The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 18, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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    " k
CheTred as When They Wen
Forth in the Days of
- Sixty-One. '
. . ...
Great Oration by Senator Bnrkett of
Nebraska Veteran Flfers and
Drummers to the Fore Pure Food
and Puny Labor Forum Feature.
' (ImU1 Dbpttefe to Tha Journal.)
Oregon City. July li. Tha tenth day
( Chantauqaa opened tola morning
with promising sklM and a good at
.tendanoo, after tha full and strenuous
programs Incident to yaatarday'a patrl
etlo axaroiaaa A tantar or two la still
.wandarlng In and aa yat son have.
Drexjar camp.
tna sound or tha I a. m. gong
tila motnlng tna fol lowing elaaaaa
Onanad With full mambrahtn:
t to II a. m Junior Bible study, Mra.
Alleo M. Handaakar.
I to 11 a. m. Physical oultura, Pro-
I to 10 i m. EngUeh literature, Dr.
B. J.Hoadlejr.
to 10 a. m. Elocution, Profeaaor W.
Eugene Knoa.
. 10 to 11 a. m. United State history.
Hon. Wlllla C. Hewley, M. C.
10 to 11 a m. Oomeatlo aclenoe, Mlaa
Lillian Tingle.
10 to 11 a. rn Bible atudy. Ber.
Jamea Hoffman Batten.
Mlaa Tlngla'a elaaa. from 10 to 11 a.
in., . waa well attended and many who
bava not attended before came thla
morning to learn the aecrat of bow to
coo tough meat, "for," aa Mlaa Tingle
aaye. "anybody pa a cook good, tender
luiree an aruai u
meat, but It reaulrea an art
tough meat palatable fond"
i ne
to make
nhyslcal culture clua under Pro
fessor A. M. uriiley or the Portland T.
M. C A. haa been doing atrenuoua but
magnificent work and the aame can be
amid of the mualo claaaea under Pro
fessor Heritage and the elocution
alaaaea under Professor Knox.
Teatorea of taa forum.
Tba Forum condueted by Mrs. Era
Emery Dye la one of tha popular fea
tures of Chautauqua this year and the
subjects discussed have all been alive
and full of current interest. Thla morn
ing "The Ideal Flay" waa ably treated
by Arthur A. Greene, dramatlo erlttc of
tha, Oregonlan. Praaldant Campbell of
in . maie umveTuiy ana rroressor
Justus Buransra or roriiana spoke on
the pioneer school.
Eah afternoon tha Chemawa band
give a hair-hour concert and today It
w ywLivui.n line.
..Thi program opened with a aolo by
Mlaa Jennie Johnston and tha address
of tha afternoon la being made by Dr.
Jamas Hoffman. Batten on 'Tha Higher
At the close of tha program tha W.
C. T. U. will hold Its usual round Uble
In tha auditorium. Tha subject for tha
afternoon will be press work, Mra Stone
and Mra. George leading ia tha discus
sion. 'omethlaf Extra This livening.
Tha evening program should csll out
a large crowd tonight, a It will be of
a high-class character, but of a naturo
to please the popular tasta It will be
entirely In charge of profeaaor Knox,
who has covered himself with glory,
both In his class work and aa a plat
form reader. Miss Johnson will assist
him and give several soloa. Together
they will render tba following program:
ine Loor rroDlm" 'Via sport
(Brooks): contralto solo. Mlaa Jannla F.
W. Johnson: a Lls-ToArn HumorUf'
(Riley); "Handcar No. fti": "Ola Ton-
Ann" nillm mw . mIa UUi
Jennie F. W. JoVinson; "The First Bet
tier's Story" (Carleton); "The Debating
Society" (Hall).
On ratrtotle Bar.
Everything on yesterday's program
ava way to tha celebration of patriotic
ay. It waa a vary unpatrlotlo head-
quartera that waa not decked In flower
and had not a flag flying In honor of
the veterans and tha women of the Re
lief cores. A martial air began to make
Itself felt early in the morning.' and
to euch an extent that' claaa work began
to bo hurried aa the mambera grew res
tive In anticipation of tha G. A. R. men
mat wera to arrive in a body, ana wnen
they did get there, between 11 and 11
a. m.. headed bv the famoua G. A. R.
fife and drum corps of SO vaterana, the
exeroieea at ma rorum nad to be sus
pended, while the audience applauded
me Daaainar column oi vetarana. a nun
dred strong.
