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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1907)
xilxi OiuOU DAILY JOUKHAL,' FOKTLAWU,"-TliUKSlMY EVENING JULY : k- 1607. Z' VI'. v ..... ,'. ' 1111 YW - T T 4 ' C .y ' - ' ii i n $1M Sateen Petticoats $1 Women's PettiobattT. of blaci mercerized teen or Italian cloth. Full 7-gored skirts in t great variety of itylea, made with deep fiounce and finished with ruffles, tuck and knife . pleatings. All Sateen Skitta included in this furious Fri day' sale and every one a tremendous bargain. Read the prices: Regular $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.50 $7.50 Special $1.00 $1.17 $1.55 $1.67 $5.00 Art Department SpeciaL -Indian, shop ping and work baskets and hampers spe cially priced for Friday. They come in many styles and many grades, regularly worth from 65c to AQ- tn fcO ) $3.50, special? Friday t if C 10 $L.K)L Children's Rompers, made of seersucker, in stripes or. plain blue. Well made gar ments for children from 2 to 6 years of K( and regularly worth from 35c yE o 40c; very special, Friday, pair. . aWC College Bags All colors, sold at 75c, special, Friday regularly 49c Children's Purses Black and White Chain Purses, 15c 0 values, special .... OC Skirt Pockets Of white and brown linen, mad with Inside chamois pockets; regu- Wli": 87c INTRODUCTORY WILL FIND EVERY AISLE IN THIS STORE ALIVE WITH SPLENDID FRIDAY BARGAINS. MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN SHARE IN SPLENDID SAVINGS ON THE VERY BEST SORTS OF MERCHANDISE. WE PARTICULARLY REQUEST THAT YOU SHOP AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE, AS SOME OF THESE VALUES ARE TOO GOOD TO LAST THROUGH THE STRENUOUS DAY'S SELLING Ofr THE FRIDAY CROWDS WE HAVE HERE. WASH GOODS H"' 25c YARD .High diss imported Wash Goods in all de signs, best novelty silks, jacquards, rough pongees, dressy linens, hair lined plaids. -printed voiles, etc. A grand grouping of 50c, 60c and 75c values, special, the yard 25c Printed Batistes in exquisitely pretty floral patterns; 60 full pieces for sale Friday. It comes in fast colors and a large number of different colorings. With this tremendous amount to sell and the splendid assortment you have to choose from, it will make the wash goods bargain of the season. C Friday, the yard OC LES Firm STREET HA7 dl N STREET ttASHINGTO SLXTIi STREET Men's Dollar Shirts 69c Here's a famous Friday bargain. Golf Shirts to wear with white collars or Negligee Shirts with soft collars at tached. These shirta come in white, medium or dark colors, in plain or figured designs. They are one of the very best dollar shirts in our store. They are full in the shoulders, fit cor rectly in the r.eck, good sleeve length and full body. Made of good, de pendable materials, regular $1, jf special for Friday OtC Men's Underwear, a staple 50c grade of derby balbriggan; it comes in ecru, brown, blue or flesh colored, and is certainly a splendid value at 50c a garment; very special for Friday T5f the suit, or per Q7' garment O I 2Q Boys' Negligee Shirts, one of the best values ever made for 75c each; they come in tan, cream or bray and in black sateen. Here is a splendid chance for mothers Friday, for these shirts art priced at, only blue cham ecpnomicaJ ...:49c Beauty Pins Black Vassar Pins, 6 on card, 20c value Beauty 10c Chatelaine Pins Sterling silver, regular 75c values, special, Friday 38c 75c Hat Plni 4c Fine Una of large Hat Pins, large tops, la va rious colors, 7(o value, apodal, AfC Friday . . . , W" Dress Hats It $2.98 Ea. Sale of the famous Sybell Dress Shapes and all novelty shapes for Friday. Every conceived popular design included in the lot. Many different materials and shapes. With the addition of a small amount of trimming will make into a very stylish piece QQ of headgear; reg. worth to $9.00 each, choice, Friday.. Flowers of all kinds in every color, every hue, every sort; regularly worth to $1.00 the bunch; choice Friday, the bunch Leghorn Hats in black or colors; seven dozen on sale for rriday; values run to $3.00; your choice, Friday for 11 11 2 25c St. Regis Talc Powder 5c 5c 10c Talcum Powder, St. RegisViolet, can Nail Brushes, black bristle, solid