THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVBNTNtt, ': JULY Z5. Wrf. Hop Growers Contract 1007 Crop at 12 Cents a Poiind Fruit Plentiful in the Market, but Demand Is Also Excellent. W. M. Killingsworth at Labor. You 1 M J if I Gain in la. 6s and 10a. 14.S0Ot.E0: Ltvernnnl lump rock, f 20.60 per ton: SO-lb rook. mm f. lll.uu; luvs, eiu.ov. (Above prices apply to Bales of le Style, than car lota. Car lota at aDaclal nrlces I ra I t 1 " ' a." a.1 suDjeci vo nuciuaiions. i j - - . - ....I . HOW PLE B1HL S kilb imperial japan, J-Jo, l, 6o; No. ST You lc; Mew Orleans, bead, 7c; Creole. t, Small whits. $1.10; large Mlnb (ft AS IA 17 TODAY'S MARKETS GOOD TOMATOES STOCKS HOT MAKES GREAT GAINS SHOW RU . t" 7. l ( JLaT-9a. -SJ V IT I WT1 X saTI . I Man I f atw I f. K 1 NUTa PftnutM Jnmhn AUa nur lb! I vi farm in 7iin ix . i Aa nr Oregon Tomatoes Come in J irwtafcMrc pffc Slight Rally Perceptible in pine nuts, nvieo per 16; Hickory nuts, o per id; israzu nuts, lse per in; ru Large Shipments From Columbia River Points. berts. Ho per lb; fancy pecans. H02Oo per lb; almonds, l921c. Latest market features: Oranges atlffer. Lemons In demand. Chinook loaea cent Poultry still dull. Eggs cheaper. Butter unchanged. Hmall hogs firm. Veal scarce. Keats, risk and rrOTlsiona. FRESH MEATS Front street Hogs. ri mAm ik. 1 7ftBM n lb; veal, extra, SHPc per lb; ordinary. iso per io; poor, wo per id; muuon, xancy. serve per jd HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland park, (local) htmi 10 to 11 Iba. lsUc per lb: 14 to II lbs. lc per lb: 18 io 10 lbs. lc; breakfast bacon Mining Stocks on San Francisco Exchange. San Francisco. July II There was a perceptible strong tone In Nevada, min ing stocks. It was an Improvement over yesterday, when the bidders seemed un certain. There la no uneasy feeling nn lAMnnl rt VMM t mrAtk It' break Th. 18tfio per I broker who dumped yesterday had been Half a Crop Reported From Kansas Harvest Fields Has Effect on Market picnics. 12c per lb: cottage roll. I burin all waek and was forced to un- c per io; regular snort ciears, un- joa(j 0 nnftnce a loan. There was but It was without IIUa ner lh' r.m)ar abort clears. UP ill vina nr Triiin exceot oananaa tra imnkui ii nr ih- innVa I2n nar lor - ......!- niantliui ana rrom . v1"" l ciear docks, unsmoxea. izc; emoBca, jc i foundation muisi ui - -r pir m union uuui, iv tu i 1 nnr nintrT ng nriTnTn1 .nt. .( iworhti oranges, lemons. tl.kJ ik- ...kirf In nar lb: I GOLD FIELDS DHJTKIt-T. few apples and pears and all kinds of cle.r bellies, unsmoked. 11 He per lb; I Standstortn 43c, Red Top $4.10, Mo berries are arriving fast. Loganberries I smoked llc per lb; shoulders. 13chawk 17HcA. Columbia Mt (60, Jumbo are hanging on as never Deioreuinuuaa 1 0; pickled tongues. 60c each. l4 Zt, jumbo Ext. 11.86. vernal hcb, few of good grade are coming in. mere local LARD kettle leaf. 10c. 11c Pennsylvania JcA. Ooldflsld M. Co. 11. it axe some wild blackberries while the I-., lD. j. nuc per lb; 50-lb tins, 12c Kendall SlcB. Booth 46c, Blue Bull lie, season for cultivated blackberries la just I pr i0; gleam rendered, 10a, lle per Adams lie, Silver Pick 2c. May Queen Deginning. in w u,, . lo. ei 11H0 per Jb; oompouno, ius, iwo rasposrrisa. 1 per lb, KJ-rlv 1 AAA hOTaii of tOmatOeB Were I mau 1. r- ik. n, ed today and the gooo lomaioes . b. h.iiKii, Uo per lb: striped iv mm. ii nor ii: rat nan iqc oer id: sal mon, fresh Columbia chlnook. 11c per lb; Steelheada. lOo per lb; herrings, 6c receive are begin ning coma from The Dalles but a few iro aKw OAltimhla. river ftolnts. Valanrle. nrajiaea are atlffer. the Cal IfornU prices having been advanced II cents. Lemons are also In demand. A carload of cantaloupes from Sher lock near Fresno arrivea mis morning. lc, Nev. Boy So, B. B. Ext la. Blue Bell 17c. Dixie 6c a. Columbia, 46cB. Hlbernla (c, ft Ives (lc. Conqueror 13cb. Bik. Rock 40. Lone Star 20c. O. Wonder 2cB. Potlach 4cA. Oro lie. Ken dall Ext 4cA, Bandst Ext 4c, Mayne 7c Atlanta Sc. Great Bend 76c, Slmerone lib; perch, (c per lb; black cod, 7c per lb: tomcod. 