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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1907)
' 18 l , . ; ; , J 'I Ttf)g OKBOON frAlLY JOURNAU-PORTLAND." FRItMYtf EVENTNO, JULY 19." 100?; T : ' " r" " ' ' ' , ' ' 7 II I jV i 0 II II II II If II IU II JT II I I I . .Ill I I 1 , I l , ' I r ' .1 JH- EJSidelo I I XlSidelo 1 Size ' SPftl Size S I XI SMelo LILY SIZE 2 for 25c ASK TOR IT! ; Allen fr Lewis, Distributors If I . . I . " 1 i - ' 1 1 Bew- .. . i i j ss m i I EFFORT TO GET niwnmm , Southeastern Section of City Effects Organization of Clubs to Secure Beservoir ANNEXATION SCHEME IS ALSO INCLUDED trade, Warn-ley-Rlchmond Improvement cniD, Mount Scott Improvement anocla- tlon. Very effective aaalatance la ex peciea irom the East Elde Busineaa Men's club and the United Sast Side cluba. Thoae Interested, who are puhln the muTcmouL ui m umuroni orcanixatlona, realise that It la a alow one. The an nexation of a large territory, Including Lenta, the Mount Scott districts and vvooaaiocK la rirat ncMuin r nn Rlesland la one of the prime movers and aeiecauon rrom the wornintnoir im. provement association has made several visits into the Mount Scott districts wun we arrirmea purpose of lining up public Opinion In favor of annexntlnn as xne nrsi sieo toward securfnr a i. orvoir on Mount ucott, so that the dis trict when It does come into the nitv can have Bull Bun water. The ambition of every suburban resident of Portland is to have Bull Run and plenty of it. ip toward oDtalnlnc made when the bonds the Interested Property Owners Are Pushing Movement to Secure Mt Scott Basin' to Retain and Supply Water Park Planned. With awakening; interest In the many ! : - Improvements launched by the east aide ' Improvement bodies, which are to be further prosecuted this fall, the proposl- ' tion to construct a reservoir on Mount ' t ' Scott Is uppermost. The entire south ' . eastern part of the city has effected " a solid organization and a campaign ' has been planned to secure for thia ) -5; rapidly growing aectton of the city an ' j 1 , ;; ample aupply of Bull Run water. . "J eservolr Desired. ' The proposal to erect a reservoir on J Mount Scott Is not a new one. Public I - ; opinion Is gradually coming around to the conclusion that such an Improve ment Is demanded, under the guidance of such progressive organisations as the Woodstock Push club, in order to ' give some idea of the formidable array " 'of eafctstders interested In the move . - ment, the following list of clubs are counted as rendering active aid: Wood stock Push club, Brooklyn Republican - . ' and Improvement club. Lents Improve- i ment association, eeuwooa noara or ff a APr1siP " Tnll sTA t kJ bad humor and get up with a bad taata Ill ' JWUI asavMs vm - v-bmw bswii VWI llliC to atlmulate your liver. Just try Her blne, the liver regulator. A positive cure lor eonaiipauon, ayapepsia and all liver complaints. ; Mrs. f fort Worth, Texas, writes: .1 - s i "Have used Herblne in my family for , years. Words can't express what I think about It. .Everybody In my house hold are harpy and well, and we Owe It tt Herblne.' - Bold by all druggists, One great step toward obtainln reservoir was made when the were voted for constructing an addi tional conduit to the Bull Run river That step was necessary In view of the ract tne new reservoir must be fed from this pipe line. Froposal Gaining nComsatom. That the proposal Is aaininr more momentum as if proceeds is noticeable in many, ways. The most extensive property . owner on Mount Scott, a dis tinguished citisen of Portland, has se riously considered the sten and about three weeks ago made a visit to the place. Mr. Rlesland believes that thia proprietor may be prevailed upon to donate the site for a reservoir and Dark as it Is now of little value and the In crease would oe considerable. In that case the cost of the reservoir would be comparatively small. Another rreat influence, that la cush-, i lng the project Is the marketing of the Ladd tract, now being