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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1907)
10 -r-5 --. '! THE OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLANU MONDAY EVENING, f JUL ; 22."; 1807. vV'-'.i" San Francisco Office Ordgdn Journal, 789 MarketSt, bet. 3d 6r 4th ASTXBrftscmirri awo txrm- - sc&irTioxrs maoBiran, Oregontcns when tn San Francisco can heva their mall Mnt la crt of Tha Journal office ARTHtJB 1 FISH. RepresentatiT - Wedding tarda. W. O. Smith A Co, Washington bldg., corner am ana wwt ington mi. Wedding cards the beatloo for IS. Alvln 8. Hawk 1 d st. , TrTTTC A ivT flnrlata. for H - 1. I7 tin at., . Hros., Florists Fine tlowara all kind. Clark and floral designs. tut Morrison at. Fulldress suits for rant, alt aiaaa Unique Tailoring Co.. 80 Stark at KKW TODAT. Something to Think About 40,000 Will take half block in warehouse district. "628,500 For 3 lots in same . r :. ... A t .: ten 1- aisrncr, maKmg xov ic on street with track guar anteed. To the party who takes either of the above buys we feef sure we can sell them inside of six months at TWENTY PER CENT advance. Come and see 113 about them. BIRTHS Herbert W. Buahnell, 421 Preacott at., a son. pinNEY-JuI.J0- t0 Mr- nd Mrs. R. 1 Ti..D?bn!y; 1,8 S- mb- daughter. RAMt.i July 11, to Mr. and Mra. O. O. """'v. J!,8.7 Sandy road, a daughter. ZEEDL'VTH July 1, to Mr. and Mra. Charles B. Zeebuyth, 191 N. 21st at., a daughter. OOODELL July II. to. Mr. and Mra. Columbua Ooodnll. safe Hivinr at daughter. SCHWARTZ July 18, to Mr. and Mra. Israel Q. Schwarts, 287 Sherman at., a LEWI 8 July U, to Mr. and Mra. Rob ert T. Lewie, 152 E. Tth at.. N, a eon. KENDALL July II. to Mr. and Mra. Arthur LeRoy Kendall, 636 Market at.. a aon. MUHLIO July 1IT, to Mr. and Mra. Otto Auguatave Muhllg, Montavllla, twins, aon and daughter. HELP WANTED MALE. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED A PERMANENT REPRTO- aentatlve who haa met witn success - I-.,--,, t n pnr.i.nt irn cor Doratlon in this territory; man wno naa 1 wa 1 u.u cjv i-n.riir.ix.jti.jj iiirtt .am .1 aatate or Insurance preferred, I In craam department: good wages. hut not essential; to the one qualifying steady work. Aldon Candy Co., loth we will pav good salary and oommn- ana uuaan ata Inn Arlilrens. sianns past , ipcnoni., nr cull 20fi-207-20H COUCll 0I1. I)UNGE WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE T.TZ Well ahlrta and Boas of All overall! nt 76 let st, ANlT WANTED COUCH makers. f.5 Front corner Davla ,-!.. . Vli IIAVU WINTK .Til mr.n .. ... i' j H.J...U I.. a 1 j -1. v.. , leurn plumbing, plastering, nncaiay- im a 1 vtua wuhan ah abmibtant tu ln alao aheet metal pattern draught ln: positions secured; day and night once. clasxes; free catalogue visitors wel come. Coyne Trade schools, San Fran take mnnaeement 8ert Address A.-41I, Journal, 1. Apply a Jr.!1:'- WANTED AGENTS.-; V.? SOMETHINO NEW IN HIOH-O RADIO perfumea;- price vary lowj supply 1 1 m uea. ti. m. fiumRiir, at orug siora. IIIMII, - i - i A bALEfiMAW-dOQD otffftR: 'ft. perlence not naceasary. Call at 201 r imnnwr Ding. ? WANTED TO RENT STENOailAPHKRS. lOnK KEEPERS, Reglsfra cashiers, clerks. itlon burea Cisco and New VorK. , 108 Allwky bldg. MttN OF AlilLITY TO SELL STOCK WNTED QOOD GIRL FC)R UEN wagea WANTED Bj 1100 to $li In nrsr-clMHS nronoslt on. HIk money 1 .-.1 w. 1, . -n .it -V " , , . I ' t IIVtlBrWKIK, IIIBII lillllll tn Dust ers, iza lumoer itxcnsnae Diaa-1 iin th... 11.. -ii 8ALESMEN: M ANT MAKE I iVASviKnA nipt, nn WnvfAlsi Win light housework and hem cars for onuuron; no wssmng. jrnone t,nsi 3070 WAWTKD A COOK, WOMAN. 18 BTH, ANTED CHECK CLERK; SMALL alary to start. Jones book atore.. 29 liiurr f. 1 . 60 per month; soma even more; stock clenn, grown on reserva tion far from old orchards; cash ad vanaed weeklv: choice of territory. Ad dress Washington Nursery Co., Top- pan Ish, Washington. WsEr!aT memlersi? V'ga rj OdOD QRL FOR OENERAL H6tJSE andmhTns"''- " "i!.A4th Bt' Union Hotel DEATnS BtTRKHART July 20, Jacob Burkhart. aged about to yeara. at St. Vincent s sanitarium: BDlnal meningitis. DEVEN July 19. Ouy Whiting Davis. agea 10 months ana 11 days. u tun at.; menlngltia. WACHTER July 20, Carl A. Wachter, aged 10 years. Good Samaritan hos- Bltal; heart disease. I YERS July 1. George Tobias Myers, Mtrati ' ?H vann fl month nnd 1.1 days, at Seattle, Wash.; ptomaine pois oning. FRY July 1, Mary Fry. 188 6th st. snillty! l'w STVTH ST.. PORTLAND. OR. Free employment to all; boarders' rates ARTISTIC tl.fO per week; room. 26c and up; spe cial monthly rates given. Anderson, proprietor. Waited coich be tween Washington and Alder. TWO GIRLS. WAITRESS AND SEC ond girl, the Mnrlyn, 668 Washington AND LOUNG)2- mgker 68 Front, cor. Davis. I GIRLS M ARKI.E POLISHER AND ONE burning, painting, letterlne work. D. M. Averlll A Co.. 103 6th st. N. WANTED DINING-ROOM GIRL, AT 276 Yamhill st