U -- THE OREGON Wf ' 1C07. B DJICK 10 COHHOH PEOPLE . Ooreraor Chamberlain Says Self-Rule Crusade Has Only Begun, JIOVEMEXT WILL BE TAKEN FULL LENGTH Not Only Shall 0oo4 Measure Ik) Initiated, Good Men Nominated and Bad Measures Killed, but Bad ' Hen Shall Be Depoaed, He Say HENRY R06ERS SERIOUSLY ILL Active Head otVStandard Oil Warned by Physicians to Cease Work. Bslsm. Or.. July H. Ths Manumlttsr tnagaslns for July, published at Los ' Angeles, eontslns a moat Interesting artlcla by Governor Chamberlain on Ths Initiative and Referendum and the Direct Primary Law Jn Orsgon." Anting otaer thlna-B the govsrnor says: ' ."It mar be stated, therefor, . while t the Initiative 'and the direct primary nominating law are In the tentative stage In Oregon. 'they promise much for the betterment of social and political conditions, if we may judge what may be done In future by what has already been ac complished." Further, he aaya: "Theae popular measure will stow in strength and In favor. Their adoption In many other states and their dlacusston I .tif that referendum all tee- ! 1 7n 1 1 vj v u 1 1 uisvudivii ill saia iwe ry to the condition of the public mind and the determination of the people to . win back to themselves the power of self-government given them under the .Anf Itutlrin but ara ri ua 1 1 v ntmnAmrA J to the machine and to speoisl Interests. If all that is hoped for Is accomplished under these first enactments which look to ths re-establlshment of the people's rule, Oregon will so a step farther In the very bear future and essay the recall of unworthy pubnc servants. As yet this hss not been done, but already the enactment of such - a law under the Initiative Is being . seriously discussed on the rostrum and ' f In the press." S i DESERTED WIFE AND ; DROWNS IN WRECK 'Former Louisiana Labor Commis sioner Elopes With Girl Both Die In Columbia Disaster. (tarsal Special ferric.) New York. July J I. Frlenda of Henrv H. Rogers, the Standard Oil's sctlve head, were concerned and surnrlaed late yesterdsy to learn for ths first time that he was serloualv ill. Roarers wu suddenly stricken at his dssk last Mon day, and had to be assisted from his office. Blnce then he has been under the r m ra m ki,...IaUi, - ki. ....- w noma in Palrhaven, . It la reported that Rogers Is out of danger and improving fast, but the phy sicians have enjoined relaxation front business. His illness waa due. it Is said, to a heat stroke. But his health has been poor for some time, and it was In defiance of his physician's warnings that he had been carrying practically alone, the entire burden of the Stand ard Oil executive work. Mr. Rogers' return from the trip which La . - c ........ l. . . . m . i iv iw, tu curuyi mil urnmrr xur me aake tt hl hualth mftlrm hla an. pear serious to his frlenda So serious waa hla onnHltlnn aft,, tha .(rnk. H It was found necessary to administer nn to nun. ni. nean acuon was slsrmlngJy weak, and hie trip to Falr haven wa a period of anxiety for his attendants. . Rogers wss told by his physicians a year ago that It was vitally necessary for him to cut down his business cares. I He was warned that he could not live two years at the present pace, but he eased up very little. Ever since the re tirement of .John D. Rockefeller, Wil liam Rockefeller and Mr. Rogers hsvs been in charge of the vast Standard Oil Interests. OOK- rmiacmrrnow rom K.BXXOV AjTT rooo aaxrumas. The formula given below is said to bs the most effective known to science for clearing the complexion and developing Hhrunken or hollow parts. It is In general use among the French society women, who are renowned all over the world for their exqulalte complexions. Procure) from the druggist the following: Two ounces