7o per lb: lobsters, llo per lib; fresh mackerel. Ic per lb; crawfish. The Brawley aupply has been xhausted. bMg ,0o pT lD? ,Uv,r .melt. 7c per from 11,10 to 14.10 a crate. OY8TERi-hnalwater bav. ner aal- per lb; soles, 6c per lb; shrimps, 10c per 20e, Empire lc. Red Top Ext 21c, Flor ence otic, uiam r h. a. con. 40, o. Lmisy 21c. Laguna 11. 60. commonwealth 2Bc Comb. Fract. 12.40. Or. Bend Ext 14c, Or. Bend Anx. lOcB, Mlllatorm 40c A. a. a. lionansa 7c Kewanos 75cA. Esmer alda lOcB, Portland 20cB, Cracker Jack im, 12.60; per 100-lb sack, 14.50; Olym- Tlsrer 18c Grandma 14a. 8. Pick Ext. le. There was Fi.2."i .9"". v,.Jl''. Zffx Rose c, Col. Mt Ext lc, Ooldt Cons. a lirga wnoGnt of California Graven- -0UW "; cannea. IUc can, ...v M 60. Dlam'f. Triangle JOc a train laaA ttt hauianaa has been de- I . . . ..,.... ;'.hnM. In that rruU I ,m. ' as also in apples ana pears. e lej-a-e amount of Callfort steins on the steamship Columbia that the merchants were depending upon to annnlv the entile market These were lost and the only apples now in the market are Oregon early apples. There la a large aupply of cucum bers In and thay are very cheap. On merchant sold ergs yesterday at 11 cents, which would tend to show that et-ca were not advancing. Poul try Is not much bettor. Both In re- 18c. Francis Mohawk I1.10B. Red Hill 66c, Mohawk Ext lc, Lou Dillon Ic, T CLAMS Hardshell, pi raaor dams, 2.00 per box; lOo per do. per box, 12.40; Ofihlr 11.10. Mexican 7c Gould A Curry 16c, Con. Virginia 4 So, Savage 64o, uaie iMorcross too, lenow jacket ioo, Belcher 68c, Sierra Nev. 40c, Exchequer sc, union sio. BULLFROG DISTRICT. Original 7c Bullf. M. C. ISa. Mont. Bullf. 6c. Nat Bank 22c L. Harrle 2o, Amethyst 2to, Gold Bar 22c Steinway 6c. Denver Buf. Anx. 8c Bonnie Clare llo per 60c Mayfl. Cona. 18c Monty. Ohio Ext. o. G. Scepter 7c Monty. Mt. 11c, B. Daisy 10c Homestake Cons. 7 Ha, Yan kee Girl to. Nugget 4c Tramp Cons. 44c Victor 8cB. North Star 6c. TONOPAH DISTRICT. Ton. Nev. lie. Mont Ton. 14.80. Ton. Ext. 11.60, MacNamara 2 So, MM way 11.60, Ton. Belmont 40cB, Ton. No. Star 20c, Ohio Ton. 2c Reacue 16o. Ton. A Pallf 7rA CinAmn A nnhnr 17t Tim T4i, AT STOCKYARDS LoahS2Z CA. IOcA, Mont. Mid. Ext 4o. Golden Crown 8c. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manh. Cons. 46c Manh. M. Co. Palata, Goal OIL Ste. ROPE Pure Manila, II e; standard, lo; sisal, llo. - COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases, It Ho per gal; water white. Iron bbls, 14o per gal; wooden, 17o per gal; head light, 170 iff., cases. 21 Ho per gal. GASOLINE 16 deg., cases. 24 He per celpt ara about equal to th demand aa g. ,ron bhln lgc tha commission men have notified ship pera to hold until later. Hogs and veal ara still scarce. Smalt , ho re ara firm. Chinook salmon has dropped to 11 cants. There la aa advance today In rye flour of cents a barrel and In bales 21 cants. Oxaia, moor and Teed. i .GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, c largo : lots: small lota. IU& - WHEAT Club, 14 9 16c: red Russian, tie: blueetem. 87 88c; ralley, 840H6c CORN Whole, $28.00; cracked, $21.00 " per ton. - ... BARLKT New FodT--42L00O 21.00 per ton; rolled, $23.00024.00; brewing, $22.0021.00. BTE $1.66 per cwt OATS New -Producers' prioe Na. 1 . t,.. lit nil nr Inn' ar-av 127 OA , FLOUR Eastern Oregon patents, .' $4.80; straights, $4.26; export, $4.00; I valley, $4.100 4.40; graham, Ha. $1.75: whole wheat $4 00; rye, SOs, $1.60; bales. is on. MTT.IJTTTFF Bran. 117.00 oer ton:lr middlings. $26.00; shorts, country, $10; hyeeli : ago' ! '. ciy, i.vv; cnop ii.vvvi"-- I Tear ago BENZINE 68 deg.. cases, gal; iron bbls. (lc per gaL TURPENTINE In cases. 