The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 29, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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Every Genuine Existence
Has Two Characteristics,
. Essence and Form.
. 1 "
Kansas Minister Blake an Earnest
Ilea for Increased Spirituality and
Power In the Inner Life of All
. Having a form of godliness, but
; denying the power thereof;" the Becond
- Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Timothy,
In en eloquent and forceful sermon
- from the foregoing text. Rev. William
oulkea. D. pastor of , the Grand
' View Park Presbyterian church, of Kan
aas City, Kansas and father of the
Rev. William ; Hiram Foulkes. of this
elty, made an earnest plea for Increased
' spirituality and power In the Inner lite
' of christians, at the First Presbyterian
. ehnrch yesterday morning, saying in
part: ,.'.'..-'
. ,. Iwe CharaeterUtlos.
.' "Rtr renulne existence - has two
characteristics, essence ana form,, sub
stance and qualities,- an Inner reality of
mind and aa external manifestation;
Godliness possesses these two charac
teristics. A . codly life Is Inseparable
from certain manifestations which re
veal Its existence, external . Matures
.which distinguish It from everything
else; devotion In prayer, in observance
of sacred rites, in obedience to the
law of God and uprightness of conduct.'
- While not disparaging or depreciating
the outward forms or religion in any
way, Mr. - Foulkes deplored - the fact
that too many christians are satisfied
-with the mre observance of sacred
rltaa and devotional exercises. -
"They must have churches, preach
ing. Sabbath schooiarslnglng and pray
in and taking ud collections," oontin
- tied the speaker. ."The minister does
7 the preaching and ' praying ; and i he Is
paid for It, They put form' before the
' power. The question is not how to
mmIim 1n fullar mMIurt the : life
and energy of the spirit' of dod, but
how to keep things in gocrf condition
externally. They do not labor for .con
version of men. ' ,"
"Although there is great -danger men
acing the cnurcn in tins jassuuoe, lor-
tuna tely -all - chrlaUans-re not xif this
lasa: if thev were there would not be
another soul converted to . the end of
time. The mere formalist will never
save a soul, from death. The blessings
r needed are not inherent In forms; hence
to trust in forms is to go wiuiout ins
blessings. . ,(;.-;,)
rorms So Wot Count.
"Depending upon the forms of re
ligion Is like depending (upon surface
water, which Will be froxen up In the
dreariness of winter and evaporated in
the hot summer days. Life cannot be
put Into religion by forms any more
than Into wax figures. While the ex
istence of forms Is no argument' against
religion thev must he made more than
forma to have the life and energy of
godliness. The great need is a new
and fuller endowment of the Jlfe and
power of religion. y i
"Human power alone Is wonderful
as manifested I if science; but wonder
ful as Is the power of man, it Is not
the power of godliness. 1 Human might
and skill may subdue kingdoms, but
cannot control human hearts and lives.
Those who have too little power are
those who lose much of what they re
ceive. With many the blessings re
ceived on the Sabbath are all gone be
fore Monday night. If -we would be
Imbued with divine energy we must
stand on a platform of non-conformity
td the sinful world.
1 Zxevoise All Power. .
" "We are In the world, and when we
become of the world 'we lose our power,
efficiency and energy In the service of
Jesus Christ. There are also those who
have too little power because they - do
not exercise the power, that, they nave.
Their energy is latent They are form
al christians, not because they deny
the . power of godliness but because
thev do not exercise the -sower that Is
flven to them. There is much moral
ores and spiritual energy lying .dor
mant In the church, v , v . ' i.
.'There la a complaint ' everywhere
that there Is too much to do, at home
and abroad, but by a stroke here nd
a ; stroke- there, the work is golug on
under, the plan of him who looks over
Dr. B rougher Discussed Lessons to
De Learned From Such Disasters.
Lieesons pa learned - from i sea
wrecks was the sermon taken last
night at the White Temple by Dr. J.