ANTED TO WORK IS, PA AVANT ay facte ED Nl! ory. 68 H 1st St. nvk M .Kill POf.IRHER AVn ONIi! per-D alk around martil? nnd granite cutter WANTED NURSE, NOT PRO FES wanted at once. Apply to F. li. Watts, atonal, for confinement case about Tncianes. ir. August 28. Apply or address 722 E FIRST-CLASS HAKNKNS MAKERS; I lamnui at. stidy employment The P. J. Cronln I WANTED COMPETENT GIRL UNDERTAKERS TITLE GUARANTEE &. TRUST CO. Corner of Second and Washing- ton Streets WEATHER REPORT A shallow trough of low pressure overlies tha Rocky mountain states ana a small deprasston Is central over tha lake region. A high pressure area Is central over the Missouri valley and tha barometer Is relatively high over western Oregon and western Washing ton and also over the gulf snd south Atlantic states. Showers have occurred In southern Arlsona, northern New Mexico, eastern Colorado, western South Dakota, Montana, northern Idaho, Minnesota and the lake region. Un usually high temperaturea prevail In tha Mississippi and Ohio valleys. On the Pacific slope the temperatures are nearly normal. Indications are for fair weather In this district tonight and tomorrow. It will ba cooler tonight east of the Cas cade mountains. Abilene, Tex - Baiter City Or.... Chicago, 111 Fresno,. Cal ' Los Angeles, Cal.., ' New Orleans, La. . . New York, N. Y. ... Phoenix, Arls ' Portland, Or Roseburg, Or Sacramento, Cai . .-. - Bait Lake, Utah... . San Diego, Cal ' San Francisco, Cal. Tacoma, Wash r Tonopah, Nev Washlncton. D. C. . Yuma, Arts. 100 Max. 80 84 0 8 88 94 10I 78 86 92 88 80 68 70 86 Mln. Preclp. 72 .0 6 .0 70 .72 66 .0 62 0 78 .0 68 0 70 .22 C8 .0 60 .0 64 .0 64 .0 66 .0 62 .0 66 .0 62 .0 62 .0 78 At MAX M. SMITH. FLORIST. 160 ITH St., opposite Meier vrana s. Main 7216. J. P. F1NLKY & SONS. 3D AND MAD1- son sts. OfJlce of county coroner. Phone Main .,. DUNNING. MENtEfi V OlLBAUGH", undertakers ana emDaimera; modern In every detail. Seventh and Pine. Main 410. iaay assistant. Com as nr. RA ifWAY MAIL CLERKS FOR ORE- roV Opportunities to advance. Ex- smlpatlon August a. Let us qualify you. Gonfl sslary to start. Call or writs Pa cific States Schools. McKay bldg. WETP-VY SrCK AND ACCIDENT oeeftts for 1 and 81.60 per month. FO"R 181 E. general housework. AddIv 16th st. Phone East 159.1. A GOOD GIRL WANTED TO LEARN Phone Pacific 809. a good trade. 10-ROOM BOARDING-HOUSE AND storeroom, 1 16 month; must be rented at once, racltlo investment Co., 91 Vi A 1 T A I M A J I m tlon. 224 Lumber Exchange. Portland. WANTED NEAT WOMAN HOUSE- Oreon I Keeper, widower; fruit farm; no ob- L .vna ivhu h oooo-1 i.V"" " cnlla- lamnui. Main HTK.VU K, niKRS.I HOUKKKKPKRH. km eashlrs, clerks. Registration bureau. . v. a. 4 l 20 Allsky hldg. ' I ruuxu l,adx, uuuij bib- CABINETMAKER AND BOY WANTED EDWARD USLUaM. UNDERTAKER, 220 2d st. A. B. HEMSTbIC. FUNERAL Ll rector. East 18th snd Umatilla, Phone Sell wood 71. Lady assistant ZELLER-BtRNES CO.: FUNERAL rectors. embalmers, 271 RusselL East 1068. Iady assistant. ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO.. AND embalming. 409 Alder st Main 6122. Lady assistant. CEMETERIES RIVER VIEW SINGLE GRAVES, 110; family lota, 10x16. for 1100, and unwarda. according to slie: the only cemetery in Portland which perpetually maintains and cares for lots. Fot. Information annlv to W. R. Mackenzie. Worcester block. W. M. Ladd. preslden t ROSE CITY 8ING LB GRAVES, 10; f.mllv lota. 126 to 87E. Superintend ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont st and Cully road. Phone Tabor 208. For full Information apply to Frank Bchlegel. ilk. Phone Main zZ3. 106 N. 11th. WANTED STEADY RELIABLE BOYS living with parents, between the agea of, 17 and 20. to learn molders' trade. Must have first-class references. Ap ply Willamette iron and Bteel works Knundry. zarfl and York sts. WANTED OUTSIDE MAN1 FOR REAL nographcr and typewriter, who undor stands bosks; 830 to start. 72 6th st WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL noBsework. 978 favler at MALE AND FESLaLE HELP. estate and business chance good pay, references, ate Morrison st, room 2. w Anted first-class offkne. Inquire 226ft STICKKR- men on moldlna' machlnss' no nihr. need apply. Address. The w'heeler, Os- I WANTED GOOD COOK FOR SMALL STENOGRAPHERS, BOTH MALE AND remaia, good positions open with best firms; no charge. Underwood Type writer o., as oin st HELP WANTED AND SUPPLIED" maie or lemaia. it. u. riraxa 106 u vasningmn sr. memo U7D. good Co., Tacoma. Washington hotel; wages 286 per month. J. W. WANTED A BOY WltO WANffl T0 Livingston, Madras, Or, learn a good trade. Graves & McKlb pen, printers. 66 h 1st st. WANTED STAVE SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. BOLT CUTTERS 11.60 per cord. Annlv ins Stearns niaa.. romana. ur. A Y6UNG MAN TO LEARN TO BE come a physical director; an excellent opportunity for the right party. See Jr-rof. Klngler, 386 East Morrison st AT Once 602 Commercial bll NOTICES. ft t ;real estate transfers -.William and Sophie Hermann to Edward Buri, lots 81 and 32, 1 block 20, Peninsula addition No. 2 . 