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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 20, 1907. II FOR RENT eTORE8-OrnCE3 H MNT-TWO GROUND FLOOR oji'e". Front and Ankeny ata. Apply T. Cox. Telephon Main 422. STOREROOM FOR GROCERY: NEW miiiQini, corner room. 120; e owntr, Jp Nuh, at Millard tvi., Naahvlll ad- umon. on tn Mount Rcntt rarllne. front at.; Ion or abort )m. In- acinc Art uiaa worn, ijifroni FOB RENT MISCKLLANEOl HAIX AND BALLROOM, NEW WITH mooara. convenience. Phon Main is. SUMMER RESORTS BEACH PROPERTY. " M Th flnM, hauh nrnnrt Vr Offered Joining Breakera hotal property, to be cra tract, a portion with building re trlctlona: other unrestricted; ay term. A. C, CHtm CHILL ft CO.. im Dttivm at.. Cltr. LocksLfcY HaLL seaside. or.,dr P. I. iii.tlii nronrletor. aeelated by L. A. Carlyl; raUa from 1 1 1.60 par waek up ; ratee and raaarratlona may ba made now with Dr. Auatln. dentist. Kaiaign mag. WANT A COTTAGE Af SfcAfiiDEl WrlU F. McFarland, 8aald. Or., who win locate you. Btate price nmn, eio. BUSINESS CHANCES. THE COABT REALTY CO.. ttH Morrlaon at., headquarter for real eatate of every deecrlptlon, includ ing timber and aaw mllla, eta PHONE MAIN 168. A 4180. ,000 acrea aplendld timber Including larira aaw mill, easy terma. $K00 One hair cash buy beat aramwle in city, only two mllea from office. Onlr with ua. 111,000 Hardware atore. JO year. MB. 000 Splendid manufactory at in voice. 12.000 Manufacturing, eatabllahed t year. ft, 000 One half canh, new aaw mill, with lot of, lumbar, lore and timber on hand, clearing $40 dally. $8,000 Two thlrda oaah. 10 acrea im proved near Oregon City. Other acreage all prices. 18,200 One half caah, H section land. 1600 rente (0 acrea two mile from uregon city. 110,000 One of the finest home on the Heights; onlr with ua. 12,250 One Half caah, alz-room mod ern houae. $1,000 One half caah. aeven-room. new house; others all prlcea. $1,8008300 caah. like rent $$00 Several choioe lota at Mt. Ta bor. ROOMINQHOrSE SPECIALS. $8.600 New modern ateam heated. $6.000 One half caah. new modern 50 rooms. $3,600 One half caeb, fine brick cor ner, o rooma. $3,000 Elegant new money maker, 10 rooma, clearing $200 monthly. $l.e00 One half caah, 16 rooma, brick, K money getter. $2.250 One half caah. new modern rooming; houae. averaging $100 weekly. Il.ftfiO Seventeen rooma 1700 Modern, well paying, 1 rooma. $860 New modern place, Waahlng ton at. 1760 buya 12 rooma modern. $160 Six rooma furniture, cloae In. $1.000 Grocery at Invoice, three liv ing rooma. $800 Old eatabllahed real eatate and insurance. " $1,600 buya bualneaa clearing $60 per week. $760 Confectionery at invoice, living rooma. $600 buya Interest In old eatabllahed real eatate bua'.nes. $400 takes one half intereat In res taurant, and be caahler. $260 buya employment agency doing good bualneaa. $125 buya confectionery with elx rooma on 3rd at. Other bualneaa chances of all klnda. For quirk results conault THE COAST REALTY CO.. 22H Morrlaon at., Phone Main 1568. A 4160. X BARGAIN HOTEL FIXTURES for aale. good locality. Box 176, MSprlngfleld, Or FOR SALE SALOON I)OINO G06D bualneaa; falling health cauae for Belling 20 Grand ave., N. DUSLNEf CHANCES FROFTTA BLE ' AND ESTABLISHED Duaineea for lady wno can aew a little; Income $76 to 1160 a month; location Waahlngton at.! rent reasonable; leaae If deaired; atock of goods worth $300 or over; muet wi on aeoount or going aat; unable to get reliable person to ia enarge; win aen cneap lr taken at-once; particulars of owner. 8-426. journal. $660 - FOR PROFITABLE LaDIES1 bualneaa, with stock; only one of its kind in this cltr: beat location! ih. llehed I yoara; rents reasonable; good Income; muat aell on account of health Particulars, L-4J6. Journal DAVIS HOTEL FOR 8ALE. REAS6N- KDia wrmi. 11VV 3d. 100 BUYS TEAM OF DELIVERY OR " , . T . T tw ui Acn, will) goo6 licht i-pring wacon. 294 Mom- DENTAL 6FFICE ANl) FIXTURES iur uib, Koon town: snort lnMnn fppl reasons for aelllng. Address box 53. Baker City. Or. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE GROCERY STORE FOR SALE OR rent: srood location nw ...iin., tng good business; modern living rooms above store. Phone Purine li . FOR SALE CIGAR AND CONFEC fertlonerv atore no v nth t wanteiTtent TUJoTTf UIu atate price and where name ran aeen. Eaat 1675. 74 East Madlaon. FOR SALE REAL ESTATr. ACREAGE. Thla la what vou have heen lnoklna for 25 acrea choice land, 200 feet from railway station; graded, school and stores, 20 minutes' ride from cltv. Ho fare, level. 1 2 acres cleared, no gravel or stumps, $500 worth of wood on the irart; can be subdivided to good ad vantage and sold In smaller tracts at sdvance of 76 per cent or upwarda; per acre $lf 0.' D. F. LE FEVRE. Room 10, 142vy Second St. room bouse, 1 stories, good porches, bay window, 'ball, pantry, bath, large windows, chicken-nous and park, barn, ground 60x109 feet: good lawn, orna mental trees, roses, fruit trees and ber ries; l block each from 1 earllnes; 1 drraoods atore. t arrocarr stores. 1 drug store, 1 butcher shop, 1 blacksmith shoo. 1 mllllnerr store. 