.THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, l THURSDAY . EVENING, . JULY 18, , 10OT. , Mail Orders Haw Night Gowns 98c Infants' Wrappers WOMEN'S RIBBED VESTS With' ribbon straps over shoul der; regular value 35c, 1Q special for . Women's Knit Union Suits, summer weight, ' low neck. Boys' YJaists 25c "Mother's rrlasd thlrt WaUea, Stae for boys 4 furl of Htmt value to 11.3 1, special f. for. each ....... .....,..,,..) Chndrea's WktS Sal, trade, waists They oome in ell aiMS nd are vary oooL Very special for. each .......,....vC oya - reaatlesey ' tatoMNl WsOats A vry neat u4 dray Waist for these summer days. Cheaper than It would coat t maJta tham yourrslf. Regular Ito value, each, 18c;. Regular er So .value, each ,.eJC Women's 'Flannelette Night Gown--Splendid garment for vacation- weir, made jof. well fleeced, aoft flannelettcv in prt ily ,itrlped pinkr'or blue1, yoke trimmed with plain dotnet flan nel and . fancy stitching; .. gar menu that will be very Useful on your vacation trip; regular $1.50 valuea 1 QQ Friday for- ............ . ,y OC Infants' Domet Flannel Wrap, pert, trimmed in' pretty com bination of colora , and fancy tltchinga, ' aome with pretty Jcitnono sleeves; Regular JA price 65c special, . .... 4t7C Collar and Cuff . Sets stamped on fine white linen ' and suffi sleeveless and trimmed in lace; sizes 3 to 4; $1.50 j v QQ value for ...,;.VOC Women's Lisle Vests, low neck, sleeveless, and lace trimmed all around yoke; regular , )Ag 35c value, special ....... aViC- FIFTH STREET Street SIXTH STREET cient floss to work pat tern, all for Ladies9 Home Journal Patterns 10c and 5c 15c .-..it ., - v. t m i mSHINQTON III 22 FRIDAY i ,,r i I - ; mmW COlCH COVERS Good qualify of Tapestry in oriental effects; rich, dark col orings, and new designs; Ihey e great big ones,, too; 60 ties wide and 108 inches long ; regularly worth $4.00 each, special (JEj IBS Misses' Hose 19c Misses' Hose In tan color, of ribed lisle. They are very light weight and very elastic; for little maids of 6 to 10 years. Reg- 1 Q ular 25c grade ........ 1C Women's Imported Lisle Hose In allover lace patterns;-come in white only; special two- OQ day price, pair 7C ( This 220th Friday Sale contains many offerings of unusual importance Savings on summer goods that you are not liable to find duplicated by any other store in Portland Offerings that combine the rare merit of unusual value and mmm "m"m-Tmmm' 1 ' aasaasstJBSSBBjBSBSaeea u n i mmmmm mm- mmm-, i i i , mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm seasonableness. Prices reduced on goodsthatyou need today Shoulder Shawls Square or. circular shape, of flna wool yarn, coma In a vartaty of de algna, flnlahad with fancy stitching, and coma In black, white or colors: they're vary pretty ahawla; sell regular at 11.16 each, 0'7r- special ART DEPARTMENT SECOND FLOOR Camping Blankets Mixed wool and cotton, In a good dark gray color, just the thing for camping; they are good weight and good size, and are sold regularly for $2.00 the air. Your choice, per pair $1.45 Camp Stoves We carry several different kinds of Stoves for use while camping, as well as modestly oriced gas hot plates Single burner CoI Oil Lamp Stove, worth 50c, no for JjC Two-burner Coal Oil Lamp tovt, worth $1.00, Two-burner Blue Flame Oil Stoves, worth $5.00, Save m ToiletShndriesl Men's J2V2C Hose at HalfThreeSP00Darnin9Lawn Moweis raarlaaa Saamlaas ronatata Byrlaga, I-juart JKr ' : A mm t . ' an; vaiua $1.00 apaciai tt"T ' I "f Buv two nairs for tht? nnV rf ifrlfl Special prices on all the Lawn ssa.-wp.!.!.