of rosewater, one ounce spirits of cologne, four ounces aartoin (crystallsed). a, nil hot water (not boiling) and when dlMaolwd and cooled strsln through a fine cloth; then add the rosewater and cologne spirits. This Is to be applied dally to the face, neck end bust, and mas sage thoroughly Into the skin. If the treatment Is persistently used remarkable results will follow even for the worst complexion or roughest skin. The above formu la Is Inexpensive and makes suf ficient of ths mixture to last a month. ' tfocro.l Special Servta) Bhreveport, La., July 28. After har 1 lng deserted his wife and baby snd fled ' with another woman, Louis Malkua, f or ' mer labor commissioner of Louisiana, .and Miss Ines Ellsey mat death while , passengers aboard ths steamship Co . lumbla, which went down in a collision ' with ths Ban Pedro last Saturday night ' off the California cosst. , Malkus, who had a contract to erect , a state Odd Fellow's home for widows , and orphans at Crowley, is short IS, 000 ' , on that contract This Is protected by .-.j a oona in me laemy & Deposit com left SHORTHAND REPORTERS WILL HOLD SESSION (spertal Dltpeteb te The Joerasl.) Ashevllle. N. C, July 2. Ashevllle Is getting resdy to entertain the Na tional Shorthand Reportera' association, which is to meet in ninth annual con vention st Kenllworth Inn early next month. The assoofatlon waa nrrnnli, at Chi cago In 1899 and now has a member ship of nearly 00. including the most of the prominent shorthand reporters In the United States. Ths president of ths association la Mr nn Pitman -. clnnstl, a brother of Sir Isaac Pitman. the inventor of the Pltmanlo shorthand. Mr. Ren Pitman ta nnw an niA ne was s valuable aid to his distingu ished brother in bringing out the Pit men system of shorthand seventy years sgo. Among the prominent shorthand re porters who sre scheduled to preeent fapers or addresses to ths coming meet ng here sre George Farnell. of Provi dence; Mlsa Minnie E. Kehoe, of Pensa ?f,:. W1J!Um Whltford, of Chicago; William C Maaaav n I . -k.-T.2 H. Reque, of Brooklyn; William Bell inger, of Kansas City; Charles F. Roberts, of New Haven; Charlea Cur "rBaale, of Boston, Theodore C. Rose, of Elmira; Frank Weller. of 9t. Louis: Charles L Morrison, of Chattxnnns-A- (Joaraal SpecUl Batrloe.) Washington. July 21. Minister MsJU of Salvador was at ths stats depart ment yesterday and had a long talk with Acting Secretary Bacon regarding the Molaant brothers, American cltl sens, who for ssvsral months have bssn in irouoie in Baivaoor. Ths information which the department has received from United States Minister Merry regarding mam is sbiu m um aeauuory ana unsat isfactory. Two of ths brothers. Osorgs and Al ii to, woo wrre arreeiea ana imprisonsa on charges of aiding and absttlng revo lutionists of San Salvador, have been released from prison, but their property, I which is owned in part by a third orother, John Molsant, and two sisters, has besn attached by the government to seep tnem rrora leaving ths country. John Molsant. who was also implicated wun me revolutionists, is said to have ilea to Nicaragua Minister Merry's letters report that Salvadorana who wsrs employed on ths Molsant plantations were tortured to mske them give evidence against ths Molsant a, but do not say ths brothsrs themsslves wers so treated. Minister Mejia said he would cable for a full statement of ths oass. ...lane. Morrison, or Chattanooga; fund 14 S87 70 Herman H. Pechln, of Baltimore: H Q. tiii 2- toti'l i Becore one of Robinson A Co.'s splsn- aia negligee sniris at cut prices. ANNUAL REPORT ON WALLOWA SCHOOLS j (Special Dlspatea te The JearsaL) Enterprise, Or.. July 28. J. W. Kerns, county superintendent of Wallowa coun ty, haa forwarded to the state superin tendent his annual report of the schools In Wallowa county. Ths report shows the following items: KeceiDta District rnr iinniii scnooi fund. (13,288.70; He . nan June 22 In company with Miss Ellsey. riie la-mpioyea as a stenographer . and clerk for a business firm hers. 