THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, , WEDNESDAY EVENING, lJULY 'u, tiwr. BUSINESS CHANCES.- I 'AAe THH COABT REALTY CO., . nornwn it. . -Headquarters for real eatate and ""meeieaxie, timber claim, eta; also vpporiumues. H8.008, half eaah 60 acrea improved I"0- .on,Jr "le from offloe. ti.ovv, nut cash income property a.,. 000. half mh nr rai4L.Tarri. ar)stOre at Invnlna aatahllahad 10 njr fo.vvu yearly. 116,000 Manufacturlna- at lnvoloe. 17,000 General store. 30 par oant off. i n V An Inr t mm Ana L.jla Jl .M.000 at invoice New ahoa atora M.000, half cash Nearly naw sew- mill with lot of lumbar, logs,- tlmbar etc.: clears tin d.iiv 11,000 60 aoraa, Improved, naar Ore ion city, rood buildings, etc.; aaay terma. Other acreage. , , 13,300. half caah 110 aeraa layal wheat land: will ha worth 1100 acre. $10,000 buya ona of the flnaat home on the Height (othara all prloaa). 12,260. half eaah (-room modarn houaa. , $2.000 6-room naw trlotly modem nouae. 1,800, $800 caah 4-room houaa with 6 lota 1100 tip. . Roomlng-houee. all elaee; raataurant confectionery, grocery atoraa, ate, and otner bualneaa opportunities.- $600 Confectionery, cloaa In, city, S living rooma; thraa years' laaaa; rant ?nlyll6. M , $500 buya half intereat In large raa taurant with position aa cashier $160 monthly, and' board guaranteed. $600 buya interest In real estate busl neaa, old established, money-maker. Call, write or phona Main 1668. A-4160. THE COAST REALTY CO., 226 H Morrison at. STLERS' mV. RKALff CO. you want to Hat your business or vou are looklntr for a cnance to go Into business, rail on ua. Our specialties are: Rooming- houaea. flats, boarding houaea, grocery atorea, meat marketa. restaurants, cigar etorea, j bakeries, drug atorea, saloons, farm and city property or any business that la FOB 8 ALE -REAIr ESTATE. ' DON'T BID FOOLISH And pay rent Phona ma about that neat little cot Ufa, with full plumbing, full basement, modarn la every par ticular, whloh I am prepared to build and hare all ready to mora into within flva waeka. It will pay you to let ma build this for you on the lot you have bean paying on so long . Houaa and lot complete, l.t0; (600 caah and the bal ance on your own terma, Phona Eaat 6888, , XKB YOU VVAfiTlNd kioNter fcxcii MONTH? n I am prepared to build for you on any lot you may aelect a fine 1 6-room nouaa wun run oeaement, plumbing, fireplace, etc., and have It ready for you to move Into In alz weeka. on vour own terma, with $600 down. Houae and lot complete for $1,760. Guaranteed to be ona of the moat economical and compact, and at the aama time ertlatlc. nouars in ine cur. fnone rcaat Bins. BUttlfEL A- KERNS" MAKE A fiPE FOR-. BALE -REAL BBTAItIV -': Olalty of eaat aide realtv. loane, etc. 862 E. Morrlaon at. ran tale. FOR SALE HALF INTEREST IN 1 acrca on peninsula adtolnina- Swift tract; a bar rain. Inveatla-ate It. Van couver Real Eatate Co., 76a Waahlngton at., Vancouver, Waahlngton. Phone 761 SIX-ROOM HOUSE, 1 ACRE, $1$, AT tweiyn station, m . Boott car. addiv III Mnrrlann Phnna fmMfin III HOUSE FREE LOT FOR LESS THAN value I-room houae. on eaay terma: lot mnviAn ri . .4 . v.- . . mi a k - oash i860; 10 per month. Phona Wood lawn 1577. MODERN SEVEN-ROOM. ON CORNER lot, 60x100; nice lawn, rruit ana xiow- ere. Phone owner, Sellwood 414. LOT ALONE WORTH THE PRICE. 88x100. weat aide, near business; In ooma 10 par cent on the lnveatment; you ill make no mistake n you purcnaaa thia, aa weat aide proparty win aoon be at a premium. ZIMMERMAN VAUUMAIN, Buchanan bldg. Main 1676. A-4808. legitimate. We have a few extra good bargatna In hotela from $5,000 to $20,000. RUSTLERS' INV REALTY CO., 361 H Morrlaon St. Room 6. IDEAL $8,000 TO $20,000 HOTELS. We five these hotela extra apace be cause they are extra good and because thay are the beat buya on the Pacific coaat. For further particulars call on RICHARD P. O'CONNOR, Rustlers' Inv. Realty Co., 3fl Vfr Morrlaon St., Room 6. HALF CTsTT; FURNITURE end leaae, good hotel; money maker; well located, doing good bualneaa. C. 11. Monroo. No. 60 Iabbe, 227 Wash ington. BAROaTN OWNER LEAVING TOWN. elerant, modern rooming-house, awell location; clearing $300 per month net; price low. Phone Pacific 496. 648H Washington at. A BARGAIN TTOTEl, FIXTURES for nale. good locality. Box 176. Springfield. Or. NEWSPAPER REPUBLICAN. 8PLEN- dld valley fod; Cylinder preaa, big Job bnelneas. For sale on terma. T-425, j ournal I ABSTRACT BUSINESS CHEAP. BEST I proposition In stnte. K-42j. Journal FOR KALE BLACKSMITH SHOP lot. tools and material. Apply A. ACREAGE For truck gardening. 2 mllea from Madl aon bridge, on eaat side. Ioo per acre. MCXJKE KEALTI Ct)., 868 Stark at., room 18. LOOK HERE! Buy this beautiful high lot In Irving- ton, only I1.Z6U. Duwa a noma, or noia It for lnveatment: lot la high with aaat facing; very desirable location. ZIMMERMAN VAUGHAN. 88 Buchanan bldg. Main 176. A-480I. 6-ROOM HOUSE; 4 ROOMS FIN lshed: corner lot. 100x100: fruit treea; price $1,860; terma half caah. Owner, 407 Willie boulevard, north of Glenwood atatlon. St. Johna carllne. INCOME PROPERTY MAKING OVER 9 per cent; alao acreage on Salem electric. Addreaa J. W. Walker, 1888 Eaat 14th. or phone Eaat 4787, care V. A. Manning. ANTHONY HARDY, LINNTON, OR., realdonce and bualneaa lota, water front and factory altea; farm a and tlm- FW SlLE-FlNE MdDttRN" 8-R60&J realdenca on Vancouver ava; trade with owner on premises. 