aatfai ' "' ' ' ' . THE JOURNAL AN OTDBraNDBICT ITKWSPAFM. ft'!.1 l-kon. . some - others . for, tariff reform art Insincere. . He doesn't hellere tn rail road rat regulation by law, and iMiiibfraara so. and everybody knows whera stands. , !! apparently has respect for nor personal Bistlck. He Intimates iMnmlMlm tannua tha Kail a aMODd-oUsa I th At th. lrMMnt hu mn nnliMi uib iiruyor yrurinca u an executive; - i ' ' Pablltu4 rrr ranlnf axrpt lultft lM S( . BiandS. , .1- ', ' wrf Saodar ornln. t The Joanwl Bnlld-1 ..ja l.. '4j; tat. nfcb d-iripbul iltmu. rf)id. or. I neuner anjr r ' '"t -""..L. i " L.- : . j a v. ' I fw of the BI : . Enter at tfce aoatoffloa at Portland, Or., tor I TTXEPUONB afAlJf TITS. III dapartmecta reached by tbli nember, , TU th pantnr tha department roe want. and Is as bad or worse than Andrew Jackson wis. roHBiGH ABVKBTisiNa RgPBE8NTATiT Foraker's presidential pretensions v ' ZL2t absurd; it Is unlikely that he will otk; Trtbuna Bmiaing. aucaio, receive any vote In the convention; ; Sobaerlptloo tarma br aall to any addreaa J and It is difficult to SUPPOSe that he ,i la the United Itatea. Canada or Mexico. I ' . f . is cuuipteieiy seu-ueceivea as to me . Ooa raar. v On raar. .' 'On raar. DAILY. ......'.fS.OO Ona Booth SCNDAl. .......1150 Ooa month DAILY AND SUNDAY. tT.60 Ona month I M ... 4- ,. t--.r v. He serres all who dares be true. Emerson. HAYWOOb ACQUITTED. HE HAYWOOD Jury, as The Journal suggested would be the situation. But he Is still a senator, and has a large and hitherto an en I .as I thuslaatlc following in Ohio; and he may be a figure of considerable In terest during the next year. The controlling elements in his party have moved away from him, but he will not stand alone. THE REFERENDUM LAW. . i READER wants to know The "case, would not convict the de-j A "Journal's opinion "on the de fendant on the evidence of the I "clslon of the supreme court in a jta famous' assassin. Orchard. The ab- regard to the legislature being horrence excited by his aelf-confeased the sole Judge of what is an emer crimes undoubtedly destroyed In jency clause in a bill when the con great degree the force of his testl- stltution defines it clearly"; also on mony, even though It. was confirmed "Judge Galloway's decision in regard In many points, by other witnesses, to what constitutes a properly signed ' No Jury could be expected to give petition-; and the Inquirer volun f nil, unhesitating credence to the teers theoplnion that "the referen ' story of a man so stepped and sodden dum law Is as good as dead." da. wickedness, so obUvlous of every The Journal! la slow to criticise jla or-Gpd.or man. Doubtless the the conclusions of the courts except (Jurors argued that a man who could in tare 'eases where it seems very j , iperpeiraia a crime ao aiaroucai as clear that-a decision is wrong. It ; the murder of Steunenberg, with no seems to us that on the first propo- more reason or motive than Orchard sltlon a court and not the legislature proiessea, wouia not scruple to should-le the rinar arbiter of the assassinate through the medium of question of whether an emergency tne law Haywood Moyer and Petti- exists; or at least that a court should lone, when -by so doing h-nfght take Jurisdiction of a case in which aavet himself from the, gallows', u clearly appears that the legislature in-me opinion or tne twelve men had declared an emergency wheu 7 who: tried, Haywood.; the evidence none In fact existed under the con was not sufficient to convict and a stltution. But we do not feel bound .verdict of acquittal was therefore to criticise the supreme court for .the only alternative. There can be taking a different view. taV MOAtn A liflol , SP.aa.jt tJa aaa at ! . free. By . many the result win belLa, v. their country neat ; jhat they have a mue, country while we have very big one to look after, the population there 1 being many to our one, to Letters Fi rom the Vcovle Would AboUsh Anto Horns. ? Portland. Jul T ' rr iw. ju i.uo ouarcj xnue, ana tnat'tnererore ! ournu la yout issue t of we cannot be reasonably expected tol'""7 ,6Ul ! fh9r; appsarea -an axtloU equal England in cHoeatne; but - . T .7 : ' Y.7 ill : ra" xm ng, as well w . By Arthur BrUbane. ; f wu. jsu oeai, ana more rapiaiy, u previous aootors. has prescribed Mr. Funston was a little gentleman in mis reSDMt. It la not eltnnthnr I "w """i remeay tor tba eradication of ha AM-t unint tn