The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 24, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Transposition of Numbers b: Ciuthorities Caused
Dr. G. I. Tufts to Make Mistake Vith Regard to Pre
cincts 40, 55, 56 and 57r-Some Are Already Dry.
Albina aaloonmen ara Joyful today
, but tha opposite stats of mind anvalopi
' Er. O. L. Tufta, who recently mada tha
1 dlaoovary that preclnots 0, 86, M and
IT were wet whan tha paopla had voted
; them dry at tha Juna election.
Deputy Dlatrlot Attorney Adams and
'Deputy City Auditor M. A.McEachern
; of tha Ilcenaa department found yeater
day afternoon that all preclncta In the
city whloh had voted dry In 1905 were
now dry and that a transposition 01 me
numbers by tha city authoritlea alnce
that time had cauaed Dr. Tufts-to err.
According to tha dlaoovery the pre
clncta cited by Dr. Turta naa not voteo
dry, eome had not even voted on the
local option question and aa a conse
quence all tha excitement and agitation
has come to naugnt.
JTo Beoord on Booka.
Folio win thedlecovery made by Dr.
Tufta eome time ago the matter waa
taken up with the county court by him
anda examination of the record re-
fTjd that while the election returna
1906 ahowed that Drecinota 40. 66.
t and 67 had voted dry and tha result
or me vote naa Deen transmitted ty tne
: city auditor to tne county clerk no
record had been made of the fact In the
county booka. It waa therefore the
', belief of Dr. Turt that owing to thla
fact the aaloona were running contrary
. to law.
County Judge Webster looked Into the
matter at the requeat of Dr. Tufta and
discovered that while the election re
j turna called for prohibition in the four
, preclncta there were certainly aaloona
now In operation (here. The court
therefore entered Its order of pro
f hlbltlon to cover the four dletrlcta "nuno
firo tunc" and the district attorney act
nr upon thla order prepared to put the
i aaloona out of business. Yesterday
morning orders were written and ready
for service by the district attorney'a
. office giving all the aaloonmen 10 days
, time in which to close up their business.
Deputy Adams made a last trip to the
city hall to check on thaw nrettlnrt ttntin.
darlee because of the fact reported that
wnmi u now precinct t naa at tne time
oi to lsve election extended Into the
present boundaries of precinct 68.
wnpn xna om precinct mapa were
orougnt out and an examination made It
waa discovered that precinct 40 In 1906
was the aame territory now incorpor
ated In preoinct 89. the preaent precinct
bi waa then precinct 60, precinct 6 now
waa then precinct 61, precinct 87 now
waa then preclno!. 62. An examination
of tha recorda showed that prohibition
waa now being enforced In all of tbea
districts. ,
Thla discovery took the' wind out of
the diatrlct attorney, tha county court
and all parties concerned. Deputy
Adama hastily recalled his notices pre-
Sared for service on the aaloonmen and
lie excitement waa at an end.
Jude Webster Muddled..
County Judge Webster aaya he has
hardly recovered from the mental twist
ing yet He had not remembered the
vote of 1906 when Dr. Tufta paid him
a visit and therefore followed' the rec
ord entirely. The overalaht of the
clerk'a office made thlnga very Indefinite
aa It left the record Incomplete. In?
order to remedy the laps in the record
and forgetful of the recent change In
the city s precinct numbera. Judge Web
ster entered his "nunc pro tunc order,
using the- numbers of the Drecinota
found on the ballots and applying them
to the new number in the city books.
Thla transferred the local option blanket
from Its two-year-old resting place in
Woodlawn to Albina, which diatrlct
Ished it not.
Saloonmen in Albina are happy. Much
excitement prevailed at the discovery
made by Dr. Tufta and In the turmoil
all parties forgot the change In the
districts. The ballots aeemed proof
enough and all parttea concerned pre
pared to bow to fate. Many aaloonmen
protested trial tne enrorcement or the
order within 10 daya meant virtual
confiscation of their property alnce
they had long leases and had made ex
tensive Improvements.