1 confectionery store, all within t blocks of th house; publlo school $ blocks away, T churches witnia 10 blocks and only so minutes walk .from business center of th city. Henkle & Harrison 17 Ablngton bldg. $1.100 GOOD (-ROOM MODERN horn: reception halL pantry, closets. basement; Jot 60x100: street graded; maa twj. ..rtln... iMiiil miA At arm. owner leaving city. Do not fall to see this property at once. C. R. DONNELL CO, Room II, ib starlt st. " 1 FOR SALE FARMS. BEAUTIFUL 2-ACRE TRACT; NOT A Washington & Oregon Realty Co. ll,00--ieo acre 2H miles from rail road, in Clarke county. Wash., t miles from Vancouver: 10 acres In cultlva- i.un. iw acres river bottom; family or i?5 n'w s-rorn matlo houae, cost v, .maij oarn; head of cattl. cowa; all farm Implements; 10 acres fenced; fine soli; investigate this before $$.600180 arree In Clark county Waah., I mllea from R. R. atatlon. on half mile to arhool and church; 0 acrea In fine atate of cultivation In crop: good family orchard; new 2-atory -room houae; good fram barn $4x9(1. Binder, mower, rake, and all klnda of farm lm piemen ta; team, wagon, buggy, hack, 20 head cowa, 18 head young atock. II aheep, 10 hoga. 100 chlckena. 40 geeae. waate inch on it; close to canines; k.. n ;n -rV,' '"" ' T ,w V...I . rrx. ia D..1.1. ' peat or son. Thla la one or th beat L ' Z.Z" V a1- rT:' V ! PUVI 0n market. Terma $3000 cash. IB for sal on aajn payments of $6 per month. Inquire of E. Davis, 30th and Wyirant -sts. FOR SALE 4 LOTS WITH SMALL house; Portsmouth, S blocks from rarline. Jo Rlchardaon, owner. Phonea Eaat 230, B-1360. FARMS WANTED. W ar in communication with people that want farma in all parts of the Willamette valley; If you wish to sell, call on us, or writ full particulars. DIAMOND REALTY CO.. 18$ Alder st. Room 10. Pctlnd. Or. FOR SALE FINE MODERN -ROOM residence on Vancouver ave; trad with owner on premises. (37 Vancouver ave. FOR SALE Vi BLOCK ON KILLINOS worth ave. near car bams. Improved with good 6-room houae and email barn and fruit. 82 Killlngawortb ave. Phone Woodlawn 1277. $2,000 ONE AND ONE HALF ACRES rlv'muar.. H-SofTounaT7 ! VJ Re1"tr "d L hitiViilK 10 or 11 ncrea cloae In on car lln. ' ChhAr QllfelirhfJfl WnrMe Tin,,.. .r.A niithniMIti r. nn mr v1 rfnVW VIAIM T.i.... 'i ,i.k ...t. r Anitiv.tin. liv. i Five acrea 4 acrea rich bottom land. lng water. Price $6,600. Addreaa 'own- i arre on fine elevation, I acrea bottom er. N-42B. Journal. (No agenta.) Thla : 1 "". nrat-claaa beaverdam; 2 atrong off.r hold rood for 6 dava. "owing streams or water, sufficient $1,360 A SNAP; $460 CAHH; BUY balance 6 years. I per cent 10 acrea, 9 mllea from Waehougal, Clark county; 30 acrea In cultivation; all fenced with $ wire; houae lxl, barn 86x40: H mile to eohool; 20 acrea aeeded. on main county road, fin aolL Prlc only $12 per acr. Thla la a snap. $3.000 40 acres. 8 miles from Colum bia river. 28 mllea from Portland, all In fine atate of cultivation except email plec of timber. 1 acre: 6 arret he&rln orchard, 2H acrea prunes, 2V4 applee and cherries; all fenced and level; email house 3 rooms, good barn, good well at door, fine aprlng; horae and buggy, t fine cowa, 2 hoga. 60 chlckena; R. F. D., near arhool, on main county road and the very beat of black soil; terma, H caah, balance 6 years at ( per cent $8,100 160 acrea. IU mllea from Waehougal, Clarke county; 40 acrea In cultivation, 100 acrea eaally cleared, aome timber; email houae, 1 acre fine orchard, fine soil; It. p. p., near anhool; terma, U caah, balance 5 yeare. ( per cent: will take In eichange for Port land property. FOR SaLE VARMS. Farm Snap J80 acres, all good land, all well fenoed, 80 acres cultivated, balance pas ture, soma timber, watered by 2 wells with mill; good (-room house, in nlo order; 2 good barns and all outbuild ings; 16 acres in nice orchard, consist ing of peaches, apricots, cherries and apples; I horses, 1 colt 2 cows. 1 calf, som chickens, 2 wagona, 1 buggy, all farm Implement! and all cropa; on fin road. H mllea from a verv orosperoua Oregon town; a very cheap farm, $0,600. HJCNKL.K- ft HARRISON. 217 Ablngton Hldg. FOR SALE 320 ACRTeS UNIMPROVED land in Cowlltx county. Wash, near Kalama river, about 8 mllea from Ka- lama, on county road; 2 good atraama of water running tnrougn place: aome urn FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FIRST-CLASS BRIDGE ft EACH STEEL range cheap. Phone Mln 4iii. bar; prlc $6 per acr. How. Kalama, Waah. Addreas E. N. TLMiiEK. WK ARB STILL IN A POSITION TO locate aeveral parties on railroad lands In southern Oregon, cruising better than 4 000 000 feet per quarter section; for making tender to the company and fil ing papere In tha clem a orrice arter For saLr roller TOP office deek. Phon Eaat 1111, Of call 4D3 E. Pin. ' BARTER AND EXCHANGE. TO EXChANOE FOR SMALL FARM In Oregon or Washington, a fine newspaper plant and Job office doing a good bualneaa. Will bear closest in vestigation; alao fine farm near Lewls Jon. Idaho, consisting of 160 acres, 110 acres under cultivation: all fenced, for farm In Willamette valley. What have you to trade1 Ad.!rea J. D. Winn, The Land Man, B aen aV 1 a ta. Or. WILL EXCHANGE "FINE DIAMOND CHIROPODISTS JOHN OARTNBR HARU AND BOFT corns, callous removed without palnj UhkOPoby Ab . I'l!ct'RlNi-i ki-"- .Jw1"1' Roon, $0 Flldf CARTET CLKAXINO ring for horae. bugry or any thing I STANDARD CAttPET CLEAN I NO CO largest plant on eoaat; Lortng and Harding ata.; phone Eaat 2(0; oarpU Cleaned, refitted, eewed and laid; steam and compreaaed air pVocas; renovating mattrsea anrt feathera a apeolalty. JOYCE BROTrTTROPRiETSRWiTTTa ttiacirie Cleaning work: earcta - c.eaned and laid, both dry and com Dranaed air clean lnir- nrut rflti n. can uae. Call after 6 p m. 825 East specialty; work guaranteed. Phon Mala .nn "., ' . . mr mil anq jk-znj . 