837 Vancouver a ve. BEAUTIFUL 2-ACRE TRACT; NOT A waste Inch on it; cloae to carllnea; easy terma. The Hpanton Co., 870 Stark. . Jloore 8c Kccney luRa 12. $68 Start at. Main 141.. Btrlotly modarn, alx-room raatdence, Vanoouver ava., full lot, wall improved, $8,(00; half caah. Modern Irvlngton home, aavan rooma, up-to-date, everything naw; $4,160, term a. A fine business lot on KUllngaworth are., near oar barna, $1,800; alao oorner 100x100 on KUllngaworth. cloaa to car barna, buatnaaa dlstrlot, $8,860. I beautiful l-acre suburban homea, Baaa Una road; highly Improved. Wa have thraa beautiful homea which muat be aold, acoount ownera forced to leave olty. Call and wa will describe fully. "If wa advertise It, Ua right; If Ita light, we advertlaa it" MOORE A KEENEY, Main 143. LET miS BtJtLD V61 A M6me on THE INSTALLMENT PLAN. Phone me at once and let me aubralt the plan of a 6-room houaa whloh I am prepared to complete and have ready for you to move Into in ( weeks: thla lncludea a full baaement, wood fiber plaster, porcelain bath, basin, toll et, etc.; 8xt4-foot porch; fireplace com plete. Including oak mantle with mtrrop aDove, ana new siyie raaium grate; complete In every detail; will build on any lot; colors to ault; prloa $1,600, i4uo caan. fnone Kaat BEAUTIFUL 7-ROOM BUNGALOW, close In, half block from beat carllne In city; model home; price (3,400; $1,900 caah, balance 3 yeara at 7 per cent. Beautiful (-room Queen Anna atyle houae, model home. IV blocka from carllne; price $3,100; tefma.t ault. Remember, theae two homea are beau tifully located and modern, In every rtlcular; both eaat froaug and run 60x100. :.. v. HOME LAND CQV 146 H 1st at. FOR BALE FARMS. ajaaj4 Washington & Oregon Realty Co. $1,800 160 acrea ZVt mllea from rail road, In Clarke county. Wash., 13 mllea from Vancouver: 10 acrea In cultiva tion; 100 acrea fiver bottom; family or SJ; new -room ruatlo houaa, coat $600; small barn; 9 head of cattle, ( cowa; all farm Implamenta; 80 acrea fenced; fine aoll; Investigate thla before buying. 31.70084 acrea. 1V mllea from Waa hougal, Clarke county; 18 acrea In culti vation; some fruit; good 6-room rustic house, large barn, rustic and painted; all fenced with 4 wires; fine location; new mower and rake, plows, harrow, small tools of all kinds; $800 caah, bal ance 6 yeara, 6 per cent parti lota. ACREAGE Thla la what von have bean looking for 88 acrea choice land. 200 feet from railway atatlon; graded, achool ana stores. 30 minutes' ride from city, 8c fare, level, 12 acrea cleared, no gravel or stumps. $600 worth of wood on the tract; can be aubdlvlded to - good ad vantage and aold in smaller tracts at advance of 75 pet cent or upwards; per acre $170. D. F. LE FEVRE. Room 10, 142 H Peoond 8t. Come nulck before advance in values. Choice homes and lots on St. Johna line, best location, dandv acre tract, easy terms; make dste. Phone Woodlawn 126. I MUST SELL AT ONCE HAVE A new 2-story cottage near Union ava., cloae In on east aide. Call and see me at room 18, 26 8 Stark st. A. Wilson. C. R. Donncll & Co. REAL ESTATE. Room 12. 268 Stark st COZY 4-ROOM COTTAGE WITH TWO full lots, all kinds of fruit and flow ers; good chicken yard: house papered and painted; 2 blocks from car; $1,200. J. A. Moehnke A Co. 168 acres, 4 miles from Wsshougal, 28 miles from Portland; 40 acres In culti vation and In rp: all level and fenced; several acrea green timber, balance very easily cleared; small house, fair bnrn; family orchard; team, new wagon; crenm separator; farm Implements: 8 good sows, 2 hoirs. some chickens; email cree.k on place; fine black aoll, no bet-; ter; j&.bUU. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. $4(9 BUYS CARRIAGE, I (INCH headblooka; feed work a. Iron track. 90 feat wire rope, one 86-lncb. Atkins saw, naw and 'aaw mandrel. (60 buya one hand edgar, complete, carriage, track folia. 870 -One 4x24 P weep a take planar. $8(0 Ona 4x9 Houston moulder. (60 One water-wheel. TRAPFIBT FATMER8. Sclo, Or. BARGAINS - SYEEL H .A W d t fl. stoves, Iron beds, springs, mattresses, tablea, chairs, dreasera, cheffenlera, car peta and linoleums, new and good aa new, at lowest prlcea. Com and aee ua; It will pay you; your gooda taken In exchange. Fox A Bromer, (2 N. 3d. Phone Main 2111. HOLDERS RHEUMATIC CURE CURB cure for drugglete. rheumatism. Sold by all Carlson A NEW Kall- $6.800 lf0 acrea In Clarke county Wash.. 2 miles from R. R. station, ona half mile to school and church; 0 acres In fine state of cultivation In crop; good family orchard; new 2-story K-room houae; good frame bam 84x96. Binder, mower, rake, and all kinds of farm Implements; team, wagon, buggy, hack 20 head cows, 16 head young atock. 18 sheep, 10 hogs 100 chickens, 40 geese, cream separator; level land, all fenced, best of soil. This Is one of the best buys on the market. Terms $3000 cash, balance 6 years. 6 per cent. 160 acres, 9 miles from Washougal, Clarke county; 80 acres In cultivation; all fenced with 3 wires; houae 16x18, barn 85x40; H mile to achool; 20 acrea seeded, on main county road, fine soli. Price only 112 per ncre. This la a snap. Show cases and fixtures, and aecond-hand. trom. 289 Couch at FOR SALE ONE HOTEL RANGE. Inquire 271 let at FREE FOR EVERYBODY RINO UP Main 4290 or call 218 V Front at. We buy and sell furniture, clothing or any old thing. 2 STEAM WOOD SAWS, WILL SELL cheap. Inquire Lowengardt, 83 Park. BUY FROM THE SECOND HAND' atore where your credit la good. 326 lat at Pacific 1970. fclllNdl.ES-LAROE OR SMALL LOTS. The noted Port Orford cedar In atock. CasJ and see them. S. E. Gilbert. 114 Front. LAWN ARCHITECTS ERNST KRONER. ARCHITT5CT-. Plana and speolnoationa; alao building superintendence AUTOMOBILES HOWARD M. COVET, Ant Pierce Great Arrow, Locomobnaa, Cadillac and Knox Temporary-location Club Oarage. 