THE OREGON DAILY' JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY, EVENING, LTLY iO, 1ZZ7. TQDmS MARKERS BilliJIS CODE III POOR SHAPE Italian ilawkers; Swarm to Front Street and Buy -c-0?er-Bipe Bananas. i Latest market features: Apricot crop very short , Watermelon receipts heavy. . ' Bartlett years In market, v . Errs steadier. Poultry improved. Banana arrive overripe. " Five' carloads of banana arrived and were 'delivered In Front atreet this roorslng that will be a loea to must handle them. The .Italians Swarmed the atreet early In the morn laVand procured all they oouhr handle at their own price. There are bann In Portland now within the reach of oil. '. It la particularly unfortunate to have , ao many overripe banana at thla time, M thla It rnown among the frultmon aa the 'fly season." - The flies are -mall browa gnats that swerm about the bunehea when the are overripe and make -hem very unsatisfactory to han- die. ; All cmmlsslon men were treated 1 alike.1 and all have on their hand a .large stock of overripe banana. - For the last f everal daya there have been no banana in market, but today there are Additional knowledge of a maU ap rleot crop waa received on the atreet t " day. The California and Oregon fruit will both be short and prioea will oosl ' tlvely (O no lower than they tr at . present. . ?: j . Overstock f Warakma. ' There are very many watermelon In took, and the demand does not seem to be ao general, aa In former year. The cool weather ia given as th prlncl pal - reason for thla condition. ; The prices have not dropped much, but may within a few days. - . ; Tomatoes are also In big receipt from both canrornia ana uttkuo . mi... ,.,.-.. vt Rlea arrived sat urdayt night with a large quantity of California "apples and aom Bartlett pears. The latter are scarce and are selling at 1MB a ox. ' . . m uim Serin to coma in. - erinada have been ordered fmm l.oAl and Florin, where the flrat strawberries and grapes come each year. . There will be a large crop 6t grapes vi. a. i. roH fornix and the a-races will be nlentlfuL The first ones Will be Tokas and gweet Waters. " ' . Tk mam wnA nouitrv market is much Improved over last -week.-; It-Is -not likely mat prices wm w " - . but tne receipts mr mui. -m-- tha itemami than the have been with' . In the last 19 days. No eggs or poultry of any kind were held over Sunday this v wee, as tney wert tmmv. . - - Halibut is weaker, and ha gone back . to 7 cenu a pound, --i - ., Front street prices: Grain, now and Feed. - GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, lc, targe lots; small lots, WHEAT Club. fllle; red Ro-lnn, 79c; bluestem. 81013c: valley, 10011c: CORN Whole, J2I.O0; cracked, $29.00 t0I ton, - BARLET NewFeed,' 111.00 1100 per ton; rolled," iz.vw.w; Brewing, ;. I22.0023.00. -, :. RYE 11.65 per cwt ' ; . m. OATB New Producers price No. tokii. tt an nee Ion! arrav. 117.00. - FLOUR Eastern Oregon patents. 81.80: . strargnts, if.z: export, ;. valley. I4.I04.40; graham, whole wheat 14.00: rye. 80s, 16.50; bales. MTT.tTnirira Bran' llf.0 per ton middlings, 25.00; shorts, country, 120; cltv, 119.00; cnop tiv.vvwiii.vv. HAT Producers' price Timothy, Willamette valley, fancy. $17.000118.00; ordinary. I12.0014.00; eastern Oregon, $18: mixed. 10j910.50; clover, 17.60; grain, $8010; 'cheat. 18.60010.50. k Xstter. SgT 4 FOBltry, BTJTTER FAT F. o. b. Portland- Sweet cream, 28Hc; sour. xlHe. .BUTTER Cltv creamery. 27H OSOc; seconds, 25 Vo; outside fancy, 25c; sec onds, 8ZH; store, uregon, iic. . EGQS Extra fancy, candled, 129 S2ic; good candled, 2122Hc . L..IEESBNew Full . cream.' flats, 1516Mio per lp; Toung Americas, 110 llfce per lb. , POULTRY Mixed chickens, lie; fancy hens. 12 H t lie lb; roosters, old, 10c lb; fryers, 1416c Vbl broilers. 14015clb.; told aucKs. lie id;- spring aucxs, izc 10; geese, old, l10o per lb; spring geese. Ul 11 UUL'nB, ilt WUl 12Hlie per lb; turkeys, '11 lie lb; for old; squabs, f2.50 per dosen; pigeons. 1.Z per dosen. uressea poultry, io l.j per lb. higher. , , 'A ' Bops, Wool and . Xldes. - HOPS ivo erep--prlme " to- choice, - I H 41 7c; medium to prime, lIVte; con tracts, im crop, loiia ' WOOL 1107; clip Valley,, 1021o , eastern Oregon, iozic. MOHAIR New' 1007 SIOltHo. -: fiHEEPBKINS Shearing, lltfllo ' ach; short wool, 8640c; medium, wool. VwT&ceach: long wool. 75cw ii.oo each. TALLOW Prim per lb, IH4c; Na g ana jnwey. iifi'-sa CHlTIl BARK $0 per lb. V"-' Fruit and Vegetables. , . FOTATOE8 12 per sack; old, ONIONS Jobbinor rvrir.Vw 11. Call. . xornia rea. per mi m ew Walla waiia, iz.tturas.OQ id.? DfiS.OO lb, arilc, 8j per lb. -New. 3V l.?I.T rRUITS. J Oranges.f 11.00 a r rutin re' FRESH FRU 4.00; banana, 6o lbl lemons, $.0w4y7.60 - por uo, limes. Mexican, M-QU per 100; pineapples, $3.256.00 dosen; grape fruit 3.Z&: .cherries, 10c lb; peaches. 