The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 26, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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To Be Used
Supipment for railroad construction
ni loaded today In the Balling vessel
Wallaoot. and will be taken flown the
river tonight en route to Bay City, on
the Tillamook coast. For the first time
In Its history the town of Bay City will
Three Women Claim Right
to Bear Former Govern
ment Man's Name.
(Journal 8pel Berrlce.)
New York, July 26. Two women
claiming to have the legal right to bear
his name In this city soek to get Into
communication with a woman they be
lieve has the same right In Chicago,
a, host of creditors flourish checks, In
vestment receipts. I. O. U.'s and other
claims, amounting to thousands, and
are on his trail.
So Captain Frederick F. Stoll, super
intendent of Chicago mall delivery un
der President Cleveland, once captain
of the Illinois National Guard, and
lately president of the Suburban Realty
Brokers' association, has gone Into re
8 toll's dlsappearanoe followed closely
a call by Mrs. Julia Garrett Stoll on
the captain and Mrs. Alma Earle Stoll
at tne Hotel Aioany. .jurs. Juna uarrett
Stoll says she was married to him In
Benton Harbor, Michigan, in 1899. He
met Miss Earle. a pretty San Francisco
actress, In April and. It Is claimed, they
were shortly afterward married.
The Benton Harbor wife charges that
he also has a third wife in Chicago.
Tonight's band concert will be given
at the City park and Director Slg. De
Caprlo has arranged an attractive pro
gram. The concert commences at 8
o'clock, and following Is the program In
Grand March. "Alda1 ..Verdl1
Overture, "Die Irrfahrtum s Qluck
Intermeizo Walts, 'Naila" ....Dellbes
"Dance of the Hours" Ponchlelll
Grand Selection from Opera "Ariele"
Fantasia, "The Dying Poet".Ootschalk
Masourka, "La Cslgane Hungarian"
' Gamme
"Love In Idleness" Macbeth
"Concert polonaise" Belssig
March, "Trailing the Trail". .Spauldlng
Slg. A. DeCaprlo, director.
Henceforth the concerts will be
given In the following order: Sunday
afternoon. City park; Tuesday night,
Holladay park: Wednesday night, Plaia;
Thursday night. Holladay park; Friday
night. City park. Last night's concert
at Beach street park was very well at
tended, but the park board has come
tn the conclusion that It will be for the
benefit of the larger number of people ,
.have more concerts ai ciiy para.
, .
. 1 ins m . k
Per Year
If you are in good health
or smaller one, can be assured to you by a contract
giving you and your wife a life income beginning at end
of stipulated period and continuing as long as either shall
live, dr giving your wife a' life income beginning
immediately if you die.
The Mutual
Life Insurance
invites investigation
would like to make
their loved ones. It invites investiga
tion of its assets, of its policies, of its
rates, and just now especially of the savings made and
being made by its new management
How would you tike $1,000 per year for life f Send
for folder showing who have tried this method and
how they like it
The Time to Act is NOW.
For the new forms of policies write to ;
Th Mutual Life Insurance Coaatany
el new xotk,
Or ALMA D. KATZ, Manager, Ainsworth Block, Portland,
4 X''
1 L
t'7 --i.4-T- "
1 1
In Building Railroad in Tillamook
witness the arrival of a railroad train
and hear the toot of the steam locomo
tive. The shipment Is being sent "by the
Portland Fridge & Construction com
pany, which hag a contract for build
ing and equipping 20 miles of the Pa
This the Charge Brought by
Indignant Fanners of
Walla Walla.
(Bpecttl Dtepateh to Tb Journal.)
Walla Walla, Wash., July 16. -A pros
pective result of the warehouse compa
nies' advancing warehouse charges from
50 to 75 cents a ton will be an attempt
on the part of a number of big Walla
Walla county farmers to prosecute the
gralnmen on charges of conspiracy.
