The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 29, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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1 ''IK i
Portlanders v of Prominence, Including: Leading Legal i
UghU, Hold Snclt'to Be Reason for Haywood VAc-qulttal-Fcature
of Affair Is Orchard's Position.
Ex-Senator Mnlkey; With
Beach; First on Scene at
. ' Lakeview, ' - -a
Home Treatment Said to . Be
, Most Effective In Bringing ;
v tne blow of Health to
t;;;v.bai owjacesir?;
To the Stocliholders
. IA : ;
'V , Lawyers ul . business wn, profe.
atonal tnn and representatives of th
,'; varloua labor organisation! In Portland
' ar practically of ona opinion regarding outooma of th Haywood trial. It
la tha general aentlm ant that tba Jury
'.' waa left to deliberate vpon Ita verdiot
, with Orchard's testimony as tha baala
, . of ita decision and that Orchard'a taatl-
!.;,. Bony waa not of tha strength to coaviot
k'"7 .: enyon
Not. ail, however, expected an ao--.
qulttaL tha opinion bain freely ex
jirwena mat a, nuns jury wouia result
,. ern though the e&rae oplniona carried
,v with them the conviction thai Orchard'a
testimony waa not of uch calibre aa
y Implicated Haywood or any other Of tha
nnxia csuerauon vuicisia.
"I -f T ralr Trial. ay Xwyra.
Portland lawyeraiwho followed tha
evidence in the caaa think tha trial wai
conducted fairly -and Impartially;
. " peclally dd they look with favor upon
tha Instructions given the Jury by tha
. court at me eioee -or tna argument.
Judge Plpa aatd thla morning:
, '"f think the dlatlnctiva feature of tha
' Haywood caee waa tha fair lnstrue
" tlona given tha Jury by Judge Wood.
.'. it waa aatiaractory to botn proaecution
and defence and ahowa that the law and
, dignity of tha court are at 111 para'
'. r ' mount In thla country." .
; ' The opinion ia expreaaed. too, that
.orchard will not auffer greatly for the
' v - Crimea ha confeeaea to have committed.
He la In the unique poaitlon of being
- aoie to go upon the atana ana coniea
; bow . that hia atoriea were not true,
i--'- when the worat that can happen to him
will be a perjury aentenoe. On the
', , other hand, ahould he be forced to trial
. , for hie confeeaed crlmea, t would be a
aimcuitmatter -to convict mm, lawyers
i or toe reaaon
: aa
, avi
t .nucin. ucf pi mi own wivrj 01 dim
rlmea and that, of oouraa, could not be
. aaaa against nim.
-.Xabo Ieadera arprlaed.
Tha Jury's verdict waa a great eur-
that there la no
own atory of hla
r1e to labor leaders of thta city, and
Indeed all over the country, according
to Jonn cameron, a apecui organiaer
i hare. They expected a hung Jury, and
when the verdict of acquittal waa an
nounced they were greatly surprised.
"There is no need of my Baying that
I was delighted with the verdict' said
Mr. Cameron. "It ahould ahow to tha
world that labor la not In favor of force,
, though tha history of tha world ahowa
1 that might makes right .
"The best wa expected was a bung
Jury, though at no time was there evl
enca enough to convict anyone. How
ever, there were varloua cauaea for
thinking that a hung Jury would bo the
result, prejudice against tna oerena
ants has alwaya been shown and wi
thought It mlffht have Ita affect."
Thomas gladden, atate secretary of
tha Socialist party, looked for a die
agreement. "The verdict," ha said, 'la
as it ahould be, but tha prosecution had
everything Ita own way. Tha defend
ante were kidnaped, and taken Into hos
tile territory and tried before a Jury
of farmers who knew nothing of Ufa
ouiaiae an agricultural apnere. uronarn.
x Detiere, is a. snrewa, criminal lunatic,
and I think be figured if ho confeeaed
to ills crimes and succeeded In convict
ing Haywood he would save hla own
neck by getting an otherwlae death sen
tence commuted to Ufa imprisonment."
forger, a bigamist and belonged to ava
other criminal fraternity on the calend
surely wouldn't have much weight with
itelllaent Jury, especially wn
en that
an Intelligent Jury, especial!;
evidence went in
, Decision Tbongbt Just.