17? urant at FOR BALE. OR TH A I F. FOR STOCK " ' ' ' ' ' '" 1 ' J Of general merchandise or rltv prop- CLAIRVOYANTS AXD PALMIST? erty, 160 acrea land, with aome I - Improvementa, Address V-427. Journiil. Always Consult th Best PROFESSOR KHIMO, Greatest living astral dead-tranc olalr vorant of the age; advlaer on bualneaa DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE: M"1'1 affairs of life; tells your full Sexlne Pills cure all weakneai; 31 a name and wnai you caned ror, wnont TERSOXAL ward location including all attorney bo, 6 for $5; full guarantee J""' will marry, how to control the one fees 'we charae the aum of $28. Now , or call J. Q. Clemenaon. druKglst, ! ,rt- yu lo,r- "ven though miles away; r. rome and look Into thla proposition. If land. Or. unltea th separated; gives eeort pow. vnu have never bouaht any lands from th company heretofore: remember this does not Interfere with any of your other rights, call and get fall partlcu lr"" HOWSB MILLER, 66 th st. Open evenings. Phone Main 1$8. from owner; corner lot. 46x130; good new house, on Foster road, 1 block from Myrtle Park Station. O. W. P. line; aplendld corner for drug or gro cery store. Address H. C. Roche. Ar leta. Or., ot call st Myrtle Park. Mt. Scott car. fee S flowing to Irrigate; nice new house, all well flnlHhcd, good porchee, wood houae, werkahop, barn, chicken barn and runs; finely located on good driving road; fronta on electric carllne; atatlon at the place. Better look this uo at once. HENKLE ft HARRISON. 217 Ablngton bldg. 6-ROOM HOUSE; 4 ROOMS FIN ished; corner lot, 100x100: fruit treea; price 11.360; terma half caah. Owner, 407 Willis boulevard, north of olenwood atatlon. Bt. Johns carllne. Coma oulck before advance In values. Choice homes and lota on St. Johns line , K()R gAi.EN-EW MODERN 7-ROOM best location dnndy C"J"'"Y houae. corner lot. near car barnat West terms: make date. Phone Woodlawn 126. 1 pi,dmnt: a bargain at $3,800. 82 Klll- $8.800 85 acre. 18 mllea from Port land. In Waahlna-ton countv, 3 miles from railroad atntlon; 85 acrea In fine aiaie or cultivation, balance very eaally cleared: all fenced, all level, email liv ing atream. fine new 2-atory 6-rooin, hard-finished houae. coat $1,600; new frame barn, rustic. 6x60; fine loaatlon R. F. D. and telephone, near school, milk route paat door, beat of Mack aoll. near the Tualatin river; Investigate thla be fore buying. TIMRKH LAN! )8. Intending purchaeere dealrlng to b located upon lands with heavy timber In the land grant of th Oregon A California railroad in southern Oregon can aecure the aflme by acting quickly. Locatl f:ea including all neceasarr at torney's fees are reaaonable. Address J. E, Verdln. Oranta Paaa. Or. saw mi Li half inter st in old eatabllahed bualneaa: 20,000,000 feet timber; fine mill; located near 806 Ablng d ; for pi ngton b ldg. A. REINER. PRACTICAL FURRIER; aealakln garments redyed and re modeled; expert fitter- estimate given; loweat prlcea. 6(3 Waahlngton. I'hone Main 7308 LADIES UR. BA.NIiERSoTT'ir CiT Savin and Cotton Root 1'IIU nre 'he only aure remedy for delaved periods, by mall 83 per box Dr IMerce, 1x1 in. PIANO TUNING PHONE PACfiFi.' 636. C. E. Carlton. 3 1 ft 14th at era to control; does all others ad rtte to do. Hours 10 to dally and Sunday. 352 H Waahlngton st Phone Main 1267. Mrs. Palmer The World Wonder Palmist and Psychologist, fhe reads your life With unerring Bright. 29 N. 3d St.. Portland. MArTNWEWH, CARD READER, XV 8 25 Main st, 2&c. Phone. Main 7843. Prophetess LOOKINO FOR TIMBER? We offer you every advantage through our ayatem of expert examinations which enables you to determine the suit ability of a tract without spending time or money. If our general report Indi cates that we have what you want our eatlmatea bv two and a half acres are eaally verified. TRY "TH K I.ACEY WAY. JAMgS D. LACEY A CO., (28 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 807 Lumber Exchange. Seattle. TWO TIM HER CLAIMS i OR HALE IN" Trinity Co., Calif. R, E. Buber, 228 4th at.. Portland. FOR FARM A.NO TIMBER LAND SEE Plllnrd nnd Clnvtn . Roaeburg. Or 830 acrea 6 mllea from Vancouver, 18 miles from Portland: 160 acrea creek crear.' but scaHerTns atumnV 'V M TIMBER LA Nf-8 llorGHTAND SOLD ?" in .pre.V ,ri?5nJ T P i.( ' to timber buyers only; we have a few tZZ "hi,0,.! .' ,n c",t,vt,on: I choice tract, for aula which we own. ; ' J . L"" " , Have detailed .;tlmateg hy parties. O. 401-2-3 Buchanan MOLES. WRINKLES. SUPERFLUOCS 1 htr rmnvd No chttm to talk It over. Mra. M. D. Hill, room 330 Filed- , Viola Marahfleld, spirit median, ll! ner bldg. Phone Paclnr 136. ' .h at DR. T. J. PIERCE. FPE'I A 1. 1ST. 1 JC'IIN PLATER WILL HOLD TEST . ases of women; all Irregularities cor- 1 meeting Bunday evening, 1:11 sharp, rected; no expoaure; medicine by mall W. 1 ). hall. 11th between Washington Office 181 lat at., corner Yamhill. Port- and AMj: acnled, questions answered. land. Or. - a a ADAM V.-SHTI AND ASSISTANT , CO A L AND WOOD PORTLAND SAWDUST A SLAB WOOD BALM OF F16S FOR ALL FEMALE ' ln V ZllJZ2J? V gives baths and maaaage treatmenta 30m 3d at diaeaaea. 236 Jefferson. Phone Pa- clflc 23 21. SUITS PRESSED WHILE VOU WAIT. 60c Ladiea aklrta preaaed, 50c. Gil bert, 106H Sixth at., next to Quelle. Phone Main 2088 BACK DATES OF MAGAZINES AT S cents. Jonea Book atore. 291 Aldr. I1 Main 1936 FOK Prompt DELIVERY OF SLAT wood call Main 4871. Oak, ash, ft and coal Portland Wood ft Coal Co. 16'h and Pavler ttt VESTKRN FEED A FUEL COv "' House and blackamlth coals, eoke. oharcoal, klndl'ng. Phon Main 1016. ' GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES, NOV- I tKl V IMTov FE A AT 7 els. etc.; German. Engllah. French, i 1 f m mips Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction- ; W(((, iJONKBk CO- East Water st DELIVERY PHONal ' FOR QUICK Oregon Fuel Co, 33 4 Alder CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS LARGE MODERN PI'NGAl.O. CORNER Iniraworth nve lot. swell new 6-room cottage, alao a room houae; ey monthly paymenla Owner. Phone Eaat 675. chard; fine aprlng creek through upland; ' Jr saiihour.V creek on bottom; 40 ncreg Sood timber. 