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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1907)
IT THE ."' OREGON DAILY ? JOURNAU ' PORTLAND", SATURDAY EVENING, JPLY 20, M907. A . T - ! ' - . I ' .1. .11 -WW i ' I ' " 'UW! - - - ' ' - ' m a i -r ji - -A- v k it'll . ii ie in iv i ikii ji ii ii ii i i i i n ii . vmjf iv. j v "w i ss - T-a-iaB. rr f l va . v- vje vvjv. it uv. i V-i. w. SlYlfl S livi 4 , M--.ll V':. " . jL.ff;5'-Jis Wfe r . II North Beach - - 8prial Cormpooiw to Th Joarntl.) North Beach. July K One coming 1 : to the beach this week seeking gayety had no trouble In finding It. The aea 'on la on In full awing- and no end of dancea, riding and driving parties, ten , ( Ilia, and for those who prefer tlia coijr Jiarlora to the breexy sndn, bridge and flra hundred parties have been the ; order of the day. . . Many improvements have been noted, .chief among them the straightening of the dangerous curves on the railroad bed and the newly built line which is r completed aa far as the Wallicut river. Real estate la booming here on account of Ua new railroad and property-own-ra as well as the visitors to North Beach are eagerly awaiting Its comple tlen, which all hop will occur the laat f August. North Head la again the mecca for aightaeers and plcnlckera. It la a beau tiful spot In which to apend an after rioon, and the drive to the lighthouse la . extremely picturesque. On Tuesday a party from The Breakera drove over In av three-seated rig, apent the day and had luncheon In the grove. The party consisted of Mra. Bert Irwin. Miss Hi teel Howe, Mra. E. Howe, Mra. Claud Btarr and Eugene Howe, Charlea Mc Cramm and Claud Starr. Xanoe at gylfan XaJL The danoe at 8ylvan hall on Saturday plight was the greatest aucceaa In social life at Long Beach ao far thla season. About 76 couplea enjoyed the goo1 mualo and the splendid floor, encoring . each dance with enthusiasm. The . Jacobaen brother are generally com mended for their enterprising spirit in erecting auch a splendidly equipped hall for thla popular eummer resort. On Wednesday a party consisting of It summer residents from Tioga, The Jireakera and Sea View, drove to Shoul . . water bay to apend the day picking the huckleberries which grow there In such quantitlea. walking on the sandy banks of the bar and swimming In the still water, which was quite a novelty after their dally plunge In the ocean surf. Those who enjoyed the day were: Mrs. Buchanan. Miss Dorothy Buchanan, Captain and Mra. Pope. Mra. A. Warl- tier, Mlsa Annie Holmes, Lollta Holmea, ' Captain and Mra. Allen. William Allen, Mrs. Plggott, Mra. T. Hemlnway, Mra. R. I. Holmea, Rociua Holmea and Ed- ' Win Holmea. Entertained at Hotel Salt Air. A social event which waa of great Importance to the younger set at the ; beach waa the dancing party given by Lyle Brown and William Wheeler on Friday evening. The dining-room of the Hotel Salt Air, which opens off a largo veranda, making a delightful prome- nade between dances, waa prettily deco rated by the hosts, who spared no pains to make 'the evening an enjoyable one. Pretty programs and good music were provided for the guests, who were later erved to delicious refreshments in the spacious and attractive living room of the hotel. The patronessea of the even ing were Mlsa A. Worden, Mrs. Field ing KeJley. Mrs. Shemaln and Miss Bamdt. Among those invited were the Misses M. Stutherland, Effle Johnstono, Mary Monks, Mary Jessop. Mrs. Rupple, M. Perkins, Miss Cralb, Margaret Schacht, Gertrude Schacht, Mrs. Ted Wood, Gertrude CMalley, and D. Bar bey, L. F. Brown. William Wheeler, M. Steele, A. Gaffney, Russell Johnstone, H. Levlnson, Boy Kelly, Sloan Hackney, Frank Barnes. Mark McAUen and Henry ' Gunther. Mra. I. N. LfWman entertained at lun cheon on Wednesday. The a;uesta were - Mra. S. tilpman. Mrs. A. Wolfe. Miss Stella Wolfe, Will Llpman and George 'Wolfe. A party from The Breakers drove to Iiong Beach Tuesday evening to attend the dance at Sylvan hall. They were . Mrs. Bert Irwin, Miss Teas I e Preston, Miss Mateel Howe, Miss Marguerite Baschskl, Mra. Claud Starr and Charlie Arthur, Chaae MoCrumm, Claud Starr, fugen Howe, Joe Rothchild and Mason hrman. Five of the bachelors of the younger set came down from Portland on Satur day night to open the Jeffery cottage. On Sunday they gave a dinner at The breakers, numbering among their guests Mlsa Tessle Preston of Seattle. Miss O'Connor and Mlsa Germain Samuel of Portland. The bachelors were Messrs, Gordon Sterling. Wid Honevman. Ray mond O'Connor, Edward and Oliver Jef- liery. The latest fad of the summer Is "cro quet on the beach, the hard sand mak ing an Ideal ground for the came. Each evening one finds little knots of players Bunioniing ior ine nonor OI De 1ng victor of this old though now popu lar game. - Tennis Tournament. The Breakers hotel numbers among - Ita guests some of the best tennis play ers of Portland. A great crowd has ' been attracted to the two aylendld courts owned by the hotel by a tourna ment held there during the week. Com petition waa most keen and each set played was a battle royal. Charles Mo Crumm of Portland rime out victor In the finales, playing with Mrs. Bert Ir win and defeating her 6-3, 6-4. The gamea were called each Iay promptly at S p. m. Claud I), Starr had boon picked as a winner, but a weak anklo prevented him from returning many balls. E. A. Howe, supposed to be onr of the best plavers at the hotel, became slightly 'fussed by the enthuslanm of the spectators and did not play In his uaual form. tonr Beach Defeats Sea TTew. On 8undar. the 14th. a large crowd collected at the athletic field at Long Beach to witness un Interesting ball game between Long Ilnach and S View. Long before 2:30 a large crowd had collected. The game was very In teresting from start lo finish and Was not decided until Mell Fell struck out. making