' A r nn nil the eltv hall sentiment seama
t regard tha decision In the Haywood
Jury aa Just.
irnr Unt aaid: "t believe I would
hesitate to convict a man on the teatl
tnony of Harry Orchard. Orchard con
feaaesi mint murders of the moat fiend'
iah and picturesque character and It la
barely possible that he chose a dra
matlo and -for Havwood when ha named
the miner official aa a oonsplrator
against former oovernor Bteunenoerg,
i nave not louowed tna case very cioae
It but this is mv Imoresslon of It."
License . Inspector Joe Hutchinaon
said: "This Is a very vital queatlon
for tha American people 'and I am eon-
riaent'inat tna
Jury exhausted ava:
before they render
" Xa Una - With-Brttenoe. " '
Jf P. McDonald, editor of the Labor
. rreas, believes tha verdict In Una with
tha evidence, but, contrary to others,
thinks that tha proaecution will not end
here, but will continue with Pettlbona
t and Moyer the next defendant
Secretary T. M. Leabo thlnka It would
, nave been . Impossible for any . 12 men
; to convict - Haywood on such evidence
as was furnished by Orchard.
'The word of a man who admitted
that he wag a murderer, a thief, a
bit of evidence before they
their verdict I have no reason to be
lteve tha verdict was not a Just ona.
I. have never believed Orchard'a con
fession waa all truth. Tha foundation
for aoma ot hia atatements aeamed far
fetched. I didn't follow the evidence
so closely as I should but from tha
rebuttal I waa, I confess, surprised at
tna resuit
Audltor Barbur said: "From what
reading I have dona relative to tha Ha;
wooa caaa i . ao not ieai luatiiiaa
expressing a criticism of tha Jury's
Xlalaterlal Opinions.
Conoerntna? tha Haywood verdict Rev
B. M. Hill who was formerly a miner
In otOrado aaya: "It aeema evident
that there waa guilt on both aides
and quite certain that labor has not had
a fair ahow in Colorado. Mora than
anything aiaa I think it was the state
ment or suca a fearful villain aa or
chard baa ahown himself to be that
swayed tha opinion In favor of tha de
fense. There aeema abundant avldenoa
nowever that tha federation has been
aoinr some cad work."
Kev. L Nelson Alien aava: "it is mv
personal opinion mat mere naa oeen
sufficient evidence that tha tmAarmiinn
was implicated, out whether sufficient
ly to Incriminate, It ia difficult to say.'
. Difference of Oplalon.
Different attorneys dlumt mm in
naywooa veraict. Borne ol them
thourht MAVWOOd'B acaulttal a mnaA
toina, ana oinera Deuevea it bad.
Attorney warren EL Thomas aalA "It
la a very bad thlnr - t think mml
uuuia nave oeen convicted.
Attorney H. H RIddall; "Tha Imnna.
alon I rained from the resorts waa that
naywooa waa guilty, out only a man
Who attends a trial from bsrlnnln ta
na is competent to rorm a nnai opin
ion." Attorney Jerry Bronaogh aald:
"While I am morally convinced that
Haywood had a guilty knowledge of
Orchard's crimes, yet I am not legally
convinced of It and If the trial Juary
were of this mln4 they could do nothln
DU:wrTn.a"r verdict of not guilty, Bui
withal I am sincerely glad that thla ver
dict was rendered.
. Jz,rtLt number of our cttlsena, da
K101". on nv bn of tha opinion
that there waa mueh nt !
uon In thla trial anil that a !'
couia jiot be had . nd this condiUoir
foreboded evil to onr institutions. 1 T
Any rair-mindadi man must now aay
, " . Minn vi vtaaa ui men
,f,0X lawv but tn' government
will exhaust Itself' tf wail turrm
id maintain its Aim tt and aair 1
Norbonestrman can ask mnra than thfa
Of a arovernment of hla nn mihln, an
for any man to harbor against aucn gov
ernment and Its flag anything but honor
and respect la a great wrong.
v "Let the friende of Haywood march
and parado and apeak, but let there be
nothing but a feeling of gratitude that
w?. LVe ,Vndr a yatem of government
which allows men free and amnla nn.
portunity before the law."
(Special Dispatch ta Tba Jo-reel) , , .