16th and Alder ata. ACCORDION DRESS PLEATING MISS O. OOULD, 61T 8WETLAND bid-. Accordion pleating and buttons covered. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS & KILHAM. 109-111 3D st. Blank books manufactured; agents for Jones' Improved Looae-r,eaf ledgers: see the new Eureka leaf, the best on the market DENTISTS D-W'J KJ?e5PP,2,AS RETURNED from aaat. - Offlc It Hamilton bldg. DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKER FROM SAN FRAN. claoo wlahea a few mora euatomerei alteration work neatly dona, if id at! Phona Pacific 808. T. ,M u . MADAMBANUKLEA-hi jlVtO. tJJ- EIBMTkiNO" bONiS At RKAS6M; able prlcea. (22 14th at. Paolfla 1(9. BATHS-MASSAGE MANICURING. FACE AND SCALP treatment; batha and massage. 110V4 4th st. SWINGS. aeata. 630 BUY ROSE CITY baby awlnga, or lawn Waahlngton at. "PEA Nl ft ROAGtliR FffS SALE; nearly new. Inquire 28th and Sandy road, at grocery atore. ELEGANT MOT6R BOA?. NEW. BEX BUTCHERS' SUI'PLIKS BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Al"uUni" a! Dekim, 131-133 lat at., carries a full line and c iptete assortment at lowest market prlcei. H. BERKENWALD A CO, 301-3nrEV- ertt at , largeat butcher supply lioue on the coast. Write for catalogue CLEANING AM) DYEING worthy, powerful, speedy, (2.000 40 acres, 6 miles from Colum bia river, 28 miles from Portland, all in fine state of cultivation except small . r,7.7r ni. , . - 1 !.. " lurry. n in liiiiuri, I at Tf, n BITM USUI llR orchard, acres prunea, 2H apples and cherries; all fenced and level; small house 3 rooma. Rood barn, srood well at door, fine spring; horse and buggy, 2 fine cows, 2 hogs, 60 chickens; R. F. D.. near school, on main county road and the very best of black soli; terms, H cash, balance 6 years at 6 per cent 28 feet length. 7 4-foot beam, oabln, toilet, ma hogany finish, 12 horee-power Standard engine. For terms and Inspection apply to J M. Arthur Co. Phone Eaat 10. MODERN FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE large lot; plenty fruit, $1,600; $600 caah. balance 126 per month. Phone owner. Woodlawn 2fi5 FOR SALE FULL BLOODED fuipplea. 867 Humslde. PUG $2,200 U0 acres. !H miles from Washougal, Clarke' count v ; 40 acres In cultivation. 100 acres easily cleared. some timber; amnll house, 1 acre fine orchard, fine soil; R. F. I)., near achool; terms, U cash, balance 6 years, 8 per cent; will take In exchange for Port land property. SALE--GOOD-SI ZED WOOD heater In excellent condition. Ad dreaa A-429, Journal. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED, $1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co, 309. Stark st. H. W. TURNER. DYER CARPETS dyed a specialty. 606 Jefferson st. Main 3613 HERE IT IS! CLEANING. PRES S I N T and dyeing done by experts. 64H Washington st. F. THOMAS. FEATHERS ANT" feather boas cleaned, curled and dyed, work called for and delivered. 754 Water St., Portland, Or. Phone Main 237B. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS EDUCATIONAL BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COL LEOE. Elks' Building, Portland, Oregon. ' Chartler ahorthand and Bltaa book keeping aa taught In the Behnka-Walker will lead you 10 success. racta 73T rails for help and placed 311 sine Ag. 1. Will place you when competent En roll now. P6rTLanT BfJSfNESii COLLEGE, " Tenth and Morrison. A P ARM8TBONO. LL.B.. PRINCIPAL. Open allathe rear. Private or claaa In struction. Position certain when compe tent. All modern methoda of bookkeep ing taught: also correepondenca, rapid, ulculatlons, office work, Chartler ahort. hand; easy, rapid, legible. Catalogue free. HOTTMES BUSINESS CSLLEGB, Washington and 10th ata. Flledner bldg. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting nnd all English braochea taught, both hiv and night. FINANCIAL Ait) TY SfX WbRtttt1 laJlea who wish to taka a srmrthand course. Apply at no at off i, -a. 617 Commonwealth bldg., (th ami Hirnslde ata. I. irit(TxsoN-flALM6N-a STtJftifi W shorthand and typewriting; full course in 12 weeks; open all eummer; ent;iti!iihed 1 888. MHner bldg., W. Pnrk nnd Morrison. sTTo RTHAND. THE GRAHAM STBTRli Taught bv an expert. Actual offlca e perlence Positions secured when oocn petent. Butler, public stenographer, 114 the I e kum SEND YOUR BOY TO HILL MILITARY academy, Portland, Or. Write for oat. nlnrufv FENCE AND WIRE WORKS FOR SALE- ONE 16-H.-P RAMBLER auto, good order. $800. Phone Wood lawn 79. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE FOR SMALL FARM In Oreg-on or Washington, a fine I newspaper plant and job office doing I a good business. Will bear closest In vestigation; also flnn farm near Lawia- I ton. Idaho, consisting of 1H0 acres, 110 acres under cultivation: all fenced, for t farm In Willamette valley. What have you to trade? Address J. IV Winn, The Land Man, Buena Vista, Or 820 ACRES, 4 MILES FROM KLAM ath Falls; part timber, for city prop erty. Addrexs S-42H. Journal. JOHN A. MELTON. 204 4TH 8T. OF- flce and store fixtures built and re modeled; showcasos and counters. Phone Main 1 787. E. MELTON OFFICE. STORE FIX turea; general Jobbing. 67 1st st Phone Main 3190 HOUSE MOVING AND GENERAL RE- PORTUND WIRE A IRON WORKS 2d and Everett st. Phone Main 1000, GASOLINE ENGINES pairing: foundation and carpentering. 1038 E. Caruthers. TIMBER, Peterson. Barlow, Oregon. BEST ROOMING-HOUSE .FOR THE money; time limited, a money-maker; come quick. Room 18. 