'TIMBER DEAL BY : STANDARD OIL (Bpeelal tnsDttch to The Jos real.) Vancouver. B. C, July 28. Half a .million dollars haa lust come from Nn - 28 Broadway, New York, to a Vancou - ver syndicate In exchange for 12.800 acres of timber lands on Vancouver ls ' . land. This address la the home of ths Standard Oil company and It is from that organisation that ths money earns " furciiaua TC 1(11 TSUUSDie tlmOr Heale of Ph ,v of New Bli..rei, ' " total 128,000. ;.delDM:7Fra0nrELTX" . J;;PendLtur-Tach.r.' in.,,. Stat ahwil from all other aourcea, """'J' osii lam tiir jonn COll na of Dnvtnn 1 HOT WEATHER During hot summer weather men, women and children of all 'conditions will drop down. from sunstroke and heat prostration, if me constitution is weak. Every one should, durin? these I- 4. t a not, numia aays, De on guard. .Life depends on care. Keep the body strong and vigorous, shun Iced drinks, unripe fruit. Eat and drink with discretion. Put a teaspoonful of Ohio; Frank K Myers, of Charleston, of TrentnT N,W S.r.ey "" FOR RECOGNITION AND SHORTER DAY (Special Dispatch te The Joorn.L) Seattle, July 28. Something more than 100 men employed In three local sash and door mills are out, con tending for recognition of the union and the reduction of the working day from 10 to I hours. The mills in. Dendlturaa Te&rhara' waa-aa lis. 'ui-iu; luei ana scnooi supplies, I2.S80.28: school houses, S942.92: prin cipal snd Interest on bonds and war rants. 2.421.16; other purposes, 2,872.74. Amount romainlng in hands of dis trict school clerks. $9,611.17. Total number of teschers, 100; school children, 2,708, a gain of 44 over last yssr. Average salary paid male teachers, ICS per month' female teacners, 147. Estimated value of schoolhouses and furniture, 160.000; library books on nana, . 084; average district tax lsvy. 4Vi mills. REAL HUSKY DOGS IN ALASKA SHOW vpivsa are ths Bryant Lumber & Shin gle i company, ths Westsrn Mills faotory , t t , .. . vv. u.i.i. ciiuru at picketing were suppressed. The Heottia v.niru lmoot council and the Building Trades assembly msy bs drawn into uie tigni. ins striking mechanics are bslng repleoed with men from the esst snd all three mills are operating though with reduced forces. GUGGENHEIM ROAD PfrANS UNCHANGED (pedal Dfspateh te The JearaaL) Beattls, July 28. President Rndmra or tits Kataila company, which Is build tng tns Ouggenhelm road out from Kataila, denied flatly ths rumors that ii i curnDanT m innnt ta mAwsa w ininsu 10 coraova. 'Thrtl la hut An 1asv1ss.T .... a the Copper river country' he &id. "and im una nna wsi navaa sinn4.i Katall" . "UM On ths Yucatan, on which Rodgers sailed, wers 12S laborers who wers be ing forwarded to the Ouggenhelm road. Up to the time the Yucatan sailed 1.287 men bad been sent north and by the end of ths year about t,ooo will he working on the Copper River Northwestern. NEW ROADS OUT OF WALLA WALLA (Special Dispatch te The oamiL) Seattle. July 28. Twelve husky dogs being Iosded on an express car for ship ment to New York, where they will take part In the initial production of ."The Alaskan," the new comic opera 6by Harry Olrard and Joseph Blethen, both of Seattle, attracted nonManhU attention yesterday. Ths opera will be i fwuccQ ior mo rirsi time st the Knickerbocker theatre negt month under me management or John Cort. On team of dogs came from Cort's ranch across Lake Washington, where he has been collecting them. The other si