Several big farmers say they believe the
raise was made solely for the purpose
of forcing farmers to sell their crops
early In the season In order to escape
the exorbitant warehouse charges.
A number of farmers have called on
Prosecuting Attorney Rupp and asked
him to Investigate the situation with a
view of Detltlonlng either Judge Brents
of the superior court or judge wnuson
of the federai""fcourt to order a grand
Jury investigation of the action of the
warehousemen. If there are any
grounds on which the warehouses can
be prosecuted ample money win u
forthcoming to bring the suits.
The onlv comDany refusing to loin
wiin the other warehouses In raising
the storage rate was the Farmers'
Warehouse company, composed princi
pally of a number of Walla Walla farm-
Farmers Know What Profit Are.
The Farmers' Warehouse company has
been earning 10 per cent on Its capital
stock for a number of years and It Is
on this showlna- that farmers allege the
other warehouse companies have motives
In view other than merely raising tne
charges to meet the increased cost of
handling grain, caused by a slight ad
vance of wages paid to warehouse em
ployes. One Immediate result of the raise In
warehouse charges will be the erection
of a number of private warehouses by
farmers, who say they will not then be
compelled to haul their wheat until they
have sold.
The raise came like a thunderclap to
many farmers who are threshing and
already hauling their wheat to the ware
houses. Sam Drumheller, who will har
vest about 40,000 bushels this season,
had commenced delivering his wheat.
He stopped his teams and will store his
wheat on the farm until he sells. Other
farmers will pursue the same course.
Executive power la exercised by del-
egatlon of the emperor and under his
high direction, by the ministers of the
interior, or justice, or rinance. or war,
of communications, of foreign affairs,
of public Instruction, and of agricul
ture and commerce. vice-ministers.
similar to assistant secretaries, assist
the ministers In transacting business.
for Life
this amount, or a larger
from those who
sure the welfare of
n. i.
v. .
cific Railway A Navigation company's
lines In Tillamook county. The cargo
Included one 88-ton locomotive, one
84-ton steam shovel, 10 flatrarsx and a
large quantity of railroad Iron. The
equipment was loaded at the Alblna
dock of the O. R. & N. company.
Slogan of Xew Club Will Re "Good
Citizenship, Pure Politics and
No divorcement of church and state
Is desired by the newly created Roose
velt Republican club now taking Its
first steps over on the east side. At
the meeting held last night It was de
cided to adopt the slogan "Good cltlsen- I
ship, pure politics and Roosevelt" as the
battle cry of the organisation. In order
to promote this policy It was also de
cided to ask each minister in the city
to set apart one day for the discussion
of good citizenship from the pulpit.
There were very few people at the ,
meeting last night, but those who were i
mere were very eninusiasiic ana made
many speeches telling of what ought
to be done. It was decided to rise
above the quest for mere men In con
sidering applicants for public otricea ;
and seek the principle that underlies i
each and every question of public mo-
mem. a committee or inree consisting
of J. S. McDonald, C. Ben Rlesland and
Leander H. Wells was appointed to
draft a declaration of principles upon
which the club could place Its feet as
a stepping stone for future greatnns.
It was also decided to work up some
plan by which every member of the
Republican party in the Eighth ward
might be reached and Induced to be
come a member of the club. The meet
ing adjourned at a late hour to meet
again at the call of the president.
Dandy Dixie Minstrels.
In bringing the Dandy Dixie Min
strels to the Helllg theatre next Sun
day night Messrs. Voelckel & Nolan of
fer what Is claimed to be the most ex
pensive, colossal and unparalleled aggre
gation oi coiorea players ever organized.
Scats now selling at theatre box office.
Fourteenth and Washington streets.
"Whose Baby Are Yon?"
The amusement loving people of Port
land are unanimous In pronouncing
"Whoso Babr Are You" a
by thf Allen stock company at the Lyric
this week one of the finest summer
shows ever given here. It Is one long
muKii irum Beginning to ena with no
serious moments.