Working Woman and Children.
When Order waa restored Mra. Millie
Trumbull, who had been Interrupted
proceeded with her talk on waae earn
ing woman and children. It waa one of
the atronxeat. moat forceful addresaaa
mat ha yet been given She drew sev
eral pic t urea of women and children In
the factories of Oregon, and made a
telling point when aha pictured tha ban
ner with tha American flag on ona aide
and the flag of Russia on the other
the only two civilised nations on tha
?ioDe mat reruaed to go into the con
erence at Berne for the ournou nt r
ulatlng the labor of women and children.
Dr. JH. C. Chapman gave a fine talk
on me work ana purpose of the Con
Burners' lesxue. and the market in
spector of Portland gave aome practical
The strongest sometimes
eat the least, bat they eat
Not what you eat, bat what
you digest, gives yon strength.
Uneeda Biscuit
is the most nourishing and di
gestible food made from floor.
Eat wisely eat' for strength
Uneeda Biscuit
f In moisten and
, A dust proof packages.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
In use for over 80 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per-
vh72l, sonal supervision since its Infancy.
S4cAt&Z Allow no one to deceive you In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-jjood" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
' Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic It relieves Teething foibles, cores Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving" healthy and natural sleepi
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
I tta-reatlnna aa ta hA the fiauaekeener
i I anil I n mtka tha nitr. tnnA l.wr fr.nTIV .
Mra Julia afarquam, vice-president of
the Oregon Consumers' leagua presided
wun mucn aignity ana grace. , ' , r
O. A. S. Soldi tha Boavds. .
' At tha noon hour- tha O. A R. man.
their wives and friends, and tha. Relief
worpa women eniovea nuge picmo un
der the trees, where good things to oat
warn down oerore ine oonquonng neroeai
and good rants wera spun and a general
food time waa had.
Imraedlatelr following tha band con
cert the audience waa muled to order or
Prealdent Hawlev, and ha - announced
that the O. A R. vaterana had been In-
vited to alt on the platform and their
arum corps naa ooneeniea 10 give a
number or two, and with tha announce
ment almost waa heard tha stlrrina
mualo of tha fife and drum and aa tha
bravo old heroea marched onoe more
to tha familiar mualo and were mount
ing the ateps to tha rostrum the audi
ence roae aa ona and a thouaand hand
kerchlefa fluttered in tha air aa the
beautiful Chautauqua salute waa wafted
to them. ',
Mlaa Johnson opened the exercises
with a aolo, "The Wind In the Chim
ney," worda by Bret Hart a. Tha Chau
tauqua quartet aang moat beautifully,
"Tenting Tonight on the Old ' Camp
Ground. When the drum corps gave
its numDere li was encored to ine ecno.
and would have been playing yet no
doubt If the audience had had Ita way
and had not Prealdent Hawley put hla
quietus upon encorea on account of the
length of the program, which included
aeverai other musirsi numoera ana
reading by Profeaaor Knox.
Senator Borkett's Addieta.
Tha addreas of Senator Burkett of
Nebraska was a patriotic tribute to
"The American Flag." With euch sur
roundings it could not fall to be dra
matlo and the speaker's clear, ringing
tonea and line presence added to the
delight of the audience and particularly
to tha veterans, who were alternately
moved to laughter and to teara.
At the close of the regular program
a rour-rlnged attraction began we w
n ,T ..hi. 4 . V. . ...4HA.IHM
V. A. U. IVUnU IBUl. Ill Hie .U UIIUI JU1II)
which had for lta toplo pure food a, and
a demonstration of the aloohol used In
flavorina and Jamaica ainaer. Mra
Swope exhibited aome cake and candy
Beaaoned with a pure preparation of
The T. W. C. A. round Uble bold I
moat Interestina aesalon at their head'
quartera, when Miss Tingle, the cooking
teacher, gave a fine talk on Domestic
Science in the Home," which waa after
ward discussed by many of tha ladles
Tba Vetarana' Campflra.