50o; crawioras (California), 1.60; uroson cantaloupes, tt.b(; rasp berries, $1.26; plums, $1 watermelons, SMlc; cultivated blackberries, $1.26 75e per box; Bartlett pears. $2.60 per VEOETABLES Turnips, new, 10c - 11.00 saok; carrots. 76c$1.00 per sack; beets. 11.50 per sack; parsnips, ll.OOfff 11.25; cabbage, 12.00; tomatoes. Oregon. ,.. JO 80c; parsnips, S0c$l; wax beans. .. aci recn, aa per id.; cauiinower, 1.Z6 1.60 dosen; peas, c; horseradish. 8c lb.; : rtlchokesr6c76c doxen; vhubarb. 3c ' lb.; green onions, 25c per dosen; bell peo pers. 10l2Hc per lb.; head lettuce, i ) do.; cucumbers, hothouse, 2030c , dos; outdoor, 4050c box; radishes, 15c doren bunches; eggplant, 15.26 crate; Sreen.lcorn, 10c dosen: celery. 11.25 osen,;';t.'. v wroeeries, Vnts, Sto. buhar Cube, H.22U : powdered, WAEEHOUSE MEN 7 FORM COMBINE ' (Special Dlspateh to Journal ) ' Pendletonort July 19 War, house-eowpante operating In this county Jhave agreed to raise , the storage rloe of wheat from . 10 to 71 cents, or the same as has been done In the state of Washington. ; " The farmers d. ' Clare that this Is unreasonable, and that they win not pay it. If a way can be found to defeat It It Is believed that the sales day as planned by the Inland Empire Grain Growers association will be resorted to, which will enable them to dispose of i. the 1 crop without paying storage. ... , The grain growers' .association will take up the matter at once.'. e 4 4 wool sale at . v MOUNTAIN HOME (Special Dlnpatch to Journal) Boise, Ida., July II The last 4 sale of wool In the : Mountain Home section occurred last week 4 when several clips were disposed Of.. v yvV-,.1 4 Joseph - Bengoecha sold ISO 4 bags to Robert J. Craig at II 4 cents. Arthur Pence disposed of ' his 1107 clip of TC tage to Kosh- e land for It H rente, The latter 4 also purchased 111 bags of An- drew Rogerson for II 5-1 cents. 4 Koshland bought II bags of H. D. La w son, for which he paid II' cents. Arthur Pence's 1901 clip of bags was consigned to . Webb ft Co., to whom was also consigned the 1101 and 1107 clips of John pence. The first was of 14 bags, and the latter 58 bags. , , II.07H; berry, $5.17 H; dry, granulated, 15.17 Vi; Star. 15.77 H; conf. A, 15.87 U; extra B, $5.17; golden C I5.27H; D "J.!".;."!' rm" I"!". V. li.r yeuow, o.n Deei granuiaiea, barrels NWv half harrela Snr hnrn. -- ' hfiM mtwvmntwm nn mmtm iu,i. (Above prices are 10 days net cash quotations.) HONET $1.10 per crate. COFFEE Package brands, $16,819 II. 13. SALT Coarse Half ground, 100s. $12.60 per ton; 60s, 111.00; table, dairy. 60s, 117.60; 100s. $17.26; bales, $2.10; Imported Liverpool, 60s, I20.J0; 10js, 118.00: 224s, 111.00: extra fine, barrels. 2s, 6s and 10a, $4.8006.50; Liverpool lump rock, $20.60 per ton; 50-lb rock, III. 00: 100s. 110.60. Above prices apply to sales of less than car lots. Car lots at special prices suDject to fluctuations.) - RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1, lc; Na 2. 6tt426e; New Orleans, head, 7c; Alax. 5e: Creole. IVe. BEANS Small white. IS.80; large white, 33.25; pink, I3.4J; bayou. J.o; Llmas, lUe; Mexican reds, 4 He. Virginia, 7Hc per lb; roasted, foe per lb: Japanese, 60616c: roasted. 71 r7Hc per lb; VIA IK IAm rt. trwt ,w, nHl.IUn, vtUHVlllia. fw, .v, mn null UHlBe wr lb: fiickorv nuts. lOe per lb; Brail! nuts. ISo per lb; fll- berts. 26c per lb; fancy pecans, 180 20a per lb; almonds. lliSllftc. Meats, Fish and Frovlsiottav J!. ,. -Front "treet HOM y. large. SO 8c per ia per lbf-ordinary, FRESH MEATS Front street Hogs, fancy. I He per lb; lb; veal, extra. IU09 tc per lb; poor, l7o per lb; mutton, "LSKr, -.-w ""v,i';i.,".vTrv,.l, v , r (local) hftms, 10 to 12 lbs, 15c per lb; j vv aw jiur, At 971 c vvr IUt 10 IU .V iun. 111 t l tin Aa lb; picnic TlVsc "per lb; co'ttlg. roll. Bn: nrniiKiani na rnn . ibu mu i. iter HMO per id; regular snort clears, un- i smoked. 12o per lb: smoked. 12c per lb; clear backs, unsmoked, 12e; smoked, 13c per lb; Union butts, 10 to II lbs, un smoked. 8c per lb; smoked. Ic pr lb; clear bellies, unsmoked, 11 Ho per lb; smoked HHc per lb; shoulders. HHc r id; picKien tongues, sue eacn. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10c. llo per lb: is. llo per lb: 80-lb tins. lZHo R?rIbs,ft,?ra rendered, 10s, llie per wr lb P,F ID: compouna' 1W'' 100 . . - jtibh kock cod. li per lb: riounaers, lc per lb; halibut. 7c per ib; striped baaiTlle per lb; eatftsh. 