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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOUKNAIy PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVKNINQ,' JULY '13, U07. ..4 Town Topics 7WL.I eHlb mil JOURNAL AT RESORTS rrtbera Ma have The Journal de at tha niulu ntM at the fol- " resorts by notifying the agents erae various place mentioned. Sub scriptions by mall are payable in aa vancei OREGON RESORTS. Oaarhart Park P. J. Straok oi Lae HOt L4uta Baniiariuni feaaide. . JwU jk Co, Wllholt Springs ....F, W. McLerau WASHINGTON RESORTS. . v-jom springs Boyd & Son and Mineral Spring Hotel Cascade Springs..,,,.., Thomas Moffett Colllna Springs. .,..... ,C. T. Belcher Ilwaco , , , , , . , , . , ..touls Cohen Marshall ft Fottsnger and O. A, Smith Nahcotta H. J. Brown Ocean Park..., Matthews Thedford Seavlew Frank E. Btrauhal Th Breaker Tha Breakers Hotel i TOigOHT'S AMUSEMENTS Marquam. Grand . . , . "Magda" Grand Vaudeville Lyrlo "Whoe Baby Ara Your Star "Man's Enemy" Tha Oaks . . . . O. W. P. car line, Flrat and Aider Following T supplies for the pulpit of tha Sellwood Praabyteiian church, corner East Seventeenth and Spokane ave, during the abaence of the paator nJAa eaat: July 21, morning and even- Rev. John McLearle. M. A.. nrofes- r In the school of Mlnaa, Kama Ulty. South Dakota: August 4. mornlne- ser vice. Elder V. W. WakeAeld; August 11, morning service. Elder Karl C. Bro- naugh; Auguat 18. morning service. Elder John Bain; Auguat If. morning service, Eldr R. R. warren; September l, morning aervice, rlev. J. B. uunmng, Ph. D. ; September (, the pastor. LctUsDoYour Laundering 1 X Another story added to ear building enlarge our facilities almost a third, Equipment up-to-date. Only staara-heated polleh ers tha kind that does not burn 4n Portland. Female help wanted. UNION LAUNDRY SECOND AND COLUMBIA Telephone) Main 398. SAVES G I R L FR I E i D ID SCARED 111 Ethel Johnson Is Nearly Drowned in Struggle With Olaf Pearson. HEW JAIL SITE MAY BE SETTLED Ninth and Davis Streets Seems to Be Favored Location. Contractor I D. Jackaon has V com pleted the deep cut on, Sandy road. through Rose City Part, after moving about 10,000 cubic yarda of sand and gravel Tha Bandy road electric car line has been laid through the cut and a mile beyond. The cut Is the full width of the atreet as laid out by the Roue City Park company, and It will be of Immense benefit to the hundreds of farmers that uae this road In coming to and from the city. Rev. Paul Rader, who haa been ab sent from hie pulpit in the Hasaalo Street Congregational church alnce July 1, on account of sickness, haa been granted a further leave of abaence until September 1. He and Mrs. Rader will spend the month of Auguat In Tacoma. All services In thla church will be dis continued during the month of August, eicept the mid-week service, which will be continued regularly every Thursday evening. The Evangelical Sunday school con vention opened yesterday morning at the camp ground at Jennlnga Lodge. Three queatlona, aa follows, were dis cussed at the opening meeting: "What Io tu Consider the Greatest Question In Connection With Our Sunday School Work?" "Qualifications for a Sunday School Teacher" and "The Ideal Sunday School Work." The annual sermon waa delivered last night by Rev. M. Hever-llng. 3nlden amlly Thirty horsemen, truckmen and drivers are wanted by the Portland fire department to fill the complement for three new engine companies to be dis tributed throughout the olty. The po sltlona are worth from $80 to J90 per month and good strong men from 21 to 36 yeara of age are needed to fill them. The minimum height for men In these positions Is five feet, six Inches. No man has any right to say, that Grain Granules, "the American Coffee." Is not the best In the world. If he haa not tasted It Try a cud at Butter Nut care, or buy nackaae from your grocer. Now then, will you be good? Water throught hoao for sprinkling yards or sidewalks or washing porches or windows must be paid for in advance and used only between me nours or and n a m.. and L