The third attraction waa the baseball
game between Bralnard's Cuba and
North Pacifies, which drew lta full quar
ter of the audience, and, last but per
haps greateat, was the ca'mpflre of the
veterans upon the old auditorium plat
form. It waa then the handshaking and
the good will went round, and It waa
bard to aettle them down to listen to
the speech-making and tha program that
had been arranged, but when quiet naa
been obtained the closest attention was
given to those who spoke, among them
being W. F. Kerr, Dr. J. R Hall, Judge
J. D. Haynes and B. F. Pike. Mra.
George Harding being called for, abe
made a few appropriate remarks, but
thouaht the BDeech-maklna; should be
left today to the vaterana Tha drum
corps gave several selections and at
the request of Mrs. Bva Emery Dye
Marching Though Georgia waa sung.
Xawley pa Present rroblema.
The evening: program waa simply
great and waa an inspiring dose to a
patriotic day. After a aolo by Profea
aor Heritage, Hon. Willie C Rawley.
member nf ennrrtu from Oregon, nvi
a thoughtful and acholarly talk. Taking
for hla topic "Borne rresent-Day Frob'
leme." ha handled some of the aues
tlons that are confronting tha nation In
an Intelligent and masterly manner, and
in way to Inspire oonfldenoe In the
minds of all hla hearers, and the be
lief that they would hear many and
glowing reports from him aa thalr rep
resentative at the national capital that
would cause their hearta to rejoice.
A number of people went up from
Portland especially to hear thla ad
dress. This afternoon the Woman's Press
club will hold its monthly meetlna at
Chautauqua from t to 4, Mra. Lucie
Faxon Addlton presiding. An unusually
Interestina mualcal and literary pro
gram haa been arrange!.
The ladlea of the Portnomah club
rave an enjoyable plcnlo yesterday
afternoon at Chautauqua park. Those
present were: Mra T. A. Sherman,
Mrs. S. E. Miller. Mrs. W. C. Jones.
Mrs. A. Fltzpatrlck, Mra J. Torrance,
Mra Nina Larowe and Mra Bessie G.
The FrogTaaia
Followlnr la the program for the
day, In brief:
Mornina 8 to 11. summer school: li.
Chautauqua forum.
Afternoon 1:10, conoerr, vnemawe
I Indian school band; 2. contralto solo.
Mlaa Jennie F. W. Johnson; aolo. Dr.
R. A. Heritage; lecture, "The Higher
Expansion," Dr. James Hoffman Bat
ten; :S0, baseball. St Johns va Che
mawa; 7:16. ooncert, Chemawa Indian
school band.
Eveninr rroaram riven by professor
W. Eugene Knox, assisted bjr Miss Jen
nie P. W. Johnson "The Labor Prob
lem"; "Old Spot" (Brooks); contralto
solo. Miss Jennie V. W. Johnson; "A
Lls-Town Humorist" (Riley); "Handcar
No. 412': "Olo Yonson" (Dlllman); con
tralto aolo, Mlaa Jennie F. W. Johnson;
The First Settler's Story" (Carleton);
"The Debatlnr society" twain.
Tomorrow a program is as iouowb:
Morning 8 to 11, summer school; 11,
Chauatauqua forum.
i Afternoon 1:16. ooncert Chemawa
Indian school band; 2, contralto solo.
Miss Jennie F. W. Johnson; lecture,
"Jes' a U'l Cabin," Dr. Ira Landrlth.
I. L. rv. of Belmont collere. Nashville.
Tenneesee; t:80, baseball, Trunkmakers
s. Bralnard's Cubs. a
muAMlna. rnri rrt flianun In
dian achool band1; 8, special athletic and
musical entertainment by Toung Men's
Christian Association of Portland, un
der the direction of A. M. Grllley, physi
cal director.