8 600 Frances A. and J. K. Gill to Pe - - ter O. Elverum, lot 14 and east " iKart nt lot in. hlock 1. Eden- dale 800 ' W. H. Watt to W. M. RoMnson, ' , lot 4, block S, Watfs addition. Hi . kaliiv anKdl vlnlon of lot 4. Fruit Vala 100 Philip Van W. Fry to Elsla , Broughton Fry, lots 6, 6, 7 and 8, block 14, Blackstones sddi- " .Inn aim a atrln of arround lolnlnr 100x30 feet 10 Point View Real Estate Co. to Clara R. Hartman, lots 11 and 12, block 28, In Point View 100 ;WL and Alios E. Wallace to Mary Keenan, west ft of all of ' block 6, Mistletoe addition to 51 East Portland 850 The Title Guarantee ft Trust Co. to Harold w. jonnston, lot m, , block 30, first addition to Hol ' i laday Park addition 484 Jin. V. A. Gwynne to Henry . .Baler, lot z, diock ii, omuns subdivision and addition to E. , Portland 1.100 ,W. W. Raser and Ella E. Raser to James T. King, lot 2, block " 16, King's subdivision of lot 16, N. St Johns 100 . 'JL l and Lida A. Baker to Albert B. Comstock. lots 4 snd 5, block " t, subdivision lots 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 'and 10, N. i. ohns 10 VT, H. and Rowena Payne to J. J. ' and Claudia A. McHale, lot 6, block 14, Overlook addition 700 -- Portland Realty 4 Trust Co. to Otto Kutzer, lots 1, 2 and 3, block , Evelyn 490 Vi Isaiah Buckman to Harley I Walter, lot 1, block 4, Wild v Hose addition . . '. 800 Nora More to Henry Krouse. and Sarah. Krouse, lot 7, block 11, ' original townslte of Albina 800 Charles A. Waddell to Redmond . V, P -and HaJriett L. Marshall. ' ' lots 11 and 12. block 8, Albion Addition to Albina 600 Slary H. Couch to E. 8. Jackson and Chester Deerlng, west ft of in. 19. block 290. Couch addi tion . 10 8. A. Arata and Bessie Arata and . F. G. and Anna Arata to Georpe P. Chalk, lots 7 and 8. block 14, Stephens' addition to East Portland . 40,000 Casper Field to O. P. Hoff, lot S, block 21, McMUlen's addition to B. Portland 8,800 Security Abstract A Trust Co. to ' Mrs. . Agnes Curtis; lots 14, 15 and 18. block 46, Rose City Parkr.. 1.660 v;C E- Field and Alice C. Fields to Wi a Conser and O. H. Ty nan, 85 acres beginning at a point 110 rods north of the t southeast , section 24, town- ship I north, range .2 east 6,000 Joseph Tobias to George O. Math eson, lots' 1 and 2, block 4, Strobe's addition ... . . ... . . . 1,400 Philip Baihner and Elixabeth L. ' Clarke and Martha Buehner et , al. to the public, part of Perry ! Prettyman D. L. C College Endowment association to " G. A. and M. S. Cobbi lots I an 4. block 24 CoUege Plaoe, 10 Mary A Couch to Mary Bauer. ' eaat V. -of lot V,-block 290, Couch addition ".;v..i ...m-,. U00 Ia ry R. and H. A. ft to W. A. -Mansfield, 100x88 feet, begin ning at point in the east line of E. J&tn ml.-' iit ,tm wwui the intersection :ot the south line of li Stark with tha east line of aaid ri. loin t . CALL FOR BIDS. The Tillamook Building company will receive bid., up to July 27, 1907, at 12 o clock, for the construction or a store, office and lodge building 100x106 feet. to be built of either brick or concrete and either two or three stories, with basement. In accordance with plans ana speclncations, which may be seen at the office of H. T. Botts, Tillamook, Or., or at the office ol Hennes, Menoncus a Tobey, 6 .sbbc bldg., Portland. Or Bids should specify amount for con struction of two-story building and also amount for three-story building, with or without steam heat, the same to be furnished complete In accordance with plans snd specifications. Same to be completed not later than March 1, 1908. Separate bids are also wanted for the construction of steam heating plant pro vided for by plans and specifications. All bids must be sealed and sent to the company at Tillamook, Or., accompa nied by certified check for 8 per cent of bid, to be forfeited If bidder awarded contract and then refuses to enter into same, with bond for construction in ac cordance with bid. Right reserved to reject any and all bids. TILLAMOOK BUILDING CO., Tillamook, Or. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET lng The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Coeur d'Alene Develop ment company, for the election of a board of directors for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may regularly come before them, will be held at the office of the company, rooms 601 to 604 Chamber of Commerce building, Portland. Oregon, on August 6, 1907, at 10 o'clock a. m. GEORGE F. HOLMAN, Secretary Coeur d'Alene Development Company. Portland, Oregon, July 11, 1907. -MEN TO PREPARE FOR clerks and letter carriers In' nostof flee aibo ior u. o. internal revenue gaugers. Examination Sept. 4. Positions for life. Good salaries. West Coast Schools, 316 Oregonlan Bldg. Open dally and eve nings; SEVERAL GOOD MEN WtTH6UT DE lay to prepare for U. S. Chinese and Immigration Inspectors. Applications must be filed at once. Life positions, big salary. Examination Aug. 12. See us 'today. West Coast Schools, 315 Oregonlan Bldg. Open evenings. WANTED INTELLIGENT YOUNG men to study telegraphy. Positions as soon as competent. Oregon college, 603 Commonwealth Bldg. SEWER DIGGER. 