16c per gal; wooden bbls, 88c per gal. WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7c per lb; 600-lb lots, 8c per lb; less lota, 8Ho per lb. WIRE NAILS Present basis at 11.18. USUAL RECEIPTS Chicago, July SI. All wheat made great gains today. The Opening was strong, and the bullish tendency pre vailed throughout tha day. There was an excellent demand for cash wheat. Looks like mills had decided there will be light movement and were buying wheat They have been holding off for three weeks, anticipating larger offer ings. Farmers ara holding their wheat for better prices. From Kansas cornea the report thaf receipts are only hair those or last year, and farmers offerings are very light Report also states that Kansas wheat showed up poorly when they got machines into it. Lota of fields In western Kansas only cut September December May WHEAT. July II. 8B :::::::::::.! July 14. 2H 6H loos Sept. Dec May Open. Sept. Dec. May. !:: r.. .101 vl 18T4 Sept. , Dec . May.. 18 It 41 Sept. .Ills' Sept. Oot. . Jan.. Sept. Oct. . Jan. . Ill 10 881 87$ WHEAT. High. Low. Close. efH 2H 'B 97 9.6 4k l ioih ioi 101 OATS. 8H l ! 60H tOH K0 6t 61H IIH OATS. I9H 11 It iu ih tH 41 41 41 PORK. 1666 1641 16I6B LARD. I0 121 110 117 130 6B 870 RIBS. 886 877 881 877 870 872B 867 Save in Cost, and NOW, Some More! The fact that Columbia tailoring; quality ii a long way ahead of the average is one inducement; that it costs you a quarter to a third less than tailoring in other equally high-class establish ments, is another induce ment; and now, when I offer you an extra pair of trous ers, absolutely free with every suit costing $22.50 or more, it seems to me it's a combination that ought to interest most any reasonable man who enjoys handsome garments and who spends his money sensibly. You'd better investigate tomorrow. Grant Phegley, Manager. XORTn POWDER AS A BERRY SECTION Ten Horse Are Received Among Other tock at the Portland Union Stockyards. 6c G. Wedge 6c, Seyler Hump. 6c, Dexter lie, L. Joe 2c, Crescent 6nB, Combine tlon lc Granny 23c, Mustang 2 Jo, Llttl Grey 20c, Cowboy 4c Orlg. Manh. 10c Brotmhn 7c. Jumn Jek 7cR Plnannt Portland Union Stockyards July 26. 7c, Buffalo lc, B. Dog 17cB, T. Horse Keceipts at tns stock yards were as 4C, Indian' Camp 8cB. follows: Hogs. " io .. 30 43 Cattle. Sheep. 260 247 100 676 240 617 HAY Producers' nrtce Timothy. Tr.vinn. v.!.'- . i . . . ... . 1 , II A, . I . . J WHiuinu vlly, lauujr, in,virii.i;, ordinary, $11.00914.00; eastern Oregon, $18; mixed. $10010.00: clover, $7.60; gran. $8010; cheat $160010.60. " Sattar, Zrta and Poultry. BUTTER FAT F. o. b. Portland Sweet cream. 28e; Bour, 26Hc. BUTTER City creamery. 17010o; seconds. 26 He; outside fancy, 26c; sec onds, 22e; store, Oregon, 18019c EGOS Extra fancy, candled, 210 21 Ho; rood candled, 22022Hc. CIKESE New Full cream, flats, lS016cpr lb; Young Americas, 160 II He per lb. . , POITLTRY Mixed chickens. 12c: fanoy IIL' & rtti LiTe.tock Receipt. Main QUCK8, IfC id; spring geeee. HHOu per lb; turkeys, npiae id Fairly good receipts are noted at the lortland Union stock yards, frlces re main unchanged. Ten horses were re ceived this morning. Official livestock prices: stockers and feeders, $6.0006.26; China rats, is.zfiws.DO. Cattle Best eastern Oregon steers. $3.7$; best cows and heifers, $2.7603.00; Duns, tz.uo. Sheep Wethers. $4.0004.26; lambs, $4.7606.00. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK VARIOUS DISTRICTS. Falrv. Silver King 20cA. Falrv. Eagl 4 5c A. Nevada Hills 2Wc. No. Star Wonder 6c. Eagle's Nest 18c Ruby i wonaer -oc. Alice or wonaer dca, futs- burg Silver Peak $1.40. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET ,,71 V A UJ A u , awowa fryra, 14016e lb; broiler ' o9 ducks, 13c lb; spring ( ' a-eesa, old, 8 10c per lb; 12Hlio cer lb: turkey . for old; aquaba, $2.60 per dosen; pigeons, . 