the third out. In the tenth In ning. Long Beach carried - off the honors by the score of 18 to 17. In the ninth Inning It looked bad for Long Mrs. 8. Julius Meier and Sain Joseph were dinner guests of the loc Acner mans at the Breakers on Monday. The first deplorable accident to occur happened at the t,,tl u., VIaui an HlltunlHV lRSt. i'wuci ileal . .., - - Ml xii Jessie Henry, with a number or friends had gone to the mine o wic berrlea. With them they c-arrlod a shot gun to be used In target practice. The gun hadxeen placed on the ground and one of the children, seeing Miss Henry about to step on it, pulled It aelde, pull ing the trigger ny acncieni. i no entered llttla Mln Henry's foot, caus ing a most painful wound. It will be the end of the cummer before the foot will be well noiigli to allow Mls Henry to walk without the aid of crutches. tlv nf K. IV McKarland are fortunate In ponnesning one of the flnest homes at Centervllle. where they are now spending a delightful summer. I)r. j.olt Wilson arrived on Saturday t ha a H-uoKt of the Wilcox cottage. Miss Mary Monks Is entertaining Miss Mary Jlssop at the Monks cottage. Mr. and Mrs. A. Thorsen are sojourn ing at Centervllle. Mrs. M. Maum snd daughter Henrietta are at Sea View. Dr. W. L. Wood, with his wife and two children, have been at the beach since June. They have a horse and carriage nnd a very fine house In which to enjoy IllIILIl 1MI1II1K II IIIIIHfTIl IIHII 11,1 1 Jf 1 1 M I llllll B T I T 1!IIJ 1 Beach, but by bracina up and playing their atav here, which will terminate like ex-leaguers they managed to tie j September 1, wh SO DECEPTIVE Many Portland People Tail to Real ize the Seriousness Backache Is so deceptive. It comes and goes keeps you guess ing. Learn the cause then cure It Nine times out of ten It comes from the kidneys. That's why Doan's Kidney Pills cure It. - Cure every kidney ill from backache to diabetes. Here's a Portland case to prove It: James Peterson of 382 East JefTerson Street, Portland, Or., says: "In 1903 I ' gave my endorsement of Doan's Kidney mil for publication, stating that they are the best ldney remedy I ever heard 'of or -Used. I had previously tried every : ' medicine , recommended for such trou- VI fcf 4 ttnil titH notI n 1apIa. km . . ,7fi, but -without satisfactory results I suffered everything for two oK thro year with awful backache, lameness croas the. loins and a disordered corutl- tihn of tna moneys, trie secretions on -Whftidinr showing av. heavy brick-dust oedlinerrt and there were times when I oiild -ijot-trct-rp -f ter-altting without : the aid of some support to take hold of. X wae In bad shape when a friend in duced mo to trv Doan's Kidney Pills. I was benefited from the first and since using them 1 nave oeen more xree irom rain and cuscom fort-from my back and fldneys than ror tna last jweive years. wn'a Kidner Pills are a reliable kid ney remedy and I wiah overy sufferer -from bscnacne or Kianey irvuuie coma know c? their merits." ' ' ' For sale bv all dealers. Pries SO cents. roster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, New .Tork, sole ajrents for the UBltd8tates. ? s Remember tbe name POAN S and the score. The score stood 17 to '11 in Sea View's favor, but Long Beach made three runs and won the game In the tenth when Teddy Holden. who pitched a marvelous game, knocked t)i ball over the flelder'a head, completing the circuit. MacDonald, who pitched for Sea View, twirled a steady game, walking but two men. Bob Randeel caught a' steady game for Sea View and batted 100 per cent, making four singles and a two-bagger out of five times at the bat. Long Beach was very much elated over their victory and are anxious for another game. Opening Dance at The Breakers. The first dancing party of the season of 1907 was held at The Breakers hotel on Saturday, the 13th. The many at tractive girls In their summer frocks made the dining-room of the hotel, cleared for the dance, as brilliant as any ballroom seen during the height of the winter season. The music was exoellent and the last echoes of It died away only when it waa announced that Sunday morning had arrived. About 40 couplea enjoyed the evening's dano Ing. Keont Arrivals. Dr. Oustave Baar of Portland la among the recent arrivals at The Breakers. Miss Edwlna Mastlck and Miss On ra Mastlok spent Tuesday at the Hotel Breakera, returning to Sea View on the evening train. Miss Edwlna Mastlck, who Is soloist in the choir of the Tem ple Beth Israel, and the First Congre gational church of Portland, was pr'v valled upon to sing a short repertoire for the guests of the hotel. Donald Woodard of Portland recently bought the Hawkins cottage at Tioga. Mr. Woodard spent the early part of ine week installing his family there for the summer. The summer home of Judge Bloom- field Is one of the most beautiful on the beach. It Is situated east of the rail road traok In Sea View and Its garden Is one of the finest attractlona of that place. The Tanner cottage at Tioga has been sold to Dr. Fenton, whose family ar rived here on Thursday to take posses sion. "Teddy" xiolden and ITolllster Mc- Gulre are batching at the McGulre cot tage, Centervllle. Mrs. Soule and daughter, Mlsa Erroa, are In thetr cottare at sea view. Miss Mildred Vail is a guest of Louise Bradley at Oceanslde. Mrs. Bert Farrell. with her two chll dren and maid, are comfortably located for the summer In their cottage near Centervllle. "Kern wood," the pretty bungalow on Tioga ridge, owned by C. P. Hogue, Is to be occupied by the family for the season. Biding and Driving Tory Popular. A stable of some 20 horses are quar tered at the Breakers this summer and aa Long Beach and Ilwaco both have large liveries, one may find many lovers of horseback and driving racing up and down the beach, which Is Ideal for this sort of recreation. Mr. and Mrs Ted Wood and Master Russell Wood were guests of the Break ers on Sunday. They are registered at the Hackney cottage, Rea View. 8. Mason Ehrman, who arrived at the Breakers on Tuesday, Is being congratu lated on the notification of his success in passing the entrance examination to Yale. After a good rest at the beach he will leave for New Haven about the middle of September. Mr: and Mrs. P. Edwards, with their two children, are again in their cottage at Tioga. The Briscoe house on the ridge Is oc cupied this season by the family of W. G. Holmea. Mr. and Mra. A. R Diamond are at Sea View. . Miss Cora Mastlck arrived on Thursday.