mmK n a matter of sentiment or aesthetics, ,wn,r He. haa followed the Into the army, sot a fuU set of brass but 1. of real, practical l-wUetJir nd ii is worm a gooa deal to a city or rorm, that of Increasing the noise of Now h. is a. v.r m.n ueignDornooa reputation for beauty. FUNSTOKS "UNWHIPPED MOB' Soldiers SKouU B Kincl and Pafaent, Even Uawhippsd Tsxpsysrs 'V:'':.:-v'-'vi ;': Hsve Tltlt TrViuWes ; , : ' to get a widespread fl""0." a clanging bells, while amounts te a very treat deal. We hope cleanliness, neatness, Lt', ?r?t? IJ1or" n that, In spite of his greatness, he win upon thi autUt and mike Tim be onT t0 " ?at,wic wlth the lookout Instead of the poor pedes. I n4rP cnwd of American citlsena. . iriT?l . ?.ear,!e1 'i!.1" rs ago while I Mr. funeton Is like the naval officers' PEOPLE AND LEGISLATURE. r 1 enjoyed Veeln ,ni. -ii" tiZ at tn Jmtown exposition. They wholi sldewaUc iu wCn my bS 1 was TTre,i10Crlrled f iB bought that they broken I waarery careful to keSn cn? ,,U,(I D6w ?nt down thr 't trol o urwheeT and when nMesearv otiln1!7 buneea men In making the clally. It owes no HERE IS nearly a million dol lars in the state treasury. Ore gon is - in gooa snape. nnan- n '?JT MA."f"?.? liant and da.hini. T.n'. .hi State debt ?out hie affairs showing tha automo- SL.f,"1 ntten-- parade In San pue tne same courteer accorded a horse , eairioation or the i uu((7 ana mi trouble la endedt If I ir'.. .7 iraniuy inn ne aeiivery to m. b Isn't ltT I Boon ha Belnr aomnthlnr rKm Vlrh-or w.l nln- for human. nature to . .Mn nf .wf aakod whether he ac ueing sometning or-a kicker, we enjoy seeing the other fellow Jump, f?11 u"d thla expreaalon and whether say no, and the fault of what il w.l reaeon why the autolat .oa n,B nnta, he admitted , " " k "lehould not keen tha aama mntrni Ki.lthat that waa eaaoUv what ha .i m.uug iobm cuuni; uyuii wiai ag-1 man wm a norse, ana l oe reiarrea only mntlm. a hAn... t. I mi oi ioriiung a " eieineni.- v uv.m.w wm- nerve-racKinr noise is the only explana DrlBed the last leelslatur Thr AA "onor wtiy he does not do so. Bo 1 to lnn I We know xa.ntl' hnw runmi as,. as the bells and horns are allowed you ton and the little naval officers at prUed the last legislature. ' They did some good things, some bad ones; must Pct to lumps sideways several j Jamestown feel when they apeak of hut townrlnr nhnva all th la nna V iT'ir1!" u uur wi"can ciusen. Iava SB. aUVriliOSel IUIO, CHARLES K. SHORT. and knew it, but did not do; that is, Would Abolish Petty License Fees. to snirt tne tmrden of taxation which . Portland. July 17. To the Editor nrovidea "this million dollara. and Pf Journal A turst exists lo- must provide other million.. !?' "r!? 2 I - i a n v SaVSStAt gP 1 Tl I ITJ. VUa a USJ worst trust of all la the land trust but state tax in Oregon hereafter. I people do not realise It fully. The Other states, notably Wisconsin, un- 0(1 tru8t tes tbeir animosity now A man Who ia ana-avail In vnrVtn. for his Hying, a man-who-can't make a cent by wearing bfaaa buttons or Small Gkane toMaP.fonr- Ttere.tlng cJoin Llm ,untrM wAtPNortl, me Mia em nam. . ... and you weep alone.", " carrying a sword, or marching up and down, is a very contemptible ereaturs .Tha weather bureau Is likely to rmnr in tba eyes of the professional military f coolest July on reoord. l',' man. s ; .v''. , I? s;..-VSV,u.: Anybody who . haa traveled tn, Oar- twVkiSSSfl VburTuat JRiir?wit,, tnanknowa that It dtaan't tatra a r wm""' nor WUSt Whiskey, . dler very long to look with contempt I 'If you can't a-o to'tha . . upon, anybody who Isn't aoldler. , J mighty nlcetlnS? t Jt !SMA' J! Thla newsDaner haa a verv hlah rer eranoe ror me aoiaiers proieaaion. ii ,naV.nteth er . e, . i- ' -.,... , Beatrice Fairfax Encour ages Home Makers Bp Beatrice Fairfax 75""u" lur 5" ' ewo'ere proxeaeion. .i i mi.,.. . la'aeoeaaary to nave men to protect in tha faet th.T T;;.LVrt "iLrle"?e int oounirr in caaa or trounie. adii " win tnrt tha man whn vnlnnU.iv In. lma ' -t : e ' e - 4 " . trouble Is entitled to all honor, if heThe athletic girl Is sometimes ver aama hla k.a hitliuii mil kla inim I mUOh In ardar; vM. Ul.. . T . " -" " TK-.'T I if-. ' aunui ana nis sworq, tnose msrks ex raithrull "awn. aarvlna ahAiiliC . I ' Rut it mirlil A K. rutaalhta aa n I The hnlldoa? Pata tiaa V., '. . a man as great as Oeneral Funston to5rom prealdentlal. purUeua. Hla la i keep hla temper and to bo civil In deal- doggone case. t . . . In a- with ordinary eltlaana who lack hla I - " -- grandeur. - A ",. e ready to "go ring the bells and payrou or that "unwnippea moo.; his i uwr breas buttons, hla spurs, hla hat. his I food, what he waa re all are paid fori Perhaps: Walt Wellman la fa.4.. by the ordinary people In the plain bual. hla trin ha.