'The" Road to 'Frisco."
The Allen stock company Is going to
offer Its patrons something rare In the
way of up-to-date entertainment next j
week In the shape of the thrilling new j
melodramatic success "The Road to '
"Frisco." the only accurate renrodnntlnn !
oi uic iiunous oan fTancisco disaster.
"Man's Enemy."
There will be two mpre matinees of
Man's Enemy" at the Star, the last
performance being Sunday night. "Man's
Enemy" Is a British melodrama with
one of the most interesting stories ever
told on the Star stage. The stock com
pany is always at home in melodrama.
"A Royal Slave."
That noted Mexican romance, "A
Royal Slave" is the play selected for
production fcy the Star theatre stock
company next week. Frank DeCamp
will appear as Agullla, the last of the
Montezumas. a role he appeared In on
the road for three seasons.
Fun for Children.
Children can see on of the moat de
lightful animal acts In vaudeville at the
Grand. The trained dogs and cats will
amuse the youngsters as nothing else
will. "Picking a Winner" Is a racetrack
comedy presented by Nellie Eltlna- &
Company and It causes laughter.
The Southern Paclflo Railway
companx. August 1. will inaugu
rate a special sleeping car ser
vice between Portland and Ash
land, a convenience that has for
some time Men greatly needed
by the Oregon traveling public.
The car will be a standard Pull
man sleeper, and will be re
served exclusively for Oregon
travelers. It will be attached
' southbound to overland train No.
IS, leaving Portland every night
at 11:80 o'clock. Northbound the
sleeper will leave Ashland dally
on train No. It at 4:30 p. m.
Advices received - by the Portland
Commercial club today are to the effect
that Secretary James Wilson, of the
department of agriculture, will arrive
" ... i i rj
Portland soma day next w.eelu. Toe I
The PUls Xavs Cured the Disease in
Almost Every Torm and Bren la
Advaootd Mtages.
Rheumatism Is a painful Inflamma
tion of the muscles or of the coverings
of the Joints and Is sometimes accom
panied by swelling. The pain Is sharp
and shooting and does not confine Itself
to any one part, of the body, but after
settling In one Joint or muscle for a
time leaves It and passes on to another.
The most dangerous tendency of the
disease Is to attack the heart. External
applications may give relief from pain
for a time, but the dtseane cannot be
cured until the blond Is purified. IT
Williams' Pink Pills are the best medi
cine for this purpose, as their action
Is directly on the blood, making It rich
red und healthy. When the blood Is
pur there can be no rheumatism.
Mrs. Kllen A. Rutae of South Goff
street. Auburn. Me., says: "I had been
sick for fifteen veara from Impure
blood, brought on by overwork. My
heart was weak and my hands colorless.
i was irouDied with indigestion and
vomiting spells, which came on every
few months. I had no appetite and used
to have awful fnlntlnr spells, falling
down when at my work. I frequently
reit numh all over. My head ached
continuously for five years.
About two years ago I Degan to
feel rheumatism In mv Joints, which
became so lame I could hardly walk.
My Joints were swollen and pained me
"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were rec
ommended to me by a friend, after I
had failed to gel well from the doctor's
treatment. When I began taking the
Fills, the rheumatism whs at Its worst,
had taken only a few boxes when the
headache stopped and not long after
ward I felt the pain In my joints De-
coming leas and leu, until there was
none at-ll. Thp stiffness was gone
and I have never had any return of the
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured
such diHoases as nervous and general
debility, indigestion, nervous headache.
neuralgia and even partial paralysis
and locomotor ataxia. As' a tonic for
the blood and nerves they are un
A pamphlet on "Diseases of the
Blood" and a copy of our diet book
will be sent Tree on request to anyone
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
sll druggists, or sent, postpaid, on re
ceipt of price. 50 cents per box, six
boxes for $2 50. by the Dr Williams
Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
exact date is not known. He Is at
present touring eastern Washington,
and his Itinerary Includes Portland and
one or two other Oregon points.
