The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 29, 1907, Page 1, Image 1

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    ..' A afa.1.. Ui' A i-l'ivJl
"Journal Circulation
i a t ir
.The Jovrnal follow you to
tm you all the news Iron he:
I ruts
X Tha Weather Fair tonight and V
.tomorrow, continued wwm. ,;;
VOL. VI. NO. Ii4.
Portland; Oregon, ; monday: evenino, july; 1 29, ,i907. twelve pages. f
Attempt Fails. but Walls of Jail at Kelly Butte Are Cracked by Stolen Explosives
.M a A. A ' 41 aL ' ' a. . . - U 1
I J I I m " " fil l.
IYER Opl Mlt
President of Western- Federation Re-
. leased on Twenty-Five Thousand; Ool
lar Bond Motion Is, to Be Made to
Release Pettibone Tomorrow
Set for October Next
1 (JonrniJ SpccUl ierrVw.)
M07r. pridnt of to Weatem fm
rstlon of Minors, aeeuMd Vlth W. P.
Haywood and Gtoorr A. Pettlbon of
; th , murder of . former g-overnor
' Frank A. Stuenenberf of Idaho. - was
thia afternoon ordered releaaed on ball
of $15,000 by Judge Fremont Wood.
The trial of O. A.-Pettibone was set for
Tueeda-y, October 1. W. XX Haywood,
who waa aeanltted yeaterdey, spent the
: 4ay eoneultlnf with hla etterneye re
a-erdlns the defenae of hla brother offi
cial e. V ..... v r ..
Moyer and Pettibone ( were ' brought
Into court together. ' Attorney Clarence
- Darrow made a alrnlf leant statement
when he said, ."Appearances In this case
are the same, only for the present time,
as In the Haywood cane.'
7 Darrow then moved for Ball for. Moy
er.' and Judge Wood fixed the bond at
$35,000 which wiU be furnished before
. midnight. It Is a continuing bond, sub-
leet to his appearance on October .1 cr
whn notified." i - 1
Darrow will make a motion Tuesday'
morning . to admit Pettibone- to bail.
This will be fought out by-connael for
the state, who will strenu
ously; -
WUl Proseeute Others.
' When the jury in the Haywood case
reported, its verdict of not guilty at-8
o'clock, yesterday morning, there was a
rumor afloat that Meyer and Pettibone
wAra tn h relaaaed and further prose-
cutions for the murder of former Gov
ernor Stuenenberg aroppea. . oovernor
Frank hooding silenced these reports,
however, by declaring that, both would
Onvrniir ClnnMWr ' Wa 'nlklnlV ' dlS-I ".'- -
appointed when he heard the verdict of
the jury and admitted that it was a
areaf surnrisa to him. He said that the
state would not dismlas the- charges
against other federation officials so-
euaeq or -conspiracy ana inai inair intu
win o beidi as formerly piannea.
' (Continued on Page Two.
Advertising Record, for Week Ending July 28
The record of. advertising for the week just closed shows
the following results: ' '
4 ; 1 ' v journal.' ; oregoman. Telegram.
J Local, inches 5. ........ . . . . ,414 6,266 : 5,444
Foreign; inches ............. 667 893 587
Uiassmea ana xtcai rsiaic, ins.,ou ,cro9 r A,px-
; - ;: ; 9,734 10,128 7,612
The volume of advertising continues large for summer
months. More advertisine is done this summer thin anv"pre-
f .vious seasonThe Journal gaining over 2,100 inches over the
corresponding week of last year. No other Portland daily
newspaper -shows such: a growth The fact that with very .
uses, The Journal. , Advertisers have learned that to spread
the news of their stores through the Oregon country they
must use The Journal. ? Seventy-five; per cent of The -Jour-.
nal a subscribers take no otner Portland daily paper and there
fore the advertiser has noway of reaching these people unless
he uses The Journal. . : ' ' '
I I L jm . 1 . A
T" fc-l - , 1
r ' . a n
I 1-
e-. - je., " I '.
James Fagan, Who Has 'Al
ready Made Seyeral Des
perate Attempts to Break
Out, Was Leader in Last
Night's Attempt.
