA tn mn
sway to i schooL . The college wh6ss
scholarship Is Won and salart h Mlaa
Bessie ma V aaeura tm
dents in her broth . a v..
.1.,.. V't- - - -- .
AaotbsvOood Travslsr. ' '.';.
Adam C. Murray of Dayvllle, Ore con,
S one of tha umtMluiii k. ... .
scsntlly popuUted region to canvssa
B".h;,-Lf0,n" UD th Nns toward ths
iu vi mi comaac rim mm Ka m
some others whoss fortunes srs cast in
moT a?,nMl7 Populated regions. .
t,??" S-ood trading centre on
1-!. .whB5,T, "v"r ,n rMt oounty,
nsar ths Wheeler ftniintv Una T i.
.th". iatJn n Ths Dalles Military
wagon road.
Lilian Cochran of Monument. Is an
other candidate In Grant county. Her
operations are over a country 40 miles
north from Darvtiia. n.i. ..
Adam Murray havs to rMs for long dls-
.v a- iu,ir auoacnpiions.
- star Boats Ssrvtes.
Nearly all . ths noatofflcea I. arm
county are served by ths Star Route
service and receive their mail ai iim..
week not on Sunriav . u-nv ,k.
stockmen snd farmers llvs so fsr from
these offices that thav vlaw k
offices but once or twice a week.-- Still
Iti.'fi'i1-' nerally so well off
that the eaalir can ttnrA . ...w. .
-daily newspaper, and. pay .a year n
saws Tsaiivv a ui i v
Ths Stsf Routs carriers ars required
to-leavs mall at all notnta iim thai
routes where boxes or bsgs srs erected
to receive It In this wsy many asttlens
along ths stars routes ranalva tmtr n.H
dally and many of them take dally news-pabsrs.-
, n tasmg subscriptions to bs flllsd
In this way contestsnts nhoulA anaifv
on e very t order the poatofflce st whloh
the pouchea for the 8tsr Routs carrier
are msds up.
" Patrons of Star Routes mav ra nn
.T?l V k,nd of b0" or bS which
will ahad water and which can be served
by the stare driver without his alighting-from
his vehicle.
' Tness points csn be hnrna In mln
contestants working in ths country.
Way Wot Pick Up ths Gems oa Port-
isna sireeMT
You need not ma far nut m. .-
although Robinson Co.'s are at a great
disadvantage on account of the building
and torn up condition around them.
Taka- advantage of their disadvantage
oj ouuiicin
goods at
our fs
When in Doubt
, Ke.ardlni the Best Investment for Yoor Money
Buy Diamonds
Their increase in value wilf pay it hand
some interest on the investment and you
have the pleasure . of wearing them. We
. extend . . , . ' v .
To anr reliable party without extra charge
or going through a lot of red tape. Wt .
. can and do sell tor lets' tnan any jeweler in
'the city. ; - . ..... ;
ting yourself in hlgP. grade
sale pricea tit Washlnston
Potter. Schedule for Beach,
Tha steamer Potter will aal from
Portland. Ash street dock this week aa
follows: Monday, t a. m.; Tueaday,
Wednesday and Thursdsy, Sam.; Sst
urday. 1 p. m. Get tickets snd make
reservstlons st city ticket office. Third
ana Washington streets, C W. Stinger,
city ticket agent. "
Watch our windows!
Co.'s. I8S Washington.
Robinson A
Flnar arrangements for the big
grange fair and carnival at Grashain
will be perfected next Thursdav when
committees from all ths granges of
Multnomah county and about 100 hum.
neas men and farmers will hold their
organisations or ths community will bsl"" "e namoer or com-
uivrc uuuawf, wnicn was put up In
Thomas V. Osborn, who IS years aao In large quantitlea He counts his stock
araa nn. nf ,k. W... 1 . DV herds. HIS HSV DV StSCKS. Sna niS
"w m susj wvs a, aauuwaa am II (I miML - . . - . . a m i ws
prominent men In Portland, died recent
ly In San Diego after a brief Illness
brought on by exposure and overwork.
Osborn was ths most potent factor In
cereals by thousands of bushels. When
be subscribes ror a newspaper 11 snoina
be In the large. way m wnicn ne aoes
other things. It should be for the Dally
snd Sunday Edition and for a whole year
in advance.
Invited to participate as well as dairy
men. - poultry men and ethers. The re
sources of Multnomah county will bs
morougaiy saveriisea.