- tH!?. If :'.? naaa elnthea . . . . I maltat vT5 "i i " , . Vt W As for the -uncontroUabla elemenrl : 7 :7" m.. V,:'U:.': such an element exists In his sense of 1 i JrS..f I,ta,,0r TB tt human j .v. . . .-w .... n.n...l I SOUI lOOkS JUSt Ilka an nvatar . n.. 1.1. U WVIU. Ail B4I , ... ma W k. . mT . J . ,T M is not paid hie aaiary oy tne people toi , nuw. .... .... .k. .1..... v.1'- -a . approved or diaapproved by him. I . lr0UDI with' superimposed iV fria hualnaaa la to take hla title and I rata Oh our battlaahlna la i.iT un uDuvrn miiu iua nuiu mw -" .f u.ua 04 Kll enemy. - people, and be as grateful ae he can! , , . e . e . mrA mini 1,1a man mialnaaa at laaat - . I "T .. .1.1 . ' .. . ' 1 v "J T "v . gomouen ine waathe shop or emigrate." remarka tha OaaattalV .awv. v. in.uun. -vonie to Oregon. Tha eeteemaif TTam.ttvi .-a m.vi iviu - wiu ua. w in nsLi-vrw - aim a. aJonet American newspapare woa'l g I .1 e It la not supposed that the govern-I and mind hla own bualness at least. Br doing this, he can avoid oompu catlona.- In Fiction and Fact By Wex Jones. IN THHJ 8 TORT. a a 1 . iv. ... I mant'a nroseouflon ttt tha tnk.TL . . Olrla. I want to tell you that when a tlon. Tlve years marrlea," he aald to Xing Industry U Ut bb . ',.,. ........ ' I Tha antMrust ordinance la likely to be young man goes a-courtlng he la not himself, "and this will be the 'first time fU. J?uDUy v. emaaculated by the agenta of the lltUe looking for a piano-pUyer n hailed with deep satisfaction. But many, more 'will consider that the verdict leavea .unanswered the. uues- A YOUNG MAN'S QUERY. entirely, failed to meet certain re quirements of the law, and if these tion as to the real responsibility for Lflnf,.i a Bteunenherg a 4eath. ... , k... a ,.. ..w ... ... think the legislature was doing mis chief with malice prepense whto It '-Beginner , in Ufe'g Battle" mBU" lueBO neoaie8B requirements, 'seeks the advice ?f The Jour- 106 Iact tnat tbe reauIred number sat as to whether 'he 'should of leRal TOter nnaerBtI1ilT P- rnarrv on. S aalarV hp taS - "wonea anouia De legally sufriclent. 'month which he can earn in -a posi- Nor d0 we tn,nk thi referendum ' tlon he has "in view." He Is Just U dead' . ttol"to die. It may- be out of college, is 22. "she" is 21, ?ooll8nlT or needlessly resorted to oc fthelr "mutual happiness is beyond a cas,onaIlT. ftn 'or that reason may donbt," and he has "a willing parent not bfl Evoked In some cases when to back him." 11 migni De wen to ao so, Dut It is No one. however wise, can oosl- 8 yery necessary Instrument for the tlvely advise a stranger In such a PPl to keep In their handa, and , case. - One would need to know the thwr may make good use of it yet. parties personally 'and rather inti- nor cloture I Maara-ia'a avar been away even for a I There ia atlll a llttla .v.. ..-I Follette, make public Utility and trusts working on the "aympathlea" Painter, nor a pretty, empty-headed doll. I day. Shell have a good time with, her I 5r-,lnt'a unnl' 'farm exercise will other corporations pay for running or the coundlmen. Recent court pro- Mut a home-maker. , folks, and I gueas J won't have a Jor uLrltt me mother af taa Daea) . Im..44m. i a m . . I IVti. K . W.M. I. . ,. ... . I . I vot--a . A - T Tl the stAt arovarnment. and i-Allam tha " r ranciaco enow now l " "v -"a ;-1 umsi na m mr "a i nania .iii. . .... .v. deP th feelings of city legislators were Panlon, and U he Is a sensible young waa a bachelor. f people entirely of a state tax; why I there. . man he waita until ha nd..tha riht -a v.f .a..m.i not Oregon? shVuld 'ITve wrlEtifln lrl bafor that most Im- W; ---J.?. J.bL hM o.. regard 4 ioa Tt 1. nnn. tnn t hae,m 2nd" tt."-!0 h J2S? -K?"- 'w1d "onl old bachelora, mulating and expressing the demand f ttde -22 SSSLSS. lffi4OTtlOT CaSSS for this change. The last legislature SVetftttOT a.V..Mw,"! SKa??Sa. KrSaaaTaaS tt "5?!!S5 J Iff S knew very well what the people H; r.WUi nl - 'rau manaed in mis respect yet did noth- d ,o wn w. havth. nS S ! jgt Sff tKrareaTurirnecesaTyo 5h. must beTetUn, nV old farm 0s would oom. oveK W ing; nay, defeated such partial meas- oftr'S. 5." " 5 h making of a comfortable, happy by thu time.'