The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 25, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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Independents Declare Com
bine Has Kept Kate Be
low Four Per Cent,
(JoomM SpedsT Sertlee.)
Ctietta, July t5. Th recast sUb
llsfcaseat of a savings tack in Chicago
which proposta . to pay 4
Pr cent interact on savins AooounU,
couplta with the fact that all btf
banking Institutions in Kw York and
several In the weat are paying the7 Mmi
rat of Interest, haa revived the predlo-
t Inn . 1. 1 1 L iklAh hnM
moat of tha .1161,000,006 of savings
accounts hara mutt soon raatora too
There ara already In Chicago aavaral
private bankera who pr.y par oant
on aavlnaa deposits and soma of thaaa
iiiaro uiai tna Die unicago Dsn us are
trust" and retusa to oar tha rata
by bank in other cities.
Chlcaco banka paid par cant.
mora of tta paopla would aava thetr
money hara," Mid J, S. Mathar, manager
of a 4 Per cent aavlnaa bank. The
Citliena' Savings Truat Co. of Cleve
land, which pays that rate, clalna It
baa 1,140 depositor In Chicago. All
New York banka pay 4 per cant on their
sav'jSata d'poalta, which amount to $900,
Oo&TJ0. The banka In Pittsburg. Bait -
a and Seattle, Washington, pay the
ante raie.
. J
Omnibuses Have Been a Dis
' mill Failure in Largest
City in World.
in a '
pal 1
(Special DUpatca U Tae JosruL)
Astoria, Or, July 26. Aatorla lodge.
No. ISO, B. P. O. K.. haa presented a Ufa
membership card to J. t . Clinton, who
lias been secretary of the lodge for a
number of years. Mr. Clinton during
the time he haa held the office donated
his salary to the building fund. The
card was Inclosed In a aolld silver
pocket case appropriately and hand
somely engraved. Pant Exalted Ruler
O. C Fulton made the presentation address.
Prlnevllle. Or.. July 26. A. Thomaa,
a printer who haa bean employed oa
the Crook Countv Journal staff here
and 1 charpred with having passed five
or sis worthless rhecks amounting te
about $75 on merchants of this place,
has disappeared. The sheriff and a
number of deputies are looking for him,
but as yet have no clue ss te his where.,
1 (Jovrsa! Spetti Sarrtes.)
Lotion, July II. 8!cg!e deck motor
mcibuaes. bu!!t on the Unas of Ameri
can open streetcars, will make their ap
pearance on tha streets of London
Shortly aa an experiment. These will
be the first public vehicles with cross
aeata and side footboards used here.
They wl)l carry 20 passengers, where-
?a double deck motor omnibuses now
n operation carrv 14. The latter have
proved too cumbersome, causing seri
ous vibration, making much noise, emit
ting noxious fumes and tending to rat
tle to pieces after a few months' hard
service. Already three companies run
ning double-deckers hsve gone Into vol
untary liquidation and some predict that
unless a vehicle Infinitely more satis
factory and longer wearing can be made
the motor bus will disappear from the
atreets entirely.
Thus far the motor bus experiment
In London has been a costly affair.
About 1,000 of these leviathans, weigh
ing nearly eight tons each, have been
in operation.
(ftptetal Plupatrb te Tat Joorl.)
Chehalls. Wash.. July JS. Nathan
Wilkin, a junk dealer, whose piece of
buelness Is at 1206 Main street. Beat-
tie, was killed near Mesklll. Wsshlng
Mrs. WiUiam Souls Confided
Fears to Traveling: Com
panion on Columbia.
Eager to view tire storied beauties of
the Paclfjo slop, pretty Jloresce
Thompson, teacher of a kindergarten
class in the school department of
Toungatown. Ohio, and residing at the
corner of Fifth avenue and Falrgreen
street In that city, determined to take
Advantage of the special rates offered to
the National Educational association
convention In Los Angeles. Miss Thomp
son is one of the few survivors of the
Columbia disaster who escaped from
the slnklnar steamer, fully clad, even
to a new spring hat.
That Mrs. Wllllsm Souls, wife of WU
Ham Souls, marine reporter of the Ore
Ionian, apparently had a premonition of
Impending disaster Is the opinion of the
young scnooi teacner.