When to Assembled Demo
cratic Leaders He An
nounces Candidacy.
(Journal Special Service.)
Washington, D. C, July 24. Willis J.
Abbott, Bryan's Washington representa
tive, says he la not authorized to make
the statement but has every reason to
believe Bryan will be a candidate for
the presidency in 1908.
The word has reached here from the
west that Bryan will make a formal
announcement of hie candidacy at a
great dinner earl" In the fall at Lin
coln, Nebraska, his- home town. The
dinner Is to be attended by prominent
Democrats from all oyer the country.
mm goes to
What State Institutions of
Washington Lose Under
the New Law.
Mrs. Claude Marker Perishes by Fire
Duo to Hot Flat Iron and
Alcohol Bath.
(Journal Special Service.)
Pasadena, Cal., July 14. Mrs. Claude
Markey, aged 16, waa burned to death
in her bed last night. In a peculiar
manner. Mr a. Markey waa ill during
the day and lust before retiring took
. an alcohol bath. She went to bed and
placed a hot flatlron at her feet. In
. a few moments the bed waa ablaze.
Mra. Markey' entire body was burned
almost to a crlap.
Midland Acre Tracts.
An acre for the price of a lot.
Knapp & Mackey, room 1, Chamber
of Commerce.
Chapin A Herlow. .331 Chamer of
Dyspepsia la our national ailment
. Burdock Blood BKtera la the national
, cure for it It strengthens stomach
membrane, promotes flow of digestive
juices, purines the blood, builds you up.
Special XMspatcb t The Joernal.)
Olympla, Wash., July 34. J. R.
Prltchard, M. D., of Chewelah haa been
appointed auperlntendent of tha state In
stitution for the feeble-minded at Medi
cal Lake, the appointment to take effect
August I. The Institution has recently
been under the control and direction of
Ir J. M. Bern pie, superintendent of the
Eastern Washington hospital, also lo
cated at Medical Lake.
(Special Dlipttch to The Journal.)
Olympla. Waah., July 24. In accord-
. . . . . . .
ance with a recent ruling by Attorney
Qeneral J. D. Atkinson several state In
stitutions have forwarded to the state
treasurer moneya on hand and which
have heretofore been turned Into their
own contingent funds. All of the state
Institution have now forwarded what
money they have on hand, aave the edu
cational Institutions. An effort made
for a modification of the order in their
favor failed. It la believed the state
general fund will . receive from JB0.OO0
to 175,000 annually from this aource.
Th following amount have been re
ceived from the Institutions named:.
Eastern Washington hosDltal. Med cal
Lake. 82.287.01: Western Washington
hospital. Steilacoom, 3431.82; school for
dear and Dund, Vancouver, 3245.14;
school for defective youth. Medical
Lake, 1349.03: penitentiary. Walla
Walla, 81,001.09; soldiers' home, Ortlng
81,627.33; training achool, Chehalls,
Liquor License Money.
State Treaaurer Mills today received
from the city of Spokane 34,389.60, In
full payment of delinquent liquor license
money under the law requiring the pay
ment of 10 per cent of all liquor licenses
Into the .state treasury. Of the amount
received 33,898.66 represented principal
and the balance Interest and costs.
To date the state treasurer haa Issued
1,923 state liquor licenses, for which a
a charge of 326 each la made, making
a total of 348,076 from this source. It
la estimated that the Income from thla
source will be at least 375,000 annually.
Convict Labor Laid Off.
(Special Plupitcb te The Journal.)
Olympla, Wash., July 24. The rock
quarry operated for the past year at
Meskill, Lewis: county, by convict labor
naa oeen closed Dy tne hoard of control,
the last legislature having neglected to
appropriate. Fifteen to 20 convicts have
been employed crushing rock, which was
sold to Lewis oounty for road "building.
Preferred Stock Canned (roods.
Allen A Lewis' Meat Brand.