snd d. m. It must not be used for sprinkling streets. If used contrary to these rules, or waste- fully. It will be ehut off. The following articles left on the streetcars yesterday can be found by the owners at room 4. O. W. P. building, corner First and Alder streets: One tent, one overcoat, six miscellaneous packages and one umbrella. Masons on ths new Grand avenue steel bridge across Sullivan's bulch be gan laying tha concrete on the floor of the bridge wnicn wm serve as a oase for the asphalt pavement which will complete the street Improvement. For two days the flag at the city hall has been flying at half mast under or ders from Mayor Lace, in memory of ne aeaa or me steamer tjoiumoia. A alt for a new city Jail and emer gency hospital, which has been In the air for some time, will probably be settled at the next meeting of the council, a desire for a definite understanding com ing up In the council meeting yester day. There are some IT bids submitted for a site and the council will be asked te select the most appropriate from among them. Just at present expression seems to favor the location offered by the Moore Investment company at the corner of Ninth and Davis streeta for (40,000. A quarter of a block of ground Is con tained In the offer In addition to an ex cavation for a basement and an incom plete stone foundation, which, the coun cil thinks, can be used in the construc tion of the jail and hospital. No action waa taken by the council In regard to the Irvlngton dlstrlot atreet improvement matter, although the mat ter was brought up In the meeting and it will have to be tbreehed out In the atreet committee, to which It had been re-referred at a former meeting. Councilman Bennett mtrooucea nia phonograph ordinance regulating ine hours for playing at night, and it waa referred to a committee for recommen dation. The ordinance providea that phonograph muelo must cease in the Are limits between the hours of 10 p. m. and 7 a. m. An ordinance was also passed grant ing the Portland Fuel company the right to lay a sidetrack on East Alder street to connect with its woodyards. The fuel company will have to construct a plank driveway on ths south side of the tracks and keep It continually In repair. LAMBERT CHERRIES ARE FINE SHIPPERS Box of the Luscious Fruit ftant Arkansas; Arrives In Best State of Preservation. to "Golden Grain Granules," the Cereal health coffee. Is stronger and richer than others. Takes lees of it. Phone East Iff. Gottsacker Bros. wash eept I Steamer Jesse Harklns. for Camas. Washougal and way landings, dally ex- Bunaay. leaves waamngton street at p. m. Elks building, seventh and Btnrk sta. Woman's Bxohange, 1SJ Tenth street, lunch 11:80 to i; business men's lunch. Aeme Ofl Ca sells the beet safety ooal All and fine gasoline, phone East 789. WIS sail 10 shares Tetographone at glsvae per snare, v. u. box i, dty. D. Chambers, optician. 111 Seventh. Berger signs 4 Tamhlll phone. Bark Tonlo for rheumatism. Attorney Henry 8. Westbrook of this city has demonstrated that the Lambert cherries are fine shippers. July IS he expressed a box of Lamberts to his mother, who lives at Benton, Arkansas, 2,600 miles from Portland. Testerday he received the following acknowledg ment: "Benton, Ark., July 11. The 'box of cherries came yesterday; were in fine shape. The moat delicious box of fruit ever seen In this section. "MRS. M. P. WESTBROOK." "1 might state," said Mr. Westbrook, "that these cherries were forwarded by express, and no extra precautions were taken to preserve them. The above tes timonial speaks well for the Lamberts: better still for Oregon a state which possesses the soil and climate, the union of which, together with a little labor. will produce such hardy and delicious fruit" Of the deeds of heroism performed by (hose who helped their drowning companions from the steamer Colum bia, none la more genuinely Impressive than the rescue of Effle Gordon and Olaf Pearson by U-y ear-old Ethel John son. All tha more remarkable was the resoue because at the time the little heroine was using her