Prisoners Had Worked for a,
Week Attempting to Drill'
Hole Into Concrete Wall,
Using Spike; for ; Drill
Heel of Shoe for Hammer
0. E. & N. and TJ. P. Will Add
New Daily Passenger
Train August 1. T "
The first of Important defensive
measures that : are bejes taken by-the
O. R.. N.' company, and Union Pacific
system against Invasion by the North
Bank f oad was announced today. Ef
fective-August,! a hew dally passenger
train , will be put. on between Walla
Walla and Pendleton, with close connec
tions that will greatly facilitate traffic
Deiween foriiana ana eastern v asmng-
lon points. ... .
- jaonna Trip sally. -
The Walla Walla-Pendleton train will
make the round trip daily and connect
. , SanillAtmi with Ik. hw..K Aat
trains between Portland and Pendleton.
It will leave Walla Walla at 8:30. a. m..
and passengers will arrive at Portland
at 8:20 p. m. Leaving Portland passen
gers will take the Spokane Flyer at 8:10
m., ana reach; waiia waiia at e:to
p. m. -. - '!-
A through sleeper between Wtilla
Walla and Portland on the night trains
is already; in effect, - and - with the new
. V
i ICiMflHiU IV ii.HtIA.FiC,
. . i -r- "
beach mm
Six Hundred Guests on Lons:
Island Lose All of Their
Possessions.. '.'
day train eastern Washington will have
complete and convenient - Portland
service. ... .....::..
Undoubtedly a hard battle la to be
waged between the north bank road and
the O. R. A N. Co. for tha hnalnaaa nf
eaaiern wasnmgton. The Hill roads
have as. yet given no-hint as to the
lime scneouies to be made bv thalr
(Continued on Page Seven.)
' " V . V. "
i f r ) ; , ALBERT rOLEMAN. V ; t,',-,,ii;i'. u l!
Mouthful Slayer of Benefac-
, tres Declared by Alienists
r to Be Fully Respbnsihle.-
, tvM. ' : (Mama rT' . Vi 1 t.VA.r.rtM ' nnV
who shot and killed his foster mother,
MrsfAyres, Bear S CHeleng last lntec
''' Is sane, according to the findings of the
alienists who were commissioned to In-
t 4uire into his mental condition. Drs.
5 W. T. Williamson, ,Ahdrew c. smith and
WflUetn House composea tne ooara. .
i"' The. report as agreed upon Saturday
right and has been forwarded to i Judge
VMcBride at Str Helens. The report
states that young. Oleman is sane; that
he Is as fully responsible for his acta
as any other by of his age; and ' that
he has criminal lenaencieav , inis; con
tluston was reached by the lunacy com.
mission after numerous examinations of
hnv uid hearing a large amount of
t testimony irom irwurtq .uh iimi.
.Anion g the witnesses - who testified
before' the board were Mft Ayres, hus
band of the boy's victim, and the boy's
sister, May Oleman. who lives at Salem,
The examinations extended over several
weeks, .'giving experts ample time to
study tne ooy cioaeiy.; !! -",-yr'
Xoung Oleman lived with a farmer
Itameu Ayres nwr ur ww 01 warren,
list winter for some misdeed- Mrs.
Avres 'punished the boy, and he went
iiDBtafirs, secured - a , rifle
an coming
affain snot xars. jarrea inrouan. tne
J k& killing her. He then hid the rifle 1
r m whom ne saia tnai a strange man naq
' come to the Ayres house nd Killed Mrs.
.A3Sherlff Whits' oi CoUmbia - eounfy
questioned the boy closely and on noting
several discrepancies in his statements
pressed hUa aor closely, and at last
Mysterious Admirer Sends a
Priceless Gift to Ethel
LUnaCy , COmmiSSlOn, Alter of gold and sparkling with a princely
ATiimAina .mjnU.a ot ciamonas, mue Etnei jonnson.
Beaches Conclusion.
the boy confessed that be had shot Mrs.
child heroine of the Columbia,1 disaster,
is the happiest girl in Portland, ',. I
The ' gorgeously winged i present was
sent her Saturday by a mysterious ad
mlrer. Who he Is may never be known.
though there, are faint suspicions that
Tot ihnnllnr vi. ilnn. vlih rifi.K. . . ... .... .
ii-vm7iiSkrX"l..iiS -senoar y p me man wnose life
money he had stolen from Ayres. He wm aared by . the little , girt ; who -also
told .Ayres' that a- tramn had atolen the I reacnad Kffie Gordon. hrilM r-iA
money, and Ayres believed his story sol from nerlahlna- lnv tha e v-
confidently that the next night he lar I ra. Pn"mn i waters of the
in wait with a srun to catch the tramn I acinc
if he returned. . .s . ':
Tonne: Oleman ' tola ' Avrea that
nelahbor had irl vun him. th. r4t
to the neighbors said that Mr. Avres and Is made of gold.
had presented the rifle "to him.