Bears the Signature of
Kind You HaYe Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
:XTeewreopT. rr uBaTrfc wawsaaaawa.
(Special derates to Tb. Journal.)
Everett Wash.. July 18. Because
Grant Hamilton, national organiser for
tha American Federation of iabor, in
addressing an open meeting of union
men last night denounced Debs and
other Socialists and termed the Indus
trial Workers of the World as "indus
trial wreckers of the world," declaring
the orranlzatlon lndoraed "aoclallam ana
anarchy," adding that reoently at Gold
field the hills were covered with armed
men howling for revolution, his audi
ence denounced him as a traitor and a
cab and left he hall.
(Journal Special 8errtee.)
fUn Francisco. July 18. In the near
future Eugene Schmlts will apply for a
writ of prohibition restraining Dr. Tay
lor from performing the duties of
mavor. His appeal will be on the
ground that until the supreme court
renders a decision on his conviction in
the sunerlor court Schnflta is still the
legal mayor.
(Journal Special Service.)
New York. July 18. Eight persona
died ' from heat In this city up to 1
I o'clock . thla afternoon. The hospitals
are crowded. The thermometer waa 88
at noon and still climbing. Tenement
families are camnlnr on Coney Island
and also sleeping in tna paraa
Land Deal by W. J. Furnlah.
,1. y T.. t 1. TIT T VS . .
ntjih Anri . artf have sold land In the
western part of the county for S6S.00O,
in connection with the big deal made a
I year or mora ago whereby Mr. Furnish
disposed of-a big block of land in tha
vicinity of tna Prospect ranch, near
pacta! la tha SoxoeeW Seotloav
Towels 14x24 n.,8o
BOO doses hemaoed Towels, yat
the thing (or barbae and howl,
keepers, good wearing uallty, 14s
84 lnohadi regaiM ao C n
klad specUl HMI1M tSG
" ;ilfl4rTI'!inH7T?1
peoUl ta the BoavaaUe ateettetw
Xowels 17x34 in. 80
Xaek Towala, ITaM taaaaa, good
aaUty, Asia had wltk faaa eolare
orders 1 apleadld values g-j
at 10a mu; hplal aVAaV. f
OAnr nau at W
A sale which thousands have taken advantage of in the past and which gives promise of being greater this
week than ever, as assortments are larger and prices even lower. Theunmatchable valuea of our past Bar
gain Friday Sales have made them of widespread interest, but in this week's offerings we have gathered the
most seasonable merchandise and made prices that will more firmly and more substantially fasten this store
in the minds of the buying, public as the place where now and at all other times as well their needs can be most
readily and most satisfactorily supplied. In offering this list of sterling bargains for tomorrow we believe
you will quickly see that we have taken special pains to offer cxceptionailyTattractive values in the best gooda
honestly reduced in price. Such bargains are the only kind that are worth coming for.
Where Else
Will You Find
Such Variety?
A Great Glean-Up Sale of
immer Silks
Where Else
Will Yw Find
Such Values?
The Spring and Summer Silks must go. So tar the nw fall silks, which are about due. The edict means much to you as much as
a saving of half in some instances. Tomorrow we place on sale the prettiest in color and design effects beautiful fabrics that exhibit
the very essence of taste in choosing and never sold quite so low before.
39c, 50c, 65c SILKS
I At this Price Yon Have Choice of
The Yard
At this Prfco Tomorrow Only
75c, 85c, $1 SILKS
The Yard At hh Price Tomorrow Only
At this Price Yon Have Choice of
Bargains for the Men
Men's Negligee Shirts
Best $2.50 Values Friday
At $1.98
At first glance one would think these Shirts
were silk so lustrous is the fabric, and
here's an easy price attached to them.
About 25 dozen Men's Negligee Shirts
made with button down collar and two
button sleeve, made from the finest grade
silk finished Poplin, colors, white and tan;
all sizes, a high grade shirt that sells in
the regular way at $2.50; specially 1 AO
Men's Underwear
Best 91 Grade Friday 79o
A special lot of men's fine elastic ribbed
Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers add to the
attractiveness of Friday's sale. Custom
made, perfect fitting underwear, correct
summer weight, excellent wearing quality;
shirts are silk finished, drawers made with
suspender straps, good pearl buttons and
faced with best grade selicia; regular $1
values, specially priced BARGAIN 70
Leather Goods
Values Extraordinary !