Steps to reduce danger from fire from
dry grass and brush on vacant lots In
ths Vernon tract' have been taken by
tne iMorcneuiern improvement associa
tion. Houaes are scattered about In this
tract, and on tha vacant lots a growth, of
uruan una rui naa oeen uiowea ZO
spring up. The city attorney said he
would issue warrants for ths owners of
jots wno permit tneir property to be
come a menace 10 tne community.
At the museum of art a loan col
lection of Indian work will be on ex
hibition for several weeks. The collec
tion includes baskets, beadwork. and
rugs, the work of the Indians of ths
west coast About 700 specimens of
pasaei worx aione are snown. ine art
museum, at Fifth and Taylor streets, Is
open every qajr irom s a, m. to s p. m.
JThe following, articles lsft In street
( ctOuly 17 and IS may be secured by
I . the owners at room 4. O. W. P. bulldlnr.
First and Aider: Ten . miscellaneous
packages, seven umDreuas. two jackets, i
one pair gloves, one whip, one straw
: hand bar two baseball mlta tnnr lmnh
boxes, -two Bibles, one album, two cans
ex paint, a curr outton and one oil can.
presiding Judge Cleland of the circuit
court eks returned from his cottage at
Ssaslds snd will preside In ths circuit
tne early lO's. He was St that time
president of the chamber of commerce.
i and it was largely through his efforts
iubi me money was raised to construct
the handsome office buildlna at Thir.i
and Urk streeta.
Osborn left Portland 10 or 11 veara
ago, removing to Los Angeles, . He en-
f agea in concrete, ana steel construo
lon work and became one of tha
successful builders, in southern Califor
nia. At ths time. of his death he wss
engaged In putting up five huge struc
tures In that part of ths country.
Mr. Osborn was BS veara ot ih mnA
a natlvs of Missouri.- He leaves a wife
llvlnc In Los Anaeles and five rhll.
dren. W. H. Osborn, MrsTTj. R, Frasier,
Mra E. H. Cocke, Thomas F. Osborn
ir. and Neville Osborn.
Br securing large subscriptions Miss
oayiora may
overcome the bandlcapa of
the grand distances which she will have
to travel Deiween seiuemems.
'' Over the Bine Koutalas.
The first -canvassing trip which this
young. lady will attempt will cause her
to cross a spur oi me uiue mountains
from North Powder to the Pine and
New Play at Marquam. '
"Ths Story of the Golden Fleece" Is
Eaals vallevs. This drive will causs
her to travel over 100 miles
Her parents live at Halfway snd hsr
fsther, Clarence E. Geylord. is farming
there. Halfwav la at the head or tne
beautiful Pine valley. From this point
ss a-base Miss oayiora win canvass
the fertile Eagle Greek - valley, where
the farmers always have the money to
purchase what they want This part of
Oregon is .SO miles from the railroad
but it is so rich that Jt is prosperous,
.Miss Gaylord mar ride up Pine creex
to the Cornucopia mines, which is one
of the best -quarts camps of Oregon.
The quarts miners, gallant to women
and generous in ths cause of the schools,
will give' her subscriptions, every man
of them she can find above ground.
.' ; WIS Travel Grand Slstaaoes.
.'After canvassing this territory, iso
lated, from the railroad. Miss Gaylord
will seek votes at LaGrande. Union,
. court during this week and next, after I uoeessf ul romantic dramas touring ths
rul be relieved for two weeks F.U1U,"7 ""n yat eiave." jjui-
ths name of .the new nlav that will he I Summervllls and . Elgin: and she mav
given Jts premiere performance at the make a canvass of Baker City. If she
Marquam theatre tonight. The play does sll this she will cover more terrl-
will be interpreted by Nance O'Neil and torv than any other contestant And to
her company and Interest In Its pressn- cover all the territory which shs has
tatlon Is great. marked -lout, will" keep- her on the go
uniu uie jasi aay oi me. coniesi.
" JTots This Comparison.
A Portland contestant In one week's
people then
For several years one of the most It, rXXT. canV..."
w. a. wtsb has startnurra
We can extract one or all your
' teeth without hurting a bit, and
fut in new teeth ths same day
f you desire.
Our system 'of crown . and.
bridge work Is simple, quick and
When desired you can hsvs T.
P. Wise or my personal servica
Painless Extraettaff Prse Whsa
, Plates ars Ordered.
snd doing dental work all the
time. Thst Is ths record of Dr.
W. A. Wise. That's .one reason
our business has grown our pa
trons come back, . and they send ,
their friends.
