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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY ; JOURNALS PORTLAND; , MONDAY EVENINO, JULY 3.- 1CC7. S) 1 DEATH AND DESTRUCTION , .' . 't 1 J. .- IN WAKE OF CAROUSAL Upsetting of Kerosene Lamp During: Drunken Revel at Troutdale Causes Death by Incineration of One and the Fatal Burning of Another. Th upaettlrtf.of. a. kerosene lamp In drunken carousel reaultftd In the de struction of bimlnoaa hounea valued at $30,000 at Troutdale at an early hour yeterIuy morning;. V. J. Smith, one of tho revrWa, waa burned to a crlap. and anotlier, Richard Nicholson, la In dying rendition at Good Samaritan hoopltfil In this city. Merchants whose store wera dtropd ara reopening; for business In lenta at the seen of the conflagration. Business Block Destroyed. The property dotroyed comprised tha bent built business block In Troutdale, and Included tho following: J. C. Buck ley, Troutdale hotel, loaa $25,000, insur ance, $1,000; Harlow, blaster At Harlow, loss Sfi.000, Insurance $6,000; Union ho tel, loss $2. S00, Insurance $1,256; 8. 8. Lognn store building, loss $1,000, In surance $500; Louis Helming, hotel fu tures, loan $1,260, Insurance $860; James Allison, hotel fixtures, loss $1,500, In surance $1,000; weinhard estate, loss .w Tro"al hotel, where a number "ra oomraeo and lodged. Smith, who recently came to Troutdale to work "7 union Meat company, became hl larlous and oratorical sjid, owing to the effect or hia frequent potations, he waa careless In his gestures. Escape Impossible. When the carouse reached Its height, about 1 ouock a. m.. Smith upset the kerosene lamp vith which the Sroom waa lighted. The oil must have com municated tO his clothlno- for ha waa Unable to escape the flames that In stantly surrounded him. His charred body waa afterward fVinnd In tl.a rulna Rleharu Nicholson, another member of the party, waa badly burned, hut suc ceeded In making his escape from the ourning bulldlna. Ha waa fnnnrt wan. derlng on the streets In a delirious con dition, and was bandaged and sent on the firs, train to Portland. He Is under treatment at Oood Samaritan hospital. The entire town would have been de stroyed had It not been for the heroic orK 01 the bucket br rade and the hosecart crew. The only means of fighting fire in Troutdale. aside from the today, when the subject was broached at a student gathering, The negro gambler's ambition to make a "fine Udy'T of hla little sister la 're ally the cause of the discovery, for her friends became curious over her many Jewels and her luxurious clothes. Suspicion wss aroused and an Investiga tion waa started. Then one of the so rority sisters who visited her home chanced upon a collection of negro pho tographs and the unmasking followed. LAND FENCERS TO HAVE NO IMMUNITY Actual Search lor Them Temporarily Leas Acttre, but Prosrcutlon Is Unrelenting. iiuw. no insurance; Aaron rov post- bucket brigade. Is a small hosecart with Office building, loss $1,000, Insurance about 300 feet of hoee. and water Is $500: Rlchard Latnurelie, saloon fix- secured from a tank sunnlled bv a tures, loss $1,000, no Insurance; Larson Bros., saloon, loss $200, fully Insured; Osborn Bros., store, loss $100, fully in jured; Robert White store building, loss $$00, no Insurance; George N. Reynolds, meat market, loss. $500, no Insurance; Richard Latourelle, livery stable, loss t&00, no Insurance. The jamoouree that led up to the holocaust began Saturday night In the Red Front saloon. Half a dosen men .who had sampled the firewater in vaxt tne Kea f ront ana mere engaged in a oua dispensaries of the town drifted to drinking bout that waa later continued from bottles In a room oyer the annex anrlng some dlstanca un tho hilt targe quantities of merchandise Vere saved from the hurnlng stores. Every able-bodied man In Troutdale turned out to help, and some rapid work waa done in moving all klnus of commodities and valuablea. The safe In the postofMce preserved the stamps and booka. and Postmaster Harlow was able to re sume business on time yesterday morn ing. The telepuone exchange was de stroyed but long-distance communica tion has been restored. The losses on buildings and gooda will reach $30,000, and the lnaurance will not exceed $12.. 