(Special Dispatch te Tha Journal.)
Umatilla, Or., July 24. Seven hundred
untamed caynaea are now being rounded
up on the Swltxler ranch. Just below
Umatilla on the Washington side of the
river. Twelve cowbova are en graced
and the horses are well handled. Some
of the horses weigh 1,100 to 1.200
pounds, but most of them are ordinary
cayuaes of 700 to 900 Dounda. Uanr
buyers are here.
The Favored; Store of
Those in Search of a
Reliable Bargain Pjace
A Bargain Cannot Be
Unless It Has to Do With
Reliable Merchandise
Sweeo Sale Should Sell Our Entire Stock
If you were asked to name a price that yon would give on a certain article, you would absolutely feel ashamed to
offer a smaller price or even one so small as we are now naming on just such and all articles throughout the store
Almost Anything You Can Think of at lk, Vi and V2 Elsewhere Prices
$30 TO $50 SUITS $9.98
The most unusual price statement
ever made, especially so when taken
in connection with the suits, the finest,
newest creations of the world's best
known makers of ladies' garments.
The tailoring of the suits is superb, the
materials of beautiful weaves of Pan
ama, serge, voile and etamine, plain
black, plain wines and all the rich fall
shades as well as smart novelty effects
in stripes, plaids and checks in the
dark and lighter mixtures. Styles em
brace the Prince Chap, semi-fitting,
Eton and Pony jacket, full silk and
satin lined, trimmings of beautiful silk
braid in plain or contrasting colors,
silks bands and strips of stitched ma
terial the same as of the suit. Now
this vast assortment of
beautiful costumes we
offer at the choice
Real Values in Shoes of Worth
And even worth $4.00, are many of these values. The Shoes are
low and high cut, all in new approved styles, rnade strictly on high
grade lines, of leathers that will stand the test of wear and ease.
"Tom" Murray took page after page in various publications to tell
why he walked on "Stars," and he is a Judge of Shoes. The least we
can say of these is the best that can be said of any Sho "nearer
perfect." We offer all of our men's "Star" brand Shoes, worth AO
$3.50 and $4.00, now at the pair : tJ.tO
It doesn't require much discretion to decide that it is better to pay
59c than $1.50 for a pair of the same Shoes, and just now when the
Canvas Oxford is most demanded. We offer all of our $1.50 CQ
values and they have flexible leather soles at the pair .7C
Sale of Belts and Notions
Solid Leather Belts in plain kid and fancy ef
fects, black and colors ; good 25c to 50c values.
Choice 12V4
Fancy Silk Crush Belts, new designs in pretty
Roman stripes ; all of these 75c vals. now 34
5c Card Safety Pins
3c Paper Pins -.lajj
25c Diana Hose Supporters 18
3 cards assorted Hair Pins 9
Large size spool Linen Thread 1
Sample Prices
from Different
Parts of the
Store v
Large size Pillow Cases
good material ; all our 1 A
reg. 15c grades at, each. IUC
A good large Huck Towel, the
same you pay ordinarily JOc
for. Now on sale
at 04C
Silk Gauze Fans, in plain and
fancy designs; an elegant $1
value. Now during this i n
sale .....48C
Ladies' $2.00 and $2.50 White
Lawn .Waists, of pretty trim
ming and material. Un
sale at 4"C
Ladies' Summer Wash Belts,
pretty white and color em
broidered effects; all
25c belts, now
27x54 Axminster Rugs, in beau
tiful Oriental patterns; all our
$4.50 values. Offered to njj
at, choice wdUO
Toilet Set of 10 pieces, fancy
gold decorations; all our regu
lar $3.50 values. (to 1 A
Now selling at. . . .p& 12
A 10c bar Rainier Min
eral Soap for ,
V . a A
25c box of Amour's
Arbor Soap for
$1.00 bottle Newbro's
Herpicide for
Wash Dress Goods
worth 25c at, yard
Wash Dress Goods
worth 35c at, yard
0x9 Ingrain Oriental
Squares ; $7.90
9x12 Intrrain Oriental
Squares; $10.00
ntal Art
39c and 50c Bolt Laces 19c
Valenciennes Laces, Edgings and
Insertions. These come in aU
widths and 12 yards to the bolt;
actual 39c and 50c values. Selling
now at the greatly reduced
price of, bolt 17C
$1 and $1.25 Laces 44c Bolt
Laces are from yA to V inches
wide, French Valenciennes of very
fine mesh, all new and pretty pat
terns. Just received these 500
pieces and offer them tomorrow for
the first time. . Very fine trimmings
for warm weather garments.
