The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 18, 1907, Page 18, Image 18

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The . 8 tor Noted low Boat GoqdM ' at Lowest Price.
Jfodern Join Taljcan Will
Be Given His Freedom by
20c Bath Towels 12jc
Camp Blankets 65c
$2.25 Gloves $1.75
President Kooscvelt To
. morrow Number of Peti
tioners Asked Pardon.
Extra special for Friday and Saturday.
Size 18x40 inches and pare white, fringed
ends, beat 20c grade. No
mail or phone orders filled 1 O '
for this special; a map A2C
10- 4 size Cotton Camping Blankets, in
white and gray with colored bor- ,
der. Regular 85c quality. Friday ' C
and Saturday, special, pair...... D3C
11- 4 size at, a pair ...S1.00
Full 16-button 'lengths, with double
tipped fingers, black and white, all sizes
and standard $2.25 quality.
Friday and Saturday only 1 t7t
at, special, a pair avX I O
WfJ'. 'n. i iZ-i:Z'Z'UZ ZZ': r' Y
For having caught my Eye. ;
I ce, ;bclow, amon your ods ZZi 'f f
Some bargAWl mutt buyf ; , ' '0&ft&fc&-Z
'.'. ', " : " '' ' '" ".' - ' i
Suit Sale
M '
I I I . I i ' . . . . 1. ...
(Joaroal 8pclI ServIcO
Leavenworth. Kan.. July 18. John
WUlUm January, the modern "Jean
ValJn" hoM rr,,t nd r,turn t0
prUon iat "prlni attracted attention
throughout the country. la be ven
lite freedom tomorrow In accordant
with the terms of the pardon granted
by President Roosevelt on the aoVlce Of
Attorney-General Bonaparte.
It was In 181)6 that January w con
victed of robbing a building In fttiU
water, Oklahoma, that contained a past
offlce. He wm sentenced to five years
In the federal penitentiary at fort LW;
" ' ... kih Institution ha
rawurui, iiwih .......
csped after serving three yeara. After
working through Kanaaa first
as a quarryman, and then as
' a traveling salesmen, he went
to Kansas City, changed hla
nam to Charlea H. Anderson, and mar
ried. He engaged In aeveral kind of
business, finally becoming proprietor of
a restaurant, and waa well respected.
On April 10 laat he waa rearrested
through Information furnished by a
former convict, who had known him In
prlaon. On the day Anderaon waa re
turned to prlaon a movement waa begun
by tha Kanaaa City newapapera to se
cure hla pardon. Three daya later pe
tition bearing 10,000 names were for
warded to President Roosevelt. Within
another two days a second batch of pe
titions was sent to Washington. bring-
In the total number of signers to 40.
o. Many prominent persons were
among those who recommended a par
don. On the strength of these petitions
and tha evidence furnished that Ander
aon had led an honest and upright Ufa
after hla escape from prison Attorney
General Bonaparte recommended to the
president that the sentence be com
muted to three-month a from the date
of the rearrest and that ha be pardoned
at the end of that time.
On hla release from prison tomorrow
Anderson will be greeted by hla wife
and three-year-old daughter. He has
already announced hla intention to re
turn to Kansaa City and engage In busi
" That Oregon la tha state having per
fect conditions for growing the finest
Cherries jn the world has been again
conclusively proven this season. Many
who have seen the crops produced in
tha Willamette valley have admitted
; i j
J 3
Silk Petticoats $4.98
Standard $7.50 Values All Pure Silk
For a great Friday and Saturday special we place on sale 150 high
grade Silk Petticoats, made from very best quality taffeta silk, with
silk dust ruffle and every one cut good and full. A fine assort
ment of colors, including navy, brown, green,
Alice blue, pink, garnet and black. Splendid
$7.50 values. Here's a bargain you shouldn't
overlook .' ,
25c Hosiery, Spec 12c
Two Days Only at This Low Price
Friday and Saturday will be busy days in the Hosiery section.
For these two great bargain days we offer 1,000 pairs men's,
women's and children's Hose at just half their regular value.
Children's come in fine ribbed French lisle, with
double heel sndtoe; women's in plain black or
fancy embroidered, and men's in plain colors and
fancy embroidered styles; 25c values. 3d Stv window.
