The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 18, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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---IlifMeier gfr Ifran&'Sp Sarprise: Salj
Great Salo.500
$1.0? Each
! Women's
Mew SI
Par tomorrow's 9J2th Friday ,
Surprise Sale, a great special
offering of Summer Comforters,
size 72x72 inches, filled with
white laminated cotton; silko-l
line-covered; best patterns tnd
colorings; great values tomor
row, on sale at,
special price, ea.
SI. 07
Blankets at
$2.15 Pairs
1,000 pairs of white Rio Crande i
Blankets at a special low price
for tomorrow's l2th Friday
Surprise Sale; fine wool-mixed,
lull 4 ids. wcigni; Diue ana
pink borders; great special
values, on sale at, pair f 2.15 i
Drapery Dept.
Specials Friday
Values Up to $ 1 0 for $2;48 Eg.
500 Mission
$1.69 Each
For - tomorrow's 912th Friday
Surprise Sale, we place on sale
in the Drapery Department on
the Third Floor a great lot of
500 solid oak Tabourettes,' 18
inches high, mission style and
finish; made 'double. Our best
$2.50 values. The exclusive fur
niture stores would ask you
about 3.50 each for them. To
morrow, your CC 1 aCO II
choice, special at VOJ
see mn-st.. Window Display.
40c Ribbons 22c
Remnants of Swiss. Silkoline,
Cretonne, Madras, Denim; 1 to
5-yard length, all grades, best
styles, at ONE-HALF PRICE..
White Curtain Rods, with silver
fixtures, complete with brackets
and ends; regular 20c 1
values, tomorrow ... 1 0v
$275 Ruffled Net Curtains, in
white and ecru net; with lace
inserting and edges: great bar
gains, on sale at, pair.. f 1.65
In Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store for tomorrow's 912th Friday Surprise; Sale, a sensational offering of women's new, up-to-date Wash Dresses and
Shirtwaist Suits of all kinds at a price never before known on stylish Summer apparel of equal quality 2000 beautiful new Shirtwaist Suits and Wash Dresses
'secured from one of the largest and most prominent manufacturers in the land at a price that does not cover the cost of material alone Handsome garments
every one of them This season's most attractive hot weather apparel India lawns, chambrays and French percales made up in various fashions Fancy
waists, pleated shirtwaists, college blouse effects, round yokes finished with ruffles and edged with Val. lace and insertion Shirtwaists are trimmed in shadow
embroidery and bands of embroidery Colors are blue, black, black and white checks, white with blue or black polka dots,
white, fancy pink, light blue or gray; an endless assortment to select from Just the suits you want for real warm weather
wear All are well made and finished throughout The handsomest lot of high-grade Shirtwaist Suits ever offered at this
low price Two big Fifth street window displays show you what extraordinary values they really are Buy all you want
tomorrow at the unusually low price of per suit
Entire stock of fine Wash Suits, Skirts, Lawn Dresses, etc., on sale at reduced prices Entire stock of high-class white Summer Apparel at greatly reduced
prices Entire stock of fine Wash Waists reduced greatest values in the city Second Floor
For tomorrow's 912th Friday
Surprise Sale, 5,000 yards of
beautiful quality all-silk Taffeta
Ribbons, full 5yi inches wide.
suitable for dress trimmings,
sashes, bows, hair ties, fancy
work, etc; black, white, blue.
navy, red, green, cream, pink;
on sale at, the yard
regular 45c values, evewC
Lace Yokes
51.25 Vols. 59c
For tomorrow's 912th Friday
Surprise Sale, trreat SDecial lot
of fine Venise Lace Yokes and
Chemisettes in floral and con
ventional designs: suitable for
light Summer dresses; best reg
ular $1.25 values, on Sf O
sale at, special, each
3000 $3.50 Shirtwaists $1.98
Another great special Waist bargain is announced for tomorrow's 812th
Friday Surprise Sale 8000 new 1907 Waists at a price far below actual
manufacturing cost Fancy Waists,
Tailored Waists and College Blouses
in wonderful array Linens, Lawns,
Batistes with Fancy Square, Round
and Pointed Yokes Lace, Embroid
ery and Tucked Trimmed; also fronts
of Allover Embroidery and Lace AU
sizes Marvelous Values Waists
priced up to $3.50 ea.
Choice tomorrow at.
200 New Net Waists
$10.00 Values $2.98
For tomorrow's 912th Friday Surprise
Sale an unusual bargain In plain and
figured Net Waists
Great Friday Surprise Sale Traveling Bags
WU ma :
In the Trunk and Bag Department to
morrow, a great Friday Surprise Sale
of Traveling Bags of all kinds A
Timely Sale for Tourists.
35c Bamboo Telescopes for. each 204
1 45c Bamboo Telescopes for, each 25
4-incn clotb-covered buitcases,
leather corners and handles; brass
lock and bolts; inside straps; regular
$2.25 value, on sale CP 1 9kT
at Surprise Sale price ylii J
24-inch Fiber Suitcases, brass lock
and bolts; regular $2.75 value, f2.20
26-inch extra heavy Fiber Suitcase, 9
inches deep, checked linen-lined, with
shirtfold: brass lock. I CfS
Best $5.00 val., sp'l at p3U
24-inch Cowhide Suitcases, 6 inches
deep; check and linen-lined;" with
shirtfold. Best reg. $6 A Qtt
val., low price of, each yTtJ
24-inch Cowhide Suitcases, French
edge, linen-lined; heavy brass lock
and bolts; bag handle. Regular $7.50
value, on sale at the J1 I C
special low price of. a. wwi I J
$11.50 Leather Suitcases at a great saving on sale at this low price, ea...f0.10
Handsome 24-inch full stock Leather Suitcase; heavy brass lock C 1 A aCC
and bolts. Best regular $13.75 value, on sale at, special, each. VlUtUJ
1 5,000 Yds. Embroideries
$4 Vols. 98c Strip-$2.25 Vals. 89c Strip
$1.33 VALS. 39c STRIP
Qreet Surprise Sale of fine Embroid
eries tomorrow 15,000 yards in three
grand lots, values the careful buyer
will appreciate Mill ends fromthe
largest and best mill in St. Gall,
Switierland Better be here early.
