The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 28, 1907, Page 32, Image 32

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    4 -V
MPS. WH4&OVJr IIJ ' -7i77;:- . ' '.
Hv Marv Wlnrrova Bathon.
'(Copyright, 1107, by W. K. HntH)
"Oh. fa la ao ood to llttl. girl and
boy. Somtlm whn w ar oomlnf
Dlaaaa An nnt Atatiirh ma' etuooi na win iae aa many
Plea flo not ditur m of , la hl ru,, M h, c,a ,rowd ,
now, dear. I mi vry buay." and atop at each ono'i door. And h
Mra. Carton sat In a low uya ua aoda waUr and all aorta of
chair In tha dlnrr back bad- w?a .H,.In"" na eenda tham to tha
enair in in oingy oaca: doo Bcnoo, 4t reo4), aomettroea!'
room of a boarding houaa not re- "Cupboard lov,' amUed Mr. Caraon
inoto from tha sacred pracincta oz w nereair.
hZZSrt tt. faaffedlne- davllaht. L,'w hlm. Aoiir io PT J I th" BecMlt' ,or w,t,nf r Ton, ao you need not ba nlta decision until I know bow yon and man aha loved prove unworthy. Tat fa In front of him. and ha land ovar an
beam of tha faet fading daylight, aa mtla nawaboy who waa crying with aortfloa on the part of Oraca. and uch a hurry, you know." my llttl Roal would agre." an Mmaaif thi. av.nin.- .v. ih. ,. ',r, .-mwiri.. , . hiH
they atrugglad through tha .mail win- co hi H la a ral nloa man. mamma." mad It da.lrabla that aha ahould hav "That waa not neceaaary. at all. Grace, "Do you maan to tall m that my V KA hlmelf this vanlnfr gav. th llttl. girl anothar klaa to hid
dow ovarlooklng nalghborlng back yard. .. ha U. I know that, 1- a oulat wadding" I could hava walkad." " happlneaa depende upoa , thdcialonf 1 couM MY,r tru nlm w,th "Town Ms amotion.
Sha waa trying to maka on yard of J.2MF J r not ?. rnuch ot th" Tar ma. I never dreamed of dear Js 7ou could have, dear, but do you a child of 10 yeara of agar' happlneea. or Rosie's, now that I hava After a moment of lntena quiet, dui
material do the work of a yar and a l1! .?tr,PJJ, " VT,r J?!0 J?av1n"' uch romance In her noL th"k1(tat4 wo,,nan .wno ,, treI "It' aomethlng Ilka that. I suppose, Uecoverei him capable of email mean- lng which Rosalie's eyes wandered fro.
half, ao that there might be no delay In 1 . . . h. . ! o v. d to .to elp . life. Eh deaarvea to b very happy. v'!7. '"""'L'0 w5lk fhe.n 'h,re . Ralph. Vtr, you aee. my happlneea da- neaaea. I could aooner believe In a tha .,, f..ture of tha hl man t
?lnlahina th iowir wWoh lay on th SIhJ id,ni. 8h! C0UUud let aw' ajn And you are going to fTl'aT? waiting for her? Especially penda upon my child', and f could not man who had committed a crime." hSue of fhe little afrl bealda h?r M
bed wltnln eaay reachT A aoft gray r'f?5?l.?M",ma"r t0.maks "1r !rock rt m " Prepare he? trouaaeau. lm- "!?Jl .ro ner ?WIc,irr'aK9 " mak T happy, ware I unhappy my- For an hour aha .at In tha dark Mulford anok. ouJatTr
gown it wa. almoit brldllke In 1 For ju."wh1 u me. and aha mediately, ara you not r replied Roaall. vhr fl.i,r '1fnlflca.ntly- ,e ahadow by the window, burying her MV.rJ ?, Tvf?m,thlng without glvln
pearanca, and belonged to tha rich Mlia irt.Tg'. recommend me to her warmly. "O h, p leaae. dear, Jo not aay any "Then you refua to give me an an- hope. Then, all at once, came oourage. offeree 1 "BV ,"m.elnln WKnoul mn
Slulford. an old acnoSlmate of RoSalia MZ2$? . . , "Well-not quIta-er-Roaalla. I want mo!- JfJPiZg h.uh'lrJr,.n? aWY' ,w-e nowr . How mucn b,,t" discover It now 8he nodded w't'hout .peaking but hr
Caraon Mlaa Mulford had been very -..-.S&Jf' .K!wajn r? ?. PrPr rour own. and come and frff ffi'tej!i: I mu.t remind you that you promised than after I had married hlm?" aha fac T lately eo Tpale" cofor hotly, an
particular that It ahould be flnlahad at f?J Mulford to her? She eafl lake Qraoe'e place at the head of my ln? 'A n?.Eiavbe.a" .,,"2 m walt a W6k an,d lv m 1 m to thought "After all, life la .till before .he turned away her eye
once, and Roaall felt that .he could not ."r0".1. , 4V . .v . houB- but aa my dear wife. Instead of "'fj Pna D,,n L"e,".B v, ainfu.Ro."a,J" consider your propoaal. I can only eay me. and X hava my dear little girl. But He heltttd fo7a moment, the
afford to disappoint her. Her needlea nntuf ''ltt'' there oan be daughter. And want your little Roale, SorfSf MuFfort to M; h-h-W.2 "W ltat. x..wu ndev,'r. dcld at 1 will not keep him In auepens". I will ,skU nMualM ror a ,nomenl.
