It 4r I THE OREGON' DAILY- JOURNAL; ; PORTITAND,' WEDNESDAY" EVENINOV " JULY 21.; 1007. r VltL SURPASS OTHER EFFORTS Load's Addition to Be Made Exclusive Residence Sec tion of Beauty; GROUND RESERVED FOR PUBLJC PANICS Tract Comprises About 187 Acre, Which Has Been Divided Into 780 Lota Mora Than f200,000 Being Spent Alleys Wftl e Provided. Within 10 days, or four month at the farthest, Portland will have a residence addition that wtll aurpaaa the moit ambitious effort that haa heretofore been mad In that Una In Mil city, and will equal In the claei of Improvement made on It the juatly celebrated residence tract that have been added to Lo An- Celea during the peat two pr three year antlaawhlch have been largely Instru- tal In causing; the metropolis of vuthern California to become known a a city of beautiful home. . The naw Portland reetdance tract will be called Ladd' addition, although It Is familiarly known aa "Ladd'a field." The tract is bounded on the north by Haw thorne avenue, on the east by Eaat Twentieth street, on the aouth by Dl vtalon street and on the weat by Eaat Twelfth atreet. Tery latest Improvements. There are about 1J7 acree In the tract, which haa been divided Into 730 lota, and on the property more than 1200,000 ie being expended In the very beat and CAPITALISTS TO 001 HER E Wealthy Residents of Middle States Attracted by Port land's Advantages. BOUND TO BECOME MANUFACTURING CITY Q. K. Wentworth, Chicago Million. aire, Tells of Former Trip to Ore- gon and His Belief in the State's Resources. most up-to-date character of Improve ment. The general plan followed In laying out tne tract cioseiy resemoies that which was uacd In the older and more fashionable residence districts of Washington. D. C. The late William a. Ladd bad the tract platted when moat of the eat aide waa a cow pasture. The addition la ao platted that five park re reserved for tne ue or tne public. In the center I a circular plat known aa Central park. Two blocka to the north, eaat aouth and weat are dia mond-shaped plats known aa worth, East, South and Weat parka. Ladd and Elliott avenuea. two 10-foot highway Intersecting each other at the center or the tract, wnirn iney cross diagonally, are the broadeet atreeta In the tract, which they divide Into four triangular pieces, facing each of the four points of the compass, each pleee bisected with other streets running north and south and eaat and weat. Alley Will Be Provided Vat. The entire tract la provided with 14 foot alleys, In which aewers are being built. Oaa and water mains are alao beln put down along the alleys. On both aides of the atreeta 1i-foot cement sidewalks and cement curhlnr have been ?ut down with elRht feer of spare left or parking betweon the curbing and the sidewalk. The streets ar to be 24 feet from curb to curb and all are to be raved with oundatlon. ved with asphalt laid on a concrete undAtlon. The sewer trenches are being cut by a powerful ateam ditcher that cuts a trench 12 feet deep and 2 feet wide at the rate of 120 linear foet per hour. About 200 men and half aa many horsea are at work putting In these im provements. The work began last March ana win oe compieien oy wciouer jo. The mllea of cement sidewalks and curb- in are about completed and Rood cms ress Is being made in laving the Asphalt paving, puttina la sewers, water mains and aa mains, It la nlanned to plant several thou sand shade trees throughout the addi tion this fall. Building Bestrlctlons. The management of the property will establish building lines so as to com pel uniformity of front. No residence costing less than $2,600 will be allowed to he constructed. This will be the only addition ever nut on In Portland wTiere every improve ment required under city ordinances waa made ty tne owners or me aaaiuon ana fald for before the property was sold to he home-builder. No street or sewer assessments can coma up against a lot in this addition. Even water mains, ordinarily put In by the water board, are being put down by the owners Of the tract. Frobably the most attractive feature to the home-buyer about this property Is Its nearness to the