The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 25, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Jaunty Straw Sailors
$2.00 Values 98c
The summer girl's costume is not complete
this year without a smart banded sailor. In
its simple elegance there is an attractiveness
that nothing else can match. Special for to
day we offer fine quality-Milan Straw Sail
ors, well made, in the most correct shapes,
with all silk ribbon bands,
$2.00 values for only . . .
A Clearance Sale of
Bathing Suits at $1.95
75 Women's South Sea Serge Bathing Suits, in black and navy blue,
various styles, some prettily trimmed with soutache braid, others
with white duck collar and trimmed with wide Hercules braid. All
sold at much higher price than sale prices. Choice tf t n r
Friday at . $1."5
100 White Walking Skirts
Reg. Vals. to $4 for $1.98
100 new white union linen Walking Skirts in new styles,
just received by express from New York, in box plaited and
tucked styles, some band trimmed, some tucked all around.
A white walking skirt and a shirt waist makes an ideal cos
tume for hot' August days. Regular values to rfi 'QQ
$4.00. For Friday Bargain Day 4JLo,0-
See Window Display. y" r ''
Sale Regular 35c Embroidered Collars 15c
750 Women's embroidered stiff linen Collars, in several different novelty pat- p.
terns, siies 124 to 14, all new styles; regularly 35c; Friday, special sale X JV
39c and 75c Millinery Flowers 15c
75o$1.25 Millinery Flowers 39c
m: . n s fc-v.. - :, ,i till
An opportunity to
transform that sum
mer hat at the cost of
a few cents. Hun
dreds of pretty flow
er trimmings for sum
mer hats poppies,
sweetpeas, forget-me-nots,
roses, ge
raniums, maiden-hair O 1 xjam0
ferns, novelty foliage, fancy silk flowers.
39c-75c Values, Special Friday Only 15c
75c-$1.25"Valiics, Special Friday Only 39c
Final Clearance 3000 Yards Wash Goods
Reg. 35c to 75c Values at 11c Yd.
This clearance sale includes 3,000 yards of dainty summer Wash Goods,
adaptable for warsts, dresses, etc., ranging in price from 35c to 75c a yard,
white, printed and yarn-dyed materials in extraordinary va
riety. All this season's patterns. The earlier you come the ''
better the selection
250 kawn Waists
$2.50 Values $1.10
Friday we offer at the special price of $1.10 some
of the most superb waist values of the season.
While they have sold regularly up to $2.50, they
are really better values and daintier patterns than
waists sold in sales where greater price reductions
were offered. Choice of about 10 styles, including
charming Marie Antoinette and embroidered
front effects. Regularly sold to $2.50. fj
The best values of the season at, only, X , J
See window display.
$3.00 Men's White and Fancy Vests $1.45
300 Men's white and fancy Vests, made of fine pique. Oxfords, mercerised Oxford, and
dimities. A manufacturer a superb representative line. Each vest is finished and tail
ored in the very best possible manner and is such as w. have sold regularly tfil j r
for $2.75 to $3.00. While they last, Friday
Sale Photographers'
loL OB.
Blkonogen, os.
Xyarosalphite Sod,
lb. .
Kydroonlnoa, os.
Olyelm, os,
Metol. os.
50c Marchand's Peroxide 39c
75c Marchand's Peroxide 64c
$1.00 Eno's Fruit Salts 88c
11.00 Nan's Dyspepsia Cur Owl out rate 694
Geneva Water, Owl cut rate 3 Ha
$1.00 Physician's Rubbor Gloves, Owl cat rat. 564
White Rock, 20c qt., 13c pt. 10c nip.
25c Lithia Tablets, special x9
W-I lOr HenrTrsn" Head 'he Powders &
- - i
0o Henderson's Dyspepsia Cure, Owl out rate.. 244
60c Purest Norwegian Cod Liver Oil 394
500 White Linen Parasols
$3;50-$5 Vals. $1.49
These Parasols are all
new and clean, none
soiled or carried over
from last season ;
come in hand-embroidered,
ered edge and inser
tion and eyelet work
styles. Sold regularly
at $3.50, $4.00 and
$5.00. Can be used
season after season. Sensational
bargain at ,
Short Kimonos, Vals. to $3 for $1.1P
Daintiest washable summer styles of Women's Short Kimonos, Nightingales and
Dressing Sacques, made of plain white lawn, fancy figured and dotted Swiss or lawns.
All newest styles, made with or without collar, belt, long or short sleeves, low or high
and Dutch neck, prettily trimmed; sizes 34 to 44.