ucceaa meant bread and butter for her- ??.lh.1i? common between the rich to fill that of my poor little Nellie; ?i-V-rac' Mulford to h,r h wft once, but It la lmpoaalbIe for me to write at once, and tell him the truth." "Wo.iM vou h. .mm l.r 'nn-.ii
to aay nothing of cloth- V" ""J1?" por,. a'n,,."": cm. ?r ." ntlr taking the hand it was all true Thla carriage, with ?e-,h.?0.w" V,all,r do Cot 5now Bh aii ". a"0'"- c"1 t0 P0,t lh le- lc queatlon r
na. and havina aained tha ?ar'.".nd 1 d0 n.ot w&nt to think of the bewildered woman, "you will find n tvTJ". J..lrui .i?1" ?,T;W" myaelf what the decllon may be I am tor bo that no one mlaht comment uoon Hh. leu.hiJi th.n naled will
Mlaa Mulforl meant tha V"1 a,ra ?.",u ? uponh.r klndneaa. ma rery good to your UtUe gtrL I and nlur. mirht h. . Df-'y,nA " decelv. RuPn- aood In tha morning, a. would certainly the pain.
mori work. "JL".?!"! WDen ro7 that If you aaked her advice, aha And did It mvolva any aacrlnee on her Di. k. hi ".V . be the case if she aent it by hand. "What a bruta you muet think me I
bent lower and lower to ?,der demr ' the mother ad- would bid you accent mv offer, ror I ir.v 0-. .aT? J?EuLe' .1 Per Roaall haatlly left tha room to pre- '-nut .h.n hl,- . mv ..m ur xi.iifor hilinr . r..tnr.tivl
u. h. ... .h. A i ... , .. f 1 1 f . 'i. i. n b f ni runner irffumnr im in b uttia , . . . . - . . ... - . . . . .
keif and child.
Inar and raedlcl
approbation of
proDablllty Of
A Rosalie
catch tha now rapidly disappearing
jigni. ana aigneo mora ana more wearily.
She said no more about
.k. l.i i.- .i ' to tha child, thlnklnir "Rh
. . WU J . WMV ,U UJ BIU 1 W KIUUI- . " " "
Wide of th fown on tha b4 and dropped "P m ,.oan .to Iov yt.
DflilATA n al sa I r Jtaiyl v Invaa ma Z - . .
- auwa . rimnmnninPA nr hb rth w 1 1 a sin lm. i , . . . - . iiir-iiuuid. iuw, i l wuuiu ua vcir uii- w
Mipn wmon Roall eat in dumb astontahmant "Co..M i h 7Z,t ..7. . "?, nl?.rM learning- nieaaant to both of ua to meet daiiv. s-ently.
la only ten Words would not coma. After an f- anothar mnr- .h. v.i H.;.y; D..; , AIler Jnnar. tney re- aft(p thl... -ht reflaf,,a(, "Believe m. mr child. I waa thlnklnl
m trv " A.s . ' v u lurniMi ire rnpif rnnm w hr thaw - - . . - . .
i"""J-Vuru Urw lo in Mir" tne nwer would not com. She had minVri in hQi.n A ha aB ;; in pursuit of this Intention. h -itart- or your iniereac omy. 1 nwari
f, . .. ..r. : : . r -. . vi rop n ir v waiir tri nrt mnen n wnni vou Bain io urico BOUUl Illll
5remenLritCwo 8he Mt uc tlm to spare to the R" being fatherleaa, and I thought t
to S ih in Uh -earch for a new home for fiereelf and her mind at reat by asking you t
a io d snui in wun wii v.u n.j. i let her decide" he naused.
