The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 29, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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tructlon will b begun actively next
Crek Umatilla eounty, died yeetsrdsy
of Brlght's dlseaaa, from which bo bad
Buffered for aome time. Ha wii a na
tive of New York and had realded In
Umatilla county for over SO year. For
eome time ha had charge of a atora at
yr. - , ... , ; .,,. , i
It was shown that tha t ores account
work on the Keno canal, a part of tha
project, 1 being dona at 28, SO and SO
cents Der eublo vant. whlla rnntrtninri
I bid on tha same work 75, 80 cents and
Alba, liia wire died aoma yeara ago.
lie leavea ona child. Cbarlea Manning,
' - Officer of Perkln Ditch. ;
i fflnadal Dtonateh ta be learaaLI
An inestimable benefit from tha see.'
rciarT a viair will ha that tha itmni.
I phere will ba cleared of many rumor
Hf " PrJ!t ' a, piacea
solid basts.
Preawatar, Or July 19. Tha a took-
holdera of the Perklna Ditch company
Eastern'Oreffon Indim of Ill-Fated Co
LatMt hit In tUa. tha nmlt
of Freewater at their annual meeting
elected tha followtna- offlrera for - tha
four-ln-handa, pn unficlal tale, at Rob-
.lnmbia Saw Portland 'J
maon co. a, 181 Washington.
' )- Death of Jasper Manning.
tSpacfa DtapetcB te Tha JosraaLt' '. ' '
Pendleton, Or July !. Jaapef Man
ring, aged 6. a resident' of Stewart
anaulnc year: Preeldent.- w. ,
3Iurdered Woman They Believed to Be Bad Medi
' cine' and Disgrace to Their, Tribe. ' ),
ecretary, . jonn. n. yineon;
N. A. Kennedy. ,
;. . Woman in Wreck.
Carbonio acid raa an
id aoda water a
. IS 1 1 . V- V '
tllancea jjuaaroaci
Dllderback, aV CfaM Co4
Barra Her Tim
Save Her Health
Save Her Wsary Step
Save Tear Monty
StV Your Clothe .
Bar Hr Temper
Save Her Complexion
Mr. lurrlM Believe xnai missing
Paseenger and Flwt Officer Whit
rey. Met the Sam Fate When the
Ship Went Down. " ; ,
I V?'
J" v
- r moTOBY.MOOJZ2tiOtf$E
fWaitalDftoa Boreaa at The Toaraall
Waahington. July 29. The big chief a
- and head men of the Ujrea Indian tribe
. en the Umatilla reaervatlon have united
to plead w)th Praaldant Booaevelt for
the pardoning of Toy Toy and Columbia
George, two Indiana who are now In the
Oregon penitentiary for the murder of
an Indian woman several yeara ago.
I j Solemnly, the leading spirits of tha
tribes represent that tha woman who
was Hliea was oaa meaicine, ana moj
h lay against her reputation the unflat-
I . taring onarge mat ane ,waa auuicma iu
'ih. nu n tri-in rirtnlr and other tsrAr.-
tlcaa which, they declare In their petl-
; tlon, "dlagraca a woman."
I It Is recited that she wedded at 14
I years of ags a wnua man agea ia. ana
. that at onoa she joined the ultra-bohe-
mtan set on the reservation, ana iinatiy
,ln her older years became an Indian
4 medicine woman, and "sura death to In-
; . mm PatlanU Died.
, TaV Tot and Columbia Gorga. when 1
tried for their crime, pleaded ouatom of
. i t.Uh in , . , aha aa tnaHllna
nnan hid treated umt of their rla-
.tlves who under her Incantations died.
t Bkuiea. lawyers aearcnea lor preco
t.nt. and authorities of tha courts to
.justify the acquittal they sought on the
f ground that the Indians In killing her
had acted according to tneir savage re-
ltaioua conoeotions. and therefore had
committed no moral wrong.
T a. antia-ht tn laduffa tha GOUrt to
I . tnlnial vtaar nf tha aaa to
'Square with these contentions, but the
judge of tha trial court denied. .
Life sentences weca then Imposed, and
tha two avengers of the wrongs ln
'fiintad on their kinsmen by tha medicine
1 1 woman went to -rison in expiation. j
Now come the leaders of thought on
the reservation among the Walla Walla,
. " (Jbanul tptdal Barrfce.)
