THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. , THURSDAY EVENING, JULY , 25. 1007 ATTOIUTKITS" jPIOOOTT, FINCH BIGGER, ATTOR- t law.. 4 Mulkev bids, cornet . M and Morrison sts. ASSAYKRS WELLS ft PROEnSTEL, MINING KN- lj, . glneers. metallurgists and asaayera. IXtH Waahlngton at. , UVlN CYANIDE SXtRACtlON CO. in Montana Aaauv Office. II Aior- rlson at ART FRJH LESSONS IN Emui Idery Every.-Dajr. THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP, 183 Waahlngton St. DOO AND HORSE HOSPITAL. W.M.MILLER. V. .. VETERINARIAN. I N. th at Phona Main 60. All branchaa of tha science. CARNEt'S VfiTERlNAKV fabSPltAL" for horses and dogs. in l8f. tSt Qllsan st. BI05EY TO LOAN Phona Mai DR. C. "at BR6wtf. " D. C. M. DOGd and horse noaplUl. loo N. (th at Main 40). - PRJESSMAKINO DRESSMAKER FROM BAN FRAN claco wishes a few mora customers: alteration work neatly dona. 284 3d at Phona paeinc eoo. A HERGES' . ART 8TUDIOT 44tt Washington at. High grade oil paint Inge In landscapes and portraits made to order. " " ' ---mm gSSS ARCHITECTS MADAME ANGELES 242 FIFTH. PA elflo Ml. DRESSMAKING D6NE AT able prices, lit 14th st. REASON Paclflc 7J. ELECTRICAL SVPrLIES ft ERNST KRONER. ARCHITECT Plans and specifications; also building superlntendsnca. AUTOMOBILES HOWARD M. COVET. Aarent Pierce Great Arrow, Looomobllea. Cadillac ana Knox Temporary location Club Garage, 16th and Alder sta. ACCORDION DRESS PLEATING MISS O. GOULD, 617 8WETLAND bid :. Accordion pleating and buttons covered. th owe: BLANK-BOOK MAKERS M. J. WALSH CO.. Ill STARK ST Eleotrlo and Gas Fixtures and Supplies, Mantels, TUI n g. Orates and Doglrons. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. ENOT ' nee re, contractors, repairers, elect rlo wiring, aupplles. 94 1st, cor. Stark. Main W. R. H.Tats. Mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS. 41 th st Contractors electric aunDllaa motors snd dynamos; wa Install light and power plan t a. MORRI86N" 'ELECTRIC CO. 241 E. Morrison st Fixtures, wiring, re pairing, Eaat 1128, FAIRBANKS, MORSE dynamos. A. C and Stark sts MONEY MONET MONET MONKtT MONET MONEY ' MONEY , MONK SXvtiTv IinvKT ' MONET 1 MONE SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES, tlO TO 1100. ' ' Nn MORTGAGE NO INDOHSER "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. IX) WEST RATES EA8IESTPAYMENTS A CALL WILL. CONVINCE YOU. REMEMBER, IF YOU WORK.' WH ILL ACCOMMODATE YOU. WHAT MORE COULD YOiJ aSKT RAILROAD MEN-A SPECIALTY. STATE SECURITY CO, 704 DfcKI'M BLDO WEDHTNRDSfl8AfAURMbAYTflI- MP. M. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY Money money money money money" 16 LOAN On Improved city property or for build ing purpoeea. for from I to 10 years time, with Privilege to repay all or part of loan after two jeare. Lowia ap proved from plans and money advanced as building progresses ; mortgages taken FRED HP STRONG. Financial Agent. 41 Stark St. BANKS. TTNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. J Northwest Corner Third ana una streete. . , aii oT.""".01" a General Banking Buslneaa. DRAFTS ISSUED Available In ' th United Statea and Europe. Honjlcong and Manila. Collections made on Favorable Terms REit""1;: J. C. A INS WORTH Cashier R. W. BCHMEER Vice-President R. i.ea niRNES I Assistant cashier W. A. HOLT .R. LEA HARNE3 Assistant Cashier..... Assistant cashier. A. M. W.'.IQHT LADD 4 TILTON, BANKERS Portland, Oregon. Established ISSl. W. M. LADD. C. E. LADD. J. W. LADD. Sv.Tra1."a',t General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, pavings Jgoks Issued on savings deposits. Interest paid on time deposits. MOTORS AND D. C 1st and EDUCATIONAL COL- mvia a. irimiu an Blank books manufactured; agents Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; market. BATHS-MASSAGE MANICURING. FACE AND SCALP treatment; baths and massage. 110 ii 4th st. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES B'JTCHEnS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A. Dekim, 131-133 1st st, carries a full line and c iplete assortment at lowest market prices. B. BERKKNWAl.I) A CO., 304-80 EV erett St., largest butcher supply house on the roast. Write for catalogue. CLEANING AND DYEING CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED, 31 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark st. - Carpets Jefferson st W. TURNER, DYER dyed a specialty. 606 Main 2E12. HERE It fa! CLEANING. PRESSING by experts. 643 and dyeing dona Washington st. . THOMAS. FEATHERS AND feather boaB cleaned, curled and dyed; work called for and delivered. 