belong to "Sport" Smith, the Alaska mallcarrier. who will take part In the show and will drive his team on the stage. WALLA WALLA TO HOLD STREET SHOW US pedal Dispstch to Ths Joanul.) Walla Walla, Wash., July 28. In order to raise money to carry out many projected plans for advertising Walla Walla and vicinity, ths Walla Wall. Commercial olub Is going Into the show m September Hllffv'c PnrP Malt WhicUv in each glass of water you drink. It kills all disease germs. Pre scribed as a family medicine by thousands of leading rWrnr if , O A a - -you wish to keep strong and vig orous and have on your cheeks ,efM of Perfect health, take Duffy s Pure Malt Whiskey rej? , ularly, according to directions. It ;Is dangerous to fill yourself with " iTt 'n i lne blood 1 v while Duffy's Pure Malt Whis iL key tones and strengthens the .'heart action and purifies the en tire system. Duffy's Pure Malt ' ,W hiskey has stood severe tests ' :by skilled chemists for fiftv v and has Always been found abso- lately pure and to contain great medicinal Drooerties. ' Sold by druggists, grocers and - aeaiers or airect- Jbi a Dottle 11 . lustrated ' medical booklet con ., tamuig; some of - the many con- Tmcing. 'testimonials received .from grateful, "men and women narrirt - ha tirrl srirf Ann- tois advice ; free. "Duffy IMalt Whiskey Co Kochester, (pecial Dltpttcb to Ttt Journal.) WallaWalla, Waih., July 26. The walla Walla Valley Traction company la irmnrin . a ita itn.vM. lines ehnilt SO mil thi.-mrh ths -.A hill district, tapping a rich grain ssc- transportation to sev business and earlv In Sanianho win hold a monster street carnival. Ths lfiafl la a nnval nnA a n .AM v Vlhusiasm With which Tnem hers are tv iM t a i. I - ... ijih nuiu ii. fiiws jiuiiiibq ui netting the club a substantial sum. The carni val will tlA heM (in flnnlrana 1m me pavea aistnot. Committees in cnarge are already arranging for at tractions. Urrea v aattavskja " ' '- -.. . ?,. ; . y -.,, . bpeeial bal CLOTHING CHARGES CRUELTY IN SALVADOR CASE Am-rlrans Imprisoned for Aiding I Revolution Minister Cables for Full Report of Caaa. SUMMER FOR MEN AND BOYS We're cutting the entire Summer Suits REGARDLESS OF COST OR PREVIOUS SELLING PRICES to make room for the-Fall Merchandise which is soon toarrive. Our Mr. Ben Selling is now in the east securing and. overseeing the manufacture of his purchases for this store this fall Boys' Wash Suits Half Price Boys' $1.50 Wash Suits . 75c Boys' $2 Wash Suits . $1.00 Boys' $3 Wash Suits . $1.50' Boys' $5 Wash Suits . $2.50 Youth's Outing Suits at Half Price Youths $10 Outing Suits $ 5.00 Youths' $15 Outing Suits $ 7.50 Youths' $20 Outing Suits $10.00 Men's Outing Suits Now Hali Price Men's $35 Outing Suits $17.50 Men's $30 Outing Suits $15.00 Men's $25 Outing Suits Men's $20 Outing Suits $12.50 $10.00 Men!s Furnishing Specials Men's $1 70c Qarment Men's $1.50 Pajamas . $1.10 $1.50 Wicker Suit Cases . 95c BEN ELLING LEADING CLOTHIER SATURDAY THE LAS7 DAY OF OUR Tailored Suits In broadcloth, voile and fancy Pana mas. Good manv blacka and dark bluet. Values up to $85. The last day $20.00 Long Silk Coals 00 inches long, loose and semi-fitted Coats, values up to $25, all sizes. The last day $12.50 Waisls tion and a-i vino- eral thlcklv settled suburban rtlafrirta east. Close to four miles of the road win De Dullt this fall If there Is no delay in the delivery of material. The company has been doing: a tremendous business on Its lines between Walla Walla and Milton, a distance of 12 miles, and the greater part of the day and night has been compelled to maln- 1.0.1a m ev-minuie service. MAIL TRAIN SHY AT THE DALLES (Special Dl patch te The JesroeL) The ralla rw JTmIv 9 A Th. T3.. .1 ness Men's association