Lakeview, Or., July !. When United
'The wash and masaage as given In
am XOrmulA nelnar mmu. frnn tha
noiea Tencn dermatologist and la moat
I generally uaad amonar the ladlea at tha
exclusive social circles or Fails where
of the Anglo-American Oil & Coa
The following letter was recently received bv Georee H. Hill. secretarv and
, treasurer ot tne Anglo-American Oil & Coal Company, from Captain E. J. Rath
. bone, field superintendent, of the company, dated "In Camp near Katalla, Alaska,
t --1
States Senator C W. Fulton and Ctr-j powder and cosmetics of all klnda are I
cult Judge H. Li Benson reaohed Lake- M": scornea.
view last Tuesday in the course pf their
Itinerary through interior Oregon they
were warmly welcomed by all their per
sonal and political friends, Though
they were very weary after tbetr long;
Obtain fvnm tra.rlit tha tVil-
lOWlna: two ouncea Roaa Watert ona
ounce Cologne Splrita: , four ounces
crystailxed Bartoln (akin food).
-Put tha Sartotn la a pint of hot water
notDollins): let It cool than atraJnl
throTTgh a Ana cloth Into a bottle or I
drive across tba country they spent the J email fruit Jar and add tha Boas Water
evening visiting old acquaintances and ana. uoiogns Bptnta
making new ones. Tha following- eve-1
nlng Senator Fulton addraaaed a lane
audience, many of whom had come a
great distance to hear and meet him.
B, Daly introduced the senator, who In
nio aaaresa stated cieany nis position
on tha queatlon of tha national foreat
reserves, wnicn in lako county ia
nd cologne Sptrlta .
Thla wiu make a euiflelenf nuantltvl
ia i mi xor a long time ana is an lnex-
fensive touei preparation, at the camel
ime belna tha most effeotlve known to
tne proieaaion. xne oniy tning to re
member In using tt Is that It must be
wall maaaaged Into tha akin. If thla
member In using It Is that It must be I
waa maaaaged into tha akin. If U
la oona and It Is cerslstentlv used
moat important one. Ha aald he ap- la remarkable how it will reatora that
proved the policy of the government j enviable youthful bloom,
wun regard to tnair creation ana tna
roteotlon of water aources and foreate.
ut considered tha admlniatratlon took tha time of tha Bteunenbers- assassins.
round too broad in IU treatment of tlon h. nrobablv would have acted lust I
nJ."uW ana t?.ltf-??u.r"?-wfi" pr? " Governor Ooodln baa dona
In health as
l?,n.g bu,ln tw? -maialata und,r c.ri of hirphyeicUn.
Judicial to a certain extent to tha in
tereata or the people or Oregon.
Attorney Jamas IL llawlev of tha
SWDK OI Vmon, - I nnumit nn la krnlran ilAwn
uanuuai ii wnica buuui i iiilraaiilt Af tha trial anif hi.
vicinity were present, waa given in hon-
mnguisned rut
enator Fulton toasts
nests. After
started west I
When Haywood called at tha hospital
or of tha dla
an address by
ware proposed by Toastmaatar V. L.
Bnalllng and answered to as follows:
H. L. - Benson. "Senator Pulton": B.
Daly, "Lake County"; Oeorga H. A -res.
-ins frees-; Attorney I w. conn, at
will: Attorney . M. Batchelder, 'The
Bar4: a N. Snider, "The Pioneers"; J.
N. Watson, "Development"; Attorney
tw.u. iDvmpnn, at wiu. in a a i
Ex-Senator Fred W. Mulkey ml ajuori-aai a-wuorstuwa
to see John Murphy, general counsel of I
tha Western Federation who la dying of 1
consumption, ha lifted tha dying man
In hia anna while tha latter gasped I
out; '
"BUI be thankful and be humble."
State Senator B C Beach arrived tn
Lakeview 8undav. July 11. and a!
xew oays meeting ine people.