prepared at great expenae ror a aweu residence district south of Hawthorne avenue. Sewers, water malna and paved streets are be ing put In before a lot is sold and an army of men has been en raa-ed on the place since early spring. But the water pressure over all this new tract is very low. Those who are directing the sale of this property assert that they must have the Mount Scott reservoir, other wise the property is not as desirable as they would have It. Residents south of Hawthorns avenue believe thex reservoir Is necessary. The eirort to be put forth in the rail is to pe a united one that will result first In the annexation next June of aeveral square miles of territory and eventu- i ally In the construction of th reservoir oe lea from the new conduit to Bull nun. John 0. Woolley, Prohibi tion Candidate for Presi dent, Is Optimistic. John a. Woolley, candidate for presi dent on the Prohibition ticket Jn 1900, is a visitor In Portland and will deliver several of his famous speeches against of the functions of the vermiform ap pendix. He declared that "the appendix is noi a rucumem or a jenguiened cae cum, as has been taught by some stand' ard textbooks, but is a distinct organ. navins a distinct runotion." and he lull describes the function and shows the errect of the loss of the. organ as he has found in the course of his long prac tice. . The loss of the doctor and his famlli will be greatly felt in the school worl of Cove, as Dr. and Mrs. Cone have al ways been foremost in all educational matters. ALBANY REJOICES AT DEPOT HCTOEY (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journil.) Albany, Or., Jly 19. Albany Is n- joicing today that tbe long- fight -for a new depot Is won, the state, railway commission having acted favorably on the rum evil while in the Rose City. k ,mii en. k .1,. . IJ 1. wi a- . . . .71 ... way lo nonoiuiu rrom his inadeouate detot facilities of the South. nome in Chicago and is accompanied Dy Mrs. Woolley. Mr. woolley Is ODtlmlstlc over th growth of the campaign against the ituuor interests and believe th. hnnn millennium is sure to corns when lntoxi eating liquors will not be sold In the unnea states as a beverage. He was win guest yeeteraay of local prohlbi tionists. including R Im ! r it Amos ana r. McKercher Th mrf ""viicu tuicemer ana snenr trui not, in talking prohibition. . ' At the Tavlnr fltreet Mthn4i. cnurca Bunnav morn nr Mr Wnniu. Will aunk . 1 ... can "ii iiib irraperance question and again at the Y. M. C. A. at 8 o'clock In the afternoon. Later he will inuir 1 , . , cu,l UI east siae churcnes Si-fiJj lawtl?orne park and at ths (.uriauan unurcn at 8 o clock. Al yes : w v uiv:n.. i In discussing the prohibition question isterday, Mr. Woolley said: "uc"'-"'n '1 . wraea 10 estaD- gic of prohlbi Uon doctrine and phy, though I hardly can say hllosopher. For many years WIDOW DIRECTED TO" EDUCATE CHILDREN ii?nnSrity J! "e estimated value,. of lim.. n!!Lfc,gP0,ed '' y ths will of hrntm irr w"icn was niea ror pro Th iianli. "niT coort h, morning. :t"ry oeaaey, is named estate, while the "lUT 2L.1?S For 20 vears I have vnrlrsi t . , . , " - v. fcvy vaiau 1 ino logic OI its pnnoso; v"'"pner. x or many years i.7i V ""m i"" sot a hearing. While I never hoped to make the Prohi bition party dominant In thia. still I did hope to see it gain the balance vi irciwccu 1 iie two great parties. However, it has accomplished a great work. Its doctrines have soaked into theo-sentlment of the iuni a v... been yeastlnc several veara n.. k. leaven has never worked so vigorously V" w. ubxi jew years I sxpect to see a big uplift of moral conditions, through growing restraint of DR. CORPE LEAVES COVE FOR WESTON " , (Special. lpteh te The loorail) "-jf -'. Cove, Or, J4ily II. Dr. a h. Core. the son bf pioneer parents and one who has passed all his married and profes sional life in Cove, has sold hia fin. residence property 'on Main atr. A Mrs. Jolla IJotigherty. having bought a lew home at Weston. Oregon. . i It was Dr. Corpe, who first advanced and published (Medical Sentinel. May tu uon Saerail aecaptsd, Meory era Paciflo company and the - unsan itary condition of the grounds and buildings. The city was represented at the hearing at Salem by W. R. Bilyeu, John H. McNary of Salem and Gale S. Hill of this city.