000. (Wssfctnrton Barren of Tbe Journal.) Washington. July 22. Acting Secre tary of the Interior Woodruffs atten tion has been called to articles In sev eral papers to the effect that the de partment of the Interior will not prose rntm 111 aa 1 fnc cases this year. He contradicts this statement in emphatlo trmi. Hm aavs: "It would be unfortunate ahould such an idea get abroad among western peo ple, because It la not true. If any fencer deiended upon It, he might get Into serious trouble. "I might explain thst the special agent force of the general land office and the special Inspectors of the interior department W he especially occupied during the summer with the more para mount and Immediate duty of protect' Ins: the Duhllc lands from being acaulred f rau1iilntlv For that reaaon few of J them can he detailed to search specific ally ror uiegai rences. On the othsr hsnd, ss fast as Illegal fences are discovered In the regular rou tine of the special agenta, and whenever emaplalnt Is made to the department of the interior or the department of justice VISITED HERE BRIEF PERIOD "Sugar Cane George" Carter, Governor of Hawaii, Spent Two Hours in Portland. Oorenor George R. Carter, of Hawaii, "Sugar Cane Oeorge," as he was face tiously dubbed a number of years ago on account of an advertising stunt he performed with a sugar cane stalk, waa In Portland yesterday for a oouple of hours on his way from Tacoma to San Francisco. Governor Carter was appointed chief executive of the islands without solici tation on his part. He waa busy look ing afttr tha plantation which fur nishes aome of the saccharine grains for this oountry when the news came that he was It. Hs took the Job without protest Then he began to wield the big stick, whose use he had developed while ex ploiting the attractions of the islands to the world at large before nolltleeJ concerning Illegal fences. prompt vigorous action win De taken, courts If necessary, of such unlawful nd in the to force the removal obstructions. KEEN CONTEST- OVER POSSESSION OF A GIRL OF TENDER YEARS ACTOR FALLS DEAD ON STAGE AT BUTTE determined effort will be made by Rev. B. O. Henderson of Lents to re- ', tain the oustody of Daisy McNemee, the young daughter of C. H. McNemee, . and this morning he filed In the county court an answer to tbe objections made by the little girl's relatives to her adoption by the minister. Daisy MeNemee haa lived with Rev. Mr. Henderson's family since her father died. Recently Rev. Mr. Henderson filed a petition asking that he be au thorised to adopt the ohlld. This peti tion met with strong objections from aome of the child's relatives, who live In Kansas City, Missouri, and Ellis, Nebraska. In answering these objections. Rev. Mr. Henderson declares that aeveral of the child's relatives, namelv, Clvde Mc Nemee, Emma Miller, Mrs. Haul's High land. Mrs. Qlttle Morris and Mra Grace Puterbaugh, are not opposed to the adoption. He offers ooples of a num ber of letters to prove that he Is the most proper person to have the child custody. Among the letters is ons from Mrs. Highland, in which she says that the use of her name In the objections that were filed waa not authorised. FOR THE GOOD or FEEBLE-MINDED SELF AIID PARTY TO HAVE HOME Both Considerations Prompt Work on New State Institu- (Special Dispetrk to Tbe JoaraaL) Butte. Mont, July 22. During a mat inee performance by Vhf Sutton stock company at the Grand opera house yes terday afternoon J. R. Davis, who only recently joined the company from Chi cago, fell dead. It was in the second act of "Lost in Siberia." Davie waa reading hla linea, when without any warning he fell forward, striking on his face. The curtain waa rung down and Iavls was carried to the