back . . . Celluloid Dressing Combs, large size, all colors, 35c 7fi value, special aUC Castile Soap, 4-lb. bar, QQ value 60c, special JC Playing Cards. A good zbc card for, special. the package Sanitol Tooth Paste, value 25c tube, special... Net Shopping Bags, value 15c, special Envelopes, plain white, 25 in pkg., 5c value, special Paper Napkins, fancy crepe pa per, 100 in pkg., A value 15c, special w 19c 15c 10c 3c Writing Paper, linen, cloth fin ish and envelopes to match, 50 sheets of paper and envelopes, 50c value, special a DC Hat Pins, pearl or smoked ball top, value 10c, special I C Dress Fasteners, best ball and socket; two dozen on card, value 10c card, 7 special I C Curling Irons, folding, with hardwood handles, H ' value 10c, special I C Pins, 400 on paper, value 5c a paper, special, two for i DC Pearl Button, self shank, all sizes, one dozen on 1fi card, special, card 1UC Special Bargains on "Quick Meal" Steel Ranges While they last we are going to sell some of these famous stoves at a price that will mean great bargains to the lucky purchasers. They are unrivalled bakers, stoves that do the maximum amount of work with the minimum amount of fuel, and one of the best known ranges on the market. Read these prices and you'll decide to throw Out that old cook stove and be ready for fall with a new "Quick Meal." i.T HvWa, Ranges that sell regularly for $45.00 Ranges that sell regularly for hstje $40.00 Ranges that sell regularly for S'" $57.00 Quick Meal Bakers, regularly SCh: $33.00 Quick Meal Kanges, worth $28.50 each, 00 FA ytid.jj TNwpecial Quick Meal Cook Stoves, regu larly worth $10.00, d7 A special tylD3 Laundry Stoves, regularly worth S': $20.00 Tailor Gasoline Stoves, worth "h: $6.00 Single Burner Lamp Stoves, for summer use, IQn special OOQ Two-Burner Lamp Stoves. 66f Two-Burner Blue or Flame Stove eJrr.aW Sensational Selling of Sample Hose for About Half Regular Here's a Hosiery sale that will completely overshadow al! others that have been held In Portland this season. From one of the largest importers in the business we secured 6,000 pairs of hose in discon tinued lines, that is, hose in patterns that will not be made the coming season. On account of them being lines no longer to be carried, the dealer gnve them to us at much less than the regular figures, and they come to you in the same way. SEE THE WINDOW DISPLAY ONE-HALF TO ONE-TrllRD REGULAR PRICE DIVIDED INTO 5 LOTS AND PRICED AS FOLLOWS LOT ONE Women's fancy hose in plain or fancy embroidered lisle. The plains are a rich brilliant black in lace weave and the embroidered patterns are fine examples of real handwork. They are regularly worth $1.50 and $2.00 the A pair Special DaC LOT TWO French and German lisles, in laces, plain colors and em broidered effects. Come in black and many colors and are regularly worth to $1.25 the pair CQ, Special sale price DaC 1. r jJiia ah annual cuuitss vanVtv n hn in'nlai'n licl lar It weaves (the latter in allover or lace a boot effects), polka dots and print ed boot effects. Regularly worth to 65c the pair Special sale price at , 29c LOT THREE Contains the larg est assortment of all. Many colors and patterns, come in blacks, tan, champagne, mode, brown, choco late, navy, pink, blue and red. Also the popular pastel shades, as well as wine and scarlet and Nile and bottle greens. They are in lace or embroidered patterns and the reg ular values are 75c and $1.00 the pair Special sale price QA only OuC LOT FIVE A prime assortment. These are in the staple colors, such as brown, black and blue. Plain lisles and cottons, laces in boot and allover effects, and they are every pair hose that sell regularly for 25c and 35c A the pair Special sale price only 1C Tailor,dSuits7ih$5.25 Women's Tailored Suits, in strikingly stylish wool novelty good. Pony jacket styles with pleated skirts. They are trimmed with braids and buttons and the materials are all wool, in Of" mixtures, checks and stripes; reg. worth to $17.50, Friday .