82.75: 9 HOURS Taylor and 8th st.. east side. WANTED TWO LOCOMOTIVE ENOI neers; standard wagea. Hansen's Em- pioyment urnce, za N. 2d st. WANTED TEAMS TO HAUL LUM ber; can make $8 day. 34 N. 2d st. YOUNG MAN 14 YEARS OF AGE. live and energetic, with rood educa tion and excellent habits, and at oresent employed, wishes to make a connection with some reputable business firm; has had 6 years of first-class business ex perience, having solicited, collected, acted as office clerk and sold goods on the road; can furnish excellent refer ences. Address B-41V Journal. WANTED SITUATION BY SOBER, reliable engineer. Address P. W.. box 31, city. YOUNG MAN, EXPERIENCED IN real estate; good practical ability, a hustler; will do anything which offers advancement; work cheap to start. Ad dress H-426. Journal. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER, young man, age 22, desires permanent position with good firm in city, about Ausust I. C-425. Journal. PAINTER. PAPERH ANGER, WORKS" reasonable by day or contract 728 Albina ave. WANTED TO KENT HOUSES. COT tages, flats, stores, offices, rooming. nouses, eta Landlords wm ao wen to call on . PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF . OREGON. Phone Ex. 71. S. E. Cor. Id and Oak. Wanted houses. I to 10 rooms": have partlea waiting. Commonwealth Trust Co., 6th and Ankeny; phones Main 894; A -24 5 6. WANTED REAL ESTATE MR. WANT MONEY, IF YOU WANT 100 men to sell your property to their friends, list it wit"j me; new plan. M. D. Howse. 66 6th st Main 6186. WANTED BUSINESS INCOME PROP erty, paying reasonablo Interest; muat be strlctlv high class safe investment, for cash; not to exceed 340,000. Owners only. Address N-427. Journal. WANTED CHEAP C6T1 IN PIED mont, or 6-room cottage and lot close to carllne. Address M-427. Journal. LOOK HERE GENTLEMEN! Llsf your property with the Draughn Realty Co.. they will sell for you. 308 Ankeny St. POR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. nonn ni Jiaiinn OR 1INFUR' ; nlshed housekeeping rooms, for II month, a rnr ti i: four-room cottage, with barn and 126x100, 8 month.' New ground-floor flat. 818 month. Apply 864 N. taih Willamette Helgnis, cars tn (nth tn-- .y.,.K half hlock. Lowest rates, eleOtrk: LioiiTri, pnone included, soi water guitto ON FIRST' FLd6R c-oMl-Lkf IE ly furnished: gas range, laundry: cen trales N. 16th. phone Main 5173. t UnfUrnIshed " HoCsEKEEPfN'a rooms. 660 Couch st. . Large " " nICeLx" fOrnIsheC Housekeeping suites, single rooms running water. 608 Alder st. ROOMS AND BOARD. THE COTNON1AL. Corner 10th and Morrison, I blocks west of Portland hotel Firat-olaaa rooms ' vwiu, iiva nwuntuivi .,ti.M. ana tame ooard accommodated. F6R hfeNf NICELY FURNISHED rooms, with good board, at The Mart man. 428 Alder st. ROSKDALE - feELM PR I V A T fl boarding-bouse: large grounds; a lew roon-.s at present 404 Madison, corner loth. THREE LARGE, NldELVFURNiSHED front rooms, suitable for two. with board; private family: modern conven iences; gentlemen preferred, 181 N. 16th FOR RENT HOI'S ES WANTED NEAT FIVB-ROOM HOUSE with basement, east or zotn st anoi1(.th d 17th itg w between Stark st. and Sandy road. i"hr?a ura t" 149 7 Ir'none main oiuu WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED BY ACTIVE CORPORA- tlon. a merltorloua mining property in southern or eastern Oregon; will nego tiate with owners only; no agents. Ad dress P. O. box 359, Portland, Or. CASH FOR HOU8EHOLL) OOODR SAV- age & Pennell. 345-347 1st st Pacific 3fl0. Phone WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE. PORTLAND AUCTION KUUMU, Main 5656. Ill 1st st, IF YOU WANT TO SELL. REE US. Second Hand Palace. Highest prices aid for second-hand coods. 167 Flan- ers. I'tione Main s&is. HIGHGEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of second-hr.nd goods, union Exchanxe. 262 Front st Pacific 1481. DEFORMITY APPLIANCES MADE TO FOR RENT COTTAGES CORNER 17th and Ollsan and 661 Ulisan. oeiween Max emitn, tne oa th. Home A-4Z41 VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURE and pianos moveiL stored or snippeo. Main Phone 1618. 4-ROOM COTTAGE. BARN AND LARGE chicken house; lot 126x100. on east side, 18 month. Also 4-room ground floor flat. new. 118. Apply 884 N. 26th, Willamette Heights cars to 26th, turn south half block We rent and sell PUNoa sher- man. Clay A Co. HOUSEFOR RENT BEAUTIFUL 8-room home, near Hawthorne and 84th st. Keystone Realty Co., 212 Allsky bldg. - PUSINErit CHANCES ' PARTNER WANTED IN WELL PAY.' lng business.