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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1907)
THE 1 OREGON DAILY ' JOURNAL,' PORTLAND, v SATURDAY EVENING, JULY : 20,' 1907. r : Tnwn TiMM ! ti 11 IKE JOURNAL AT RESORTS irlhejral mh TiiwA Via -Trtnvnal As. Jtvered at tha regular rates at the fol lowing resorts by notifying the iftnti at the various places mentioned. Bub- scrlptiona by mall ara, payable In ad OREGON RESORTS. , gearhart Park t7lok Hot Laka ..Hot take Ssnitarium Siaildi ,,.., Lewis Co. WUholt Springs F. W. lloUru WASHINGTON RESORTS. Boyd Son aid' jilnaraYsprtnga Hots Cascade Springs... Thomas Moffatt j.onina springs u. t. ueicner Jlwaco Louis Cohan ong ijaacn i . . . Marshall A Fottenger and O. A, Smith Nahootta Ji. 3. Brown Ocean Park Matthews Thedford fieavlew Frank EL Strauhal The Breakers....... Tha Breakers Hotel TONIGHTS AMUSEMENTS Marauam Grand. - "Tha Flrea of Saint John" Grand Vaudevlll Lvrlo "Sweet Nell of Old Drunr Star "The Btrange Adventures of HtH Brown ' The Oaks O. W. P. carllne, Flrat and Alder. of Hill Military academy hare ssued the 107 commencement edition of Tha Orderly, and have surpassed all previous erioris in tne way or public tlons. The number Is replete with In tereetlng stories, including "The Exter mlnatlon of the Willamette Indiana.' which recounts tha downfall of the once mighty tribe that predominated In the Oregon country. Photographto euts of mem be re of the faculty, athletlo teams and scenes depleting life at the popular insmuuon are iiDerauy sprinKieu throughout the edition. Clans poems and class prophecies are perhaps the most Interesting features to the etu dents, and show much ability on the part of the writers. Walter B, Oleason, editor In chief, and hla corns of associ ate editors and business associates, are to De congratulated upon their publica tion, wnicn anouia rank witn any issued this year by a preparatory school. A. B. Stelnbach, thai Morrison-street clothier, has closed a deal with Judge H. H. Northup for the purchase of the Hobart-Curtla, a slz-story family hotel on the northwest corner of Fourteenth and Madison streets. A deposit was made yesterday by Mr. Stelnbach, whose attorneys are now examining the ab stract of title. The price paid for the holding has not been announced, and It Is denied by the purchaser that the con sideration, 1 126.000. given In a locnl paper Is correct. The building covers only a small portion of the land sold, which has a frontage of 470 feet and a depth of 160 feet The sale was nego tiated directly between Mr. Stelnbach and Judge Northup. Charles Tompkins, proprietor of the . 'Tup" saloon, Third and Jefferson streets, who was recently fined V$B6 In the municipal court for selling liquor to a girl under the age of 21 years, was again arrested Labt night by Detectives Kay and Klenlln on a charge of violat ing the box ordinance. According o the arresting officera, Tompkins wan entertaining two men and a woman In a private box In the resort and the door to tha compartment was looked. In viola tion of the ordinance. The police have had considerable trouble with the sa loon and the place Is kept under close surveillance by the "moral squad." A new mammoth cherry, to be known as tha "Qlant," haa been grown by Julius Kallach of Wood lawn. From the tree flrat perfected he this year se cured a good crop. A jar of the best specimens was areservad yesterday by Colonel A. W. Miller, custodian of the Portland ohamber of commerce exhibit. The Giant Is a result of crossing tha Lamber and tha Blng. Spend 'your Sunday at Estacada and take dinner at Hotel Estacada on the upper Cllckamas river, SB miles from the city. Fare 75 cents round trip; din ner 50 cents. Cara leave First and Alder streets 7:30, :80. 11:10 a. m., 1:10, 8:40. 