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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND MONDAY EVENINO. - JULY 23 180?.' THE JOURNAL AT RESORTS fcnh i ! "V A ll ) JT iveiu at tn nni u rate, at ui roi- owin resort by notifying- the ae-enta ' At th various place mentioned. Bub forlptloM by mail ar payable In 4- N ORBOON RESORTS. 1 0rhrt JPark.. .,.;...,. P. Struck Hot . faot Laie flanUarlura Seaside. ,,.,,twi Ar'Co. Wllholt Sprigs. . i. .. ...FVw. McLeran i ' WASHINGTON RESORTS. ; Carson Bprln..;wwii.,..t..ij , ji ooya son ana Mineral Bprinrs ivnmt, Cascade Springs. Thomas Moffett Col Una Sprlna-8?..........CI T. Belcher Jiwaoo .Ixul Conan Beach Marshall A Pottengar and O. A. Smith Naheotta.. .......H. X Brown Ocean Park Matthews Thdford Seaview ...... ..... , .Frank EL fltrauhal Tha Breakers Th Breakers Hotel TOSIQHT'8 AMUSEMENTS Marquam Qrand "Uafda" Qrand vaudeville Lyric ...."Whose Baby Are Tour Star ."Man's Enemy" The' Oaks . ...O. W. P. ear line. First and Alder While seated aboard tha river staamer Beaver, last night, talking irlth mem ber sit f hi family. Isaao Kay. a pioneer ent of Portland. dropped dead. Mr. .y was 61 years old and had for manv years been engared in the family rro- eerv business at Mount Tabor Whan death overtook him he was on bis way 10 usuries island to visit his daughter, Mra A. R. Moraan. who waa with him, He is also survived by another daughter, miss iaa Kay, or mis city. - Rev. D. A- Thompson, pastor of tha Bellwood Presbyterian church, leaves this week for a two months vacation trio throue-h the Yellowstone -Dark and middle western states. While east be will preach In two pulpits occupied by a at Indiana pons ana s I -ed 4 -aL n his two brother, one i the other at St. Paul. Mr. Thompson will spend some time at Bayfield, Wis consin, where his wife la now visiting. Over seven hundred people visited Cedar Park yesterday afternoon, the oo caslon being tha first annual ptonlo of the Ancient Order of Hlbernlana Ath- letio games, dancing, bowling and tar- gev-shooung were indulged in through out the afternoon and evening. Prasp's orchestra furnished muslo for the dan fl ing pavilion. Refreshments were served In the grove back el the pavilion. 8ev eral valuable prizes were awarded to the winners In 1 The Evangelical association of Ore gon will hold Its annual convention be ginning tomorrow at tha conference ground at Jennings Lodge. "Wednesday the convention of the Sounday school league will meet. The Young People's alliance convention will be Held Tbur day. Friday morning tbere will be a ministerial round table, and Friday af ternoon the Women's Home Missionary society will meet Gentlemen We carry 4n stock the best and most popular lines of sus pensory bandages In tha market Every man, for personal comfort and protec tion, should wear one, and we are pretty sure that we can suit you both in style and price. Call and see us about It. Bernfe drug store, 231 Washington, near Second. The choir boys of Trinity church left this morning on their annual outing to Seaside. They will camp out there for a week, taking their meals at a hotel and putting In their time surf- oatning, nsning ana tramping, carl Denton Is in charge of the party this year in the plane of Dr. A. A, Morrison, who usually accompanies them and in tne party were seventeen noy and tae Willie's .'.....' ,w . '- : . . ..'4.;'''! ' Bank Account Ik NOW m little ever $100 and growing every day. A little over a year ago ha opened a savings ao count with us, depositing one dollar. Every week he adds a little mora, and this little more'' is set to work , earning Interest, which la added to his ao ount. , WcPay 4 -Vitcrest V V Compounded Twloe Every Tear. . Oregon Trust & Savings Bank Sixth and Washington Sta, Portland, Oregon. Deposits Over $2,600,000 W. EC Moor President E. E. Lytl..Vlo-PrIdent W. Cooper Morris,. Cashier ALOAHY WORKERS PRIZES Three Contestants ; Deter mined to Win Journal's , Educational Contest COMPETITION STRONG IN MULTNOMAH COUNTY sssBnl Mors Candidate Needed In Contest