center of the city. A walk of 20 to 25 minutes will bring one from any portion of the addition to the business cmter on the west aide. The car service In that section of the city la excellent. Both the Hawthorne avenue lines and the Seltwood line main tain frequent and fast schedules. It la probable that a line will be run through the addition along East Harrison atreet to connect with the Rellwood line on Kas-t Eleventh street. This ha not been definitely decided upon, but negotiation looking to that end are in progreaa now. The addition will be handled by V, W. Torgler as selling agent, who has put tip a handsome office on the Hawthorne avenue side of the tract and wtll hereafter have a representative on the ground. In addition to large amountsiof east ern money Invested In Oregon resources and Industrie thl year, a large num ber of eastern men with capital art locating here, and more of the same class of men are considering removal from the middle and southern states to rortland. O. K. Wentworth, well known Chicago millionaire, Is on of the recently notable Instances. Mr. Wentworth was not long ago elected to the presidency of the Bankers' and Lumbermen's bank, of Portland, and la giving his personal attention to that Institution. For more than 30 year he ha been one of Cht cago'a foremost cltlsena, and hi large timber and milling Interest extend Into many section of the country, from Michigan on the north to Loulaiaua on th south, and from Oeorgla to the Pacific coaat. Discussing Oregon ana Its future, h said: "The resources of th state of Oregon a re nothing less than wonderful. The half has not been told, and but few peo ple who have knowledge of mem appre ciate the state's marveloua natural wealth and future possibilities. Few people who pass In and out of the state on Inspection trip get any real idea of what Is here in minerals, timber. agriculture, frult-ralalng and manufac turing needs. "I came to Oregon first about It years ago. With a partner I made the trip through th country to look up timber. My partner selected the Grays harbor country, for certain reasons, and we have ever since held a considerable body of timber there. The Oregon ooun try haa been first to open up, however, and Is now in a fair way to be devel oped." Mr. Wentworth said the city of Port land, its climate and various advantages were sufficient to attract a great num ber of people here to live, and the city was bound to become In ttme one of the great business and manufacturing cen ters of the continent. It is his Inten tion to spend about half of his time here, and the other half In Chicago, the latter city being nearly the center of hla various Interests. He said that In the last Ave or alx trlpa he had made to Portland he had been arcompanled by his family, and that they become! Olympu ao favorably Impressed with this city as I board has recommended a parole for a place of residence that they will make j Edward Albrecht, sentenced from Clarke It their permanent home, should they i county, November 17, 1906. to five ever decide to relinquish their reel-I years' Imprisonment for assault. Tho deno in Chicago. prisoner Is assured employment at Van- in ine Manners sna uumoermen s couver. The parole la FlliCIAL SHAPE Great Crops of This Year Sure to Make Times Good for Long Period. STRINGENCY IN EAST HAS NO EFFECT HERE Portland Clearing House Figure Continue to Show Immense Gain Over the Same Period of a Year Ago. Reports of tight money markets In the eaat and difficulty In securing capital to develop legitimate business enterprises do not apparently affect th situstlon In the west. While there ha been for some tlms a more con servative ton than usual, th banks ar recognising the fact that Oregon In splendid shape financially and Its grest crops this year are bound to make times good for snotlier year or two despite any unfavorable condition that might arl elewhere. The so-called Ingency touches only certain nmnwi aectiona In the eaat and middle west that have not the solid foundations of wealth that exist In Oregon. Although the prices or all materials are nigti, laoar is runy tmpiujua