Whltcomb Brougher, when he presented
the subject, "Wrecked at Sea." The re
cent disaster to the steamship Columbia
served to vividly present the subject to
m minas ox me audience, ror tne text
the minister took Acts, 17:10, being In
part the biblical story of Paul's shlp-
.rova in ciuainf cia eermon ur,
Brouaher made a sirona nlea for rlrht
living. He said; -. , f. . ,
"Life is a voyage upon the sea, where
some sfe saved and some are loai . It Is
sad to see upon the shore a veaael which
has failed to- reach Its destination. It
Is sad to hear of a vesael srolna down
out in many fathoms of water. It Is
sad because of the rum. It carries with
it, but sadder than Ana vessel wrecked
upon tne sea is the wreck of a human
"No life can be lost alone. We are
bound by ties of Influence to every hu
man being that comes In touch with us.
I cannot wreck my life without wreck
In other Uvea When the steamship
George W. Klder came to the rescue of
those who were struggling in tne deep,
Mustang Liniment
vary earaaf the
dlsaaseaad stoat
ths most deep-set,
examolatlng palna
almost Instantly.'
Mustang Liniment
Oars svery aliases!
af Maa er Baaat
that a good, honest
Ualiasat saa
Nona batter,
Mete so rjoeA,
how -the Joy '-of hope came to those who
kin for someone to help, we
may enter into fellowship with our fel
lowmen so aa to help them In their life
struggle, or we may be the occasion of
ineir ruin, m : v
"In life's -great voyage let us build
characters on principle that they may
stand the storms and collisions of life
and-finally come under the direction of
the divine pilot safely to tne naroor,
Let us build not only for our own
sakes. but for the saks of humanity.
Let us help others to be what they
should be. . Then we shall receive wel
come more Joyful and enthusiastic than
awaited eveh the Klder aa she brousht
the rescued passengers Into the Portland
naroor last wees."
;' '.-'. ' '' ' ' inn i ii i
Uncrowned Qneeng of the World Are
Found In Kitchen, 8ays Rer. Hill.
Rev. Everett M. Hill delivered an In
terestlng sermon last night to a large
congregation at the Taylor-Street Meth
odist church on "The Toung Woman as
a Housekeeper. Me used as nis text
the-stor y-f rora i the-tenth- chapter, of
L,uae aoouc Marina wno was oowea
down beneath the burdens of serving
while Mary sat at the feet or Cbristwiie
said In part:
in uncrowned aueens or tne won a
are to be found In the kitchens of our
American nomes. xne creature comiorts
that go to fill out and round out the
enjoyment of -mortal existence come
uy from the bands of the won
Ood blese them. Now I know that
many of yon think that I mean that the
best way to a man's heart Is through his
stomach.- u dim that- aa a naaa alan.
der. But X also affirm that If the stom
ach is made unhealthy br bad eookerv
then the heart Is liable to lose some of
its sweetness.- as long as the race Is as
It is. "has Its treasure In earthen ves
sels there will need be those who shall
superintend the work of keeping the
vessels irom breaking by reple7hlni
the clay. And to such In their dlrflcul
task, end to those who in any way min
ister to the needs of mankind in m&kln
me nomt mora nomeiuce. xnis sermon la
addressed. . . '
MsrtJta is the tvne of the earnfiil
housekeeper. . To her home was her
throne. -There she reicwed lunrtni.
When the guest came to her house
there wan nothing that could be done
that sne wss not wining to do In order
that-he mlsht be riven the rerr heat
that the house could, afford. ' I have
heard much of the hospitality of the
southern igentleman Of the old school.
am sure that there waa and la- e-reat
hospitality. But I have yet to find a
greater hospitality than Is given by the
New England woman of the old school."
Ber. Corby Emphasizes the FWrer of
Noble Thought Throughout Life.
In the course of his expository sermon
on Paul's letter to the Phillipians st
tne universalis! Church of the Good
Tidings Rev. 3. D. Corby said: -
"The apostle brings his letter to a
Close with the high exhortation: 'What
soever thlnrs are true, honorable. limt
pure, lovely, of. good report, virtuous,
worthy of praise, think on these things.1
We are to live on great principles and
for great enda. Life has high capaci
ties, wny grovei in. tne dust When
you csn mount up with wings aa an
eagle. Paul emphasises the power of
noble thoughts. Newspapers declare that
righteous acts are not news. So It Is
refreshina to find the records of unself-
riah inva for humanity and heroism on
tha Columbia aiven place amid the
stories of crime and meanness In recent
laatiAB. . .. .. .