District No, 8 Only Two at Work nod Ten Boys and Girl Should Be Competing. ad is Investigating in tsennae Business college and the Port uainass eollege, both of whlcft Ions have scholarships la The WEINIIEIIDEO Two Sessions Held to Dis cuss Organic Union of the Evangelical sociation. six msn of cholf. Oreat Anticipation Bale Before going Dome loaay, atop at ttoDinaon ft Co. s. SSI Washington street, and lay In a sun- ply of negligee shirts at prloes so low they will amase you I New summer stock every article; ties of the most seasonable style and moat beautiful pat terns straw hats of the high grade for which mis nrm is noted. Water throught hoso for sprinkling yards or siaewaias or wasmng porcftee or windows must be paid for in advance and used only between the hours of S and 8 a. m., and S end 9 p. m. It must not ba used for sprinkling streets. If used contrary to these rules, or waste fully, it will be shut off. Steamer Jesse Harkins. for Camas, Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at a p. m. i What are the wild waves saying; at Seaside T Buy a paokage of Golden (Train Granules at Dresser's or Otto's grocery and become strong. C Elmore Grove, formerly at 446 Washington street, has opened his new studio at III Washington, corner Park. , Navajo Indian blankets '111 Sixth st Alaska Indian baskets. Ill Sixth St. Eastman kodaks, 111 Sixth street Llauors for all the best of wines and all at Kelly's Family Liquor Store. Park ana Morrison. Woman's Exchange, III Tenth street. 11:10 to 2; ousiness men s lunch. Oil CoTsells the best safety coal una gasoline, mono jsast tub, Golden Grain Granules' Is of the highest quality. D, C. Burns. D. Chambers, optician. 111 Seventh. Bergar signs 114 Yamhill phone. Bark Tools for rheumatism. Beck jeweler 106 Alder. Two largely attended mass meetings to dlsouss the organlo anion of the United Evangelical and Association churches were held yesterday at the First German Evangelical church. Tenth and Clay streets, under the aus pices of the Portland Evangelical Mln sterlal union. At the first meeting, held at 1:10 p. m., large delegations from the First English, Memorial. Lants. Mllwaukln. Second. First United Uvinnliul Ht Johns, United, Evangelical and the other Evangelical churches In and about of the First United Evangelical church and president of the Ministerial union, officiated as chairman at both meetings and with him on the platform were Reva. S. A. Nlewert. Theodore Srhnr J. A. Gooda, H. O. Henderson, A Bltt ner. J. Bowerman. F. M. Fisher. Cfcaatm- N. Gates and N. Gates. Rev. Mr. Winter, after hearttlv wel coming and outlining the purpose of the meeting, saia IB part: We are not stranaers. Our aarlv history Is one. All here share in the responsibility of building sentiment for union. Let It be heralded from the Paciflo to tha Atlantlo that we stand for the organlo union of these branches ox tne Evangelical union In love and government "It aeema to me that we are not far separated. Our Interests are common. We are not antaaonlstio in an aenaa. The only difference Is In the adminis tration of church government, but that should not and will not, stand In the way of union. Bo we are here this afternoon for a common cause and a common purpose and let us show where the Portland churches stand on this most Important question." Other addresses were made by minis ters present. At the evening meeting Rev. Chester P. Gatea of. St Johns spoke on "Why Should the Young Peo ple Be Especially Interested In This Union T" Jtev. H. E. Hornschuh spoke on "Union the Spirit of the Times." The folio wlnr resolutions were adont- d unanimously: "Whereas. Under the nrovidence of Ood and by ths leading of the holy epiru a movement ror reaeration be tween the United Evanaellcal church and tha Evangelical association has been started; and. "Whereas, That movement has be come aggressive in Oregon to the ex I Harlan Talbert at Albany Is making a good ' snowing notwiinawiaing mi fact that there are two other contest ant In his vicinity Glenn E. Walker and X Prcy Read. But all