i high wagea, and there are not enougn workmen to meet th demand for la bor A fair amount of building la III progress in Portland, and there la hardly a small town In the state that has not a number of flne new business blocks and scores of new dwellings to show for the years Improvement record. Mining operationa are more active han ever before. Large lnveatmenta of eastern money have been made this year n southern Oregon mining properties. nd a vast amount of machinery has been shipped to develop them. Th fruit Interests are In line for the great est prosperity In their hlatory, with, large crops and good prices. The wheat crop of th Inland regions is Immense, and farmera will have money to loan. The record of the Portland clearing house for the last week shows s contin uance of the great tide of commercial transactions that haa flowed through Oregon thla year. The clearlnga wera I8,ii s,4is.8. as compared with oo, 317. 68 for the same week a year ago, a gain of 4( per cent. Thla evidence of the growth of substantial business in Portland over the prosperous year of 1809 Is convincing enough to change the attitude of the most pessimistic. The increase is not of one or two or three months' duration, but has ranged from 40 to 74 per rent every month this year. FULLER TO IDUKIE Alleged Inadequate Freight Service Topic This Time 0ak Grove Fare. Parole for Edward Albrecht. (Special Dlp(ch to The Journal.) Olympia. July 24. The state prison recommended bank organization Mr wentworth has by a number of prominent citizens of surrounded himself with many of the Clarke county. The prisoner has a wife atrong representatives of the country's I and several children now residing at iuuiueriii ana nmoer iniercBs. i ne i East Portland, who need his support. linn vyiv ini iUUflB rfunn W . IIOUKeil. Grand rHa plds. John W. Arthur Hill, fiafftnaw: W. W. Mitchell Cadillac; J. K. Wheeler, F. H. Rothchild. C. C Barker and J h Cook, Portland; E. N Sailing Manistee; O. F. Banborn. Ashland; J. Wentworth. Bay City. Further east the bank la represented by Directors A. W. Cook, of Brookvllle. Pennsylvania; W. B Mer sereau, Portervllle, New Tork; O. 8 Watson, Endeavor. Pennsylvania Boise Livery Barn Burns. (Special DUpatch to The Journal.) Boise, Ida. July 24 Fire broke out In the Ihrery stable occupied by Hmead Broa. at 8:40 this afternoon, conaumlng that structure and several adjoining small buildings. A number of vehicles and one horse were also burned. For a time some residences and another livery stable were threatened. The loas is several thousand dollars. 'I have been somewhat costive, but Doan'a Reguleta gave Just the results I Idly and regulate ejri They ac Krausa, lot Wa ml dealred the bowela perfectly." Oeorge B. lnut ave., Altoona, Pa. (Special DUpatch to The Journal.) Balem, Or., July 24. F. I. Fuller, vlea president of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company lias filed an answer to the complaint made by Mayor William flhlndler and other persons from Mllwaukle relative to the inade quate freight service given by the elec tric railway company to Mllwaukl. It Is denied that freight service Is any slower or more unreliable than freight service usually ls and it la de clared that the freight service 1 not large enough to Justify th keeping of a resident agent. The company I ready to erect a freight shed when the town will furnish a site bv Issuing a permit for the location of auch frelghj station. No complaints have ever been made of inadequacy of train service except poBslble car ahortage. It la stated. B. Lee Paget, in a communication to th state railroad commission, states that there is no friction existing be tween the Portland Railway, Light A Power company and the patrons on the urogve branch, but that, on the other hand, the people of that vicinity are desirous to build up that aectlon, which, without question. Is seriously retarded at the present time by the streetcar fares, which appear to would be purchasers and home builders aa ex cessive and whlrh'are excessive when compared with rates that they could se cure on .j.. r branches of the company' lines. He then sets forth matter In answer to the rnte explanation given by Vice President Fuller and holds that "some of the company a patrons are charged 6 cents for a lj-mlle ride, while we muat pay 10 centa to ride three milea." EVERY MAN Should place his savings where they will be SAFE THE "Oldest Trust Company in Oregon" With Reaourcea of Over $2,200,000.00 Offers you a safe depository. WE PAY 2 per cent on check accounts. per cent on ten days' call. 3 per cent on savings accounts. And on six months' certificates. 