'Continued from Page Ona)
Dear Sir: Th drill ; commenced dropping on July 2d, and we will loon fcare a
nole to repogi. ' A gtrong- oil seepage otviprinf emptiel into the lake right in front of V
ur cabin; It can be leen only at extreme low tide (two of three timei a year),We
feel confident of tuccesi, but the drill alone can tell the final tale. A
Have two coal camp established and am getting down to business ts fast as pes- '
nble; I want to get in; shape to drift (drive some tunnels) on the cosl during next
winter and get this well ilown and get moved to another site by last of October," so
we can sink another well rfurmo- the wim.i- t .. .n .
myself to look after the work.., Surface work, to tha summer and underground work ,
"The railway people htve had tjuite r battle; 'chiefly' with clubs,' but a little shW- VV
.. ' arm moi on, a aoien rma ana legs oroaen .
and eight skull cracked with pick handles. 'Think the vatk it .r Tt,a r.;ir.. V
iR l!."it r?", bu,bth inaisrtheywiirreach the" lake at Jeast . before 'ixM ?2
fall; they receive 100 to 0 men every week, and while some leave, the force: is in- f , ;
creasing rery rapidly. The Guggenheims' road has been delayed with their wharf by 1 '
eA Wle.ll Ul VtUCT IVAUt
to fill their tn
' "They have
slashed for
done. .
No wharf facilities is a arrest burden to (htm. Tt rniu Ufrl i iM'
to pay lighterage from ship to shore, and all local freighting-ls expensive this'year.v
much greater than last year. Our freight bills will amount to about .$750.00 for out
first shipment this season (which brought tip).' .- ' ... v.-.
en.?rho do. rouh worI fet about $50.00, month and board al an average..'' .'"
'Katalla needs a decent blacksmith ahon and m.rhina ah , Kail :
"Mr. McDonald has opened a coalminers store and is putting tip a "sawmill across' '
the lake, a mile and a half from our well and headquarters.
"We are all O. K., making progress. "Sincerely, yours, E. J. RATHBONjj.
xnzj were trying to reacn-a stona anarrv with which -?
tstle as they proeeedittVi .;''. ';: a 7. ft-...'.;' --
three locomotives, some eare, ;'and a. little 'track lalAriaht.r.f.'wav y:, I
U miles, and a good deal of earthwork, and a small amount of roadwork V-''CKI:' I
appeared as
Haywood's attorneys
much surprised aa those of the state
wnen tne jury returned its verdict. All
had exoeottd a dlaaareement and when
a verdict was brought In those of coun
sel for tha defenae who were present
In the courtroom went wild with lov.
They danoed about their client shouting
tneir congratulations and juda-a Wood
maoa no attempt to restrain them.
Orchard Steady for Moose,
Harrv Orchard took tha verdict Of the
Jury- very pnitoeopnicauy, saying that
a iiad simply done hla duty ana could
ao no more. He also said that ha
Labor Is Not Surprised.
(Jearaal Special Berries.)
Washington, July !. The vardlot In
tba Haywood caaa comes aa no surprise
to Prealdent Samuel Gompers of the
American Federation of Labor. Qom-
Fere, upon hearing tha decision of tha
urora aald. that be did not aee how any
right minded American could have
brought tn any other kind of a verdict
uomoera declared that Orchard'a con-
feaalon of murder, assassination and
bigamy was enough to sicken any ona
and that no right minded American
would hang even a yellow dog on aucb
rv came aa a suri President Roosevelt today;
peopia oi Boiae ror ai- -n,. Appeal to Reason and Its
aviiu w u nurLi v suiir mia a m - - a
majorltr of the Jurora EElVPE: " J.
awi ? iuw a wiiuvi iu aaa avvuiiui
I Mailt- kl at ha na4Aaila-iKlak
carried tham to tha house. I then took
a hoe end going back killed the snake,
which measured nearly four feet and
bad eight rattles. When I jot back It
was tying at full length and I think It
musi nave struck at me aa I got tha
children. When I first saw the snake
It waa. aeemlngly unconcerned at the
presence of the children and was not
even dartlna out itm tnnma kik i
mo"? lwy.-.tha case wlen colled. Whv
ii,. a .10t D,u tnm myetery. bo
cauae they were in easy reach." .
ready to take any punishment that
mignt oa meteo out to him and the
aooner ha sot it tha better it would
ault him.
Tha verdict of tha iu
f ries to tna
hough It was
night that the
stood for acquittal, It waa believed
there - would be a dlaagreement At
that time and until a much later hour
the jury was seven to five for in.
quittal. In tha early houra of tha morn
ing tha five who atood for conviction
went over to tne otner aide and tha ver
dict of not guilty waa returned. I
Tha predictions of the Portland Ore-
fonlan and the Boise Statesman that
ha jury would be found to stand 11 for
conviction haa been received here with
a great. deal of amusement, the self
evident coloring of the atorv provoking
a great deal of mirth.