11.26 per dosen. uressea poultry, iv 'lfee, per lb. higher. Sops, Wool and Sides. ; HOPS 180$ crop Prime to choice, H7c; medium to prime, 6$o; con tracts, 1S07 crop, 10011c. WOOL 1907 clip Valfty. 10021c . eastern Oregon, 16 21c MOHAIR New 1907 29 2e. ' SHEEPSKINS Shearing, 16020c axh: short wool, 36040a; medium, wool, 60v76c each; long wool, 76c0$l.o6 each. TALLOW Prim, per lb, 3 04c; No. . 2 and grease, 202e. CHITTIM AJRK-6o per lb. rmlta aad agataUss. POTATOES $ 2 per sack; old, $1. ' ONIONS Jobbing price New Cali fornia red, $3 per sack; New Walla Walla, $16003.00 lb.: garlic, 8c per lb. APPLES New, $1.0001.76. FRESH FRUITS Oranges. $3.00 4.00; bananas, 6c lb.; lemons, $6.0007.60 ' per dox; limes. Mexican, .uv per iuu; pineapples, $3.2608.00 doxen; grape fruit $8.26; cherries, 6010c lb.; loganberries. Crawforda, (California). $1.50; Oregon Oregon cantaloupes. 13.6004.60: rasp-1 -berries, $1.26; plums, $1; watermelons, 2 02 c per Jlw VEGETABLES Turnips, new, 90e $1.00 sack; carrots, 76cll.0 per sack; beets, $1.60 per sack; parsnips, $1,000 ,11.25; cabbage, $2.00; tomatoes, Oregon, u $1.60; parsnips, 90c$1.00; wax beans, 6c; green, 6c per lb.; cauliflower, $1,26 0 1.60 doeen; peas, 6c; horseradish. 8c lb.; artichokes. 66c076c dozen; rhubarb, 3o b.; green onions, 26c per dozen; bell pep pers. lO012c per lb.; head lettuce, ( 1 doz.: cucumbers, hothouse. 200 40c dozen; outdoor, 76c a box; radishes, 15c dosen bunches; eggplant, $6.26 crate; green corn, 10c dozen; celery, $1.26 dozen. , Groceries, 2futs, XI to. StTGA'R Cube. $6.22; powdered. $6.07; berry, $5.87; dry, granulated, $6.87H: Star. $5.77: conf. A. $6.87: extra B, $5.37; golden C, $5.27; D yellow, $5.17; bet granulated. $5.77; harrelH, 0c; half barrels, 25c; boxes, 60c advance on sack basis. (Above prices ' are 30 days net cash quotations.) HONEY $8.60 per crate. COFFEE Packers hranitu 11K 8849 16.63. SALT Coarse Half ground, 100s. $12.60 per ton; 60s, $13.00; table, dairy. 60s, $17.60; 100S; $17.26; bales. $2.10; imported Liverpool. 60s, $20.00; 100s, $19.00: 224s, $li.0O; extra fine, barrels. Sheep. talned Sheep Gain Ten Cents, Chloago, July 25. Receipts at the' yaraa toaay were: Hogs. Chicago :.. ...21.000 Kansas City ..10,000 Omaha 2,000 Hogs opened steady. Receipts year ago were 24,000. Official prices: Mixed, $6.9006.35; heavy, $6.9506.25; rough. $6.6006.90; light. 86.0606.90. Cattle and aheep steady. Sheep 10c lower. Cattle. 6,600 7,000 8.000 Left over 1,900. Bayers Uncertain, but Good Dividend Rumors Boosted Stocks, New York. July 26. Much precaution noticeable in me marxec toaay. it l supposed that the big Interests were selling Union Paclflo and Southern Pa cific The bears hammered the list some and there was profit-taking In Southern Paclflo. Some were expecting 7 per cent, dividend, while others agreed that 6 per cent would be the limit Rumors In early part of the day said that the dividend would be 6 per cent. American stocks in London were firm with great strength. The market there also hung on the Southern -Pacific 11,000 dividend rate and the general opinion s.uuu 4,000 was that they would be large. Wuotations oy overDeck (jooKe com pany. DESCRIPTION. New York Cotton Market New York, July 25. At New Orleans the , market advanced In strength of forecast showers, but here it seems to be the general opinion that there !) no relief In sight for southern and western cotton belts, where almost un bearable hot weather has prevailed for ine past rew days. Quotations by Overbeck & Cooke company: Jan. Feb. Mar. July , Aug. Sept Oct. Nov. Dec. . Open. . 1196 High. Low. 1212 1190 Close 26. 24. 