wings, where efforts were made to revive him. It was not realised at first that he waa dead and the third act had begun before tbe doctor, who had been called, pro nounced him dead. The curtain was rung down and the audience dismissed. Davis, who was a young man, had been with the company for only the past month, coming here from Chicago- The fatal stroke seemed to come aa a cramp of the heart, for he merely stiffened, gasped for breath and fell. honors were thrust upon him Governor Carter haa made good peo ple out of some bad ones while he haa held office. He DUt hla commercial aoumen into the channel of graft-hunting, and found some of It. took up the chase, landed his victims and as a re sult there Is much cleaner municipal end governmental conduct In the is lands at the present Urn Chan at any time heretofore. Governor Carter bellevaai that tha American newspapers and the people iu.iu.oit.1 in mm siaiea are largely responsible for the war , scare with Jspan. He does not hesitate to say so, and beratea the tendency of Ameri cans to nurae anything and everything that will furnish a line out of the or- ainnry or supply a little excitement ine cnier executive haa been in America larger con ferrl Carter r-ranciseo before returning to Hawaii, wuvrv uvTirrnor Liriir win rm miia. ceeded by Judge W. F. Vrear. Novem ber 2$. aince May 10. snendlnsr tha Dart of his tlma tn Wuhlnxn. Ing with officiate. Ha and Vtra will visit a abort tlma In B.n Choice of Routes. The Canadian Pad fie offers a choice of routes to the east The Short Line via Spokane, or via Victoria and Vancouver or via Sumaa Choose one of these routes and avoid the heat and dust. Service the best Passengers routed br the way of th Canadian National park. For descriptive matter and full par ticulars call on or address F. R, John son. G. A- P. D.. Portland, Or. Get Your's Now $1.00. For any straw hat In Chicago Clothing Co.. between Oak ana pine. the house. The 69-71 Third St., Bryan's Latest, Wash- ingtonians Think. (Journal Special Service.) Washington, July 22. The few Demo cratic leaders at present here discussed Bryan's pronunclamento regarding gov ernment ownership as a non-issue in next year's campaign with great inter net. . The majority of them see a double notice in the Kebraakan's declaration. tbe removal of an embarrassing position In which Bryan himself had Placed the ticket In 11108. and the keeping in cold torage of the underripe issue in ques tion in case some outer man maxes tne race and Bryan should be compiled to defer his White House hopes until more propitious times. With government own ership in the Democratic platform and himself a candidate, he fears tbe chances for election would be against him, not for him, no matter how favor able the situation might appear other wise. Saturday Was tion Soon to Begin Building Plans. (Special Dispatch to Tbe Jonmal.) Salem, Or., July" 22, The board of trustees of the new Institute for the feeble-minded is getting everything In readiness for building. A landscape artist and gardener will be secured at once ta select a site and lay out the tract recently purchased into parks. boulevards and roadways. Everything win De aone 10 retain me natural Deauty of the tract, which is said to be partic ularly well adapted for an institution of this character. Hulldlng will then be gin in earnest. The estimated cost of buildings is a.0,000. Provision is made for 160 patients. According to the plana prepared by a local architect, there will be one main building, consisting of the administra tion hall and of a central dining hall, the two being Joined by a long corridor. The administration building will be used bv the employes, teachers and officers In charge of the work of the Institute. The administration building will he of two stories with basement and will be 40 oy eo leet. The dining hall, which Is practically a separate building Is to be 100 by 38 feet and will have a kitchen In addi tion. Back of this main building 200 feet will be the central steam heating tructure Straw hat day at The Chicago Clothing Co.. 69-71 Third St. This week It will be kept up every day. Many men came and bought two or three hats for the price of one. Tour choice of any straw hat in the house at 11.00; values $2.60 to S3. 