- . "?,trZ.,,2f . 0.u.n..?," lesson them will U wishing they had taken the Tw.nt you to learn to be good hou.e- af terwa'rd every 1 "h man U met the Swedish America;" to "om. ures as were proposed. The is plain: Defeat every member of Amon thi twri. t... .,1 v.... ?MP"-. the last legislature if he does not fSfe hold over who did not do all harniiMlln the long run aoaked back with in. 15 ..v "rea many row on the backs of the fArta ari i further, people. If a man la fined by a llcenae faf" IJ make sure that every man elected ir.5ve"fhJ . . . . ...... i . . r v mBiiin nni is specmcaiiy pieagea 10 enect mis n me aggregate, large grafts, f,nd th? .,oso organisation of combina retorm. , tlons similar to trueta. The people can no longer afford Jfflr S;"1 !l! to take chances on what unpledged trd5a- w hv5 n moral right to v,-. nt , a 1,".','" mma f.r engagmg in some uicuiuoi o ui IC6101O1U1O nut uu ur mm uuainess, aucn aa draylng Man Is a materi good house-1 afterward every other man he met !J al being and I seemed to be gayly hurrying along with D i he ia com- hla wife by hla aide. ta, I TM.h l mmiA Ttlnlra "Til ,A km, FlV mately to be able to give advice. A , young couple of the right sort cad '. undoubtedly live comfortably, with 'no bad luck, on $65 a month, but i they must ; economize,., deny them 4 selves air luxuries; and" "she" must , do her own housework and otherwise ,be a veritable "helpmeet." But as CIVIC NEATNESS. Y ES, WE are a great people, .and are accomplishing much, but we can look abroad and learn several things to our advan tage. No man is too wise to learn from others, even if In most respects -j a. general proposition, it Is unwise thejr are 1688 w,so than ne- In the ; for a . youth t under these circum- rea"7 imPortant matter of civic neat ' stances to marry. He would better nes JU8t neatness, rather than i secure himself 'in his position, work beautT American cities, according 'In it so faithfully that he will get a 10 ine reports 01 travelers, are far . prpmotion or a prospect of one, save behlad many foreign cities. We have all the money possible,' and buy a neTer neard much of London being ' lot or an acre as a foundation for a a moIel ot neatness, and perhaps It : borne; and then, still a very young 18 not ln ltg buslness sections, but man, he will be in a far better poal- B London writer ln the Outlook, con tlon to take chances on the lnatri- traBtIn8 American with English, monial sea. The notion of depend- cmeB m re8pect, says: "in the lng on "a willing parent" is, not a resllentlal suburbs of London every good one. Yet let It be understood tn,n looks as neat as a man fresh that these suggestions are only gen- from the operations of a barber, erat. : There may be exceptional Her th,n suggest a man who lets cases, and "Beginner" may be one of j nu nalr Srow as, " P'eaSes." So them. Every man must decide such I 'ar as .''American cities, each con sidered as a whole, are concerned, we believe this critic has not slan dered them. Many: private grounds are kept in a neat condition, but one -will not travel far in any direc- fVElATOR FORAKER took ad- tlon to fliid a disagreeable contrast vantage of a Chautauqua occa- in grounds ugly with weeds and M-w-"Wiey ought to be made to & JS.Sl' Subscribe not only to "Statement No. ,ret taxea. rest heavily upon the 1," so that the people can elect their tain., and that is that the woVeraln choice for United States senator, but dolT. loWh. VituJt?On'0mrettoS ihiiv ahinM ha ran 11 tn molr. Will enact lomi lawl thama.lv.. tum V - UWM.W W .V1.M.. W U U a U I . . , a A . m ... CI W a. a a a ... "'".v"1 ,un" 01 our nrt ramiues to some other statements, especially oneJ breaking rock. FRED c DENTON. with reference to the matter herein ja aerki uiouuuaeu. Portland. July I0To the Editor of ine people neea to maxe a lew The journal a short time ago there big sticks, for use at Salem. appeared In a Portland paper an article underrating the work of the railway mail clerks and niacins- the hiama tnr reopie wno reaa only me Ore- undistributed mall on these workera. gonlan yesterday morning and de- Havln" once been partially Informed in pended upon its news from Boise r,,'.1 'c? 1 w throuarh . .... tt j the columns of The Journal, to correct uwwu mac iia;i.u was con- trie said SUtements, and ln Justice to