1208 1215 1202 1212 1210 1147 1148 1186 1208 1210 1162 1164 1188 1212 12f0 1140 1140 1176 1193 1206 1186 1203 1206 1213 1218 1222 1210 1161 1164 1189 1192 1198 1196 1199 1206 1209 1214 1205 1142 1142 1182 1186 1190 Liverpool Cotton Closes. Liverpool, July 26. Liverpool cotton closed from 2 lower to 1 higher. United States Government Bonds New York. July 26. Today's Quota tions on government bonUs is as fol- through Overbeck A Cooke lows Official company. Twos registered - 105 do coupons 106 Threes, registered 102 do coupon 103 Threes, small 101 Fours, new, registered 127 Fours, new, coupon 128 do coupon 108 Panama 104 District of Columbia 113 Philippines, fours 109 TARMERS EXPECT W. ' BIG HAY PRICES S (Special Dispatch to the Journal) 4 $ ( Salem, Or., July 26. The 4 4 farmers of this vicinity are hold- 4 4 . Ing out for high prices for their 4 hay, realizing that the hay crop 4, wtl ba Jightar than last year,r V and ara looking to $10 per ton' 4 as a price that will eventually b reached. .Grain' hay will easily., from present Indications, command" $10. .Mvoryinen are sweeping tha country, but farm ers are holding out to such an extent that local djaalars ara Portland Bank Statement. Clearances today $1,043,895.03 do year ago 806,768.97 Cain tAdav... $ 233.127.06 Balances today 224,644.61 do year ago iri.zvv.vo Liverpool Grain Closes ' Liverpool, July 36. Grain closes to day were: Wheat H up; corn,.? aown. Quotations were as follows: WHEAT. ' July 28. 7 2 d 7s 3d 7s 3d CORN. 4sl0d making no quotations, July September December September July 24. 7s d 7s 3d 7S 4d 4sl0d Carlou Received at Chicago. Chicago, July 26. Car lots were re ceived as follows: wneat 62 8 $0 Corn i6g 20 177 at ... 78 20 81 663 108 0 Argentine Shipments. Chicago. -Julv ' ss r-n tfw.' .hW Ami. Cop. Co. . Am. C. &.F., c. do Pfd Am. Cot Oil., c Am. Loc. c Am. Sugar, c. . Am. Smelt, c . do Pfd Anac. Mln. Co.. Am. Woolen, c. . Atchison, c do pfd , Bait, i Ohio. c... do pfd Bin. Rap. Tr. . , Can. Pac, c Cen. Leather, c. , do Dfd.' Chi. A G. W.. c C. M. & St. P. . Chi. & N-W., c. Chesa. & Ohio.. Col. So., c. . do 2d. pfd. . . . do 1st Pfd. . . Del a. A Hudson, Den. St R. O., 0. Erie, c do 2d. pfd do 1st. pfd. . . . Grt. North., pfL Illinois Cen. Louts A Nash... Manh. Ry Mex. Cen. Ry. . . M. K. A T Mo. Pacific N. Y. Central. . . N. Y., O. AW.... N. A W.. com. . . do preferred . North American Nor. Pac, com. . P. M. 8. Co Penn. Ry P. G., L. A C. Co. P. a. Car. com . , do preferred , Reading, com. . , do 2d pfd do 1 st pfd R. I. A S. Co., c. do preferred . Rock Inland, c. . . do preferred . S. L. & S. F., 2 p do 1st Dfd St. L. A S. W., o. do preferred . S. P., com do preferred . So. Ry., com. . . . do preferred . Tenn. C. A I Texas A Pacific. T., S. L. A W.. c. do - preferred . U. P., com do preferred -V. B. .Rubber, c. do nreferred . tl. 8. Steel Co., c. do p referred . Wabash, com. do orererred W. U. Telegraph Wis. cent., com. do preferred 1 43 101 32 60 122 118 106 68 'i 99 58 176 24 173 28 26 48 61 137H 146 114 8 9l" 67 176 23 135 160 9 80 1ZS 91 36 91 106 80 44 137 145 114 (Special Dlapetch to The Journal.) North Powder, Or., July It. Fine specimens of the Butterfly variety of strawberry, grown by J. H. Banning, near town, are exhibited here today. The flavor Is as much admired as the remarkable slse, for each berry aver ages over an ounoe per box. This Is not a good berry for ahipplng, but sells at once In the homo market Off the eighth of an uncultivated, unlrrlgated strawberry bed on hla dairy ranch, near town. J. H. O'Bryant has sold $85 worth of Hood Rivers and could dispose of the product of five arces as readily. Having had a fine coploua rainfall and no disastrous frost In May. berries were up to the average in quantity, size and flavor and the cold seemed not much to damage the symmetrical shape. Tha high prioe, $2.60 per box, has brought to the attention of farmers the eaae with which hundreds of dollars may be added to the yearly income from ground now Idle. ELKS' BUILDING Seventh & Stark LLX COUNTY HAD BIG CHERRY CROP (Special Dtapatsh to The Journal.) Brownsville, Or., July 2$. The cherry crop in Linn county this year has been uncommonly large, several rouna- or chards are this year bearing their first crop. The new Brownsville cannery has been receiving an Immense lot from all over tne county. One orchardlst near Lebanon has Just aisponea or nis crop ror uu, there be lng three acres, maklnz him a Drofit of $100 sn acre. The-cherry that brings the highest prices in the market is the Lambert and Royal Anne. wtth. tha Ox. heart a close third. Linn county In the near future will furnish enough cherries to supply all the eastern states. FEARS TO LOSE SIX THOUSAND Thomas Dillon Thinks C. F. Fisher Has 111 Designs on His Hoard. 