11c per lb; sal- iw'ii aMT79 wuiiivibv viisiiuuaa 8io lvi lb; Steelheads, lOo per lb; herrings, 6c mmsm Pa1mi.u .li.aaI, ve rtar in- amea mi net int annmna. i.a mtr fb: perch, c per lb tomcod, .70 per lb; joDsiera,. idc per io; rresn macKerei, 8oj per lb: crawfish. SSc ner dos sturgeon, lttto per Ib; block baas, 20c per lb; sliver smelt, 7e per lb; shad. 4c per lb; black cod. 7 He ner lb OY8TERS Shoalwater bar. per gal lon, 11.14: per 100-lb sack. 4.80; Olym- rla. per gallon, 11.25; per 116-lb sack, 8.I0OI.I6; Eable, canned, lOo can; 17.00 dos. CLAMS Hardshell, per box. 11.40; rasor clams, iz.oo per box; loo per dos. rsiata, Coal Oil, .Bto. ROPE Pure Manila. II ko: standard. 12c; sisal, llo. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases. II He per gal; water white. Iron bbls, 14c per gal; wooden, 17o per gal; head light, 170 deg., cases. Iltte per gal. GASOLINE -88 deg.. cases. 24 Ho per gal; iron bbls, 18o per gal. BENZINE It degl. cases, 25o per gal; Iron bbls, llo per gal TURPENTINE In cases, lie ner gal: wooden bMs, 91c per gal. WHITE LEAD Ton lots. TKo per lb; 500-lb lots, 8o per lb; less lots, 14 c per Ib. wik hails present basis at New Tork Cotton. Official prices by Overbeck A Cooke company: Close. Open. High. 1186 1207 Low. 1186 il96 ijoi lis. 1138 1146 1171 1178 1171 29 27 January . 1192 1196 1200 1204 1209 iiii 1148 1144 1176 1178 1184 1198 1191 1198 1202 February . . . March 1198 1214 iiii mo 1180 1168 1192 1178 1200 AnrU .... . .. May .... 1204 June ........ July .... 1180 August .. 1142 1207 1180 1186 1142 1174 1177 1184 September 1146 October . 1174 November 1171 December 1111 Liverpool Cotton. Liverpool. July 29. Cotton futures closed I to I points up. Market was steady. . , ' Portland Bank Statement. ' Clearings today ..11,137,485.67 year ago eo, Gain today .... . . .'. . . . . . 170,662.78 Balances today ........... 97,838.63 Year ago 161,064.10 Tt - will' mnv. roil tn so otit of votir way to see the bargains at Robinson ft Co. s, 289 Washington street "IN DIXIELAND" OF EMPIRE CROP YIELDS EXCEL By Hvman 1 H.. Cohen. Oren De Mare's Farm, near Dixie, Wash., July 28. In Dixie lan'd, not bel low the famous Mason and Dixon line of the south, but in the Walla Walla val ley, they are harvesting todar timothy hay that will In many Instances run three tons to the acre and crops of two and a half tons are quite common la this section, the present season. Such .mag nificent crops of timothy wer never be fore equaled In eastern Washington. ? Crops of Club wheat will range very close to 65 bushels to the acre on the average, while there have been numer ous instance where the yield has been considerably higher Reports have been circulated of yields of 70 bushels to the acre but If such was the ease the test was made only In a' very limited area and did not comprise more .than an acre or two. , , , , ,. '.. . ,.v. Barley yield Snomona. ..y. rlelfls this year kept '', apace wun -other .grain , crops,, production iwhoVjd. f0T in tn lJixie neigh . T-'rl?- iiT indlviduaif Instances I'ha JL'S 10 uehels of barley JW .tH7TnirSm lnf re but this like the70-bushel wheat stories inrnrinTn nriin I K T 1 1 1 1 T I il M III A 1 1 pa w mm m : ,n - : m . . mm mm Seattle Buyers Hake Pur- cnasc or eastern uregon - Cattlemen. Portland Union Stockyards, July Receipts at city stockyards are a fol intmrnw Hurl CMttl. BheeD. Todav ... 250. 710 Wiwlr mmt ... vr.r iso Prevlou year 1 i Receipts todav were small. A week Sgo, however, there were no receipts. Hoss continue to be scarce. Th' , day. ' Prics remain the sameana are: Hon Best eastern ' II 00 of 25'- China I0.00OI.I5. cam storkers and. feeders, fats. 18.26(81.60. Cattle Best eastern neeann ateara. es! 13 76l 00; l'HMi 12.76: best cows and heifers. I bulls. 11.00. duns, ii.oo. Sheen Wethers. 14 004914 26' lamb. . ."e'?T.vv"ln" """' nmom, i if.iDino.vv. EASTERN LIVESTOCK Chicago, July 21. Receipts today were reported as follows: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago 12,000 23.000 20,000 Kansas city... s.oou n.uuw Omaha 1,000 4.000 2.600 Hogs opened 5 to 10 cents nigner. Left over Saturday 1,100. Receipts a year sgo were 62,000. urnciai prices: Mixed. 16.40: heavy. 14 30; rough. $6.6036.95; light, 3B.40PS.60. . lame steaay; sneep weaa. IZEE STOCK SOLD Canyon City. Or., July 21. J. C. Lonergan, buyer for the Frye-Brughn company of Seattle, has contracted with I Isee cattlemen for 2,600 head of 1-year- I , mJJ c. t v.a.w.a wa I a. www w- 1 1 I old "steers' to be delivered at Pendleton October 12. This is the largest band or s-year-oia steers ever brought out of the -Isee co,,"trTJ..n? ! "It0? ?"J?: YJL'SI? i! much higher than the same grade of catt), brought last year, meana the Isee eattiem will reteive In the neighbor- nood of 100,000 for thla band of cat- ., w;,.h, i... m.-. "h. tm tie . S'1 hun-red head of fat . cows I nave oeen soia in- tsear vauey ana cai- tlenvm are Jubilant over the prospects. i . . v - . TKADlKli LISTLESS IN MINING STQGKS San Francisco. July II. Not much Interest is manifested by traders. The summer cnaraciensucs or ine sioca market s re on. There haa been a slight decline in some oi the mining stocks. GOLDFIELD DI8TRICT. Sandstorm 41c, Red Top 4c, Columbia W El. ' T..mKa i n 1 T. . U DS.4 , - " r 7i iWm ifi, i1"?