utmost endeavors to keep her ax-hooigin . rriena above water, she was clasbed about the neck by Olaf Pearson, who had plunged over board without a life-preserver. Today he, too, owes his life to the child who fought desperately with her double bur den until all three were landed safely on a raft. Ethel Johnson Is a good swimmer. To that fact, combined with the child's perseverance and courage. Is due the successful oulmlnatlon of her heroic rescue of two human beings. The Johnsen family beoame separated soon after thw crash cam a Ethel John son had strapped on a life-preserver and reached the upper deck alone. She waited a few minutes In the hopes of finding her mother or brother, then plunged overboard. Striking feet foremost she sank to a great depth, and while still many feet In the water she felt the body of an other person rising to the surfaoe with her. Her companion waa 11-year-old Effle Gordon. No sooner had the two reached the surfaoe when Ethel recognised the friend with whom she had been a class mate In one of the San Francisco public schools. She grasped her nearly ex hausted friend about the neck and en couraged Effle to make every effort to keep afloat, while Ethel with the other arm and hand swam away xrom me sinking steamer. The struggle ror tne tires or me two bad hardly begun when Pearson, after pliinglng overboard, rose to the surface close at hand. He reached out and grasped the llfa-preserver strapped about Ethel. I told him to let go, that he would drag ua all to the bottom." ahe said In relating In an unconcerned way tne details of her heroic rescue. "But he told me he had no life-preaerver on, and so I did the best I could te keep both of them from drowning." The battle of the child heroine was crowned with succeaa some time after wards when she managed by a last desperate effort to reach a life raft Upon which all three were taken. Passengers on board the Elder said yeaterday that Mrs. uordon, rrom wnom Effle became separated, reached tha San Pedro In safety, but that when the lat ter beran to sink the unfortunate worn an was drowned in one of the vessel's staterooms. This waa kept from Effle during the entire trip north, and the huaband and father la now endeavoring to learn whether Mrs. Gordon waa lost or whether through some fortunate cir cumstance she reached San Francisco safely. RESIDENCE PROPERTY FEATURE OF MARKET Transfers Filed for Record Yeaterday Indicate the Home Bayer Still in the Field. BASEBALL GAMES WITHOUT LICENSE At the meeting of the council vester- day afternoon an ordinance was Intro duced giving baaeball teams the rlcht to play In the olty without license. This leaves baseball game out of the class of publio exhibitions for which a license of JlO per day or $100 per year Is staked. Last week Secretary Shenherd of the mruana team appeared nerore the council asking that an ordinance be laased fixing an annual license of $2 n order that the club might be pro tected from prosecution under the ex hibition ordinance. Councilman Con- cannon objected to the Imposition of such a small license and when Vaughn moved that no license be Imposed the rormer was tne first to second thn motion. Beck Jeweler JOS Alder. Throogli Bleeping Oar Retries to Jamas- town Exposition. Brie railroad has inaugurated through sleeping care, leaving Chicago every night at 9:80 p. m., arriving at Norfolk aecond morning at 8:30. No changes Transfers of realty to the value of $46,137 were filed for record yesterday, practically all of whloh repreaented transactions in residence property. Mrs. Belle M. Whiting purchased the residence of J. Whyte Evans, located on Thurman street. Willamette Height a Consideration. o,500. Gottlieb Koth has purchased the quarter block at tits northwest comer of Rodney avenue and Fargo street i from Hugo Krleger for 35,600. The site i Is improved with a modern two-story , residence. I W. D. Walsh has sold to S. E. Moses ! a lot In Lower Alblna near the Inter- ' section of Loring and Railroad streeta i Consideration, o?000. The quarter block at the southeast corner of