$0D Women's White Alpaca Skirts, in the desirable pleated styles and values up to $8.50. There are just about four dozen skirts in this lot. Forty-eight of the best skirt bargains on sale this summer. Take your choice AC Friday for, only $ Jt7D Women's Linen Skirts, in plain or pleated styles. Cool, dressy garments for summer wear. Well tail ored and splendid values at regtrfar price, 1 special for Friday White Parasols Half Price A great sale of very pretty Parasols and the kind that are in very popular demand at this time. There are four styles, one in a hem stitched batiste, one in a tucked white batiste, one in a hemstitched jacquard figured batiste and one in a hemstitched tucked ecru linen. They are fresh, crisp goods that have just been shipped here from New York in a rush. They come with white enameled frames and the ribs have brass tips. Handles are in white enamel or in natural wool; regularly worth $2.50; f or special $ !) Axminster Rugs Special $1.89 They come in oriental and floral designs and they are 27x60 inches in size and a very fine quality of Axminster; regular $2.50; Friday price is only $1.89 Fine Rob Blankets for couch covers, table covers, porch rugs, steamer S rugs, etc.; values to $6.00 J r A ia.; special, Friday. $4,011 THE HOURLY SHOE SALE AGAIN An old friend and a welcome one to those with shoes to buy, for these shoe sales of hourly duration bring bargains that are quite impossible for an all $1.29 FROM 11 TO 12 A. M. Women's Oxfords in 12 of the. best and most popu lar styles, patent, kid or calf leathers ; button or lace styles ; light or heavy soles; worth $3.50. rfA AO $4.00 the pair; special for one hour wm0 FROM 12 TO 1 P. M. Women's Oxfords, and tan high shoes, in 10 styles. f atent calt and kid and all are Lroodyear welt made. Compare' favorably with any $3.50 and $4.00 shoes; special for one hour $2.55 day sale. FROM 8 TO 9 A. M. Women's White Canvas Ox fords, in two styles, one with a plain toe and in a pretty Blucher cut, the other with a tipped toe ; we also have these in a black-kid, value to $2.00 the pair, special FROM 9 TO 10 A. M. Women's Oxfords, 20 styles in canvas and leather. The canvas come in white and colors, and the leathers in plain or patents. Button or lace styles, and a large assortment of $2.50 and $3.00 values, special, one hour FROM 10 TO 11 A. M. Women's Tan Highhoes, with welt or turn soles, and in many styles ; shoes that have sold for up to $5.00 the pair, and about 700 pairs in all ; take your choice for $1.98 $2.98 FROM 1 To 2 P. M. Women's Shoes, in the best grades, all up-to-date styles and in any leather you may select. A large sprinkling of colors included. Gibson and garden ties and two and three-Jaole ef fects; any style in the lot, worth to $5.00 the pair, one hour $3.49 FROM 2 TO 3 P. M. Women's Oxfords in White or Colored Canvas, made in Gibson, Grecian and garden ties, and in the regular or Blucher lace; with heavy QQ or light soles; worth to $3 pair; 1 hour.lOa FROM 4 TO 5 P. M. Girls' Oxfords, come in 12 different styles, patent and kid leathers, heavy or light soles, and all good styles, priced like this: Sizes 5 to 8, $1.50 values $1.19 Sizes 854 to 11 $1.39 Sizes lV3 to 2 .$1.59 Sizes 2y3 to 7 .?1.79 Bolero Jackets About This Friday sale takes in about 50 Bolero Waists in the pret tiest styles that one can imagine. They are constructed of Venise, Duchess or Valenciennes lace, or nainsook embroidery and pique. They are to be worn over either white or colored waists and add a dainty finish at a small cost. Secure one while the sale is on and have a splendid quality for but little more than half the regular price. The $2.25 grade for 4t OA Friday selling at yl.OU The $2.00 grade $1.19 The $3.00 grade fl.75 The $3.25 grade f 1.90 The $3.50 grade f2.10 The $4.50 grade $2.87 The $5.00 grade 3.20 The $6.00 grade f3.85 The $6.50 grade 4.20 Women's Mull Ties, in all white with colored edges, just the right thing for vacation wear, regular 25c and 35c .1UU value, special, Friday The $2.50 grade sell ing Friday at only ., The $ 7.50 grade for The $ 8.00 grade for The $10.00 grade for The $12.00 grade for The $14.00 grade for The $15.00 grade for The $17.50 grade for The $21.00 grade for . White Turnover Collars ahd stock collars in embroidered de signs, a large variety of pat terns, worth to 35c, Friday f5 only the price is but ..... OC $1.50 ...M-60 ...fe.15 ...f7.0 ...S8.7S ...S9.50 ..11.25 .913.50 $3.19 FROM 3 TO ,4 P. M. N ; Women's High Shoes, in summer weight, fitted with light or heavy soles and of patent or kid leathers. Dressy and comfortable and worth to $5.00 the pair,, one hour...... FROM 5 TO 6 P. M. Boys' Shoes and Oxfords, in tan or black, an as sortment of summer weight shoes, all having good soles and light weight uppers. Sizes 9 to 13l2, $2.00 values $1.39 Sizes 1 to 52, $2.69 values $1.89 1 CNI ft 1 BE HELD TO ACCOUNT . i Government Suggests New . Kules for Immigration Inspection. After a quick run of II Oaya throua-n dense fog's, the Portland A Asiatic Steamship company's llneiv Nloomedia aciiKod har this morning from Hong kong and way porta. She haa on board about 2,600 tons of freight, consisting mostly of tea and gunnies. Light winds nngjffmooth water were encountered jBirt all the war but a heavy fog hung fTytt the sea most of the--time. Not a vessel of aar sort waa sighted during the 1C days since the vessel left Yoko hama. - K new arrangement was "ut Into force this woriOnc relative to the watching. of the Chinese cVew, In that the duty was left to the ship Instead of the Immi gration Inspectors. Heretofore two In spectors have been stationed at the gang plank to see that none of the Chi nese went ashore to remain, but from now on the captain will have to attend to the hiring of private watchmen him self and be responsible for the yellow BUttd sailors. This will save the gov ernment considerable money, since- It took six men a day on each vessel to cover the watch. At times two or three vessels would be in port at the same time with the result that a couple dosen men had to be employed. Most of these watchmen were special men appointed temporarily by inspector BarDour. The system now being introduced here has been in vogue In the larger ports 01 me united states zor some urn ana It Is upon suggestion from the head quarters In Washington that the change for the better Is mad her. wnne tne Mcomeaia amvM tnis morning, the liner Alesia practically completed loading for Hongkong and way porta. She will clear tomorrow with a fin cargo of flour for China and Japan. on the rocks, five miles south of Wal lapa harbor, and has engaged the services of an expert wrecker to get her out of her bed and bring her to this port. Captain A. T. Stream, who 1 superintending the building of norne steam schooners for the Hart-Wood mill, haa gone to the scene of the wreck INSPECTORS SAY MNO.M WRECK W?Asg BUYER Effort Will Be Made to Float the Schooner Solano. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Aberdeen. Wash- Julv 14. The Hart- Wood Mill company haa brought the wrecked f chooser. Solano where aba Uea Portland, Or., July 14. To the Editor of The Journal. Dear Sir: W1U you kindly Inform me through your paper If a capttaln who has his papers for being competent to run s vessel on the Co lumbia river only could also be a cap tain on an open sea vessel without pass ing further examination, and oblige, a constant reader of The Journal. . ALONG THE WATERFRONT mediately secured through the sailors' union. MARINE INTELLIGENCE Two steamers, the Alliance and Re dondo. will sail from Couch street dock this evening, the former for Coos Bay and the latter lor Seattle and xacoma. The Norwegian steamer Skogstad re ported off the Columbia river , bar this morning wth. a cargo of coal from Mororan. She was ordered to San Pedro to.dlsohara. The Skoastad Is reported as ander charter ta load lumber at this port lor the orient. The British steamer Ascot will sail for San Pedro tomorrow night First Officer McTague and five of the crew quit last alght when the steamer reached bar dock. A now et of men were Un- Begnlar tin era Due to Arrive. Breakwater, Coos Bay July 2t Costa Rica, San Francisco July 27 Nlcomedte orient July 27 Alliance. Coos Bav July su Redondo, Seattle July 30 Roanohe. San Pedro and way July 80 O. W. Elder, San Pedro and way.. Aug. 7. Numantia, orient August 18 Arabia, orient Sept. 1 , Beg-olar Uasn to Depart. Alliance, Coos Bay July 25 Redondo. Seattle and way July 25 G. W. Elder. San Pedro and way .July 26 Alesia, orient July 27 Breakwater, Coos