- ?"n,i vani ,c'DGo.fleld. Co. 11.10. Kendall 28c, Booth 44cB, i a nil Tn ti zfl. niiVBr ri('mi nun. rvi hlv uumii I "" IT f " T w . 7 JOcB , Nev. Boy so, B. B. Ext. 8o. Blue Hibernia . 7cB, St Ives 19.10, Conqueror dtii iter xsiajw bvd, vr. uiuiiiuia. hg, - iwr, xiu wo, owt u. houow cd, ruuitu ivc, vn i.tu, r SURDS v . " -x v . ' : : Kendall Ext. Zc, Sandst Ext. 4c, Maynelft Cooke Company: 7c, Atlanta llcB, Great Bend 77e, Com - monwealth 27cB, Comb. Fract 12.16, Or. Bend Ext 14cB, Gr. Bend Anx. 10c B, Mill storm 40c, B. B. Bonanza 7c, Kewanoa 0cB, Esmeralda 9c, Portland 2cB, Cracker Jack 190, Red Hill 67c. Mohawk Ext. 9c, Lou Dillon 9c Y. Tiger 20c, Grandma 4c, 8. Pick Ext 4c, y. Rose sc. coi. ml Ext. bc, uoiai. Con le. COMSTOCK DISTRICT. Ophir 11,05. Mexican Sic. 'Gould ft Curry 14c, Con. Virginia 680, Savage I80. Tellow Jacket 90B, Belcher 29c, ronfldenre 7Re Rlerra Nor. tin. W. HUaa...A JAaD TTnl Jm TJi.1. 8L ILT.. -.--. . - - - - - - ' cross 660. BULLFROG DISTRICT. Original 7c, Bullf. M. C. lie, Mont Bullf. 4c, Nat. Bank 2cB, L. Harris 2c B, Amethyst ScB, told Bar 0c Stelnway cA, Denver Buf, Anx. lOoA, Bonnie care 60c, MayfL Cons. 88cB. Monty. Ohio Ext. 8c. G. Scepter 7c, Monty. Ml 13c, B. Daisy 10c A, Homestake Cons. !2cB. Tankee Girl IcA. Nugget 4cB. Tramps Cons. 41c, Victor IcB, North Star 6cA. , I TONOPAHS.I Ton. Nev. 12cB, Mont Ton. I2.30A. Ton. Ext. 81.46, MacNamar 28c, Mid way 87c, Ton.1 Belmont IJ.40A. Ton. No. Star 23c, Ohio Ton. lc. West End Cons. 80c, Rescue 14c. Ton. ft Calif. 7cA, Golden Anchor 7cA, Jim Butler 61.02tt, Ton. Cash Boy 6cB. Ton. Homo 6cB. Bost Ton. lOcA, Monarch Pitts. Ex. lc, Mont Mid. Ext 4c, Golden Crown lc. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manh. Cons. BOcA. Manh. M. Co. 6cB, G. Wedge 6cB, Beyler.Hump. 6c, Dexter 14cA, L. Joe 2c, Crescent 8cA. Combi nation 2c, Granny 22c, Mustang 20c, Little Grey 20c, Cowboy 4c, Orlg. Manh. 10c, Broncho 7c. Jump. Jack 7cB, Pine nut 7c, 8. Dog 18cB, Y. Horse 4cB, Indian Camp 7cB. VARIOUS DISTRICTS. Fairv. Sliver King 20c, Falrv. . Eagle RcR. Nevada Kills 61c. No. Star Won der 4c, Eagle's Nest 17a Ruby Wonder 26c, Alice of Wonder 6cA, Pittsburg Silver Peak 1.7 HB. ; , Car Lots Received. Chicago, July 29. Car rots received today were: Wheat . . Corn Oats . - . . . . .128 .205 .89- 17 31 6 110 205 80 117 197 J 277 THE hardly reflect actual conditions tests being made only in limited space. This part of eastern Washington will give to the world a record breaking crop of oats. Excentionallv heavv vlelda are reported on all sides and the grain Is I Tbe German Lutheran church' was much heavier than in any recent year, I gran ted a permit today to build a two Taking all In all the entire grain pro-J story frame church building to cost be- due t Ion Is an eyeopenec even to those that nave lived m this wonderful grain country all their lives. How Dixie CKt Its Kama. --The way thi place was - named ls quite an historical event It wo this way. In 1866 three bov or young men of the Kershaw family William.. John end James started across theW plains fnr (ha vast with tmmtnm Vpha Tk. I LrJhhV. Jifr.'SS" were born musicians, each being a fid- ww of soma renowA. On ,h. """ the west -tneir . principal musical gem as "Dixie Land." and manv tlmaa across the plains where It had never before been heard floated the strains of the favorite southern air. "In. Dixie land I'd take my stand to live and dta in Dixie land." This tun was fiddled all the way serosa the plains nnd the party of trav elers gave the name of "Dixie Boys" to tne musirar ir.u.i imm name clung to them end when they settled on the pres- He said that the great secret of suocess ent site of Dlxl the town was named in 1 toet away from th butterfly pur thelr honor. ,,Two of the "Dixie Boys" suitsof life and do good t others, still survive and on special occasions Rockefeller also stated that he joined fiddle out "Dixie Land' tc the step of the Sunday school at the age of 14. and many young feet at Dixie dance . - 'bad been a member for 64 years. , ; Big Stock and Wood Sales Negotiated in , Inland Erapire-Warehouso Opera tors Form Combine Against Growers. inTiiiiTif in I 1 1 1 V I I w m m m m m l FIELDS Crops Good Near Spokane; : nprKing sunaays in Palouse Country. - IDDeciai UIMin - tnr "The Jnnnal 1 . Spokane, Wash, July 2. Last week naepeen a week or activity in the har iieiaa ana many or ,tne wheat 5 rowers have cut v and atacked hun reds of acres of mMen ,in . unn are plentiful and good wagea are being paid. In Idaho the wheat Is not so far I advanced, but barley la going ud to o bushel , an acre and farmers are holding for 76 cents. Barley harvesting I Recent, rains nnrth of h.M h.v I laved tha harvaat Amu. Tn mmd tli rei ?!U dam,1 n slightly; but there are no great losses.