VAf...n. k. u ,v, . .iw ahe atehed tn harsslf T.ia t
he had Juat arisen. very areary inie last five yeara. with no very aorry." turee of th youna- man two u,n or ana oau
. "Com'ovr her to th. window. 0'he'P, fight her battl. Still. "Sorry for what, my dear r ""tol JfWn ",V Shu
Idftarl. and let m aee a hat the dlffl- ,f Roal did not like Ralph, there waa "That you ahould hava wasted a rradullv L w. nwin. J.a ? .JZ!h a."2 .hrd.h P to Roaall.
. cultv la. lm It aomethlnv hunt vnur n ena to the Question of her Tn r. thnuvht on ma n..f T u .u. "i" 'r"B ner little girl, for
laaaon. again. glrUr lagj. to bKmi" I dw? th
Inetaarf of ranlvlnv. Ilttla My child shall not h mafa - war. lumh.. I. . i.. t.iT ' " relUBO Besides, ah had
i . ? ar-aT a - a.w-aw hSs V V Ml J LUI11H 1UI IXJ U. "'111.
. ? ar-aT avewiv a - - a.w--w wa awaa ! W V W Ml J LUI11H 1UI 111 U. "'111. . . .
Beetled eloa t her mother s cheek and S.lpY ' v?n J11 Pr,c ' mT own Mr, Mulford." Again, only laat night, aha had orom- 5,1, m. V u1e w.a? '
. reriectea. "No one haa any thou ah t of blamln lsed to cone der anothar nronoui f.m .... inipuriunniuoa
hid her face.
to p anni m wun chll. fnp h .AWi na h let her decide" he paused.
noaia waa tna one ' . . . nn..iu ... tim .ntinj
love. now, ao an nurnea aiong at ner peat .
two reaaona for thl. -Peed, making for an addrea. which aha ln? and mj'8d- .at J
One waa to avoid Ralph ""S""?0"" jrom tn morning paper. '"Weil let ner d.
i:th other, to . Vn""Zm. ""e!t..:P" clde.
;. ' w u son a lmoortunnitiea: the other, to . .v. -.COi mw
"What la It daarT Let me halo tou one lit the gaa and reaumed her sew- tou. mv ehlM. Rut la ii than i him. Anrt now .h. kii oiacover. ir poaalbl. whether Roele'a f.""".". lur Lr'n "Dn von maan it Hnallr' ha aakr!
.a . . : . - " n t - i , ., - -. . - ... . - .uiww 1 , . nwt uiuiuivou . . . or vanimaa in m a f r nr wav T'nan 1 J -- .
mi oncau Daior i iaa uo mr lewini "a- iu an nuuri lime ene was raanv amier' to onnatdar nmnn.ii arnn. .i muuiwruui ajuuuniaa w more or waa rr. ... . . " : '
Mlaa Mulford'a aervant win to lay It aalde. competed. It waa with "Oh milta imnna.thia ui, mi. .. man. Rut thla !..rJi.. !.rT likely to amount to more than lndlf- attempted to croaa, only to ba run Sn, -,. nv . of rnnlv.
com, for hr frock thla vnlng, you ot relief that she folded and "Am I then ao old that you could not been given In sheer desperation. She Ier.ene tor young Wl aon. Sain, .rn,, .if. ? Big John Mulford turned to the Httl
She nodded again by way of reply
it-requirerrurie'diomacy to lead J-Wng 'emWttmj. girl'.nd Took her Ina tender embrac
jeci up io ner tnougnta thla -"" ' his voice trembling w th emot on.
for Roale eeemed to ba think. ?f great noree airuca nar, ana lm- "Ra.i.. nar. wnuM vmi h willlna t
xviuDn nereeix. Anir laaaona . n v...w. ...-j. nava ma rnr vmip ratnar. tn nva nei
wr airie are going io nava a new areas " nine gin reaay ror the boarding Not that. Oh, nol not promised to mo ana aeciaea. And. for all aha v, " preparea lor me morrow an cud- . i " ' . . v. " "V na d my own Httl girl, like mi
jor n juay party, ana l want one, too: amner. ner preparation were anyone! but" coma aee, ii would nave to go against "ea usual in ner motoera arms. " i " i '"""""' Uy ma rveme waar- n aaked gently.
