The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 18, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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Toip'Topics Ij
I "l LlasssaaBasSBMsssSSSSaBSjaSe
llbskirffMve at V a m Jfrtfirnu Ae
"J t the regular rata at the roi
lowing resorts h notlfvina? the aaranta
at -the various places mentioned. Bub
sorlpttons by mail are paranja In ad
vance) -. y '
Oaarhart Park.... . '. .P.- X Btrne
Hot ake.. ...... .Hot Uka.Banltarlum
Wllholt Borinars. F. w. McLeran
. ra at won ana aunerai rpnon
adje Spi-inss........ Thomas M
uoillna Springs. ..........C, T. Beicner
Jlwaco ................... ..Louis Cohan
M ftrashe.11 A. ershae an .4 A. A. ft m 1th
Nahcotta.k ...H. J. Brown
Ooean Park ... Matthew Thedford
Beeview .Frank EL Btrauhal
Tha Breakers Tha Breaksrs Uotal
tonight amusements
Marquam Grand,
hi. "Tha Fires of BaJnt John"
Grand .,-.. Vaudevllla
knto '"Sweet Nail of Old Drury"
Star ...... "Tha 8 1 range Adventurea af
Miss Brown"
Tha Oaks O. W. P. carllne, First and
Irvington In Throes of Pav-
f ing War Between Bitum
' Indus Macadam, Bltulithlc
X and Asphalt Forces Ask
Board Not to Award.
Fiamlnetlone to aaeura elirlbles from
oh to make certification to fill va-
anclee In poaltlona aa atatad balow will
be bald by tha TJnltad BUtaa civil eerv
lea comtnlaalon aa follows: Assistant
photgrapher, salary $840 par annum. In
ma aiviaion 01 puoiioations, department
of agriculture, August 7; flah oulturlat.
at Leadvllle, Colorado: Balrd. Callfor-
nia; Ban Marcos. Taxaa;
South Dakota, and Boseman.
aalary B40 to 1600, August
engineer and superintendent
etruction. in quartermaster's
mini ai urii
14: civil
or eon-deoart-
rge, salary $1.(00, August 14
and 16; computer, aalary $1,000 to
11.600, in supervising architects office.
artillery anglneer, artillery diatrlct, San
August 14 and 16: clerk, typewriter and
draughtaman, aalary 11.100, offlca of
artillery engineer,
Francisco, August
iiiii.mi mi
After August 1 tha meetings of tha
city council will ba held on tha second
and four Wedneadaya of each month In
stead of the flrat and- third Wednea
daya. The hour of meeting remains tha
aama 2 o'clock In tha afternoon. Tha
change was made yesterday at tha re
quest of the audltor'a offlca In order
to facilitate the preparation of monthly
payrolls. No referenca waa made in tha
ordinance lntroduoed to the periods for
the various committer meetings and
thy will remain as at present during
the flrat and third week. Thla will
better enable the committees to clear
away business in time for council meet
Irvington la In tha throes of a paring
war, tha main battle ground now balng
tha city council. Testerday tha lataat
engagement between tha bituminous
macadam, tha bltullthlo and tha asphalt
forces was fought Tha asphalt people
now aeem to have tha short hold on tha
handle. J
Tha council yesterday afternoon voted
to re-refer tha paring of tha Irvington
district to tha street oommlttaa and at
tha aame time decided to ask tha
executive board at Its masting tomorrow
not to award any contracts for hard
surface pavement In tha diatrlct until
tha matter had bean fuUy settled. It
la now up to tha a tree t oommlttaa to
take decisive action before tha next
meeting ona week from yaaterday.
The whole difficulty Seems to ba
caused by strife between tha Warren
Construction company and tha Barber
Asphalt company. It la charged by A.
M. Shannon, agent for the Warren peo
ple, that Ellis O. Hughes, who has been
vary active In tha affair, la In tha em-
Bloy of tha Barber Asphalt company,
ughea denies this. v
In tha beainntng a petition was filed
with tha city auditor By what appeared
to ba two thirds of the Property owners
of tha diatrlct asking for pavement with
bituminous macadam. The next day a
second petition was filed signed by tha
Title Guarantee A Truat company, rep
resented aa owning two thirds of tha
district, asking for pavement with bitu
Subsequent to these two actions Ellis
Hugnea appeared lor tne second time
" !
(Ware headquarters for Elgin
. and Waltham Watches.
Price Talk
16-sUe, 7-Jewel Elgin or Wal
tham movement, in a 20-year"
case .i.. -..... f8.8t
Ladies' 15-jewel Waltham mova,
ment, 20-year caie. . .f 11.50
We fit your eyes to glasses
for $1 ; expert optician in charge.
Agents' for Brauers hand
painted China, '
Metzger & Co.
big commons
Portland Ad Men's and Press
Clubs Desire Meetings of
National Bodies Here.