the oon taatanta of Albany are doing well and going straight for tha scholarships of their choice, Talbert wants tha scholarship In tba Oregon Law college at Portland. Walker now thinks ha would Ilka to attend tha Oregon Agricultural callers at Corval- II s. Read Is Investigating tna Bennaa- Walker land Business Institutions laiirnil i 11a, nf final awards. Earl Heckart of Corvailla and Jannla Bowersox of R. F. D. No. , CorvsJlls, are showing good support from their eeotlon. Both are competing for tha scholarship in Dallas college. Maud Hollinger of Forest Grove, Ce cilia wessela Of uarainer ana ro Rlverman of Cornelius come Into the fifth score list with a dash that means St Helens and Emma Mohr of HUlsboro will need a good many aubsoription votes to get Into the ninth cash awarda. Eastern Oregon lstrtot. In contest district No. 4. or eastern Oregon. Bessie Gaylord of North Pow der makee a ruab toward the front Considering the scattered population wnicn sns nas to canvass, sue aum maue a very good beginning. The last count of oontest ballot hows Alice D. Grant of Dallas to be leader of contest district No. 1 aa wsll as leader of contestants of all dis tricts. Having more , votes than any other contestant Miss Grsnt brings the first choice of awards to her district aa ad vantage to every contestant in that dis trict. She has the first choice of awards herself and she brings an early turn in the call of scholarships to every other contestant in the Willamette valley. But It might be expected that a great com up out or uaiias HO PLATES I'1 nis.. W. A. WIS KAS MmiSB noil a a. Ws can extract one or all your teem wunoui nurting a tut, ana put in new teeth the same day if you desire. Our system of crown and bridge work Is simple, quick and painless. When desired you can have T. P. Wise or my personal service. Painless Xxtractlng rree Whan Plates are ordered. o YBABS ama and doing dental work all tb time. That Is the record of Dr. W. A Wise. That's ons reason our business has grown our pa trons come back, and they send their friends. IV. A. WISE, Dentist railing bldg, td and Washington lan.lolp.SL nndsys to IB. rainless lx-action SOo) mate td T.P.Wise, H.A, StuTdcmt ind H. A. Huffman , ABBOCXATSS, BOTX PHOB, A AB9 KAXaT aoa. i in jrn mi r f "ii 11 I II nil . i f i THS 1TOXS NOTED POR BEST OOODS AT LOWEST PRICES r 1 irir An. it in m ii i iii an U U U Va Mexican Mustang Liniment " , ieona rincaney oi , Boss qiilakly t tha vary eara of th dlaaaae and atap tba moat dsea-aet, axaraolatlng asla almost Instantly. Mexican Mustang Liniment Owrwa svsry alls sal of Ma ar- Baast that a pood, fcMst Untmaat oaa Hoaa ksttar, a gead. ?lrl would Lilian McV en ollanS F.VV. BALTES & GOHPAfJY MAIM 165 INVITE YOUR INQUIRIES FOR PRIfJTIFJG FIRST AND OAK STREETS PORTLAND ACADEMY J$$eteenth Yen Opeos Sep-1 lember 16, 1307 1 -The Tha academy, fits boys and girls for Jf eastern and western colleges. Boarding number. Elementary grades, both pri mary and grammar, wioer we same manasnrosnt Office hours during the summer, rri. to II m. and, from t to 4 P- m. For catalogue, address tent that fraternal delegatea have been exchanged between the two conferences in tnis state, a . ministerial union com prising tne ministers of both churches in Portland and vicinity has been or- anlsed, and, finally, the grand rally eia ai tne r irsi uerman cnurcn. Port land. Orecon. July 21. 1807: therefor "Resolved. That we aa ministers and laymen of the Oregon conferences of the tsvangeiioai association and of the United Evangelical church do by a Ha lng vote express our sympathy with this federation movement and pray that Ood may continue to bind our hearts more closely in Christian love and fel lowsnip until we snail ne one in or ganisation as well aa in spirit and pur pose; De ii luriner "Resolved, That we believe that such steps can be taken by the next general conference of the Evangelical associa tion that will call forth a special meet ing oi tne general conference or the United Bvanrellcal church and thereby make it possible to consummate