60 and a few 15.00 ones left; moet oft straws. Be sure and come this plant located in a one-storv wee, xou win oe amaseel at tne values 56 by 56 leet put our loss is your gain. Any straw I Two cottages built apart will be hat in the house $1.00. I erected, one for the boys and one for tne girls. The boys' or men s huilriln will be a two-story edifice 124 bv 32 fct ana so arrangea as 10 give the most ef ncient sanitary ana ventilation fac II ties. Large windows to admit the oure Dreezes oi me neignooring hills will oe placed on each side of the bulldlnr T-V... V.. .11.41 W . . " 111. IfUUIOIll UUiiUUJH Will UD Ul a. aim uar nature. There will also be a laundrr. a bam and otner ouuamga necessary to carry on the work of the institution. The tract is of about 640 acres, and Is located about three miles from the can- It ol and is a quarter of a mile from the southern acinic track. As far as known the conduct of the institution will be modeled closely after similar institutions in Wisconsin and I Maasachusetta. About 76 of the in mates now in tne state insane asvlum are to be transferred to the new lnstl tution. Si At the United Cigar Stores Special Feature This Week. Palma de Cuba Bouquets 5c. each Same rate by the box. Here's a cigar that meas ures up to the standard of most three-for-a-quarter Havana Cigars. -The filler and wrapper are Havana tobacco and the cigar will appeal to Havana Gigar smokers. UNITED CIGAR STORES COMPANY ANY SUIT PHOTO'S OF NEGB0ES LNT HOME OF BELLE Dusky Queen Mixed With Fair Co- Ed Thre Glorious Years, Till Pictures Were Dug Up. to- Make your selection day values up to $20. Broken 'lines of splendid Summer Suits in sizes 33 to 42. Grays, browns and blues. S Every suit from our regular "Btock. Every suit has our i guarantee. Every suit this season's make. ClothinqCo C3KuhnPr6jr 1C3 and 168 Third St (Journal Special Service.) Chicago, July 22. Cissy Johnson, sis ter of "Mushmouth" Johnson, the most notorious negro gambler in America, queened It over the University of Chi cago for three years, according- to a dis covery made bv the co-eds. She scat tered smiling' largess to admiring women luaents and tne dancing men or the midway school because her face waa masked with a peaches and cream com plexion. How she did It all will re main a mystery for future students to wonder at. How shs ruled as a soror- .t neaa ana a favorite at Greek letter functions behind her dual identity until Jk. ";un,e beauty was branded as t t?J. "T will be a closed chapter ' nIu for,mr elib sisters. ht2l.Joh?OTl h&t fallen from her hinrt. i .VJ k Her -ororlty has been dls fS? !Xind !r 'rinds have faded away. 1 AVJfit!r ""ts know now of .T. m.bltlof- Nene of her eoeu Pi vala suspected tha wl mIIT appearance from caxopua frolic waul . SL0O A WEEK WILL DO .00 WE SHL ON THE EASY PAYMENT PIAN DIAMONDS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD WITH US AND YOU WEAR THE GOODS WHILE PAYING FOR THEM EVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED STANDARD JEWELRY STORE 189 THIRD STREET, BET. YAMHILL AND TAYLOR 1 Diamonds Watches Jewelry Our plan of selling Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry on credit is not alone for those who cannot afford to pay cash, but also for those who can pay cash bat pre fer not to make so large an investment at one time. Among our customers are Bankers, Merchants and Individuals who could pay cash ten times over, but take advantage of our liberal credit plan. WHY? Because our Credit Prices are the same as oar Cash Prices, which are far below the prices asked by any other jeweler. This is nonewspaper talk. THESES ARE FACTS, which we can easily prove by, comparison. MARX BLOC LARGEST DIAMOND DEALERS Hi OREGON 74 Third St. Near Oak Management of Estates Instead of making a will to be first considered after your decease (and perhaps contested), why not place your estate with the competent and sub stantial trust company where you can direct its management and distribution? This is the cheaper, safer and the more rational way to do. Let us explain, by personal interview or corre spondence, our methods of handling estates. Merchants Savings and Trust Company 247 WASHINGTON STREET CAPITAL FULLY PAID $150,000 J. Frank Watson. ........j...... President R. L. Durham... .