Members Of tha)
Men's dub have
secure tha national
tha Associated Ad
before the
asked that the
The first of tha band concerts given
at the plasa waa Listened to last night
by a crowd of over 2,000 people. A
well-rendered baritone aolo by tha lead
er, Slgnor Da Caprlo, waa liberally ap
plauded. Tonight's conoert will be
played at Beach etreat park If lights
can be arranged on the grandstand In
time. If they cannot the concert will
be given at Holladay park. Tonight's
program Includes tha "Jolly Fellows"
waits, selections from "Tha Fortune
Teller" and "The Prince of Pllsen" and
the Intermezzo "Salome."
Alleging that C P. Elwert, a M. El
wert and A. Schubach on September 18,
1906, forcibly obtained possession of tho
furniture of II rooms at 886 Yamhill
atreet and converted it to their own use,
Sarah J. Swank thla morning began ault
in the circuit court against them for
$1,500, the value of the furniture. Mrs
Swank avers that she was the owner of
the furniture.
action previously taken by which
bituminous macadam waa to be uaed be
raaclnded and that asphalt ba uaed.
Hughes had previously been ona of tha
leaders in tne movement ror Diiuminoua
lavement. Ma now oon tends, nowaver,
hat he and othera have acquired title
to much property In the district and
that two-thirds or mora of tha owners
desire asphalt.
It la very probable that there will ba
a warm session of tha atreet committee
when the question la taken up for re
consideration. It has been oharged that
tha asphalt company la directly respon
sible for tha change of heart of Mr.
Hughes and other of the property
owners associated with him and that the
desire of the company is not ao much
to pave aa to keep tha Warren Conatruo
uon company xrom paving.
The possible action of the executive
board Is also a matter of conjecture. IT
la not bound to delay awarding con
tracts unless aa a matter of courtesy
to the council It heeds the request made
yesterday. Should It not observe thla
reoueat the contracts would pe awaraaa
before the next meeting of the council
and tha city would be committed to the
lavement already decided upon prior to
he meeting of yesterday.
Arrangements for tha funeral of
George T. Myers ara awaiting the ar
rival of hla son, George T. Myers Jr.,
from Alaska Ha la expected to arrive
in Seattle today, and the arrangementa
will thereupon Immediately be made.
The ceremony will undoubtedly be under
the supervision or tne Masons and win
be held from tha Soottlsh Rite cathedral
Saturday or Sunday.
Bert PilklngtonT chemist In tha labo
ratory of State Food and Dairy Com
missioner J. W. Bailey, waa married
last night to Mlas Anna Bleege, at the
home of her father In South Portland.
Both were students at the Oregon Agri
cultural college. Mr. PUklngton was
one of O. X C.'s most prominent foot
ball playera.
Penney Bros'. Friday Special Onr
$1.50 grade of red or white port, sherry,
tokay. angelica, sauterna wines at $1
per gallon. Our $1 grade of port and
sherry wines at 76c per gallon. I. w.
Harper whisky, regular $4.1
per sral
Morrison street.
To tha Chautauqua by Trolley Take
Oregon City cars direct to tha park,
leave Flrat and Alder streets every 85
minutes from 7:86 a. m. Fare 25 cents
round trio. Tickets must be purchased
on sale In waiting room, First and Aldar
treats and East water atreet and Haw.
thorna avenue.
guilty before Judge Fraier In
circuit court yesterday afternoon. The
date of Sbaafer's trial haa not yet been
guilty before Judge
ult court yesterday
C Harris pleaded
Fraier In the clrou
afternoon to tha charge of selling to
bacco to is-year-oia Stanley uodd, ana
waa fined $10.
The regular meeting af tha Bast Bids
Business Men'a club will occur tonight
In tha hall at Eaat Pine atreet and
Grand avenue. Several matters of Im
portance are to be considered.
"Golden Grain Granules." the oereal
Uiealth coffee, la atronger and richer
tnsn omera. -rases less or it. f none
Eaat 276. Gottsackar Bros.
America In Portland during the Rose
carnival, June, HUB.
In connection
with the movement ona has been set
on foot to secure tha national conven
tion of the National Association of
Newspapermen at tha same time, thua
bringing together the conventiona of tha
two large branchea of newspaper work.
Bo far no official action has been
taken by the Portland Preaa club in the
matter, although tha matter haa bean
under consideration since the members
so successfully entertained Vice-President
Fairbanks Tuesday evening. Tha
question of entertaining tha national as
sociation was talked over among tha
members and will probably be taken up
at tha next regular meeting of tha club.
Tne protect has received the hearty
aupport of the Ad club, members of
which are enthusiastic over the pos
sibility of getting both conventiona here
at the time of tha carnival. Charlea N.