- Smut Is lx- ,n, ouna ,n aome fields, but moBt rhS.t "round her will be rfo. 1. Wheat I a Aninm well hmiiKn.. Ik. mm I V"?.. . " ..V I cuuairy ana nsr-vesung is on lull blast, . paiOUM . thjv , r - : - L. F. Turner of Unhln 'hmkIi in narvesi ii.vvv pusneis or oats rrom 100 acrea and haa purchased 10.000 sacks. Thi shows. In general, the oat crop. BUSINESS QUIET ON CHICAGO EXCHANGE I, ' m ; : . Corn Show an Upward Tendency on Account of Loa Cosed , . by trie Rains. Chicago, July Jl. Dealing dull on the exchange. Corn bullish on account of decrease in acreage caused by rains. urnciai pricea py uveroecg ac cooks cosapany: I 1 WHBAT. T w If- al HAVES Open "High. Low." e e e 9 0B 100H CORN. 51 53 II H 49 60 Z 61 I1H 61 OATS. IH 40 , II li 40 v 11 41 42H 41 PORK. 1667 1667 1147 LARD. 27 127 III 131 IIS . 110 SHORT RIBS. 175 I7T 176 e a see j Sept, uec. May . gfPJ M"y ?ePH Sept i Lec. May 8Pt 1I47A 817 III III Upt WW Jan. I Sept 878 147 181 i vkti. I Jan. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Hot Weather Affected Blarket Many Large Operators" Absent. New York. July II. -Extreme hot weather had its effect on the stock mar ket today. Big traders were not active I and many paid little attention to the marxet. tjrneiai quotations by Overbeck, Open. 1 Amalgamated Copper Co. . V Amer. Car ft Found., com. do preferred Amer. Cotton Oil, common. Zt American Loco., common.. 68 Amer. Sugar, oomm on 122 American Smelt, common. 11814 ao prererred Anaconda Mln. Co. . . . American Woolen, com Atchison, common .... do preferred ........ 61 94H 11 B. ft O., common 99 I" ST'Jvi ''.Slff A"'"!""' "'-'ts 1 t.pni Jmm 1 nsar" nnrarnnn I vv..... . do preferred C. A G. W.. common C. M. ft St. P. 114 Tl 124 161 15 u. m e, w., com .161 Col. Fuel ft Iron, common.. It Colo. Southern, common... 26 do second preferred 46 . 00 rirai preferred Del. & Hudson .... D. A R. Q.. common do prererred Erie, common 21 do second preferred - do first preferred Great Nor., preferred ..... 117 Illinois (jenirai L. A N ,.. Manhattan Railway Mexican Cent Ry... M. K. A T.. common do preferred ..... Distillers Virginia Chemical .. ..114H Ore Lands Missouri Pacific National Lead . . . New York Central ::::::t: 78 ,.111 N. Y., Ontario ft Western. Northern Pacific, c Pennsylvania Railway,... Pressed Steel Car, c do preferred Reading, e . 16 alSdl, alllf .106 Republic Iron ft Steel, c. do preferred 181 84 Rock Island, c 12 do preferred 4 7 H 8. L. ft S. F. 2d preferred do 1st preferred St L. ft S. W., o. do i preferred ..... Southern Pacific, e. do preferred Southern Railway, 0 10. 112$ 19 do prererred Texas ft Pacific....... Toledo, St L. ft MV.; c. do preferred........ Union Pacific, e. do preferred.,.; V. S. Rubber, c....... . do preferred 11 .146 IJ. 8. Steel CO., C Ba. ...... 87 do preferred...... rmiTlM 3 001 Wabash, c .... J31 do " prererred ......... 25 W. u. Telegraph .... Wisconsin Central, c .., .... 77 17 do preferred. ... . . . 40 BTJILDINa PERMIT FOR NEWJCinJRCH BUILDING tween 66,000 and 68,000. The new edifice will be located on Riggen street, be tween East Twenty-eighth and East Twenty-ninth streets, about half a mile east of woooiawn. The TUcColman Tundlng"btt Flflh street between Stark and Oak, which was partially destroyed . by fire-some weeks ago, is to be repaired at once and will again be occupied by Archer A win om WOTpiwi VJ Arcner OE Bchana. wholesale druggist' The dam 2"". thi hgesto the building have been appraised ages to tne at 111,000.; ROCKEFELLER SCORNS BUTTERFLY PURSUITS Cleveland. 0.,'uly 29. For th first tlme-in--year John D. -Rockefeller- ad- A ruaail .thai Rittialair WhlMl w !iIB IIH 3B 4IH COASTERS HIT ODS , , - ' Mariners Will Keep' a Sharp Lookout , for Boats and i; -Bafts Of f the Coast, ' COSTAxBICA BETUBXS 'FB03I SAN FB,UCISC0 Cnjptain Miwon .QItw ; Graph lo Ac ' eotiAt of IIow-Newg of the Wreck - Ooted Excitement Among Pas enger on Alternating Croft. - Coasting vessel r keeping a sharp lookout for life raft , or boats that might tlU be drifting about on the ocean and possibly carrying survivors from the Columbia-Ban Pedro collision. Cases hav been know"Wbere survivors have drifted about for many days even la the path of commerce before belo picked up, and mariner are of the opin ion that slight bop may yet b held out for those who disappeared with the ship Sunday morning a week ago. -'Captain Mason, master of the San Francisco tt Portland Steamship com pany steamer Costa Rica whloh alter nated with the Columbia, thinks It not at all Impossible that one or more boats or rafts mav be picked up, per haps with