10c Wash Laces 5c Bolt of 6 Yards
These we offer in all widths, all fancy patterns in plain white
A very nice trimming for undergarments.
Sale of Hosiery and Underwear
Ladies' Full Seamless Black Cotton Hose of fine
lisle finish and nice 20c quality, the 4
Pair .....tllC
Children's extra quality ribbed Hose, in black, white
and tan ; the best of 25c grades, now, 10'
pair IZ2C
Ladies' Muslin Undergarments, nicely trimmed and
of good material ; all 50c garments at, the
choice Ltud
Ladies' Jersey Ribbed White Cotton Vests, low
necks, sleeveless and silk tape finish; worth
25c, now If C
A Great Sale of Yard Goods
Taken from our Dress Goods, Drapery and Domestic Depart"
mcnts. AH the better grades ol staple and necessary fabrics
offer at such small prices as to insure the immediate reduction
of the stocks, even at an immense profit loss.
36-inch, 40 and 50-inch wool Mo
hair and Batiste, all colors, and in
remnant lengths, worth AC -
$1.00 yard .'. JC
Regular 25c cream Dan
ish Cloth, yard ,
Very best grade 36-inch Per-11
cale. always sold at 15c, yd.. 11C
16-inch bleached Toweling,
the 7c kind, yard
Blue checked Apron Gfngftams,
always a 9c grade, !
yard U4C:
Madras Shirtings, all our 1A,,
15c lines, yard .IUC
36-inch Curtain Swisses, lA
worth 15c, yard IUC
58-inch colored Table Damask,,
good 35c quality, 19c
These are merely & few of the many bargains to be found on th
counters of these departments tomorrow.
Other Store Bargains Compare Lightly With These
There are all Kinds of Tea
Good tea bad tea artificially colored
tea and pure tea.
They may all look alike but
there, is a vast difference'.
Folger's Golden Gate Teas
are pure flavory health
ful. k Six flavors
Xnjliih BreaKfast
BtacR & Croon
Packed flavor-tight in dust
proof cartons to protect the
delicate leaf from exposure.
J.A. Folder (EL Co, , San Francisco
Importers-of Pur Teas ' - V ; V"-
' Hie choke of flavor
b s natter of taste.
jomisoii m
Iron Strike Is Growing Very
Serious Citizens Arm
(Journal Special Serried)
Duluth, Minn., July 24. The growing
breach between the 4,000 Iron ore miners
on strike and the mlneownera is becom
ing serious. Governor Johnson Is per
sonally on the scene, saying that within
eight hours he can have troops In the
district. Deportations, parades and dls
ruDtlon of business on the ranges are
features of the strike. Two agitators
have been arrested at Bovey and armed
citizens are looking for more. Eight
mines at Virginia have been closed by
a parade of 3,000 strikers and 2,000 men
are tnrown oui or employment mere.
There are 12,000. miners in the district.
Jamec B. Duke and Mrs. Nanaline
Holt Inman Married at Brook
lyn Bride Also Rich.
(Journal Special Service.)
New Tork, July 24. James B. Dtfke,
the multi-millionaire head of the Ameri
can Tobacco company, was married yes
terday to Mrs. Nanallne Holt Inman at
the home of Mrs. William Schuyler
,Stackpole In Brooklyn. The ceremony
was perrormed ny tev. uavia j. uurre.ii,
pastor of the Marble Collegiate church.