Lot 1 Swiss, Cambric and Nainsook
Edges and Insertion, French, eyelet,
shadow work and fillet effects; 1J4 to
12 inches wide, 4j4-yard strips; mag
nificent styles; regular val. QQ
up to $4.00 per strip, at.. 70C
Lot 2 Beautiful Embroidery Edging
and Insertion, French and eyelet ef
fects in Swiss and cambric; 1 to 9
inches wide; 4-yard strips; hand
some designs; values up to OQ.
$2.25 per strip, on sale at.. OVC
Lot J-Swiss and Cambric Edges and
Insertion, 1 to 3-inch; handsome pat
terns; 4j4-yard strips; values up to
$1.25 per strip; -tomorrow XO
only, on Surprise Sale at.. J7C
3000 Yds of Kimono Silks
85c Values Reduced to 45c
In the Drapery Department, for tomorrow's 912th Friday Surprise Sale, 2000
yds. .high-grade Kimono Silks come in light grounds with Japanese and floral de
signs, suitable for kimonos and drapery purposes; grand assortment; A sT
best regular 85c quality; your choice tomorrow only at, special, each.. nrOC
Custom Shade and Drapery work our specialty; best materials and workman
ship. Lowest prices guaranteed. Our expert drapers are at your service. Exch. 4.
We -are Portland agents tor "Vudor" Porch Shades. See them on Third Floor.
2000 Carpet Samples
27x54-In. Brussels $ 1 27 Piece
27x54-Inch Axminsters at $ 1 . 1 5 Piece
Tomorrow, a great Surprise Sale of Mill Samples of Axminster and Brussels Car
pets, in lengths suitable for rugs. AH nicely finished on the ends; best patterns
and colorings to select from; grand bargains, while they last as follows:
27x54-inch Brussels, at, each . .f 1.27 27x54-inch Axminster, at, each.. f 1.15
50c Lace Hosiery 25c Pair
$ 1 .25 Hat Drapes 69c Each
3,000 pairs of women's black Lisle and Cotton Hose lace, drop-stitch and plain;
also colored embroidered instep in gauze lisles, light and heavy-weight
cottons, etc.; all sizes, great assortment; 50c values, tomorrow at, pair 9C
500 women's fine Chiffon Hat Drapes at a low price tomorrow full V3 yards
1amv Alir mw-m. . tifi KrvMarn naw rtinlr an A Klaol- mith fUU A
vvivk a as v w . iauvt J t v nuu f avn( vniii nunc m
1 and black velvet dots and hemstitched border; reg. $1.25 val. on sale at OVC
Tomorrow's 913th Friday Surprise Sale
Men's Underw'r
$1.50 Values 43c
For tomorrow's 912th Friday Surprise Sale a great
SkggJL? ' men'8 Summer Underwear 2000 ,gar-SgJ'Ljfo-ry
pcst style and quality to be sold
at a remarkably low priceIncluded will be found
Fancy Striped Lisles, Plain Balbriggan Stripes,
Form-Fitting Lisles, all colors, Plain and Fancies,
Blue, Pink, Ecru,Whitc Mercerized Lisles and
Egyptian Cottons-Air sizes in Shirts andDraw
ergUnderwear selling regularly at 78c. $1.00 and
? i.oua garment, your chioce tomor-
Itwrn, Aiilt, 1 1
. - w"7 Bytviat iuw price, m m I
per garment. . ; . ;' , . '
See Morrison street window display Great values
c jn Men's Golf Shirts, Hosiery, Straw Hats. Neck-
wear, etc.
Women's Oxfords-All Leathers
$3.50 Values $1.95 Pair
In the shoe store for tomorrow's 912th Friday Surprise Sale another
one of our famous bargains in Women's . Oxfords This season's best
styles in all leathers, Patent Leathers,
Vici Kid, Gunmctal, Velour Calfa and
a few Tans, Hand-Turn, Welt and
Heavy Extension Soles Cuban, Mili
tary and French Heels Plain and
Tipped Toes Lace and Bluchcr
styles, 14 different models to select
from, all sizes and widths, 1907 Ox
fords finding ready sale at prices from
$3.00 to $3.50 a pair ; " your choice to
morrow only at
this unusually
pnee, pair.
$ 1 ,95
Mail orders promptly and carefully
. filled
1 000 Pairs Lace Curtains
$3-$3.50 Values $ 1.65 a Pair
Bargains extraordinary in Lace Cur
,tains for tomorrow's 912th Friday
Surprise Sale 1000 pairs 31 pat
terns in Nottinghams, Madras Cable
Nets, etc. All this season's designs.
All kinds from a dainty Brussels ef
fect to a heavy Allover pattern Not
less than two or more:, than four
pairs of a pattern One curtain in
each lot slightly soiled from being
used as a sample Widths from 50
to 60 inches S to 4 yards long.
Values from $3.00 to $3.50 a pair.
Buy all you want of them tomorrow
at this very
low price, per
See big Fifth street window display