"Think what it would mean, if in
stead of the suggestions to evil, the
newspapers would focus attention an
the many acts of noble virtuous living.
If with all the skill they possess, the
fine ataff of writers a-ave the multitude
the fascinating and romantlo story of
life at its best - One of the magasmes
devotes one number each year to the
recital of the advance around the world
of the work for human betterment and
fitly terms It the 'Uplift number.'
"It Is good for us to think on these
things. Study them, look out for them,
learn to recognise them, to know their
worth and follow them lovingly through
all their manifestations. Since it en
riches toe mental furnishings to study
what Is best in art, literature, muslo
and natural scenery;' so that In the
silent hours one can revel in the wealth
of memories of ths choicest treasures
of the ages, much mors will U bless
the individual to nut in memory s hail
of fams the name and record of those
blessed ones whose life has been glor
ious, wno nave oy sacririce neipea the
weak, the neighbors who have minis
tered in unsetrisn devotion to the un
lovely, the friends who have shared with
the unfortunate, the girls who have
spent their Uvea in loving devotion to
ine aged.-Jne men who have thrown
themselves Into a work of uollft for
their fellows and have saved their life
by losing it
as never cterore we need the com
anIonshlp of the brave, the good and
rue. Plan to brina the children and
young people much Into the presence
of good men and women. Cultivate 5n
them 1 the - admiration for noble char
acter, have their reading, their pictures.
their heroes, not the mere money-get-
but those who have served hu-
manlty la high and holy. ways. Seek
the- stories that will increase faith in
men and encourage the exercise of help-
iui vinuea.
Evangelist Boas Delivers Sensational
Address at Sunnyside Church.
E. N. Ross, a well-known evanaellat.
occupied the pulpit at Sunnyalde Metho-
cnurcn yesterday morn In a: and dur-
the course of one of the most Ben
sational addresses ever delivered In
took occasion mercilessly to
flay the Tongues of Fire cult, secret
societies and Incidentally all rellglona
number, or ministers occupied seats
?n the platform and It was apparent
rem, their fervent "amens" that they
were heartily In acoord with the speak
er s remarks.
Mr. Ross took for his text Acta
xvll:21: "And Paul atood in the midst
f Mars hill snd said, Te men of Athens
perceive that in all thlnas you are
too superstitious." The gifted speaker
held that there was an abundance of
religion in tha land but very little sal
vation. "Why hell has been enlarged to
accommodate the religious people who
xind quarters mere, it la crowded with
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Also the Most Liberal Cut in
lnO-Piecci Sumirter SuitsiPanama
Hats arid furnishings in Town
For Welch's Gennine Removal Sale, Where
$15 Suits Arc Selling f of $9
$2 Pants ArcScDino for $1145
If INot Right, Velch Makes It Right
r M
religious people," . said the evangelist
"Why. all the men and women who have
rone to hell were very rellrious. They
were long on religion but short on sal
"Friends, there Is a vast difference
between religion and salvation. The
devil does not oppose religion. He Is
a very religious person himself. I have
salvation an! that is what every man
ana woman must nave wno is saved.
Reliarlon never saved any man."
. After scoring the Tongues of Fire and
calling attention to the fact that white
men and women are lea ny tneir xne
eyed negro leader," Boss then pro
ceeded to grill the secret societies.
"I am not railing at the secret so
cieties,", he said. "They represent the
religion of the member but not their
salvation any more than does the re
ligion of the worshippers of idols.
"There ' are plenty of religious people
in tnis city dui wnen you come to iook
for people who have salvation you find
It a hard lob." The sneaker pointed out
that Ban irrancisco was tne most re-
llarious place on earth, but he said It
became so corrupt that Ood Alralchty
destroyed it. - - in conclusion ne de
clared: "Friends, religion won't help a
man; nothing abort or salvation will do
that. A religious man Is nothing mors
than an enlightened heathen until the
Holy Ghost brings salvation to bim and
! clvlluea nun."