but I can waar mv old on, juat aa well carcely completed when a ring at the "Walt, then, my dear, until you have both, men- Vor waa firm In her In- Suddenly aha aaked i atepe of a house in Qrameroy Park. At- The big blue eyea of tha child wei
as not. Tndaerl 1 ran. mamma." Tha bell tnnounrail tha irrlv.i a A.. du. iha .1 .' k. tentlon not to mmr in man nhn ..n. "Mamma, whv ilM Ur Wllann ,.l an temptlnI to raise herself on her elbow, tiirnail lnniilrfnrl v .tn har mnthor' fai
Httl girl wiped away her tear and ford coachman with a note for Mr. ot dcld now, because I want you to not Pleasln to her child. She had aeen nr wben he found that you had gone Bb fainted again. Thla tlm aha waa for a moment befor aha replied. The
mllij kMMl. a k. A. U i .1. 1 v mm - . ... ' . j .. . . ... , ' . ' ' anma vav i.nn1.... .1... . . . nl.. f.,T, rn a aarK whan aha naanvaai hu. V. . -1 .
If at" jiaa JUUIiltu II wu.u .. .. w .. v .vv..v.V .1171 sue nuQU.
where Rosalie looked at tha child with and- senses, and Grace Mulford waa atandlng "Would my mamma live here too?
tn Ih. rlan an1tahtnanr aa aha ... I I. AVSP HIT "Hh vaa rlaan hv all mauna an
i am verv tornr. dear, not to na ania Jiiuirord maf aamaati h. iv.. outiumu. ana ana meant to need ita anotner nuaation. lion t aiiemDi io taiK lu.t now. hob- urace would re vnur ma- sinter. -
to give you a naw one. too. but it la lm- Rosalie bad honed for a nui.i a.ann. eean naarlv an wail in ntr.. h.n. '"".on. . . "Did he aet ana-rr. rlrllef Who tnM alia. Tou are her In our houae. and wa "Then I'll etay." said Roale. en
Biuio now. wun a dook which ahe had long been PY, becaua of your child. If there 1 tiw Vi? i. ln or tenmg mm mat l naa gone to Miss Mulford'sr' win uute car 01 you, uon t worry, pnauoauy, ana lortnwiin sne marone
one ciaaoea in utile ariri eioaer to ner wianinor to ri hut iih.,,i - ...v an vmma man h. .... t c .imv aim cuuia not marrv mm. -i to in him mamma hut ha dear. wa tnina vour arm la nroiran to tne winaow wnere race ni screen
. ... . . - . 1- 1 " - 'L.lJUVBi ,UI II "IT ' vu... MIU .11. VOW X KB11L Villi l ' . n .1, . 1 1 . 1. . . . . . . . . . . -"" ...... . V u . ..w wnvv. . - - - ' - . . . . . . .
w niae tne teare which by thla time tnoueht of aelf. ahe nnitiv - to consider little wait h.c,.-. a. """.."r "ni again, "After all, who waa with you no. ha aairan if . but cannot tea until tha doctor cornea." looKea out on me park ana saio.:
were atreamlna; down her own fae. Bha outdoor aarmenta nni) with . eidlna-. I hava irn h. i. . f""1" "t mor than a' baby. Ralph on else waa with vou ann I im him "Roal" "Mis Mulford, your papa Bay th
1 ComnarlDa- her own nmnu phlMhnnH affantlnnata l ii.... fatha. an' v.. ... ,u . .2 " aDie to Win ber lOVe yet." aha that Mr Unlfi waa in ,v. t "Piim haa anna fni hai Aaav TVnn't he la srolnsr to ba mv father, and
I to heraelf. aa ah alfghUd at . waiting f oT you." --,-' are going Xo be my big slater. P
fmiW d.aa V . B . - a n 1. a .J an aa i.aaiaa a. a 4 . B
. Wn,r' "ri you crying. PIa?d " her box ready for Mlaa Mul- learn to care for me. RnsalleT Or per- not known what else to say, and r?,uir
What 1 wrong with you, Roale? Tell J0"3," "r,ftnt. who would shortly call hapa there la some one alae tell me. had merely acquiesced in what Mr. Mul- the ."ubject
mamma, dearr for 1L Then she aet herself to tha tidy- Roealia, are you already promised to tori hal aakea her to do, venlng, for
It 1 nothing now, mamma. Th Oth- lng of her room, aajd getting heraelf ome one la?" Nevertheleae, tha question had to b ,n Ralt
mr ii ib ara b"'" " oava a, new ureas Biri reaay ior the Boarding oi mat. on, nol not promised to '""S msia aeciaea. Ana, ror all
Tor th May party, and I want on, too: houae dinner. Her preparation were nyoni but" could see, it would have to go agal
but I can wear mv old on, juat a well Bcarcely completed when a ring at th "Wait, then, my dear, until you have Poth, men-. Vor waa firm In her
P.,Bot. Jb4.1 can, mamma." The bell announced the arrival of th Mul- riven th matter aoma thought Do te"tlo,n n?t to marry any man who 1
jiiu gin wipa away ner tear and jora coaenman with a note for Mr., not decide now, becauae I want you to "ul to ner cniia. she had s
amUed bravely at her mother aa ahe Carson, asking her if she would ba good think aerloualy over what I am going fom,.vrjr unp'eant clrcumstancee
did ao. But Mr Caraon alghod wearily enough to return with the coachman In to Bay to you. A younger man might !"d the marriage of some friends wh
and tear filled bar own eyea. the carriage and try the dress on Ml woo you more ardently than I. but not ;I?,Ji'np fathe.r waa not congenial to
waa comparing hr own aunny childhood affectionate advice to her llfti. . father, and hava known tha aorraw nf ViZ
SLY1 the forlorn one of her dear ltttl hastened after the coachman. ' loalng th object of that lova Tour her own noor
in nan aiim.i.. u. , . . i . . ii.i . a .i i , . ... . . - .