Corset Covers 29c
Fine Cambric Corset Covers, two rows
lace insertion, lace edge, ribbon and
beading. Regular sellmg
price 40c. Special Friday
and Saturday ateach
Short Kimonos 98c
Friday and Saturday only at this price.
Pretty oriental colorings, with front and
sleeves faced with satin to
match. Standard $1.50 values any
where. Special, each
Underwear at 25c
Men's and Boys' Balbriggan Underwear,
summer weight, long, short or sleeve
less, ankle or knee length
drawea. double seat; also OJJ
Men's athletic shirts, 50c vsls...gvC
Boys' Blouse Waists 38c
Regular 75c Quality Ages 4 to 14 Years
To close out the balance of this special linewe put the entire lot
on the bargain table Friday and Saturday at just half price. Re
member these are standard, 75c goods and never sold for less.
Come in neat stripes, checks and plaids, also plain
colors, and materials are French ginghams, madras,
percale and sateen. A bargain you'll never see again,
so take advantage. Choice
$3. so Bathing S'ts $1 .95
Friday and Saturday Only All Sizes
If you've a Bathing Suit to buy come here Friday or Saturday
and pay about half the regular price. Come in pretty sailor styles
with white duck collar and tie, with fancy braid
trimming around
lar $3.50 suit,
All sizes up
v ( tuv vawua y i i vv. xsvsua iia ui vilj ssuui VlTiCI
luck collar and tie, with fancy braid fa a4 asj
ound collar, belt and arms; aregu- H I I i
t, and splendid value at that price. I I ' 1
to 44. For two days only, choice i 1 lv W
ite Parasols 97c
White Linen- Parasols, finished with
Battenberg cord, neat bamboo handle;
regular $1.75 value. Special
Friday and Saturday only at
this low price :
Sleeveless Vests 25c
All Summer Underwear must go now in a
hurry. For Friday and Saturday we offer
choice of our regular 35c and 50c
sleeveless vests, all styles and
sizes at, each ,
Summer Corsets 47c
Summer Corsets in batiste and ventilat
ing cable net, with or without hose sup
porters. Standard 75c to $1.50
vafttes; several different styles,
special, each ,.,
Mail Orders
Out of town orders
given prompt attention.
Write for our titvr. re
duced price list
Paris Patterns
The only seam-allowing
pattern made that
sells for 10 cents. New
fashions just in.
f t r-y a
- Royal Duchess Cherries.
that Oregon cherries surpass all others.
. The Illustration herewith shows a
branch from a 3-year-old Royal Duchess
tree owned by E. Presnel of Salem. The
L. m Jrcllr i"re no nrsi crop, on
this particular branch, 18 Inches long:,
re 180 Ursa, luscious cherries.
An exchange says that a Seattle wo
an. a burglar In the dark last
week, thinking It was her husband. Well
the Utter part of the statement may be
true If the couple had Just been mar
ried. .J
A carpenter who wanted to earn as
much as possible from a small job Is
directly responsible for the growth of
sweet peas 14 feet high the tallest
ever known In Portland. They were
grown by O. O. Hughson, a traveling
man, who .lived at 24 East Fourteenth
Hughson planted the peas and when
they had broken through the ground or
dered a carpenter to make a rack for
tnem to grow upon. He left the order
one morning while on his way to the
train to cover his territory, and did not
see the rack until some time afterward.
Then he discovered that the carpenter
had made the rack 12 feet high and sent
In a bill for tl, whtoh Hughson consid
ered quite shocking, but as the rack
was there the7 bill had to be paid.
It was an Incongruous looking affair,
the rack towering 12 feet above peas
only a few Inches high, and it afforded:
Hughson s neighbors much amusement
But Hughson determined ,to get his
money's worth- and, since the rack did
not fit the peas, tie would make the
peaB . fit the rack, and busied himself
with forcing them to the top. A sprink
ling permit from the city waterworks,
hose, fertiliser, guano and garden tools
formed considerable Items in Hughson's
expense accounts, but not in the ac
counts he turned In to his firm, and all
his spare time was devoted to the care
ful and scientific culture o sweet peas.