5:44, 7:15 J. m. Tickets must be purchased; on sale In waiting room. Judge Samuel R. Artman, of Indiana, will lecture this evening at the First Presbyterian church on the "Unconsti tutionality of Saloon Licenses." Judge Artman has just returned from Salem, where he delivered an address on the same subject The lecture tonight will be under the auspices of tha Municipal association. The American Bar association meets In Portland. Maine, August 26, 27 and 21. R. T. Piatt, president of the Oregon as sociation, has announced Oregon is en titled to three delegates and he would be pleased to appoint any three mem bers of the Oregon bar who may be In the east at that time and would like to attend. A horse belonging t& the Wells-Fargo Express company was lnatanly killed yesterday on Grand avenue in a run away. The team took fright on East Morrison street and ran- directly into a brick building at East Washington, is valued at ituu. ine pinor uorse not injured. Outings by Trolley Tomorrow Ex cursion rates to Boring, Barton, Eagle Creek,7 Estacada. 75 cents round trip. Cars leave 0. w. P. ticket office and waiting toom, First and Alder streets, 7:80 8:80, 11:10 a. m., 1:30, 8:40. 8:44, 7 16 p. m. Tickets must be purchased. Pinner at Hotel Estacada, 50 cents. Pleasure trips by rail and water to Oregon City and Canemah park. Take O. W. P. cara Leave First and Alder streets every 88 minutes from 6:25 a. xn., 45 cents round trip. Tickets inter changeable with O. C. T. boats, on sale In waiting room. Tickets must be purchased. Water throught hoso for sprinkling yards or sidewalks or washing porches I '""""" II.W..IWJUfcW......,...t..,.. ! caseous? as mmj Erery one who has had any experience in the world of business in the pocket is limited to its face establishes a credit which is often Wr 'a fx TI . v 4 money deposit it in this strong bank your credit. , . " . ' : ' Let Us Do Yqur laundering , Another' story added to our building enlarges -our facilities almost a third. Equipment up-to-date. ' Only steam-heated polish ersthe kind that does not burn. . In Portland. Female help wanted. UNION LAUNDRY SECOND AND COLUMBIA Telephone Main 398. or windows must be nald for In advance ana usea oniy Del ween me nours or a and 8 s, m., and B and d. m. It must not be used for sprinkling streets. If used contrary to these rules, or waste fully. It will be shut off. By using Japanese Anti-Dust Com' pound for sweeping your floors you can sweep all- dust from the floor without stirring It up to settle again on goods and furniture. Try It. F. E. Beach at Co., the pioneer paint company, 115 First street. Phone Main ltl. Rev. John Or all, of the Anti-Sa loon league, left today for Astoria, where he sneaks tomorrow In tbs Fin nish Lutheran church at 11 a. m., at the mass meeting in the National hall at 10 p. m. and in the Methodist Mission hall at I p. m. Trolley trips to Falrrlew and Trout- dale, a new and plotureeque ride. Take Estacada and Caxadero oars, transfer at Cedarvllle Junction. Leave tloket of floe and waiting room 7:80, 1:80, 11:80 m.. 1:10, 1:40, 6:44, 7:16 p. m. Fireworks, Band Concert Tonight at the Chautauqua. Take Oregon City cars. Leave ticket office and waiting room, First an Alder streets, every 35 minutes from 5:10 p. m. Fare 16 oents round trip. Tickets must ba purchased. "The Thin Lif 'a." and "One Toung Man's Choice," win te tne su Meets of Rev. John W. Bradshaw at the First Congregational church Sunday morn ing ana evening. Don't watch Taeoma grow, but watch yourself or your grandmotnsr fro Granules." Ladles' and children's day at Oaks free. Mondav all day till 5 o'clock. jtes gate open I a. m. Main gates open 11. av p. m. Steamer Jesse Harklns. for Camas. Harklns, Wnshougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday: Leaves Washington street dock at 2 p. m. C. Elmore Grove, at 44 Washington street, has opened his new tudlo at ill Washington, corner Park. Navajo Indian blankets. Ill Sixth st Alaska Indian baskets 111 Sixth St. Eastman kodaks. 111 Sixth street "Golden Grain Granulea." that Is all. . W. Dickson, groosr, 1108 Belmont street Woman's Exchange. Ill Tenth street lunon u:so to i; Duamess men s lunch. Acme OH Co. sells the best safetv coal oil ana Tine gasoline, rnone East 7JI, D. Chambers, optiolaa. 