754 Water St.. Portland. Or. Phone Main 2376 BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS LEGE. Elks' Building. Portland, Oregon. Chartler shorthand and Bliss book keeping as taught In the Behnke-Walker will lead you to success. Facts 737 calls for help snd placed 211 since Aug. 1. Will place you when competent En- roll now. P6RTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. Tenth and Morrison. A. P. ARMSTRONG. I.L.B.. PRINCIPAL. Open all the year. Private or class In struction. Position certain when oomne tent. All modern methods of bookkeep ing taught; also correspondence, rapid calculations, office work. Chartler ahort hand; eaay, rapid, legible. Catalogue free. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Washington and 10th sta Filed ner bldg. Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Typewriting and all English branches taught both day and night. FINANCIAL AID TO SIX WORTHY young lajlea who wish to take a shorthsnd course. Apply at once at office. SIT Commonwealth bldg.. (th and Bumalde sts. SALMON'S STUDIO OF L. BRONSON shorthand and course In 13 weeks established 1888. Park and Morrison. typewriting; full open all summer; Mllner bldg., W. CONFIDENTIAL LCV . P 8i- arlea. insurance poucic. nlture. wsrehouse receipts, etc.: any de serving ptrson msy secure a liberal ad vance repaying by easy weekly or monthly Installments. , ,.-,,, NEW ERA LOAN MORTGAGE COM PA NY. 205 Ablngton Bldg; MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED fEU pls and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, ens est psyments; offices in 0 principal cities save youraelf money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN, 223 Ablngton Bldg. 10H 3d st m6neY Loaned 16 Salaried PKO- ple Just on your own name; don t hnrrnw until you see me; my system Is the best for railroad men. clerics, bookkeepers, streetcar men and employes: business strictly c"fl.1,,nt' F. A. Newton. 611 Buchanan bldg.. 28 Washington M WNT8 NATIONAL BANK Portland, Oregon. i, f?ANK WATSON.. President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President - W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT. .Asslftant Cashier Trn . 8. C. CATCHING Second Assistant Cashier transacts a General Banning Huslness. Drafts snd Letters of Credit Issued AysiInble to All Ports of the World. Collections a Specialty. THE BANK OP" CALIFORNIA Established 1S4. Head Office. San Francisco lapltal paid up 34.000.000 Surplus snd undivided profits $10.163.87J nw .?n'ral '(nnklng snd Exchnnee Business Transacted. Interest on Time ieposlta. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may be opened of 310 and up- wnrd. Portlnnd Branch Chamber of Commerce Building. M. R. MACflKA Manager J. T. BURTCHAELL. .Ass't Manager Portland, Or. Oldest Nntlonal Bank on Pacific Coast DEPOSITS, $14,000,000.00 rvr.Mxnt i w r A T.VORD Assistant asnier Cashier C1RST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL i VT) QI'I?rr ?'a i nr.n nnn nn A- L. MILLS J. W. NEWKIRK. . . )!. V. STEVENS. .Second Ass't Cashier Free Scholarships for Boys Leading Educational Institutions. Sums of Cash Also to Be Distributed Among Industriouj and Meritorious Students Who Participate in The Journal Educational Contest , "TUDENT! What nre you going to do during vacation? Have you decided what ; school or college you will sttend next year? If not. how would a scholarship In one of the following excellent achoola suit rouT . TRUST COMPANIES. PORTLAND TRTTST COMPANY OF OREGON The Oldest Trust Compsny In Oregon. RESOI'ROFH OVER $2,100,000. Genernl Ranking. Two nor cent Intercut on check accounts (even hundreds) on dally -balances of $500 or ever. Letters of credit and exchange on all parts of the world. Savings ac counts. Time ccrtlflrntes. 3 to 4 per cent; nhort-cnll ppeclnl certificates, $600 or over. 2ix to 4 per cent Call for Rook of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Southeist Tomer Third and Oak Sts Phone Private Exchange 72. F.ENJ. I. COHKN President I II. 1 PITTOTK Vice-President B. LEE PAGKT Secretary J O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary UNCLE MEYERS' LOAN OFFICE 141 8d St., near Alder, established 1870. old and reliable; any amount loaned on watches, diamonda. Jewelry and aeal-sklns. SECURITY SAVINGS 4 TRUST CO. 2iU Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. Tranwncts a Genernl Banking Business. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Inter est nllowed on Time and Kavlngs Accounts. Acts ns Trustee for Estates. Drnrts nnd letters of Credit Available on All Parts of the World. C. F. A 1 1 A MS President L A LEWIS First Vice-President A. L. MILLS. . .Second Vice-President R. C. JI'IIITZ Secretary GEO. E. RUSSELL Assistant Secretary 4 WashlnRton Street. Esinte at Lowest Rates. Tttl InsnrH AhMtrHrtR EiirnlsKsd J. THORRfRN ROSS President I JNO E AlTfHJSON Secretary G E ) R ' J K H HILL Vice-President T T. Ill'llKHA RT f Treasurer 1 1TLE GUARANTEE TRUST COMPANY - 1 MORTGAGE LOANS ON Portland Real IIOMIS AM) INVK8TMKXT8. 