Patience and industry were rewarded
one day when Hughson had the satis
faction of seeing the pea vines creep
over the top of the rack, and then grow
still farther into the air. They grew
and grew until he had to build another
story on to of the rack, and when they
stopped growing the vlnea measured
more than 14 feet in height.
Neighbors who had scoffed came In
to borrow the flowers and admire the
priae-wlnning vines that only the car
penter had had in mind at the begin:
Edited by tha Trank u Smith Meat Co., tae-aoa Aider sfc, Betrirst and Seoond.
Is out of order. Tou go to bed tn a
- bad humor and get up with a bad taste
A In your mouth. Tou want soTnthlna
to stimulate your liver. Just trt
, bine, tha liver regulator. a positive
7 rure tot constipation, dyspepsia and .11
, liver complaints. Mrs. F .. Port
' Worth, Texas, writes: ' ort
"Have, used Herbine in my family f.
years. Word can"t express what I
, think about It. , Everybody in my house
hold are happy and well, and we owe it
' Herbine. Sold by all druggists. '
. Twojways to deal: (1) let
the buyer look-out for her
self; (2) look-out for her.
There is no middle way;
Tear tracer rrraroi roar mcatf U yei deal
ike $LBil!ias'i vPrar' r ' , . .
(Special Mipateh to Toe oarnaL)
Psiouse, Wash.. July 18. Tha trolley
wires are now strung from Rosalia to
Palousa. the present terminus of tha
Inland Empire road, and trains will be
operated from thla point to Palousa
within a week. At present an engine
Is kept at Garfield and steam is used
from that point to Patouaa to convey
ireignt ana passengers. .
The traffic Is growing all along thS
line and scores ' of people are coming
into the Palouse country over the
electric line, some looking for locations
for business while others are looking
tor land.
The electric line will be built into
Moscow, Idaho, by January 1. A big
iorca -f men and teams is grading as
as possible, y !
vk anee.
T,Vt!?r Hok Prings,rInd;, Julr 18.
The men Who work with pen and brain
XS.10 keep tha Demooratle
party to the front in Indiana rounded
"P.i IT Uy ' taka part in tha on
riual meating of the tat Demooratle
tMiimuu avsaoeiatloa. fvt toraa Says
the visiting editors, many of whom are
accompanied by their wives, will re
main here as the guests of Thomas
laggart, cnairman of the Democratic
national committee. Tomorrow will be
aevoien to we Dusiness of the conven
tion, including the reading of papers by
a number of prominent editors. One of
ine cniei leatures or the meeting will
je tne address of Ben Louthlan of
xjogsnspori on 'The Democratic Plat-
lorm 01 iuB." wnicn will be delivered
ax ine panquei tomorrow evening.
n r
Stops, its falling out, and positire-
lf remoTes -Dandnip. Keeps hair
soft and" elosiy. Is not a dye.
Guaranteed perfectly pure. . -
, Philo Hay Spec Co., Newark, N.J.
;50a.-botas, hU ArafjUt-
It didn't require the government nor
a pure rood inspector nor a lew laws
to make Smith's meats pure. Smith's
meats have always-, been pure. It's
been Smith's hobby to have everything
as good as honesty can make It. His
lard is absolutely pure while the
packers' lard I don't care whose It
may be. Is to a certain extent, adulter
ated with tallow.
Smith's sauaaa-es and hambura need
no preservatives, they are put up to be
eaten, iney re not supposea 10 d
"kent." Smith's boloma. frankfurta,
etc., don't need colorine, tha natural
color is good enough for anyone. And
have you ever eaten Smith's corned
Made with water and salt
nothing else. Sliced cold it la the most
satisfying hot weatner aisn 10 do xouna
0 . T.. T3l Cn
OUUU QUI1CB. 0UUU .v Mftw,
Beef for BoUing, per lb..l to 4
RufflD Roasts, choice Shoulder
Roasts Tf
Prime Rib Roasts, Rib Roasts rolled.
Shoulder Roasts. Veal Breasts, Veal
Shoulder Roast, Mutton, choice
Round Steak, all. per pound.... 10
Sirloin Steak, Tenderloin Steak Small
Porterhouse Steak. . Mutton Chops.