the ar rangements for this organic union of our cnurcnes at an early data Fur ther, be It "Resolved. That a copy of these reso lutions be sent to the local press and to the leading periodicals of both churches for publication. Men's $12.50 to $18.00 Suits Radically, Reduced. Don't confuse this offer with the or dinary, e very-day bargain, for it is a selling event without parallel. No man who has tha slightest conception of value rill fall to rncognlse the fact that wa are selling these suits at cost and less. Now It is u to you to pur chase while tha opportunity for selec tion is best Res-ufar 111. BO. HE. IIS So and $11 suit at $7.60. Sawmill Deal at Elgin. (BpecUl Dispatch to Th Journal.) Elgin. Or.. July 21. Cummins & Huffman, a local sawmill firm, havo disposed of their plant to Adams & Pilgsrrln of Caldwell, Idaho. The mill has a capacity of 25,000 feet per day. A tract of 720 acres of timber land on Indian creek wa also transferred. would com up out of Dallas as lcker and Mildred U Clem ens. two or tne leaders last year were backed by Dallas. And the Dallas col lege enjoys the prestige of leadership which the prominence of Its students gives them and the school. or course tns race ror tne scnoiar- ships is just beginning and there will be manv changes In the relative posi tion of contestants before the end. But those who show strength now ar pretty apt to come out well at the end. Maltoomah Candidate. In Multnomah county, contest dis trict No. 1. Hilda Brant one of the Uni versity Park candidates, passes Mattle Fenley. Miss Fenley took first posi tion In the Portland district on the first count of ballots on July 6, and held the place In the record of July 11, 1J and II, or for 12 day. William Russell has been running a close second In every score but he is now crowded down to third by the re markable gain of Hilda Brant He has polled a number of votes since the last count end the next score may put him ahead of one or of both the girls. Hilda Brart the new leader of Mult nomah county district is striving for one of the large purses of gold coin so thst she may have the means to attend the state university at Eugene. She Is working faithfully every day, taking subscriptions right and left and her present prospects seem very good for the realisation of her alms. Chan of Location. Tha .Fenley family are preparing to move away rrora Portland to another . part of the state. Preparations for this move have interfered with Mettle's work In the contest I The votes now credited to Mattle i Fenley stand to her credit no matter what becomes her address. But a change of residence takes her out of the Multnoman county district ana puts ner in trie geographical ATTEND WELCH'S GENUINE REMOVAL SA1E See Ad Back Page Carbonic Gas vox AitXt rxnuronm Bjlderback & Crane Company ea ran it. In which Potter Schedule for. Beach. The steamer Potter will sail from Portland, Ash Street dock, next week as follows; Tuesday. 12 o'clock noon: Wednes' day, B:S0 a. m.; Thursday, 7 a. m.i Sat urday, 9 a. m. Get tickets and make reservations at cttv ticket office. Third ana Washington streets, c. w. stinger, city ticket agent A oor Oaa Wada Qood. ft often bappena a few .dollars pot In upon wora wi.i nave' tne ion or a plana While you are away on your va cation wa will do this work and have the lan ready for you when you get back, 'hone Reed-French comnanv. Main 1252 It's tha piano store on Burnaida street "I have bfeen aomewtiat costive, but Conn's. Renrulet gave just th results desired. They. act mildly and regulate th- bowel ' perfectly. Oeorse H. Kranay 161 Walnut ava, Altaona, Fv district she locates. So far aa contestants in Multnomah county are concerned this makes clear way for William Russell, David Ov Mullen, and Ray H. Moore, who re garded Matti Fenley as a formidable rival. There will now be a pretty race between these boys, who seem to be very well matched, and Hilda Brant. But Marie Brunn Is coming up the scholar ship track at a Nancy Hanks gait and she may pass any or all of the boys before the next