- , joanal ts Aocurat.
Writers on Appeal to Reaaon Wire
Congratulations to Prealdent.
(Journal Ipectal Service.)
Olrard, Kan.. July tt. The Appeal to
Reason sent the following telegram to
for your
tna ac-
citizen at
tolse. Idaho. Tou will be aaked ta ex
plain your attitude to 10,000,000 work
Ingmen during tha coming campaign.
quittal or tba undeelrabie
Men, Women and Children Form Pa
rade In Honor of Haywood.
; ' (Bpeetil Dispatch ta Tht Journal.
J Butte, Mont, July 29. For several
hours last night tha ' streets . were I
crowded with a wildly cheering mob of
man, women apd children. During thai
afternoon, banners were put on. thai
street announcing a big parade on ac-j
count of tha Haywood "vlotory" atl
Tha estimate of the Oregon Journal,
however, was closer than that pf any
other paper received hero and its ac
curacy has occasioned a great deal of
favorable comment
Mra. Carruthara. TTavwnnn"a mnVia
haa rapldlv recovered from her n.rvnn, Boise.
breakdown since her son's acquittal and The Miners' union turned out almost
tha federation leader exDreasad himaaif to a man and were headed bv the B. A
aa moat pleased because of bar sake, M. band. Tha national emblem ap-
that the verdict of not guilty waa re- peared quits frequently and Interspersed
turned. throughout the column of marching
A."V hearing tha verdict Haywood men were bannera bearing such ln-
wa,led..tnr.oun- tne ahaking hands scriptlone aa "Victory," "Hurrah for
nis xormer iejiow prisoners and I Havwood." and "We Are the Undesirable
Pettlbone, whom Haywoo.
a -aort or a Happy Hoolliri
"Give my regards to Broadway.
.ywood deecrlbed aa
Hooligan," shouted:
Mrs. Harpole Finds Children RIFLES OF WATCHMEN
iryiug w Tame cavage
lmDiv remaraea. inata m-nt
he heard tha verdict and did
.red that there -
vera let of guilty
about the
there waa nothing
Iteptile for Pet
(Special Dispatch to 'The Jooraal.)
(Continued ffom Pag-e One.)
.h.Tr- Kif 01 aynam"a about this
f? lT h.01 covared it carefully with
blanket to leesen the shock of tb
" aei a maicn to tne ruse.
Colfax, Wash;. Jul Mending bar , terrific that 1 1
two lltUe babes, aged I and S years.
respectively, playing with a savage rat
tlesnake, Mrs. M, D, Harpole snatched
tba little tots -out of danger Just m
time to aav their 'lives." Tha babe
were pleased with the appearance of tha
anska and wished to catch it for a Bet
Mrs. Harpole, who lives aeveral miles
aown in faioue river xrom wis cur,
. told the story of tha little one' narrow
y aister an I 'were tfusjr with our
nt tha i.n ;::,.i"vr:.
KSlliS1. tMP-eon of " tha waB
mii. h.j ... r"1' etrect the dyna-
v v vu oiu a i iiti war is as ryi s l aaaw
lKLamTr:Jlnlrora our five inches
aaav'sat. a kim i tin i na nnia that w a t
haSnTncl thi;-Ki,T' wV. "eepenld
nair an inch, and hmnn .if..
ce?awa1L1if,ntlheit'"- The'con-'
thick, 'an1!' tn. '"?
leJ?L -' inches oT solid concrete b"
o r """""re ana liberty
housework and the two children.' a boy
2, and a girl 3 yeara Old, were playing ! sen. waa
isem talking, as we supposeov to tne and another named Donenn ...JV.-i
on. : Ala an injury on the .hand. .A'mX
rtia l . - : kitist tiicoa
out in the. yard," she aaid, "We heard back bv .vlna .hin':TBhiut-i".""