111 Seventh. Berger signs 184 Yamhill phone. Bark Tenlo for rheumatism. Beck-- Jeweler JOB Alder. H03IESTEAD FIGHT IN CROOK COUNTY (special Dlsvatcb to The Journal.) ' Prlnevllle, July 20. Jake Reams was brought In from Helsler Wednesday on a warrant charging him with' threaten ing to kill C. McFherson. Some time ago Reams, who was then In the em ploy of McPherson, filed a homestead entry of a piece of land that cornered In the letter's alfalfa field. When the lines were run, the survey showed sev eral acres of choice land that produces mree crops oi aiiaiia annually, to be on the new homestead. Reama was or dered off, the land, but as he was living mere in a tern wun nis lamiiy, ne re fused to go. McPherson's men were sent to remove the homesteaders fence, whereupon they were ordered off the land by Reams, who supported his argu ments with a Winchester. The defendant was given a hearing and bound over in the sum of 8260 to appear Derore tne circuit court. HAWAIIAN DAMSELS TO TOUR OREGON (Special DIapiteh to The 7ountl.) Hood River, July 20. Arrangements were made here yesterday for a visit from twelve Hawaiian young women who will come to this country In Sep tember under the auspices of a news paper published at Honolulu. Miss Edythe W. Toiler Wetherred will act as guide, philosopher and friend for the dusky maidens, and they will be taken to Cloud Cap Inn; the Devil's Punch Bowl and other points of interest In the valley. Some of Hood River's famous apples will be placed at the disposal of the party in an effort to demonstrate to them that the land of the pineapple and mango la not the only place that can grow -luscious fruits. 'Ice. For ice call Main 284 or A-8J48. Delivery company, 861 8tark st Ioe It Is calculated that there are 50 tons of soot suspended over the city of Lon don in the shape of smoke. affairs knows the value ot money in hand or available cash. To some people this means money in ; the pocket, but to the shrewd man it means money in the b because he knows that he is liable tosoe robbed or meet with some accident where by his money may be lost, but when the money is deposited in banbit is absolutely sate and yet just as, available as though carried on his person. -The cower of monev value, but money in the bank larger and more valuable than ( A It a. 1 ' r a. X where it will be safe and help '. ' J HIGH TO REV. FOULKES Editorial Comment of the Interior on Appointment of Prominent Minister. DISTINGUISHED CALL IN CAPABLE HANDS To Succeed to Pastorate of the Flrat Presbyterian Church In Metropoli tan Center of Oregon Heavy Tax of Responsibility, Says Organ. Of Rev. William Hiram "Foulkes, D. D.. pastor tof the First Presbyterian church of this city, the Interior recently said editorially: "To succeed to tha pastorate of the Rer. William Hiram Foulke, D. D. foremost church In the metropoUtan center of Oregon one of the greatest ohurches of the west at the threshold of the fourth decade of hie age, and before the close of the first decade of his ministry, puts a heavy tax of re sponslbllltv on the young man to whom there comes such a distinguished oall; but Portland has had no occasion to doubt either In the--city of or in the congregation that the new minister of the First Presbyterian church is cap able of the load. A lifelong pastorate from youth to age, with Increasing strength In every year. Is the good promise of a work already well begun under the most excellent auspices. Ministerial Xsrltare. J"Willlam Hiram Foulkes was born into a cumulative ministerial heritage, being fifth In a succession of preachers descending from the stanch old land of Wales. Ills father. Dr. William Foulkes. has for years been one of the leading factors of the synod of Kansas. The young man's native place was Qulncy, Michigan; his raising waa in Ohio and Kansas. "Kmporia college, in the