2 63 Stark St. Hotel for sale near large furniture factory; muat be sold quick. Apply to owner, 882 Sandy road, Phone East 1086. HOTEL AND ROADHOUBE TO LEASE Old-established, with or without sa loon; furnished; newly remodeled; $86; also 7-room house and orchard. 310; and 4 flats, 18 rooms. $26; all on west side. C. H. Plggott. owner, lawyer, 4, 6 and I 6. Mulkey bldg. 1 RESTAURANT FOR SALE CHEAP ON account of other bualneaa. Address I B-416, Journal. j $1,000 OR $1,200, ALL THAT IS RE- quired for half-Interest In two atorea, i or will sell one store outright, splendid I opening for a bualneaa man. Address E-412. Journal. I DAVIS HOTEL FOR BALE, REASON able terms. 110H N. 3d. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO 4-room houae, V, acre of ground, on VT t Hontt far Krm- forma 1 9 Mniliann . - 1 to o:a v p u ' c u rr i f i f i . f:-T xr iT . Vu L- full corner lot, on Improved street. $260 cash, balance $20 per month. $1,400 Completely furnished 6-room home, with bath, toilet, etc.; nice dining room furniture, range. linoleum on kitchen floor; both house and furniture practically new; ownera compelled to go east; caah, balance easy; have other bargains. F. J. STEINMETZ ft CO., The Homeslellers, 198 Morrison st. $6.500 65 acres. IS miles from Port land, In Washington county, 2 mites from railroad stullon: 35 acres In fine state of cultivation. bnlnce very easily cleared; ail fenced, all level, small liv ing eirearn. line new z emrv o-niorn, 1 - . ttv. ;rr r-7rr..,s i.TTTsm hard-finished house, cost I1.K0; new ' AN ESTATE OF 72 ACRES WITH frame barn, rustic f,nx0 fine location; ! nuiminga ana impro emenia in west R V n nrt elenhr,n- near chool milk I 'rn New York; value 33.600; for Port GROOM HOUSE FOR RE N'T; FT'RNI- ture for sale. Call i2'. Alder st. GASOLINE ENGINES, Stationary and marine; electric equip ments; launches: accessories; wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Reieraon Mnchlnery Co., 182-4-6 Morrlaon at. SPENCER A BUBBANK. CARPENTER- SHEFFIELD ilARINfc EMdINEfl. ANT lng and Job work of all kinds. Shop , Fnlrbarks, Mora A Co, 468 Overton. Pnc. 2860 j it and Stark sts. , GASOLIMW eWgIK'SJi Tabor 2i0. CARPET CLEANING REFITTED low price; call or write. Fairbanks. Morse Co . 1st and Stark ata. HOTELS WE ARE STILL IN A POSITION TO locate several parties on railroad lands In southern Oregon, cruising better thsn ncT ! making tender to the company and fll- I II K piipn in uid wnita ui in:e iiirr- ward, location, including all attorney fees, we charge the sum of 826. Now come and look Into this proposition. If you nave never Dougni any lanas rrom i heavv nn M. J. Sulll- ,iir tuNiu. ,, nr.v,!,, tin. kinds of farm machinery; crenm sepani oos not inisrrera Jim w oi your ,or; best of soli; this Is a snap; good other rights, call and get f nil. partlcu- terms route past door, best of black soil." near I land or country property. the Tualatin river; Investigate this be- " -" , fore buying. ' WILL TRADE CERTIFICATE WORTH I 860 on any piano In Reed-French for1 $2.300 R0 acres. 7 miles from Was-i wheel; coaHter preferred. P-4S8, Jour- I hougal. Clark" county. Washington; 20 naL . acres In cultivation; some green timber; ; TriyTrn a noon TFAV HARNESS good houaa and barn . good f.mlly or- A on a" Srapaymr,,! A"N fine T"'fT" . epii-B. B''""r,PW cottage; balance easv pavmenta; or lemil, o Ilil.J n nmn. t . ,. r rtrlvtn hrir.A n,l vhl' rryr,-a'm,r and raton a 1 I " " ' n villa. STANDARD CARPET CLEANINO CO. largest plant on coast; Lortng and Harding sts.; phone East 380; carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; steam j THE BELLEVUE. EUROPEAN PLAN, and compressed air process; renovating 4tn and Salmon mattresses and feathers a specialty. ! ff FT7Porisnd.' Am. plan, . day!' JOYCE BROS, PROPRIETORS OF THE VTi.-r i 1T1 rTifiz,, r.i th .n i i. Electric Cleaning works; carpeta BELVEDERE. European. 4th and Aldert c.ennea ana laja, Dotn ary ana com- i pressed air cleaning; carpet refitting our i HARDWARE pi Address S3 Caaon St., Monta- OENU1NE SNAP. 80x100 corner, on west sldn, Nob Hill district, with modern 6-room cottage; renting for 325 per month; room for flats. Price 16,200. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., Sixth and Ankeny. lars. HOWSE ft MILLER, 66 6th st. Open evenings. Phone Main 6188. LARGE BODY FINE TIMBER, NEAR transportation, only a few miles from Portland; have new modern mill, log ging outfit, horses, good roads and everything complete. Mill now In oper ation; present owner has other business j harness interests that aemnna a portion or Jiis time; will sell one-half interest to the right party. C. C. Shay, 306 Ablngton building. 18 ACRES, 4 MILES FROM OREGON City, 1 mile from New Era station: 7-room house; 60 fruit trees; 8 acres timber lands. Intending purchasers desiring to be located Upon lands with heavy timber In the land grant of the Oregon California railroad In southern Oregon can secure the same by acting quickly. Locall' lies including all necessary at torney's fees are reasonable. Address $2,000 20 acrea, 6 miles from Van couver; 11 acres beaverdam, cleared, balance slashed, seeded to grass; all fenced with good posts and wire; land level, on main county rond. mile to railroad station, near school. R. F. D. ; 3-room house, fair bnrn, family orchard, pood well; new wagon, top buggy 2 seta harness, plow, harrow, other small tools. all new; $50 rang other furniture, sew ing machine. Will take 31.200 cash, balance 8 years at 6 per cent; will ex change for city property. I HAVE A NICE LITTIJ5 FARM which I would like to trade for a rooming house. Address M-600, caro Journal. PERSONAL DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE; Hexlne Pills cure all weakness; $1 a box, 6 for $5; full guarantee. Address or call J. G. Clemenson, druggist, Port land, Or. spa-lalty; work guaranteed. Phone Main 'TT2 and A-2672 370 Grant St. COAL AND WOOD PORTLAND SAWDUST ft SLABWOOD Co., 266 Front st., successors to Ful- j ton Wood Co. Fir. oak. slab wood, coal. ! Tel. Main J9$. , FOR FPTOM'PT DELIVERY OF SLAB- ' wood call Main 4875. Oak, ash, fir and coal. Portland Wood & Coal Co., 18th and Mavler sts. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS made to order. Portland Hardware Co.. 74 6th. INSURANCE ISAAC L. WHITE. FIRE INSURANCES; 844 Sherlock bldg. House and blacksmith coals, coke, charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 10 1 8. TELEPHONE EAST f. F. B. JONES ft CO., Wood and Coal. 181 East Water st. JAS. Mcl. WOOD. EMPLOYERS' LIA hlltty and Individual accident security i bonds of s 11 kinds. Phone 47. 101 Mfl- I Kay bldg. LAND SCRIP 31,600 80 acres 1n Clarke county, Washington, 28 miles from Portland. 3 miles from railroad station, 4 H mej from hoat landing: 6 acrea cleared. A. REINER. PRACTICAL FURRIER; sealskin garments redyed and re modeled: expert fitter; estimates given; lowest prices. 563 Washington. Phona Main 7308 LADIES -- DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Ravin and Cotton Root Pllla are the several acres of good hardwood timber; j only sure remedy for delayed perloda; FOR QUICK DELIVERY PHONE Oregon Fuel Co., 834 Alder 'wheat; 3 acres potatoes; on good county J. E. Verdln, Grants Pass, Or. dcqt i i'p t vt Avn T.i;vrM rni-v. so"" l,nn8, PT,r can ne ter to be had at reasonable price If ; i?i wrTin-to iKaen iii uiitc, a juiiiicip vumi, i vo Burnside st. city Ington st. property. Address FOR SALE CIGAR STORE STOCK and fixtures; the owner has gone Into other business and will sell right. Look this up. 132 Grand avo., near Morrison. GENUINE SNAPS. No Reasonable Offer Refused. Raataurant that cost $1,600. Furniture 7-room flat that cost $800. RUSTLERS' INV. REALTY CO., 85 1H Morrison St., Room 6. i,00 ACRES OF LAND, WITH A first -claaa hot spring and good hotel; land all fenced, well watered, and tlm bar; a snap at $30,000. H-429 Journal. LOOKING FOR TIMBER? Wa offer you every advantage through our eystem of expert examinations which enables you to determine the auit- FOR SALE ON INSTALLMENT. NEW cottage, 6 rooms; hall, closets, pantry, lability of a tract without spending time bath, toilet, everything un to date: I- ' or money. If our general report indl- foot concrete basement; corner lot, one i oatee that we have what you want our block from car line, one block f rom ! estimates by two and a half acrea are school, two from church: price 31.960 part down. Owner, 728 Wygant. Phone Eat 2082 . HOLLADAY PARK RESIDENCE. LESS than one block from carllne, modern In every particular. beautiful lawn, $4,500, terms. Columbia Trust Co., Couch bldg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE THESE ARE GOOD BARGAINS. New modarn 7-room bungalow, near gawthorne ave.; electric lights, gas, undry, tubs, fireplace; everything Is trlctly up to data. Price $3,400; $1,900 caah. Modern 6-room cottage In Bun- everythlng In good shape and room cottage, lot jsbxds, near car- llncatftPrlca $1,600, $300 down; balance like rent. L. H. FREELAND, Room 7, 141 Vt Flrat at. LARGE MODERN BUNGALOW, COR ner lot. awell new 6-room cottage, also 6-room house; eaay monthly payments. Owner. Thone East 675. " BEST SNAP IN CITY. $2,260 Nice 6-room, lV4-story modern house, concrete basement; gaa, electric lty; lot 60x100' worth $800; fine lawn, on E. Couch; $900 cash, balance easy terms, come quick, this won t last. F. DUBOIS, Waahlngton Bldg., Room 8. FOR SALE 8-ROOM, NEW, MODERN home; best location on east aide; closo In; $1,600 less than cost and can make desirable terms, rnona Main 8218. 187 4th st. FIVE ACRES FOR $3,000 A SNAP, ON Arlington heights. Top of Canyon road near Council Crest; all platted. Andrew Kan, 287 Morrison st. ALL KINDS -REAL ESTATE BOUGHT, sold nnd exchanged. Abraham ft White, 227 Washington st., corner I'd, Laooe Ding., on ices x and 9. Both phones NEW ADDITION FINE LOTS 60xl00, streets 60 feet, near car station at Lents, 6c car fare; only $115; terms. Take Mount Scott car. O. R. Addition. Lents. Or.. 6c fare. MODERN 6-ROOM HOU'SE. FtRNACE; $3,250. Apply 315 Cherry. Phone East 1396. FOR HOUSES AND LOTS CALL AT 303 E. 84 St.. or phone Tabor 611. SNAP 4 LOTS, 8"ttxl00. BETWEEN Z4th ana xutn, e. yamhin st.; 760 cash. Richards A Cornell, 802 E. Yamhill. HAVE YOUR ABSTRACTS MADE BY Trust Co.. 7 easily verified TRY "THE LACET WAY." JAMES D. LACET A CO., 828 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 607 Lumber Exchan ge. Seattle. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD to timber buyers only; we have a few choice tracts for sale which we own. Have detailed estimates bv forties. G. F. Sanbourn ft Co., 401-2-3 Buchanan bldg, balance ash and vine maple swale, easily cleared; 86 acres at n cost of 310 per acre; best of black soil; all level; small creek; log house; II. F. aJ.; on county road; 3 cowa. 6 coming 2-year-olds, one calf; terms H cash, balance 5 years 0 per cent. The above places are all guaranteed as advertised. Above bargains are but a few of the farms on our list. We have the largest list of farms of any firm In Portland or vicinity. Prices range from $500 to 330,000. Write or call If you are the market for a form. by mall 32 per box. Dr Pierce. 181 1st. PIANO TUNING PHONE PACIFIC 636. C. F. Carlton . 313 14th st. MOLES. WRINKLES. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. No charge to talk it over. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 830 Flled ner bldg Phone Pacific 136. CHIROPODISTS JOHN GARTNER HARD AND SOFT corns, callous removed without pain; Ingrown nails cured. Phone Tabor 603. 998 4 E. Belmont at. CHIKOPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill. Room 330 Fleldner bldg. Both phones. WANTED AND FOR BALE ALL kinds, Including approved forest re servo scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed, timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton. "The Portland," Portland LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES L. MASTICK ft CO., FRONT and Oak sts.. leather and sklna of every description for all purpoaea; sole and up cutters; findings. MONUMENTS MADAM VVSHT1 AND ASSI8TANT gives baths and massage treatments. 201H 3d st. in 30.000,000 FEET GOOD TIMBER ON county road and stream; splendid loca tion for mill and flume; 75c per thou- sand. L. Seward. Sheridan. Or. A FEW SPECIALLY GOOD YELLOW pine claims. In Wheeler county; must be located at once. Columbia Trust compnny. Couch bid g. 108 Second St., Portland, Or., And 300 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. Phone Main 2404. FOR FARM AND TIMBER LAND EKE Dlllard and Clayton.. Roseburg, Or. FOR SaLE 1 ARMS. B8-ACRE FARM. SUITABLE FOR stock or fruit. Phone Woodlawn 190. BACK DATES OF MAGAZINES AT 6 cents. Jones Book store. 291 Alder. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS' See Fcr GERMAN BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NOV els, etc.; German, English, Frenoh. Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign books of all kinds. Schmnle Co., 229 First at. CHICAGO MEJHCAL INSTITUTE Electric and vibratory treatment for all acute and chronic diseases; good sur geons in I'hnrge. 92H N. 6th st. Phone Pacific 2S.13. Consultation free. NEU ft KINGSLEY, 268 1ST 8T.-r Portland's leading marble and granite works. r MUSICAL PIANO. VIOLIN, CORNET. TROM bone, clarinet. Professor K. A. Smith. 264 12th st. Main 4703. MACHINERY THE H C. ALBEE CO. SEOOND hand machinery, aawmllla. eta 241 Grand ave. 1ST ST. A COM- HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS HORSES ANj5mTOD28oirENT by day. week and month; special rates to business houses. 6th and Hawthorne. East 72. FOR SALE LOT 60x100, LOCATED IN South Portland, Boundry ave., be tween Corbett and Macadam road: thla lot is equal to others that were sold at 31,260; while In need, I want $850, caah preferred. Address 386 1st at. F5R SALE 100x100, AT 9TH AND Oxford, set out with choice fruit: small 3-room house; good buy. Phone Woodlawn 79, (TrOOM HOUSE AND LOT FOR $1,860, or two lots for $1,550. Pacific in vejitment Co.. 91 Bth st.fl TJTPTpALMER. M. VAN AL8TINE. PALMER-VA- AL8TINE CO., REAL E. 'ATE, IN8URANCE, 222 Failing Bldg. Main 6661. A-2658. A BEAUTIFUL 20-ACRE TRACT 6n" the Base Line road; no finer immedi ate money-maker in the city; a email amount of money will handle It. The Spanton Co., 270 8tark st. , A SIGHTLY RESIDENCE, LOT 60x100. Bull Run water, cement walka and curbs all paid for, and less than two blocks from carllne, only 15 minutea from heart of city. $450, terms. Co lumbia Trust Co., Couch bldg, Security Abstract & Chamber of Commerce. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND lots: bargains on O. W. P. electrio line. O. R. Addlton, Lents. Oregon. Taka Mt. Scott ear, 6c. WILLAMETTE SNAPS. Choice lota and homes, alao acreage; cash or terma; some overlooking river and city; residence or business lots. C. A. ZYGOWSKI, Office Willamette Station. St. Johns car. KENILWORTH. Corner 100x100; non-resident says sell: $460 cash. 204 Mohawk bldg. FOR SALE J LOTS ON BROOKLYN Heights. 101x103, east facing, or sell separately, $660 each. 10 acres of 16 deep river bottom, all In bearing orchard, on river at Rose burg, $2.600. Will exchange for Port land property. R. F. MOZNETTS. 606 Commercial blk.. 2d and Wash. sts. BEST WORK AND LIGHT HARNESS. prices lowejt; we take your old har ness in exchange for new. Keller Har nessCo., 49 North 6th St. 45 ACRES GOOD FRUIT LAND. IN Hood river valley, 6 acres In bearing orchard, good spring, good house and barn, all fenced, on good county road, 3 miles from town. Price $50 per ncre. 20 acres on S. P. R. R., 8 miles from Portland, 10 acres under cultivation, balance In pasture. 6 acres on carllne, 5 miles from city. 5-cent fare. This can be bought cheap. 163 acres 8 miles east of Oregon I SNAPS IN HORSES CALL OOLUM Clty, 76 acres under cultivation, 40 , Dla Stables, corner 1st and Columbia. acres gooa iimDer, oaianoe pasture ana HOI, DEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sure cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. chro7jic7nervous AND SPECIAL diseases of men and women cured by modern scientific methods; electric treat ment for diseases of the prostate; con sultation free. Dr. VV. I. Howard. Com monwealth bldg.. 6th St.. cor. Plne A. J. PAUL. 100 I plete line sawmill ! engines and boilers. machinery; also) ADVICE THAT WILL DO YOU GOOD. Melvln has made thousands of dollars for Portland people. He has deceived none. If your mining stocks are a fail ure he will tell you. If you have money to invest, do not throw It away. Melvln will guide you and show you a wwy to success. He advises in business. Do not buy or Roll ral estAte- do not Invest in anv- thing before consulting him; let Melvln MONET MONEY MONEY MONET be your guide and you will always be ! MONEY MONEY MONEY MONET successful. T.T MONEY MONEY MONEY MONET PROF. MELVIN TELLS TOT R SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES, NAME, AGE, OCCUPATION, WHERE GET 310 TO $100. YOU LIVE. NUMBER OF YOUR NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE MONEY TO LOAN HARNESS AND SADDLERY. KELLER Harness Co.. 49 N. 6th st. FEED STABLES AND STALLS FOR rent bv week or month. Fred Sedow. 