As we were both traveling alone,
Mm BouIk and mvaelf struck ud an ac
quaintance and were together Saturday
afternoon and evening. She appeared i
to be very nervous and seemed to rear
something would happen, because her
husband was not with her. Her friends
in 8an Francisco wanted her to remain I
over until Wednesday, the sailing date
or the next steamer, Dut sue wamea
to return to Portland at once and would
not listen tn their suggestion."
Mlas Thompson arrived In this city j
at noon yesterday by train from Astoria I
In company with Mr. and Mrs. Bert 1
Llppman. When seen at the home of
Constable Lou Warner. 2S4 North Twen-
ton, late yeaterasy arternoon r nis j tleth street, whose hospitality sne ac
horse running awav with him down a . cemed uendina the deoarture of a train
hill. Wllkln'a family live at 2620 South for Seattle, she gave the following;
Reese street, Philadelphia. Coroner
Harden and 6herlff Deggeller Investi
gated the accident ana brought the body
to Chehalls last nignt. ins ramuy
have been notified.
(SemHsI Dispatch to The Journal.)
Centralis. Wash.. July 26. An un
known woman entered a Centralis rest
aurant at an early hour thla morning
and ordarad hrealifaet. but while the
mul waa helna- tirenared she drew a and the deck was already awash
hat pin from her bat and stabbed her- J gaining the tipper deck I climbed into
self a dusen times in me oreasi ana r imwh mm nancu evciu men
abdomen. Aid was summoned at once I why they did Bot lower It. I hardly got
and ahs wss carried away In an uncon-1 the words out of my mouth when a
tnnhlu account of her experiences:
"I retlted about 8 o'clock, on the night i
of the wreck and went to ned runy
dressed with the exception of my outer ;
skirt and hat. I was awakened by a
crash and ran out on deck. I looked
over the side of the steamer, as did
a larae number of other paasengers.
but no one seemed to know what was I
the trouble. I returned to my state
room, No. II, and after putting on my
ttklrt and hat, fastened on a lire preserver
"About this time one of the stewards
came ruahlna by and with an oath de
clared, 'she's going to pieces.' I rushed I
out to the starboard side of the ship I
sclous condition. Her name cannot be
learned. There Is very little hope of
ber recovery.
Work while others rest.
Win through sheer energy.
wave me Into the ocean.
"I waa In the wnter. I Judge, about
IS minutes, when a boat fn charge of
the quartermaster and ship's carpenter
picked me up. I was taken to the San
Pedro, where the women were supplied
with hot coffee and blankets. The
breaking up of the deck losd of lumber
threatened to sink the ship and the
breaking of one of the masts killed
several persons. After the Eldr put In
An nnearnCA we were transferred tn
her and taken to Eureka. The people J
there could not do enough for the sur
The greatest energy -producing
food made from
wheat is
Uneeda Biscuit
the perfect soda cracker.
fk In moisture and
Hi dust proof packages.
y vlvors and every attention waa shown
IffL. Miss Thompson left yesterday aftei
yjf noon for Seattle to visit her brothe
fail wh0 resldes in ,he Pugel sound city.
in -
We km kaders
1. We made tbe first grand player piano in the world with 58,
65 and 8S notes. It is known as tbe APOLLO grand player piano.
2. The APOLLO grand
player piano was the first grand
player in the world to be played
in public concert. The event
took place at the palm garden
of the St. Charles Hotel in New
Orleans, on December 19, 1906.
3. We are the first piano
manufacturers in the world to
sell a grand player piano in the
market and be paid for the same
in current money.
4. We are the first manufac
, tnrers in the world to sell and
shin a grand player piano to a
buyer in a foreign country; therefore, the first in the world to make
the grand player piano a commercial success.
5. We are the only piano manufacturers in the world to make
a grand player piano with a range of 88 notes or the entire piano
keyboard; and, consequently, the standard player.
6. We were tlje first piano manufacturers to invite the repre
sentatives of the trade press to inspect our new grand player piano,
which was placed on exhibition at our warerooms in tbe third week
of July, 1906.
These facts make us ihe leaders in the player piano field. AH
others must follow.
Manufacturers cf th Apollo-Playtr Pianos, Steinway Hall, Chicago.
fftovenden-SouIe Piano Co.