Vlcted, or was about to be convicted. I th mall clerk, to mention a few of his The Jury, the Oregonian's report au"e" ana hardships. said, stood eleven for conviction of TotZl. a". S re covers murder in the first degree, and one and distributors of mail, we are Drone for murder ln the second degree, and t0 'snore the Importance' of the rail- this one man would soon yield. As Uncle Sam's employee th. railway a matter of fact, about the time early rBeforran.., wt . risers were reading this remarkable tT 1 th.e. Berv,co he must pass two ex- .. . ...... "i:iiuuiin, uiib meniai, one pnyslcal. news" the Jury, after having been The former includes ail the common; divided nearly as The Journal's re- the railed port "indicated, were coming ln with m.t,out!ar dJ,lon:an.d e'ore he a verdict of acquittal. For a lot of know the locations of each poatoffice news that isn't so read the Ore- th. "po.t'VouYe. IWth"... sonian. 2trudvC2n!ltr"';.h.ef!nfc..An" 1. i ti. i""uiru as long as ne A Umatilla county farmer has to For just how much the nostai rirv Defeat every member Of Among the things that favor all kinds tr"":.. f?.1" i'Z" or gouging la our petty license svstem ;..r, " w.u-. -"7 ?n", i.. rn v. I Five nalrs of twins and tw a.t. the ecstasy of honeymoon daya he There was no one Uiere to greet him ,'"f mm " waexm may not notice that hla creature com-I cheerily, and th. flat Beamed no longeM '"" .own uaoioa .own ureea. to effect this change; and further, people. If a min T. fined by" iic-Zl f.0.ri! JIIa ms..but..-?2neL .r Ll' Tb Ufe had 0M out town." " WMW W on" 10 look out for clouds on the do- "Hang It," aald Blnks. 1 - . " . mestlo horlson. The third day Blnks got a waak'a vi- , general uraai , oeciares that the amy) When vou are s s-hlne- for a career ra. cation and started for the farm to brlna "7 .o uoieno me Auantio sea member that there Is one career open to Ia.Mte home. D?rd. Then why doesn t It begin p almost every girl. If she so wills, and I i'oor bacneiorai" he repeated to him-1 "." aauinai; nooaeieiier, uarriman. it is the best career of ail th. career on tne way. of wife and mother. I IN REAL LIFE. Don't close your eyes to a good chance I The same, when it comet your way. Don't vaaa bv I some fine, earnest young man and waste I IN THE 8T0RT. yourself on a good-for-nothing Jacka- "By Jinks'- said Smith to his wlfa at ProfeasorDay and Tammany. Oregon Sidelignts napea, merely because h. happens to be breakfast, "that was a great dream I lib of tongue. glib that good looking and It Is the man t clothes Or looks Most of you have th. example of a gooa momer oeror. you. counts, not his yo Be neat and capable and economical, j Learn to cook and to rlva a house a cheerful, homelike look. wnen a man is tirea, arter a hard Enterprise people are marina- far tt mw cuuruiuuio. Pendleton will macadamise about 40 uiweaa. XACiiut) miepii a ; Notwithstanding the oool weather. had last nlaht" "What waa Itr languidly Inquired Mrs. Smith. - "Why, I dreamed I waa at a race track" "John! "'Well, you know f never go thera, Clatsop beaohes are well patronised. wary, mar wnai maaes me aream sol une Burns real estate man sold irs rear. The barren ugliness of th. Enterprise is giving way 10 mue garaena lawns. tMHH 4.. i. w.. - w n I I At?. w aJ" ork. he wants to come home to The way those horses ran waa a won- 000 worth of land during th. past peace,- comfort and cheerfulness. der. and everv i waa vail in.- -P.ta, 1 . 1 F Man must earn the monev to lunnort I nv.in ma x...- t.-i.;i ,. I ,h. hm. . I Z J. of-" " wiuaiwi winai 1 loving" m7nlVt;y thariceep." it gn'g. SS. JU."d the c'rowS yUedouL0' t7nB,,U g Never forget lltUe friends." that a Dog wins! Star Dg in a walk?' . 1 nlc U uuiu iu. 01 x tuna it s a amy dream." aaid lira. many souls in her bands. Smith. good and sweet, and to reign as the said Smith, chasing to theSub way queen of a happy home. I "Hello, Smlthl" aald Brown a mini That ts 1 the best of all career, ahd 1 1 later In the expressT . a mlax A shaft will be sunk in th. suppoMdl al and petroleum field southwest of. rne are worn, cut out for you la to be "Well I can see It aa clear aa dav- S." "a M flmtth .h..ln. . .V.. o..Kr" f ui oata and other grains will grow well trust that you will one and all find It and faithfully fulfil it The Skeleton at the Feast. e e minute 1 rt i. at aiaa avnraaa I r- J . w. wy. wuw 4, e ,?r 'Pndod Smith; then: 3y wod Coos bay ' links! there's ona nt tham " v.. I arumm -uoa Day. - 1 . . W VM.. I at me paper. ..