latter state, afforded him his literary education. Before he entered McCormlck seminary he had a year of pioneer preaching at Burton. Kansas. While at McCormlck j he laid the foundations for the vigorous i Faith church in Chicago, but In spite of i this extra burden laid upon him he rained the honors of his class, and upon graduating In 1901 received the Bern a-I dine Orme 8m 1th fellowship. Enabled ; thus to spend a year sbroad, ne ana Mrs. Foulkes had the advantage of help ful study at Edlnburg. "His first regular pastorate was in the country church or ootcn people si Elm Ira, Illinois, and from thence he was called to tfie church at Clinton, Iowa, where after three years the call from Portland found him. Interest In Mission Work. 'The outstanding fact of Mr. Foulkes' ministry so far has been his remarkable success In awakening In his parishes a fervent seal for foreign missions, but this specialism has not hindered his de velopment In other pastoral capacities, and in the truest sense of the phrase the pastor of Portland First church Is an "all-round man.' "Dr. Foulkes received his degree or B A. from Emporia In 1897, and his M. A. degree In 1900. The degree or D. D. was recently conferred upon him by tnree colleges simultaneously, nis alma mater, Emporia of Kansas, Lenox, Iowa, on the occasion of her golden Jubilee, and Whltworth, Tacoma, thus honoring themselves and the man." SPLENDID BOOKLET ISSUED BY CHAMBER Profusely Illustrated Publication Telling of Oregon's Fruit and Flowers Ready to Distribute. Oregon, the Land of Opportunity," Is the title of the 1908 pamphlet Issued by the Portland ohamber of commerce Just off the press and ready for distri bution. During the past few years the chamber of commerce 'haa sent out many similar publications but the ef fort of the present year Is far ahead of any similar publication. The publication haa (2 pages and is profusely Illustrated with typical Ore gon views ranging from the mountains and rugged spots of the state to the representation of the fruits and flowers rrown witnin its Doraers. inciuaea in he book Is a map of the state upon the back of which Is printed a resume of the land laws of the state for the Information of those who contemplate coming from the cast to make homes on thi Pacific coast The' chamber of commerce will send out 10.000 conies of this publication in answer to the Inquiries which are con stantly being received from every part of trie country and even across the ocean! Tha former work of the ehamber of commerce in this line haa netted good, returns for the state and It is conUnue the campaign. The plans for the 'next nubllcntlon are already being considered. It being the Intention to en large tne size to V6 pages, uuring tne remainder of the year it ta the inten tion of the chamber to print -pamphlets on J special subject from time to time distribution as called for. UILBINO PERMIT FOB ROOMING II0USE - - Edward Holman took out a permit ythls morning for the construction of a four-storv rooming house at the south west "corner of Third and Montgomery atreets. dlagonallv across the street from - tha Oraduate Nurses' home. Tha building Is to be of frame construction and will ost about J IS, 000. v Original Styles. Exclusive Scotch ahil English woolaos. Bolbrook A iyaan Couolt Mook. - STEADY GAIII III REALTY SALES Highest Figure of Month Reached in Realty Trans actions Yesterday. The highest figure of the month 184,811 was reached In the realty transactions filed for reoord yesterday. For the past three weeks, or slnoe the first of the mdnth, there has been a steady gain In the volume of sales, with every indication pointing to an active demand throughout the remainder of the summer for all classes of property. Deeds for two valuable holdings In the North Portland warehouse district were filed yesterday. Mrs. Ann Man ning transferred to Oeorge W. Holcomb the Quarter block at the northeast cor ner of Irving and Fifteenth streets for $20,000, and