Corner Morrison and West Pirk, Portland I
(Continued from Page One.)
waa all In. And don't forget that he
alao Is not under Indictment, although
God knows he ouzht to be."
Explains About Jack Blmpklns.
Clarence Darrow continuing hla fight
for Haywood's life today took occasion I
to carry the war Into the enemy's camp, j
Hawley had demanded why he didn't
call Adams and Pettibona and Darrow
explained. And Jt was a good legal ar
gument, too. I
Tu'ti he took up the failure of the
state to call the witnesses It had prom
ised. And In this way he rather put It
up to Horah who will follow him. inaa- i
much as there has been great specula- 1
tlon regarding the failure to put Neville, j
Sterling and McParland on the stsnd. .
Outside this statement the feature of ,
Parrow'a address today was his defense i
of the federation for continuing Jak i
Slmpklna on Its executive board. He de
clared Slmpklns' flight didn't argue his
Xeaaons for Keeping' Member. I
"I don't know if Stmpktna knew of
the killing of Steunenberg," he said.
"I know he had cause to bate the gov- .
ernor and he was In Caldwell with Or- i
chard. But he wasn't there at the time
the actual tragedy was committed, and
I prefer to believe him Innocent. i
' But If we had tired him off the board-!
do you know what the state's lawyers i
would have argued? It would have been
said we virtually confessed he was
guilty. And we do not. When Slmp
klns has his day In court, when he Is
convicted of this dastardly crime, If he 1
can be, then and not until then Simp- 1
kins will be dismissed from his po-,
The balance of Darrow's argument
was chiefly devoted to an analysis of
the evidence relative to the Bradley ex- ,
plosion in San Francisco which h
claimed showed Orchard to be an abso- .
lute liar. The theme of his entire speecn j
today was chiefly excoriation of Or- i
chard and Hawley and praise for Hay
wood and the federation.
Darrow UaJtaa Oood Argument.
Harrow showed the strain he has been i
laboring under during the past twenty- ,'
four hours when he resumed his finnl .
appeal to the jury. His face was
drawn and bis voice husky, but this
quickly wore off and he was soon taJk
lng with his accustomed vigor.
He plunged at once Into Colorado
troubles. In scathing terms he placed
the entire responsibility at the door
of the mine owners.
Explaining why Jack Slmpklns was
not ncre, narrow saia tne - best reason
he could give was that he was afraid
to be here. The fact that he ran away,
however, Darrow declared, by no means
Sroves him guilty. The federation kept
lmpklns on the board, he declared,
because he was not yet proved guilty.
Explaining why he did not Dut Steve
Adams on the stand, Darrow declared
he was under indictment for murder,
and by testifying would prejudice his
own case. Adams was willing to do
anything for Haywood, but the sacri
fice would not be permitted.
Regarding Pettibone. he declared he
was not an official, but Just a plain,
companionable, sympathetic man, who
had befriended Orchard.
(Conttnued from Page One.)
"Boatswain Norrls came along In one
of the nort lifeboats that he had nicked
up and I Jointed him. We rowed about
and rescued eight women amkthrea men
and took them to the San Pedro and
then started out for more and picked up
a few.
Bay Tog XUTUd at Tire.
"Tha fog lifted about 3 o'clock and
revealed a dreadful scene, although the
worst waa over, the pitiful screams of
terror of those struggling with death
having ceased for good.
"What caused the accident is some
thing beyond my knowledge, but I feel
certain that It was no fault of my part
ner, Paul Hlnner, who was at the whl.
because he was too good a man. I old
not know that he lute! been saved until I
I read in the papers that he had put
into Shelter Cove with boat No. 1. carry
ing a number of survivors. According
to these reports It was largely due to hla
heroism ' that tbe boat waa aafely
lanaea i
Have you acquired tha habit of read
ing Tha Journal's "want ad" pages
Tou will find there many things of
Interest to tvary member of your
35c Cnshlon Tops 106
Oriental Tape? . Onsalom Top
in all ike fealraMa deotg-aai m
too pillow to for g Pattaf l
seaside or la eeutx
on best 35c valooaw J 1) -fft
Bargain Friday fW
" '
JSc Itsadrytass lOo
Taaey Uwcrf Bao at a great
ekswi f4 aaUr, Mffla
ten sU asnaaiy Ml aaft
Always steed ea. on
peolal ytto tot Bar. 1 fo
gala I-rtdar " Vl
Great YalnesModles
Almost inconceivable are the values for tomorrow -each one of such surpassing merit as to loudly clamor for
first place. White Serge Coats at $4.50 Embroidery Remnants at half price $2.50 Mens Shirts at $1.69 $3.50
Women's Shoes at $1.97 In fact every item on this page is of money-saving interest YquH want to be in a dozen
places at once tomorrow to get in on all these good things. Get here early and we'll do the rest; give you quick ser
vice in all departments, so you can get around quickly to the other things you are interested in and give you the
best merchandise for the money you've seen in many a day.