-.-1 , ... . .. i jumuora u aivari un ana aomr esna. wvwr a rTiQKDan m .vnri a ik aa n I . . . . ... . I . . w : i bbm mitK ...A t-.-'.i viuio; it win noia a rruii street oarni By James J. Montaame. I -T.. .V. i " rT.Tn'?" val August t to 10. j tri. t,. ia . B.1A..1,. -w. i I . : . a a i jJuLian was I - ' tails at his dinner to President Roose- nmJja.,. Ti luan I r . n-.-. v ... I 7.7 awa a was. , am av Ml aa-aiuw 1UQI UUAU. geV lUT 7IX eU I "8 far Dor'sl tt. A-maA Ana" a.14 rMM- I lunr? tl. AAA n.lintsi AAasl-wa4 VIm. He'll be 50 to 1; couldn't beat Peter went down with the Columbia. . - ." ";. aav ADt VIOII hire no help to harvest 100,000 agine if ,iTZ?J?n,L"?;1 lm bushels or so of grain; he has four inJ?,aAnl ,s ?la?,a' headquarters and 'a purely personal matter for hlni-i self. FORAKER HEARD FROM. grown boys, and perhaps some girls, mail he is personally responsible, for ,V;Vii "a"V'"J'Z Possession who with himself do all the work. Dut what wonderful rare sons these are; we do not hear of their like often these days. ENATOR FORAKER took ad sion Saturday to , express his rubbish t . . mind and let the country know It is not only the cities, but the that he was .still alive and In a kick- country as well, that In England is ' in ts rllonni.Ulr,. fi x m . I a . ' .. woiwdiuuu. oeaator roraicer is Kept neat, frugality conspiring entitled to a considerable measure of with neatness has in many places . respect ana admiration, for it is ap- turned portions of the railroad right ; parent that he has the courage to of way into vegetable gardens. Vil ; declare his opinions, or some of lages are as clean aa a tidy house- t.uw. . jeast partially. is pos- keeper's home. Weeda are kept from -aible that he Is good deal more the road, the grasa of every - small sincere than some who profess to be yard Is cut, and very frequently rosea .-v..vjT w Tawvtj policies, and are trained up the aide of the house some who favor revision of the tariff butfare careful not to go into par ticulars as to how or to what extent they would revise it. ',' , . Senator JPoraker bluntly says that be is a stand -patter, does not favor "any tariff revision, and challenges Bocretary, Taft and other alleged, re visionists .to say; where they would login and how far they would go 'in rovjdlng the tariff.' Foraker ia Tor 1 'i-otprtionr for the trusts.' but has '.'tha' courage to" say so," and ia evidently la coavi-.c?i.that-tht pretensipna of j and over the doorway. And, if. there are vacant lots they are kept scrupu lously free from weeds, and Utter. ''Every portion of the island," this writer says, "seems to belong to Bome one anxious to keep it la a respecUble condition." This is Just e spirit and purpose thatis: so noticeably and jregretably lackinSr in America. .... . . ' We realize that this-? Is a new country as compared with England; that English people .hava had aev eral centuries to our ons to render; A good many wheat fields ln Uma tilla county and the Palouse region will yield 50 bushels an acre, and some will yield 60; but it would be difficult to make eastern people be lieve this. It is safe to say that a dozen men more happy than those HayWood Jurors, at regained liberty, would be hard to find. What Wary Said. ' From Putnam's Magazine. Judge Brewer cites a striking exam ple of the sort of spoke which the trickster can Insert in the wheels of justice. A witness testifies In a Mri.in ... that a person named Mary was present when a particular conversation tnnu place, and the question was asked What did Marv vr Thf. ,.u jecled to and after some discussion the Judj&e ruled put the question. An ex ception io mis aecision was immediate ly wnen ana on appeal tne higher court revomeu vim veraici ana oraered a new trlar on. the ground that the question aiiuuiu no wen unswerea. At the second trial the same inquiry Tvaa vtiuuuui.u njiu viiciiea ine infor mation that Mary said nothing! r That's All. . From the Philadelphia Press. 4 After all It seema that Mr ki,. feller has nothlna- to do with tha nit business except to draw th. dividends. until delivered at its destination In a ?0?MPo2chA If at terminal office um ut umivsrea oy tn. clerk in person. If a registered piece Is lost, it is traced af once to the loser and he """. vy nni moreover, ir It 'con tained money or valuables the amount lost must be made up by him. The Ler.k AaAC.harWA of. m car must re- ;.; L. "na i cn trip the num ber of sacks and pouches of mail ?Ia&. Sn?i nui?hr of registers he handled; faUure to receiv. and deliver ........ mw, imuui, time or arrival at and denartura from .m.fin.. " ; . . v . Mioa uum menial ana Physical labor. Thmwino- lZ . . "un. mto piay axi me mhsoles of tha hnilr; .hlli.. zii.vi. f afliiHU. ..... 7 ' .. .... v.. a uroillAl. jhubv uo m constant action, for each tiec. of mail must be sent to V. """" m "i quioxest route. If h. see. that his train Is too late to , ZZJi i! ni " on. way, tney-must 17 ' , " "X. " qmcKest his fa tigue is often Increased by malls from delayed trains which cause loss of sleep: mifierai.levVu!,?oUT.nothr.Pha of the mail clerk's life. HI. car is. as we all C , " most aangerous position, being next to the tender; In serious wrecks Injury tor death for him Is al most certain, while in lesser accidents tn. position of his car ranriara hi. cap. miraculous. In train robberies he is not mor. safe, and not infrequently the explosion of run. with h?.i. car Is lighted, termtnateav hla IVin.i .U ..... . wiwugii uunpprvciaita career. jl'.Srf Delayed, . ,. . - From Jthe Minneapolis Journal. " . waiter well man's oolar mii.M. aliahtlv delayed bv a wlnil.tnfn. .k. t damaged his balloon house - i , " Contrary to public, belief, the' wages paid th. railway mall ol.rks are not as nlah aa those nald tn amnlnv.a in ..v. oang-eroua . and responsible positions. Private business bouses pay their trav- diiii mn lor extra worx, and also pay them traveling expenses, such as board and lodging, but the mail clerk must expenses, taougn ne is per mitted to take his blanket, and sleep m wi v S.- fsT Vruv'aln'' time, which ha seldom has. while. he receives no pay forextra work. - .v If a clerk becomes dissatisfied he has but .on. alternative he- may quit the jornuaviH can not appeal to congress for more pay tor shorter hours n, nth. concessions' except through the depart ment without losing his position. --Little wonder, then,. considering these facts, that many Hava raoantl h. servlc. to engaere in mor. remunerative and leesresDOnaih1 AnunatAna round th. board there swarmed a horde of authors trreat and small Th. pride-, of Hoosiery to meet a srreater than them all. Through Fairbanks' chill austerity a gleam of warmth there went, Aa h. uncoiled his lofty length and said, . ... "Our President' But stop! What holds he In his hand? is tnat a glass, rorsoothT All that and more. It holds a vile con coction of vermouthl In Other words, 'Us liquor I Tee, th. vil day has come When at a presidential feast there sits tb. demon, rum I Oh, dreadful day for Hoosiery! What roan is tnis to ton A president from Washington and tempt him with the bowl? Frylngpan In twenty years.". umu, ,H .a.a Bmiw obstinau- Albany Is still calculating on th. -xv y 2rM2 LSytSSL AndTt f h.rp.n b.for. TohT' money on him then. "Guess I will." aaid Smith At the track Smith handed his 1100 to a bookie. "Ton thousand to a hun dred 8 tar Dor " said the Utter. hey-reoflrr'1 yned the orowd. !et"r. Tinapan wtnsl" "The favorite cops!" inert came a nusn. The onlv streetcar in ftraa-nn aat : th. Cascades is In KUmath Jalla. And : is a, paying proposition, too, says th. , neuuuucan. A number of Milton people are now lni ! vne mountains trying to get wnere'lt : 'Star Dort Star r)n!" Hal tt. Is cooler, says an E. O. oorraanondant. a-iA ai2'i. . . . . "' """' I . t...ia - w Diiiiin aa ne Docaeiea ma xio.oso-1 muuiu. I wish I dreamed oftener." For two daya th. Klamath Fall, post I master excluded th. Dally Herald from ine mans, oa in. ground M.v V..4..1. ti.i: I rawior exciuaea tne uauy Herald Irom ..aa aw.a. uiruiuar, the malls, oa th. around that- It .a Max Nordau, th. famous autho. advertising a lottery a three-lin. drusr To lure the poets from the fields, where whoa, caustio criticisms in his recent ator. advertisement. . . . ,.'.r" c -J . "'a.-"? I "yy. . " " r lists, attraotea wide I - a itu " " u,na u i ttiivuuDa, was oorn July la, 1849 round with wanton w..nin.i I nH,n..f Tr.iT -ln ra hi. v.. tjTk.i;. .w. . ir.r..?!,.""1..7...""'"! . rtum. iie 7 ..." r"-7l L" ubw luiuw raraicme in nis native city, j - , " . "r""! . I "" llv iwa tne aoctora aesrree in Who anuria Innbail im .r.nl.4..b ..j ltl rru. iLZ. 1,1 .. , 7 - - - - . .. n.'v.vm wiu a no oiuiiv rear rjt, startea Out on elder wine foreswore? - an extended .erfes of travels, which Haa Washington done thi. to h)mT wer. continued through thV suweed- Then curses on his nama. lino- aavan .ra a .,. vi. "...rJ"?r Wo Vmmr lat tha lattaraH .... ....v. n.7.r... ik'nVS i.V.:;....".f'u.ro SiTh Mm .