-" " dui .-I mo mi, muiiura sprang wwui iu a ineaaurv
and yol
rrom the carriage aa ahe deacended tha compensate ma for that loaa. and would cn
for atepa and himself helped her In. b very near my heart No younger aelf to think ol rwha't h waa raailr. i S-
Iph A he seated hlm.elf at her aid he man would vr be mor devoted to hummin. tham-an-hTfl" W" rMlnn'.
give remarked nleaeanflv "T hnn. n.. . your child'a mother than I aitha. "in..T. . . j.l .... ..
nail not mttlln. vnn.l I. .... i Hnaalta avan I' T am an nl. n... I i rr I. .
- ..V .... .... . . . .. . .. . .air. ViAan. nnv k J n,...
Sh alanced at th. n.H.. .. .w. """ ". . "t . xou ar ao gooa." an wniBporeo, and "f, oi.i.rnr.."
aohm.n h 7 ' , ' "w ?prga mat mamma doea not Ilka her cioaoa ner eyea aa u in great pain. 1'".."' - ....
llttl clrl to talk ahont tha affair, of Aa thev had surmised, it waa a broken . oureiv, my aariing, saia
another. It grow on one, dearie, and arm, which waa oon set. But the doc- ZlVfli n.1." -iWant.
you might aay aomethlng aoma day tor Instated that Roaall be kept very tP,,,n ov,r' M
inuer ana true.- .1,1.1. -Au .7-' ,i. h. v.n KoeaJle
prqpoaed to her one year ago and ih. teVc-i Vi&.,ZmtJZ'ELm Tto b. vour th. "r.-'iT ."a "V i wltn lnt.ntlon of do .. " " ihock. Her olaaa mat ahe bi Jenl to a . ." .ain nfl "ttl mother. Let
rtu".J m' but -ne.then she had Mrs. Car.onfr " child, money Is not to be despised Lit- by that verv "Tin;, 'Uj? "Vi ", mamma, But you do not want hoepltal, however, waa met with Indlg- ? f? 5n.r. T.'i1 Jou. J.01-. "FJV--.??.
" me to tell a atory, aitherr nant rerusal. '" v .r" V "u "r Jf""""
rtK . "Crtainly not. dear. But It la your "How can you aak ua to be eo brutal wnd, a hm .nAeln,,
Jfh bedtime now. and mamma want, to to an old friend, Roaall r aaked Grace will hav a right to kp hr and, nurf
Kh.nnn ,l'i!!!!15i.I,i0!, wondenn- tone.., barraased way and h.atened up the enough o atop for mrin hi. carriage"" ; J Jn't think h fik ? fitfl? girli " he haxl not ao oppprtunefy come along." KStr
to iiniiiB i f r.rV, ' 1 "Fray pardon - my eubterfug. Mra. B0"1 airecuy to ner friend's m into the parlor with me. will wny, dearier - nonsense, my cnua. Borne otner man, "Walter."
It Waa Ana that w.. Z..j wraon. -me raet that I hav taken wm quii naii an nour Derora Y n aanea abruptly. "I have aoma- . "n, ne aiway pak eo cros to ua ?"ui una quicwr man i nernapa. anawered.