Uv "
Dr. Wilson Holds City Council Is a
"Reeking Nest of Corruption."
"Ths wicked walk on " every hand.
when the vilest men are exalted."
These words taken from Psalms xlt:S,
was the text from which Dr. Clarence
True Wilson preached a powerful ser
mon at Grace Methodist church last
night ' ;- v. - J
Dr. Wilson dwelt at length upon the
reform movement now on in this city.
He described the many changes for the
better that Have taken place In the
past few months, but declared that the
movement had not yet reacnea mat
"reeking nest of corruption which we
call our city council." - " .
"When men net themselves np against
laws which, only a few ' weeks before,
they had sworn to enforce and uphold
In the letter and spirit, thev do so. In
violation of their oaths of office," said
' the speaker. But the people are taking
notice and the next reform In Portland
is to bring to justice these men who
tnus violated . tnair oatna. xne min
isters are arouslnr the neonle and tell
ing them they cannot be Christians snd
porress one thing at prayer-meeting and
I vote another thing on election day. May
Ood speed the day when every man who
names the name of Christ and enrolls
himself with the church militant shall
be an enemy of that In the city, etate
or nation which degrades manhood, de
thrones womanhood and destroys little
children." . i -
One of the Most Attractive De&ch Resorts
on the Pacific Coast Jost Now Is
area tha saontk, of the Columbia Slyer, em the Waabiagtaa
; aide, reaonsA from tha City af Voxtlaaa m Uha
splemoid exonmom
It Is upward of It milea long, very brosd an
X. .!,. aatfiamanta tent cities, villa, fine hotels, and all the
a popular ouaunn wm
health and a good time.
tAvni. C
amusement accessories of
i. am ro bo for rest.
for their Summer outing. Try It
brosd and level and almost as
its entire lengin wiin
ummer beach reeorCi TFM TKM
Tnousanas go were
The Potter Sails Every Day
xxobpv smrsAT ajtd iwdatb.
Bee pubiisnsd scneouiea.-
Pare From Pprtland, Round Trip, 34.00
Saturday to Monday Tickets $2.50
Purchase ticket-' and make reservKionS at City Ticket Offlea, Third
and Washington streets, Portland; or Inquire of any O. B. A N. agent
'.elsewhere for information. - . v.- ,-. . ';!
waa. vn-arrrBvaLAT1. Oasaral vaasena-ev AaaaO OB.
(with the exception of Portland) la the headquarters for the sal
mon Industry of the world. Astoria hat tha climate, there are
, neither flya, fleas, mosquitoe nor dust
Golto tain tables
The 100 per cent pur cereal health coffee, can be had from the
following grocers . la Astoria, rict ;
Milk Depot No. 1 Oroeerr.
Milk Depot No. 1 Grocery.
Milk Depot No. S Grocery.
Fisher Bros.' Co.
A- V. Allen.
Aeme Grocery,
- Sohalfleld, Maltaoa A Co.
Boss, Rigging at Co.
C M. Christensen.
Tongue Point Lumber Co. Store,
Johnson A Morrison.
Suomalalnen Cooperative Co,
E. Hauke A Co.
- S. Jm Nauthrup. 1.
XM BAjmrn, OJt (Center far
lumber Industry on ue Colum
bia river.)
Ferris Bros.
' McMllan Mercantile Co.
Ellis A Co..
yu Ik Btchardson.
,.xm rsT.sMa, oxv
J. P. Hansen.
XM WAmMaTTO. OaV ' .
Warrenton'Orocery . A Butcher
- Co . v'
C W. White. 4
F. Dresser.
nr cijiTrAjrni. ow-(A lively
city, where settlers are wanted.)
, B. L. Edgerton, .... .
- Henry Krata.
H. McKinL '
A. B- Miller. - -,'vH.E..Page.
H t 4
. nr bxaxaxawa, Oav ' .
Timotna Kicharda .
TJT BBAfttsa. OW .
