The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 25, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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Tomorrow! 913th Surprise Stls
00 NewWash Suite teiili
Tomorrow's 9 1 3thv Surprise SaU
'Lace GorMiiis
Great Values Up to $8.00 for 98c Each
Values Up to $ 3.50
Reg. $3.50 Valtiies
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Only 79c Ea.
A marvelous Surprise Sale offering of womcn'i
fine Neckwear tomorrow; hand-embroidered
stocks, with or without taba; exquisite washable
stocks, elegant Chemisette 'Seta- in both" Batten-
berg laces and fine tucked lawn and lace novel
ties, velret, silk and lingerie Suspenders, etc., etc.;
Neckwear in the. lot up to $3.50 each;
your choice tomorrow only, at each...'aFC
At 39c Yard
For tomorrow's 913th Friday Surprise Sale, a
great clean-up of Dress , Trimmings, black and
white embroidered Chiffons, Irish Crochets, light
colored Appliques; pinks, blues, greens, etc.; jet
and spangled trimmings, passementeries and Per
sian edgea. All good, desirable merchandise;
rallies ranging from 75c to $4 the yard; 1Q
your choice, tomorrow only, at, yard..? 7 V
A sensational Friday Surprise Sale of 2,000 women's Wash
Suits and Dresses is announced for tomorrow's telling. By
far the greatest bargains you have had an opportunity, to
share in this season. The entire stock of the largest and
best manufacturer in the land to be sold at a price that
comes far from covering the cost of material alone. The
assortment is immense the value wonderful. Included are
Wash Dresses and Suits in Indian head linen, lawns, per
cales, batiste and duck in tan, navy blue with figures and
polka dots, black, white with polka dots, plain .white
trimmed in shadow embroidery and bands of embroidery
or broad pleats and fine tucks. Pretty cadet blue suits
with pleated waists and piped in white linen. Attractive
college blouse dresses in plain colors and collar and cuffs
of contrasting shades. Indian head linen suits in tailored
effects with Gibson pleated waists. Skirts are made in
kilt and full pleated styles. Over 2,000 gar-
ments to select from. Skirts alone are worth
double the price you are asked to pay for the
entire suit All sisey values up to $8.00 for.
No mail or phone orders filled, none laid aside. Store
opens promptly at 8:00 o'clock. Extra salespeople to
serve you. Come early if you want the best bargains.
Reduced to $1.95 Pr
' In the Curtain Department, for tomorrow's 913th
Friday Surprise Sale, a great special offering of
Cabje Net Lace Curtaine, white and ivory, made
on the heaviest quality square-mesh nets, in
V.M'V iv.i.iiw ysttll lis, CU(C aim IU3CI L-
I ings; also white Madras, and Nottingham weaves;
laigc TBiicij, an ue i uitiica wiue ana ov yaras
long.- Regular $3.50 values, on sale 4 1 Qt I
at this remarkably low jince, pair. . V -'V
See Fifth street Window Display.
Wash Goods
Valacs Up to 35c Yard
Only 10c Yard
In the Wash Goods Section, for tomorrow's 913th
Friday Surprise Sale, a great clean-up of summer
materials at a ridiculously low price the yard.
Included will be found cotton Suitinirs. Voiles
and Silk Mulls, in light and dark colorings; very
large assortment of styles and colorings; values
up to 35c the yard, on sale tomorrow 1 A.
only. Plan to be here early. At, yard..! vC
Great Sale Summer Robes
Values to $18 Now. $3.98
The season's final clean-up of women's
fine Summer Robes-For tomorrow's
918th Friday Surprise Sale, the Main
Floor Robe Department offers new white
lawn Robes with flounces of embroidery
and lace inserting, also hand-embroidered
linen Robes, solid white and white with
colors; all new pretty styles, selling reg
ularly at prices up to
$18.00 Take your (j! i OA
pick Friday at.
On Sale in Lace Department.
SI. 50 Waist Fronts
Tomorrow, a special lot of embroidered
Waist Fronts Designs in- eyelet and
French embroidery-in very pretty styles.
values up to $1.80 each on
ale tomorrow only at this J,
wonderfully low price, each.
500 Women's Tailored Suits
Our Regular $14 to $48 Values
Reduced to V2 Price
Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store of
fers for tomorrow's 913th Friday Surprise
Sale, a sale extraordinary of women's Tai
lored Suits at" half regular prices 500 gar
ments to select from, this season's most at
tractive .styles and materials in medium and
heavy weights Suits that are desirable for
immediate and early fall wear Plaids,
checks, stripes, and mixtures in cheviots,
broadcloths, serges, worsteds and tweeds,
tight fitting, semi-fitting, pony coats and
vest effects, also three-quarter length coats.
Skirts pleated and plain
gored, all the best colorings WJT m 1 aC
and combinations, all sizes, IJf U J
great values ranging from :
$14 to $48 each. Your choice a m
tomorrow only at this low tlf
price per garment
See Fifth street window display.
2000 Pairs New Kid Gloves
Perrin's Real French Kid The
Regular $3.50 Vals. $2.39 Pr.
Another great Friday Sorprise Sale of Per
rin's famous real French Kid Gloves tomor
row. Gloves of style and quality at a saving
every economical woman will appreciate.