Roaia aomahnw wh?nh if : . my eiaeat daughter into my confidence, "a men m a composea ming mat i want to aay to you." wnen we are on the atalrs if we get In w""'a. nv peen mere ir I naa not r)e(i
riosie, somehow, which was all that . A... t .J. manner, whlnh romnlatalv raatnan Ha .f.j -.u. . . hi. .. n... iv ?i . :f ninhcil In at tha mnmant acM tha .
".'"'i'..W'venwhen she Mr Mulforo raTaVd In'Vn'.mb. confidence of Roaafle.. ' ah'e MtaTSdT foT'.he too "had2 Sometlm'e, he " .MS.i SLffi ?f Mr" MuTford" a h entered the roomT m.1,
-d urDLiiriicii l r r F" l i .
girl. But soon mor quieting thought
wua vo iier.
Perhapa there might be a change
the better soon. Bha had promised Ra
'Tviiavn isat mgni mat ana would
hlm aa answer in a week'a time. He
l" n""" i'ra-"?8"'.1?, to b met m th hall '""v.. .L ""'"E."UL-.. . . hU?;..4. "V. rul,"i- b at ono. will you notT Paoa oe
"" lwu. or ln.r"." "me" "Not at all. Mr. Mulford. It Is verv tie Roale needa it. If you do not" wa thinklna
-Peat Iklnn ?L h ha d M ftav a 5r??p. n.oul1 Ml" Mulford'. . The carriag. drew up before the door But to her pleaaant greetlna R.rth
IHd ahe Tove" link w..nn .h. ..v. 2,"". " L " !'' .""a"-?: ... . . " av T ld reply. -Rdsle tens "a""". .T."l. 5n.?...mnin,.a wanta. to EJi?,""J"'"ru her her.
heaaif a ha a at htji v.; vT.i i 1 "crB Bni wen oe aome alteration WUIU "-. onua, Deiore you me tnai you went for a drive with Mr if",.1",11" " on wa luck- "vu 'J" , raiia. jb "Will vou mv dear will vnn An tht.
nfSir, aa ahe aat holding her child In neceeaerv. von Vnnw " aro to mv daua-hter. T want vnn i Mnlfo'f h. ... i . r..,e w,ln J- lna tha ilttla nna la haif with an here now and wlshea to aak how von Vui "ou m7 "III VOU 00 tnt' arms? . -v:r,-r7i; i- r ...... tn f!r. i-. . ii -.-i- ' "In".u in a wouia- tiont- mV.Vm.., - r-n.hV: Vr. " ."Z feeiT A von .n..i n .inV 1,1 mucn ror m ror ji or uar' he aske
.heawKinn'!!" Grace to wrttTtha7no8.Ca jl 1 -5 aurprised aome- iA ?alde to thTch',14: ST . 'I 7 " ' " "V 7 vou 0.."'
to her own sou wanita to aee , youto er-apeak to r ,n,, , OUi ,n, win not come up wnaj. an nad taught Roale that ah ...?;., G,,?r- ,on L.Toa think that ll,"r ',"f 21" J' Rosill healtated. looking from on
Then why not give him hi. an.wer at f. 'f.ti p....i Ir-aJ.nI -n.on"? th.t m, IT., .nini .JL.V S t'U'.L r "1 a"alr t? any one. afr- VUSOn 11 na w" "h..vrwhi:r.,"A"":' X?" the other In uncertainty and confusloi
S5a .".n h.h..w"'.a--LL f" iay" the leBat.-""UU''' """ " Inotf " ' " ' " Ti w.nt" to pfffiBfl5,gS ' "I don't ThTnV fh.t Mr. WU.on wotild r Roa wuld beT-rl..;: 0 ln
waa caiung up wajiti
Bh aakad when ha ha
"would you Ilka to ba mai
Immediately, her in the houaH
mean it. I am not joking at ai
i .i i . . "An. n.ra VAIl ara" aha ..M trt aa u .nj .4. . L. i - i - ., ... . . . . . . . . .- hnMlna llttl. Dna . V... u- v..n r. ' .. - - n..i w.. v.. w.w
c.i .. , . . way, ana iinaiiy rosumea, . -v Btj'y- "i i una nour nearly all of muni oe minKina aoout ma little "..rr .. u viiit imuu, oontv"
-TlratloT' Bh' would" a, SI w.V.i -C'."1 giving Twav mv s.'cr'etVtVVa8,8 2? "ffit' .WM" .t0 ?e f'rl that died, don't you, mamma T And. ..' "k.iS' k a 'T5S. !. Tu what I hav
Kb,e. PUt the nation to the child V. wSnn? 1 7. " hli & 'IT 11
"Yes i
child's i
aeatn or my poor llttl UI ha. don "Walt, dear Rosalie. The carriage 1, the matter"' HaSnof .v. you aV defl wVffAtaTT1'!16 tM2" .J fooked taiVaKW Ht&
ww-,.pt x 1 - you any pen- wa no light thing to her to bay the to that of th pal on on th p
LJlJrK N HKR DDQ "M" T.l A T m "n their moughtiea.. .emah. nt Zl -
" a aw. -MM M. Wa. vv ww a aWasV I w V-aal aT Tl a K if If 11 rw a W a- sjwar- a ... " ww fin I ! n aa nnan in Wa7 V f-lMlMKa aa Vflf jta.a! 1naia.,.Ma a.. .L... a. V . I
- - a av.. ajucau AWwaAwO 1C wicked action. "7. ' , Z li Th T - 7 lU5ra w BMr TCB P1)"' hw basn conflnd ln
TnfmCfa A K 1 l f 1 '11 T Physicians are not a .h. ... .L". aiiwBuon wun patmnca ana rortitude '"'""'"rm inaana who were sane ar.