- References and small capital required.-- Particulars , 334fti UAS-fUrM mt isw.a-ja . t . LIST YOUR ROPERTY' WITH d. sC Arnold a. Co.. orlrlnal hntai (.ntl.!! nt-ia. ruuniing nouses ana rurnlahe I'll ZZZ... TYi?.".nL.?cn,n"o. asis is ai uiui wM OKmWmm - C S. ARNOLD A CO., Original Hotel Brokara . Rernoved t 861ft MorrlsosrSt Phone Maf 7311. 11.000 OR ILIOO, ALL XllAT M RET aulred for half-Interest in i or will sell on store outright splendid E?I?no0rn.f. bU'lMM I.""-' DAVISi HOTEL FOR JaLB, hUMifr nuiq ivrutm, iiv- Pi. jq. , 1100 BUY8 "fttAM 6F bl-LtVERlf dS driving horses, good worker. good light-3-sprlng wagon. 394 Mont B win-1 . DENTAL OFFICE Akfc VixVV&ti for sale: good town: good looatlon: FOR. E ALE CIGAR AND , CONFER fectlonery store. 110 N atk .. WANTED TEN , ABdUt IzTTlT state price, snd where same can hi seen. East 1675. 874 East Madi.on RESTAURANT AND LUNCH C6UHT. i-i am nma at reasonable price if taken at once; a complete outfit at 108 Burnslde at. ' . i-Ym HALE ciGAR STORE STOCli and fixtures: the nn haa - , ?ht,.?uiI,.'.-an,aw',, riht- I-ook uu, ij unnn ive.. nt MifP a WE HAVE WHAT YOtJ WANTT" Rooming-houses, restaurants, hotels, va. v... i "vuitb, meat maraets, Real estate, bust neaa ehAnnaa ii "n1"- Western Realty Company, Room 610, 286 ft Washington t ROOM I NO-HOUSE BARGAINS Fl IlalNaM SL I l.t. a-, ... . - 41 A SB order. keny st., K. E. Karlson A Co.. 361 An- Mam fiRO. WANTED FURNITURE AND HOUSE- hold goods of every description Hit, h. a.iM in .v.htnr ail Tha I. 232 1st. Main 6274. Home A-2227 WE WILL BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD oods and guarantee best prices. Call. phone or writs. S. J. L. Rubensteln, 176 Front st. opposite National norei. Paclflo 1401. BEFORE SELLING YOUR FUR- nlture, etc., phone East 1067 and save money. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. 1 ACRE. 112. A Evelyn station, Mt. Scott car. Apply 611 Morrison. Phone Pacific 226. NEW. ATTRACTIVE. 7 ROOMS. NOW ready and Invite inspection; modern in every respect; Ornnd ave. and Han cock. Inquire 89) Hancock. Phone Eaat . tfleld A Smith. 1IIU ah, - 26 rooms, well furnished 1 4-room house, flna fumiiM.. 80 rooms, brick building i j -room very central ivruuiu .louse, oar gain u-roiim nouse .114.80 . .. l.Toa ... 1,400 ... 760 v 880 MING rooms all MODERN FIVE-ROOM; WILLIAMS ave.: seven-room. Sellwood. Phone owner, Bellwood 424. y FOR RENT FLATS 6-ROOM FLAT. 274 MARGIN ST.. ON river bank, near Steel bridge. Phone East 5606. FURNISHED HOUSES. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE COLLINGE NICELY FURNISH ed rooms, hot water In every room. free phone and bath, $2.60 to 25 per week; no children. 821 4th. cor. Clay. THE RICHELIEU, 22 ft N. 6TH ST. Elegantly furnished; steam heat ana oaths. THE GRAND. 45 ft N. 3D ST. ROOMS for gentlemen. 31.26 per week and up. NICE FRONT ROOM. FREE PHONE and bath. 188 8. Park St. THE KLONDIKE FURNISHED rooms on ground floor. 608 Alder. SUITE OF ROOMS ON FIRST FLOOR, furnlahefl: gas 146 N. 16th. range, Phone HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN TELEPHONE OP ERATING: GOOD SALARY, SHORT HOURS, PAY WHILE LEARNING; LUNCHEON SERVED FREE OF CHARGE AND LOUNGING AND REST ROOMS IN CONNECTION. AP PLY CHIEF OPERATOR, TEL EPHONE BLDG.. WEST PARK AND ALDER STS. MEETING NOTICE3. HARMONY LODGE, NO. 12. A. F. and A. M. Stated communication this (Monday) evening at 7:80 o'clock. Work In F. C. degree. Visitors are cordlallv Invited. W. M. DE LIN. Sec. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP, aTiTS meets Wednesday evening. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts ' M. W. A. OREGON GRAPE CAMP NO. 6,975. Mondays. 17th and Marshall. Visitors welcome. BUSINESS NOTICES INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Covenant Contract Co.. 427 Flledner bldg. Main 2891. SKELLY CO.. 14TH AND FLANDERS flour, foed, hay. grain. Phones A-1411, racino si i. L C. HENRICHSEN CO.. JEWELERS and opticians. 284 Washington st WE DO PLATING, OXIDIZING AND polishing; also wire work, light manu facturing and store fixtures. Utility Manufacturing Sc. Plating company, tel ephones East 895; Home B-1896. 151 Union ave. WANTED GIRL TO .EARN TO SEW mattress ticks, power machinea 66 Front, cor. Davis. HELP WANTED UNION LAUNDRY company. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 348ft Washington St.. corner seventh, up stairs. Phone Main 2692. Female helpJ waniea. GIRLS WA NTED OPERATORS TO work on shirts and overalls. Lessons given to inexperienced. Apply at Stand ard factory No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor st. GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD factory No,. 2, Grand ave, and East Taylor st. BAKER WANTS POSITION; GOOD ON bread. Apply 894 E. 19th st. YOUNG GERMAN TURNER WISHES position as turner or to learn cabinet work Otto Bartels. Address Union ave., i ft i completely laundry, central. aln 6173. FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE family; ao other roomers In the house. 