Gloves that fit the hand; gloves that give
satisfactory service; gloves that we guar
antee in every particular. The stock is Per
rin's extra quality real French kid, 12 button
elbow length mousquetaire style. Three
pearl Cleopatra buttons at the wrist; all
sixes ; colors are black, brown, tan and gray.
Gloves that find ready sale every day in
the year at $3.50 apair.
Supply your needs torn or- T fjL
row at the special low price
See Fifth street window display.
Mail and phone orders promptly and carefully attended to. Order at once.
Boys' and Young Men's Suits at 12 Price
Boys', and young men's Summer Apparel at one half regular .prices tomorrow.
Included in the various lots are boys' all-wool Suits, single or double-breasted
styles, ages 4 to 16 years; Knickerbocker Trousers; all the best I L Di!rA
patterns and materials; values from $3.50 to $12.00, on sale at.. 2 a I Ivv
Young men's single or doable-breasted Suits, ages 13 to 20 years; all this season's
best styles and materials; values from $7.50 to $25; all at y REGULAR PRICE.
White Mountain Refrigerators Reduced
High-grade "White Mountain" Refrigerators at lowr prices tomorrow; all this
season's very best models; four sizes, made of heavy solid oak, highly polished,
air-tight, thoroughly insulated walls, economical ice consumers; latest improve
ments, adjustable shelves, removable ice compartment, enamel-lined or stone
lined. The greatest Refrigerator values ever offered. at these prices. 'Basement:
$20 Refrigrators, special, ea., f 15.94. $26 Refrigerators, special, ea., f 21.42
$32 Refrigerators on sale at this special low price take, advantage. )24.79
Men's 73c Underwear 39c$l Shirts 39c
Two great Friday Surprise Sale Bargains in the Men's Furnishing Goods Dept.
1,000 garments of men's fine lisle-thread and Balbriggan Underwear pinks, blues.
and ecrus, the run of the mill : some garments of slight imperfections; "JQ J
all sizes in shirts and drawers; 75c values, at, the garment .v7Cjf
c :-I li It ! cu:.. ltV- r r. . . ... V. . r
oycvm iui vi mcui'Hncj.uuii oniru, wnuc uxioras, maaras ciotns ana jap
crepes; light and dark colorings; fancy patterns, in large assortment; all.lQ
sizes; regular $l.t)0 values, on sale tomorrow only at this low price, each.. Jr C
$3.35 Nightgowns $ 1 . 1 7
Great Surprise Sale of women's ' fine Night
gowns tomorrow. All new, fresh merchandise
of very pretty style and quality. Nainsooks and
aunbrics trimmed in dainty embroidery and Val.
laces, beading,' ribbons clusters of .tucks and
insertion, made with low, round neck and short
sleeves Full width and wide hems Gowns
selling regularly at $2.00
and $2.25 each. Your choice
tomorrow only at, each.
See Fifth street window display. No mail
or pnone orders filled. Come early.
3000 Women's $2.50
Waists Only 95c Ea.
.. -1 - -, ' :
; Another remarkable Friday Surprise Sale of
' women's Waists tomorrow-2,000 of them, in lawns,
-madras, stripes and cross-bar batiste, plain white
colors and polka-dots ; made plain, Marie Antoinette'
i fancy yokes, trimmed . ia lace and embroidery or
solid fronts of embroidery and tucks; white pink
'-.light blue; tan; gray; button front pr back; long or
mnon biccyc, sues. jjcv regular values
tip to $2.50,-cwjt sale st, this very low price.. "OC
Men's Great Suit Sale
Best $10 to $35 Vals.
Reduced to Half Price
Men's high-grade ready-to-wear apparel at one
half regular- price for tomorrow's' 913th Friday
Surprise Sale. This season's handsomest styles.
and materials from such well known makers as
L. AdlcT Bros. & Co., Stein Bloch Co.. Hart,
Schaffner & Marx and others Three-piece Sum
mer Suits and two-piece Outing SuitsEvery
garment in the store being included. Two and
three-button Sack Coats and double-breasted
Sack Coats Regular and stout sizes, fancy wor
steds, fancy Tweeds, fancy Cheviots and cassi
meres. Every garment well made .and perfect
fitting suits, superior to custom-made apparel, all
sizes, large assortment. Take your pick tomor
row at one-half the regular yy m
prices Men's Clothing de- jjj PflGG
ment 2d floor Economi-
cal men will take advantage of this offering,
, I
aT I
Moment Summer Underwear
In Threo Lots, 50c Values 1 .9c
Three ' great special lots of women's Summer
Underwear to be sold tomorrow, at a very in
teresting, 'price Splendid values in the best
styles-1,000 Ribbed Vests in plain or fancy
yokes, Val. lace, trimmed, low neck and sleeve
less Knitted Corset Covers in the very best
styles, and -ribbed pants, knee length, . lace
trimmed, all sises and exceptionally large as
sortment to choose from. All sizes
values up to 50c a garment. Buy fl
all you want at tomorrow's. Friday" B
Surprise Sale at this low price -
No mail or phone orders filled. Look to your
. needs Come early and, supply them.
Willamette Sewing Machines for $22.85,
For-tomorrow's 13th Friday Surprise Sale, a special lot of 100 of our famous
Willamette Sewing Machines, to be sold at a very low price; automatic lift, ball
bearing, best head, full, get of attachments, handsome finish; fully Q it
guaranteed for 10 years; a $50 Sewing Machine at this . price , V34"CK?
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