, Friday
Shoe Bargains
Now while you are planning; you vacation,
you do not want to put off planning your
vacation shoes. Our shoe stock it complete,
just loaded in all styles and colon, for
seashore or mountains, at exceedingly mod
erate prices. Investigate our Styles, and
Women's Stylish Oxfords Best $1.50
Values at $1.97.
We have too miny $3.50 Oxfords in stock
at this lime, hence this extraordinary reduc
tion; tomorrow you have choice of 12 dif
ferent styles, all $150 values, this season's
most popular shapes, in light, turn and
heavy soles; in vici kid and patent leather;
these are all handmade Oxtords and the
best to be had to retail at $3.50. f'7
Specially priced. Bargain Friday apleel
Men's Shoes and Oxfords $3.50 Val
ue for ?2.00.
About 1,500 pairs Men's high-grade Shoes
and Oxfords; the best styles of the season
in all the fashionable leathers, vici kid, pat
ent colt, gun metal, tan calf and derni
er Laze, both lare and blucher styles; best
$3.50 value Specially priced for AA
Bargain Fruity yaCeUU
in a large assortment of styles, in black
vici, and white and grey canvas. AA
Bargain Friday PlaUlF
FORDS, in lace and blucher, very M
best stylet. Bargain Friday epleOf
MISSES' $2.25 OXFORDS, In patent colt
and tine vici kid, all sizes up to 2. rfjl "7
Specially priced. Bargain Friday ylOt
Some specially good bargains are quoted
here at T7e
Misses' and Children's White Canvas Ox
fords; Boys' Grey Canvas Shoes; Black
Kid Oxfords and Strap Sandals.. Sizes 77
up to No. 2. Special, Bargain Friday I IC
Hosiery and
From our own knowledge of our stocks
and from what stores of women tell us.
we believe that at any stated price we
are selling better hosiery and knit under
wear and more, than at any previous season.
If you care to profit by this state of affairs
come in Bargain Friday and make your
25c Women's Hose 15.
50 dozen Women's Fast Black, fine ribbed
Hose, double sole, heel and toe, extra
elastic top; just the stocking for beach
wear. Our regular 25c grade. Spe- 1 C
cial Bargain Friday, pair iuC
85c Children's Hose, 15?.
A broken lot of Children's fine Lisle Hose
in pink, blue, red, white, champagne and
hair ends and drawers suDDOrts. Rear- 1A
ular 25c value. Bargain Friday laC
65c Women's Underwear, 30?.
Women's Lisle Underwear in long and
short sleeve vests, ankle and lace trimmed
umbrella pants, also knee-length tights.
All our best 65c grade Lisle Under- OQ
wear. Special, Bargain Friday OeC
50c Children's Underwear, 15?.
A special lot of Children's Underwear in
long sleeve vests, ankle and knee pants;
and low neck, lace-trimmed knee pant union
nuts. Unly a small lot, so tor quick
selling we say, all 50c grades for
Bargain Friday, garment
More Unusual News
Art Goods and Notions
At little prices. Things' that are necessary
and should be secured at the least possible
cost without sacrifice of quality. Prices
here are at the lowest level
25c Wash Belts, 19.
Women's linen, embroidered, wash belts,
some very neat designs in narrow and med
ium widths, gilt and pearl buckles, adjust
able clasps; 25c quality. Bargain
Friday 1C
75c Wash Belts, 391
An exceptional value in Women's eyelet
embroidered wash belts, neat pearl buckles;
very popular, is ever oetore soia ai less
than 50c or 75c. Special Bargain
Friday, each
75c Hand Bags, 39.