127 8d st. "4 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, clean and cool. Apply 368 3d SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE STENOGRAPHER DESIRES A POST tlon for experience; small wages with chance of advancement; will leave town. Address U-42&, Journal. A GERMAN LADY WANTS GENERAL worn at Z5 cents per hour. Inquire in rj. -atn st.. oetween Asn ana Fine. ELDERLY GARDENER WANTS 8IT uation as watchman or anv kind of ngnt worn, no norses; references. Ad dress T-429, Journal. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR MEN. 26 N. 2d st. Phone Main 1628. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 205 ft Morrison st Phone Pacific 239 27 N. 2d st Phone Pacific 1300 RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help a spe cialty. 20 N. 2d st Phone Main 6296. We pay all telegraph charges. WANTED SHIRT FINISHERS AND folders, starch work Ironers, flannel Ironers; nice new plant, cool and airy; good waeres and steady work. East Side Laundry. East Ash and 6th. Phone Eaat 809. B-1686. INDEPENDENT LAUNDRY COMPANY wants good help. ACME EMPLOYMENT CO FARM ers' and loggers' help a specialty. 84 N. 2nd St.. 29 ft N. 2nd St., 241 Davis st. Pbone Main 6437. WANTED AGENTS WANTED A HIGH-CLASS NURSERY salesman for Rogue River country; also Klamath Falls country; exclusive agency given; highest commission paid, outfit furnished free; must start at once. Address with references, Oregon xvursery company, aaiem, ur, FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLE- man only, private family. 651 E. 21st 8. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, for one or two gentlemen. 443 6th. FOR REN'l NEWLi FURNISHED. nice front room, ground floor, phone. I0; hoard II desired, oza Clay bath st. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM and kitchen adjoining, close In; phone free. 310 Main. TWO ROOM8 IN BEAUTIFUL HOME, splendid location, all modern conven- lences. B--6. Journal. FURNISHED HOUSE OF SIX ROOMS, modern. 120. 877 Oberlln st. Portsmouth. FURNISHED HOUSE, 6 ROOMS. FOR 2 months, location superb; within walking distance; furniture mission stvle; brass beds, all new; possession August 8. Phone 660 during office hours. FURNISHED 822 MONTH 6-ROOM house, residence location. Main 8538. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE VK RENT 10-ROOM house, finely furnished; full. 288 4th st. A 10-ROOM HOTEL. In GOOD LOCa: tlon. doing good business. Thompson Ogden. 848 Mississippi ave., or 882 8nly road. Phone East, 1086 or B- 1601, FOR SALE A 1-tl(t6d HOUSE! Wtffl ..IT6 lrwn ,n1 vrJhln complete, $2,800. Thompson ft Ogden, 148 Missis! East lVsV r dr r0ad- Ph0n . Saloon Owing to manufacturing business will iVh T?ui 4t- "T".r J""- ems Pld, $560. this week. Nelson 829 Burnslde GROCERY ST6RE ' wiTJ MVIkVI rooms and furniture- tnvan.n .k,k $800; would trade for good oountry stand. A bargain. Address V-429. Journal. Wanted a snap, t hAVb If; A restaurant. Call up Paclflo 792. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FURNITURE OF A MODERN 11-ROOM house for sale. is w. i-arx si ALL OR PART FURNITURE OF 9 room house, cheap. 576 Everett st, Rent I.'. E. A. Beals, Phones Main 2928; A-2928. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES FOR RENT TWO GROUND FLOOR offices. Front and Ankeny sts. Apply R. T. Cox. Telephone Main 422. STOREROOM (20x100 FEET) 161 Front St.; long or short lease. In ulre Pacific Art Glass works, -161 Front. A NICE OFFICE SUITE FOR RENT. Madison bldg.. 3d and Madison sts. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOI HALL AND BALLROOM, NEW WITH modern conveniences, ynone Main isss. FURNISHED ROOM. WITH THE privilege of cooking, at Long Beach, Washington, 815. Phone East 4866. NEWHALL. NEW BUILDING. JUST oDened. running water in all rooms: steam heat; rooms $2.60 and Up; central. JThone" East 5918, 402 East Washing ton st. NICE, CLEAN, FURNISRED ROOMS In private family; bath, phone. 414 2d st. corner Han. VERY NICELY FURNISHED SUITE of rooms; bath and all modern con veniences; also single rooms. 26 N. 17th SUMMER RESORTS FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU BELL goods? If so we need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nur sery company, Salem, Or. TWO OR MORE LARGE. WELL FUR- ' nished housekeeping rooms, front of cot a are. on ground floor, with porch and yard; west siae or river, near rine shadv. grove. Apply a4 North 26th. WJUamete Heights cars to 26th, turn south half block. 111.26 WEEK UP CLEAN FURNISHED hHiiaalrAanlMa.nima tvaslns Kath jliru nc acTjinB i ""no, Lca-a ivri , jol ill, laundry, furnace heat, yard. 203 ft Stan ton st U car. THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING and transient rooms, reasonable. 