80 19 17 91 91 '26" '26" 66 66 "in" '36 9 '49 147 148 83 88 36 86 98 99 36 36 100 100 80 89 30 Total sales for day. 809,700 shares. Eastern Wheat Closes. New Tork. July 25. September wheat closed here at 99c. At Winnipeg Sep tember wheat closed at 12 B; at Duluth leoia. "MAGDA" BEST EFFORT OF NANCE CNEIL All Portland la talking "Marda." the magnificent production which Miss Nance O'Neil Is presenting this week at the Marquam. It is the greatest performance Miss O'Neil has ever given of the wonderful drama In this city and it is also the part in which she is seen at her oesf To realize the marvelous genius of this famous actress it is necessary to see her In "Mae-da" end the attendance at the Marquam since Mon day night shows how much Interest Is being taken In the star and play. McKee Rankin, the veteran ectnr la anr.d-a- lng as the paralytic father, the part wnicn no nas mane nis own. There will be a matinee Saturday. Seats for the remaining Derformnnoea nr. now sailing at ins Dox-ornca. AMERICAN CRIMINALS SENTENCED IN LONDON (Journal Special Berries.) London. July 25. Churl ea flmlfh a today sentenced to life lmnrleonment and May Churchill, known aa "Chicea-n May," was sentenced to 16 years for an attempt to kill Eddie Onerln with a.n International police record. Guerln was snot in tne streets weeks ago in a quarrel over a woman. Ouern made a sensational escape from Devil's Island in 1906, astonishing the world. (Special Dlepateb to Tbe Journal.) Condon, Or., July 26. Thomas Dillon a wealthy rancher 10 miles from here, has gone to Portland to stop pay ment on a certificate of deposit for over $6,000 on the Ladd ft Tllton bank, which he was induced to Indorse over to Charles F. Fisher, whose card repre sents nun aa rinanciai agent, with of fice at 404 Marquam building, tele phone Paclflo 1772, realdenca 680 Tilla mook street telephone East 2666. Dillon says Fisner told him that dar ing the last election It was discovered that the signatures to some of these certificates were not genuine and he asked Dillon to let him look at it and then had him Indorse It He was to taico it to Portland and if it was good he was to return it bv registered mall. Dillon became suspicious after Fisher naa lert ana naa tne sheriff telephone the bank. Dillon Is an eccentric bachelor worth In the neighborhood of $100,000. He owns over 10,000 acres of good land ana a large Dana or sheep and Is or- aisaruy very snrewd. Fisher left town Tuesday, presura ably for The Dalles. Fisher offered the Fossil stare eon tractor a 80 horsepower automobile to carry eight passengers, for $800. He said the machine was now at The uanes. The deal did not go through. Fisher is not known here. At Mr. Fisher's office In the Mar, quam building it was "aid" he had gone to the interior on some land business and tnat ne used an auto car that would reasonaoiy te orrerea ror sale at $800, which was a fair price. He would not It was said, be likely to attempt any Irregular transaction with the rancher, as his business methods are correct and he hns extensive dealings with land owners. He has, a rating in Bradstreets" and has been doing business In Portland some years. At his residence it was said he was expected to return home Friday of this week. CONTRACTS FOR HOPS AT TWELVE CENTS Those Recorded Show This Ordinary Figure In