'Kin, ft Co., C. R. Donnell & Co. REAL ESTATE. Room 12. 26 Stark at. ANTHONY HARDY, LINNTON, OR.. residence and bualneaa lota, water front and factory altea; farms and tim ber lands. NEW MODERN FOUR-RoOM HUNG A - -low. near Mt. Scott carllne, at Tre- mont: reasonable term", lagxart 416 I sold and Chamber of Commerce nldg. White 22 FIVE ACRES FOR $3,000; A SNAP, ON Canyor platted. urni port, no ixravei ; (rooo. Terms, i'rice . 1 rri only $25 per acre; fine d.ilry Ranch beet I 3.u0.0u5 FEET Got if) TIMBER ON buy on the market Guaranteed as ad-I '"nIy ro'id and s ream; amendia mca vertlsed tlon for mill and flume; , f,c jer thou- I sand. L. Seward. Sheridan. Or. 10 mllea eaat of Vancouver. A FEW SPECIALLY GOOD YELLOW 114 acrea- one mile from Columbia river; 95 acrea i pine rlalmi In Wheeler county, must Columbia Trust 20 years old; 2 ncrea mixed orchard; 25 company. Couch bldg nrrpi meadow" A n ! rf m et.ii.'. arA . .n u 1 " ALL KINDS REAL ESTATE BOUGHT. S drags: one S-'room two-story, two four- I IIORSICS, EHICLR8, HARNESS road near Council Crest; all Andrew Kan. 287 Morrlaon st srles; foreign book of Mcnmaie t'o.. iza urat sr. CTTTCAOO MEDICAL INSTITUTE I Electric and vibratory treatment for 1 all acuta and chronic dlaeases; good aur- I KcBVHtir rgCnW.ul.?tlSn Vre.'1- ! MaTS , , - .'A - flee a;d atore flxturea built and re-i HOLDEN'fl RHEUMATIC CURE ! modeled: showcases and counter.' .Sure cure for rheumatism. Sold by oil , phone Main 1787. dr",'"; , . r W IE. MELTON OFFICE, STORE FEE MISS MARCELLA LE ROY. ACCOM-I turea; general Jobbing. 67 1st sC l'nni mmiuM, 4i7i juci -fnone Main 3190 I HOUSE" moVing" AND OEN'ERAL RJ8-" suite 4. DETECTIVE. STRICTLY CONFIDEN- tlal: crivnta M-422, dournal. YOUNG work only. SCIENTIFIC Addreas 1033 e. Caruthera. Tabor 2.0 ,:.og,,oH ' SPENCER ft BURBANK CARPENTER- jujocj.i .u n nnrt Ion work nf nil ktnrla ... VU. . T room mini. ,.io'u oner, new, iu tons, 1 tlnlolh hldir ftth ani 7H Washington St.. corner I with cellar; good l.nrn Ht70 with sheds-. 1 HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT I i" '"!e!,-5Jl bldg., officea $ and 9. Both stable; barn 25x40 with lennto en-I by day. week and month: special rate tHROMl . NERVOL! closed; 16x30 dairy: cellar, root houa. to business houses, oth and liawtnorna (fives electrical, alcoholic and medl- ' ikr rv-r, r nan Shop FOR SALE IF YOU ARE LOOKING 1 -d. Labbe for n lot to build a home, why not . pnonea. buy where there la aoinethlnjr doing; 1 NEW ADDITION FINE LOTS 60x100 I 80 tons; twn-storv fruit warehouse Hi 1 Eaat 72 rome out to 82 kllllngewort 1 ave ; wo afreets 60 feet, near car atatlon at i 25: 60 tons dried fruit; all kinds of farm BEST WORK AND LIGHT HARNESS, have lota from 8276 up. J. olmon ft Co. Lents, 60 car fare; only $116; terma ! machinery; 3 waons; hack; 2 buggies. I prices lowest; wc take your old har l hone Woodlawn 127. Take Mount Scott car. O. R. Addition, phneton : cream separator; a-ood tenm. . neas In exchanee for new. Keller Har- 2,800 Iha ; 7 fine jeraev cows; several nwK Co., 40 North 6tt Mt. head of younir atock; hoir?.. chlckena. i TvTJTTTkr VnTii7iTiNn ooon ntrsi- 6tn and Washington sts. 1 S AND SPECIAL , DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. FOR SALE ON A LBINA AVE. CAR- I Lents, Or., 6c fare. line, 3 houses. Inquire 1024 .nlblna ave. LOT 60x100. 100 FEET FROM RU8- sell St., and enough lumber and brick to build, only $660. 604 Ooldamlth St., Lower Alblna. NICE LITTLE SUBURBAN HOME. 7-room houso, bath, patent toilet, ce ment walks, young rrtilt. f full lots, BEST BI Y IN PORTLAND, LOTS 60X 100, above grade, graded street, water ln, owner on ground. 343 E. 44th st. South, 2 blocks south of Hawthorne ave. on 44th st. Phone Tabor 264; price $600; terms to suit FOR SALE CHEAP ONE NEW MOD ern 7-room houae. also four lots. Sea ownr, 359 Ivy St., near Union ave. diseases of men ami women cured by W.M.MILT.F.R. V H VETVBIViTiliM modern scientific methods; electric treat- m jj. 8th st Phone Main 6606 ment for dlaeases of ih prostate, con- A1 branches of th science. nronwenaHhfrb7dg..U6rthTlt.,Icorp Cm- j CAR NEYS- VETERINARY H OS PI T1 AL LADIES. IF YOU ARENEAS? pf. 'In' dS- n"n about j-ourself If your cond tlon of - - . . .o inn inr,. r.t ...,.. ..... - " - n ea 1 1 n IS noi wnni 11 outrni 10 oe. con- ui..r.i , -v. iiunau contracted for Be wl hn .1 grnnlnr dr 1 nf"- """ 'u"-'t nor'"'- ". " aIf r suit Dr. Isabe.le Mackle. She has helped hospital. 108 N. 6th St. (Main 40S6). livered at the boat h w,n ,urp)' helP ?n" he ,V-v.o jiverea ar me noat innn na - miles rrorn ., ,a XT rMl 1 ..., v, m.thnd nnnm in DKVTTSTS nvestment 1 W U pay you ,0 Invest" cTl EA P LUTHT M P RES S T E A M AND Morrison si. Phone MalnL320. jp gate this. Everything la just as adver- wagon. Inculmtors. brooders, poultry MANLY VIGOR RESTORED HY DR . ; DTr e?at Ke ,0 HamH Used. P.. F D ; near school; fine loca-! netting, sauaage machine, bonecutter Roberts' Nerve Globules. One month's JJmeast. umce 10 Hamll tlon; beat of soil. If aold by August 1 and power feed cutter. Apply corner treatment, $2; 3 months', $-; sent as- 1 luvnvd it a t-i 1 Vnrti, ii(V, n A Trinnrlara mt m I P 11 Tl w RAA 1 d hV m P 1 1 A rPUl N WflfKN r.frv.An -m r. 11 n tx 1 . r - T --r-l- r ! II I I ITUUi I M ( 1 IJ U 1 II K UUf l HCl. rriCB nil V v" 'II 11111 ti 1 1 ' 1 a J 1 1 1 '- n et . . . "- Z' U E'o : In ' mde'r" ti . V K(i l?' f MM. Give good terma. j FEED 8aTTlES" A ND STALLSTPOR i "$L COMPLETE FURNITURE MANUFAC tory for aale Inquire 282 Yamhill st. (CASH GROCERY; WILL SELL OR trade; good bualneaa. Will bear in vestigation. Address V-425, Journal. -REPUBLICAN. SPLEN- NEWSPAPER did valley field; Cylinder preaa, big Job bualneaa. For aale on terms. T-42S, ournal. ABSTRACT BUSINESS CHEAP' BEST proposition In atate. K-426, Journal FOR SALE HLACKSMTtH SHOP; lot. tools . and material. Apply A. Peterson. Barlow, Oregon. F?m SALE GOOD PAYINO Busi ness; will entertain etchange for houai and lot. acreage or rooming house, and pay cash difference. Alain 6297 A-2417. BEST ROOMING-HOUSE FOR THE money; time limited; a money-maker; come quick. Room 18, 253 Stark at. SALOON DOING GOOD B USINES8, OR would take partner; about $300 re quired. Addreas M-426, Journal. and cultivation; 32.660, H caah. J. M Cameron Co., Room 412, Commercial bldg FOR HOUSES AND LOTS CALL AT 303 E. 34 St., or phone Tabor fill. Eaat 1396. 