W. A. WISE, Dentist
Palling bldg'84 and WasUngtea
S a. m. to S p. m. Sundays S to IS.
Palnlsss Bs- rtloa SOoj Plates SS
T. P. Wbe H. A, Slardevant
and H. A. Huffman
s ,soas. ,.
Be a Railroad Han-Ltarn Telegraphy
Bsttsr, Basisr, Larger Than Bver.
More space needed to keep pace with
the growing demand. .
WhyT We . positively do as we say,
place our graduates In good positiona
Results: Our. graduates tell their
friends: they attend. Train dispatchers'
wires Into our college; actual station
blanks and forma .-Graduates, furnished
with passes from school to positiona
We can do this xor you. catalogue... .
The. School That Merit Built"
Commonwealth bldg. 6th and Ankeny st
which hs will be relieved
by Judge Gantenbein. Judge
livan it Consldlne have secured tha uaa
of the play for the stock company at
ma emr mis weet ana win nesin its
has acted as presiding Judge during the
naat two weeks. Judas Sears nrealriail
during we eany part ox JUiy,
For liquors phone the Family Liquor
Store. J. B. Kelly, successor to Caswell
A Kelly, 154 .Morrison strsetf corner dlenne. assisted bv fitanlev Johna win
hath nnnnsaLMAifiA iirsaSaa o e i . . . : . . . " v .
"Taming Husband. .
Beatrice Moreland, the . noted -come-
Park. Both Phones pacific. Main 28, present the headline
SOU aviuo) ov.
nlavlat. "T,mln
a. Husband," at the Grand today and
r; JOdwIa I Mlnar was also admitted to
practlos In both federal courts this
'morning. Mr. -' Mlnar appeared before
the courts a year ago ror admission but
nAin lee
-sTnns nssesa pvt afw'"-
all this week; This is one of the best
vaudeville cotnedies on tha ataa. Tha
I bill Is a long . one and strictly flrst-
The Road to 'FrlMeo.n
-The Lyric's greatest offerlna ot main.
drama will be Inaugurated tonTght when
ths Allen stock oomnanv wtll nnuant
iur tna riran lima nnra .ma unutmnai
meioaramatic success, '''The Road ; to
Frlsco't This Is the only play which
rsoroduoes conditions eiiatlnrs hafnra
anu .ms turrjoja uisaster ox April
AO,. A VI. t ' ...j.;
Carmen to Celebrate August 8. ; ;
August . S has been ' Belented hv tn.
pioyes . or i tne street railway comnanv
as ths day for their MtlahrallAn at th I
uaxa xogetner witn Manager Freeman
they have made alahorata nranaratlnna
for the event and thousands of tickets
are being sold. Carmen themselves I
oavs cnargs or tne sale of tickets. .
Don't USS harsh nhvatra. The raan.
lion weakens the bowels, leads to
chronlo constipation.' Get Doan's Rex-
. vTher operate eaaUy, , tone ; ths
awuiMvu. vun cunavipaiiun.
Straw hatsfor mitlnr at RnMnwrn A
vo. me hi wasnington. , . - . ,
If you want trt ronl mi, n,i'fiF.
nlahed room advertise it in theTur
nished Rooms" columns of The, Journal
Rate one rcent a word. Phwe .If you
in ii:
i, I f
'-iijnilii'il'",1 f
usABnra strstafEs xbsobt or ths paczfio srosnnrBST.
Electric Lignt, Steam, Hot and Cold Salt Water in Every Tub, Buy Tlcxeta
to Breakers, -Paclfle County, Wash. Postofflce Address, Breakers, Wash,
The Better Trustee
Do you realize that a properly equipped and man
' aged trust company can handle your estate for you
while you live and look after it after your decease,
rendering better service and at less cost to you than
under any other arrangement you can effect? .
The trust company is a perpetual trustee and its
acts are guided by skilled hands directed by a board
of directors composed of successful men.
Our company is especially qualified for this work
and its officer- will be pleased to be consulted at any
time relative thereto.
All business is considered of a confidential nature
and will be so treated..
Merchants Savings and
Trust Company
CAPITAL FULLY PAID....... $150,000
J. Frank Watson.... .........President
R. L. Durham ......... ... . . . . .V. . Vice-President
W. H. Fear. Secretary
S. C. Catching. . . . .... . . . . . . . .Assistant Secrets
0. W. T. Muellhaupt. .v . . . . . Cashier
A Perfumed Lamny foe. the BatL I Best Toilel powder. AnAepdcnuV
: aXareus nam wsier. oeaer I : Dure. : Kehevet sunhtim anri
ttian ratume. Mint,'
25 ceninU
.chafing. Best for
Low Summer Rates
. To Jamestown Exposition and the East. There
is no better time for your summer trip than now,
taking in the Jamestown Exposition and then
visiting the Eastern Summer Resorts.