East Washington and Bast Seventh streets has been purchased by Olds. Wortman & King from J. L. Leonard and associates. The considera tion is named In the deed as $5,000. Beno & Ballls have sold to J. Van duyn a 60-foot lot on Marshall street, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth streets, for $3,250. The property is in a district that is rapidly building up with expensive homea, and it Is under stood that this site will be Improved with a handsome dwelling as soon aa the preliminary arrangements can be made. F. C. Oortler haa purchased from Margaret G. Stowell a houne and lot on Monroe street, between Williams and Vancouver avenues, for $3,200. W. J. Patton has purchased a 50-foot !m- g roved lot on East Eighteenth, between ast Alder and East Morrison streetB, from J. H. Spain for $1,850. Home Telephone Company To the Citizens of Portland: fou are respectfully requested to give no heed to the representations of com petitive interests who are seeking to dis parage the Home Telephone & Tele graph company by circulating state ments for the purpose of affecting our securities and destroying the eonfldence of our patrons. , Notwithstanding assertions to the con trary, 1 HE HOME TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH COMPANY 18 NOT IN ANY WAY ALLIED WITH THE PA CIFIC TELEPHONE A: TELEGRAPH COMPANY, AND, UNDER THE neoeseary. For full Information apply I company, and, undek ihk to any agent or WTite G. M. Craig, T. ' TERMS OF OUR FRANCHISE, COULD P. A.. Seattle. This la the day for a man to be outfitted In up-to-the-minute furnish ings at the lowest cost great sale on! Robinson & Co. sVaasaasMsisssaVsassassVssssss furnishes the- most interesting literature of modern times. In it are recorded the small beginnings, the earnest endeavor to become a useful citizen and the final success. Be the author of a bank book to which you can point with pride and pleasure. Start a bank account today and let the pages of your book record your steady rise in the world. Let it tell of habits of economy and thrift, of opportunities taken advantage of and of ultimate financial success. Let us help you. We will guard your treasure and with our confidential advice and influence will second your every effort to ward prosperity. 'We will pay 4 per cent interest on savings and I tuate deposits. NOT BE. In substantiation of this we quote from our franchise: "Bald grantee, his successors or assigns, shall not, without the consent of the city, evidenced by or dinance, sell or transfer the conduits, roles, wires or appliances of any kind or description, or soil, lease, assign or transfer any of the rights or privileges herein authorized or granted to any per son, company, trust or corporation now or hereafter engaged In telephone or telegraph business, nor shall at any time enter Into any combination, di rectly or indirectly, with any person or persons or any corporation concerning the rates to be charged for telephone services, with any officer or officers, employes or manager of any telephone or telegrapn system consiructea or be lng operated in said city." Nor are the troublemen, or any other representatives, of the Paclflo Telephone A Telegraph company In the employ of this company, and no one snould be al lowed to inspect your 'Home" telephone, under any pretext whatever, without flnrt requiring him to show a badge of this company. There Is no combina tion between the telephone companies operating in this city and never will be. A. L. TETU, General Manager. Portland, Or., July 24, 1907. hats; Our entire stock of Panamaa and Soft Straws at Exactly One of tBc Waist Attractive Bench Rcscrta on th Pacific Coast Just Now b : Mori Bilii 2 aTeaa Ua moata of fta (phprtte Bitot, a tha WaahUg-W slse, reachea from the Cttr f Vattlaaft as tha aplaaUUd exowatoa Steamer T.J, POTTERS zv about xouma. It Is upward of 10 miles long, very broad and lawal and almost aa compact aa a oompeeltlon pavement. It Is dotted Its entire length with tnwr m -nt t m aoM l.m.nt. . n nt I m.m ,.!! flni bottle. A n li at tha amusement accessories