-V " " .uV..?.,Ar.""".nieaicine i m il'"t xoov- n wnicn year he rTn roaa JTamaa WhllMn,k Tui ,v ' . k..C - r"Aj".ttry .career w - a .T ..." A.ij tuo.ue.ii " .er um. m Wflpn na wl But by the frosted punkln and the fod- uer in tne shock. If this la booze before me her, I rise uu u iny way, Th. only Beverldg. I take henfeeforth is Albert Jr . ...... Thwi up rose Oeorg. McCutohoton. Booth Tarkinarton. Onnraa An And Swarms of other writing men, and . aet-awava thnv mnrfa ,- For who of Indiana's sons-r-pure-minded men .of ink- . i Would alt around a table and look blandly on strong drink f. And now across the scented fields where lush the pumpkins grow, When through the sycamores you hear tne wimmina- wannah nnw The blacksmith lay. aalde th. tale he's contracted to write. The farmhand pens no sonnet through sUll a .tudent in -Budapest From that 'Irr r . ' xo't ne was connected ln an f'if1 .WSltf. w!,tn ? JJing VlennS i VV..2. .T wuectea contriDutlons 1 itJZwn?i frn?4 the material of his books. -A number of lils works have been published ln English trans " i-v"'"i -v'vuawiy m most notable and best-known among, them belna- aration." - tha tranaull aummari Ttlirhr Th. ploughman seeks the village store ng never casts a glance half-don. Chapter Six of his his torical romance. - .... tongues, all pen. are paralysed, all utteranra fa rinmh - Blnce to that Fairbanks dinner cam. ma ureaaiui coraon rum. A Remarkable Cborch. A small watering place ln Austria nnraou juicnwaia can eoast or posseis ing a most remarkable- church. It was first built by an Italian architect at Toiiicv nt vim ujrann or crince uarlos Clary-Aldrin gen, a great admirer of itaiiaai a rem lecture. 'WD en It Was fin ished the church was taken -to pieces again and packed in thousands of num. umeu cum iw transportation to Eloh wald. At thl. place In Austria it eventually rebuilt and then made over vu iuw uuuuiuuiM ma m ire. gut from th. prlnoc . . . . -'' - .' . . ,,,. '. ' : ':: ' " ' ' ' " ' -t Ttk? the Pjta Out,' ( j;?-!- uProm th.- Bt. Louis Globe-Democrat - Tha nartv that Dinned ita. faith t. . bov orator would now Ilka in Ihm'i... . . -i . . . a m, i v. w, v.u uwu vi wis sfa. This Date in History. at1e3tfckslidtde,eated hy' thft Se JS!!Sha Spanlh armada dispersed. SPf?Je WS!1' dlet Born 1688.? Amrtf 1778 French float ai,.i xt P0isKiO?ferAte with. Washington. irrThe Daul"h government pro- is!LSnSS2 monarchial constituflon. lSoB Robert Alexander flhnn... Bom June f, 1810 TT .1884 Congressman William Wirt Cul bertson of iSmtucky. attempted to oom- m,.to;Xi0,T? ia. Wasnington DTc hotel 1899 Final sittlno- nf tha niLt ":h conference at Th. HlgVo. A Palsely small boy. en stream on a narrow Doerd -allii an was rapidly carried flown stream, when th. family ffog plunged in and overtook him and dragged him ashore. , ' ' ' A man near Bandon was laughed at for plhntlng potatoes, but th. yield from a sample hill weighed over 25 pound, and Individual specimens as high aa four and one hair pounds each. . '. v Eugene Hug, a Wallowa county man, la the inventor of a rona mmtiniin. Chine which wela-ha and "t wp arawn mrougn it; , ana ! also of an electric light arm which per- mlts the use of an electrin lia-ht n.n. t place ln a room within the radius of the arm and at any height desired. t v LlghUy, Lady. BVAtn tha tl.ttl.. n.. Lightly Lady, where you follow 1 VPv.",6 SLM 'm the hollow; ' Lightly, llftiltlv. ladv-traixt ' For a thousand hearts hava w.a Wher. youc feet of rose havrfon. On th. hearts that dreamed dawn! And thl. bosom b. of snow v j For your dalntv feat tn i ".; S'd;I ,ay' Voh itbreak. f ' Would I bare It fiw th...JT, ' Lightly, lady, where your glanelng Lead It not to love', despair M : f; TOU. WhOS. feet hava ... Hearta of men sine. Um. begunl . ; An Bast Bid. Bank for East . Bid. People." ' '" a in' Tou need a VASSFOBT - . For traveling in foreign ootrirrmtcs, Tou need "MAxnr Koxsr : For embarking in new a BAnoros bajtx Aooomrr .. . .wlll provide both. Tou may open . your account wUh 11.00. ' K Interest 4 ' Beml-anhually -i AT. Ill f '' 4-H Commercial Savings BafeiJJ XJrOTT AJTP WTT.T.?llg ATH-f Oeorae W. Bate. . v. T. . jPraaldent . J. fl Blrrej;$ , . , t,... .Cashier :