- sc MT. 0YfX w Sv?3 5f r torron dc &taj?r Batbaawaat Bath Fowdar, a srood powder for 17- t V I 11 Tu ' r. R . tfie lOOkS Ot your lawn Dy naT- the bath; value tscapcisi ' l lI to sell you. 1 ticy arc a prime Ai Black Darning Cotton, on spools, ing your own mower and at- 1P"aV":.'0l.,d.bftfk: " br"'tl,: va,u 49c A grade of silk finished cotton. As vtj ' l special, 3 spools for OC tending to the grass regularly. rompiaaa Maasara oraam, vaiua soc apa- jijg (. S00 a 12C grade as yoil ever Safety Pins, black or nickel-plated, Save on anyone you buy. aoifc ir.ii'writtai" 'aper; ' in' box; 1 7c S'Tra saw. It is a hose bargain that will ' Vv in a11 siz"' sp,ecif I' f ard Lawn Mowers, with ball bear- r'w--;-on.:'20c Fbbe remnbered for months to XlkD srT 10c ingS' tV M Kft 26c k (come Men that share in thto Perf & rshirt w'aiata; 1gC WOrth $8'6 for-&U yard piecea. white or coiora; vai ioc apec . . W special WlU protit. Kegular lZC k fi doz. on card, all sizes, special, card. . . HP Lawn Mowers, with ball bear- b.Tri..ra!uVlr".r. VVJ hose for, UMP y Fancy Mounted Back Combs, jX ings, 18-inch size, dC 7C fpe1...!.'!"'..1.0 7C lUili the pair flnLr value 65c, special 45C reg. worth $9.00 for.D. D m Long Gloves 98c gftw $1.18 Women's Silk Gloves, in the popular 16-button length, of a superb grade of silk, and in the blacks and whites that are now in such popular demand. They have spliced fingers and arc a good wearing grade; come in two qualities, priced as follows : The regular $1.50 grade sells QQ s The regular $1.75 grade, for Friday for, the pair VOL Friday only at, the pair Ribbons 29c a Yard. A splendid lot of unusually attractive Ribbons in stripes or checks. A fine quality taffeta silk, good width, and a regular 45c grade; hundreds and hun- 'IQ dreds of yards on sale Friday at, the yard Embroideries. Fine nainsook Embroideries in edging or in sertions. , A great variety of patterns to choose from and five different qualities, all specially priced. There are many widths included in this lot, and early comers will find rarely good choosing. The regular 65c and 75c values are 37c; the regular 50c qualities are 25c, and the reg. 25c and 30c qualities. I Silk Windsor Ties, full length and widths in striped or figured designs, also in oriental patterns; regular 50c and 65c T values; special 0 Ping Pong Collars for women; 25c and 35c qualities, 19c; t?Q- regular 65c grade ...... .OVC Suits at Suits $13.95 -r- Suits for Half blue and black). $8.95 LOT 1, contains dozens and dozens of this season's newest models in Women's Tail ored Suits. Pony Jacket effects, in fancy stripes, checks and mixtures, and Etons, in plain colors (brown, blue and black) Suits that have sold lor as hieh as $25.00. Your unrestricted choice Fri day, for LOT 2 is composed of 108 Suits, in splen did styles, made of Panamas and wool mixtures. The Panamas come in navys and browns. Very pretty Eton coat styles, and the wool mixtures come in checks and stripes. Some plain, (some very tastefully trimmed. Worth to $38.50 d Q Af each, for Muivv LOT 3, contains just 82 of the smartest Tailored Suits ever brought to Portland. The materials are plain voiles and Pana mas, in brown, blue and black. Panamas and wool suitings in fancy stripes, checks and mixtures. Worth from $40 U II C to $125. Friday's price just IlnLl : Summer Footwear $1,50 LOT 1 in the Friday sale shows two styles of Women's Oxfords in white or kid leather, Blucher or regular cut, hand-turn soles, and with or without tips. Have covered, or leather heels, and come in all sizes and Widths. A great special for Friday at, t PA hoice ...... pi.UV Lot 2, Women's White Canvas Oxfords, Blu cher cut, medium weight soles, me- d1 dium heels. Friday, the pair . Pltfl Lot 3, Women's Canvas Oxfords ID- different styles. Grecian, garden, Gibson ties, and regu lar Blucher cut. Button and one-hole styles, and covered or leather heels; welt sewed or hand-turn soles; made of the best Sea Island duck; come in all colors, all sizes, f0 C'A all widths; special, Friday apaCuvU Lot 