quarter post Alta M. Wilcox. Cleone's little favor ite, has been delayed somewhat by Ill ness. She and her sister, Miss Daisy, climbed the mountain above Jatourelle Fall a few days ago aid th trip was too much for th little girl. Alta can vassed the mill hands at Palmer so long a she was able and then became so sick from exhaustion that she could ly get down the (mountain to the railroad. Unfortunately. noma one had preceded her to Palmer and had gathered un about all the subscriptions to Th Jour nal that were available. But Alta l not the kind of a srtrl to Stve up when she meets with obstacles, he deplores her sickness, not because of the Dain or Inconvenience, but be cause it prevents her getting ahead in tne contest. Willamette Talley Slstrlot. The mst notable event In this con test district U th progress made bv Alice D. Grant, daughter of the sheriff or foiK county. Miss Qrant is visiting every town In Polk county and calling at every house n Uallas in ner campaisrn ror votes. She is working night and day and earns every vote that she reports. Already sne nas taxen tz new suoscnptions to the Daily and Sunday Journal and she has collected in advance from a number of old subscribers. Adam Murray oi uayvuia takes a po sition which augurs well for his fu ture. Opal Callisoa or uiex nas nearly as many votes as the leader of Multnomah county district. The standing of contestant in the' small towns and In rural routes outstay, of Portland ' shows conclusively that country contestants have aa good If not a better chance in this oontest than have the young people in the city. Other Candidates Iff ceded. Contest district No. 8 so far shows but two candidates. Their names and addresses and voting strength is aa fol lows: 1. Anise Hewitt. Roseburg, Or 850 2. Lewis F. Herbage. Medford, Or... 440 Contest district No. S comprises that part of Oregon south or Eugene and the counties bordering on th Pacific ocean. 1 So far only two young people in all that broad expanse of territory Indicate ; a oesire to compete ror xne journal scholarships and cash awards. According to the plan of the contest there might.' be 10 candidatea in that geographical district and still every on would receive a scholarship Y It 1 high time that friend of edu cation in southern and western Oregon nominate worthy young people of their section to share In the benefits of The Journal's educational awards. Testerdav another scholarship was added td those to be competed -fur. It 1 on or th miMt desirable to he had In Oregon. It character and advantage will r Mi jLaowm la sVa mt waV REBUILDERS REPAIRERS DESIGNERS or 1U MA XXI Or ATT0K0BUB8. PULLMAN AUTO CAR CO. 68-70-73-74 Worth Slxta Bt, Cor. Everett, A. D. PKRKINS, PRES. Tel. Main 41. "Largest Automobile Repair Fac tory in the West" .i. V 4 ..:.. i 1 , On white gobds white and colored lawns,. white lawn shirtwaists, balbriggan and gauze underwear foreman, woman and child; summer corsets sample lines of white muslin skirts, gowns, drawers, chemise and corset covers; white parasols, silk gloves, lace mitts and lisle gloves, tape girdle corsets, all col ors; suit cases, hand grips, satchels and telescopes; camping blankets, cottage curtains and table cloths, towels and toweling. We have no competition along legitimate lines. Great Mid-Summer Sale Special Ooak & Suit Dept. LADIE.S, DON'T MISS IT 100 Pure Silk Petticoats High gracje, extra sweep; $7.50; at, each $4.98 Bathing Suits Full range of colors and sizes ; $1.96, $2.25, $2.45, $2.75; special bargains. All the new fads in Bath ing Caps from 20 to $1.50. Shoea, all sizes. Black and colored Petticoats -for the coast and moun tains; $1.25 values.. 75t Paris Patterns 10c; all Seams Allowed. Mail Orders receive prompt Attention. Phone M 732. 