Louis W. and Everett O. Starr purchased from James P. Cooke the 60-foot lot at the southwest corner of Everett end Fourteenth streets for $17,600. Both of these sites are occu pled by rellenna. Mrs. JCllsibe'h Q. Zlgler has pur chaaed from Charles E. Oliver a house and lot on the northeast corner of East Salmon and East Twenty-sixth streets for $5,800. W. H. Monaster has sold to C. Hansen a lot on Qoodsell street, near East Stark, for $2,000. The property Is a part of the Mayor Gates addition, adjoining Bunnyslde on the north. Bert E. Marlon has purchased from A. W. Smith a lot on Macadam roaiL near Idaho street. South Portland, for $2,000. HARNESS THIEF IS SENT TO ROCK PILE W. L. Chittenden, arrested by Detec tives Kay and Klenlln for the theft of two sets of harness from Versteg's, briokyard. Thirty-first and Tillamook atreets, was before Judge Cameron yes terday. He entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to six months on the rockplle. Chittenden was formerly em ployed by Vers teg and drink Is assigned as the cause of his downfall. Vereteg, after the disappearance of the first set of harness, purchased a new outfit On the same night Chittenden paid another visit to the barn to the discomfiture of his employer. preferred Stock Omamtt Allen A Lewis' Best Bran cods. I Judge Samuel R. ARTMAN LEBANON. INDIANA Will Leclnre Tontgbt In the First Presbyterian Church en "The Unconstitutionality of Saloon Licenses" Jndge A. L. Frazer Will Preside Removal Notice Werner Peterson Co. TAILORS Formerly at lit Fourth Street, are now located at 146V2 Second St. Between Morrison and Alder. Colombia River Throngh Line Bteamers of the "OPEN RIVER" line leave OAK STREET DOCK every Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at FIVE O'CLOCK A. M. for all points between Portland, The Dalles and Umatilla. Leave early and see all the river. Ar rive early. Low rates. Prompt service. Telephone Main 8201, Home A8627. Sunday River Trips TO OREGON CITY Oregon City, Magoon's Parle, Bingham's and Oswego are ideal spots for picnickers. Special boats Sunday leave Taylor street at 7:30, 9:30, 11:80 a. m., 1 :30, 3 :30 p. m. Last boats back 3 530 and 5 :30 p. m. Round trip 45c. Oregon City tickets exchanged with O. W, P. cars. Oregon City Transportation Co: PHONES 40 AND A-2231. , "Jt CoMirvdUw Custodian" IS SAVINGS BANK PAYS 4 Per Cent OPEN For the convenience of its customers on Satur day evenings from 6 to 8 114 Second SI. Corner Washington PORTLAND, OR. Every Day in the Year You use the teeth, three times dairy as a rule. Is It any wonder they give out and trouble you after a while? If yours have commenced to give out. plaoe yourself In our oare. We'll clean the teeth, re move the tartar, fill or crown tha decayed teeth with gold, make them good for years to oome. All work done painlessly. Seta of teeth furnished WITHOUT PLATES I W. A. WISE. Dentist TMid and Washington Sts. T. P. Wist, H. A, Sturdmnt and H. A. Hoffman ASSOCIATES. BOTX TnOWTU, A AJTD MAX Soaa. DR. BROUGHER snnrsAT at TOE WHITE TEMPLE TwaAftk and Taylor Vtreets. lOlSO "Who Owns the World?" TOO V. If. MA Young Man Out of Fashion" Prelude, "The Press Club's Butter milk Banquet." FRED BUTLER BIN08 BOTH SERVICES. Night. "THB HOLT UXTT." BAPTISM. BUY THE WHITE The Xlnf of Bwlaf; lfanhlp Tot mi by While Sewing Machine Agency S. D. Jones, 880 Tamhlll. FOR SALE CHEAP All Xlnds of Second-Sand ewtBf Maohlnes. ANNUAL HIBERNIAN FESTIVAL Vatriotlo B.unlon and Plonio Held Under the Auspices of the AjrOXSaTT OKDSB OT KXBXBJTIAJrS Valuable Prises Patriotic Exercises. Cedar Vark, Sunday, July fll, 1907. Oaello and American games, running, jumping, tug-of-war East vs. West Side, Irish Jig. reel dannex. etc. Ad mission to park, 25c; children free. Lunch served on the grounds. "IGHBS The Crowd Goes $P$ffJP"JffejaJ 4i hnr UU5 i ( if: ALL Schiizonyi's Hungarian Dussars Engagement Limited Fourteen minutes to the Oaks on the new dou ble track and down-town loop. Free