- P. Taylor and family are at Center vllle in their cottage. Mark McAllen, the small son of Dan McAllen. Is spending his summer all alone boarding at the Salt Air. He Is very entertaining and the pet of the hotel. - , ' The J. Sheehy cottage at sea view will be opened next week. v Mr. and Mrs. Ed Knrman, Mason Knr- man. Emily Ehrman and Mrs. I). Rider arrived at the Breaker on Tuesday, where they will remain tuntu tne miadie of August. Mrs. Max Levlnson and three daugh ters are at Sea View. Pioneers at tie Beach. The family of E. J. Jeffery, pl'oneer visitors of North Beacn, wnere mey have owned a cottage and spent their summers for 17 years, are again mem bers of the summer colony at Tioga. Mrs. Millard C. Holbrook arrived with the Jeffery family on Wednesday for a two weeks' visit with her mother. Will Llpman is taking a quiet vaca tion at Centervllle, where he is a guest of the I. N. Lipmans. James Rosenfeld is also visiting his sister, Mrs. Llpman. Charles Arthur, son of the manager of the Breakers, has a 1907 moaei Pierce Arrow, 28-SJ horsepower, at tne beach. The car is In big demand and is almost constantly In une. Miss Hannah Slotn, who reiurnea re cently from Berkeley. California, Is with hrr mother In a cottage at Long Beach. Miss lnea Hansen is visiting Miss Agnes Mcintosh at the Willows. Mrs. H. W. Lemcko is occupying a cottage at Long Beach. Mrs. Otto Burk hardt has been a guest of the Lemcke cottage lor the past week. Mr. wmcK and jit. Burkhardt arrived on Satur day s Potter and after a brief visit took a reluctant leave of the beach. On Mon day. . - . The Hlslop cottage at Sea View is ten anted by Mrs. Sam Lock wood, her two children and sister. Miss Eugenie Morse. Mrs. niddell baa been a guest of the cottage. The Misses Anna Chance, Winifred Chance and M. Robertson are In the Robertson cottage at Sea, View. The Catholic church at Centervllle July 22' regul"r 8"day .services from ,hr Br2.wn. "nd William Wheeier, after batching for a couple of weeks at , the Wheeler cottage, were glad to welcome the family ' on Monday. Tha .Wfcoeler cottage is at CenUrvllla. ien Dr. Wood will Ujave Portland for a European trip. The cosy Plxon cottage at Tioga is again opened for the season. Mrs. Julius Meier accompanied her husband when he left the beach for Portland on Monday. I. Gevurtx. the furniture dealer, has boueht a house at Centervllle. The Johnston cottage Is occupied by Russell Johnston, Miss Mabel Johnston and Miss ElTle Johnston. Mrs. Chemaln and Miss Julia Che main are enjoying beach life In their house at Centervllle. Que Pfunder waa seen as the An nand cottage Sunday, where Mrs. Pfun der and Master Jack are Installed for the hot summer months. Ed Schiller believes In taking life easy and has sent his family to the beach to keep cool during July and August. Thev are at Centervllle. The Ruppell camp Is one of the most attractive at North Beach this year.. Thursday's Potter numbered among Its passengers the family of Fred Roth child of Portland. They will be at the Breakers for about six weeks. Miss Emma Gerspach Is staying at the Hackney cottage. Bob Ramsdell and Melville Fell are batching at Sea View, where they seem to find many fascinating attractions. At Hotel Breakers. James Hlslop, O. W. Cutbert, Mr. and Mrs. John Clemens, K. W. Mathews. Joe Rothschild, Harold Felt, C. R Price, Mrs. Adolphe Wolfe, George Wolfe, Stella Wolfe, A R. Diamond. C. H. Moore, M. CI. Mears. Mrs. M. G- Me.urs, Duncan Mears. L. Samuel, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Samuel, N. A. Bergman, Mrs. (J. M. Wells, Mrs. Emma Wells Blandford. Mrs. E. B. Comon. Mrs. Frances Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Laudette, G. W. Boschke Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Wrood and son, Miss Edwlna Mastlck, Miss Cora Mastlck, James F. Crandall, Frank R. Chambers Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ehrman, 8. Mason B:hrman Miss Emily Ehrman, Mrs. E. Rider of Portland, Oregon, George F. Felt of Salt Lrke City, J. D. McGowan of Ilwaco. 'Washington. D. M. Arenson of Pittsburg. Pennsylvania, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Preston. Tessie Preston of Se attle, Mrs. E. Morgansteln and children Mrs. M. A Gottstein and children of Seattle, P. S. Mitchell of Fort Dodge, Iowa, Susie Fungate, Marlon O'Malley, Emma Rapp of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Harold Keys of Alameda, California, Mr. and Mrs. S. Blum and child of Valdez, Alaska. Mrs. T. Leopold of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sexton and boy of Denver. Colorado, Mrs. C. A. Hastings, Kister Hastings, L. A. Hastings of Boise, Idaho. Reed Allen, A. Hawkins of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Rees of Fort Columbia, Wash ington, pan Williams, J. D. Williams of Chinook, Washington, Mr. and Mrs. IS. G. Ewlng, Mrs. S. ROSenhaupt. Miss May Rosenhaupt, Miss Amy Rouenhaupt of Spokane, Washington. At Garden Grove. Mr. A. Elgin and family, Miss Julia Johnston, Lawrenco Erlckson, Mae C Gleason, Annie Kennedy, L. J. Bro naugh, B. O. Sawyer. A. Mickels, Mr. Murdock, Mrs. Murdock. Mrs. F. D. Northrup, Audrey Northrup, Mrs. A. H. Bauman, Walter Bauman of Portland, Oregon. At the Portland. A. S. Delp, M. E. Lee and