Black has written to Edward Keating,
of the Denver Rocky Mountain News,
president or tne National Newspaper
men'a association, asklns for informa
tion regarding the data of tha 1907 con
vention in order to maka represents
tlona in conjunction with tha Preaa club
to secure the meeting lor "Portland In
108. It la believed that tha matter can
ba much mora effectively laid before
tha newapaper men'a association by two
representative organizations than If the
action were taken alngly by tha Preaa
Other representative organizations of
Portland may take a hand In aiding the
rress ciuo to secure tne convention, al
though up to the present time nothing haa
been done save by tha two nawapaoer
Sbedd Collector Offers Intcreetlnc
Exhibit for Sale--W'aa Gathered
Through Yean of Effort. '
regular $4.60 at $3.60
gallon. Friday only. 879-881 East
Phone East 287. Free
Water throught hoao for sprinkling
or sldawalka or washing porches
windows must be paid for in advance
Iamoised only between tha houre of 5
antPCakt. m.. and 5 and 9 p. m. It must
not brused for sprinkling streets. If
used contrary to tnese ruiaa, or waaie
fully. It will ba shut off.
Chautauqua Take Oregon City cars,
leave First and Alder atraats every 85
mlnutef from 7:85 a. m., direct to Glad
stone park. Fare 25 centa round trip.
Tlcketa must be purchased on sale in
waiting room, First and Alder streets
and Eaat Water street and Hawthorns
building. Seventh
expert photographer.
ana eianc sis.
Henry Bhaefer, charged with assault
and battery for beating hla wife, pleaded
Bteamer Jeaaa Harkina, for Camas,
Washougal and way landings, dallv ex.
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington atreet
a ock it i p. m.
C. Elmore Grove, formerly at 446
Washington street, haa opened his new
atudlo at 3C2 Washington, corner Park.
Tour friend is your enemy. If coffee
la your friend, change to "Golden Grain
Granuiea," which la true.
Mrs. M. E. Troutman, of Shadd, Ore
gon, writes The Journal an Interesting
letter concerning a collection of old
Woman's Exchange, 183 Tenth street,
lunch 11:80 to 2; business men's lunch.
Acme Oil Co. sella tha best safety coal
oil ana nne gasonne. raone jsast 7 an.
D. Chambers, optician, 129 Seventh.
Berger signs 284 Yamhill phone.
Bark Tonio for rheumatism.
Back Jeweler 205 Alder.
coina which ahe haa spent years aocum
In tha collection are two 60-cent
plecea dated 1868, one 25-cent piece dat
ed 1858, and a J 1 -piece dated 1798. She
has another dated 1766, which la hot an
American coin. On ona aide of It ap
pear the letters "P-a-t-r-o-n-a. B-a-v-a-r-i-a-e,"
and tha data On tha
other aide are a number of Roman char
acters. The collections contains a num
ber of interesting coins.
Mrs. Trouynan is desirous or dispos
ing of the collection, and would also
like to ascertain their value.
Tha description of the coins given Is
too vague to furnish a basis upon which
to place a value. Tha 60-cent piece ofJ
loos is pruuaoiy worm to cents. iqq
dollar may ba worth $10 or $2.60, while
the 25-oent piece may pe worth from 60
cents to $7.50. The values vary ac
cording to special marks on the coins, a
combination of which on some coins
maka them especially valuable.
Potter Sails for Beach Points BOND ISSUE TEST ON
Tha ataamer Potter will sail from
Portland, Ash street dock; Saturday 1
m. (et nonets ana maxe reserva-
lona at cltv ticket office. Third and
Waahington streets. C. W. Stinger, city
uoaet agent.
For ice call Main 284 or A-8248.
Delivery company, 361 Stark st
Original Styles.
Bxoluslve Sootch and English woolens.
HaiDroox & Javeen, uoucn mock.
Tomorrow and Saturday positively
the last days for discount on east side
gas Dins.
The flrat test of tha legality of the
bond lasue voted at the June election
will be made on the $450,000 bonda for
tha reconstruction of the Mfedlson atreet
bridge. City Attorney Kavanaugh yes
terday askedv the council to authorize
the sale of the bonda that he might at
once take the matter Into the courts.
Mr. Kavanaugh stated he believed the
Madison atreet bridge matter to be tha
moat important Improvement voted for
by tha people and elected to try this
case out in the courts to determine
whether this and all other bond Issues
could be legally sold.