lives aboard. He point to the fact that when the Valencia was loat on the coast of Vancouver Island one boat waa picked up several months after the disaster, although the occu pants had died many weeks before from exposure. In this case, however, he thinks the boats should be discovered more easily, since the beach south of where the collision occurred 4s more ac cessible than the nreclDitoua cliffs thst break the sea that roll In upon Van couver Island. ' The Costa Rica, which arrived here yesterday morning, paased the scene last 'i nuraday, but saw no sign of anything that would cast fur ther light upon the tragedy.' " - ' On her way south the officers and passengers on the Costa Rica looked la vain for the Columbia, which waa us- J uallyjnet Jn the vicinity t of JEureka.l tenA I When near R-uxbury Point a eteamr ri schooner signalled the words "Colum- bla is lost" to the. CosU Rica and upon entering tne bay. fuller particulars were received from the outward bound steam schooner Yoeemlte. The news created great excitement and threw a gloom over the happy sassengers who had enjoyed a beautiful voyage from the Columbia river. The oil carrvlnar steamer Argyll and b. w. f oner, wnicn arrived nere tni morning rrom Ban Francisco, did not sight any wreckage off the coast The oil carrier stand further off to sea, however, tnan to passenger and gen- eral cargo ships, so they were hardly yxpowit-u v iiavw nncounierea enuer f1". orwrkK lilaL nilght still be afloat The S. W, Porter Is at Llnn- ton and the Argyll at Portsmouth dls-i cnarging oil. INSPECTORS OX THE MOVE Howe and Wynn Will Return to the Golden Gate. huim M n riw m mwwtw min., vna&M. V "kr..rG :.: ".V .lu'"1 received a telegram thi morning from Captain John Bermtngham. snpervlslng Inspector of the first district with headquarters at San Francisco, recall u - a . .. a . 1 . . 1 us a w. B-iHi wsvaav a, II is yvi la ing Asststsnt inspectors Howe and Wynn. : who a few months ago were transferred to this po IO thi port The reason for the recall 1 not known, and It- 1 hardly believed to havciany connection whatever with tha Columbia disaster, although both the fn L?tSZ TwnTlVmeej: long age wa)fa.M eawaial mA.m.-A inVe.? , JZli. calling for the transfer of assistant officials as often as possible for the good of the servlce,when Assistant In spectors Ames and weidon were ordered to Seattle from Portland and Howe am raErw.iSE. iF.J"iw, 11ZaBJS Clty' employes In service Elf ht pounds cof o W.i . -i mr orere1 10 r- fee, from Wadhams A Kerr company. PUTS IN FOR REPAIRS French Bark Snstalns Damages English Channel. Word was received here this morning I 10 ins ensci 1 run ine rrencn oarx vine de Dijon, which left Antwerp June 11 with a cargo of cement ha put Into Havre, France, damaged. The message does not convey, the character nor ex tent of the damages. The accident will delay the vessel per haps a couple of week ALONG THE WATERFRONT The steamer Breakwater sails tonight for Coos Bay. The Alliance 1 due to arrive tomorrow from Coos. mi.. - u .7. 1 i ... . anma aeneral freli-ht tn ha At.,.r.i i at 6ak street dock. " The oriental liner Nlcomedia Is die- charging freight at Alaska dock today. She will begin loading flour for a re- turn cargo thla week. ' A wireless message was received from the steamer PreeKTent by the weather VHL ? ,0k, J"A "J5hA lIUat 6SIJU WOB1 A VV IIUieJB WUlfl OI till CJO I lumbia river.- th barometer 80?Bi. wVn northwest and moderate. MARINE NOTE8 Astoria. July 29. Let un at 4 a. tn. 1 scnooner james itoipn. Arrived at 1 and len up at cau a. m. eteamer Ex- ceisior. rrom oan r ranaisco. San Francisco. July 29 Arrived last nignt oieamer casco, ironr Portland, f Astoria, July 28. Arrived at 4:80 . m. and left up at 1 p. Yn. Steamer W. S. Porter, v from Monterey. Arrived at 9 s, m. Schooner Jamei RolpV f rom San Francisco. Arrived down at 1 and ViJrw, AmatirmimWwVWJn II Tars 01 agecash prise. ?"mr .AIfrIk-. ft0"? Bw Fraiiclsco. 1 t1 e?wh " 'nuna u.'... ti. i 'I i'iJs ' t. hariT vii'ia Nhi. . . ti-X.i 1 P"on "om Antwerp, for Portland, San Francisco, July '. 18. Arrived Schooner Lillebonne and steamer Atlas with barge No. II, from Portland. Astoria, July 29. Condition of the bar at 8 a. m. obscured; wind north west 14 miles; weather, dense fog. . Tides at Astoria todays High watei 1:86 a. m 8.4 feet; 4:31 p. m., 8.4 feet Low water 10;ll . m, 0.0 feetrl:4l P. m., 1.8 feet .-v CONEYS ISLE SWEPT BY CONFLAGRATION wqihi Bymctm. wiim.) "r I Nm ' Tork. ; Julv 28. l'ire at Cnnav 1 Island yesterday destroyed seven blocks or amusement ouiiauiga ana aia aamage ! a estimated at nearly 81,000.000. There) was no Insurance on th property. . FOURTEEN LIYES ARE LOST IN TENEMENT : Now TorJc July ll.