This Leather Goods Section of ours has had
some wonderful values of late. But here
is an unusually interesting lot of Hand Bags
and Purses that we bought below the mak
er's cost. As we buy. so we selL Prices
run like this:
75c Seal Grain and Fancy Hand
75c Children's Seal Grain Strap QQq
75c Seal Grain Carlton Bags, black
and brown
$1.25 Carlton Bags, black and col-
$1.75 Fancy Hand Bags
$1.50 Women's Seal Grain Hand
Bags, in black and colors
$1.75 Women's Seal Leather
Hand Bags
$2.25 Women's Hand Bagsrand Strap
Purses, a very stylish purse for shopping,
fitted with neat coin purse and tff QQ
moire and leather lining. Special . vl07
$3.00 Women's walrus-grain leather Hand
Bags, fitted with neat coin purse, d0 OQ
heavy covered riveted frame... yasJ7
350 Indian Squaw Bags, made of best qual
ity leather with leather fringe; us- d0 OQ
uaiiy sens tor $o.oi. special ysr
$1.00 small size Strap Coin Purses, CQ
pearl clasps. Special.
Purses, leather lined.
$1.50 Women's seal grain leather t1 1A
Special piA
Splendid Dress
Goods Values
You Can't Afford to Miss
These Dress Goods deserve a chapter to
themselves and it would be interesting to
expose their qualities in type. It is a fact
that they can't be beaten at the price and
that they again illustrate our absolute su
premacy in Dress Goods Values.
85c Dress Goods
Half Price . . . OOU
At this price you have choice of five of
our best selling numbers that are excep
tionally good values at the regular - price.
38-inch Novelty Panamas. . x
38-inch Block Check Novelties. "
38-inch Jamestown Worsteds.
38-inch Silk Finished Mohairs.
38-inch Black and White Novelties.
All 65c values, specially priced for one
$1.25 Dress JQn
Goods-tf Price OOU
All wool and silk and wool Dress Goods,
this season's most popular weaves and col
ors in a iwst desirable range of patterns.
42-inch Novelty Suitings.
42-inch English Suitings.
50-inch Novelty Coatings.
56-inch Novelty Worsteds.
54-inch Novelty Panamas.
All $1.25 values, specially priced for one
Underwear and
Hosiery for All
The wanted sorts are here in ample variety.
Careful selection has brought here the thor
oughly good and dependable kinds. The
season is ripe for changing. The oppor
tunity to buy and save in the buying is pre
sented here. It is such value-giving as this
that partially explains the great volume of
business done in this popular section of
our store. Here are' the items:
Women's Fancy Stockings ReguOar 25c
Grades, Friday Only at 10.
Our reason for holding these sales is to
get women acquainted with this magnifi
cent stocking section of ours and to make
them familiar with the broad stocks of
high class, well known brands of women's v
and children s hosiery that we carry. We
claim one of the finest stocking stores in
the city. Take this opportunity of becom
ing acauainted these stocking are regu
lar 25c grades shown in black with white'
polka dots and figures, greys with fancy
figures, black with unbleached soles; also
black with silk embroidered dots in shades
of blue, red, white green; all 25c values,
specially priced BARGAIN FRI- in,.
DAY at ,. 1UC
Women's Vests, Best 20c Grade, 8
Less than half-price Women's fine white
Swiss ribbed sleeveless Vests, low neck
style, nicely trimmed yoke, good values at
20c; specially priced for one day only, 0
Women's Pants, 35c Values at 10.
gnality and economy combined in this of
ring Women's fine Jersey Ribbed Pants,,
knee length, umbrella style, trimmed with
fine Torchon lace; best standard make, sold
everywhere at 35c; specially priced
Women's Vests, 50c Values at 15$.