(Gray's 1
A 1 ' !j' 1 ' ' "'. ' J '','"'' V, , ',. "
f ' ' v k ,'"'- ' ,' ' .. ...
ill Smi-Affiiffii Sis
. .!' '..V. I ' V".i,
- ; of "' : '
BECAUSE of oiir unbreakable policy never to hold over a season's
clothing, all of our guaranteed CHESTERFIELD SUITS, the
most modern ready-to-wear clothes sold in Portland, are included in
this sale
$18.00 SUITS for $13.50
$20.00 SUITS for $15.00
$22.50 SUITS for $16.50
$25.00 SUITS for $19.00
$30.00 SUITS for $2330
$35.00 SUITS for $26.50
$40.00 SUITS for $29.50
$45.00 SUITS for $34.50
20 Per Cent Discount on All Black and Blue Suits
Extra Special Reductions on Outing Suits
$18.00 SUITS for $12.00
$20.00 SUITS for $13.50
$22.50 SUITS for $15.00
$25.00 SUITS for $1630
$30.00 SUITS for $19.00
$35.00 SUITS for $23.50
$45.00 OUTING SUITS for $26.50
Every article sold at sale price has our guarantee the same as at reg
ular price. Terms of sale STRICTLY CASH.
269-271 Morrison Street
Every Day in
the Year
Tou naa tha teeth, three times
dally as a rule. Ia it any wonder
they give out and trouble you
after a while T
If yours have commenced to
give out, place youreelf in our
care. We'll clean the teeth, re
move tha tartar, fill or crown tha
decayed' teeth with gold, maka
them good for years to ooma.
All work done painlessly. Bets
of teeth furnished WITHOUT
W. A. WISE, Dentist
Third and Washlng-toa Bts.
T.P. Wise, H.A, 5tardevant
and H. A. Hoffman
rxozrxs, a ajts mazbt
Change of Cigar Firm.
Mr. H. Oerson haa sold his Interest
in the firm of Gerson & Hart THE
tion, succeeds. The business of tha new
company will be conducted under the
management of Mr. Sol Hart, president
of the company. Mr. Henry Hausaman.
an old-time and well-known cigar man,
is vice-president, in addition to the
famous OPTIMO cigara and other popu
lar brands, the new company will be
agents for the celebrated QATO. clear
Havana, and other cigars of merit. The
company also handles pipes and smnk
err articles very extensively. Betas'
distributors of cigars of such high
Is the armor which enables you to fight a winning battle with the
.world. Being deposited in bank, your1 money is safe from thieves
or accidents. Your check book, which you can-easily carry in your wdexpctthi ?aaPM gr'oth0inPasybuCsi-
pay by checks, you can always make the proper change. Your can
celed check, which is returned to you by the bank, is a legal receipt
for payment. No one can make you pay a bill twice when you use
Makes the skin like you want it.
Does it in a moment.
cMagnolia. Haltru
A liquid preparation for Face,
Neck, Arms and Hands.
It is neither sticky nor greasy.
It's harmless, clean
and refreshing.
Cannot be detected.
Two colors Pink and White.
Use it morning, noon and night,
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall.
Ltok Mra. Co., 44 B. Fifth St., Brooklyn, W . T.
Will cost you less at Gevurtz' than
elsewhere, besides you may make
easy payments.
We offer special inducements to
purchasers this week. All
Nolan Rice Best of Chicago, editor
of the Interior, after a busy visit to
1 Pnrtlan1 atiA thla vlclnltv lf lout
vniir check book. Your checks circulate amonc the merchants with flight for his home. He was entertained
j - 0 " by Rev. William Hiram Foulkes and
whom you deal and each one advertises you as a good business per
son and one of some means. A heck -book insures you a wider
- . J i j n
aqwainiance, oener service, ana increased respect. , ueposit your
loney in this strong bank and pay your bills by check
by J. Thorburn Rosa at luncheona and
was given a dinner by the Presbyterian
Brotherhood, when some good toasts
were heard and a fine feeling mani
fested. One day was spent in the trip
Up the Columbia which Mr. Best seemed
to enJov. one dav in a trio to the ana-
Shore, and his visit was terminated by
the ascent of Mount Hood.
Frank B. A. Smith, assistant pastor
of the First Baptist church, arrived In
the city, and will be srlven an informal
reception following the prayer meeting
this evening. Mr. Smith, comes from
Spokane, where he was actlne sa the as
sistant pastor of the First Baptist
euuron. lie nas Dean prominently CO.
1.1.1 asl.l. V. f A UA.l. '
Let Us Do Your
Another story added to our
building enlarges our facilities
almost a third. Equipment up-to-date.
Only ateam-heated polish
ers the kind that does not burn
In Portland. Female help
Telephone Main 398.
Five Dollars Saved Is Five Dollars Earned
These are genuine reductions and are large enough
to merit the attention of every suit buyer this week.
In addition to the low price we extend our liberal
credit system, which permits of
k mm
Your Credit
is Good
at GEVURTZ" for any suit in the
house. Standard Goods for 'less
than usual prices, : : : ;
Corner First and Yamhill
Comer Second
id Ye-
I.1',, i' t 4 .