family, Ralph Carpenter, W. C. Harmon, N. G. Venator. E. Flanders. W. H. Vasey, A. Gall. H. E. Kauter. Irene Welse. Marv .Welse, Edna Pendleton, Alice Richard son, wm. sen w art z, . Turner, m. l.. Gale, W. Holt, T. Giles, Thos. H. Rich ardson, Audrey Borger, Victor Bode, Frank Bode, J. C. Drlscoll, G. Rogers, Bert J. Lockwood. Bishop B. McCarter. of Portland. Oregon: Mr. and Mrs. James fciaver, Kelso, waanington; Mr. ana Mrs. C. E. Eads, Raymond, Washington; J. Portland: Miss D. Mosher, Nampa, Idaho; Mrs. F. Parker. Scappoose. t The WlokHam, Miss Helen Teal, D. L. Devain, Miss Hllma Strum, Mlsa E. M. Stiles Mr. and Mrs. H. Krleger, Mr. and Mrs. R. 1 iwlgia, T. Rodgera, Harry Ross, Ray T. Williams, C. J. Ilton, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Cook, Mr. R. L. Laf ferty, of Portland; Clarence Heaui, Arleta; Miss Ora Block, Miss Steha Block, Los Angeles. Kt. Hood Attracts Many Tlsltors. Cloud Cap Inn, Mt. Hood, July 19 Recent arrivals at Cloud Cat) Inn in clude: J. Thorburn Ross. Charles F. fiwlgert and family. Tom Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. George Good, Miss F I-ewte. Mrs. C. C. Smith. Miss Luclle Smith. William F. Woodward, Miss Woodward, F. W. Baltes and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. B. Marlarkey, A. B. Stelnbach. Miss Jess B. Park. Miss K. K. Barette. C. F. Fisher. G. M. Welster. Miss C. Wilson, Mrs. Mundt. Mrs. Ross. Mrs. Dolan, Howard M. Covey E. B. Hyatt. George H. Corman. W. B. Holi Ingshead and wife, Portland; Malcolm A. Moody, Miss Annie M. Lang, Miss Elisabeth L. Lang. Mrs. W. H. Wilson, Mrs. Maud S. Mitchell. The Dalles: Mr and Mra. R. H. Wallace. Miss Margaret Wallace, K. O Blancher, Hood River; B. Conner, Mr. and Mra. Frank Donnelly, Nolan Rloe Beet. Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Feagan, Mr. and Mrs. k. t. Lioomis, New York: Mrs. F. A Wilson Tjffhanrtn Til - A XT xni.- North Yakima; Mrs. J. 'MaeLean, Mrs! D. J. Mac Lean Edinburgh. Rcotl unil' Mr and Mrs. John Vert, Pendleton; Miss Coggswell Albanv. N. Y.; E. W. Brlr ham, William Ellery, Boston, Mass Mlsa Marie H. Slate, Brooklyn, N. ... Clatsop Beach C. Taylor, F. Henderson, W. A. Car uthers. Nahcotta, Washington; F. A. McKlnnon. Spokane, Washington; Minnie Evans, Mae Evans, Mrs. Joe Har'rls. of Snlem, Oregon: R. Herbot, Gus H. Rip ley, Vancouver, Washington. At Iiong Beach Hotel. Miss Sadye Kindred. Mrs. F. A. Kin dred, Miss Edna Kindred. J. M. Jost, Mr. and Mrs. Chan.. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. H. Weber, E. E. Buster, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kesslar. Mr. and Mrs. F. Babuck. Miss Minnie Rabor, J. T. Gregg, L. W. Pettlt. F. Bradley, M. Linden. J. C. Marks, w. E. Connolly, Lydla D. Smith, of Portland, Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ryan, Miss Strelns, Miss Whitney, Jack O'Lrlen. G. E. Leland. V. Millard, Mr. and Mrs. C. CI. Gingenit, E. S. Rice, of Seattle. Washington; Minnie Evans, Mae Evans, Mra. Joe Harris,1 Salem, Oregon; H. G. Heckman. J. D. Smith, of Clark, South Dakota: E. S. Dorland. North Bend, Oregon; H. J. Hall, Nelson Hall, W. J. Poole, Guy Honk, South Bend, Washington; Will Miller, K. W. Miles, A. L. Miles. Goble. Oregon; Philo Richardson, Seattle; Mrs. E. Marshall, E. Marshall, Spokane, Washington, Q. R. Hughes. Nahcotta. Washington; Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Metcalf, Salt Lake City; E. D. Clark. Boise City, Idaho; F. C. Rlppe. Tacoma. Washington; M. A. Leael, Oscar Lang, Sam Schmltfler, of Heppner, uregon. The Driftwood. Miss Bertha Newberg, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Abrams. Chas. B. Logan, Wm. Schmorl, H. Towraine, C. A. Hunter. Mrs. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Wlfont. M. Cranson, Ethel McDonald, of, Portland; Mrs. Ernest stunt. Mrs. jpe Harris, Mae Evans. Minnie Evans, of Salem, Oregon: Miss Linden, Boston, Massachu setts; Mlssw Pearl Lindey. New York; Miss C B. Maquam, San Francisco, Cal ifornia; M. Phenlx, Breakers, Washing ton. At Hotel Salt Air. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs J W. Burke. Master Fred Burke. M,-X.-Bruce, Ethel M. Cralb. Lillian Gevurtz. Harvey uevurw. ciyae forter, John Dltchburn, Mr. Coleman, of Port land. - . Sackaey Cottage. E. A. Bertelsen, 8. Frelnvald F. Top ken, Emma Gerspoch, Mrs. Gerspoch, Fred - Gerspoch, Ed Dunlap, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph - Gardner and child, John Gardner, Maude Moore, Eleanor Ganza mlller, , M. B. Wells, Mrs. M. B. Wells, ' Master Bruce Wells, Willard Wells, Miss Madaline Bruce, Mrs. Dan Kellaher. Miss May Coon, J. H. Reven sky, Miss A. Warnock, William Schmoll, H..Fournln, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Kapas, L. F. Buck, H. El wood, Mrs. A. H. SchaXaer, . lira, Horn Ine Hoiden, of , Seaside, July 1. There has been only one subject of conversation at Seaside during the past week the banquet at the Hotel Moore dn Monday evening, given in honor of Vice-President Charles W. Fairbanks by the Astoria chamber of commerce. If one desired to take a summer cenaus of Clatsop beach. Mon day night would have been an Ideal time, as nearly every resident, cottager and hotel guest waa present when the vice-president gave a short address from the balcony of the Moore. "I renlly thought that most of these people had made the trip from Portland or Astoria especially to see us and Fair banks, said Jovial Dr. Gardner of the Charleston, "but I've concluded that they're natives." Farewell to Ck Soldier Boys. The druggists and doctors are gone, and on Tuesday evening the boys of the Third regiment of the Oregon National Guard said good-bye to the beach and the numerous "summer girls" they left behind them. Seaside misses the soldier Doys mere are no more drills to attend nor afternoon concerts by the regiment band In front of the Moore. The atmosphere at