eat aayinr. 'Coma en. come
paia no . attention to it until me iiitie men. no one waa hurt k7 ih US. , "
girl called out Mamma, come sea the vr. C. G. McCorack r wai ifuScSi0i1on
rattlesnake.' t ran out as fast as I to T'dreaJ their wounds mVa wh0?h2
could and the siaht I beheld nearlvl man aVa"aL-Tt Yjn?, 'nd ?Then the
frose mv blood. Cvina colled Uimi hZ. STn,!-.' ZZT'l.l tr
side the'fence and In a poaitlon 'to jumo todav. . " :. x,oia "re wP-King
and strike Instantly was a huge rat-( r Four men were t)ut in th ,i
tleenake and kneeUng Just in front of knd . II T lF expTcted Vhit other, wifl h
hlm and not more than' 16 Inches die- sent to Join ham toXht Th. Zl be
tant with their littla hands otatrt.hd tha AXW .l-rl " JA men 'n,y rwr i?oat oyer it were the months Ito servej ii Spiuiding i x
children. I. cauaht one in either hand I mnntha t acrA- fa.rl. r. "lx
and lifted them out of harm', way and KrveTwd T ' MiyerV commiUaTri,
I AA W 1. . 1 . . . .
I vu wu im waaiea on otner charges
as soon, as the present aentenc. a
served. - ,?..'?'..,,.: '
F. 8. Rankin, who imii
tha Sell wood poatoffica robbera, and af-
ifi. u "foa WI ln jaoarai authorl
I ties, but sentenced to 80 Hivi h tha
fu7', -"Pposed to M been one of
hthe leaders In 'tha nlhtTtn .n.n.b if.
I . '.j . , j " ar -ww uwiiiviisii tuc
r liSuJn"n"i""iin la being
D.-Ci 4.r'if Uli oeuevea mat
Rankin will fdln tha four In tha !....
hi, .l.h - : ..awvu
a "aort of a Ha
oo," when
I not itnn
lltrnl-m .h. .
verdict, declared t
to oaae
Judge'a Instructions settled aU doubt
as to the way they should vote In the
minds of moat of them.
Borah Pitied Mother.
Although Benatdr Borah naturally
feels bitterly disappointed at the verdict
he takes It very calmly and expressed
filmself aa glad that the Jury did acquit
the prisoner because of his mother.
Haywood aaked his attorneys to allow
him-to make a speech thanking the jury
for ita action, immediately after the
veraict was returned. Attorney Rich
ardson arose to his feet and was about
to aak the court for this permission
when he suddenly changed hla mind and
resumed his seat Haywood contantad
himself with thanklne? each iuror nr.
aonally and aaaurlng them all that they
would receive a cordial welcome at tho
Havwood hom any time they .came to
Attomeye Darrow and Richardson of
the defense stated that they were in
perrect accord witn Haywood who said
that ha felt that he had been fairly
ana impartially irrai mi oy every one
inrougnoui tne trial. .
Haywood Treated Taixly.
Haywood stated that he annreclatad
the fairness with which Senator Borah
has treated him and that he holds no IU
will aa-ainst any one. Darrow tf.
that had he been governor of Idaho at
Citizens. The original column, constat
ing of the Mlnera union, easily num-r
bered 1,000 men and was greatly in
creased along the line of march, while
crowds -lined the curb and pushed Into
tne streeiv sneering maaiy.
Great excitement prevails over the
complete vindication or the head or the
tVeatern Federation of Miners. It is I
understood that Haywood will come to I
tiutte aa soon as possible.
. , The quality of the barley
jr. vnm, tne quality oi tne
A hope, the Pabst Eurbt-Dat
malting process and tb.e
ceae make
The Quality
of tea depends on soil,
climate, cultivation.
Golden Gate
Teas -v 4-
TLt Beer of Quality :
Yon; ean drink Pabst Bin
Ribbon with the absolute
knowledge that it will have
tba game delightful flavor and
the same whokaorne effect
year in and year out.
, Churl's ICohn 1 Co..
Cor. Ji ri l ine Bta,, Portland, Or.
I hone Mala 4S0. -- -.-
(Special tMsDStcar-te-Tbe JoarasLV
Spokane, Wash July ;8. Cbarlea
Sweeny, mUIlonalr and ex-candldat
for the United States senate, ts in th
pity from New York and had th fol
lowing to aay concerning the candidacy
of Congressman W. I Jones to suc
ceed Levi Ankeny of Walla Wall aa
United States senator from Washing-
" 'EVsirvKn1vy lr ma vara k.
a. - mt vnv a,saaw VVUft VMIUail
Jones Is John U Wilson's-man, and
i. .uu "J1" bXm tor eatspaw. He
aLRf. n. Jon" dok for his own
SSJK0" return to the senate, de-
tnm ki. . """ Minna - w.onee,
l ?l!LV Wilson would hav
Utf2ripl" about' making hi grand
mr t0l to farther his ends. '
ttnnmfkV9 h Jonidrabla
WOUld nOt M ft MMilMaitA -a
"fas, Vaa. . " T ""VVW AM UffWtaTeT"
' . polities tot (04. , ;t j
I Cejwion
, powder
BlacK Ok
7 .Croon
arc selected and blended
by tea experts. Packed
flavor-tight in dust proof
:'j A rOLCER L CO.