4, Women's Oxfords, in patent or kid leathers; two very popular styles. Large eyelets for ribbon ties, medium heel and toe; the patent leather has dull kid top; (0 PA special value at yaCawU Lot 5, Women's White Canvas Oxfords, made of hand-welt soles, "come in button or Blucher styles, plain and tip toes; a well made &M A A shoe in every respect. Your choice for Friday, f 3.50 and $4UU Now for the Morning Only,'" Thtf Special at . Lot No. 1, orth $1.50 the pair, for" Friday Lot No. 2, worth $1.75 the pair,' for Friday .... $1.29 $1.49 Lot No, 5, worth $4.00 the pair, special for Lot No. 3, worth $2.50 OA the pair, special for plOlf Lot No. 4, worth $3.00 4) A the pair, special for ..?2.98 Wash Goods Worth to tOc tor 15c Yard Plain Colored Silk Organ dies, about 70 pieces in the lot. Very sheer qualities, in fine, filmy fabrics, that sell regularly at 40c the yard. It is an endless assortment of colorings and this is the pre mier wash goods bargain of the year, ! yard , IOC Persian Challies only 5 yd. Light and dark ground, m dots, floral and Persian de signs; special, the yard 5c Specials on Semi -Porcelain Chin aware Vegetable Dishes, $1.20 A value, each UvC Small Coffee Cups and Saucers, reg. value $2.30, CI CA special, the dozen . ..PJv Individual Butter Dishes; regu lar value 75c, special, CO, the dozen 9UC Fruit Saucers, regular $1.06 value, special ' 70c Wnch ' Plates',' $1.60 ' ' " J f A value, the dozen apllv 9-inch White Plates, fancy edge, special, each O0 Meat Dishes, regular 40c value, special, 25; 50c value, special, 32; 78c value, CA special wvt Decorated in small pink flow ers. 50-piece set, $6.80 frJ 7C value for , aP I aJ -60-piece set, $9.10 value for $6.40 Jewelry and Leather Goods Dog Collar Necklaces, set in 4 bars rhinestone; reg. AQ $1.25 value, special . HOC Purses; regular $1.67 Silver Hand $2.25 value, special , Pearl Belt Buckles, in oval and square designs, Att 55c value for "7C 65c value for Veil Pins, in plain or enamel; regular 50c value QO rJOfc fourth Off for Leather Bags, come in trrav and tan. Values from $1.50 to $2.50 now selling af Combinadon Purses, in seal and novelty leather; $2.00 CA value for OUC Cigar Cases, In seal, walrus and SSSS'.. ...fourth Off Leghorn Hats50c 0nes25c A famous Friday special on several grades of the very popular Leghorn shapes, untrimmed. Can be fashioned into all the shapes now popular and with the addition of a bit of trimming, they are very attractive, clever Eats, ready to wear. The regular ft $3.00 ones, Friday . .. ..... !) ljf The regular $2.50 grades '(Q sell Friday for pl70 The regular 65c qualities Al ' v sell Friday for ...44ifC The regular 60c Hats are for Oj? Friday only .....ittDC Outing Hats. A splendid line of hats, do very nicely for outing and picnic wear, specially priced for Friday at, only Ostrich Plumes for One-Fourth Less v Every Ostrich Plume in the house, all lengths, all grades, all colors, reduced one-fourth for Friday's selling. Take j. your choice of any plume we have and save .U... 4 Flowers Half Price. A Friday flower sale of unusual," interest. Large or small roses in many colors, bunches of violets, sweet forget-me-nots, foliage and many sorts of flower trimming, t Be the regular price what it may, Friday you can , N . u'ls buy for , "i"11 PURE FOOD FIN ARE KEPI BUSY (Journal Special Strrtca.) , . Norfolk, Va., Jtoly Among- , the papers presented at thla, tha third day ot tbe convenUon,, pf . national and at&ta fMd commissioners." In session at - tha Jamestown exposition, were the foUow tpa: .. "American Wines and the Pure Food Xwa,-Percy T. Morgan, San Francisco; "Adulteration In Confectionery," V. L. Price, St. Louis; "Restriction and Pro hibition of Artificial Color in Food" Jay I. Miller. Chicago; "The People's Lobby and It Pure Food Work," Henry