380 water st. hay land- good house and barn. a per acre. L. H. FREELAND, Room 7, 141 V4 First st. Price ON THE MT. HOOD CARLINE IS now the place to buy to double your money. we nave just 'listed a few 5-acre tracts to sell for $650, on easy terms. Aylsworth ft Epton. Phone Tabor 570. ARE YOU PAYING RENT? WE HAVE a 5-room house near 10-mlnute car for $1,000,;- $200 down, balance $15 per month. Aylsworth ft Epton. Phone Tabor 670. SALE NEW $3,500 Will buy a 123-acre farm, adjoining railway station, 6 minutes' walk from house to depot and store; 70 acres under cultivation arid In crop; about 50 tons of vetch and oats; hay now In barn; 7 to 8 acrea of timber, mostly oak, balance open pasture; plenty or water; good house nnd new barn; all well fenced; good terms can be had. OTTO, CROCKETT A HARKSON, 133 Vj First St. $3,000 400-ACRE STOCK RANCH, 100 acres valley land, 100 acres brush pas ture 2,00 acres good timber; 3 miles from good town and S. P. $3,800 54 acres, 35 acres in cultiva tion; good large house, 2 large barns; spring water at house. $3,200 36 acres gently sloping; spring creek, new house and outbuildings; worth $2,000 alone; 12 miles from city and level road. Inquire room 10, 221 Morrison st. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS vct7raTktnom records; Stelnway (and other) pianos. Shcmran. Clay ft Cp., 6th and Morrison sts., opp. postoffice. MANLT VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. Roberts' Nerve Globules. One month's) treatment. 32; 3 months', 3-: sent se curely sealed bv mail. Agents. Wood- ard. Clarke ft Co.. Portland. Or MRS. OB ROCK, GRADUATE MA8- Beuse; cabinet bath, calt glow; alcohol rub, cream massage; refcrencea. 188 Seventh st. Main 4968. DR. RING CHOONG. IMPORTER CHI nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea, certain cure for nil diseases. 191 2d at., between Yamhill and Taylor. TURKISH HATIIS. bldg.; ladles days. Main 1958. 800 OREGONIAN gentlemen nights. M1S3 GIBSON GIVES SCALP TREAT ment; dandruff. 268 ft Morrison at, room 62. PSYCHE 8NOWDEN VAYOR BATHS and massage. 1454 6th, room 26. yoTTng sTTent I FIC MASSEUSE gives, alcoholic and medi cated treatments, alBo tub batha. 41 Raleigh bldg.. th and Washington ata. MISS LE P.OY". 291 room 4; massare ment. FOR SALE SIX CALVES; FIVE ."si 'ITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. heifers and one bull. Jersey stock , j 50c Ladles' skirts pressed. 60c. Oil would exchange for good little work ; bert lOS-A Sixth at., next to Quella. HOUSE AND THE STREET WITHOUT ASKING A QUESTION, without any previoua knowledge and having no natural means of knowing who you are, whence and for what you came. He tells you of friends and enemies, who Is true and who Is false, tells you whom and when you will marry, giving name, dates, facts and locations; taking no fee In advance and accepting none unless satisfaction is given. LOW FEE. 60 cents, 60 cents. 60 cents, 50 cents. 1 FINE PIANO. TAKEN IN ON MORT gage, for sale cheap; cash or your own terms. Call up Mr. Brown, Main 6284. Automatic 3284. FOR SALE: LIVESTOCK. ind ALDER ST., magnetic treat- horse. Shaver. Phone Main 2088. FORCED house and full lot, 1900. vestment Co., 91H 6th St. SIX-ROOM Pacific In- FINE "COTTAGE8 LOWEST PRICES. $1,000 4 rooms, plenty of fruit. $1,600 to $1,900 6-room modern, full plumbing, gag and electric lights: fiber plaster; S-mlnute car service; all new. Inquire 208 4th. Tel. Main 3990 ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS, beautiful building corner lOOx 100, with fine view of entire city. MOORE REALTY CO., 268 Stark St., room 18. FOR SALE CHEAP 1 OR 2 LOTS ON $5,200 FOR 8 Mt. Scott Laurelwood. feed store, carllne. Inquire Stewart'f ave. at Laurelwood FOR SALE ON ALBINA AVE. CAR llna, S houaea, - Inquire 1024 Alblna f"a, HOUSE; 6 ROOMS. LOT 60x100; 6TH st., near in, for $4,600: good terms. E. Orundy, 80 Falling bldg. DON'T BUY A FARM, WHEAT OR atock ranch, until you talk with Turner, he knows where to find them. Office. 303 V Washington st. FOR SALE 320 ACRES UNIMPROVED land In Cowllts county. Wash, near Kalama river, about 8 miles from Ka lama, on county road; 2 good streams of water running through place; some tim ber; price .5 per acre. Address E. N. Howe, Kalama. Wash. $750 LOT ON VANCOUVER AVE. BE tween Blandena and Bain sts. John Bain. 224 Stark st. A BARGAIN MODERN FIVE-ROOM houae, reception hall, everything up to date; price $1,900. L. H. Freeland Co., room 7, 141 H 1st st. ' felVER VIEW LOTS. 100x100 feet in South St. Johna. beau tiful location, for $760. Hartman & Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 820 acres in Harney county, 6 mile; from Burns, $5 per acre; wtfuld exchangt for residence; value about $2,500 to $3,' o0, and pav difference In cash. OTTO, CROCKETT & HARKSON, 1334 First St. E. 11th st.. north, corner r imiir i.n ,i r i, rn.i. !,,t.Li5 LTiipr m'ATjr TTJDiTa OT'C NE HRST-CLA8S 'RESH JERSE j CM,sfullv corns, bunions and Ingrown cow. 417 rand ave. and Kearney nt., top-nails; she also manicures. Room 16. Aiontaviua. i-none r.ast u:. I 351 V. Morrison st. FRESH COMS FOR bALK. E Z. J)SL T. J. PIERCE, SPECIALIST, DIS lents. t niocKs souin or car atatlon. ,.ases of women; all Irregularities cor- FRESH COW, PART JERSEY; ' BIG milker. 