"A broken line of Women's Fine Lisle long
sleeve Vests on sale tomorrow at a ridic
ulously lowdtprice real 50c Vests at 15c
We havpade the price so low that we H
siogle day. Come in both regular and4
extra sizes, are well made with perfect fin- ,
ished seams, throughout; fully worth 50c '
each. Specially priced BARGAIN 1
Children's Stockings, Reg. 50c Grade 15a.
Wonderful values Children's . atockinars
made of finest mercerized cotton, pretty lace ,
styles in colors, black and light blue; also,
plain black, champagne, white, black,, blue,1
rink and red; most alt sizes in each kind:
regular 35c grades, specially priced, A f" .
Women's Ready-to-Wear Garmenti$s
ia is the finest stock of Women's ready-to-wear carmentb that we have ever had. Think of the best, the most varied, the most indl
This is the finest stock of Women's ready-to-wear garments that we have ever had. Think of the best, the most varied, the most
vidual array of styles that you ever saw and the showing will surpass your expectations. J . ,, .-y;
A Thorough Clearance Sale of All Women's Apparel Is in Progress This Week
These items for BARGAIN FRIDAY are far and away the best valuea offered this season. v
Children's Dresses, 65c and 70c Values for 484
For one day only we will offer an exceedingly gooi dreii fof glrlsy
ages 4 to 14 years, made from percale and gingham itt, Several 5 QJ'
pretty styles. BARGAIN FRIDAY Special... . V0C
Children's Hats and Caps, 50c, 55c and 65c. Values fof 25;
Silk Shirtwaist Suits, $12.50 and $15.00 Values for $7.50
These dresses are made from white and black line plaid messaline
taffeta and chiffon taffeta in gray and green with line stripes and
pin dots. The waists are madewith small tuck back and front.
The skirts have pleats and self bands. BARGAIN FRIDAY fA
Special p.DU
Misses' Worsted Skirts, $2.50 and $3.00 Values for $1.48
There are 75 skirts in this lot, all made from good quality worsteds
in dark and medium gray checks and stripes. AJ1 are made in the
latest kilt and pleated models in misses' and small. women's 1 MQ
sizes. BARGAIN FRIDAY only pl.40
Silk Coats, $12.50 and $1100 Values for 39.50
These coats are made from all wool materials in plaids, stripes and
mixture. Ihey are 4 to li inches long in box fitted and semi
fitted styles, all sizes from 32 to 42 inches bust Just the Q CA
coat for these cool evenings. BARGAIN FRIDAY Special. $0QV
Silk Coats, $12.50 and $14.00 Values for 39.50
These coats are Eton, fitted and Pony models, some are satin lined;
others are unlined, all are made from high grade of black Q( CA
taffeta silk. BARGAIN FRIDAY Special...... ipiJ.OU
Extra Values in Shirtwaists, 85c to $1.00 Values for 65
White lawn waists made with tucks and pleats plain gray Chambray
waists, black and white polka dot waists and shepherd check Cm
waists; all sizes in each style.. BARGAIN FRIDAY.... , .... wJC
In this lot are several styles in Caps, Tams and Ian
mostly white, but there are some in tans and. grays.
new this season and are most desirable Styles. Choice BAR- OCj.'
ge rim Hats.
These are all
Women's, Misses' and Children's Sunbonnets, best 25c Qual
ities for '16"t;":""? - .'
These are the best grade of "Bloughsn, Sua Bonnets, made from best
quality percales and Chambray s in checks, figures and solid Mi tl'J
Short Kimonos, 35c to SOc Values for :23fiWW:
Seasonable garments for Htthr-wcnntn.rThiie lre"madifron Iawnf
and dimities in white, pink and blue with beautiful floral designs.
two-piece moaei, arouna. wtth, button-hole edge, no.
Only two to each customer. BARGAIN FRIDAY only, .. , L6C
Sateen Petticoat 1.00 to $1.25 Values for 77
These are positively worth all we fclaim ind could not be m.i -
tured today for, whit we offer them at, extra wide wifh J i
flounces, finished with ruffle and strips and dust ruffle. EAR- :
GAIN FRIDAY only.-... .vv I i i