The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 18, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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tJppcr Columbia Grain May
s Be Tied Up Worse Than
List Year. I
Erery day is Bargain Day here. An ordinary Friday at
this store is far" greater than the great Frjdaysale days
of other stores. But tomorrow is no ordinary Friday,
even with us, for it surpasses even our own sale days
''X'tX in value offerings. f' , .' ' I .J
In yesterday't papers we advertised the most tremen
dous three days' selling event ever offered.' Today, we
offer the same eventto last one day less. "Tomorrow and
Saturday we expect to ceduce all claims of former value-
'-giving events to tshes.' -r '
ly .Two
ays ofl TM laiMi
j Sacrifice?
We not only intend to, we simply must clean out as much stock during these three days as most stores would spread out over a month's time. We realize that in order to
stti jhAt iuoroad win Again II do this we must offer the greatest values ever known, and this we are doing for these three days. The values named here are no greater than hundreds of others to be found
Lac Facilities for MoTlng Wbeat
Product! on--Onlr Relief! Through
Additional Steamers on Hirer.
Shipper of wheat alon $ha upper
Columbia ar facing- this year a far
nor serious phase f shipping oondl
tlona than waa existent Uat aaaou
. whan tha car shortage prevented tha
moving of (rain for many week. It la
stated that tha a B. ft N. 'will be In
no Jytter ahape to handle the output
fall than last. The grain produo-
jon will be enormous, exceeding by
-many tbouaanda of buahela the produc
tion or.ivos.
Grain producer!, eapecially above
Umatilla rapid, are plaolng their hopea
on the river ateamera, but offleera in
Portland atata that It la doubtful
whether they will be able to relieve the
congested situation. Neither of the1
Open River Transportation company's
ateamers ta powerful enough to make
, the raplda, and In addition there wlU
probably be aa much or more grain on
this aide than can be handled by them
during the season.
It Is stated that the only possible
manner In which the wheat production
thla year can be handled satisfactorily
. will be through the ehlDners' own ef
forts In providing the upper river with
mora boats. At the preaent time there
are half a doien ateamera plying tha
waters In that region, but these are
being operated In various construction
It was said thla morning that an
effort would probably be made to lease
aome of these vessels, but thla ia not
likely to be done unless a disposition
la shown on the part of the ones most
vitally Interested In moving their grain
tn ennnerate with the Portland persons
who are endeavoring to help Out in a
trying situation.
. The Open River Transportation com
pany will, in all probability. If some
assistance is given from the uppr
country, he the one to operate the addi
tional steamers If they can be had, but
ao far the arrangements are Indefinite
and until they assume tangible shape
there remains the possibility that the
upper Columbia grain will be tied up
In warehouses and other places more
, completely than It waa last seaaon when
' the whole country was crying for aome
meana of transportation.
Spring Hoasecleanlng Interrupt the
' Recording of Climatic Conditions.
For IB minutes thla morning all the
government weather Instruments in the
oustom-houae were out of commission
and atmospheric conditlona were not re
corded on any of the peculiarly pus
aling dials that work ceaselessly and si
lently and with the moat minute me
i ohanWi arruranv. The lnstrumenta
: peaceful vocation were interrupted j
.while tha carpets were being taken tip
'for spring cleaning.- .
' Uncle Sam Is renovating the custom
house. All the floor coverings will be
given a dusting and scrubbing, the wood
work will be rejuvenated with a coat
of varnish and other details of cleanli
ness pursued with the same r;are and
diligence that characterlaea the govern
ment's stinervlsion oi Its many depart
ments. .The work when completed will
be a feast for tne eyes or a youn
housewife. This morning it became necessary to
take up the carpets beneath the long
'tables on which are set the various
Instruments for recording wind velocity,
rainfall, the height of the river and
other meteorological conditlona and
To lift the carpeta, the heavy tablea
had to be moved and the wlrea severed
which control the delicate instruments.