- The commission directs that a new depot be built in Albany during the re mainder of the year 1907 and that the arrangements be such' as to facilitate the traffic at this uoint and be a safe. guard to the. patrons and a convenience to tne train crews in handling traffic. The new depot is to. cost not less than $8,000 and may be in the form, of a union aepot to accommodate the in. creased demands here on account of the purcnase or the corvruis & Eastern by the Harrlman lnteresta. The order will Involve not only a new rapy tie raw denot. but a chanra nf th antlr. v. aa to trackage, stockyards and freight aueua. The new depot furthermore, must ha lucatea m.tne city siae - or tne tracks. Tomorrow oosltlvelv the last dav tnr discount on east side gas bills. PURE FOOD SESSION" ' DRAWS TO END TODAY (Journal Special Stirlee.) . Norfolk, Vs July 19. The Associa tion of State and National; Food., and Dairy Departments, which has been In annual meeting at the Jamestown ' Ex position sines Wednesday, held its con cluding sessions today. Among the many papers presented were tbe following;-: - - - y "Extent and results of Food ' Stand. Awuin,iua ill un nun 01 unirorm Htanaaras," vt, m. a. Bcovell, aireotor 1 or tne Kentucky Agricultural Experiment station; "Ths National Con sumers' League's ?W6rk ' for Uniform Laws," Miss Alice Lakey. chairman of the food investigation committee of the National Consumers' League; "Uniform Laws.". J. Q. Emery, state dairy and food commissioner of, . Wisconsin ; "SOmO Agreed Prlneioels - tTnon -. Whloh to Base Uniformity." J, B. Noble, State dairy and - food ' commissioner of - Con. MWMViM ' .. .. --;-- It is not necessary that you pay spot cash for your clothing or go shabby un til Vou have the monev to buv. Think what an accommodation prpfftt wmi y -- - - - - - j y - - - w x-'' v V V A M be when in need of clothing, and other bills were pressing. It is every one's duty to appear well dressed, and it can be done by dealing at the right place. The New York Outfitting Company will dress you and your family right up to the minute in stylish, natty attire, and take their payments as suits your convenience. You make a small payment down evidence of your good faith, then pay us the balance of yoijrbill at the rate of a dollar a week. This plan allows you to dress well and wear the clothing while you are pay ing for them. There is no strain on your pocketbook and you are able to meet imperative bills with your ready cash. Our July Clearance Sale is making the store especially attractive with bargains in all departments. Liberal credit just the same mm BtL3VJCr7 JJ U- 4 oWiniunim .11 .lift, ftiitfi conson fflinniRtijci iiitsQfi ELECIT0N BILLS NOW I UP.T0 (X)mCL3IEN . Election bills '. aggregating 1,60, which were presented to "Auditor Bar bur for payment, were presented to ths city-. council -Wednesday with the audi tor's recommendation that they be re ferred to the commlttes on alactiana fnr .;j!aminaUoa,,bor j Ona of the bills called or $70 for the rental of ohalrs and tables for ths uss . of Judges and clerks of election. This bill is regarded exoeesive by the auditor as is a printing bill for fl,600 for ballots used In the general election. A claim of 176 for meals for tha clerks and Judges was approved., A V v; 1 i-" 11 .- - I ' -'..- Regulates ths bowels, nrbmotea eaav. natural movements oures constipation Doan's Reguleta..; Aak your druggist ior thani, "'"J. cents A box iv.,. 7 lt.u , 1 Thronga Sleeping Car Service to Jams. town Exposition. Erie railroad (.. .... .v t SithP H ac?v having Chicago every 2iS? m'iJPi mt -VJTK 7 Norfolk second morning at J:jo, 70 ohangea tSfSSFIiZJ9' '"".taformaUonppT? "78e?tUe. rvWrlt,,a CralM t lrsf arred Btock Osnasd Hoods.' ...:-