Isaportwra mt Poro Toa";
Haywood Invited to Sneak at Large
Cities Throughout East.
(Journal Special Service.)
Denver, Col., July 29., Headquarters
of the Western Federation of Miner
are flooded with telegrams this morn
ing containing congratulations on the
verdict in the Haywood case. Mes
sages are coming in from all parts of I
.ne world, 10 foreign countries being
ioiJinEiiiru. aii oi i no targe eastern I
cities are also included in th list.
invitations to Haywood "to speak inl
Philadelphia, Cincinnati and Baltimore
were received tnis morning. - These
cities are planning receptions-for the
federation leaders and Denver. will glvel
linn n. ruai welcome on nis return, I
Minors who ar oonversant with the!
suuacion aeciar ina ine HAywood ver
dict will mean a' great Increase in th
membership of te Western Federation
oi miners. . -
Nine oil wells are on land adioinih'g this company's holdings, iand in addi
tion to the coal end of our enterprise, A COMPLETE OIL DRILLING OUT
FIT IS NOW AT WORK, under the personal supervision of Mr. Clunv: an oil-
drilling expert from Pennsylvania, who has "made TOOd" both in Pennsylvania;!
and Galiforniarin producing oil and-who says - there is no question -but -that AA
wui prouuee on ior; ine Angio-nmencan uii cc uoai company." liie holdings
of this company embrace twelve thousand six hundred acres, and we are devel
oping this property as fast as possible. OVER ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY
mucn more win De spent in tne near future.
"We advise those persons who are alive to their own interests to immediate
ly investigate this, company and its holdings.
At the present time, when o.ur payroll amounts to several thousand dollars
a montn, Desiaes otner heavy expenditures, and an earnest desire on our part to
vigorously push the work along, you can secure a holding in this company at
It is a cheap buy. Nothing can stop the rapidadvance in the price of this com
pany's stock; it will soon be selling for more than double its present price, and
when you have looked into the matter and made your own investigation, you
will agree with , us.
The men who are at the head of this, company are heavily. interested." This'
is one of the few companies the success of which does not depend wholly on
the sale of. stock. .We are going ahead as fast as possibleand our success is
already assured. We now offer you an opportunity to become interested with. us,
dui you muse act at once. ,
The Anglo-American Oil & Coal Qompany will handle their own product,
and with shipping facilities aow building as fast as men and money can do the
work, it will not be long before the business offices of this company will be open
from 8 in the morning till 6 in the evening to receive orders for a better grade of
coal than ever before produced on the Pacific coast. -
The anthracite and semi-pituminous smokeless steaming coal found in south
eastern Alaska has no equal on the Pacific coast, and its appearance in the mar-.
ei win revolutionize tne coai Dusiness trom Vancouver to ban Diego.
. :
Oil and Coal Gi
Krai o. exjutxy midii
President and Manager Woodard,. Clark V Co..
Chemists- Dm gglsts.
X. &. PITTOCX. ...Plrst Tlce-PresUent
, Publisher Dally Oregonian.
g. TAHUiT....... ..Jleooad Tio-PraldBt
Dea Chute Irrigation as Power Co.
P. W. WAMTIBXVn..... yi .'..IteJ T1o.irrs!4a,
Wakefield, Fries d Co.
OZOBOB X. XXXli. ....... .gaoretary and Tiiasiis.
Vice-President Tltl Ouarante A Truat Co,
S, 9. SATKBOn. . . . . ..Vlala Shina vatalia
Formerly Buperinendent o? Water Unaaof jfrpk
607-608 G)mmcrcial Bl)(fe(rnet
English Papers Declare . Haywood
Verdict Is Besnlt of Anarchy.
(Journal Bpeclal Service.