8T(XKS AND BONDS OF ESTAB- llshed enterprises bought nnd so :i commercial uaper bought and mnney loaned on all classes of good aeciirlty. Room "07 Couch bldg.. 4th and W aah- lngton sts. , 7TLOAN FOR THE ASKING-SALARY or chattel. The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. , MONEY-TO t.OAl tU $500 TO $R.o6o. Charleaon 4 Co.. Commercial. Phone Pacific 1196. M ORRIS BROTHERS. Chamber of Commerce Hulldlng. Municipal. SHORTHAND. THE GRAHAM SYSTEM Taught by an expert. Actual office ex perience, positions secured wnen com- fetent. Butler, public stenographer, 814 he Dekum. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS JOHN A. MELTON, 204 4TH ST. OF flce store fixtures built and re modeled: showcases and counters. Phone Main 17S7. SEND YOUR BOY TO HILL MI LIT ART academy, Portland, O.-. Write for cat-alorue. WILL LOAN $3,000. 8 PER CENT. ON real estate. Farrlngton. $13 Fenton hMtr CASH ON HAND FOR PURCHASE money, mortgages, bonds ror aeen or contracts of sale on real estate, either country or city property. H. E. Noble, Commercial blk . Id and Washington. $200 TO $2,000 ON MORTGAGE ,KOK July onl; low Interest, small expense to borrower Ward. AlUky bldg. M-7828. LARGE LOANS DoWNINd-lIol'KINt STOCKS, IlONUi Private Wires Railroad and Public Service Corporation Bonds. -Established 1 893 BROKERS. S COMPANY- S, GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash and on Margin. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phone Main 37. Overfceck & Cooke Company! (Members Chicago Board of Trade.) Couch bldK . 4th st. neAr Washington GRAIN, PROVISIONS, COTTON, STOCKS AND HONUii. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION' RUSINESS. Continuous Markets by Private W're- Quick Service. GRAM) 'EXTRA L STATION TIME CARD. LEAVING PORTLAND. Express Southern Purlflc. ARRIVING PORTLAND. GASOIJXE ENGINES GASOLINE ENGINES. Stationary and marine; electric equip ments: Isunches; accessories: wholesale E. MELTON OFFICE. STORE FIX- I Mschlnery' Co . lS$-4- Morrison St. tures; general Jobbing. 67 1st at mirv-1irt ri W a pfVu- EN'rtfK'Ett aSJV Phone Main 3190 HOUSE MOVING AND GENERAL RE- r alnug; foundation and carpentering. 3 E. Carutherrf. Tabor J0. SPENCER & BURBANK. C A RPENTER lng and Job wark of all kinds. Sbop 4S Overton. Pac. 2860. CARPET CLEANING BTAI'DARD CARPET CLEANINO CO. Largest plant on coast; Lortng and Harding sts.; phone East $30; carpets denned, refitted, sewed and laid: steam and compressed air process: renovating mattresses and feathers a specialty. JOYCE BROS., PROPRIETORS OF THE Electric Cleaning works; carpets c.eaned and laid, both dry and com pressed air cleaning; carpet refitting our specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Main !72 and A-3672 370 Grant at propeller. Falrbar ks. Morse A Co.. 1st snd Stark sta. REFITTED GASOLINE ENGINES; low price; call or write. Fairbanks, Morse A Co.. 1st and Stnrk sts. ( ottage Orove raps'TiRer California Express San Francisco Express WEST SIDE. Corvallls PiisscriK'T MONEY TO LOAN: LARGE UMSB . Rhertdan Phss-uk't specialty; also building loans; lowest . Forest Grow P:.sserg-r . rates: fire lnsii'ance. Wllllem O. Beck, , ,,.,,( (jrm-,. Iis. ::k-er 312Falllng bldg. 1 1 :15 1.1 4 r, . :: i) fo M m. in. m. tn. Oregnn Express . OottJiKe (Irnvp P;issen((er. Sli.tst.i Express Portland Express WEST SIDE. Corv.illls Passenger fiherliliiti Passenger -Nrest Gro e fHS.seriger . Forest Grove PHsseoKi-r . 7:25 11:00 7 S'l 11:30 p a. m. a. in. m. m. 6 5.1 p. 1 20 a. oo a 2 50 p QUICK LOANS ON ALL SECr RITIES. S. W. King, 46 Washington bldg. Main 6100. Northern Pacific. DON'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARJ1 until you see Hutton Credit Co. 812 Dekum bldg. HOTELS THE BELLEVUE. EUROPEAN PLAN. 4th and Salmon. HOTEL PortlandTAm. plan. $$. $6 day. BELVEDERE. European; 4th and Alder. HARDWARE MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED city property or for building pur poses. Columbia Life & Trust Co., 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KIND8 of security. William Holl. room 9, Washington bldg: SUMS TO SUIT ON CHAT Tacoma nnd Seattle Exp ... 30 a. North Coast & ciilcmo Lim 2.'i p Pueet Sound Limite.l 4 :io p O'verland Express 11:45 p. ni. Ii North Coast Limited rn I Portland Express ... m. ' Express .... m. 1 Pucer Sound Limited . 7 no a. . 4 15 p. . 1 5 p. 10 .15 p m. m. m I.ocal P.-issenirrr Chlcago-Portlaml Spei Spok:i nc Fl ver .... Kan City A Chi. Ex Oregon Railroml & Navigation Company. Spokane Fiver Chi . Kan C'lty Port Ex ChlcHgo-Portland Special . Local Passenger R.00 a. H : 3 0 H. 7 "il p. 7 to p m. m. m. m S.on a. m. 9 4.1 a. m. "20 p. m. 5 4 5 p rn. Astoria & Columbia Rlvrr. R. A. Frame. 514 the i TO LOAN- tel security. Mwrquam. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. chattel mortgages or personal se curity; notes bought C. W. Pallett. 304 Fenton bldg Astoria and Seaside Exp. . s 11,1 Astoria K Seaside Express. :oo p. Seaside Sp. 3:10 Dally P'.inday ' TOWEL BlPPLV rn. p m. Saturday Astoria Port. Passenger. 