7th and Flanders sts. $T60 WEEK UP LARGE, CLEAN furnished housekeeping-rooms, laun dry and bath. 184 Sherman st. south, Portland. TWO FURNI8HED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 443 6th st. LOST AND FOUND STRAYED OR STOLEN A SETTER dog. white nose, black ears, white body fleeced with black; should have city tax tag on collar; friendly to everyone; answers to Duke. Dlsa ap peared from R9 18th st N. night of July 19. or morning. July 20. Reward for Information showing whereabouts, at above address. F. B. Wire. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated and returned same day. 228 Front st Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. Metx ger, proprietor. J LOST CUFF ' BUTTON, MOUNTED Elk tooth with name; finder please leave at 250ft 6th st., for reward. FOUND A LADIES' GOLD WATCH on day of city carnival. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for ad at 570 Alblna.ave. THE PARTY WHO TOOK CHILD'S coat from premises' (Sunday) at 181 14th. was seen; pletme return and save further trouble. LOST 8MALL GOLD LOCKET, BUN day, July the 21st after ball game, outside the gate, or on Oaka car: reward for return. 1005 Union ave. Phone East 1,650 Xir.rdT.KACTS, TITLE IN8UR- ance or m orirage jownn, ci m 1 fTV Title AV Trust Co., 204---l Falling bldg. Kr-ToiTS Tn s u ranch and Ab- atracts to ral estate from the Title .On.-.!.. At Trust Co 241 Wi2gton ai cor. IX . - ," '"V -' -e Lost on cedar park or . Vti Bf. JOnTlB MT Rlinrln- nn lfin alllr alf.v also heart-shaped locket. Initials M. H. B.; photo Inside. Reward. Pacific 1858. lost scotch coLLia,'. bLAck, Return to 1176 white and sahia Borthwlek: reward. LOST POCKETBOOK CONTAINING 835 yesterday, (Sunday) afternoon on Council Crest: or on Inbound ear, by It. Klsosner, 44 2d st Lost blac k EBONY - PIN SET Smith & Hornback Say That The Journal Gives Best Results Smith & Hornback, real estate dealers at Oregon City, are advertis ing in many coast newspapers. In a letter to The Journal they make the following statement: "WE GET BETTER RESULTS FROM THE JOURNAL THAN FROM ANY NEWSPAPER ON XTHE COAST." - Many advertisers have had similar experiences and the real es tate dealer who is not using The Journal is not consulting his best - interests. BEACH PROPERTY. The finest beach property ever offered. Joining Breakers hotel property, to be known as Manhattan Beach." 250 acre tract, a portion with building re strictions; other unrestricted; eaey terms. A. C. CHURCHILL ft CO., 110 Second St.. City. 1 rrisax rj ITT a C A OtTMT AD TiD P. L. Austin, proprietor, assisted by L. A.Carlyle; rates from $12.60 per week up; rates and reservations may be made now with Dr. Austin, dentist. Raleigh biqg. WANT A COTTAGE AT 8EAS1DE1 Write F. McFarland. Seaside, Or., who will locate you. State price limit, etc. DON'T BE FOOT.IBH And pay rent. Phone roe about that neat little cottage, with, full plumbing, rull basement, modern In every par ticular, which I am prepared to build and have all ready to move Into within five weeks It will pay you to let m build this for vou on tha lot von ha.-- been paying on so long . House and lot complete, $1,500; $500 cash and the bal ance on your own terms. Phone East 5Ko9. ARE QV WASTING MONEY EAClf MONTH? I am prepared to build for you on any lot you may select a fine 16-room house with full basement, plnmblng, fireplace, etc.. and have It ready for you to move Into In six weeks, on your own terms, with $500 down. House anrl lot complete for $1,750. Guaranteed to be one of the most economical and compact, and at the same time artistic. nouses in tne city. i'tione East 6869. BUSINESS CHANCES. NEVADA GOLD MINES BY SPECIAL arrangements made with the Gordon Campbell Trust Co., financial agents, we invite subscriptions to a small block of the promotion stock of the Wonder Paymae'er Gold Mining Co. at five dol lars for each one hundred shares; prop erties situated In the rich Wonder min ing district, Nevada; stock orders r.t the above price cannot be placed too early. E. A. Clem ft Co.. 261 Alder nt 15,000. HALF CASH. FURNITURE and lease, good hotel; money maxer; well located, doing good business. C. H. Monroe, No. 86 Labbe, 227 ft Washington. WANTED HONEST MAN WITH $400 for 5c motion picture show: profit from $10 to $25 per evening; experience unnecessary. H-600, Journal. ivv,.. kj it ....... . .-J . . . . . . U . . , elegant, modern rooming-house, swoil locatloa; clearing. su per montn net; price low. Phone Pacific 498. 648 ft Washington st. BARGAIN HOTEL HANCOCK ST. ADDITION. JUST EAST? of Irvlngton and Holladav Park and Just west of Rossmere, a beautiful place to build a home. Thompson ft Ogden. 