S. W. Otto.
. Dresser (two stores).
"Golden Grain Oranules" Is served at Locksley Hall,- Seaside, Or.
because it is the 100 per cent pure health coffee.
Subject Discussed In Open Forum at
- - PJrst Christian Church.
At the First Christian. - .church last
nicht. .the subject - discussed in the
monthly open - forum- wss "The Work
ingmans Bights and How to Meet
Them." Lafe Pence and R, A. Harris
nnenea tne aiscnssion. Air. fence ao
cfared the belief that the labor question
would be nearest solution when all In
dustries are owned locally, and no
money for interest or dividends Is sent
away from the home town.-
Mr. warns sain mat moor nas never
In history received the full reward of
tta efforts. ' and that - despite the nro-
a-es and enlightenment of the twen-
tith- -century; the world faces the same
problems that confronted the abuman
race in ancient times. - -
A' apecifle ' for patn--Dr. -.Thomas'
Kclectrlc Oil. strongest chespest 11 n
iment ever devised. ' A household rem.
Has One of the Finest Beaches
; on the Pacific Coast
apd Is an , - , , '
It is easily reached, is not an expensive place to rUitJhaa ex -.
cellent hotel accommodations, affords perfectly safe and delightful,
surf bathing and all sorts of beach pastimes, such; as clam-bakes, '
-oyster- hunts, - fishing,, -pebble .. and ; shelL.:gath.eririg, eteenjoys a -mild
and inviting climate, picturesque scenery, and all the other at-
tractions that desired for recreation and pleasure, , . ,
NEWPORT is reached by way of the SoutheVn Pacific to Al
bany or Corvaliis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Train service 3
daily and the trip a pleasure throughout ' Leave Portland 8 a. m.
. , . i j -i . .
Rate from Portland $6.00 for the round trip. , Tickets on sale;
daily and good for return until October 31. There is also a Satur-;
day-Monday rate from Portland of $3.00, tickets on sale Saturdays. ;
good for. return Mondays. Correspondingly -low rates from all -.
other points. Call at the city ticket office of the Southern Pacific,
'Thifd and Washington streets, in Portland, or at any S. P. agency
elsewhere, for complete information.- - , . v r.-r
'- - M-VflLUKM McMURRAY, -
General Paaserfgef Agent, Southern Pacific Company, Portland, Or.
aaa I ft
Is tha garden tpt of tht earth, and GOLDIN GRAIN
GRANULES it the fiaett drink on earth ,
is a pure eereal health coffee, aad can be had from the follow
ing grocers la tha ROGUI RIVER VALLBY
' 1 T. 3. Kenney
Nunan-Taylor Oo. . " I
Ulrlch Proa. ' ,
B. N. Warner
Hutchinson & liumsden
Miller St Ewbanks
Allen & Heagan r
-.. W. Stringer -..
F. 1 Cranflll ' ,
H. Mats at Bon -
nr OBAwra vam, ob.
H. C Bobseln
Kenney A Truax , V -
' Claus Schmidt
J.. P. Kenney
Southern Oregon Supply Co.
T. T. Dean
c T B. Cornell - - ; '-
C. 7. Dixon, ' ; '
C O. Seaman - -r j'
W. V. Jonea - ,
xv aoi xnuv, ob.
Varter ft Duffleld
C H. Farmer '
Merrltt At Co, ;;
CranflU ft Kobinet
JT, W. Merritt. - . ,
Hearn & Fisher, ', - . ,
C. W. Woltera - V'W
Bargentr DunUp.";"T "
O. Winter . 4 ,
Holmes Bros. ' , '
Kims A Cappeller - .
- Too A Co. f, . , t 't
Teung A.Dlx.
Crews A Bon v -
Loomls A Kelson V
D. P. THEISS & CO.,;1VhoIcsalc GroccrJ
Slstrmters fog Sontherm" Oregon sa4 sTortbera OaUfornia.
Golden Grain Granules" la aerred at the lloore Hotel, Med
; ford, Ore., because the IXoore Hotel eerrea the best
ady in America Xor 31 rears. - - j
4 -"