12 10 p. I'oitland Express 10. oo p. m. m. COAL AND WOOD PORTLAND SAWDUST A SLAB WOOD Co.. 355 Front st. successors to Ful ton Wood Co. Fir. oak. slab wood, coaL Tel. Main 1936. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF 8LAB- wood call Main 4875. Oak, ash, fir and coal. Portland Wood A Coal Co, 16th and Savler sts. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO. WINDOW .made to (jp.. 74 6th. AND order. DOOR SCREENS Portland Hardware CLEAN TOWELS DAILY DON T WORRY-I10 TO $100 LOANED, r"ny &T'wel Supply Co., salaried people, with or without se- f ""l?ry, ione 410 eurlty. Crescent Loan Co.. 428 Mo-I "cn ' aneJ10. hnwk bldg . INSURANCE ISAAC L. WHITE, FIRE INSURANCE. 344 Sherlock bldg. House and blacksmith coals, coke, charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1018. TELEPHONE EAST 7. F. B. JONES A CO.. Wood and Coal. 181 East Water St. FOR QUICK DELIVERY PHONE Oregon Fuel Co. 334 Alder CHIROPODISTS JOHN GARTNER HARD AND 80FT corns, callous removed without pain. Ingrown nails cured. Phone Tabor 603. 998 H E. Belmont st. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill, Room $30 Fleldner bldg. Both phones CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTf AW See Mdvli For JAS. Mcl. WOOD. EMPLOYERS' LIA blllty and Individual accident security bonds of all kinds. Phone 47. 802 Mc Kay bldg. LAND SCRIP WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL kinds. Including approved forest re serve ecrip for surveyed, unsurveyed. timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton, "The Portland." Portland REAL ESTATE THOMPSON & OGDEN REAL ES tate. Insurance, loans See us before I buying. MX Mississippi ave Phone ; Woodlnwn 202. ! J W OGILBEE. REAL ESTATE AND i loans: established 1 SS3. 145 Vs 1st. I roorn II- SPHINX AGENCY, DEALERS IN real estate and rentals. 305 H 8tark I st Main 6164. ! FOR FARMS OF EVERY DE8CR I P I tlon. W. W. Espey. 319 Commercial bid g. W HOLESALE JOBBERS M. A. GUNST CO.. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OREOON. - COM It. . Portland ; XvlC CnX th and Apy r,' Van m only. All other trains dailv. TRANSPORTATION. EVERDINO & FARRELL. PRODUCE and commission merchants. 140 Front st.. Portlsr.d. Or. Phone Main 179. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC turlng Co. Manufacturers of furni ture for the trade. Portland. Or. VADHAMr & CO.. WHOLESALE GRO- cers, manufacturers una i-umiiuasiun merchats. 4th and Oak sts. ROOFING FURNITURE MANUFACTURING AND soeclal orders L. Ruvensky's furni ture factory. 307 Front st. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS 8. B. 2 TRIPS Spokane, July 96; Aug. 9. i H'JMZ HOT7TZ. I Senator Sept. 6, Oct. 7 ! President Sept. 28 Hill Military Academy for boys, Port land. Oregon. Two scholarships; one scholarship with board, room, tuition, laundry and other items amounting to $550. Another scholarship as a separate prise for tui tion, value $120. St. Mary's Institute, Beaverton, Ore gon. One scholarship In academic de partment. Including lessons on any In strument; also board, room, etc. Value $210. St. Helen's Hall, day and boarding school for girls and young ladles, Port land, Oregon. Two scholarships. Includ ing noon meals. Whitman College. Walla Walla. Wash. Scholarship In the Conservatory of Music, value $100. Willamette University, Salem. Oregon Two scholarships. One In either college or preparatory department, value $f0; the other in the music department, value $100. Dallas College, Dallas, Oregon. Schol arship In either academic or college de partment, value $3S to $50. Portland Academy, Portland, Oregon. Day scholarship In either college or academic department, good for one year, value $120. Mrs. Walter Reed, Portland, Oregon. Teacher of voice and singing. Lessons to the value of $100. McMlnnvllle College, McMinnvllle, Oregon. Two scholarships One In either academic or college department, value $.10; one In the department of music, value $60. Pacific University, Forest Grove, Ore gon. Two scholarships, one day schol arship in the academy or college value ona scnoiaranip for a girl witn 10 months' Instruction In music; board, room, etc., in Herrlck Hall. $150. Pacific College. Newberg, Oregon. One scholarship in either college or academy department for one school year, $60. R. Max Myer, 343 Alder street, port land, Oregon. One scholarship good for 72 hours' Instruction In drawing, oil or water color painting, or pastel. Holmes Business college, Portland, Oregon. Four scholarships; one com bined scholarship one year, value $100; one academic or civil service scholar ship, one year, $100; choice of either commercial or shorthand scholarships, six months, $60: night course, any de partment, one year, $50. Behnke-Walker Business college. Portland. Oregon. Four scholarships for 12 months' combined course, value $100. one