3$ per cent on thirty days' call. 4 per cent on ninety days' call, On twelve months' certificates, And on coupon certificates. Call for our statement and book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Portland Trust Company of Oregon S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. Phone Exchange 72. BEN J. I. COHEN H. L. PITTOCK. B. LEE PAGET. J. O. OOLTRA. . President .Vice-President Becretary .Asst. Becretary PRISON FOR TRYING TO KILL HER CHILD (Sperlil Dtupttrh to The Joarnal.) La Grande, Or., July 24. Joele Palmer who hae been prominent In the police courts for some year and who haa been the cause of the death of one man, ap peared before the circuit court yester day and entered a plea of guilty, where upon Judge Crawford paased aentence upon her of even year In the peni tentiary The choree upon which h last faced the couit was that of at tempting to kill her own child. The child ha been taken In charge by the authorities and a good home will be given her. SCHOOL REPORT FOR UMATILLA COUNTY (Spedil Dlaoatrb to Th Journal.) Pendleton, Or.. July 24. County Su perintendent Frsnk K. Wells haa filed his annual report for the year ending June The report shows .3o pupus s One o! the Host Attractive Beach llcsorts on the Pacific Coast Just Now Kg, zrar th mouth of th Colombia Xlvar, on taa Waahlagtoa slds, reached from the City f WitiaaA am th pleaold actual o Steamer T.J. POTTER! XV ABOTTT B XOVM. It la upward of 20 mllea long, very broad and level and almost as compact aa a composition pavement. It Is dotted Ita entire length with towns, cottage settlements, tent cities, villas, fin hotels, and all the musement ncoesnorlen of a popular Summer beach rssort XT' TM P1VAOS TO OO for rest, health and a good tun. Thousands go there for their Summer outing. Try It. The Potter Sails Every Day XXOZPT TODAY AITO FBIDATS. . Hee published schedule. A Pare From Portland, Round Trip, $4.00 Saturday to Monday Tickets $2.50 Purchase tickets and make reservations at City Ticket Offlc. Third and Washington streets. Portland; or Inquire of any O. R. 4 N. aTnt leewhere for Information. WK McafinutAT, 4aral ruMifn Ag-ent, IOXTXUn. OS. niiiiiiiuuiiniiuuiii uinuninxznxzssxzz! re 176 20. enrolled In Umatilla county and teachers are employed. The school houses In the county are valued at 1196,16 and furniture and apparatus at $28,440. The amount of Insurance is 178.850; the average monthly salary paid male teachers Is t6.0A; female teachers, $61 .82. Total receipts of school revenues are lll.9.7tt; dis bursements, $1, 40. 40; balance on hand. 22.678.27. Save Small Sums It is not what you earn, but what you save that makes wealth. Just note the results of small savings: It often happens a few dollars put in upon work will save the tone of a piano. While you are away on your va cation we will do this work and nave the piano reaay ror you when you get back. Phone Reed-French company. Main 1262 It's the piano store on Burnside street. Quotations Furnished by Roberts & Co. 3134 Washiartoa Bt. MIEN CONVENE AT SEATTLE TODAY (aneelal D1snteb The Jnerast.) Seattle, July 24. Five thousand dele gates, representing lodges in nine west ern states, were present this morning when the biennial convention of the pacific Jurisdiction of the Woodmen of the World met In the Grand opera house In this city. The convention will be in session four days, closing Satur day night with a banquet In honor of the head officers and delegates. The most important matter to come before the convention for consideration and action is the question of readlustlng th insurance rates of the order. The