848 Mississippi ave., nr 882 Sandy road. Phone Eaat 1085 or B-1502. BUCHTEL ft KERNS MAKE A SPE- clalty or east aide realty, rentals. loans, etc. 362 E. Morrison st. FOR SALE HALF INTEREST1 IN li acres on peninsula adjoining Sw ft tract; a bargain. Investigate It. Van couver Real Estate Co.. 708 Washington st Vancouver, Washington. Phone 751. WILLAMETTE SNAPS. Choice lots and homes, also acreage; cash or terms; some overlooking river and city; residence or business lots. C. A. ZYGOW8KI. Office Willamette Station. St. Johns car. SIX-ROOM HOUSE, 1 ACRE, $12, AT Evelyn station, Mt. Scott car. Apply 611 Morrison, Phone Pacific 226. HOUSE FREE LOT FOR LESS THAN value S-room house, on easy terms; lot 100x100, near Piedmont barns; $1,475; cash $350; $10 per month. Phone Wood lawn 1277. MODERN SEVEN-ROOM. ON CORNER lot, 60x100; nice lawn, fruit and flow ers. Phone owner, Sellwood 424. LOT ALONE WORTH THE PRICE. , 88x100, west side, near business; in come 10 per cent on the investment; you will make no mistake If you purchase this, as west side property will sooa be at a premium. ZIMMERMAN ft VAUGHAN. Buchanan bldg. Main 1675. A-4802. LOOK HERE! Buy this beautiful high lot In Irvlng ton, only $1,260, build a home, or hold it for Investment; lot is high with east facing; very desirable location. ZIMMERMAN VAUGHAN. 303 Buchanan bldg. Main 1676. A-4802 FIXTURES locality. Box 176, for sale, good Bpringfieia. or, FOR SALE SALOON DOING GOOD business; falling health cause for selling! 20 Grand ave., N. COMPLETE FURNITURE MANUFAC tory for sale. Ipqulre 282 Yamhill st. CASH GROCERY; WILL SELL OR trade; good business. Will bear ln vestlgatlon. Address V-426, Journal. NEWSPAPER REPUBLICAN, 8PLEN dld valley field; Cylinder press, big lob business. For sale on terms. T-426, journal, ABSTRACT BUSINESS CHEAP; BEST proposition in state. K-42S, Journal 8-ROOM PLASTERED COTTAGE NI Highland school. $1,600. HatfatfTT & Smith, 15ft 4th st SUCT 10 0x2 5 O F E E TV EQ U A L TO 5 lots, 2 blocks from Richmond earllne. $900. Hatfield ft Smith. 166ft 4th st LOT 60x100 FEET AND TENT HOUSB for sale cheap. 86th and Francis. $2,200. UNION AVE., CORNER HAL sey. 84x65. Phone owner. East 8122. $1,800, INSTALLMENTS. NEW MOD ern 6-room house, full lot, at Creston, Mount Septt line. Lewis G. Conant, room 10, 268 Stark. FOR SALE 40-ACRE8 OF LAND NEAR Klamath Falls, or acreage for house and lot, and pay difference. E-426, Jour. nal. F5R SALE HALF INTEREST TR one acre on peninsula adjoining Swift tract; a bargain, investigate it. Van couver Real Estate Co.. 708 Washington st. Vancouver, Washington. Phone 761. FOR SALE BLACKSMITH SHOP; lot, tools and material. Apply , A. Peterson, Barlow, Oregon. - BEST ROOMING-HOUSE FOR THE money; time limited; a money-maker; come quick- Room 18, 263 Stark st. NEWSPAPER ON. ACCOUNT OF GO Ing east, will sacrifice paying news paper and job office near Portland; one man proposition; bargain. P-427, Jour- IIRt. i HOTEL FOR SALE NEAR LARGE furniture factory: must be sold quick. Apply to owner, 882 Sandy road, Phone East 1086. WANTED THE ADDRESS OF PAR tles with Idle money to Invest. In amounts of $25 and up. In heavy manu facturing concern now established in this city. If I don't show you the beat opening In U. S. then keep your money. Phone B-1876. Call or phone between 6 and 8 p. m., or write me. F. L. Schott, 404 ft E. Morrison. Portland. Or. HOTEL AND ROADHOUSE TO LEASE Old-established, with or without sa loon; furnished; newly remodeled: $36; also 7-room house and orchard, $10; and 4 flats. 18 rooms. $25: all on west side. C H. Plggott, owner, lawyer, 4, E and 6. Mulkey bldg. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND lots: barrolns on O. W. P. elnntrln Una. O. R. Addlton. Lents, Oregon. Take Mt,. Bcott car, oc. $2,000 ONE AND ONE HALF ACRES on Vancouver avenue, beautiful build ing site; terms. Register and company, 107 ft 3rd st. 8-ROOM HOUSE; 4 ROOMS FIN lshed; corner lot, 100x100: fruit trees; prlc $1,860; terms half cash. Owner, 407 Willis boulevard, north of Glen wood station, St. Johns earllne. $6602 LOTS AT ELBERTA NEAR car. C. L. Parrlsh, 811 Marauam bldg. 4 FINE L6'SJljST1FASaNE7 Mull Run water, 13-foot alley; call and see this. 461 Baldwin st, Glenwood station, St. Johns car. SELL and bonds bouxht and sold. soondence Co., Ill Buchanan, bldg. 7S6. invite H. Corre- W. Dona has A rnone Mam RESTAURANT FOR SALE CHEAP ON I mrH UfOS . : TV-'' OWNER gOOd 6 WILL SELL 55 RENT room house, concrete founda tion; run basement, on mast Taylor st: corner lot 60x100; price $1,800; $660 cash; balance $10 per month. N. Wel ter. 411ft Hawthorne ave., phone East 4926. INCOME PROPERTY MAKING OVER 9 per cent: also acreage on Hal em electric. Address J. W. Walker, J39S East I4tn, or pnone East 4737, ca A. Manning. ANTHONY HARDY, LINNTON, OR." residence and business lots, water front and factory sites; farms and tim ber: lands. FOR' SALES FlNE MODERN B-ROOM" residence on Vancouver ave: trade with owner on premises. $27 Vancouver ave. : - . . BEAUTIFUL S-ACRE TRACT; N6T "X - waste inch on It; close- to carllnesi Ul Ui Jfc JbM fawto .Co., IW fi tarlfc. -A ..-.. -" ' . 1 " .-... ; -.-V "S ' ..