Thla work occupied a period of 26 min
utes and when the metal fincers were
t v. again aet to work the little indelible re-
broken. The vacant places showed
-where Uncle Sam's spring house clean
ing had caused a temporary cessation
-ct Portland's climate.
,. :
Our finest Silk Waists
that sell anywhers from
$10.00 to $20.00 on one
big table in our suit room
with our shadow-like price
on. tne enure sisortment
of exquisite garments and
$3.00 Lawn Waists of ele
gant, sheer fabric and
daintily trimmed at the
one price, the price of last
resort for imme- 7t
diate clearance I C
Note We ask for the benefit of your
own satisfaction you call and inspect these
at this store during Friday and Saturday.
Ladies' Suit Dcparlmenl Must Face the Greatest Losses
That It Has Ever Been Called Upon to Bear
Not a small loss on a few garments, but a great loss on all garments tomorrow and Saturday. We can
stand these losses better now than later on. Then, too, we prefer to dispose of these garments during the
reign of their season than to sell them to you out of season.
TfTlfDrD CITITC Pretty Summer Suits of many differ
JUJUrLK dlJllS ent ityes mMit from tU fine Sillci
and worth $16.50 and $20.00. This final clean- tf M QO
up sale price eJlwO
tvnnt ClffDTC Worth $8.00; carefully made, good wear
UUUL sniKlS lng ,nd wen ,ppeanng Skirts, quick
ly going at, each SI. 98
1VHITF WOOL Just wh,t w,nt toT now
ivmifi wuuL a Hi m a tnd j, ind much d
for during the many summer days to come. Some of
these are $10.00, others $12.00 values. One
little price on them all
This is saying much, but not more than the
Suits will verify; $25.00 to $35.00 Suits
should represent the best of material, make
up and workmanship, as do these we offer,
in au siyic gi mix
ture and? of plain
fabric, at the lowest
price ever placed on
such garments ....
PrTTirOlTI Actually worth $2.00 and $250 a goodly
full skirts and of nice materials. This sale in
cludes them all at one little price
$10 Silk Kimonos -$3.98
Extra full length; Per
sian and Japanese de
signs; satin ribbon
trimmed. Our assort
ment of these includes
nearly all the color ef
fects most desired in '
these home comfort
robes. Kindly ask to
see these before leav
ing the store tomor
row. Every one a $10
Clearance Sale of Hosiery
Ladies' renuine lisle thread all-over lace Hose, full
standard 25c grade. These we are selling during this
phenomenal sale at, the pair
fashioned and a
Stockings (or the Boy or Girl
A very good fast black cotton Hose, double soles, heels, toes and knees.
Our regular 20c value, and the best wearing 20c stocking on Q
the market, now on sale tomorrow and Saturday at, pair 7C
Plan to Fill Low Lands of Aberdeen
With Silt From Harbor.
(Bpdl DUpitch to The Journal.)
Aberdeen, Wash., July 18. J. L.
Dairies, whose firm, the Northwestern
Dredg-ing- company of San Francisco,
has secured the contract for dredging tha
channel of tha harbor, haa a proposal
to lay before tne city council in refer
ence to using tne airi irom tna Dea or
hay to fill in tha tide fiata. The
plulmif filling in the lower part of the
site of the city was a favorite one of
former Mayor i,inasirom, tna nil suc
cessor. Mayor France, is following out
the suggestion. Some objections haa
been made to the schema or filling with
dirt dredged from the harbor on account
of Its character, it talcing so long a time
ta dry and become firm and solid. Mr.
Imrnes claims the dirt along tha portion
of tbe harbor opposite this place is com-
?osed mainly of sand and gravel and
hat it , would become solid in a few
weeks. Tha matter will be brought be
fore the council at its next meeting.
Mr. Dames' company will probably in
stall an oil tank here, for the purpose
of furnishing fuel. If this is done it
will lead to a line of tank steamers be
ing put on the run to thla port.