Duke recently secured a divorce from
his first wife after a-sensational trial.
- Mrs. ,Inma.n's first husband. William
Inman, was a rich cotton grower In
Georgia, where ahe was born. He died
three years ago. Bhe has a son 11 years
old. Her striking beauty haa been fra-
Fancy Work Specials
WE have selected some bargains from our
stock that wil interest ladies who embroider.
Beautiful, original designs, on exquisite goods, with right ma
terials for working. Make the summer more enjoyable and de
light your friends at Christmas
gifts. The cost is very little.
time with valuable hand-made
Waists Patterns
French and shadow
Stamped Shirt
for eyelet
embroidery. Rear u lar 11.60 values.
special SI. 19
Stamped Hats Handsome pat
terns, complete with floss to em
broider. Regular 75c values, spe
cial 59
Stamped Pillow Tops Designs in
shadow, tinted, floral and eyelet
patterns. Regular 60c values,
special 39
Stamped Corset Covers On extra
quality French cambric, complete
with cotton to embroider. Regu
lar 65c value, special 456
Buy dainty things at this dainty, quiet shop, and get right ma
terials without worry and waste of time.
38a Washington St., Portland, Oregon
A Law of the Land ,
as the Bottling In Bond Act, pnKr
the public with a certain method
.of distinguishing: litAL whiskey
from adulterated or impure,
each bo I
lie 01
Mt ' I asU-afcj, M Msk.
1 fsssswr
r 1 v
77 mi
Tra w
j 1 r t
quently mentioned since reports that she
and Duke were engaged Degan to De
After the ceremony the wedding party
went by automobile to Duke's country
place. Summervllle, New Jersey. Duke
bought a costly Firth avenue mansion
In New York lately.
Aberdeen. Wash.. July 14: Consider
able unfavorable comment has been
mad in the papers throughout tha
county because this place did not close
last Sunday as tha other towns .tn the
county did. It remains to be seen
whether or not, tne law as applied to
cities of the second class Is superior
to the general state law. According to
the former, these regulations are to be
enforced by the officials of the town Page f.
and not by the county officials, as is
the case with other towns.
Although It soon became generally
known that Aberdeen was wide open it
did not cause a rush from other
places. On the contrary, the town was
unusually quiet.
There is now a rumor that th acrenra
will be turned a little tighter net Sun
day and that Aberdeen will quietly fall
into line with the other towns of Che
halls county.
Potter Schedule for Beach.
The steamer Potter will sail from
Portland, Ash street dock, this week
as follows:
Thursday. 7 a. m.: Baturdav. a. m.
Get tickets and make reservations at city
ticket office. Third and Washington
street C. W. Stinger, city ticket agent
Get a new straw hat: that one looks
shabby. See Robinson Co. about it
puny j
wMbeloaetaa MM sa M 4
: baa be srsjteS Ike esaat As, tueana a4 - .
tktkettle. TMa Crs Is eety I 4 ea wMifc.y aat see a see. 1 1
Wbaa S el a tlaaaaat. Iiiail - ----
MOW ikt ym an frtltaf ear, aataral wsatkey, MUllee, ages aa siiaisas sa waa n
BLUMAUER & HOCH, Portland. Oregon, DUtributora.,
Weyerhaeuser'- Patrol Out. -
(Speetat Dispatch to The ' JoaraaL)'.
Aberdeen. Waah.. July J 4. -On ac
count of the continued dry weather and
the danger from forest fires, tha Weyer
haeuser Timber company has six parties
of timber cruisers out -aa fir patrols,
looking after its large holdings along
iba rivers of tha county. They "are all
mounted, and besides looking fr
fire that might be atart4. r ' "
tractions to arrest anyono t 1 '
Ing tha state laws In regard '
firea. .. -
v Every man !n Tor'
Roblnfton a Cos.
page .
f !