Marlon Condition ' and Prospects of Crop. TEN THOUSAND ARE STARVING TO DEATH fJonraal R Dedal rr1oe.) Kingston, Jamaica, July 26. Ten thousand persons are starving in Elis abeth district aocordlng to an investiga tion conducted by General Oliver. The famine is growing, and tha local government Is blamed for failure' to take proper precautions. Persons with out clothing and food are obliged to pay STATE BANK AT GERVAIS FOUNDED Qervals. Or.. July 26. The Gervals State bank was organised here Tuesday evening by the election of Alois Tanzler president, Harrison Jones vice-president dependence, JIO.OOO pounds, 12c; March (Special Dlipatch to JTbe Journal.) Salem, Or., July 26. A number of hop contracts have been placed on file with County Recorder Drager and most of the hops in this vicinity have been contracted at 12 cents. The hop crop promises wen ana tne Dioom on the vines Is a sign that picking time is but five or six weeks distant. From the section In and about Woodburn and Gervais it Is reported that tha young yaras are acing spienaiaiy. dui inat in the older ones the crop will be lighter than a year ago. Among the hop contracts placed on record are the following: R. D. Allen, C. M. Reld and V. A. Buchanan, Sllverton, 10,000 pounds, 11 c; date of contract January 16, 1907. O. S. and Alice M. Pomeroy. Wood- burn, 16,000 pounds, 12c; February 25. S. Merten, St. Paul, 16,000 pounds, 12c; February 20. R. h,. McClellan, Gervals, 10,000 pounds, 12c; February 7. Rose V. and A. Hughes, St. Paul, 20,0000 pounds, 12c; February 11. J. A. Grlgsby, A. W. Docksteader and E. W. Prlchard, Salem, 20,000 pounds, 12o; February 2. Emma D. and Thomas Fennell, In n'n,RJTf -vO WJ THE Success! Nothing Like Success! Plenty of vacant front seats In the Band Wagon of Success. I know, for I ride there myself. I have for the past twenty years, seated most comfortably, many people, surrounding them with every luxury wealth could procure, Including, of course, tha greatest possible luxury, a beautiful home. All parsons taking my advice have been success ful, for I fully understand the business that I am In; same as a successful M. D. or any other successful business man. Tbe Real Estate Business Is a profession. The successful banker, editor, merchant, lawyer or-)doctor IiniAJra.-.Y Imagines that he oaa determine the value of a real estate Investment in sixty minutes by throwing his Inexpertenoed SAJITSXT eye upon It , I cars not how suc cessful he is in his business calling or profession, he Is a raXLXTU in determining the value of a real estate deal In so short a time. Years, no doubt, have been devoted to acaulrlng the skill and success of the business he Is now engaged in. Of course, in past years no one could miss drawing profits In Port land realty, but there never was a time when IDII should not have been used In drawing X-AJtOXS FaVOrlTS. It may be improper for a professional, like myself, to advertise his business, but for your sake. and to stir up tbe Jealousies of the numerous real estate dealers, caus ing them to use their XUtKIM more freely TOn BTSBT KxTOCX IS A BOOST to b plain, I am desirous of BOOSTTWO my business. hence have thrown modesty to the winds and do now proclaim I AJC TXB MAX you should call on should you desire to buy any part or fraction of the earth in the City of Portland, land located BBTWXEB TKB BIVBBM. I have for the past twenty years confined my enegrles to this more than favorably located district I do not gusss I know .--It. -a n-riA mm - U T ,-11- W- k. -. V. , - V. ,V.