re adjustment probably will call for a slight Increase over the present rates. S Dollars in His Pocket. Every woman who sends her husband to Robinson & Co's. great Anticipation Sale puts dollars In his pocket See page" 8 1 BOITDS. nid American Biscuit Oregon Water Power Omaha Ind. Tel Pacific Coast Biscuit Portland Oen'l Electric Portland Railway Portland Home Tel Spokane Home Tel Tacoma Home Tl BAJTK STOCK. Bank of California 815 Bankers' & Lumbermen's. 110 Merchants' National Oregon Trust and Sav'ga Portland Trust Co. of Or IT. 8. National 200 German-American X1TST7STKXA&. Alaska Packers' Ass'n... 46 Associated Oil Co 27 H. Omaha Ind. Tel Pacific Tel. & Tel., pfd Pacific Tel. & Tel com Portland Home Tel Spokane Home Tel Tacoma Home Tel MXSCSIAANBCroS. Almeda Consolidated Alaska Pet & Coal Can. Marconi Wireless American Telegraphone Leffler Electric System United Wireless Tel Ask. 100 102V4 80 100 100 99 86 80 80 235 1(0 120 47 60" 96 15 42H 40 40 I .28 .10 1.16 11.00 4.00 e.oo "An East Side Bank for East Side People." Small Savings Grow Fast A great many people do not start the savings habit be cause they think It would be a long and tiresome task to build a good-slsed bank ac count. This Is not true. It is really surprising to see how fast aavlngs accounts will grow if deposits are made regularly each week or month. Open a savings account with this bank with II 00 or more and add to It as fast as you can spare the money. We pay 4 Interest, annually. compounded semi- THE COMMERCIAL SAVINGS BANK ssroTT Airs wixxjams ate. 6 cents per day for 5 years 10 cents per day for 5 years 25 cents per day for 5 years 50 cents per day for 8 y,ears 100 cents per day for 5 years $ 01.25 182.50 456.25 012.50 1,825.00 George W. Bates President J. S. Blrrel Cashier Add to these sums 4 per cent interest and see what can be done by a little forethought. Some amount can and should be saved from the daily earnings. It is a duty you owe to yourself and those de pendent upon you. Start at once. . Our neat leather-covered pocket savings bank will aid you. Call for one. Merchants Savings and Trust Company 247 WASHINGTON STREET CAPITAL FULLY PAID $150,000 J. Frank Watson President R, L. Durham Vice-President W. H. Fear Secretary S. C. Catching Assistant Secretary O. W. T. Muellhaupt Cashier NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY Has One of the Finest Beaches on the Pacific Coast and Is an IDEAL SUMMER RETREAT It is easily reached, is not an expensive place to visit, baa ax cellent hotel accommodations, affords perfectly safe and delightful surf bathing and all sorts of beach pastimes, such as clam-balcea, oyster hunts; fishing, pebbla and shell gathering, etc., enjoys a mild and inviting climate, picturesque scenery, and all tha other at tractions that can be desired for recreation and pleasure. NEWPORT is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to Al bany or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Train lerviea daily and the trip a pleasure throughout. Leave Portland 8 a. m. .Rate from Portland $6.00 for the round trip. Ticket on aal daily and good for return until October 31. There is also a Saturday-Monday rate from Portland of $3.00, tickets on sale Saturdays, good for return Mondays. Correspondingly low rates from all other points. Call at the city ticket office of the Southern Pacific, Third and Washington streets, in Portland, or at any S. P. agency elsewhere, for complete information. WILLIAM McMURRAY, Oeneral Passenger Agent, Southern Pacific Company, Portland, Or. aiiaiininivnBiiaTiiiniivnsnxnaxzacxszzzzsri THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY Is th garden spot of th earth, and GOLDEN GRAIN GRANULES it th fiost drink on earth S GOLDEN GRAIN GRANULES is par cereal health coffee, and can be had from the follow ing grocer in th ROGUE RIVER VALLEY XV aOBSrOBB, OB. E. N. Warner Hutchinson A Lumsdsn Miller & Ewbanks Allen Reagan W. 8trln:er F. L. CranflU H. Meta & Son nr ouiti ., ob. H. C. Bnbieln Kenney & Truax ' . Clau Schmidt J. P. Kenney Southern Oregon Supply Co. T. Y. Dean T. B. Cornell C. F. Dixon. cr woodtoiii, ob. C. O. Seaman W. V. Jones. nr ooid KXX.