..w. vv.4 w ouia destroy aUetormca v-hildren at J3irth iaeeLrrfcaw t .vad. ,elf. t0 their ubrty.
Rv Mra inhni t v. -a. t first a mentally or phyalcally conaeouenoea of tha reckleeaneBa by th ,ncu Z 7
fToT.;h" Jfl Person, would readily consent to th mltted'to their off.nrinai th. wMu... iS'JLi iV.. J."10..0".- 5d"iLnIBt.rat,oS.0?. "a5. fnown t5 th time relief and mritd reward will . Eloquent Silence.
t. :"'-:"T- "-- fmt ft .w.,f their off.pring. but of mind or body with which .corS of ca-ea could b-itTrTherforrmot;u.c" SAmth.K?- J-S "Vh"5-c?-i1 wmAfc . .... w a .JUe Harlan of th. uprm cou
-T-;.:B:r. a.a Ti" Vndr heml,nSnr"'n2".n.Aw-.nB-I! S3jr: 1TC1- PZ a" r?.,ild.d,to grater. car.beVor. they" .hould bS ; wll H Vato lam it l."a -tranae" P.1?." lf . and Juatld
Ir 7 7 " " cn,la,-" upon which thev could biae a defe 7; a.rn... 7H.vItrr.?, i 5" u"- vire. bom of barbarism to shuff out so many theorist ahould have made M0I"n" to only a trtfl leaa devote
.tr!?f.d.aA:!rt7 WeM follod ffthelr mVo,rourde4ed.a;'nd. "VchiWrenre .,. 1". 'n!"' Hnfni"ati "uI.rho ?P to Thy w.r. Ukin, th
. ..w. . iiiuui.eui unuei v.u.i tu iseipiess Daoe would Olsx nerniiy.
Herod would be eclipsed, because aiP.ea.r- . . . They Way have dl
mala and female Infant, would he .an. nn"a. "r ,n.f.,u "f "othat; t th of phylclan. and friends In matters of obligation for unremitting witchfu moemento for th. .i:7iTnT oam MoKenn.'. turn to plaV. atH. bull
. . tonaeniing to tn wilful murder aress ana aiet, ana in
- rlflcd upon n Blightest excuse fthelr children becauae they ar caused aerlous Injury
mrourh th eonnlvane of nnworthv irAht to be deficient In physical or chlldrn. They may it
r.. rant a -A brat itlnnara S Perfection, every posBlble mean prciat th aacredneas
-r mpioyea to try to Impress and hav violated I
T Innnmarahla Inataneaa mm Aavm upon them tk. ... ,1... . ii '' Y . - 1 . . i . ,
-. . tftnaa vi vnai. , are many unyimi. ivt. anu
must lr befor emlng deformltle .irl f iinnnP6ni1!'1" OT tn ""facta vi- depends, and ahould
Mnawlv ham Infanta dlaannear. VtHnna hava in imn. ,r clulaTm- TBy may to consequences oi inajr action tiy Dy tn barest metl
MRia wa iiuaut wwyiiw, jliuuui uav in lguoraac or fiixrfiUc txa&a- pummariiv iiuqyUik lb sietiam iv Aadrw .CbrtotUa.