scholarship for t months' com bined course value $85; one scholar ship for 6 months' course, value $70; one scholarship for 6 months either shorthand or business course, value $60. Raker City Business college. Baker City, oregoa. Scholarship good for one year in shorthsnd, commercial, Eng lish, advertising and penmanship courses, value $100. International Correspondence School Of Scranton, Pa., Portland agency 111 Ma Kay Bldg., H. V. Reed, manager. Tw scholarships; choice of $100 tuition In anr of tha numerous or helpful couraea except language course op courses In locomotive running; another echolarshlp In the aame to tha valua of $10. International Conservatory of Music, C. E. Sands, manager. Pacific coast di vision. Portland. Oregon. Three schol arships: the winners to have their choice of any of the Are different courses taught by ' this conservatory; namely, piano, organ, violin, mandolin and guitar; scholarships Include sheet music, all Instructions and the stringed Instruments, If stringed Instrument couraes are selected. Oregon Expert college, Portland, Ore gon. One scholarship In telegraphy and typewriting value $71. Another achoiar shlD In telearanhr. t roe writing and station service work, value $10. Portland Bualnesa college, Portland, Oreron. A. P Armitrans. DfinclnaX Four scholarships, as follows: On for 12 montha In combined course, value $100: one for months In combined course, value $85; one for I months In combined course, value $70; one for t months In shorthand or business sourse value $60. - Rose City Bualneas college, PoTtlaad, Oregon. Two scholarships; one com bined course for one school year, value $80; one 6 months' course In shorthand or bookkeeping, $50. Capital Business college. Salem. Ore gon. One scholarship good for 1 months' tuition In either department, value $100. Oregon Coneervatory of Muaja, Port land, Oregon. Course In plsno wits In struction under L. H. Hurlbnrt-Ed-warda. Including use of music, value $260. Eugene Business collage, Eugene, Ore gon. One scholarship In commercial or stenogm'ihlc course, value $lt. Western Academy of Muelo, Elocu tion and Dramatic Art. W. M. Rasraua. principal. Portland, Oregon. One schol arship in choice of vocal, piano, violin, mandolin, elocution, oratory and dram atic art vlue $30. Holmes-Flanders Private echooL Port land, one scnoiarsnip gooo iot m year's special university preparation, one year's normal course, or practical . English course for one and on half years, valued at $150. Oregon Law college. Commonwealth bunding, Portland, Oregon. Scholar ship in the drat two yeara of the course, value $150. Gillespie School of Expression, Port land. Oregon. Private and class Instruc tion to the value of $236. , Albany College. Albany, Oregon. Tui tion for one school year In either acad emic or college department. Pendleton Bualneaa College. Pendleton.' Oregon. Value of echolarahlo $100. CASH AWARDS SDPPLLMLNF SCHOLARSHIPS 1. Cash, with first choice of scholarship 2. Cash, with second choice of scholarship 3. Cash, with third choice of scholarship 4. Cash, with fourth choice of scholarship 5. Cash, with fifth choice of scholarship 6 Cash, with sixth choice of scholarship 7 Cash, with seventh choice of scholarship 8. Cash, with eighth choice of scholarship Cash, with ninth choice of scholarship The above sums in cash will be paid contestants at tha end of the con test In the order of their standing as to votes. Cash commissions are allowed on new subscribers. In addition to the cash awards hare noted, so that the contestant gets pay for his work every day of the contest. 1109 ISO 100 0 ft 10 40 to 31 44444M Th Mow. Th When, Th Why S- E. AIASXA BOUTTA. Balling From Seattle. kagwa;, Sitka, Jnnean and way porta Balling I p. a H. B. B. Free tuition and expenae money dur ing the school year are put within tne reach of the deserving, energetic and persevering young P-Pl 1o reside within the circulation field of The Oregon Journal. T,.rrl makes it possiDie ror The by LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES L. MAST1CK & CO., FRONT j and Oak sts., leather and skins of MKplrtlAn f.i, oil mirnia.i' ,nla and tap cutters; findings. TIN ROOFING. GUTTERING. RE palrlng and general Jobbing. J. Lo.fli, 212 Jefferson st. Pacific 1424. RESTAURANTS. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants, Front and Davis sts. Portland. Or. Wholesale crockery and glajsware. Prael. Hegele & Co.. Port land. Or. MOXOIENTS NEU A KING8LEY. 268 18T 8T. Portland's leading marble and granite works. MUSICAL ICE THAT WILL DO YOU GOOD. Melvln has made thousands of dollars for Portland people. He has deceived none. If your mining storks are a fail ure he will tell you. If you have money to Invest, do not throw it away. Melvln will guide you and show you a way to success. He advises in business. Do not buy or sell real estate: do not Invest In any thing before consulting him; let Melvln be your guide and you will always be successful. PROF. MELVIN TELLS YOUR NAME. AGE, OCCUPATION. WHERE YOU LIVE. NUMBER OF YOUR HOUSE AND THE STREET WITHOUT ASKING A QUESTION, without any previous knowledge and having no natural means of knowing who you are. whence ana ror what you came. He tells you Of friends and enemies, who Is true and who Is false, tells you whom and when you will marry, giving name, aaies, racts and locations; taxing no fee In advance and accepting none unless satisfaction is given. LOW FEE. 50 cents, BO cents. 50 cents, 50 cents. PIANO, VIOLIN, CORNET. TROM bone, clarinet Professor E. A. Smith, 264 12th st. Main 4703. GO TO THE BUSY BEE FOR DELI catefcsens. Home cooking. 434 Wash ington st. Ituf OREGON CHEESE CO. (INC.) ! Cheese, butter, eggs, etc., dairy prod ucts bought or handled on commission. ; i;s 6th st. (Swetland bldjf ). Portland. , or SAFES PORTLAND SAFE CO., SOLE AGENTS for Herrlng-Hall-Marvln safes and Manganese Steel Safe Co.'s bank safes; 20 second-hand fireproof safes and bank safes, very cheap. See them or write us. 92 7th St. i LEWIS -STENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY I Co. Barbers' Supplies. Barbers' Fur ! nlture. Barbers' Chairs. 10th & Morrison TRANSPORTATION. MACHINERY THE H. C ALBEE CO. 8ECOND hand machinery, sawmills, etc. 248 Grand ave. DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES- Large lines carried. Lock-outs opened, i Jacks, Jails, metal furniture. Both ( phones. J. E. Dsvls. 66 3d. I ST A J. PAUL, 100 1ST ST. A COM Pdete line sawmill machinery; also engines and boilers OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DTtTlJLlE!ZEPAT clalist on nervous, acute and chronic diseases. Office 217 Fenton bldg. Phone Pacific 1190. SPIRITUALIS MRS. 8TEVENS. PORTLAND'S REI.IA- ; ble palmist and spiritual life reader; j readings daily. 343 'g Yamhill. j MRS SHAVER. SPIRITUAL READER, j 426 Burnslde St.. corner 10th. Jamestown Exposition LOW RATES securing subscribers to The Journal . .JHr. advance collections from people already taking the The student who engage In this work has a valuable business experience quite as essential as his studies at school. The fnTv.dual aglvlnjr the -utrlptlon get, full value for his money while at the same time helping the -Indent- And the newspaper enjoys a J""8""1 80 1 growth of circulation amona Co.'a Humbodlt July 32. Ana-. 1. 13. 23 Oltv of Seattle July 30. Aar. 3. IS. 30 Cottage City, via Sitka July 38, Aug. 13, 29 BAN FBAHCIBCO ROUTE. Balling 9 a. m. Trom Seattle. President Jnl Santa Boss JtUr 39 ; class of people. Sonom July 28 ( BTrBScraIBEKS WTXI. DICTDB. City Lfflce, 949 Washington St. i ov,.rrtbers to The Journal will de- . rife "who ! shall be the beneficiaries In this conicnv. . Tiurnal will u tsc n i w - - ' . a comeniaui. of time for in ad Colombia River Through Line Stcani-rs of the "OPEN RIVER' line leave OAK STREET DoCK every Mon day. VVdiiesily v nnd Frldav at FIVE O'CLOCK A. M for all points between Portland. Th- D.ill'-s and I'matllla. Leave rarlv an 1 sc.. .ill the river. Ar rive early. Telephone Main :(-'!. Home A ;1527. CARMENCITA SPIRITUAL CARD reader, palmist ami trance medium, i 31 N. 3d st. I AUGUST 8. 9, 10; SEPTEMBER 13. 13. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP, 416-16-17 DE kum bldg., 3d and Washington sta Phone Main S4. Examination free. MADAM WALTMAN. CLAIRVOYANT. medium and healer. 147 11th st. Phone Pacific 1851. THE BENSON BLDG., 291 Morrison St., corner Fifth. PHONE MAIN 7246. Always Consult the Beat. PROFESSOR KHIMO, Greatest living astral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; adviser on business and all affairs of life; tells your full name nnd what you called for, whom you will marry, how to control the one you love, even though miles away; re unites the separated: gives secret pow ers to control; does all others ad- rtlse to do. Hours 10 to dally and Sunday. 35V Washington st Phone Main lz67. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER AND TYPE wrlter. Main 1271. 814 Dekum bldg. FAYE HANDLE. 209 ALISKY BLDO. PAINTING AND PAPERING. P. A. DOANE GIVES BEST ESTIMATE for satisfactory work. 386 Yamhill. PLUMBERS FOX A CO. 8ANITARY PLUMBERS. , 231 Id. bet Main and Salmon. Oregon phone Main 2001. . DONNERBERG & RADEMACHER RE- STREET PAVING WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and crosi Ings. 214 Lumber Exchange. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVINO CO. of Portland. Office 665 Worcester blk. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER A KLEISER SIGNS. We have built up the largest sign business In the city by first-class work and keeping our promises. Our prices are right 6th and Everett sta. Phone Exchange 56. Chicago and return, J71.50. St. Louis and return, Ji7.50. St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Supe rior, Winnipeg and Port Arthur and re turn, $60. 