Women's imitation alligator and seal grain
Hand Bags; our very best 75c gual- OQ
ity. Special Sale price. Bargain Friday OVL
10c Toilet Soaps, 6?.
Our entire line of 10c and 15c soaps, suck
as Vestal Violet, Heliotrope, Wedding Bou
quet, Vestal Carnation, etc., on special
sale tomorrow. Bargain Friday, at .... vC
15c Toilet Soaps, 10.
Buttermilk, Violet and Glycerine soaps,
good quality, three cakes in box. Regular
15c grade. Special, Bargain Friday... 10
day, special at 4
25c HAIR PINS I dozen box, Bargain
Friday, only ..Kt
3 trifi PViav -kntw 4a4
Friday, only 4
Astounding1 Offering's in
Men's Wear
Our Men's Department is growing faster,
probably, than any other similar department
in the dtr- Why? Through good service.
Oood service that gives the greatest values
regularly. Good service that occasionally
offers such underpriced chances as the
present sale. But this is the biggest and
best sale we have ever had. Note the re
ductions. MEN'S UNDERWEAR.
Special sale of Men's Balbriggaa Under
wear, shirts only, in all sizes from 34 to 46.
Values 35c and 50c. Special low OA
price, Bargain Friday wC
Special sale of Men's Suspenders, with Mo
black, consisting of sbout 25 dozen, a few
lace among them. Regular 25c and 1 P
35c val. Special Bargain Friday, pr IOC
Special sale of Men's Socks with black
tops and white feet, made from a high-grade
maco yarn. Spliced heel and toe and seam
less. Regular 15c value. Bargain 101.
Friday, only 12C
Special sale of Men's Mohair Shirts made
negligee style with button-down collar, and
two-button sleeves. Colors cream and
white; $2.50 values. Special Bar- (M QO
gain Friday, only tple0
Special sale of our entire stock of Men's
straw hats, consisting of sailors and Pan
amas in every desired style.
Regular $2 50 val B argain Friday. . S1.0S
Regular $1.50 val Bargain Friday.. .8
Regular $1.00 val. Bargain Friday.. .60
g Great Price g
Sale of Best I
The greatest money-saving opportun
ity on medium and high class embroi
dery ever witnessed in this city. Thou
sands and thousands of yards of short
lengths, accumulations of our past
great sales. Not having at that time
the space to show them or even time to
consider a method of disposing of such
a large quantity, we boxed them up
and stored them. Now they demand
our special attention. Tomorrow, Bar
gain Friday, we offer this assortment
of embroideries and insertions our
very highest grade goods, from 2 to
27 inches wide, dainty, elaborate, eye
letj cut and shadow effects on finest
Swiss, chiffon cloth, nainsook and cam
bric, all this season's new domestic and
imported embroideries. Bargain Fri
day at
1 The
2 Price
This means considerable less than half
the former sale price, as they have al
ready been reduced faT below our
much talked of low prices. See window
Needed Specials From
Domestic Section
Bargain Friday's attractions in Domestic
Section do not take the wide-awake shopper
long to decide on the store that serves tier
best in these lines. Quality and value were
the chief considerations in offering the fol
lowing: I YARD. White Lawn, 32 inches wide
laCC nice even thread, smooth finish,
pretty for shirtwaists. Regular value 18c
Bargain Friday ..ia YD.
QO. PAIR. Summer Blankets, white and
OOC gray, V4 size, just the thing for
camping. Great value at the regular price,
largain Friday EA.
CQ EACH. 72x90-inch Whjte Bed
JOC Sheets, linen finish, extra heavy,
good wearing quality.
Bargain Friday, Special 08 f BA.
1H EACH. Unbleached Bath Towels,
lUC size 18x42 inches, good weight
Snd extra good value at regular price 12vic.
Bargain Friday EA,
t1f ) PAIR. Whjte Scotch Lace Cl
epl.laCi tains. 60 inches wide, 3 Jrerda (
long, good $133 value. . r-
Bargain Friday PR.
Bargains in tho
White Serge Jackets, $4.50.
100 new Summer Coats at an extraordinary
low price. There are two models in this
lot, one is the box-back, double-breasted
and silk collar, the other is a semi-fitted
with self-collar and cuffs; sn actual saving
of $3.00 on each garment; material is strict
ly all-wool Botany Serge. $7.50
Coats, Bargain Friday
a ss
Lawn Waists Good Values 39f.