-ffourteen poopla wai . t..w. . ... Aaaatth ...... . . . " w. . WW ... . www... ' a. , ,UI ,J I number inlured in s tenement houaa flral at 121 Christie street last night The Fourth Oregon infantry. The new regl-1 fir was started by aa explosion, , 4ment of guardsmen will be commanded ' VALUABLE GIFTS i TO DE AWARDED Streetcar Employes' Benefit at tne uaKs mil ie a V- Big Invent. LEADING MERCHANTS i C0NTBIBUTE LIBERALLY Nearly 20,000 Tlckr-ts ricdgrd and OomniKtefl on Arransenienta Com- '.pletea Lomj Wst o? Erentg for the mi. Entertainment of rieaaareseekrrs. The . general committee . on arrange ments for .th4( 'annual picnic and' field day tourneys of ' the Brotherhood .of Electno . Street Railway '' Employe Is meeting ' with great suocess In listing events for Thursday, August 8, at the Oaks. The big pleasure park will be turned .over to the carmen and their friends. Manager ' Freeman desires It understood that all the receipts from the sale of the carmen's ticket will be taken in chara-e by the committee on benefit of the Brotherhood for sick and disabled members, ,. , , Xerohaats Olv Treely, All the leading merchants of the city VvoirYy.., and some' of the wideawake dealers downtown are going te make premiums of the admission tickets which are gool for all the special event r tnaj uaie and glve them away to uatomeri i wlth fKj.Burai.,v aw- - v During the afternoon of i Thursday, August , tne lawn at in uaas win o the scene or a big oany isnow. i ne presents for the successful entries are of extraordinary value and will be well worth while. There will be a great va riety of athletio stunts during the after, noon and beginning early In the evening of the carmen's day mere wui oa cms walk eonteats between the champion team In the Paclflo northwest, some of which will come from a distance to at There will be a fencing contest he-1 i7hu "one b T uniformed telms from lead- , rn-lutlnm also a ae- nt ho na ho.ita. runnln races. swimming races, ana a watermelon eai- lng contest. Brenta amd rrUes. Following U the prise, list and the avanta that have bean arransed bv the I committee, consisting of active car plat form men: Prettiest babr sir I. 8 to 11 months aid High chair donated by Jennlng ft-. Hnn Prettiest baby boy. I to 11 rnonth Baby lumper donated Dy TUII at UIODS. I Prettleet baby in the district north of TTnllitilaT avenue. I to 11 months Old- Child's rocker donated by E C Schroe- der. . . . - ' . Prettiest baby between Houanay avenue-and Hawthorn avenue, I t 12 months old Child' rocker donated by Calef Brother. Pretuest baby soutn 01 Mawxnorne avenue. 8 to iz month old unud rocker donated bv William Taylor. rrRiiinii didt on wvh. iiu. hwiu vi Prettiest bahy on west sine norm or Wuh .ion it ..t-ChllJ-i rocker do- I . . 1 aiatat . UAvAea mtmiTiiva. nm nsnw UtJl JJ V VWS Bf mV MB MkH w - me mm mm J Prettiest baby on west side south ef Washington street cnuoi rocaer, do nated ny uevuri at sons. Best natured baby on tne ground. 1 .r'! iaBa B - nonaged . . A m. ... . . I m I "r auwarua wiiiF"r. Footrace between wives of members. SO yards Arm rocking chair donated by Gadabys. . Foot race for all young ladle between 16 and 10 years old, 60 yards Pair of 53 VtV bToTI " IIIWII S I dv VV l-VUIIUS V W WS , I free for sJL 60-yard dash Meerschaum pipe donated by fcig Bicnei. Comic foot race, between Dan MoAJ- len and Dr. Deveny, 60 yards Box of cigars, donated Dy Hart cigar company. r oot race between iwo oiaesi pianorm Inspectors' footrace, 60 yards, be- ttreen J. G. Mann, inspector Piedmont division; C. F. Doty. Inspector west side division; C. W. Buoholts, inspector East Ankeny division Bog cigars. A special race for a trophy will be run between Superintendent O. C, Fields and Fred Corner, general superintend ent -Vnff of Wat Contest. Tug of war between members' from east side and west side Box of cigars, donated by M. A. Gunat A Co Boxing contest bantamweights, . for points, amateur rules, four rounds Sli ver trophy. - Boxing contest," heavyweights," for points onJy-Marquis of Oueensberry rules, four rounds Silver loving cup, donated by Hiapies, ine jeweier. Wrestling contest catch -as-cateb-can, best two out of three Engraved medal, donated by Butterrieja aroiners. Foil contest, jor poinia uiraTsu BiCyCl TSCa, iroo iw , wwrav Western Union and postal Teiegrapn company "'ZmfVty&thftl panta, donate by Lloa Clthinar company: second 1 prlae; pair of allpper. d0SatB.i.I.T ReJfJm w-,.- .ha wE5lb,i f" . J"' TT,f h- t,i2 J?,??1" L Ii 1 ' "W1 .' GIMitCedHril. Knlaht. of th M.o- J " ' V ...l . alw cabees uniform rank Loving cup, do- 4 hv Heitkemoer company, Swimming contest' free for all ladles, ti.tinc, in ha announced Dress hat. donated by Wonder Millinery company. Swimming contest fie for all boy, ; 15 to 18 years Old, oisianca announced Gold filled watch, donated by Beck, Jew- "'(Jakewanc, for Juvenile under 11 years of age Girl, bracelet' donated by Charles Leonnarnt; stiver cup ror ooy, donated bV . jrneoianaer, jeweier. Cakewalk, free for all Gentleman, mm headed cane, donated bv L. C. Hen. S'?,, 0IdOaSi ' bv McAUen A Ifii V d - y McA1 Mo rlchsen company; lady, gold headed silk eatlng'contest frse for ' Footrace. 