3 TRAINS DAILY 3 For tickets, sleeping car reservations and additional Information, call on or address H. DICKSON, C. P. & T. A. 122 THXKD ST., PORTLAND, OB. Telephones: Main 6S0. Home A-2286. II. s and CGeeWo "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" POR T land Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Pacific 169. moved to No. 20.1 Rurnalde at PRINTING OGILBEE BROS.. PRINTERS CARDS. billheads, etc. Phone Main 18SS. 145H 1st st MODERN PRINTERY, PHONE PA clflc 166, R. 26, Russel bldg., 4th and Morrison sts. Mrs. Palmer The World Wonder Palmist and Psychologist. She reads your life wtth unerring sight.. 29 N. 3d St.. Portland. MAY ANDREWS. CARD READER, AT 25 Main at., zc. fnone Mam vt43. PAINTS, OIL AXP GLASS N8ULT THE BEST IT WILL PROVE CHEAPEST IN THE END. FREE TEST! r FREE TEST! Taae tnts advertisement to PROF. D. NIBLO. 20SH Washington st FENCE AND WIRE WORKS PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORKS-, 2d and Sverett sts. Phone Mala 2 00. F. E. BEACH ft CO.. THE PIONEER Paint Co. Window glaas and glaaing. 136 1st st Phone 1334. TRANSFER AND HAULING C. O. PICK OFFICE 88 1ST ST.. BE- j tween Stark and Oak sta; phone 698. i Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping; commodious brick ware house with separate iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. Henry Roe. W. A. Cleland. F. P. Sheascreen. General transfer and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed and ahlpped. J209 Onkst. Both phones. VAN Co HORN TRANSFER A STORAGE Inc. Furniture and piano movln RUBBER STAMPS P. C. 8TAMP WORKS. 24S ALDER 8T. Phone Main 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils: baggage, trade checaa; braaa signs and plates.., SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES OF EVERY DESCRIP - tlon; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Manufac turing Co.. Portland. R. H. BIRD8ALL. DESIGNER; AGT. Ml . Whiter Lumber Co. Hamilton bldg. ing a specialty: storage warehouse. 40-43 2d St.. coner Ash. Phone Maliy 1618. PENINSULAR EXPRESS & BAGGAGE Ho! For Astoria OO OS FastSteamerTelegraph Dally (except Thursdays). Leaves Aldei street dock I a. tn. Sundays 8 a. m. $1 round trip. PHONE MAIa C5. Transfer. 247 Alder st 2171. Phone Main OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 134 N. 6TH. Main 69. Heavy hauling and storage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE at. TRANS- fer Co. Storage. 324 Stark. Main 407. TYPEWRITERS BLICKENSDERFER TYPEWRITER Agency Supplies: repairs. Raleigh bldg.. 6th and Washington eta PUBLIC B TEN OG RAPHE R, Columbia River Scenery BXQUItATOB LXJTXS BTBIUKM. Dailj Mrrlc between Portland ud Th Dalles, eicept Bandar, leaving Portland at 7 a. so ., arriving about ft p. at., carrying freight and puaeacera. Splendid aceoniiDuda tkroa for oetflta and livestock. Does foot of Alder at.. Portland: foot of Court at.. Th Dalles. Phrnir Main U14. Portland. . ftio to votea for accor.. - - - -- . ald l...w ri-s Prompt service, slst in Wjiains thir " votes. mSn Tvotea will be allowed" on new sub-reaV1tftA.!11la0t ' lar '',. ;. subscribers the ,nlP5'....T ;7 th more votes for contestant" ... tbem. AWABSS MUST BB BAB5BB. Through the combination of awrds that these rich rewards are to be earned. 0t Tnra1nfltworr.nrbU esShaanbif: ?Utbyh ?h w.l refl-t"-reatt upon the wfnniCahndW1givr:nthm a standing in 5 A.f nnl v for It Men and woman io an ,ir, In active ar- attain u." .- varv so oy urr'"K".T..A k ,. which are discoveiru. u.v.UB... The Journal contest. TBXP TO ALASKA. nf every district, abou; . .,11 may name the person who August 15, may n who hBS inaieu "- ,,,,- , M. Tba Wall Knows Sella sle CHINESE Boot and Berk DOCTOR made a life atody ot roots and b'rba. In tbat atndr diaeovrrod ami u to the arorld bla wonderful rvmedlae. NO MtHCUHT, POI80M8 OK DRU08 TJgtD HE CUBES WITHOUT OFEAATIOW. OH WITHOUT THE AID 01 A KHITZ. Re gunrantet-a to rare Catarm. aathma. r.ons. Threat. CheumaHaB .Ntmrnmi. rvona rvhl'ltT. etomaeb. Liver. Kteiw Trooblcs: lo Umt Manhood. raale Weak nea and All Private Diseases. A SURE CANCER CURE 7nt Haeelved From Peking. China Safe, fun and Bailable. ir TOD ARB ArrtlCTED. DOffT DCLAI DELAT3 AEB DANGEROUS. If ron ranaor call, write for symptom blaol and clrcnlar. Inclose 4 cents In atampa. CONSULTATION FREE THE C. GEI WO CHUTESE MIilCU(E CO. lfiSH rtrat St., Cor. atorriaoa. Portland n.n. a-ieaae aiaauoa ".ia who fairs do faculties equal advantage with the contestant liv ing In the city of Portland. The young; people living In the country have this advantage over their city rivals: they enjoy a larger personal acquaintance, piAjr or srnTrnzBTTTzoa'. v The candidate who at the cloae of the contest has the largest number of votea, Irrespective of locality or dis trict, will