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE 60x100; gaa and elect new; 10 minutes' car rid line. Price $2.fi00: easy terma. rent hv week or month. Fred Sedow. ; MRS. OnROCK. GRADUATE MAS- Snap 16 acres adjoining Oreaham. 3R0 Water at. I seuse: cabinet bath, calt glow; alcohol 189 RETURNED ton bldg. OTTAGE: LOT practically all clear, fine soli; price 1 ofv-wriljia tjvTp Kr v. TVfT7TRF I ruh. cream massage: references. rlc lights: brand IJIOO- Atflolnln, " from ' Columbia stable? CorFronl and I Seventh st. Main 4968. ile on Union ave. $260 to $300 per acre. I Columbia. DR. RING CHOONG, IMPORlER J. J. A NICE COTTAGE OF FOTR ROOMS j Order, comer Grand ave. and E. Ankeny! at Flrland, on Mount Bcott car line; easy terms. Installment plan. Wrhy pay rent? W. A. Hathaway, 3 0 Washington Bldg-. The above places are all guaranteed aa advertised. FOR SALE BY OWNER. A NOBBY 7-room new house on carllne; part rash. Phone Eaat 4684. 60x100, FINE CORNER. small house, 3660. 714 Tscoma ave. IMPROVED; Take Scllwood car. NEWSPAPER ON ACCOUNT OF OO ing east, will sacrifice paying news paper and job office near Portland; one man proposition; bargain. P-427, Jour nal. fewELL FURNITURE 75W ft-ROdM house on Washington at, bringing ln $90 per month; first offer takes this. Main 6202. i6-ROOM TRANSIENT HOUSE, NEAR 6th and Stark sts.. 2-year leaae; lady going east, will sacritice. main szoii 4-ROOM HOUSE. H ACRE GROUND, S blocks from Kern Park station; 31 00 rlh of garden; price $1,300; term. Madison St. fori ACREAGE AND LOTS. At Lents, on Mount Scott line; the old Lents farm, all platted ln lots and arre tract a are selling to home builders and gardeners Rooms 205-6, Mohawk bldg. Main 2116. GUNDERSONft WILLIAMS. BIG SNAP. $2,200 6-room house near Hamilton 1 6 LOTJ5 40x100. IS A LBINA: TJ assreUs,sCmentnyrald 'j' j" Oede!"1 ' corner ' Above bargain, sre but a few of th. Grand ave and R Ankenv. " T ' V "T W" "Y" '"J" Hat of farms of any firm In Portlsnd or vicinity. Prices range from $600 to $80,000. Write or call if you are ln tne msricet ror a rarm. 2-Acre Suburban Heme All highly cultivated, set to fruit and berries. 7-room plastered house, con crete foundation, good barn, painted red; chicken houae and runa; sell or might trade for a farm. HENKLE HARRISON. 217 Ablngton bldg. I WILL TAKE CONTRACT TO CLEAR lots ln any part of city; will either slash or grub them. Phone Pacific 1496. or call 2S1H 1st . st. R. T Elllff A SNAP, 4 LOTS; IF TAKEN" S6ON in mi. lanor, very sightly, will make MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CHI- nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea. certain cure for all diseases. 191 2d St., between Yamhill and Taylor. WA LTZ. TWO-STEP, THREE-STEP and stage dancing; lessons 25c during; summer months. Prot Wal Wlllson' Dancing School, 304 Allsky bldg.. Id and Morrlaon sts. DRESSMAKING DRE8SM AKER FROM SAN FRAN- clseo wishes a few mora customers; Washington & . Oregon 108 Second st, Portland, Or., And 300 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. Phone Main 2404. ave.. South Portland, cement basement: Ian elegint home Csll or direct No 4 i ni u. Jwn L , v"couver must be sold. Call at once Rmm iCnlon v ii , Tn,l No- 4 am? H mile to country town; 23 acres FARM BARGAINS. acres. 9 miles from Vancouver VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND TURKISH BATHS. 300 OREGONIAN records; Stelnway (snd other) piano. bldg ; ladles days, gentlemen nights, alteration work neatly done. 284 2d C Shemran. Clav Co., 6th and Morrlaon ; Main 1968 Phone Pacific 805. !Ll?JlPP-P.P"J0"-'?l , . jMISS GIBSON GIVES SCALP TREAT- MADAME ANGELES 342 FIFTH. PA' FOR 8A LE-- Kit 1 1 1- ICAV t; u.-n Miuf-u . ment: dandrurr. Morrison St., -French Piano Houae; $50. half price, j roomB 2. 1-426, Journal. I PSYCHE 8NOWDEN VAYOR BATHS FOR SALE--TO HIGHEST BIDDER, two 340 Reed-French piano certif icates. P. O. box 6Z1. city. and massage. 145V4 Oth, room 25. LADIES! DR. LA FRANCOS COM- rri aofa artaarl f ti 1 t rtf 9 ft HIGH GRADE PIANO. TAKEN IN ON I cents, druggist or mall; booklet ' f ree. mortuaue. for sale cheap; caah or Dr. La Franco, Philadelphia. Pa. your own terms Call up Mr. Brown. WANTED BLACK CAT MAGAZINE Main 62S4; A-3284. must be sold. Call at once. Rooms ZOb-a, Mohawk Mdg. Main 2116 MOOR K KEENEY. Room 32, 268 Stark. Main 143. $66 per acre for fine dairy farm near Astoria and Beach towns with Im provements; will be worth $100 ln 1 year. $350 each for fine lots at Ockley Green, 1 block from car. $260 for lots at Peninsula station, 1 block from car; terms. $1.860 227 HxlOO, corner, adjoining tunnel townslte, McKenna Junction. 100x100, corner at Glenwood station; sacrifice for few days; terms. Union ave. N., care Mrs. Gibson. BEAT THIS IF YOU CXW. EAST FRONT. 