SLL ' '
1 v
.. .
Asst. General Passearsx Ageat.
SSS SCorrlsoa St.
"; . portlaad, Qt, .
Marquam Grand
1 - (rhone Vain )
Tonight and All Weak, First Perform
anos on Any Ptnga, i
In the Or-at Mvthoiorlcal P1V.
tvenlnr 11.00. 7c tOo, ito. Mat
inee, 75c, BOe, J5c. ..
Curtain l:S0 p. m.
Phone Main 485.
This Wsek the Alien Stock Company
Matinees Tueaday, Thursday, Satur
day and Sunday. Prices, 10o, I0
Every evenlnx at 1:19. ; Prices, lOe, 10a
and iOe. . . , "
Reserved seats fcy phone. Main 4SJ.
Office open from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m.
mTr'n cm i -n rhones Main 6S
Xllj OlJXU . and Home A-H9.
Tha coolest theatre in ths city. ,
frank DsCamp ss Acqullia, ths Astsa
. Kins;. ;
' Matinees Tuesdays,' Thursdays, Sat
urdays and Sundays st 1.10; prices, lOo
snd 10a Evsnlngs at 1:16; prices, lOo,
IfHj and SOe. Reserved seats by phone
for all performancea ..
Oornrr Vaaffea asd Twsatr-roarta. . :
July 30, 31, August 1, 2, 3
Osms called at 1:80 p. m. dally.
Oamea called st t'.tO p. m. Sundays,
Grandstand tic. ' Cnlldran XSa.
Box Bests 15c -. .
Sksk Baadsebssad teUevean thetrosblss IsaV
dent te abUibos stalsol tso ays tws. mtck as
PlnrineM," Manaaa, pinsilnai, Plat naa aftav
aatlnf. lla la Uie Klda, Sa. WaUe Ihalr moa)
tssBsrfcaMs noias has be shown la sartaf
Bssdseha, yet Carter's UtOs Uvea Pms srs
aqaaUy valnabls la Oonatlpatioa. earing and prs
VaBtlaf this an poylng complaint while they alas
eonsetaUdiaordSraoftkeatoassekjMlmnuttotas .
livarsB4MUaStlissowsls, Sveatf tasysaiy
Aohe they wonld be almost prloalan to thflss wh
saffar from tHiaillarraailmeoniplatntt tatrorta
SaUaly thalrgoodn i doas notaad heraand thoas .
srhooaestry thsm will Sad these little pills vela
aMe la se many ware that they will not be W1U
llaf to do without tbnm. But after all sick head
Is ths bane of so many lives that hare Is whers
we make oar snst boast. Oar pills ear it while
there do sot. ...'.. - -
Carter's Little liver Mis srs very small and
very easy to taka On or two pills make a doss.
They are strloUy vegetable sod do not (ripe es
parse, bothy their (nU action pisses all Who
ssuaav ' ......
uxmitmsm tnvms.
See Ad Back Page
Hotel Hamlin
F1rst permanent big
hotel down town.
Contains lqpbeaatifolly
f urniahed ateara heated
spartmenta. 40 baths.
Privst telephone ear.
vice. Sample rooms for
. eommereial travelera.
Eddy St. ssrs from
"ferry pass door and eon.
sect with 8rd BL ears
: from S. P. Depot,
Rates from $1.00 on.
Phone Private Ex.
a n el s e o
S a n; Fr
Tha Xtng of Sswlaf Kaokbisa.
;5; ..vJ;irWatal py A
Northern Pacific Railway
White Sewing Machine Agency
Bu B. Jons. 880 Tamhin.
AU BOads of Seoond-Haad Sswln
-i-i Uaohinss. ;
laaHT VAnvrActvuflS
440 -BVBCiAXiVrBa,
bass TunsHuto.
Bota Phones i Eaav 898, B189S,
W, 13. tiCOTT lVJjrr.
Dr. ItaiUfm'i Cwpol"!
ead Cot to Itoot fliia. 'J '
a4 eoljt r)t '"'' ' '
LATIU Pi.ltiui?t i .
.tl..l. la 1 t '
PfTcea par pox, ti4 In r
ASareae r. T. i. rk-A ' ' ' '
trenkmm. ttraana.