Bay July 2 Costa Rio. San Francisco July to Roanoke, San Pedro and way Aug. 1 Nloomedia, ortent August 5 Numantia. orient August 28 Arabia, orient September 15 easels In ort Henrlk Ibsen, Nor. str Alblna Alesia, Oar. sh...... Flour mills Tola. Br. sh Elevator dock Zinita. Br. bk East Pine Cheballa, Am. bktn Knappton Maori King, Br. ss...East. West Lbr. Co. Alvena. Am. sch. Westport J. M. Griffith. Am. bktn ...Stella Dalgonar, Br. ah Columbia No. 1 Mathilda, Nor. ss Portland Lbr. Co. Alumna, Am. sch Drydock Bee, An. &... ..Willamette I S. .Wlu Tosemite. Am. ss.. Redondo, Am. str. . Rhoderlc Dhu, Am. Alliance, Am. str. . Transit, Am. schr. Virginia, Am. schr. Irene. Am. schr.. . . AUaa. Am. str Thyra. Nor. str. . . . Lyra, Am. str. Geo. W. Elder, Am. Astoria Couch t. barge Llnnton Couch st. Astoria Astoria Astorli, Portsmouth Inman-Pouiflon dock stream str Martt a dock Xi umber Carriers En Boat. . .San Francisco . .San Francisco . .San Franciaco . .San Francisco San Francisco Aurella, Am. str Jams Rolph. Am. sch. Caaco, Am. str Jim Butler, Am. str.... R. D. Inman. Am. str.. Thomas L. Wand. Am. str. San Francisco Excelsior, Am. str. San Fcanclsr-o Coaster. Am. str Sn Francisco Susie M. Plummsr, An. sch. . .Guaymas Wasp, Am. atr . .Ban Francisco Northland, Am. str San Francisco King cyrua. Am. soar.... Ban Francisco Beuiah, Am. sob San Francisco Sa Boats With Cement and Oaaarai. Buccleuch, Br. ah..... ...Hamburg Brenn. Fr. bk , Hull Conway Castle, Br. bk. Antwerp Europe, Br. bk. ' Antwerp Genevieve Jtollnosi Ft. bk. London Rene Kervller, Fr. ah..,. Hamburg Laennec. Fr. ah .Swansea Le Filler. Ft. bk. , London Martha Rouz. Fr. bk.... Hamburg Moxamblaue. Br. sh Newcastle, E. Samoa, Br. bk. Shields 81am. Gar. sh.. London Thiers. Fr. sh....:. .Newcastle, E. Vlnceanea, rr, bk....,.;......GJaasowl . .Newcastle, A. . .Newcastle, A, ..Newcastle, A, . .Newcastle, A. . .Newcastle, A. .Newcastle, A. Marechael Turrene, Fr. bk. .. -Hamburg VUle de Mulhouse, Fr. bk Antwerp Guethary. Fr. bk Antwerp Pierrl Lot!, Fr. bk Antwerp Walden Abbey. Br. sh Antwerp Glenesslin. Br. sh Antwerp Versailles. Fr. bk Leith General de Bolsdeffre, Ft. bk ..London General Negrter Fr. bk London Bayard. Fr. bk Antwerp Vllle de Dijon. Fr. bk Antwerp Coal Ships En Bonta. Belen. Fr. bk Newcastle, A. CoL de ViUebols Marenll, Fr. bk. . . . .Newcastle, a. Claverdon, Br. sh. .. Wlllacott. Am. bk.. Port Patrick, Br. sh St. Mlrren. Br. sh.. CrIIlon. Fr. bk Cunn Schneider. Fr. bk. Newcastle, A. St Louis. Fr. sh Newcastle, A. Buff on. Fr. bk Newcastle, N. 8. W. Tramp Steamers Ba Bout. Queen Alexander, Br. str ..... .Madras Strathness, Br. str.... Port Los Angeles Skarstad, Nor. atr. . ...Mororan MARINE NOTES '. N ' .-.- Astoria, July 35 Arrived at 1:18 a. m., steamer Tosemite,. from San Fran. Cisco. ' Norwegian steamer Skogstad, from Muroran. arrived off the bar and waa oruerea to Ban rearo.. ' Ban Francisco. Julv 25.vArrlVeA last night- steamer Johan - Paulsen, from Portland, V Astoria. July 24. Sailed at 1:25 p. m., schooner Roderiek Dhu la tow of c' tug Sea Rover, for Santerey. Arrived ' at 7:50 p. m., steamer Elmore, from Ttl- v lam 00k. - . Yokohama. July 24. Arrived. German 1 steamer Arabia, from Portland s Shanghai. July 24. Arrived previous- ' !y. British steamer Btrathyra, from v Muroran. July 24. Arrived yesterday, i British steamer Ascot; from Portland. - ' Astoria, Jury 25. Condition ot th bar at 8 a. m., smooth; wind northwest, 13 miles; weather, cloudy. . Tides at Astoria. tvl&ffc J:li a. m., . feet: 1:J4 p. m.. 1.1 feet r Low water: V.X1 a. m., -L7 feat; 7:11 p. m., S.S feet Ban Francisco, July JB. Sailed x at noon, steamer Costa Rioa, for Portland. Baa Francisco, July Is-Salled at aoon, steam , schooner Zatsy Freeman, : for Portland, ; ...v, ,- Own Your Bathing Suit Danger lurks tn rented or borrowed Ones. . Man who would be shocked st the idea of wearing second-hand under wear will put on a rented or borrowed bathing suit for the dip in tde uirt., Don't do it!' You can now rt very beat grade, light weight. nn f -Ing - suits at a tremeod' r- ' during Robinson A t'o.'s r"-"f tlon sale, lit Wai!K' " The best men's tm..-r-. - t. : ' est prices, i; j!,;;;-jvn ..