&, ob. Varter &, Duffleld C. H. Farmer Marrltt & Co. nr jAOxaovTXiu, oa. T. J. Kenney Nunan-Taylor Ca, ff Ulrlch Bros. " nr cxHT&AX voorr, oa. CranflU ft Roblnet J. W. Merrltt i XX FXOXHTX, OS. Ilearn A Fisher. nr taxcbt, OB. C. TV. Wolters Sargent A Dun lap. nr aawT.ajrp, ob. O. Winter j Holmes Broa Nlms A Cappeller Veo A Co. Young" A Dlx. Crews A Son Loomls A Nelson f. TKB ITOOK AKU BOHD BXOKAJTOB. PUBLIC XBTXTS9. COBBEBPOWBBVOB BOUCXTBD. ONEY paid in premiums to outside insurance companies accrues to the benefit of other states. A strong local company saves time and trouble by its prompt adjustments and thorough grasp of local affairs. Oregon people would profit by taking out insurance in an Oregon insti- 1 ' 1 -a -v m m m m ruiion, managed by uregon men or High standing and backed by Oregon money. Plate Glass, Steam Boiler, Liability and Accident Insurance; Indemnity Bonds. UNION GUARANTEE ASSOCIATION TTxTi W. B. Ulafks. . . . President Wholenler In FnlU F. Pr.icsEB, . . Vice-President WholeMle and BetsM Groom HaNiP Albbbs, . 3d Vlee-Prea Allien Bros. kUliaa Oo. H. P. Waomoh, , Msnsgar tTalos Qusrestee Aaoelttlon J. B. WrriBBBEB. If edioal Bsferee raytieiu im srseaa X. W. BotniTBBB, . . . Auditor Bosmtrae A Oismoad, Beel EUte W. Coopbb Mobbis, . Trawarer Oresos. Tnut A Barissi Bask St C Spbmcbb, . O astral Counsel Attcro7-t-La H. I). Waovor. Jb., . Seoretary Bankers and Lumbermens Bank Corner Second and Stark Streets, Portland, Oregon CAPITAL STOCK $250,000 OFFICERS G. K. WENTWORTH, President. F. H. ROTHCHILD, First Vice-President. JOHN A. KEATING, Second Vice-President and Cashier. H. D. STORY, Assistant Cashier. PLATT & PLATT, General Counsel. AMONG THE LUMBERMEN WHO ARE STOCKHOLDERS ARE THEE0LL0WING: JOHN W. BLODGETT, Grand Rapids, Mich. ARTHUR HILL, Saginaw, Mich. W. W. MITCHELL, Cadillac. Mich. E. N. SALLING, Manistee, Mich. W. H. WHITE, Boyne City, Mich. J. WENTWORTH, Bay City, Mich. G. W. EARLE, Hermansvilla, Mich. G. K. WENTWORTH, Chicago, I1L A. W. COOK, Brookville, Pa. N. P. WHEELER, Endeavor, Pa. G. S. WATSON, TionestaPa. W. B. MERSEREAU, Portville, N. Y. G. F. SANBORN, Ashland, Wis. L. J. WENTWORTH, Portland, Oregon. Vice-President Portland Lumber Co. J. E. WHEELER, Portland Oregon. Secretary Wheeler Timber Co. C. C. BARKER, Portland, Oregon. President Peninsula Lumber Co. J. H. COOK, Portland, Oregon. President Multnomah Lumber and Box Co. E. S. COLLINS, Ostrander, Wash. President Ostrander Railway and Timber Co. D. P. THQSS & CO., Wholesale Grocers MED FORD, OREOON i !! lat-"aters for Southern Ore on and Xorthana California, jg "Golden Grain Granules" is served at th Moore Hotel, Mad la ford, Ore., because the Moora Hotel serves the best as inauuiuiiiiiuiiiiBiBiivinui d.Jkl If ASTORIA THE LARGEST CITY IN OREGON (with the exception of Portland) is tha headquarters for the sal mon industry of the world. Astoria has the! climate, ther are neither flys, fleas, moaquitos nor dust. Golden Grain Gramilei The 100 per cent pure cereal health coffee, can be had from the following grocers in Astoria, via.: 1 Milk Depot No. 1 Grocery. MUK Depot lo. a urooery. Milk Depot No. 8 Grocery. Fisher Bros. to. A. V. Allen. . Acme Grocery. Schalfleld, Mattson Sk Co. Ross. Hlgrtna A Co. . m. inristensan. TongTi Poftit Lumbar Co. Btera. Johnson A Morrison. Suomalatnen Cooperative Co. E. Hauke St Co. 8.1 Nauthrup. v IW bVIXXEB. OB. (Center for lumber Industry on the Colum bia river.) Ferris Bros. McMUan Mercantile Co, F. Traw. M. Ellis ft Co. ' . A. L. Richardson. , J. I Bell. nr w. a Ti a it a, o -J. P. Hansen, ' , or wjJaUXTOK. omiAi-n Warranton Grocery Batcaar Co.. ... h4:...-;; C.W. Whtta. ; ,.' nr MABXABT. Ol F, Dreaaer. (A lively where settlers are wanted.) , xv czJiTssAjmi, o: . ciiy. wnere setui E.X. Edgerton.. tienry iu-afa. H. McKiel. A. R. Mtlleft ' M. K. Pass. .-.Jv'-i'i i or sxaxaxawa, ox- - TSmothe Rlcharda nr KBasxoa, oau- - :. B. W. OttO. JT, Dresser (two store). "Golden Grain Oranules" Is served aV Locksley ITalL f - , because it if the 100 per cent pure hf i!:h ccf M ii Hi B.Bl &ABQTJAH f BUILDING, OBXLAND, OBEG028"