have first choice of all schol arships. The second choice will fall to th conteatant of highest vote In the dls-" trlet which does not get the first choice. The third choice will fall to the con testant of highest vote In a district which does not get either the first or second choice. The fourth choice will fall to the contestant of highest vote) In the district which does not get the first, second or third choice. The- re malninif scholarships will be given out to contestants according to their stand ing, alternating between the districts. The cash prizea will be given out slmil&rly. -the conteatant, however. " nn ix Kimuriaip wnicn Ul" cludea board will not be given a cash prize, in addition to tha board. He ev 1 she. however, will keep the cash com missions earned during the contest (or' ' new subscribers. BATES ABU CBJKDXTS. Prepaid subscriptions, only, count fbr votes in the Oregon Journal contest, many more points being allowed for new subscriptions than fnr nMn,Ma on old subscriptions. In order to pro cure votes on an old subscription.. th advance payment shall be made for not 1 less than three months. Votes are si lowed on new subscriptions, for advance payments for one month or more, an the voting values being as outline of follows: nom supported ' dlscreu HrMV a The irn tn travelers Tne ouuiis " ;;.7i AT him. according to his own inn to go on a trip to Alaska, en a? tho expense of The Journal. Alaska trip Is one of the finest ii m ill.-. steamers are pniniiui yamo url ih the Hnest scenery on the con ..hrnrnf America. The party- under the llneni . of The Journal will be fiven an au8Pr onitv to sec the best of very- nnnortuntiy " mi t- I 1., j The expe in Transportation 1" .ealH on stear return ..1 hv the leading contestants. Vl Verv often ome kindly dlspoa er) oil" interest In th stateroom on steara- mcr, from 1'ortiana to for all guests ln- posed er- i-Scofl's Santal-Pepsin Capsules rSH'sHsw i .-3aw a e.... I?., contestants opportunity to reward h rudiiiwc. nunc. HOatTH rAClTIO EXEAJtSHXP CO.'E Steamships ROANOKE and GEO. W. ELDER Sell fo '"jreka. Bun Francisco and Loa Argel- . direct every Thursday at gp. m. ncket ofUce 112 Third, near Alder. Pbcnes ii. lilt. H. 10 UNO, Agent. old For Inflammation orOntaxrhaf the Blsedor and Piaseawi Kld ttTt. HO OTftI SO SAT. Cores quickly and Mrmsaentiy the worst eaaaa of SJaierrfc m and elfcpee, ao aiattor of bow long standing, iiioiimr harmless. Sold by drnggtata. Price Si te, er by Ball. pos- pate, Bi.eo, eaaaa, ka.a. TKESmJU,POTCa BcHrsWstae, Oka. by AH Sratgista. z s'uch sealous friends. AKB OHABCB TOM AU. For t!ie purpose of awarding the sctiolarships and cash priaes, the field nf The Journal has been divided Into four districts as follows: . Multnomah county, Oregon. Willamette valley (aa far south as EU8uthern Oregon (all South of Eu gene). v .:' - '" '-. Kastern Oregon. t Very liberal measure tf votes Is al lowed for aubecrlptlons to the aeml weekly edttmn of Th Journal to favor contestants working In diatricta where the population la ecattered. The voting schedule la so keyed and the, field la so divided, that a contestant living 1n the country r oa a rural route liaa an DAttT AaTO BTBDAT BOZTZOBr. Trth: Jpilc oy maii 88 prtce. delivered by carrier, at points having a carrier service. 5 cents; votes allowed. If new, 5 votea; if old, none. ' To montha: Price by mall or deliv ered. J1.30; votes allowed, it now 125 votes; if old none. Three months" Price by mall. IL90; delivered ILsIl votes allowed, if new, 300; if old. 176, Ihe same number of votea are al lowed whether the nnn.r in.. subscriber by mail or by carrier. - -ered. $3.80; votes allowed, if new. anoi If mail. 13.25; by carrier, $3.26: votes aA lowed, if new. 500: It old . S9K. o.- months: By mail. J3.75; br carrier 13.90; and so on. wrier Twelve montha: By malt T;60j b carrier, IT.80; votes ailoweA If new 2,000; if old. 1.000. VAXX.Y BSITXOBT wTTXOTJTf MmniAt One month: Price by maJL 60 cents delivered, 46 cents; vcea allowed lr new. 49; if old" none. TwJnmFftl by mail, $1; delivered, 90 cent' votea alowed, 1 new. 10; g Old, noal Thi ii'36Jrotw UoweaV If aew, Joo; if old! 80. VOtaa ana ra rrl.a a. oa. . . . 7 - -.''Yf "' vvwa tuosuL If new 5 Vtm?w ' "I? Br mail, ii , li'-J'1 ",u nix montha .r . -; oy earner. I3.: t allowed. If new. 40Q: If old. 20A: MA AM ' '. p, Twelve months: By man. fS; by mn rter. $8,10; votes allowed. U new. UMl it aa, 100. tTBVAY JOTJBBAI. OBXT. Twelve months: Price by snail er hf carrier $1.80; votes allowed, if a new aubaorlber, 400; if an eld subaerlber, 160. Six months: By mall or by ear lier, $1.16; votes allowed. If new, 17. ; If old. 76. - Three months: By mall ii by carrier. 6 cents; votes s'!oi-i, ji new, (9; if old, ata. SBac-wrxn.Tr-- Thls edition ot 'Th J to subscribers by . .' - It months, $1 b; . v 600; if old. ty. ?S cents; vote mm