of a popular Summer baaah reaort, JTTI Til rZuMn TO OO for rest, health nd food time. T Thousand go tfeera, jor maw aummer ouung. xry it. The Potter Sails Every Day BXOBTT fTJWDAT ABTB nUPAT. dee published schedules. Pare From Portland, Round Trip, $4.00 Saturday to Monday Tickets $2.50 Purchase tickets and make reservations at City TV ft Offfloe, TW and Washington streets, Portlaad; or Inquire of any 0. B, 4 K m elsewhere for Information. ,T, Ctesvaral tcxasaaxzgagxgigssgxcaii iuiksbssi PRICE NE HO PIATE5 W nrn.. W. A. Willi MA XBTmWMD TUQU AJtASKA. We can extract one or all your teeth without hurting a bit, and put In new teeth the same day If you desire. Our system of crown and bridge work Is simple, quick and painless. When desired you can have T. P. Wise or my personal service. Painless Bxtraotlng Tree Whea nates are Ordered. 0 T1AU KBBJI and doing dental work all the time. That la the record of Dr. W. A. Wiae. That'a one reason our business has grown our pa trons come back, and they send their frlenda W. A. WISE, Dentist Tailing bldf ., 3d and Waahlngtoa 8 a. m. to p. m. Sundays 9 to la. Painless Ex- ottoo 60o Platee $a T. P. Wise, H.A, Sturdevint and H. A. Huffman ASSOCIATES. BOTE PHOJTEB. A AND MAXHT 8089. Health in Underwear. Get the right grade for you. This varying climate demands varying weights of underwear, and different .fabrics for different men. The best physicians say mucn or a man's health depends on his undergarments. Be par ticular. Select from a complete new stock, just the style, material and color to ault you. You can do this at cut prices today at Robinson & Co., 28$ Washington at. . Entire Change of Program by Schllxonyi's Hussars. SENSATIONAL WRESTLING Between man and ourang outang, best two in three falls, Friday Night July aa, p. u. Don Carlos' Doe i and Monkey Circus Have Ton Seen the Mysterious Levltatlon ActT Pally 8:16-9:16 p. m. Oomlaa Saturday. D eaves' Pansy Mr"1 on the Avenue CAXXrXVAX. BATVKDAY I VZOST. ' Found Child's silver metal J coin case and a small lace . cape. I WPORT YAQUINA BAY Has One of the Finest Beaches on the Pacific Coast and U an IDEAL SUMMER RETREAT It it easily reached, Is not an expensive place to visit, hag ex cellent hotel accommodations, afford perfectly safe aad aaligntfa) urf bathing and all gorts of beach pastimes, such as clam-bakes, oyster hunts, fishing, pebble and shell fathering, etc., enioy mild and inviting; climate, picturesque scenery, and all tha otjstr tractions that can ba desired for recreation and pleasure. NEWPORT Is reached by way of the Southern Pacific fa) Al. bany or Corvallit, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Train service daily and the trip a pleasure throughoat L,esve Portland 8 a. m. Rate from Portland $6.00 for the round trip. Tickets on rsla daily and good for return until October 31. There is also a Setor-day-Monday rate from Portland of $3.00, tickets on sale Saturdays, good for return Mondays. Correspondingly low rataa from all other points. Call st the city ticket office of the Southern Pacific, Third and Washington streets, in Portland, or at any S. P. aaeney elsewhere, lev complete information. WILLIAM McMURRAY, Ocnercl Passenger Agent, Southern Pacific Company, Portland, Or. Marquam Grand (t'bene Main I.) Tonight and all week. Matinees Wednes day and Saturday, WAircna o'wua In Sudermann's Maeterptoee, "HAOSA." Evening $1.00. 76o, 69c, iso. Mati nee, 76o. 60c, 5 Bo. Neat week "The Story of tha Oolden neece. THE GRAND TATTDHTTUJ PS UVXB. JTELLTB T- nra oo. "pxoxara TBS WUrjTEJS" Week of July BSd, KAJIBUB Krelsel's Dog and Cats, The Tanakaa, Reeves & Kenny, Joe Thompson. THE STAR WM-l-iaS. Phones M. 64M, and (Home) Aim. The Coolest Theatre In the City. Week of July 21. the Great Scenlg Production, kivi Ejrnrr." Matinees Tuesdays, Thursdays. Satur days, oundays at 2:30: prices 10c, 20c. Every evening at 8.15; prices 10c, too and (Oo. Secure seats for all perform' ances Dy pnone. THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY la tha tardea spot of tha tarth, and OOLDBN ORAIN GRANULES la tha finest drink on earth GOLDEN GRAIN GRANULES la per aeraal health coffae, and co be had from the follow lug g rocera la tha ROGUH RIVER VALLBY tomd, om. SB 3 LYRIC THEATRE Phone Main 46SI. This Week the Allen Stock Company, presenting "WKOS1I BAST ABB TOUT" and Sunday. Prloe foe, 20c. Every even- ing ti rnwi ic, uu aJtu evo. Reserved seats by phone. Main Hit Office open from 10 a. m. to 10 p. ra. BASEBALL ATHLETIC PARK, dormer Taugtua aad Twenty-fourth. July 23, 24. 