Ran Francisco, July . First deflnlts
and awthantlo story of ths death of Mrs.
H. T. Winters a former yortiana worn
an, and her two children, who wero lost
la the Columbia wreck. Is told by Mrs.
Emily Barries, , stewardess iv "e
steamer, who arrived, from ureaa yes
terday. Mrs. Harries . was larriDiy
bruised br wreckage While In tho water
and Is hobbling around on - cmtchaa
She was two hours In tha water before
being picked up. At her homo yester
day she told the following story of her
,IJ?frsawa good dal of Mra Winters
during tha trip and became much : at
tached to her. She was so good to her
children that I , couldn't help but Jike
her. - When wa sailed sne wu in ruum
n i a ah.r. there ara three berths.
but as she wanted her children to sleep
with her. I moved bar Into tho Sm
where there was a large bed. Little
Roland, two years old. was sick during
much of tho trip, so bs needed a good
deal of care. .
"Last time I went Into their room
Roland was seated on tha floor with an
oohol lamp playing that na waa new-
milk for his baby slst-r. This was
ilya few hours before ths wreck.
"I waa aaleeo at tha time of the col
lision, and did not feal tho shock. I
waa awakened by It, though, and fot up
and turned on the llrht I looked
around, not mora tnan nau awaaa, ana
thinking that there waa nothing the
matter, want back ia bed. Then lom
one knocked, at my door and shouted,
"Stewardess, get up." Even then I did
not think there had been serious ac
cident. I got up and finally dressed,
putting on my sweater and a heavy out
side coat and doing up my hair. I went
uo on deck, where ona of the crew 'told
me to go back and get a lite preserver.
I did ao, and returned to deck through
tha saloon. The ahlp then had a heavy
list As I came out on deck I saw Mrs.
Winters on ths fantaiL with bar baby
in her arms.
"The fog was thick, and it was very
'ark anil I rouLl aea but a few feet
away. I heard tne voice or a man who
waa clinging to the port rail, saying,
Wait a minute and I'll paaa this line to
Ho had a email form with him,
which I took to be that of Roland, but
grounds awaiting all good Indians,
Aristocracy of Tribes.
T nnuld not ba certain for the darknesa.
Cayuees and Umatlllas, praying the Tha ahln had such a list that I presums
president, whom they thank in advance Mrs. Winters could not walk to the port
for hi. kindness, to turn them loos, and InV t,7.. i lino to her. .T that
permit them again to seek:tho mundane I he could pull her up.
hunting grounda before they go hence to I "Mr. Whitney, first officer, was on I
tha happier but lens material hunting I the after main deck where we were. 'As I
I came out I crawled over to tne aneri
rail. Just then the stern mounted hign
- 5 bow"? ir "A. SS&fSS&K
first officer and Mrs. winters, wun
tha baby in her arma. were carried into
the smoking room at the rear of the
saloon and went down with tha ship- I
think Roland went ever tho port rail
with the man. -
- . t 4Va J
i Walla WaJlaa TT.Mi-nlni . .7"? "r2wa-"1 i 1-
(h. al.oca, do mo.t of ! the othera .C5i ST "."nV klH
-"""""'. any- i aavereli
In the petition, witnesa the names ap
pended to the prayer to the great
"We hereby eigne our name regarding
to Toy Toy and Columbia George. Our
wlahes to have them pardoned:
"No Bhirt (X his mark). (No Shirt Is
cnior or .tne wa
mmmi a ilia marici: iai-DDmut nnn. , t
kane Jim. Wa-Tok-yok. W.t-Coyote, Zt.d n th. witer nearly t
fA WL.?i?nv Bhilnp. bef ore I waaplolid up by tne
ZZZSTaiZ". -If.,V.leh-. auarterma.t.r lnToat 10."
Aioxn, unariey ue-men-to, Ha-shasn- ..
moxb-moxh. Luke Ka-ow-nee. How-liah- W A VTP. (XWCJtTMW. TV
tn.mna.n..n 1a.hlh T-.lo. Di. ti VO. ViHiu-u
Billy Joahua, Sho-pat-low-nee, Yellow
Jack. Paul Showaway, Charles Chapllah,
E-yow-she-ka-ce-kaun, Tom Llkem, Bil
ly Skumt-kin captain of police, Ta-teh-
ce-ioy ana x at-tem-Kats-Kats, K.lp-ku
pe-li-kln and Judse Kaah-Kash."