- Vice-President W. H. Fear Secretary S. C Catching .....Assistant Secretary O. W. T. Muellhaupt... Cashier NE WPORT YAQUINA BAY Has One of the Finest Beaches on the Pacific Coast and Is an IDEAL SUMMER RETREAT It is easily reached, is not an expensive place 0 visit, hat ex cellent hotel accommodations, affords perfectly safe and delightfid surf bathing and all sorts of beach pastimes, such as clam-bakes, oyster hunts, fishing-, pebble and shell gathering, etc., enjoys a mild and inviting climate, picturesque scenery, and all the other at tractions that can be desired for recreation and pleasure, NEWPORT is reached by way of the Southern Padfic to Al bany or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Train service dally and the trip a pleasure throughout. Leave Portland 8 a. m. Rate from Portland $6.00 for the round trip. Tickets on sale daily and good for return until October 31. There is also a Saturday-Monday rate from Portland of $3.00, tickets on sale Saturdays, good for return Mondays. ' Correspondingly low rates from all other points. Call at the citr ticket office of the Si4ir Third and Washington streets, in Portland, or at any S. P. agency aa f a, aaaa la. aaa t a MaXaaa aK 1 aiai - - A W WILLIAM McMTTRRAY. General Passenger Agent, Southern Pacific Company, Portland, Or. Underwood Standard' Typewi 4 v nter For Speed Safety, Surety SOUS ROADBKD IS K8SENTH4 Visibility and Speed in ths trrorawooo u TTPBTWltrnEB AJtBl STJPPORT .rEKTBCTX.T BAIaUfCED CON' STBxrcnoN. Underwood Typewriter Company SS mth ttrceS so xuiiaum. so oju. so oxxuxra. Specialists in Painless Dentistry 1 TEETH.. To introduce our latest method in painless dentistry, until July 31. we will do your work at ons half regular price. Bridge work applied and all kinds of filling inserted without pain. Teeth extracted positively with out pain or bad result, 50st. We correct all irregularities of teeth without pain. Consultation and estimates free. Open evenings until & Lady in attendance. CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS Suite 3-4-5 .Raleigh Bldg. COR. SIXTH ft WASHINGTON Phone Main 388a lips CURS Bfak Haadh and rail all tha trouble hu Srat to ftMUbaa atataof tha sritam, auoh M Pllilmaa, Naoaaa, DrovminaM Diatrsa aftar aailii. Pain la tha Bid. It a. WhU their moat WmarkabU noo ha ba shown In curias !lOi& KaaSaehe. yt Carter's Little Livar Pfflj aa qnUr valaaU la Oonatlpaikm. curing and pra TaUnc thlaannorlo'oom plaint, whlla they alto orraetaJldlanrdaraof tha.tnmay.a attmnlala tha BTar au4 ragulaia th bowels. JSvao U ta7 only lab they would ba almost prioaliwi to crfSwhs nflfcr nnm UUidtotraaaiBaoomDlaltitiViitforta. Stly thlrgoodmi do notand hr,aod thoaa Whoonoatrr tham will And thaaa llttla nltla nla- maim in ao many way, laal iney wui not M wit- tuam. Jlnf to do without t aclki Bat after all (lcktMad lath ban ef so many Uvea that here to where wemaka our great boast. Our pUle oure It white othara do not. Carter'a UtUa livw Pllla ara vrv rmall and very aaay to taka. On or two pUU maka a do. Xhay era atrlotly vasetebla and da not rlra o puisaJtatby UMtrgantlaaouoa plaaaaall who oisxn itDttm co. nv toss. i KRS. WIIISLOW'S SOOTRIlia SYRUP baa baan need br KllUom of Moahrra foYtielr l obUdrea wnla Teethina; (or ore Fifty o.' f ft aoottoea tha ehlkt, aoftena the rm alla4 u Duo. ouree wia raedy ror atarrhoM TWXM1 viva cuirrs battu. TOB) ': aaWJpHWaWaS M SaSS . ,V. T 5.. ' : (it y :