'Sold regularly to $3.00. Biggest kimono value of
the year at, only
aii newest, siyics,
eves, iow or uiga
Friday Sale of
Household Needs
10o Dutch Cleanser, special 84
too Packers Gold Dust Cleanser 184
Best Mason jar rings, dozen 8c
20c Paraffine Wax, lb 11c
2Sc Nickeled Towel Racks 15c
Large Paper Platea, dosen 54
small raper fiates, aoxen is
25c Fancy Frilld Hose Supporters 121
25c Novelty Top Hat Pins 10a
20c Cabinet of Hair Pins 10
White Crepe Paper Napkins, per 100, apeclal. . . .104
10c Package Tooth Picks, 2 boxes for 54
25c White Glycerole, for cleaning whit
canvas shoe 84
16o Llnole, for whitening- canvas an4 buckskin. 64
500 Pairs Long Silk Gloves
Regular $1.75 Values $1.38
For Friday sale, 500 pairs of wo
men's elbow length double-tipped
finger Silk Gloves, a regular
$1.75 value, the' kind that some
stores call a $2.25 value, and a
most extraordinary
bargain at, only . . ,
Mail orders filled. No phone orders, none
C. O. D.
Sale of Women's Black Hosiery
Values up to 50c for 25c
A special Friday sale of Women's black Stock
ings, of various grades, including fine black
lisle lace boots, cotton ribbed, gauze lisle,
gauze cotton and other styles ; all good worthy
imported qualities, pure dye. Many regular
50c qualities and every pair a superb value at
our low Friday price ; regular values
to 50c, on sale at, only
No mail or phone orders filled. None exchanged.
All Hammocks at greatly reduced prices,
as follows:
$1.00 Hammocks . 75c
$1.23 Hammocks . 98c
$1.75 Hammocks $1.25
$2.00 Hammocks $1.49
$4.00 Hammocks $2.75
$5.00 Hammocks $3.50
500 Reversible Couch, Covers, in oriental stripe,
3 yards long, 50 inches wide, regular QQi
$1.50 value, Friday sale OV
Pedestrians are to be proteoted In
Portland from speeding automobiles,
and a measure la being; prepared which
will effectually put a atop to the high
peed on straight courses and the sud
den rounding- of corners without elow
Ing down and "horning."
Yesterday in the council meeting; a
communication was read from Dr. H. F.
On asking- that some action be taken
to curb the recklessness of the auto
, The A. & C. R. R. affords you the best opportunity to view the
grand old Pacific Ocean. v
Only Four Hours Ride From Portland
Fine" surf bathing, modern hotels, together with modern con
veniences make this the most popular beach resort north of Cali
ar&iAL, iKAiiM jubavxno SATURDAYS 3:10 P. M.
Season Tickets $4.00
Saturday to Monday Tickets $2.50 1
For information and tickets call at City Ticket Office, Third and
Morrison streets, or phone Main 244.
R. H; JENKINS, General Passenger Agent.
drivers. He said he had several narrow
escapes from Injury and presumed oth
ers had been placed in like positions.
The' council seemed favorable to the
communlcatloiKef Dr. Ong- and will pro
vide some means of lessening the
danger. The matter"" was thoroughly
discussed In the council and It is possl
bK that an ordinance will be passed
which will compel drivers to run at a
reasonable speed on a straight course
and stop completely or slow down to
two miles an hour in rounding a corner,
In the meantime giving vigorous notice
of the approach of the car.
The ordinance will be passed at the
next meeting of the council.
Building Permits.
Robert Morgan, one-story dwelling,
Klrby, between Skidmore and Presoott,
$300; F. H. Klser. one-story dwelling,
East Thirty-second, between East Main
and East Madison, sz.soo; C- F. 8wi-
gert, concrete garage. Tnurman between
Thirty-second and Thiity-thlr, 1,000;
Maud and Belle Ainsworth, Ravensvlew
drive. $20,000: Mrs. 8. O. Hadley. re-
nalrs dwelling. 827 East Twelfth street
S00; D. M. Donaugh, repairs dwelllngv-f
umatuia Deiween juasi iuieventn ana
East Thirteenth, $500; Selena Rees,
two-story dwelling, Melinda avenue
west Of Cornell road. $4,000; A.
Brauer, two-story dwelling. Bast Thir
tieth between East Davis and East
Everett. S1.700: H. J. Mclnnis. renal r.
two dwellings. East Fifteenth betweenl
East Anxeny ana East Ash, 11,700; W
H. Orenfel. two-story flats. Park be
tween College and Jackson, $10,000;
uunst Banoerg, two-story aweumg.