Beach Noedham, Washington, D. C.; "The , Preparation of Fruit and Vege table Product With and Without Pre servatives," Sebastian Mueller, Pitts burg; "The Preparation of Tomato Catsup- with and Without Preservatives," Charles F. Loudon, Terra Haute, Indi ana r The Preparation and Distribution of Fruit Syrupa With and Without Pre aervatives,? A. O. Riohardaon, Rochester, New Tors: "Need foe Uniform Standard Among the States and ' Between- the States and Federal Government." A. F. Hltt. stata Hairy, food and oil Inspector of Idaho; , "FUlera 1b Canned Goods," Professor Charles D. Howard, state chemist of New Hampshire; "The Sani tary Side of the production. Manufacture and Distribution of Food Products," Dr. T. J. Bryan, state analyst of Illinois; "Nptes on tha National Spice Standards," Dr. Wtllianr Frear, chemist of the agri cultural experiment . station, State col lege, Pennsylvania; "Plain Labeling," Robert McDowell Allen, Kentucky agri cultural experiment station, Lexington, Kentucky; "Bleached Flour," Professor E. F. Ladd, chemist and food commis sioner, Fargo, North Dakota; "A Review of Food Control Work In 4he West," E. W. Burke, state dairy and food com missioner of Wyoming; "The Guaranty Clause," Professor E. - Magruder. chief chemlat - of the department of agriculture of Virginia: "Like -Sub stances," Professor James H. Sbepard,! state analyst of South Dakota; "Local A Slaughter House Inspection," Dr. Irving A. Watson, Secretary of the state board Of health Of New Hampshire. Shortest !! to IjoalsvlUe Is the Pennsylvania 804 mllea from Chicago. "The Louis-villa, Special," with parlor and cafe library cars, and through eoaehaa, leavea Chicago dally, 10 a m., arrives Louisville 7:15 p. tn. Night trains leave Chicago 10:05 p. m. with through sleeping car; also at midnight with sleeping car to Indianapolia and Broiler parlor car to Louisville. Get particulars from Kollock. S4t Stark Street, Portland, Or. Tomorrow and Saturday positively the last days for discount on east side buu. - ELKS TO PKOSECtfTE USERS OF EMBLEMS t'earaal Special Barvka.1 Philadelphia, July 18. At the grand lodge session of the Elks a committee haa been appointed to find ways and means of prosecuting people who make use of the lodge emblems without au thority. A flag day, June 14, waa, also authorised. Election of officers result ed as follows: Grand exalted ruler, John K. Tener, of Charleroi, Pennsyl vania; grand treasurer. Edward Leach, ard Gray, of Frankfort, Indiana; grand esteemed leading knight, John D. Shea, Hartford, Connecticut; grand secretary. Cured of I.ung Trouble. . 'It Is now eleven years slnee X had a narrow escape from consumption," writes C O. Fleyd, a leading business man of Kershaw, ft, C "1 had run down in weight to 185 pounds, and coughing was constant, both by day and by night. Finally X began taking Dr. King's New Discovery, and continued this for about six months, when my cough and lung trouble were , entirely gone and X was restored to my normal weight. 110 ; rounds.". Thousands - of peraons are healed every year. Qaar- New Tork: grand eateamed loyal knlsht W. T. Lelckla. Dowaglae, Michigan; I anteed at Red Croas Pharmacy. . lOo and arrand aateemad lecturlna- knlaht. 1 i oa. -TrUI vttl. rmm Fred C Robinson, Dubuque, lowlt grand trustees. Thomas i-,B.,-, Milis, - Suuerl'r. Wisconsin; Thomas F. McNulty: lf,l. tlmo.,!?. Mayor Charles, C. BchmWt, of Wheeling,, West Virginia; grand tyl fo4tran4Jnner guarlL a. m. xaytor. .v; ' Four Seiners AnrstM. 1 Special Dispatch to Tae Jown.i ) StorlsvOr July 1. Tbom Spencer. Frank Peareon, Harry k , , Bjid Thomas Taylor, all aeli re r. . arrested yesterday charrM wi n i ', tor salmon in the Columbia river wi put a lleens. 'fimy wlil have a l.i,, la Justice eourt tu.lay. :: Vraferrsd ItUwk Caased C antt XwisXistCran4