25, 26, 27, 28 LOS ANGELES VS. PORTLAND Oame called at 9:80 p. m. dally. Gomes called at J: JO p. m. Sundays. &A9XB8' SAT TBXDAT. ADMISSION 25. Orandstand 26o: Box Seats IBe Children 10 NEVADA GOLD MINES Ice. For tee call Main 234 or A-J34S. Delivery corns luj, Ml Stark at. ice By special arrangements made with the Gordon-Campbell Trust Co., Financial Agents, we Invite subscriptions to a small block of the promotion stock of the Wonder Paymaster Gold Mining Co., at 15 for each- JOO shares. Properties situated In the rich Wonder Mining district. Nevada. Stook orders at the above price cannot be placed too early. E. a. ciem ca., ui Aider street. NEVADA GOLD MINES By special arrangements made with the Gordon-Campbell Trust Co., Financial Agents, we Invite subscriptions to a pari ox me promotion stock at the Won der Paymaster Gold Mining Co.. at $5 for eaoh 100 shares. Properties situated in tne ncn wonaer Mining district, Ne vada. Applications for thla stock can not b made too early. K. A. Clam ft io., asi Aiaer sxreei. E. N. Warner ..Hutchinson 4k lAunaden Miller A Etwbank Allen 4b Reagan W. Stringer F. U Cranflll H. Mats goa or cttAJrn !as, om. H. C. Bobseln Kenney 4k Truax Claue Schmidt J. P. Kenney Southern Oregon Supply Co. T. T. Dean T. B. Cornell C. F. Dlaoa. nr Qv-oosyzlx. ob. C, 0. Seaman W. V. Jones. nr M&9 hxxxvob. Tarter 4k Puffield, C. H. Farmer Merritt Co, PT JAOMMOWTCUUB, OOsV T. J. Kenney Nunan-Taylor Co, Ulrioa Bros. nr ezsrnuA roar nv CranflQ Rob! net 1. W. Merritt. i . Hears 4k w raoiro os. Fisher. nr vAfcjrjax oa . C. W. Wnltera 1 Sargent Duntaa. j" nr asxjlamb, om O. Winter Holmes Bros. Nima 4k Cappellar Teo 4k Oo. Young 4k Dlx. Craws A Son Loom la 4k Nelson ' D. P. THEISS & CO., Wholesale Grocers MBDPORD, OREOON Biatrhaterf for Southern Oregon and Vorthem OaUIbiala, "Golden Grain Granules" is served at tha Ifoore Hotel. Had ford, Ore., because the Moore Hotel crrea tha beet 3333 PORTLAND ACADEMY Nineteenth Year Opens Sep tember 16V 1907 The academy fits boys and girls for eastern and western colleges, hoarding hall for girls providea for a limited number. Elementary grades, both pri mary ana grammar, under ue same management, i Office hours during the summer, a. m. to ll m. ana rrom 2 to 4 p. m. For catalogue, address -pomraAss AOAsxmr. Preferred stock Canned Oooda, Allen a JawU sfest Brand, ASTORIA TOE LARGEST CITY IN OREGON (with the exception of Portland) is the headquarter (or the taV mon industry of tha world. Astoria has the climate, there, are neither flys, fleas, mosquitos nor duet Golden Grain Granules The 100 per cent pure cereal health coffee, can be had from, the following grocers in Astoria, rig.! Ross, HlgiMna 4k Os. ' C. M. Chrfsteneen. Tongue Point Lumber Co. Store, Milk Depot No. 1 Grocery. Milk Pepot No. 2 Grocery. Milk Depot No. 8 Grocery. Fisher Broa' Co. A. V. Allen. Acme Grocery. Schalfleld, Mattson 4k Co. Johnson A Morrison. Suomalalnen Cooperative Co. EL Hauke 4k Co. , S. X Nauthrup. nr BAjrnna, o- ctZ lumber Industry n the OetOQft' bin Hv.) Feme Broa, MeMllan MeroaaUla Ca. F. Traw. M. mils 4k Co. A. L. Richardson. J. L. B!l. nr KAT.aMa. om. J. P. Hansen. nr wAjuuureoY. otv Warrenton Orooefy 4b Butcher Co. C. W. White. v . nr wmuti 01 f, Dreeaer, nr tnjLMXajrnj. raw! niv city, where settler are wbU4.V E. ju Xdgerton, , , Henry Krata. ' H. McKlel. . , A, R. Miller. , m. k page, :,.;:;;,.:; t:-:jH$ nr SSCAXASCAWA, Tlmetne jucaarda, nr KBAjriB. ov B. W. Otto, F. Ot reaser (tiro $tant. "Oolden Grain Granules Is served et tockVtef Hall. SL'i, Cr, because it 1 the 100 par cent pore health coiea, ; N II