Seaside house has been decidedly military, and the little coterie of people from Vancouver bar racks have had some very enjoyable umea since tne militia nas been en camped near there. Band concerts every evening- and huire bonfires on th hearh added to the gaiety, and on Wednesday and Saturday nights there were dances In the Shell Road pavilion and the new octagon pavilion. Judge George H. Williams, who came down with the vice-president, waa the guest of the Third regiment on Tuesday. Judge Williams was escorted to the en campment by a guard of honor. The stories of the old veteran were much en Joyed by the "boys." On Sunday many of the beach people enjoyed the Impressive military church services which were held by the regi ment in the grove between the camp and Seaside house. Chaplain Gilbert conducted the services, and music was furnished by the regiment band and male quartets from the hospital corps and company L. Sunday evening there was a free concert In the octagon pavilion. Fishermen Landing; Big; Catches. Pacific pier is growing in popularity, and was lighted for the first time this season on Monday night. It is an ideal spot for deep-sea fishing, and it Is nothing unusual to see a lucky fisher man returning with a string of from 40 to B0 fine tomcod and polgles. There are a number of Stanford stu dents at 8easlde this summer, including Paul Geisy, Kenneth Fenton, 8. Young and Jack Bowers. Their favorite sports are hunting and bathing, and they fully expect to "kill a bear" as the result of tneir prowess oerore the seaaon is over. Many people stopped to admire the exquisite white rose of unusual slxe and beauty which has been displayed in the window of the Seaside bank. The rose Is a Grman variety, and is called the Frau Karl Drusehkl. It waa grown by Mrs. Louis Henrlch. Bowling and tenpins are always popu lar at the beach, and many people pre fer them to more strenuous sports. Some very good scores have been made this year by both men and wqmen. Miss Celeste Moore Is making quite a record as a skillful bowler, and often has her name on the board aa making the high est score for the day. Both seals and whales are seen this year,' and many people have enjoyed the unique spectacle oi a seal right. Hotels Already Crowded. The hotels are nearly all filled, and the Hotel Moore overcrowded for the past two weeks. Dan J. Moore Is being petitioned to enlarge his house by many people eager to stop at this beau tiful hotel on the beach. What Seaside really needs is a good sized bathhouse and swimming tank. CELEBRATED VsJ C STOMACH P BITTERS and It la to be hoped that such a one will be bunt Dy next summer. Tha seaaon at Oearhart will not b at its height until about the first week In August hut cottages are rapidly filling and Kruse's Beach hotel is gay with the summer girl, tha summer man and the chaperons Golf, riding 1 and bathing are the principal amusements and tha residents or tne oeacti'wiu leu you that the bathing at Gearhart Is su perior to any on the coast, owing to the absence of rocks and the gradual slant of the beach, which insures safety to the bathers. Drirtwood ror Donnres Is easily obtainable here and every eve ning Jolly cVowds may be seen making their way to the beach. Very little" entertaining has been done so far but many parties ana neacn en tertAlnmenta are beins Dlanned by cot tage hostesses. One of the prettiest of the new beach homes at Oearhart is the bunralow of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mnrnn Tha color scheme of the In terlor Is brown and yellow and artlstlo simplicity the keynote in the rurnisn tlnss. Mrs. Morgan entertained Mrs. T. J. Smith of Colwell, Idaho, and the Mlsaes Eva and Grace Roach at tea last week. In the near future Mrs. Morgan plana to give a house warming. Social Happenings. A five hundred party was given by Mrs. F. J. Smith last Wednesday In honor of the Misses Eva and Grace Roach Cards were played at three ta bles, the first prlxes. a copper souvenir trav. being won by T. W. Boone of Col well. Idaho, and the booby, a tin pall. by Miss Rummelln. Those present were Mrs. Juanlta Stewart. Miss Johnson. Miss Eva Roach, Miss Grace Roach of Colwell, Miss Rummelln. Mrs. Cogge- shall, Clinton Keed and 1. w. JUoone. Mrs. H. T. Butterworth entertained Mrs. Blaine R. Smith at dinner last week. In cottages at Gearhact are as fol lows: Ir F. J. Ball snd family, Sherman Hall and family, William T. Meier and fnmllv. Hugh McGulre and- family, In Humidor cottage, Mrs. McGulre having ns vuests Mrs. E. J. Munson and daughter Julia, of San Francisco; Hon. F. J Bmitn ana ramuy or coiweu, Idaho: A. L. Morcan and family: Dr. P. J. Paine and family; Mrs. WMlliam MacKenxle; Mrs. George B. Reed and familv: F. 8 Williams snd family: John D. Honeyman and family; 8. Rosenthal and family; Dr. J. Whltcomb Brougher and family Mrs. U 8. BrHise and fam ily of Boise, Idaho, will be In town next week. Seaside Hons Arrivals, Among recent arrivals at the Seaside House are: Mrs. Frank L. Smith. F. L. Smith Jr.. Mrs. G. Glass. Frances Smith Alleen Smith, Alice V. Smith. Mrs. Kin- nell, Mrs. Jim Cook, Miss Cook, Miss Cullie Cook, Governor George E. Cham berlain and son, Conle lxe Chamberlain T. T. Perkins, D. L. Houston, George W. Hagar. Dr. F. B. Eatlne, Frank L Smith, Mrs. Ackerman, R. C. Coffey, Wil liam Kene, Alford Hexter, Mrs. A. Lowe, John Mason, Mr. and Mra. George Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Lltherland, Miss Beryl Lltherland, H. O. Stlckney. Graham Glass, Sim R. Winch, from Portland; Daisy McAnulty, Viola M. Godfrey, Oregon City; Mrs. L. Kene, Mrs. Donald Mackay, Jean L. Kene, Dr. William Jones, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Whltson, W. V. Wilson Jr. and nurse, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hornbrook, Dr. E. Hombrook, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bagley, Mr. and Mrs. M. VL. Kline, Frank K. Lan ton. General and Mrs. O. Summers, Mrs. John L. Parke, Miss Genevieve Parke, Miss Pauline Parke, Vancouver bar racks; Miss Snell, San Francisco; Miss Teal, Hood River; J. W. Donnellyr Cam den; Mrs. S. T. Hoggatt, San Francisco; Miss Harriet Ankeny, Walla Walla; Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Griffith, Salem; Mrs., George H. Cattanach, Canyon City; Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Smith, Salem; F. W. Van Dyke Grants Pass. At Gearhart. Recent arrivals at Kruse's beach ho tel Include: From Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Pollfka, R. Livingston, C. A. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rittenberg, Mrs. D. Halley Norrle, James Warthelmer, J. Brady, H. L. Hamblet and wife. Donna M. Beach, Miss Chase, Miss Brown, Miss Adams. William McLaughlin. N. L. An derson, A. Jubltx, Mrs. O. M. Rankin, Ot tilia oulck. C. E. Orelle. Mrs. J. E. Bing ham, Mason L. Bingham, R. P. Thomas and wife, William Bruess, Wells Gilbert, Theo. Kruse, D. I. Kruse, C. V. Chapman and wife, L. C. Norrls, Mrs. I C. Nor rts, Frederick Norrls, Mrs, J. Green, Miss M. Massey, Miss A. May, Ralph Cryster, Marcus Petersen, O. M. Rankin, Mrs. J. S. Reed, Mra L. M. Dahymple, Grace L. Dahymple, H. A. Webber and wife, James B. Kerr and family. Dr. Briggs; H. M. Bransford, South Bend, Wash.: Mrs. F. Grelle, Miss GreUe and Miss Frida Grelle, South Orange, N. J.; Dr. A. C Kinney, Astoria; Miss Mar- faret McCoskey, McMinnvllle, Or.; Mrs. . T. Gal Ins, Grants Pass: Mane Farrell, Grants Pass; Fred A. Wilson and wife, Walla Walla Wash.; G. 8. Harding. Ore gon City; Holman Ferrin, Forest Grove; H. W, Dean and wife, Astoria. Too Fairbanks Banquet. The Hotel Moore presented a gala appearance on Monday evening, the oo caslon being the banquet given by the Astoria chamber of commerce in honor of Vice-President Charles Warren Fair banks. The verandas and lawn were lighted with Chinese lanterns and a freat bonfire blazed on the beach in ront of the hotel. The Third Infantry band was stationed on the lawn. The decorations in the lobby and din ing hall were In charge of Georara W. i Otten, of Portland, and were extremely beautiful. In the lobby, ropes of klnl klnlo vines and scarlet berries made a canopy overhead, while the fireplace was banked with the graceful wild huckelberry vine. The dining hall was decorated in a unique and appropriate manner to sim ulate a. ship. Great strands of rope, tied in realistic, sailor knots, swung from the sides of the wall, while the Amer ican flag, numerous life preservers, players much of thelh time Is spent un ine uocasiey xiaii tennis court. Mrs. Vlotor H. Smith and daughter, Hortense. who have been traveling In the east and south, spent a few days at ine raoore on weir way to their homo in Beams. "Bridge' and "five hundred" are much played by the women guests at the flioore ana many impromptu oara parties are arranged xor tne eoia, xoggy even lngs. Among those devoted to 'bridge" are: Mrs. . ji. larpiey, Mra uan. j. ana Mrs. tu f. Tnomas. Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer. who Is spend ing .the summer t the Moore, very Kindly consented to sing at in fair- banks banquet Monday night. Mr. Fair banks was delighted with Mrs, Bauer's voice. The John F. Logans will spena tne summer at Seaside. Mlss Emma J. nil) la a sruaat nf Mrs. Loaan. Mlsa Jennie Seaur. who was acci dentally shot by some boys while target shooting, Is recovering rapidly. , colonel uavia M. uunne ana ismiiy are in their cottage in tne grove. Colonel and Mrs. Dunne ars famed for their hospitality and guests at tne cot tuira are always sure of a good time. F. Frledlandar, wno is staying t tha Moore, soends much of his time nshlna- and has been repaid by making one or two very good catches. The Hotel Moore has been full for over a week and the lobby ana wide verandas overlooking the ocean are al ways crowded with summer people bent on having a good time. Webber's orchestra entertains the guests during m pjl! times. Among the prominent people regis tered at the Moore this week are: Cliarles W. Fairbanks. Indiana; James E. Gardner. M. D. U. S. 8.; Hon. George H. Williams. L L. Pratt, John . tar- roll, Frank Dekum, Mrs. J. C. Zan, Laura Smith, J. W. Bailey, John W. Mlnto. John Manning, George Burcher, Mrs. M- J. Coe, H, W. Scott. Louis Rosenblatt, Frank Rothschild. Mrs. James F. Falling, Miss Henrietta C. Failing, W. J. White, J. W. Cochran, Mr. and Mrs. H. A- Webber, Mrs. R. P. Thomas and family. B. Fleckensteln, Dr. M. H. Cardwell, J. R. Cardwell. B. Wight, A. E. Rockey. A. C. Churchill, E. P. Geary, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Clark, Dr. and Mrs. L. Griffith and children, L. C Cate, Miss Shirley Anne Eastham, Elizabeth Stewart, W. M. Kinney, A. Newell. H. S. Coffman. R. 8. Mac kenzie, Maud and Mrs. J. S.-Stott, W. T. Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lewtn- walt and son, Henry Jennings, F. H. Powers. Mr. and Mra Fricdlander. Mrs. C. H. Tarpiey and son, Edward Dunbar, from Portland; H. R. Hoegler and uaugnter, M. lessen. Klnnev. J. A. Fulton, jonn wuion Holt. M. D. U. S. marine hospital serv- Cue of Astoria, Mrs. Frank Wolf of Spo kane. H. B. Munger of Chicago, Illinois, Mrs. E. Gollnsky, Mrs. Harriet Meyer of Ban Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. k. Bum mers, M". C. Ward, William LaSaur of Orenron Cltv. Mrs. M. ueiser. Mils L. Uelser, Kvr. U. Mcuaniei or Bauer "jr. Mrs. c. v. Green or BpoKane, w. m. ts. Klnnev. A. R. Kinney of Chicago. Frank lin Jones of New York, Mrs. victor H. Smith, Mlsa Hortense Smith, Mr. and Mrs T W Willis. IT. n. M. Kellocc-. Mr. and Mra. A. J. Burrough of Seattle, J. N. Hall of Denver, Colorado. Locksley Hall. Dr. Amelia Zlealer. Mrs. J. Green. Miss M Massle. Miss A. May, Miss R. T-nvonmrt. Dr E. F Fav. Theo. Fes- sler. H. Jennings, Mr. and Mra. J. H. Waddle. Dr. Marie O. Equl, Miss Helene Anderson. W. A. Huntlev. G. W. Cash. from Portland; William George, Chlca- go, Illinois; L. C McCleod, Astoria; E. A. Igglngs. Astoria; G. W. Hoboon. Salem; John Blaand, Tacoma; E. G. Bodmer. Milwaukee; Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Brownlee, Astoria; Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Klein, Chicago; Miss Ethel Mynik, W. W. Hennbaeh. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Tahler, James J. Flynn, R. Kelly. Dick Jones, G. Frlewald, F. Topken, Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Blasdell, R. D. Jackson. Miss Amelia Anderson, Mr. A. Anderson, C. W. Whittlesey. Robert McCarl, Nellie Duby, James J. Flvnn, J. E. Wiley, C. W. Hodges, Mrs. J. B. Zan, Miss Smith, F. Kellv. E. C. Goodnow, J. M. Ambrose, 8 R. Winch, Miss Harriet Bpeckarh, L. C. Chalmelc, Mr. and Mrs. p. Feldman. Miss Elsie Feldman, Dr. and Mrs. J. 8. Stott, Miss Mary O'Nen, Miss Kathar ine Parrlsh, Mrs. J. K. Locke, Beatrice Locke, James Gibsjn, Mr. and Mra. 1L C. Moore. R. Dorcas, Salem; George Sutton and ramiiy, (jnicago;,n. ts weg ner, Spokane; pr. Frank McCauley, Beappoos ut. j. m. tr. unaimers, van couver; Mrs. B. E. Kennedy and chll dren Baker City; Dr. F. M. Bell. Kelso Dr. G. S. Biggers, La Grande; M. F. Shaw, M. D-. Hood River. Heoanlouia Inn. Miss Rose Thule. Mr. and Mrs. A. 3 Clemenson and family, R. B. McClung, Mrs. J. K. GUI, Miss Dorothy Gill, Mrs. George G. Carl, Mrs. Win Dimneett from Portland; Mrs. M. Donlaa and son, Butts, Montana. t Colonial Hotel. ' B, Rone, Mrs. A. M. Clayson, Bdna D. Tlmms, Emma R. Makl, NeUla J. Bailey, Marlon Bailey, Gladys Dufur, Faith Du fur, O. Hohnaand, Mr. and Mrs. E. 8 Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hugln, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Hughes, .Mrs. B. Brown, Clarenoe H. Gilbert. Oscar Charles Wells, Miss K. Woodman. Mr. and Mrs. L Maran, Mrs. W. 8. Bryant, Elsa C Koerber, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Patton. li. Neustadter, 3. B. Birch, U W. Heroson. B. A. Thaxter, M. Mackenale, Colin Llvingster from Portland A. Gillette, Hoqulam, Washington VIlas Berth rVtu.n CmmAii i is - C- . . Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Faust, Eugene. Oh Hallon. Astoria- V4 n aniih.n u Oregon City; Mr. and Mra R, S. Ru ui, isuKwooo, Illinois; Miss Russell, Kukwood. Illinois: Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Stiles and family. Seaside. aoiflo Ylew Hotel Mrs. C. H. WUson, Mr. and Mrs, C. F. Huston. Mrs, W. W. Crow. Paul W. Crow, Mrs.-N.'CampbelL Alice Camp bell, Vlotor Campbell, Mrs. N. Blsael Ion, Novena Blaaellon. F. 8. Howard. Mrs. Minnie HowarfL John How. a Harold Howard, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Whltcomb, Mra Eire Wilson Andrew Sherwood, H. W. Sherwood, from Port land; Geo. J. Whltwell, Jos. B. Whit well, J. U Fermecott, from St PauL Minnesota: Mr Hamiil wnnn rki-- City, Idaho; Mr. and Mra A. W. Benton, Redmond. Oregon; Mra William Mo Nellly, Miss Grace MoNellly, Colfax. Washington. HILL CANT CARRY ALL HIS PASSENGERS (Special Dispatch to Tbt Journal) Seattle, July 10. Travel on the Hill lines this month has been heavier than the roads have been able to handle. Thai capacity of the railroads was already, taxed to the utmost, and then came the Christian Endeavor convention. The roada, In fact, were not at all anxious that the convention should be held at Seattle, and it was due to the fact that they made no effort to set the travel in cident to the convention that attendance was so light The climax came when, the Northern Pacific waa compelled to refuse to sell local tickets on the North Coast limited leaving St PauL Only; those holding through tickets were per mitted to ride on the train. Every west bound train out of St. Paul for a month has been filled to the limit and pass enger officials claim that the class of travel has been the best the roada have ever carried. SHEMANSKI BROS. GO EAST Managers of Eastern Outfitting Com pany Stores Leave for Hew York To morrow Bvemlxuj om a Business Trip. I. Shetnanskl, of Los Angeles, presi dent of the Eastern Outfitting com pany's chain of stores, is (n Portland visiting J. Shemanskl, manager of the Portland store. The two brothers, ac companied by another brother, Alfred, manager of the Seattle store, will start east on Sunday evening, where they go to buy goods for their six stores on the coast. In New York they will meet the resident buyer who will return from Purls In a week. The Eastern Outfitting company stores are among the prominent busi ness establishments of six of the largest cities on the coast The Portland store ranks among the big business houses, and the same is true of each of the stores. Iu each city business has been built up by judicious advertising. GRAND JURY MAY CLEAN UP SEATTLE Do You Think For Yourself ? Or, da you open roar mouth like a young bird and gulp down whatever food or medi cine saaxbe offered yon f UAS&ajreui Intelligent thinking woman. In need oCwM from weakness, nervotuneas, pain and auaVWhig, then tt means much to you that therevN i,n tried and trnw honest Thousands of persons dur ing the past 54 years, have been thankful for trying the Bitters. It made them well after all else had failed. Don't you think it worthy of a trial? It will cure Poor Ap petite, Heartburn, Indiges tion, Costiveness, Diar rhoea, Female Ills or Malaria. and the regulation red and green lan- terns used on ships, further carried out Mr. Otten's quaint and charming idea. Webber's orchestra played during the banquet and Just before the toasts Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer sang "The Star spangled Banner" very charmingly, the banqueters Joining In the chorus. One hundred and forty-three guests were present. Seaside Votes. A. F. Flegel and family have taken a cottage in the grove near Ne canlcum Inn for the summer. Mr, Flegel, who is an indefatigable fisher man, Is planning a number of fishing trips: Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Flelschner opened their beautiful cottage on the Ridge early In the season. They have visiting mem Airs, rieiacnner s motner, Mrs. E. Gosllnsky, of San iFranclsco. Mrs. E. C. Johnson and children are in their cottage, "Florallne." Mrs. John son has visiting her, Mrs. G. W. Simp son and daughter. Among the guests of Locksley Hall who are devoted to riding are: Miss Ida Stacy, who has been invited to ride in the New York horse show; Mrs. L. C, Carlisle and Mr. C C. Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peterson have taken "Chester Cottage" for the sum mer. Mrs. Peterson has as visitors: Mrs. M. A. Peterson, Mr. and Mra. J. C. Appel and the Misses Nellie and Jess Peterson. The guests of Necanlcum Inn enjoyed their first bonfire of the season on Monday evening. Mrs. Dan. J. Malarkv and children era at the beach for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Starr and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Forbes are in "Plnewood" cottage, As thai are all skillful tennia men-Jrlne nr janwa mnpnsfrir. fold h; drurf lti for the cure of woman's ills. 4v ii sf tft The makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, for the cure of weak, nervous, run down, over-worked, debilitated, pam-racked women, knowing this medicine to be made up of Ingredients, every one ot which has the strongest possible Indorsement of the leading and standard authorities of the several schools of practice, are perfectly willing, and in fact are only too glad to print as they da the formula, or list of ingredient, of which It la composed, in plain English, on every bottle-wrapper. ifr vjjf ijl ijf The formula of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription will bear the most critical examina tion of medical experts, for It! contains no alcohol, narcotics, harmful, or habit-forming drugs, and no agent enters Into It that Is not highly recommended by the most advanced and leading medical teachers 'and author ities of their several schools ot practice. These authorities recommend the Ingredients' QfTrTPfercl's Favorite Prescription for th cure of exsctly the ssme aliments foijwhlc yjjswoiaainetrieajcinelsaov 1 i - No other medicine for. woman's Ills has any such professional endorsement as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has received, In the un qualified recommendation of each of its several Ingredients by scores of leading medi cal men of all the schools of practice. Is such an endorsement not worthy of your consideration 7 ' - . -A booklet of Ingredients, with numerous authors tive profesional endorsements by the leading medical authorities of this country, will be mailed fret to aiy ons sending. nam and address with request for same. Address D&B.T. Pierce, Buffalo, N. TJ , - -- (Special Dlipstch to Tbe Journal.) Seattle, July 20. A grand Jury la among the possibilities for Seattle. A few weeks ago the Renton Hill Improve ment club adopted resolutions advocat ing tne caning or this body and Presi dent Bogardus appointed a committee to gather evidence no back up the res olutions. The names of the members have been kept secret. It is understood the report will assert that a grand Jury is necessary. . - I The committee has investigated the conduct of certain hotels, where ques tionable guests, it is said, are "harbored. It la estimated that possibly the police wink at certain violations of the law-, and of good morals. Bathhouses ha also been investigated. Certain combines alleged to ejrfx In the city, chiefly the fuel and commis sion house combines, which are charged with conspiring lo keep up prices, have also been looked Into. After the report Is made to the Y:lub the result of the committee's investiga tions will be placed before the proper officials and a demand made for the grand Jury. Lenox Hotel. The 'newest of Portland hostelries la the Lenox hotel. While it was ushered into existence In a quiet and unostentatious manner, everyone has heard of this hotel snd Its luxurious appointments. Owing to its being thrown open Just prior to fiesta week, the town's renutatlon for good hotels was materially strengthened In the minds of thousands of people from . the interior of the state. No grill was better ptronUed by the fiesta visitor than tne spacious and inviting dining room of the Lenox. Not the smallest detail has been over looked by the management to make guests the most comfortable. All the help appear ao vie with each other ,in their efforts to makn vUltnra feel at home. Portland has Just reason to be proud of this handsome structure facing on its oldest public square. There are upwards of 100 rooms provided with hot and cold water, telephone service. and 40 suites have private baths. The rates are irom l a day up, while rooms with crlvate hatha run from 12.80 UP. The rooms are tastefully furnished throughout and every modern accommo dation has been Installed, whloh has already brought the Lenox to the favor able notice of the commercial publio. It remained for the Lenox to Intro duce the auto bus In this city, a oomfort provided by the best eastern hotels where busses are used at all. The hotel Is onerated hv fha T)&rrett Hotel company, of which-the leading spirits are F. E. Daggett and C. T. W. Holllster. Unlicensed Fishers Fined. (Soeelal Dispatch to The lonnul.) Astoria. July 20. The trial of Thomaa Spencer. Thomas Taylor. Harrr Spen cer and Frank Pearson, charged with iinning ior saimon in tne COlumDia river without, licenses, took nlaoe In Justice court yesterday. The defendants pleaded, guilty and were fined B0 and costs each, which they paid. The Bank of England nrooerty covers .oyer two acres, , . , . I