le. dear, do vou like Mr wti I?"'"'. ""U""",""J- uu.,..'" .pwnnpa ..j tfiink that vou :.; 'in ,V. "V t "nlan anwer "'-"'"- . . ...... . r v. .. "? soon a waitr can arrang wltn tn
asked the litt i h . ' ""i "now mat an aacnncaa ner own bleasin that hm. nV.. i.k" V A aBKOa you last... "a, aear, unoarstand. And h ,A A ir'..B"' clergyman. And whn you aro botte
mamma. l-f waK'hm'; "alne" L ",ZP.M. r"nF.e"t ahe safd earnestly '7';,. nn.., " 'ww'.S," ... "M' too. dearlahe told ma ao SaaV'iittla a-irr vm. ITiii J..v. v iJ WA w.' .. n w.ddlng trl
." Mrs. Car-on'. hrt -.nt ti. was acrppie,-, ana an reii mat "But com. now; ,.t - - t ."Lj. ..,;' -"S,-,-..' """" lo my mi a evening, uood night, now." ..". .1 -... ."r " an l? KOie with u. .
e one's tor " lu" Bne .muBl. f.aKa neraea motner piae 0n vou at onre i nrVVmi-irf nf." " ' . a Kosaii dropped wearily into a " u ? ZL7,V1- 01""': "r ., "osaiie smiled through tar-nua
not Ttri d..n. .h,. !? that child. In doing which ah had ha.te back. She m t h; ! T " J.n .e""e", Roaalle, chair by th Bid of a llttl table, her Jr.. 3" . " .r".,"'!
to speak indifferent V ' IP P'P?" ner marnag to waiter for me." theVa la n .J Iv. ""' w,tn m. ERna truolt a photograph lying there, v .'V: -V,-r a.n2tiT, .. JT k . ,7n" t. my dearr' aaked Jon
iVell, I like Mr Mnirnrit h Soott- on" knw ' ngag- The dress was tried on and nrn, nw.; .? i?f?.on why you "hould not She picked it up nd atudled th feat- fh . m. w mSJna doW.n vby MlfoA ? h atooped over th bed t
I do like htm m;m"u!.ford better- ment at the time, but It I to be an- nounced a oerfeo? .u .,,,,0 "Vbl? '2! n.'?,wer a ne?." .. .. ure. carefuUy. They were those of the hh-',de of her mother and took her ? t kl. from her lips..
reaion"hJn io a wouldVnVlt a" 'S, IS i- JS5 liT nri J&lJPSL .."1 &.-fiS . "0
,7-- or my poor mtl w'm "M don dear R Th8 raa,r5vr. t - H
riicwa ana hsipiea. th mor responel- unlucky tar. ahies idiota K TirifZ.i customea oro-country walk on tn
sregarded the advice bl they ahould feel and tha r-.t.V7h. Vi- L hi-x. v.- ..-.a ld,.""i im.b.?,.Iea .and.. aformd Chaa link a tow dava aro when 1
many othr way ovr thm. Education of th mind and hood and th cultivation of holler ai- wonder whtherth Si.tanl.. "I0. r-fully. laeoThsp th
.aV. tWuah.Chnm.?rhnfa,t ff!2Jj th mind aMe. ttSonl "ftJtwa- h1,.
. : r a v -. uiq iiu-i uvuro i ur ioi wairarts wntSLuer uiev mav nor navi njnn a-tiu w4i. : , , . i
oi moincrnooa niupati uonffreis or Moth Ara will An nf Ahnrir-n t . ki.. i a. v.. . '.r iv ? "niy Bwinf: na miwea. r
l i-???- Which mojV toward- .levatlnr . th 'r fe " and m.nt of th toe- brutU7 -that- th.v know th.t nurnb.?.0 "toTiw-X fJf" lSW e.BJood.and.A?0,??d
iii '"V iT..'"" tn ,nn or aegeneratea and they ahould under any ctrcumatanoe 'carrying uch burdena would kUVdlvimv iand rina ecureiy on .ii
not pe reiievea or invaiia than can ever be accomplished conaent to th murder of their ehiMran th. nrlc. of a nillarll .ll1iJ 4 Kaa maJa T ... W aa . . a I
iod .uggtd by Dr. ven though there ahould b on and th. perpetmor wca? 'thi vigl lac pok.W"Vhat la thV most 9-mS3A
sUnOOg thm hOcele.slr deformail and of ma law: aa nrovan hv th. nnmhaa n? t ii1? " tn - PJTA
i . v ' " - - -aiva va uiun WTt IT flWI tUSOBBi fi