East Ninth between Tillamook and
Thompson, $2,600; Marguerite Faber,
on and one half-story dwelling, Ains
worth between Garfield and Union,
$3,750; J. H. Amis, two-story dwelling
Braaee between East Eighteenth and
East Nineteenth, $4,800.
Original Styles.
Exclusive 'Scotch and English woolens.
Holbrook St Levee n. Couch block.
. ItjMr bat baxgralna. BoMaaoa C
"Hello, there; say. let me take a
try at that, will you?"
Then Mayor Lane stepped Into the
street on Fifth between Alder and Mor
rison yesterday afternoon and undertook
to sweep the streot with one of those
hand-brooms that the sweepers push
around each day.
The mayor reached out behind and
pushed mightily.
"Say, that thing runs blooming hard,
don't ItT' queried the city's chief executive.
Finally his honor got under way, but
ne aia not go iar.
"I guess we'll have to supply gasoline
engines to run those things: I didn't
know they were so hard to handle."
"Yes, that would be easier for us,
suggested the sweeoer.
"Well. I'll see about that," answered
the mayor.
The sweeper was greatly pleased as
me mayor departed.
"If he'd run for president of the
united states I'd vote for him," said
the city employe afterwards. "Even the
bosses will not get out into the street
ana try tnese sweepers."
Triplets, three bouncing baby boys,
the first to be born in Portland this
yaar. arrived at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Antone E. Digman, 1167 Union ave
nue, at ( o'clock Tuesday night. The
combined weight of the lusty lunged ln-
rants is lott pound ana tney are an
vigorous, healthy children. Mrs. Big-
man was Miss Fannie Ruedy and is 23
years of age. weighing in the neigh- ported.
borhood of 140 pounds. The father is
a salesntan.
Nine pairs of twlna have been bom
in Portland since the first of the year,
making a record for the period. Jan
uary has the largest number, three. No
twins arrived In March or April, but a
pair came in Febnary. .May and June
each have two pairs of twins, while so
far this month one pair haa been re-
The Northeastern Improvement as
sociation will, hold a meeting In the
Presbyterian churoh at Twentieth and
Wygant streets, Friday evening, July
26, to discuss the anti-trust law now
pending before the council. Residents
of Vernon and the northeastern part of
the city are strongly In favor of the
law ana will take action Indorsing it.
Have you acquired the habit of read
ing The Journal's "want ad" pages 7
you will rind there many things or
Interest to every member of your
Men's bathing suits! Price way down!
Robinson & Co.
Cook Charged With Theft.
(8c1at pUratek te, Tse Jesraal)
Astoria. Or.. Julv 25. J. H. Andrews.
a oook at Armstrong's logging camp at
river, was arrested yesterday,
charged with stealing $70 from Lome
Jennel, another employe Of the camp.
He waa arraigned In Justice court and
his hearing was postponed until Friday,
with a bond of tils,
Anderson's Body Found.
Astoria, Or.. July 25. The body of
Nels Robert Anderson, who was drowned
a few days ago while bathing at the
Tallent Grant seining grounds at Sand
Island, waa recovered yesterday. The
deceased came from Duluth, Minnesota,
and was about 22 years old.
Preferred Stock Canned Oooda.
Allen & Lewis' Best Brand.
Vale, Or.. July 26. In accordance with
an order ' Issued by County Juda-a Rich.
ardson in the juvenile department of
t lie county court. -rea Hiinert anil CTiif.
ford Hilbert, dependent children, on pe-
uuun oi r rttuK .j. crmawT. war Mm.
ml t ted to the Boys and Girls' Aid so
ciety of Portland and Mrs. Etta, Haynaa
waa appointed seolal probation officer
to take the children to Portland,
Men'a fine underwear at the prlca of
ordinary, goods. vBobinaoa aV Co . i
If you want to rent your newly fur
nished room advertise it in the "Fur
nished Rooms" columns of The Journal.
Rate one cent a word. Phone If you'
can't bring it.
Men's bathing suits greatly reduoed,
Robinson eV Co.
Preferred atoek Canned Oooda.
Allen St Lewis' Best Brand.
II ao, wby, go to
16-gize 20-year Kold-flHed eaaa;
JUgin, or waltbam movement,
Ladle' O aixa 20-year ' gold
tilled case, 15-jeweled Waltnam
movement, fll.BO. -
Your eye fitted to glai corn
- piete, fi.uu.
. Credit if you Hat. !
: ' Jewtfflra and Opt
.( . 342 WASHTr.'CTCV.
v. r