Veal Chops, alL per pound.... 12Uf
Fancy Porterhouse Steak, LomTand
Rib Veal Cutlets, Legs Lamb, choic
est Loin and Rib Lamb Chops, Loin
Pork Chops, sol per pound..... l&f
Breakfast Bacon
Pure Lard, 5-lb. cans ... 68
Best Hams . .17$e
Picnic Hams or Shoulders ,..12i4
What the Beef Trust Has
Done and What It Is Do
ing to Injure the Stand
ing of U.S. Government
Just so often as the Beef Trust
thinks it's "going to pay," It gives the
public a write-up on its government
Inspected meats.' To do its best it
can't give its "ads" tha rlnsr of aln-
cerlty, it can't gloss over the actual
crimes which It has caused to be com
mltted and is commltt'ng every day
under the name of United States gov
ernment inspection.
About 18 months ago tha Bureau of
Animal Industry in this city was in tha
nands of a most unscrupulous agent.
He boasted and rogues will aver boast
that he had "passed" cattle that he
knew were about to be condemned. "It
Jras risky business but, nevertheless, I
one It," he acknowledged.
The manaa-er of a certain prominent
packing house of Portland said it was
never necessArv "those adays" to nave
anything condemned, aa long as you
greased the hand or tha inspector. At a
packing plant in close proximity to the
river the inspectors were expert fisher
men by experience they had tha expert- j
then comma: un to.
night-, they placed the
Ashing -all day, and
the abattoir at- nlaht. they
pure food label on the cattle that were
been 'Slaughtered
suDDOsed to have
under their direct supervision. And
while these' thinra were going on The
Unscrupulous Government Meat Agent
was Induced to mix - up in city affairs
and ha took upon himself to Introduce
a meat ' ordinance to the city council
which has aveV bora tha nam of the
"Loveberry Ordinance."
Governor Hughes of New York vetoed
tha . bill which sought to equalise tha
aalarlaa aX tha womoa scbool teachers
of New
mala teachers. - Th
Dring tne matter-
Tork aty 4 with, those
session of the leglalatura.
of tha
women propose to
again at tha next
High Class Garments
will be offered at
30 Per Cent
from former prices
J $40.00 SUITS $28.00
$35.00 SUITS $24.50
$30.00 SUITS $21.00
! $25.00 SUITS $17.50
. $20.00 SUITS $14.00
$18.00 SUITS $12.60
(209&, Discount Blues and Blacks)
(with the exception of Portland) is the headquarters for the sal
mon industry of the world. - Astoria has the 'climate, there are
. ; neither flys, fleasv mosquitos nor dust.
Golden Grain Granules
The 100 per dent pure cereal health coffee, can be had from the
- following grocers in Aatoria vt
muk jjepot wo. l oroeery.
Milk Depot No. t Grocery. T
Milk Depot No. t. Grocery.
Fisher Bros.' Co.
A. V. Allen.
Acme Grocery,
Schalfleld. Maiuon Co.
Ross, Hlgglns & Co.
Tongue Point Lumber Co. Store.
Johnson A Morrison.'
fuomalalnen Cooperative Ce.
R. Hauke & Co.
B. I., Nauthrup. v "
XV sVAinaB, OB (Center for
lumber industry on tha Colum
bia riven) ..
. Ferris Bros.
McMllan Mercantile Co.
F. Traw.
M. Ellis A Co.
A. U Blohardson.
J. I Bell.
XV aTST.Sir, Oak
J- P. Hansen.
"Warren ton Grocery A Butcher
' CO. ; "
C. W. White. - ,
F. Dresser.
XV OXATSKABm; OaW(A llvety
city, where settlers are wanted.)
m. u. Kngerton.
Henry Krats.
H. McKlel.
A. R.. Miller,
M. B. Page..
. Tlmothe Rlcharda
xv nitaa. o
B. W. Otto.- -s .
' ;T. Dresser (two stores);
AaMaM afleateA Aa. ...1 f- M. V WW . v M a a
V'- -ISaraittSl U IS1 atlSl 1fM Maw m-A s.M 'V,.1.U -tt V 7. :
' awy SVW Y- Vtw yUW IWWU1 U(16ft -i