60 yard dash, between F. I, Fullerr general manager; S. G. Reed, treasurer; F. O. Sykes, general manager power department; v. -. TanKiin, gen- Jrfti -Uperintendent Portland Railway, Light A Power company Mahogany stand, donated by H. F. Boynton. - Fop member sellin greatest number of benefit tickets, exclusive of members of committee Cuckoo clock, donated by jaeger-jrotners.'v -. s . SEATTLE MINISTER SAYS PEOPLE LIED (Journal nerlat Rsrvtee.1 Seattle, vrfuly 29. After telling his congregation that those of them who Salif he had ulterior motives In holding fa nia naatoraia . nere- liar nnsM nn arose m tne. cnurcn were iiars, ev. xtrrrnC W : Havnna annnitnnaif vmmtmrAmm that he had resigned and would accept PUlpil in cnicegw , . - . .. a........ 4 NEW REODIENT BORN 1 IN SOUTHERN OREGON (gneHal D.tpatel, to Tbs loerlisM ' Rnaehurr. . Or.. Julv 29. Orders 1a. sued byA-Jutant-Oeneral Flnser of the ...anw W . , "H ........ .wh..u ,uv llilVi ran an camn near here have (areaied thai Mationat uuarn at ine nrie TnANSrOIITATIOX. T '-- Alas li a 1907 EXCURSIONS 3 TIUPS Spokane, 9vXj Ml'. AO. m , , -AtmW U. IU Senator . . .......... Sept, a, Oct T 0. 1: President .Sept. aa -"V'!. 9. n. aXiAbxa Mvn. " ; . .' ' galUnar From Seartle. :.. " ; Ckora;r Sitka. Junsaa and way porta, . Salllnr f. aa. . . X. f . i. Oo.'a KnmbodH, ...... ' ."..n.Tr...., Jnly a. An. X, II, S9 fnt ef Seattle. .July 80, Au. B. la. to Oottag City, via $Hk. ,( ...,,..,.. .Jniy a, Aug. is, at r';:-'':'AW''rxtAjrcxs'co wvTa.yfM .'ii'VtaiUBf t.a, lav Froaeattl,';-;,'. President , Fnly go - S ..V V.l 11 A Clty tflle. I4 ' Washtagto st. . . m a. . I IiUI' Ik" LOW RATES Vv la, 13., . Chlcag-o and "return, 171.10. . BL Louis and return. 1 4 1. So. Bt. Paul, Minneapolis. Duluth, tup. rlor, Winnipeg and Port Arthur tad re- turn, I0, Tnilkja. n ill V ' I i kJ"l KInO IA1LI 3 . jrer tickets, sleeping ear reservation ftn )dltlonal Information, call on at SOU re a xta .UlvKbUN, U. r. a T. Aa L aJW XMXKh T, TOKTXtXMJ, OB. Telephones: . Main 110. Home A-II8I, Ho! For Astoria ep Tharsdays). Leave Aldea street oocii i a. m. s Buadavs t a. m. tl tonnd trln. rxOma tut ms. IColfllTlbta Diver, ficCnfrV - I SBODXATOB ZtXaTB iTXAJCSBB, Datlr mantem bataraaa farlluS aii Aallea. eirspt ' Baedsr. tearlnc Partlaad a I a. a, arrtvlog aaet I p. si earrrkni rrslfkt sad passeacara. ' gplsndld aresoiBwas I ton tor eetrits so livestock. Dork foot ef Alder st. F-rilead. fool at Gesrt St. Tbe Pellee. fkeae Msls le, PorUaaa, momtx rftoxrxo itbakiiii1 oo.i StesmshlpsfiOANOKE ana GEO". K. ELDE8 an foe jreka? San Fnnclsoo and Loa Angel' , direct every Thursday at 8 p. m. 'llcket ectce is. i nira. near Aioer. I : . . . . . Fbcne at. -!.. . . iuuixu, A genu I w SI mVtkM A 01 A 4nFtft A I TV nvrin k Or LV418.6 I -a Jamestown 'Exposition FawtSteamerTetoh H "tss v bwt eaaoa so awioa n f Here -LIS OCORD" eyelet bsttoabolee. t II JwMy le bnttos. Siron to held. II II BIO. 1. IPS 4 OQH siskin ; TSOV.n. V. II ORWOW O j 1 1 ) z. rn n ine oni v cnines W3,xn i Artlm H' thla "Itv Vhi,, , 1 has cured) many afflicted sufferers. Cured private and - female diseases, also throat and lung-viroubles;--stomach bladder and kidney, and diseases of all kinds that the human flesh is heir to. Cored by Chines herbs and roots. Remedies harmless. No "operations." . Honest ;, treatment Examination fret. 161 Clay ; st, corner Third. 4:- fJ, '...r1 .., .WINSLOVT SOOTKHIQ SYRUP has been used by Hllllons of Uotbers for thaw ililMren while Tnetaina for orer fifty tba toe ouiku sortens ue sums, aiwr all pain, eures wind eoUe, and is the best remedy for dlarrtKs. . TWENTY.FIVB CIZT9. A WrTTl. iSwiJmU.-l bv MalofVToran. who will rank a colo nel, and will , comprise companies A. IV, C and D of the first separate battal ion, separate companies is and F and' company G of the Third Oreaon-.' Head-- quarters of the new regiment will be at Eugene. vj . ' , - Good Fishing at 8t. Helens. , ' (Srwtl tlstwteh to The lonrnsL) twteh to The lonrnsL) agj v Or.. Julv 1,29. Theresa . Ht weiens. o the best run ef f fish In the river thrft&l has been known for some time. In one ne day over eight tons of line salmon were shipped, from here. The .largest catch for one boat Is claimed to have been -1,200 pounds. In the earlier part of - T " I'"""". .11 111, QUII1CI JJC1 . V . tna aeaann fish ... anama. that faw nshermen put out their nets but they are all busy. now. ...-" ... - H mT mm r X