The butterfly is brilliantly 'designed
rifle, and jw.iiis-awe
xt 'is about two
by two and a half Inohes in also, having
Hh.Wff . TX'Kt. t MH , a
and took young Oleman to 8t. Helens, f n'T1M or, tlnT. rMden arms and ten-
mm wni ce neiq soon..' I cib, uu amuaaa wun, pernapa enough
Ir lTtmirtti VTnarnTi i ! I T T ' w " ' -y-vui, ,
it 1 n. n. I A It Hi l.ll h WNH ; . : I xt was taien to, the.hora nf w. t
iSIJJSVKT. .A'Ti'ttf :aTTJTntrwT. 1in1,?l0l BtTlfteinth,street;;where
i&'VW", Xi'yf 1 ilJ th' atopplng, on Saturday
. i ,, , , r . , , employe or jreiaenhelmer's jew-
(Joarsai special Bervtee.) ? , ; leiry store. With It there was no note
New Tork, July II. OoveTuor Hughes of wplanatlon, no signature telling who
baa, signed the . marriage license . bllL 1 "niw?n'nc.,.L iT
which was passed by. the legislature in
the closing days of the. session, and the
Dili. I There' were roerelv tha -mnrAm "Vmm
Portland z 7.-'-' t
new law is hailed with satisfaction. : It
goes Into effect at the expiration of SO
days. ' The Tribune eaya concerning It:
"At last Kew York state is to be rid
or seeret marnaaes and their attendant
evils. In signing the : Cobb marriage
bill, .Governor Hughes ' has taken v the
finals step In long : delayed -legislation
against vouna fools " and old scoundrels.
juvenile elopers and battle-eoerred - di
vorcees. In this state they have-always
been able to- find some unscrupulous or
tnougntiess -man, ' clerical or ouierwise.
mooest fee wouia coax out of
LltUe Ethel Johnson' tfrwllt tv 'wl
membered by those who read the news-
papsrs, savea two, nnman lives at the
time of the Columbia disaster. She
resouea ner cnud companion. - Effie
Gordon, and held her aboTe water until
taacn a ooara a iire-Doat.-
' , While s stmrrllnr with' :' onmrutn-
ito a man, wno oouia soarceiy swim,
warn also saved by. her. He seised hold
upon her and was also, held above the
water by aer childish efforts. Perhans
U waa thjs man who sent the present
the proud possessor ' of a maenlncent
present today. She does not know who
Long Beach, Long - Island, July
While 800 guests were calmly sleeping
last night the Long Beach hotel caught
fire and It was with the greatest dif
ficulty that the. lives of all were saved.
Senators McCarren and Reynolds were
at the resort at the time of the fire and
performed valiant service " in rescuing
a number of women from the biasing
structure. Two Cottages were aleo
burned and two persona are reported
missing. ' .
The fire broke. out .in. the.. top story
of the hotel. Two hundred guests were I is used for heatln
steeping on mat noor ana mere , were
many narrow escapes from death In the
flames. Every guest at the hotel lost
all his personal .belongings and all of
them are telegraphing for clothes and
money today. ,
It Is estimated that tha loss to the
hotel will exceed 1,000,000.
Dynamite smuggled In from tha jos4
ry where It had been used for break
lng boulders xwas used last night by
the prisoners at tha Kelly Butte rock .
pile in an effort ts blow out tha and
of the concrete subjail and affect aa
Following tha terrfflo concussion pro
duced by tha exploding dynamite the
prisoners, lsd by a desperate gang of ,
four men, rushed to the end of tha
jail where the dynamite had been
Placed.-but were forced to stop. Tbe.
explosive had not made a breach in the
wall and tne rifles or tne guards were
trained on them before they could make
any further effort.
The four men who led tha dating at
tempt to eecape are confined la the
dunceon on bread and water today.
Their leader was James O. Fa gen, tha -
rrlsoner who was shot In tha hip about
wo months ago. after he had broken
through the stockade with a heavy
hammer and waa running away through
the brush. . - - . -, . .
Dynamite XTsed at Sock Vila. '
Dynamite Is used at the rock nil fop
what are known as plaster blasts. The -
sucks or aynamite are piacea on top
Of large boulders to shatter them ana
are plastered with mud to keep them
in place. A number of rocks are usual-
ly blown at a time and occasionally one
of the blasts, exploding before another,
jars the other stick of dynamite off Us
rock and it falls down Into the crevices.