Duly, the prayer will be laid before
tne great zatner. who will determine
whether or not the two Indiana are to
be freed or remain during their natural
lifetime toiling at stove-making at 8a-
At the
United Gigar Stores
Smokers can always find a cigar
in almost every grade that can
not be matched in quality and
value by any other cigar store
anywhere for instance, try
Benefactor Superiors
at 5c each
Same rate by the hundred.
A solid high-grade Havana filled
cigar, best workmanship, and
genuine Sumatra wrapper. Just
like the best three-for-a-quarter
goods in the market.
Fill In coupon and mail to us
The iron will be delivered, with
all necessary equipment, abso
lutely free of charge. .
IT 1 111 11 gggga
First and Alder Stt, Portland; Or. ,
Gentlemen .You mar deliver to me one Electric Flat
iron, which I agree to try, and if unsatisfactory to me, to
return to you within 30 oar from date of delivery. If I
do not return it at that time you may charge aame to
my account at $4.00. It ia understood that no charge will
be made for the iron if I return it within 30 days.
t B)asa)
I must have
two hours
carpenter I
Minister Clamor for , Vigilante to
Deal With the Criminals
In Gotham.
The caoera In tha mm oama a v,
Indian office neatly typewritten, show- TT, .o c k ,
ing that, however loyally the Umatma Jly t.-Such a wave of
reservation redskins have clung to their crime has swept over New York recently
5l?nn'd cognomens, they neverthe- that neonla ara annaled and the nollce
TATnnTiRt.pflt.iftTi nf thft Younff
LTiiJiaii as a Worker and
r asaTlayr.
v (Special Dispatch te' to JonrnaL) .
a Chemawaa Or., July 29; The bacea
laureatte sermon to the class of 1907 of
the Chemawa Indian schbol was deliv
ered yesterday afternoon la the school
auditorium by Dr. J. R. Comer of Salem
to a large audience. The auditorium
'was tastefully decorated with, flowers,
- ferns and greens and the class colors,
green and old gold. The class pennant
with the class motto, "Try. Trust, Tri
umph," was suspended from the center
.Ol tne roairum. . ,-.. i. .
The class corisisted of 1 membera
six girls and einght boys, as follows
Peter Beltlce, Couer d'Alene; Lissle Fra-
gler, Kiamatn; juiw Brewer,, ruyailup;
Bobert Cameron, WallaJkai; Peter
Casey, Hydar Henry DUIstrom, ! Modoc;
Dora Gray, Shastar Robert Davis. Lum
ml; Apis Ooudy. Takimaj Josie Peone,
Colvllle; Sara Pierce, Klamath; PhUip
Sorahan, Washofj Nora Van Pelt, Chet
o, and George Washoe, Washoe, Peter
Beltlce, the valedictorian of the : class,
has entered The. Journal eontest and
hopes thereby to be able to go on with
his education.- . : f.:T.rf;
,t- mdlan ttndents at Work. 5 ,' .,
". Tomorrow at 10 a. m. there will be
an Inspection of the industrial, depart
ment of the school and In the after-
ic.n mil i i iv 11 n-rn-n arm nMv.ta mamwa-
taries to attend to their corresnondenee. " powerlesa
Public alarm has been
aroused particularly by a great number
I tt attack, nn wnman anil little sirla.
noon at t:tS o'clock the graduating Robbery, ts one of the mildest of these
exercises , will be held. At this time. SUm...T,e.jr faWSSSJ? "en"
In addition to the aitnr .i d1!."1,1" na,?ei?"-
ji.. -m . --T7.--: rguca v-omminioner Dinsnun ram-
nSn.iViai Jt?Z??''i t Prfsentl fesses that the police are unable to cope
"dustrial demonstrat Ions, showing the with the altuatfon. He attributes most
F"rr"uo? oetween tne industrial and of the crimes aralnst women and girls
to vicious foreigners who have
brought to America in the flood of H
of the school
be given of dress
literary, departments
Demonstrations will
making, making an axle, drafting
trousers pattern, making a hame tug.
pruning and grafting cooking, painting,
printing and - babbitting. At this time
the diDlomaa will ha nnuntaH tn .v..
lass. These exercises will be followed
vf m vcuiu cuncerc at p. m.