It Is positively stated today that
Secretary Metcalf, who was reported
to be on the way to Portland, Is not
coming to this city, but that he has
sailed for Honolulu.
I 111 kl III I
kh rJ Who Jiesome
is tel
Seven Tons Smelted in Shas
ta County Without the -Use
of Fuel.
(Journal Special Service.)
Redding, Cat, July 26. A ton of pig
Iron plied on the pavement In front of
the Lorens hotel In this city Is an ex
hibit of which Shasta county Is very
proud. This Is a portion of the first lot
of seven tons of ola iron ever smelted
on the Paclflo coast without the use of
fuel, at the electrical process smelter!
lleroult on Pltiver, In this county.
Since making a complete test run last
week, the smelter has remained closed
because the Northern California Power
company, which furnished the elec
tricity, could not spare the 2,000 horse
power of energy longer than was neces
sary to make the demonstration.
However, the company Is now increas
ing the system so that Its wires will
carry double their present 20,000 volts.
This charse will be oomnleted by the
end of the week, and then the smelter
will be started up again and will be
kept running steadily, producing 26 tons
of nia Iron a day. Not a pound of coke
or coal will be used In the process.
Postal csrd cranks and fiends csn
now cause the postofflce clerks still
more trouble than formerly by reason
of a recent order from the department
to the effect that writers can cover
both sides of all government postcards
with writing.
Already cards are beginning to pour
Into the Portland office with the side
formerly reserved for the address alone
covered with closely packed Inscriptions
crowding the name and address Into
Insignificance to such an extent that
the postal clerks have a hard time In
many instances 10 leu me destination
of the missive.
g to the naisppsition or u.
Cogswell, of thi street committee of
the executive boaj 'd, this week, no action
was taken towad J Investigating the al-
leged stealing of ?lty dirt to
rni private
grounds Dy city i mpioyes.
ty m
Mr. Cogswell i'.ated this morning that
the matter wot Id be taken up early
next week and ' 'ould be reported upon
at the meeting of the street cleaning
committee of tl executive board next
amu rare,
Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer
Visit the great Pabst Brewery
marvel at its immaculate cleanliness.
beer demands a clean brewery,
been recognized for years as the standard of purity in beers.
You demand that your home be clean, and especially your
kitchen where your food is prepared. As beer is a food, you
have a right to know that the conditions under which it is made
insure perfect cleanliness in the best of all beers
TLe Beer of Quality
From the time the barley goes into the Pabst malt
houses, and the hops into the Pabst brewery, no ingredient
used in Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer comes in contact with
human hands. Even the air in which the malt is grown,
by the famous Pabst Eight-Day Malting Process, is
washed and filtered; every kettle, pipe and tank is regu
larly and thoroughly cleaned and sterilized.
After the beer is brewed the atmosphere never touches it It is
aged in air-tight tanks, it is filtered, bottled and pasteurized; it is a
clean beer, just as it is a pure beer and cleanliness and purity make
it a good beer for you to drink.
Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer is rich in the food values of perfect malt
and the tonic properties of choicest hops, with a very low percentage
of alcohol less than 3 & strictly a temperance beverage.
When ordering beer, ask for Pabst Blue Ribbon.
Made bv PaFst at Milwaukee
And Bottled only at the Brewery.
inmn i i
At the
United Cigar Stores
Special Feature This Week.
Palma de Cuba
, Bouquets
3 Co each
Same rate by the box.
Here's a cigar that meas
ures up to the standard of
most three - for - a - quarter
Havana Cigars. The filler
and wrapper are Havana
tobacco and the cigar will
appeal to Havana Cigar
at Milwaukee, and you wfll
Pabst believes that pure
and Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer has
Charles Kohn A Co,
Srd A Pino SU., Portland.
Phona Main 460.
, e.;
al 'fie.