London, July 29. The - London pa
pers call the Haywood verdict near
anarchy and Idaho conditions are crit
icised. j
"Th weetern: Ute ia as near anarchy
as a community is likely to get,'1 aaya
tha Star. "It la clear that huge chunks
of tha United States are still weltering
in raw uumvuvpn coaos ana mat tna
country cannot dlarest itself."
Comments of other papers ar along
A troupe of ntertalnrs. who .. ara
genuine negroes though not. genuine
minstrels, appeared at th Helllg last
night under - th namaof . th -Dlxl
Minstrels." The company Is owned and
directed by R. voeicKei ana Jonn j. No
lan, who style themselves th "Barnum
& Railev of real nearo minstrelsy. '
The performance followed, th time
honored customs of minstrel shows in
the arrangement of its program, the
UTf trrffHTTrilir TI i wnrmn i errorts or in performers, joaea, siui
FIGHT WITH BANDITS csa numbers and other features of old-
. - i.w . inati-alatf TViara waa an lntar-
Tangier, July 29. Fierce fighting la
reported between Bandit Ralauli's force
and tha government troops which were
sent to rescue Maia Mcijean, the Hootch
man who serves as th sultan's military
advisor. McLean . was recently captured
oy tne panait sua is Doing nnia prisoner
in tha-mountains bv the bandit h
n opes to secure -at substantial ransom
ReDorts of the fiaht are meaa-ra mn
it Is not known which side is coming off
victorious. . Alio - oanuiis. nava an ad
vantage for although they are not ao
a-raat in mtmharaa. tha anvamm
roops. tney aro
There was an lnter-
and other regulaUon
time minstrelsy,
locutor, endmen
narfnrmara. .
The company Includes several voices
or remaraaDi natural merit, out was ai
the same time almost devoid of real
funmakersv The dancing and ainglng
and the star or tna aggregation war
worthy or tn neat minstrel periormers,
but efforts at funmaking war not up to
the standard - -or- tn - roost meaiocre
vaiMavllla tserformanc,
The first part of th program waa
rtavoffirt to ainainr ana aancine? sDeciai
ill " " .alii I
3 5?
OomeDecoralinn I
Is not a difficult matter when you
:)-, i ' US ,-,;r ;. -;
A combination of most durabl Tar
nlsh and Stains for Interior Wood ;.
Work, Floors, Furniture, to.
Fisher, Thorsen &Cd.
at vvynj ea a v ,au
with tne battleground.
uimis. nave an ad tlea by various members of tha com- . V
g). they are not ao pany. Among th members whose sing- (TO AWT) TTTTJV PPnTlPSl
the government Ins especiallv pleased th audience were SUXSiJ UJil XtUilJCiO
thoroughly familiar Charles Williams. H. 8. Wooten, Monro ; Tyri irp-rj AT? lfDO inI'
r.k.. imi r.harlea Vlamlnr.
A travesty enimea, -a -o-w-j xieea,
or th Coontown Court" occupied the
second part of the program, and pro-
video arreat merriment ior in audi
ence. Tha piece waa staged 1
Tot Infant and CUldren.
Tta Kind Yea Wm ilnji Bcsgbt
Saarf th
Blgnatura of
' Clinton. 111.. Jul 2.-A snaclal 's-rand
bv Charles I Investigate the oharges of uxori-
Willlams and th mual arranged by I om.?l "" and. murder
Robert Lach. r ; , " . . I against mi ona wa . impanelled this
".Therarae a aood-aised 1 audiene to morning. Instructed by the oourV and
hear th mlnatrel perforraanc. and it I ":riwt.","Von' "jventy-rour
showed it appreciation by repeated an- J X1iI?.!5? bf,T.$lZ? VbP0" B?
cores, -ine uixie Minsireis is aa or- ;r J'r ".r,Z i:, i-""
ganiaatlon of colored singers and dano-l L!!,Jt vb.ut ,,,,
era which has beeh far mor successful M00 member ar standing by-hlm.--,
than I moat of the Bo-calls' mlnktral I .. ' ...-- ' i , . -i
shows of modem days, and is known I, Tba Structural Building Trades AI.
tnrougaouv to -oountry; v--.:.). .aiano z America, now mambar!
- Schilling's Best is a busi
ness-like name; you know
whut ; i t means; , arid m t j
means what you want?J
f " Teur grocer rt tares yow aiesey If rea doff
. Uk It; we pr him. . . . ,
shl ot SQ,000 outstd of Ktrc Tac