admission Monday ladies and children free at gates all day. Coming Deaves' Mannikins. ThfcyH make you laugh. oxzooar hotels. Ike BREAKERS HOTEX AMERICAN PLAN. xaiAsora nxntxru sbiobt or thb pacttio itobthwiirt. Electrlo Light. Bteam, Hot and Cold Salt Water in Every Tub. Buy Tickets to Breakers. Paolflo County, Wash. Postoltlc. Address, Breakers, Wash. e OAXtroaiatzA xotszji. HOTEL JEFFERSON TURK AND QOUOH STRCCTS SAN rBANCISCO SPECIAL SUMMER RATES Nw hotel, fsees Jrfmm Square. Two blocks from Vsa Ness At., the prwent shop ping diatriet. Car Unas tnuuferrlng all over city, paasdoor. Every modern eonvenlenea. 8M rooms single or en .olta. 160 private batha. Araeriean and Enrapaan plana Prices saodr aU. Omnibus meets all brains. . STEWART BARKER CO. lbs Hotel Stewart Opens September 1st TEM MAUTITUA afsTW Hotel "Key Route Inn" 22nd Street and Broadway OAKLAND Sunny rooms, private baths, long-distance telephones, compressed air clean ing, large lobby, cafe a la carte with cuisine and service unsurpassed. For rates, etc, address N. S. MTJLLAN, Manager. Formerly Assistant Manager Palac. Hotel, San Franclsoo. Hotel Hamlin EDDY AND LEAVENWORTH SIS. First permanent big hotel down town. Contains 100 beau UfuHy f urntahed steam heated apartment. 40 batha. Private telephone ser vice. Sample rooms or commercial travelers. Eddy 6t cars from ferry pass door and con nect with 3rd Bu ears from S. P. Depot Rates from $1.00 op. Phone Private Ex. Franklin 428. San isco a n c HOTEL HOLLAND Ellis Street, Bet. Powell and Mason, Ban Franclsoo. NOW OPEN Strictly First-Class, Absolutely Plre- proof. 13) Mooma; u win Batn. J. ODOITVXU, Mgr. PILES Itching, BleedLng, Fro trudlng CURED SUC0ES8FTTXAY without pain or euttlnf. OsUl nr wrvltai DR. T. .J. PIERCB 181 First jrt, poruaad, Or. : . Biaddtr Trocblis URI1IARY DISCHARQES RKT.ntYED IX 24 Hours EachCap- N. sule keart WIDY) the name- all Dscuairra. ; ? - i Mm Fr Kidney and V Aisi-rvvi D. C. FREEMAN ' I ) Manager I) i! Where the Crowd Is M Confetti Carnival and Fire works Saturday Night inrf Mnnlnw Plrme aim iriuiiny uiluj Special Concerts by OBXOOsT XOTXXiS. Ihe Portland PORTLAND, OREGON. EUK.OPKAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTER 8 FOR TOURIHTS AND jCOMaTERClAli THAVKLJERa. Everrthlng ta eat and drlnX aad It eosts bo more in the Portiana Hotel Ratbskallat' than elsewhere la the eltr. weekday night from : ta 11 K. o. BOWZmS. Haaagi CAMP JUST FOR FUN! On OOZ.nCBXA SX.OUQX. It la an ideal place for picnic parties, lots of nice, cool shade trees; loe cream stand; boats for rent UHo per hour; $1.00 per day. Vancouver cars; get off at Farrell's crossing, walk north to slough; fare to. AMxnisatBirra. MARQUAM ORAND. Phone Main 6. roaiaKT ajtd stnrDAT snaxT. . NAINCE O'NBIU In the greatest of all Budermana dramas, O ho FlresA of St. John" Evening 11, 76o. SOo, ISO. Matlnea. 76c, 50c, 26c. Next week "Magda." TIIE GRAND Vaudeville Da lAixa, WEEX OF 3T7XT 18. GREAT HOT WXATBEX BZLX, RETURN OF SOLAS' AWO XJUTXAJa. -A Bit of Travesty" THE STAR Phones Main 4811 and Home A-149. The Screaming Fare Comedy, "THB STBAVOB AP VHJaTU3Bs3 OF MZSS BROW3T." Matinees Tuesdays, (Thursdays, Satur days and Sundays at 2:S0. Prices lOoand 20c. Every evening at 8:16. Prices lOo, 20c and 80c. Reserved seats by phone. BASEBALL ATHLETIC PARK, . Corner Tau4rha and Twanty-fourtb. July 16, 17. 18, 19, 20, 21. SAN FRANCISCO VS. PORTLAND Game called at 1:80 p. m. dally. Games called at 1:30 p. mSundaya. . XJUDZXa' BAT FBZOAX . ADMISSION 25. Grandstand 25c. Children 19. Box Seats 25c HALES TOURS New opportunity to aoqnlra knowledra with pleasure- combined. Tha Halea Tour are presenting a trip thrpugh South Africa. 8ea Capa Town, tha Lion's ' Head, Table mountain, tUrnon bay, naval station, Oreen point and Camp's bay. AU for 10 cent SIXTH AND .WASHINGTON t tor wojim c::lv Pr; feaderWs v.-eoef ' U 11.. 'i . I aaa iwieei . - - , i o,t eui mh.i i '1 ' Frfcwnaser ""''' f'. f tatUead,' - M--r,. ' viflfam,