Br carefully wateblnsr their ODoor- -
tun 1 ties, the prisoners nad succeeded ,
In smuggling Into the Jail three sticks
of the explosive that they had picked
nn after it i had , fallen . batwaan tha v
For about a week mey had worked at
the end of the jail tr-lng to drill a hole
Into the concrete wall, using a spike for
a drill and tha heal of a shoe for a ,
hammer. The noise of the drlllina- waa
drowned by the roar of the steam that -
isr watsr in the bath
tub at the jail and the prisoners care
fully cloaked their ,, operations behind
their bunks, ..-.;' A
- They had succeeded In drilllnr a hnla
about an Inch deep in this way. Last
night at 8:16 o'clock they placed their
(Continued on Page Two.)
Judge Cameron in Municipal Court Holds That Man Who
. Passes a Flask of Whiskey Is Not Guilty of Vio- ;,
lating Sunday Closing Law.
A man may give a friend a drink from
hla private flask without breaking the
flundav closing law. accoramg to an
ocinlon alven by Judge Oeorge H. Cam'
eron In tha municipal court this morning.
Cameron gave the opinion in the case of
the aUta vs. Sam praegiey. cnargea
with ha vlna given his friend, Oeorge
Higgtns, a drink of whisitey yesteraay
Pfhealev was taken into euatody yes
terday afternoon by Patrolman Jim An
derson, In Blaslera saioon for navmg
Oaorae Higglns a drink out of
Els botue of whiskey. T"he policeman
i7.5i ,k. t-mn man - In the lavatory of
the iUee. and according , to Ws; testi
monv Hlggins was .just handing the
fUbailf to Pfhegley when detected in
the act . Pfhegley in aeiatui oi. ta
cash ball was- locked - up. ana tne case
came up in the police conrt thia morn-
Whom a
bed In the wee small hours.
The law reaulres that a license must! sent It. and bom nf h niailvu know.
-.lbesour6(i Uve dsysbefOfe marriage, tjkai tuQse. at .the store refuse to taUv ,
. Oirentr Anotbe Ua:kf--
m.ina who was nut on' tha stand by
therosecution declared that Pfhegley
did not give him the liquor, but that the
bottle was handed to him by another
District Attorney Adams, endeavored to
contradict this witness by the testimony
riant-urn of Police Moore and Patrol.
man Adams, - that Hlgglna was intoxl-
Inadvertently Deputy Adam failed to
bring any teatlmony to ahow that the
liquid contained In the - two flasks ' in
evidence contained any- : intoxicating
liquor.- The attorney for the defense
maintained also that as-the statute spe
cifically provided that no In toxieating
"liqnors" were to be sold or disposed of
on Sunday It would be necessary to
give or eell more than one kind of intox
icant to come, within the meaning of the
law. ;...-.. ...... .
. The decision which' la the most im
portant since tha Sunday closing law
has been enforced la aa follows: .
"Outside of .the testimony as to
J5?-iher 'ndant furnished
Hlggins with the bottle to take a drink
ZV,?fVhtii.??urt wm th? taat
lat .th law. It was simply a case of
a friend having a bottle, passing It ta
"nd of hia'far the puw? SVtakt
W,"- "anisylyajiia, 'iHriMiiX'
"I do not believe that it waa tha nun
pose of the framers of this itV t deal
with casesof thU characterXThe vS-
on a number of eajma e .ki. . .
liquor liven.'lti. the order if h2
Detmtv DistHo .
l.,t?4. i?t.i WM onJ' rontly that a
iLH?-0f th Pco in Tillamook hU
Cameron la absolutely wronr. unm i
"a?1,"! to 1,0 determined what eumbnr
Si S?? ouW onstitute a violation
Qf the lawT'1
Adams waa aa nttl1 at rmivn'
action in dlamlsslng the case tlmt be 1m.'
ro-oiateiy asKea ror a fllamUaal of th-j
case against H. L. Anderson, a bart-i-der
arrested yeaterday afternoon bv I
tectlvea Kay and Kienlln, for jl! ' -of
beer to his la a room i i
Model lodglnir-hous'. Upon .
of the Sirr.stlng officer A
drew his motion and aa An
not present when his )"
the bail of 525 was v- '
A drras ault C .
quart bottles of ber, n
bv the detectives .s.-i t
fiscaied, .