- n, I kl. fat lent; and as certain as tbe law of gravitation millions upon mll lons of dollars will be made by judicious Investment of coin In this matchless territory known as Portland's Tenth Ward. And forever re member this truth, that upon this perfect foundation between the rivers a successful battle will be rought, the building of the metropolis of the Pacific the OBBATBX rOXTlVajrS, the New York of the Pacific Any person doubting this statement can have the proof in thirty min utes, by appointment, at my office. I have now the best speculative bargain ever offered since the Mayflower landed. Acreage between the rivers at only 11,000 an acre. Each acre will Become a rortune. If you desire facts, and wish to Invest call: save time by bringing your cash or check book. Sixty-five acres sold; only five acres left Also please remember Walnut Park Is the finest rosldence district In Portland. Terms of -sale most liberal. Any U car going north will land you at Walnut Park office. Home altes are selling fast. Better call today or you will again be toe, late. W. M. KILLINGSWORTH Central Off las Tilling sworUi aad Wlllianu Avenues. Baburbaa Offloe 383 CThaxnber of Ooznmeroe. Ga-ocei and Buicher ready to serve yoti Build your home where conditions for housekeeping are easiest. Investigate Irvington Park before all improve ments are in and prices go up. IRVINGTON PARK The Addition .With Character. Is the most delightful home site in Portland. One of the soundest investments. Lots will be worth $200 or $300 more before long, because east side is growing rap idly property increasing in value each day. Alberta car to East Twenty-Seventh, go three blocks north to Kil lingsworth avenue. Agent on grounds all the timei F. B. Holbrook Co. 250 Stark St. PHONE MAIN 5396, PORTLAND, F. C. Schwank 30th and Killingsworth. directors are Alois Tanzler, Harrison Jones. Joseph F. Nat n man. will lam J. Clarke and Jacob Bingtnan. ' The bank Is capitalized at $10,000 and will prob ably open at an early date ror business. Bound Over to Grand Jury. J. W. Applegata. who was arrested several nlchta ago upon oomolalnt nf C. M. Oliver of 201 Cook avenue, on a charge of assault with, a dangerous weapon, was given a preliminary exam ination in police court this morning and bound over to the grand lurv In the sum of $250. Stev Coleman, b t Paul, 1 5.000 . a. n.1 n ' pounds. i came, rsuruarr u. Julius and Carlolna Prevoet, sit Paul 20,000 pounds, 12 cents; February 20 ' A. C. Keene, Mount Angel, 16,000 pounds, 12 cents; February 14. John C. Huglll, Qorvais, 20,000 pounds. 12 cents; February 4. M. L. Jones. Brooks, 20,000 pounds. 12 cents; January 28. John and I Hamilton and Jim Oum, Salem, 15,000 pounds, 10 cents; Decem ber $, 1906. ' O. W. Kutch. .Independence. 20,000 pounds 13 cents; .February 25. C, Banning, St Paul, 10,000 pounds, 12 cents; February 20. C. W. Pugh and Joanna Pugh, Salem, 6.000 Dounds. 10 cents; March 22. H. A. and J. A. Snyder and Ed Kava naugh, Gervals, 10,000 pounds, 12 cents. Nicholas Krebs, Gervals, 16,000 pounds, 10 cents; April 10. ine roiiowing contracts nave oeen filed by Paul R. O. Horst of New York: Charles D, Winkler and Oeorge L. Rose, Salem, 40,000 pounds, 12 cents; February 16. J. F. and Alice Graves, 40,000 pounds, 12 cents; March 1. - J. R. Cooper, Independence,. 35,000 pounds, 12 cents; March 7. George L. Rose, Salem, 100,000 pounds, 12 cents; February 6. Oliver Beers and Lope Sing, 40,000 pounds, 12 cants; February 6. William Mackay and M. W. Mix, In dependence, 26,000 pounds, 11 cents; March T. M. W. Mahony. Charley FoumaT end 1 Mose Foumal, Fairfield, 30,000 pounds. 12 cents; March 1. " Falk, Wormser ft Co. of Chicago have contracted for 20,000 pounds of the Massey ft Rugglea crop growing near Brooks. The contract price Is 11 cents and the date of the contract May 81. Another contract made on May 31 Is one by Which T. L. Rosa of nhemewa Fre? to"u t0 Elsas ft Prfiz of Cin cinnati 8;000 poind8 at 10 cents. ROOSEVELT, NOT TJ V RAIL RATH SQUABBLlJ (Journal Special Serviee.) Oyster Bay, July 16. Secretary Loeb denies the story that President Roose velt Is directing the movOtoents jf As sistant Attorney-Genera fllanford la the railroad rats squabba; -i ...... , i--', . :