80x100 fine, sightly, H-block from Al berta carllne on 26th St.. 3600: 3160 cash, balance $15 per month. cem. iook around. an location, price and terma. I per daring FOR SALE NEAR LARGE furniture factory: must be sold quick. Apply to owner, 882 Sandy road, Phone East 1085. RESTAURANT FOR SALE CHEAP; good location; proprietor leaves for eastern points. iaa oranu ave. WANTED-tA SNAP. 1 HAVE IT; A restaurant. Call up Pacific 792. Wanted the address of par- tles with Idle money to Invest, in amounts of $26 and up, ln heavy manu facturing concern now established In this city. If I don't show you the best opening In IT, S. then keep your money. Phone B-1878. Call or phone between and 8 p. m., or write, me. F. L. Schott, 404 E. Morrison. Portland. Or. foil" SALE MILK ROUTE; 23 COWS, driving team; everything complete; EstHcnda line, Luther atatlon, P. H. Trigg, proprietor. FINE COTTAGES LOWEST PRICES. $1,000 4 rooms, plenty of fruit. $1,500 to $1,900 5-room modern, full plumbing, gns and electric lights- fiber plaster; 3-mInute car service; all new. Inquire 208 4th. Tel. Main :t!0. SNAP NEW 6-ROOM STRICTLY MOD ern cottage; large lot, shade trees, at carllne; price $1,500 spot cash; must sell at once' see owner, Joo Nash, Mil lard ave., Nashville addition, on the Mount Scott carllne. Also 2 choice lots cheap. HOTEL AND ROADHO USE TO LEASE Old-established, with or without sa loon; furnished1, newly remodeled: J36; nlso 7-room house and orchard. $10; and 4 flata, 18 rooma, $26; all on west sldo. C. H. Piggott, owner, lawyer, 4, 5 and 6. Mulkey bldg. LOOK HERE! DO YOU KNOW A snap when you see It? Then com In and let us show you that pretty little cottage and lot, 50x135, with fruit, flow era and lawn, near tar line, streeta all improved, new sidewalk, city water, etc., all for $1,400. $300 down will take It and the rest on easy monthly pavmenta. ZIMMERMAN At VAUGHAN, Room 303 Buchanan bldg., r 280 k Washington st. IF YOU CAN'T HEAT TWT9 Call 1233 Mlssouil ave. Take St Johns ca r. under fine Btate of cultivation; 10 acres or nice, green iimDer; ail under good fence; on a good road and 1:-. a fine neighborhood. Only 31,600. 19 acres, 7 miles fror.i Vrjicouver and 1 mile to country town all under rood state of cult.vatlon; good 7-room house, barn, wood shed and all other out buildings, nice young orchard of as sorted fruits. 100 yards from good school, 1 mile to church and in a fine FOR SALF LIVESTOCK. mTlcTPcOW FOR SALE. 402 EBEY St.. Montavllla. FOR , SALE ON E. 2SD AND TIB- ' nelKhborhood, good team, wagon, har betts. a four-room modern 1 oottaae. I ne"BJ."b-.tLr.bur".- cw.i leiiua, i wo oiocaa rrom carllne; noagetseedapply: 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND lots; bargains on O. W. P. electrlo line. O. R. Additon, Lents, Oregon. Take Mt Scott cAr, 6c. WILLAMETTE SNAPS. Choice lots and homes, alse screage; cash or terms; some overlooking river and city; residence or business lots. C. A. ZYOOWSKI. Office Willamette Station. St. Johns ear. FRESH JERSEY COW. LARGE MILK- er; gentle; $50.440 Eeth st N. tlTREE FRESH COWS. GOOD MILK- ers. 646 12. Aiadison st. rnone r.usi 2991. back numbers from October. 1896. to March, 1904; send for llsti will pay 25o each for them. Story Writer, 86 N. 1th St., Portland, Or. clflc 982. WANTED DRESSMAKING BT TH13 day; $1.60; aklrta a specialty. Paclflo 2793. FOR A SHORT TIME I WISH TO sell a 6-room house for $1,200; $700 cash and tuu 2 years time; lot 60x100; small fruit and fmtt trees in bearing. 497 rildw.ll ave. T. E. Miller. HOLLADAY PARK RESIDENCE, LESS than one block from carllne, modern ln every particular, beautiful lawn, $4,500. terma. Columbia Trout Cn Couch bldg. FOR $60 LESS THAN SURROUNDING values, a lot on 30th near Alberta; price $260. $100 cash, balanc $5 per iFimiin. riionp weiiwooq 47s MODERN SEVEN-ROOM. ON CORNER lot, 60x100; nice lawn, fruit trees nnd flowers; $2,700. Phone owner, Sellwood FOR SALE FARMS. RESTAURANT FOR SALE CHEAP ON account of other business. Address B-415. Journal. IN MAKING THE ROUNDS DON'T forget to call on us for business chances and Investments before pur chasing. Western Realty Co., 610 Buch anan bldg. We may have what you are looking for. Phones Main 6297. A-3417. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS and bonds bought and sold. Corre spondence lnvitedT H. W. Donahue Sk Co.. 612 Buchanan bldg. Phone Main 7363. ; - PARfNER WANTED IN WELL PAY": lng business. References and small capital required, particulars 22 Morrison St., room 2. $5502 LOTS AT ELBERT A NEAR car. C. L. Parrlwh, 811 Marquam bldg. 7-ROOM COTTAGE. LOT 60X100. NEAR Ea,st 8lde High school. Inquire of owner at 105 N. 11th St., or phone Main 2090. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH C. 8. A eMnli4 A. rtrt srlnal KaIaI KfAlran.. iiviu ua -w v w r siu as unci o hotels, rooming housea and furnished houses bought, sold and exchanged, in alparta or tne unuea Btaies. C. S. ARNOLD et QO.. Original Hotel Brokers. Removed to 851 H Morrison St. Phone Maf 7311. Ji.OOO OR $1,200. ALL THAT IS RE qulred for ha4f-lntrest In two atorea, or will sell one store outright, aplendld opening for a bualneaa man. Addreaa jf-412, Journal. . .. WANTEiw-A , PARTNER WITH $100; a chance to double quickly; either aa silent or active partner. Address R-127, urnaJ. ' FOR SXLE CHEAP A FINE CORNER on Killingsworth ave. near car barns, suitable for business building. 82 Klll 1 n g sworth aveJ Phone Woodlawn 1277 . FOR SALE 6-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT 60x100; onlv $1,650; cheap for cash; see owner. MM E. 18th at. N. U. P. PALMER M. VAN ALST1NE. PALMER-VA.