About 10 dozen new Summer Waists will
be placed on bargain tables tomorrow at
less price thin cost of materials. Several
styles to select from, some plain white
with tucks and plaits, others are dark and
colored polka-dot madras and percale, well
worth from 65c to $100 each. Bar- OQ
gain Friday only, at 07C
Misses' Walking Skirts, 91.50.
A lot of Misses' brand new Summer Skirts,
ot neat enccks and stripe tweeds; box, side
and cluster pleated, just like the "grown-up"
and cut very lull; lengths Zi to 38 inches.
Some are small women's sizes. fA
Bargain Friday, each $13U
Heatherbloom Petticoats, $ 1.60.
These Petticoats are very nicely made on
a good model and have a deep, circular
tlounce of attached bands and dust ruffle;
black only. Five dozen, $225 val. Q
Bargain Friday only, each plU7
Sateen Petticoats, 89.
These Petticoats are of heavy mercerized
sateen, come in two styes, are cut very full.
witn deep flounce, finished with ruffles.
stitched bands, tucks and dust ruffles:
best $1.25 value. Bargain Friday, OO
each OOL
Women's Short Jackets, $3.00.
Short Jackets for cool evenings, made from
fancy worsteds in stripes, checks and
plaids. Values up to $8.50. Bar- 0 AA
gain Friday only, at 0J7U
Lawn Kimonos, 25.
Hot weather garments for little money.
made from Dimity, Lawn, in neat figured
destarns. seallooed edare. loose back Of
50c values. Bargain Friday, each . . j&DC
Children's Linen Hats, 35 e
Sun Hats for Boys or Girls, made from
soft, pliable linen, with wide stitched rims:
colors are blue, pink, red or white. QC
Best 50c grade. Bargain rriday, each Jl
Mexican Hats, 18?.
One gross for tomorrow's selling. These
hats arj lust th lrinj4 want4 tn wir
.... . .
arouna tne nouse, tne garden, or at seaside
or in the country 25c values. Bar-
gain Friday, special IOC
Sun Bonnets, 10e.
Best grade of Blough's Sun Bonnets, made
from fine Gingham and Percale, in all
colors and white: great many stores ask
25c for no better bonnets. Bargain f 4
rriday, special 1UC
and New Silks
Just the right weaves and fabrics In Sum
mer Dresa Goods and Silks. Stocks here,
offer you a satisfactory selection of every
new design and moat favored shades. Mav
terials for dresses for every occasion, for
simple street waists and skirts and for
elaborate gowns and evening dresses. And
the prices they're right, too you can de
pend upon that
Attractive Dresa Fabrics Best 70c
Qualities, 481
50-inch Mohair Sicilian in grey, brown, red,
green, navy and black, warranted pure mo
hair. Best dust resisting goods made, styl
ish and durable; never sold for less than
75c a yard. Our price Bargain Fn-Q
day, per yard "OC
Stylish Dress Goods 50c-60c Mo
hair at 38 f.
very beautiful weave and extremely popu
lar. Comes in all the new shades as navy.
brown, green, tan, grey, cadet, reseda, slate.
cream and duck; ouc values. Bar-on
gain Friday, at .......fAjOC
Dress and Waisting Silks Good 75c
and 89c Values at 40f .
New Dress and Waistinsc Silks in Lours-
senes, Taffetas and Messaline Taffeta: all
pure silk, soft and durable: excellent color
.Jr.... 1 , . , ,
sure nu attractive resigns in eneexs,
stripe, broken tlid, etc. Silks that sell
icuiny ai ana 00c. opeciai Mn
Bargain Friday ,,,,,0
Extraordinary Silk Value Best 85c
Peau De Soie, 40f .
t 4 . llC n.- . J et.
pen Krsoe genuine) wssnsvie f csu uc .viv,
colors absolutely fast, en cf our new and
favorite weaves 1 comes in alt pretty color
combinations, black and wnit. -lavemrrr,
treen, tnaia, felue, fed, tsn, etc. K'
5 values,. Bargain Sal: ff' Y
!.. .,.,,, ;
'-1 'H rJ:j