: Bports and Operetta,
Wednesday morning the annual cross
oounirv , run win ha timA ant ) k.
afternoon the annual field sports of the
school, . consisting of the . following
T"u,' , jLvu-vara. im-vartt
iitlS' m,L, run- 0-yard hurdles,
220-yard' hurdles, hronri ,r inmn hik
jump-, pole 'vault and relay race of one
uiiB .w u run oy rour men, each run
ning a mile. .
i' At , s O'cltfbk thera- will h. a....
parade by the school battalion and this
w-oe ipiiowea by the crowning fea-
" vi wo uumraencemeni at 7:6 p. m.
an. operetta, '"The Japanese OlrP' (O
Hanu Sank under thn rUmrti An nr urim
W. P. rCamDbell. Tha finM.
u;i)ib m or to gins or the school.
The right; to. present the- operetta has
been . obtained from the publisher and
i .win -p me iirai -presentarion of It
wcai ui. uiv aaiaaiBBippi river.
Hives " ecsema. itch or ' aalt
seta you crasy. . Can't bear the touoh of
rour ciommg. uoan 8 uintment cures
he most ' obstinate caaaa Wh
Undesirables at Elgin.
' (Speetar OlsMteh to The Joaroall . ' '
Els;in. Or.. Julv I9 Kltn ia inwi
with a gang- of undesirable -people who
nave oeen annovina-. ma arenarai mihiin
Considerable horse stealing has been go.
tng onr but outside of the fact that the
nornee , are missing no oiue has open
found aa to who has stolen them. The
ponce go wen armea and a close watch
is being kept. .., --j
T7 o:f.
; :'l3lC
-di dpi V'vnpFi.nN RFwTi mo am nnprnwiiw
I UnLilal UlaS-UUil Ulal vVI VIV fill UlilaUUlll111
. President .General Manager.,! . Assistant Manager.
migration. He blames the magistrates
for being too lenient In judgments of
brutes brought Into court and Insists
that he has too few policemen to af
ford people proper protection.
Citizens are clamoring through the
newspapers against this state of affairs
and several fiends recently captured
narrowly escaped lynching. Staid, men
and gentle women urge the organisation
of 1 vigilance .committees, and horrors,
which have been made publlo recently,
may easily lead to a reign of lynch law.
Even-so mild a person as Rev. Phebe
A. Hanaford, minister of the gospel and
woman of Quaker descent, has written
to the newspapers advising the organi
sation of vigilantes to deal" with the
Records at police headquarters show
that since the murder of 16-year-old
Amelia Staffeldt at Elmhurst, Long Is
land. May 22, there have been 120 at
tacks .upon women and children In New
York cltv. The wave of this sort of
crime seems to be growing and there
are daily additions to the list of victims.
Every member of the police force has
been ordered to be particularly on the
alert, especially where young girls and
children congregate.
Mutual Knowledge by Engineers and
Water User at Klamath WiU
Do Both Good.
(Special Dispatch te Tse Joaraal,)
Klamath Falls, Or., July tlNow
that- tho: visit, of -the secretary of . the
interior to this region Is matter of his
tory, the ; water users under the great
Klamath federal reclamation project
i conaratulatina themselves that, aa
thev believe, the following points have
been settled: "
- An authorised - agent of the Water
Users' association can secure data as to
the cost of the force aocount work, and
a statement of it la to be made Quar
terly. ,;:-.;,.- ,
The water Users' association can sub
mit mas lor tne construction or any
portion of the project, but they will be
treated as any other contractor, and will
receive no special favors from the government'-;
'- --.-fw .jc.-.--,;..j;:"
That the Mason ft Davis comnanv.
Which built the first aeation of the
main canal, or any other person or firm
may aubmit bid for the construction of
the entire project at the estimated coat.
That undoubtedly hide for tfaa Clear
lake dam wiU be let this year and eoa
Hff turrit all
Mi i tk ft 1
I Mm .'.
We need the room for the fall merchandise
which is arriving daily
All Men s $20.00, $25.00,
$30.00 and $35.00
Outing Suits now"
All Boys Wash Suits
All Youths' Outing Suits
Ladies9 and Misses' Wash
Coats and Dresses
Enormous reductions on
Men's 3-Piece Suits, ,
Men's Furnishings and
All Boys! Wear '
'7''. (S
VI -