-I ALSTINE CO., REAL E. VATE, INSURANCE, 222 Failing Bldg. Main 6661 A-2663. $1,850 NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGhl large basement, only 100 feet from car line. E. 22nd, easy terms to th right party. Register and company, 107H 3rd. A BEAUTIFUL 20-ACRE TRACT ON the Base Line road; no finer immedi ate money-maker in the city; a small amount of money will handle It. The rrnion -o. 370 star st CALL AND SEE ABOUT THE FINE 10-acre tracts. Well watered; Im proved and unimproved. Large list to seleot from. Near electric car. 40 acres good soil, near Gresham. 25 culti vated. Spring creek gravity wa ter. 6-room house, large barn, abun dance of fruit; best of soil. $3,000. Large list of city residences. 221' Morrison. $6,0005 ACRES, WELL IMPROVED; 8 acr-s In full bearing orchard; good 7-room house, stone frulthouse, large barn; 6c car fare and near the station; easy terms; would take residence aa part. Register & Co., 107H 3d st. APPLE LANi-100 ACRES OF THE finest apple land in Rogue River val ley. Orchards already planted. Will be divided into tracts to suit. Thla la an excellent Investment for non-real dents. Terms to suit. W. E. Douglas, zvi unamner or commerce Diog. farming lmplementa. Onlv 12 aon 20 acres of good land. 9 miles from Vancouver and 1 Vi mllea to country town; 6 or 6 acrea under cultivation, family orchard, 4-room house, fair barn and all out-building. V mile to church and school, on a good road and ln a fine neighborhood. Price, If sold soon, only $1260; terms. 380 acres of good land 6V4 miles from Vancouver, on a good road, 100 acres under cultivation, 40 acres of nice frrrn umoer, oaiance ln pasture, fair -room house, barn 40x40, wood shed and all out-buildlnas: 1 u. -r. in or chard of different varieties; well, run ning stream, and spring; one of the best dairy and stock ranches in Clark county. Price only $26 per acre 160 acres, 13 miles from Vancouver and 3 miles to country town, 32 acres under fine state of cultivation, 11 acres ln hops, balance pasture and timber, good barn 48x80, comfortable house, hop house, wood shed, cigar factory "u " uiuor oui-Duiiainps, eood family orchard of assorted fruits, 80 acres fenced and cross-fenced, fine trout stream through place, an Ideal home. Price $6,000; terms, half cash, balance 6 per cent. If you don't see what you want ln the above, write or call on us. we can suit you nnd save you money. THOMPSON A SWAN, Cltlxans' Bank Bldg. 6th and Main sts. Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS $450 BUYS CARRIAGE. 3 36-INCH headblocka; feed works. Iron track, 90 feet, wire ropo, one 66-lnch Atklna aaw npw and saw mandrels. $50 buys one hand edger, complete, carriage, track rolls. $70 One 4x24 Pwecpetske planer. $360 One 4x9 Houston moulder. 50 One water-wheel. TRAPPIST FATHERS. Sclo. Or, BARGAINS STEEL " RANGE 6', stoves, Iron beds, springs. mattreseeB, tables, chairs, dressers, cheffenlers. car ne,ts and linoleums, new and KOod aa new, at lowest prices. Come and see us; It will pay you; your goods taken in exchange. Fox & Bromer, 82 N. J& Phone Main 2111. HoXdEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB SURSi ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES M. J. WALSH CO.. 311 STARK 8T Electrlo and Gas Fixture and SuppU, Mantels. Tiling. Grates and Doglron. PACIFIC ELECTRIC" CO. ENGl neers, contractors, repalrT. lectrlo wiring, supplies. 94 1st. cor. Stark. who wltnesaed a Btreetcar accident toJ WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, II a woman on th Sellwood car at 8. P. I ,h st Contractors, electrlo euppllea. crossing June 26. near campmeettng : motors and dynamos; we InstaU light grounds. This is an appeal by a widow . ' and ratheriess children. Address Mrs. K B McCullum. Arleta, Or. ATTORNEYS PIGGOTT. FINCH & BIGGER, ATTOR- ! Starlt nys at law, 4 Mulkey bldg.. corner . MORRISON ELECTRIC CO. Hi IT Morrison st Flxturea, wiring; r- palrlng. East 312S. , FAIRBANKS. MORSE MOTORS AND dynamos. A. C. and D. C. lat and 2d and Morrison ata. EDUCATIONAL ARCHITECTS ERNST KRONER. . ARCHITECT Plana and specification; alao building superintendence. ASSATERS i BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COL- i LEGE. j Elks' Building, 1 Portland. Oregon. Chnrtter ahorthand and Blla book ' keening as taught in th Bahnk-Walker 1 will lend you to success. Pacta 73T calls for help and placed ill sine Aug. 1 Will place you when competent. Ba ron now. and Montana Assay Office. Prison st. cure for rheumatism. druggists. Sold by all SHOW CASES AND FIXTURES. NEW and second-hand. Carlson A Kall strom. 289 Couch st A SIGHTLY RESIDENCE, LOT tOxlOO Bull Run water, cement walk and curbs all paid for, and less than two block from, carllne, only 16 minutes from heart of City. $460, term. Co lumbla Trust Co.. Couch bldg.; FOR BALE-NEty- 6-ROOM flflCflfl. - modern and upWo-date. . 40th aud Madison. Owner 1111 E. J4th at" - . HAVE Y6UR ABSTRACTS MADE BY Acre Farm All level and cultivated; good house, fine frame barn, well painted; front the Base Line road; fine drive to Port land. A choice home. HENKLE 6 HARRISON, 217 Ablngton Bldg. Security Abstract A Chamber tit Cosuncrccv Trust Co., T 40 ACRES, ALL IN CULTIVATION: only 4Uj mile east from center of th olty, near th Sandy road; as fins soli a evar laid out of doors; 10 acres In orchard; 7-roorn house. We are offer lng thla on week only at $200 par acr; half cash. Register A Co., 10TH $4 t $L$00 ACRES, 7 MILES FROM CEN ter of th city; convenient to car line, school, ccc; 2 acrea clear; good barn and wel.; email bQuse; easy term. Rgiter Co, 1071. Id it, - ' " ' Small Parm Clieap 15 acres, all good land; lies nicely, on main county road, 6 miles out; nearly all cultivated; 6 acres in choice appla orchard sold $1,000 worth of apples last year; good 6-room plastered house: hot and cold water, bath; good barn, good team, fine cow, some chickens, wagon, buggy, ail farm machinery and small tools; a choice little farm; no stone or gravel; might trade for a stock farm; price $6,000. HENKLE & HARRISON, 217 Ablngton Bldg. FREE FOR EVERYBODY RING UP Main 4290 or call'21SV Front st. We buy and sell furniture, clothing or any old thing. FOR SALE -ONE HOTEL RANGE. Inquire 2(1 1st st. 2 STEAM WOOl) SAWS, WILL SELL cheap Inquire Lowengardt. 