has Inaugurated a movement with the postal authorities m. - - vt n. v. r- .... k uvuilU v. Vf 1. rroni epoaane, taxe mall from this city. " now, no. o is me oruy mall train in the morning-, and It Is generally letters are not mailed on No. 1. which """ ai iw a. m.. answers cannot he received until the following day. If No. . which is always on time, and arrives " a m., took mall, business men 52. d.r?c,ve snswers from Portland by lB night trains. DEAETH OF HARVEST HELP ABOUT CONDON Allover Embroidered Waists, rose pat tern and eyelet. Regular $5.00 values TAKE A RECORD $2.45 Bee Mow Many Mends Ooffss. Are Xurl by offToa? i,u!L "The farmers IbleVUplvVeisM .re. to a riin nWaL.rn,.n'r . msle a trip ! and great vita . r . i jMiernav in kaa maU . K i M a. M It would be just as reasonable for i temperance advocate to drink a little di luted whisky as to drink coffee, fdr one is as truly an intoxicant as ths other, and y.iHiuncg in me use or corxee brings vaiivij ui unronio nieeaaeit. Tmrnri. oue among which are dyspepsia, heart palpitation (ultimately heart failure), frequently constipation, kidney troubles, many cases of weak eyes and trembling condition of the nerves. These are only a few of the. great variety of diseases which com from an unbalanced nervous system, caussd by the persistent daily uss of the drug, caffeine, which is the active principle of coffee. Another bit of prima fads evidence about coffee Is that th vic tims to the habit find great difficulty la alvlna It un. thsm- 1b .giving it up Thv will anl elves day after day thai thuv win abandon the use of it when thv h hey will solemnly pledge to at day, but fail, until for that it is shortening their da morning after mornlnsr th.v f.i they grow to desplee themselves their lack of self-control. Anvnn. Intori.jt M v. i . , , ' . ... . 11 1 v u u jcti would be greatly surprised to make a AVatamatfA Innnlrv aMAn , uiwu-uima i iicro are nunareoa Kimonos Plain and Figured Fancy Short Ki monos. Values up to $1. The last day. Assorted Colored Necklaces 50c values 19 Cents Plain Linen Stock COLLARS and, TURNOVERS Values up t 75c 19 Cents Stylish Coals This Includes Battenberg, Silk, Voile and Broadcloth Coats. Exclusive gar ment values up to $67.50. The last day $19.75 Skirls Black Voile Skirts, just arrived. Val ues up to $15. The last day $7.75 Hose Ladies' Silk Plated Regular 75c values. Stainless Hose. The last day Bathing 3uits Values up to $10.00 $4.75 The last day Minerva Sued OLOVES Black and White 3-button length. Regular $3 values 51.95 CHAMOIS GLOVES 16-button length, $3.00 values $1.85 .uuoi viuiuiueni people who have sbandoned coffee altogether f.nu ubiiik rumum food Coffee in ts place -and for ths most excellent reasons In the, world. Many of them cesury inai iu nsaitn. nervous pros tration and consentient InaKui. Jim In tlrnos past pushed thsm back and out of their proper standing In life. till." - J . " T w Kjr-, .111. T f. mmi. by the use of good health, strong nerves AFTER-DINNER SALE FROM 6 TO 9:30 J. M. SKIRTS Kr..!. Gents Wholesale . n INTl and Retail (&0 V Ui FUTHand' ALDER Sts. :C UUUY Alalti Isborers. The ZZ 4" rcii or tnrown out ana rostum put In Its Mace i 1.-.T "r !rT Iths slokiaiT? 4.IP. noW re1? for M'Tbore's a reason." Resd The oa? chetcr, N. X,:A Xlfu TtV. LvSl4 - could be weffviiie u. Pkg..: tt &sb?1 VUS Stats Auditor Paul CapdevioIIs taHiisisnsj Aas aanounosd bis (or rsalsctlon to that of fioa, Of oandidaoy Ths Democratic newcomers In . ths "V? ojxtEsmher will be John tt Bankhea4 oX Alabama, suooseUin the of. Arkansas, succeeding James TtL Ber r Ilvomaa U, Psyntsr Kentuoky, 2WS"? Jwersonpayu woossdtaf Jossoh C. . iaAK a.s H. Her. I Robert I. T...1-. --: -, cssdla IMWMilw. ckrmaX i ;.;'