914 East Yamhill, cor 30th, Sunnyslde. APPLE LAN.' 100 ACRES OF THE finest apple land In Rogue River val ley. Orchards already planted. Will be divided into tracts to suit. This is an excellent investment for non-residents. Terma to cult. W. E. Douglas. 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 40 ACRES GOOD RICH BOTTOM LAND In Linn county; will exchange, for houae and lot 141 Ua&iaoa. To advertise this year less because you are "so rushed with business" is pathetic, but still laugh able. Did you ever hear of a neighbor who moved to a smaller house, sold his, automo bile, dispensed with ser vants, all because he was making so much more money than usual?, mall. Port land. Or BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE rected; no exposure- medicine by Office 181 1st st., corner Yamhill, ARSOLT-TKLT NO SECURITY.' ! LOWEST RATES EASIEST PAYMENTS j A CALL WILL CONVINCE YOU. REMEMBER. IF YOU WORK. ' I WE WILL ACCOMMODATE YOU. I WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASKt , RAILROAD MEN A SPECIALTY. STATE SECURITY CO, I 704 DEKUM BLDG. j HOURS 8 A. M. TO P, M. I WF.D AND 8ATURDAY TILL P. W. i MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY I MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY I MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY I MONEY TO LOAN ' On Improved city property or for butld lng purposes, for from a to 10 yeara time, with privilege to repay all ar part of loan after two years. Loaija ap- Alwnvs ronsult the Best ' proved rrom plana ana money aavairoeu A,W?L ' rr?.1"1 ;!isl- I h,,n,H. mnrtira v taken PKOrKfoon uniHu, ;' ", 3 Greatest living astral dead-trance clalr-I P nd "Placed. ,..,., Am voyant of the age; adviser on business , 1 RED H. STRONG Financial Agent. and all affairs of life; tells your full 242 Start st name nnd what you called for, whom CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ON 8AL you will marry, how to control the one ; arles, Insurance policies, planoa, f ur- you love, even though miles away; re- . nlture. warehouse receipts, etc; any ae- THE BENSON BLDG , 291 H Morrison st., corner PHONE MAIN 7246 Fifth. unites the separated; gives aecret pow- serving person may secure a liberal ad' sontrol; doej all otners au ruii ; vance, repaying dv easy wee.iy ui to do. Hours 10 to dilly and hunoay. i monthly Installments. 862 W Washington st. Phone Main 1267. j NEW ERA LOAN & MORTGAGE! COM- 2 2 PANY Mrs. Palmer m Abington Bidg The World Wonder I MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO Palmist and Psychologist. I pie and others upon their own namea? She reads vour life with unerring sight, i without security; cheapest ratea, aaaieet - 9 N 8d st Portland I payments; offices In SO principal cities; . . ,r J, . iPTmY RnFR at i sav yourself money by getting our A.-imn,i.. :1 Min "si ; terms nrst. 325 Main St.. 25c. Phone Main ,54S. TOLMAN, 283 WILL CAK-B1TT THE BEST 11 PROVE CHEAPEST IN THE END. FREE TEST! FREE TEST! Take this advertisement to PROF. D. NIBLO, 303 i Washington st. S3 Ablngton Bid. 108 V4 8d at DOG AND HOKSE HOSPITAL. diseases. East 4034. 626 E. Belmont Phone ATTORNEYS PIGGOTT, FINCH & BIGGER, ATTOR neys at law, 4 Mulkey bldg., corner 2d and Morrison ata. WM MILLER. V. S . VETERINARIAN. 5 N 8th st. Phone Main 6606. All branches of the science. CARNEY'S VETERINARY H08PITAL for horses and dogs. 289 Glisan at. Phone Main 1484. D. C. M. DOGS nn r R BROWN. and horse hospital. 106 if. (Main 4086). 6th A68AYER8 WELLS & PROEBSTEL. MINING EN- glneera, metallurglste and asrjayars, 304 H Washington at GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES at and Montana Assay Office. rlson st. 186 Mor- ART FRJE LESSONS IN Embi Idery Every Day. THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP. 882 Washington St. X BERGES' ART STUDIO. M4 Waahlngton st High grade oil paint ings In londacapea and, portrait made to order. ...,' M. J. WALSH CO.. 811 STARK ST., ' Electric and Gas Fixture and Supplies, Mantels. Tiling. Grates and Doglrona, PACIFIC ELECTRIC C(a ENtiT neera, contractora, repairers, electrio wiring, supplies. 8 1st, -cor. Bttrlc Main 669. R. H.Tgte. Mgr. , WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, U Bth at Contractors, electrio supplies, motors and dynamos; . we Install light and power plants. MORAtSON ELECTRIC . CO 1 E. Morrlaon st Fixtures, wlrinc. ' re pairing. Eaat 1118. FAIRBANKS MORSE MOTORS AND dynamos. Stark ata. . X C AAd. U C 1st and UNCLE MEYERS' LOAN OFFICE. 14S Sd st., near Alder, established 1876; old and reliable; any amount loaned en watches, diamonds, Jawelry and aeal- sklna. STOCKS AND BONDS OF E9 fAB lished enterprises bought and ao.-i; commercial paper bought and money i. loaned on all claaaea of good aecurlty, ' j. Room 207 Couch bldg., 4th and Waah-T" ington sts. , A LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY" , or chattel. The Loan Co.. 410 Pekun -bldg. ' - . mMey-to Loan tH ,4soo to HttC Charleson & Co.. Commercial. Phone - Pacific 1198. . '""ZTt " WILL LOAN $8,000. PER CENT, ptf o real Mdg- eatate. Farrlngton, (18 Canton CASH ON -HANt) , FOR ,, PuRCHAtfW t money, mortgages, bonds for deeda e t contracts of eale on real eatate, either eonntrr or city, nrooerty, H. E. Noble, Commercial blk.. 2d and Wsshlnrtn Uoi TO li.vOe ON MOiifUAiJri l-i-.l July only; low interest " to borrower. Ward, Aliskv .M M - ' : MONEY. T6 LOANY La!' ' ' apectaity: iiw uu , tea; Are Insu-ance. WUl""" lit Falling bldg. 5'uick Loans' DN a' S. -W. King, 4J y "" Main 8109. ,i ;.V-:r;':tV-' -1 "