33 Park. Bl'Y FROM THE SECOND HAND store where your credit is good. 325 1st st. Pacific 1P70. SHINGLES LARGE OR SMALL LOTS. The noted Port Orford cedar ln stock. Call and see them. 8. E. Gilbert. 114 Front. WELLS ft PROEBSTEL. MINING EN- 204H Washington st i PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. Kihxrixi tWvmP'rvTUiPTTiij .-o , mrord Bid;-, lentr and Morrison. VJAll 111 , A All 41 L-J 1J-V llvvJ-i'.-k' ' ' - 186 Mor- ART FRJE LESSON'S IN Embi Idery Kvery Day. THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP, 882 Washington St. Al TOMOH LKS HOWARH M. COVEY, A rent Pierce Great Arrow, Locomobllea, Cadillac anJ Knox. Temporary location Club Garage. 15th and Alder sts. ACCORDION DRESS PLEATING MISS oTGoT'TdT 517 S WETLAND A P. ARMSTRONG. LL.B.. PRINCIPAL. Open all the year. Private or class In struction. Position oertaln when compe tent. All modern methods of bookkeep ing taught; also correspondence, rapid calculations, office work, etc. Cbartler shorthand easy, rapid, legible. Cata logue free. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. ' . Washington and 10th sts. Flledner bldg. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting? and all English branches taught, both diiy and night Financial aid to six wbRTHlf young laJles who wish to tak , shorthand course. Apply at one at office. 517 Commonwealth bldg tth and Bumside sts. . : . ; ) - L. RRONSON SALMON'S STtfDl6 OF ahorthand and typewriting; r tvu i cov bid-. Accordion 'pleating and buttons j fooras in 12 weeks; open j all littramers vfre(J 'established 1888. Milnr bldg., W. SPLENDID DAIRY RANCH. 165 acres, 80 acres under plow, 60 acrea good timber; good 8-room house, large barn, running water and good well: good family orchard, on good road, 2 miles from railroad; 8 milch cows, 2 neirera, it neaa or nogs, z Drood sows, t head of horses, all Implements; 45 acres in oats, 20 acres fine clover, sev eral acres potatoes; all for $6,600, on good terms; this pluce Is 9 miles from Forest Grova and ln very good locality; it's a great bargain. We nave several other well - paying ranches, dairy and hop farms; also sev eral small places near Portland on good term and reasonable prices. OTTO, CROCKETT & HARK 8 ON, 1 133V4 First St. GASOLINE ENGINE. New 8 horsepower horizontal Lewis; nil complete; will take $190. Address 454 K. 8th st. FOR SALE OLDS. MOBILE RUN about in line condition, price reason- able. Address L-421. Journal. FOR SALE-GOOD CAMP WAGON. P:irk and MorriBon. BLANK-HOOK MAKERS I SHORTHAND. THE GRAltAit SYSTSm! Taught by an expert. Actual off to ex- HOWE, DAVIS K I I.HAM, 109-111 21) ! perlence. Positions secured when com- t. Blank books manuracturea ; agents pwieni. nuuer, puouc atenograpnar, II for jonea' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; tho Dekum. , BEND XOUR BOY TO HILL MILITARY see the new Eureka leaf, the best on th marke BATHS-MASSAGE 16th i and Mall. MANICURING. FACE AND SCALP treatment; baths ana massage. llQii BUY ROSE CITY LAWN SWINGS. hahv nwlnira or lawn tMrn n.0 itu at Waslilngton st j -- SMALL NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. ! BUTCHERS SUPPLIES good repair; sell cheap, cash. 93 4ih. DON'T BUY A FARM. WHEAT OR - atock ranch, until vou talk with Turner, he knowa where to find them. Offlo. 10JV4 Washintrton V t - - .. or'TlKT IfO A TV T Vara & 1 DAYTON COMPUTING SCALE; NEW. i 'b " Uf ;,.7i , , .ttT- ift low platform, 30 lbs capacity, atest ,. ; ' 1.1 ..n.tmii .7 w.J moJeL butcher or grocery, awivel bar; I va? r,-iJi asortmnt at lowest $35 paid: will sell contract for tio ; market price. " ' "JVT Addreas 6-421. Journal. i 8. BERKKNWALD ft CO., J04-J0A EV- PEXNuf ROASTER FMl SALEi ' 'eLtTJlLh0Ua nearly new. Inquire 28th and Saiidyi onj he coast W rite for catalogue. - roaa, at grocery store. FOR" SALE. CHEAP SOLID GOLD gentleman's watch and ctmln ind : charm with diamond setting; extra; heavy oIId gold lady's watch chain and watch with diamond setting; very flr.a heavy German amber bead necklace 25 Inches long; also gentleman's full dress suit, li 86. Address A-42, Journal. FOR- BALE CERTIFICATE "WORTlI CLEANING AND DYEING $50 on any Piano ln Reed-French Piano company; will soli for $10; $30 for $5. L-426, Journal. fresh cows eTTzTXents. FrvjS block goutb. oX car aUUoa. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED, $t per month. Unlqu Tailoring -Ja, 309 Stark at ,-- iL W. TURNER, DiiiR 'CARPJETS dyed a apeolalty. , (04 Jefferson t Main l6.r..,-. - v FEATHERS AND FEATHER BOAri Cleaned, curled, dyed; work railed for and delivered.- Mtt'i ''175. 754 "Water st. HERB TfIS! CLl and dyeing du . WaaMngtoa it. vNI..;; PRKaIN'G t y t;.l'ort. academy. Portland, Or. . Writ for oat. aloame. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS PORTLAND WIRE ft IRON WORK 2d and Everett sts. Phon Main 2000. GASOLINE ENGINES uasuunu r.ix c.d. . Stationary and marine; alectrto xjmp" ment; launch; accessories; wnoleaal rwd -retntlr-engino tpMrnh1Mw -Machinery Co., 182-4-J Morrison at she" ELb !m arne' e37gT5es. a nY propeller. Fairbarka, Mors A Ces, lt and Ptartt ts. ; " ...' REFITTED" GASOLINE ENGINES; low price; cali or writ. FalrbaftSa, Morse & Co., 1st and Stark f. - i- :- .v.-.:-.-r. xnsurancj: ISAAC I. WHITE. Fir . 344 Sherlock blu.(. JAS. Mel. '. I Hi ' t-oriii . f t ,i f