150 satin-trimmed ''short Oriental Klmonos; $1.50 values; Tuesday, all colors 08 87 Ladies Coats in checks, velvet trimmed collar!, 64-inch; $8.50, $9 and $10 values ; mid-' 6ummer sale price, while they last, for.... $4.08 A Bargain Summer Jackets in checks, stripes, suitable for coast andf mountains; $6.50 and $7.50 vals., choice $4.35 and $5.45 Checked tailor-made Suits, nicely trimmed; $12.50 and $15.00 values, for only $7.08 White Linen and Duck Skirts ; closing prices, 98 $1.15, $1.25, $1.45 and $2.50. Ex ceptional values; ladies, don't miss it. Goods deliv ered free) to all parts of the City. The store not ed for Best Goods at Low est Prices. Agents far Thompson's Olore-Fittiag Corsets and Warner's Rust Proof Corsets AanrszisxsTB. Marauam Qrand (ition Main .) Tonisht and all weet Matin Wednes day ina oaiurunj, vuroB owxzit In Sudermann" Masterpiece, ic aon" TTntT, 11.00. 75c. 60c. ito. Matl- . . 4i. KAn 9K& Nxt Tek "Th 8tory of th Oolden Fleece. Hotel Hamlin EDDY AM) IXAVDnrOKTH SIS. San First permanent bis hotel down town. Contains lOObeeutlfullr furnished steam heated epartmenta. 40 betas. Private telephone ser vice. Sample rooms for eommerelal travelers. Eddv 8u ears from ferry paaa door and con nect with Srd 8t cars from 8. P. Depot. Bates from f LOO Dp. Phone Private Ex. Franklin 428. Francisco THE GRAND YAUDBVTI.U3 DB X.UXX. nuam- rata m oo. "Ficxnroi ras wunrxB" Wee of J air KABBUUI XBZX3B TTrelael'S Do and Cats. The Tanakaa, Reeves & Kenny, Joe Thompson. THE STAB nanHon5l-8JJ. Phone M. 649. and (Home) A14. Th Coolest Theatre In th City. Week of July 2t. the Oreat Soenlo Production, " "xajts mvt.- Matinee Tuesdays, Thursdays, Satnr-1 days, nundays at i:0; prices lOo, ZOc very evening- at 8:16: prloes 10c, SOo and 80c Secure seats ror all perform ances by phone. 1 II Phone BUY THE WHITE Th Xlnf of 8wlnT Machine, ror Sal vjr While Sewing Machine Agency K. 9. Jones, 880 Yamhill. FOR SALE CHEAP AH Kinds of Beoond-Xand wtag SSaohln. -XJST V SB T01TB TAOTOBT" UTILITY MANUFACTURING & PLATING COMPANY SI ORB DXCTI.AY rTXTTBBS, UQST MAOTTACTTTKIXa SPBCIAXiTXBS, Twrnxa and oxroxsaro, BRASS FUTX8BXHO. X51 UBTIOsT ATESrOB. Both Phones j Bant S9S, B1BSS. W. B. SCOTT.Msr. ' Ice. ' Tor le eaU Main tl4 or A.U4S, Ic Piirrjr peapw, 1A1 8txX sU j. LlIXllO lUXiAAXlXJ Main 4686. I M w n TIH7ICC JP TA ltd Wek ths Alln Stock Company. H i I e IUJUiXP U W Praaantinc I il "WaTOBB BABT AJU9 TOXXt" Matinees Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday J and Sunday. Price iOo, 10a. Every eren- lng at 8:15. Price IOo, 10a and 10c. I Reserved seat Dy phone. Main 4455. Office open from 1U a. m. to 19 p. m. THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY Is the garden spot of ths earth, end OOLOKN GRAIN GRANULES is the finest drink on earth 1 GOLDEN GRAIN GRANULES is a pore cereal health coffee, and can be had from tha follow log grocers in the ROGUI RIVER VALLEY xm usnroBD, om. B. N. Warner Hutchinson A Lumsden Miller A Ewbank Allen Reagan W. Stringer F. I Cranill H. Mats ft Son nr oBAirrs pass, om. H. C. Bobseln Kenney A Truax Claua Schmidt J. P. Kenney Southern Orron Supply Co. T. T. Dean T. B. Cornell C. F. DLxon. m wooDTiz&B, om. C. O. Seaman W. V. Jonea VI OOZD SXU, om. Tarter A Ihifflrtd Merritt A Co. Loom! ft Nelson M XV-JACXBOSTTUB, T. J. Kenney Nunan-Taylor Co, Ulrtch Bros. nr oawTmAJb roxBT, om Cranflll ft RnblnaT' J. W. Marritt. . Hearn ft Flhr. XS TAiBBT. OSV C. W. Woltr Bars ent ft Dnnlap. HT ASBXAB9, OS. O. Winter Holme Bros. Nlms ft Cappoller Teo ft Co. Touna ft Dlx. . Crews ft Son Loom! ft Nelson 51 l ii ii ii ii ii ii ii .I ii ii ii ii 11 -I i i i i H H 11 II H Ii II H !l u N IIWl ViJtAA V VI VVV V , i MEDFORD, OREOON i DlatrihaWr for Sonthern Oisoa and Bortnni OaMfotnlsv j Golden Grain Granules" is served at tha lfoore Hotel, uad I BASEBALL ATHLETIC PARK, Ooraa Tmfn and Twasaty-fonrlh. July 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 LOS ANGELES VS. PORTLAND Oam called at 1:10. p. m. dally. Games called at 1:10 p. m. Sunday. usnr bat raiDA.T. ADMISSION 25. OrandaUnd 18a.. i... Children 10c Box seats ibc. ford. Ore., because the Moore Hotel serves the best J Wl. -1- . t . The BRILAKLRS HOTLL AMERICAN PXJLK. 3aC3v v rtU 'Jy ' 4 .. . M .i ubasiwo ttrrtm eesost c ? Flectrlo hisUU '''uTl,..iIot. anl t.;a fait v . to lireakers, Pa . : County, s ssii. I'ob: -' - ;