Small Prices in Domestics
Plain and figured Galatea Cloth. The best material in the world for
ladies' outing suits, skirts or men's shirts; worth 20c yard; 1 C
on sale at y lalw
18c Madras 9c Yard Bleached Turkish Toweling
Good for use as a shirting or 18 inches wide and worth 1Qj
waisting. Patterna are mostly in 25c yard, at IOC
lr0 better Colored Bedspreads 98c
' i a w m These are full large size, good
65C UamaSk 39C iarO and heavy, and with fringed bor-
Full 58 inches wide and good in der. The same that we have al-
quality and pattern. ways sold at $1.50.
Silk Glove Clearance
A sweeping sale of Ladies' pure silk 16
button length Gloves; colors black and
white, and in moaquitaire finish. We have
hid no hesitancy in pronouncing this glove
a mignty tine vaiue at our regular selling
price, $1.59. inese surely wiu
not last long at, pair
NOTE. We cannot promise these gloves
for both days. We do not expect them to
be that slow in selling.
Clearance Sale of Handkerchiefs
Ladies' pure linen, hemstitched, full site, and a mighty good 9
6c value. Sale price, each ..JC
A Belter One
Ladies' fine cambric and fancy embroidered borders; neatly hemmed and
as good a choice of 15c and 20c values as could be found. These Q
we offer at the very extra special sale price of, each eC
Wash Belt Clearance
All our 25c lines, and that means nearly every
style that might be had, go in this sale. Some
are more fancy in their embroidered designs
than the ones with openwork pattern; yet all
are the best of 25c values ; white and 1 0 1
colors, all sizes, at the half price Lt2Q
25c PURSES EACH 100 styles; 1,000 purses, each one a
delight" purse. These will go in quick order tomorrow.
Silks Priced Lower Than Ever
50-Inch Wide Wool
$1.00 for a yard of such a fine 27
inch black silk aa this is aa near
an exact value as could be. The
big knife conquered this price,
and now for clearance the ijQ.
silk at, yard UUC
Still more of those elegant Suit
ing Silks, in new fancy stripes
and checks, worth $140 QQr
yard, at OVC
Only two colors left of this sum
mer Kai Kai Silk. The, 50c silk
that gives such good
cool wear now, yard
The right weight for year-round
wear. These are remnants, but
may easily be matched up, AQ
worth $1.00 yard, at. ...... .taC
1 Danish Cloth
In cream white, worth
25c at, yard
Shoe Prices That Will Sell Shoes
We have bunched together something like 300 pairs of
Shoes and Oxfords, worth all the way from $1.75 to $2.50.
are in. no way shoddy, but are clean, new and in up-to-date
Nearly all sizes. One lot and one price for this extravagant
value giving sale, pair .
Regular $1.00 values in Women's three-point House Slippers
right boot for comfort and wear. Thin flexible soles.
One little price on the lot's choice of, pair
10c Shinola 6c Box ISc Bottle White Polish 7c
25c Embroideries 10c Yard
500 pieces in all, 6 to 10. inches wide, a nice quality of Swiss material and pretty patterns In open
work and shadow effects. Edges, flouncings and insertions to match. But very few of A
these are worth a cent less than 25c yard. For this immediate clearance, yard 1UC
35c Wash Goods 10c Yard
A visit to our wash goods counter tomorrow win satisfy you that this is a simple truth. Not only
do we offer these finest of summer dress suitings at this price, but we also place on the f
counter our stock of 15c, 20c and 25c thin fabrics for this sacrifice sale at, yard 3C
Bag-ular liners So to Arrive.
Costa Rica. San Franelsco July 18
Breakwater. Coos Bay....... ...July 19
Columbia, San Francisco July ti
O. W. Elder. San Pedro and way. July 23
Alliance. Cooe Bay.... July 14
r..a (mm rmf anrl anri Mrw
11 "Vili . -
vents accumulation of tartar.
Will not injure the enamel of
'the teeth. . Ask your dentist.
Noma City July 85
Nlcomedla. orient JulyJi
Roanoke. San Pedro and way... July 29
Numantla. orient Auaust 1
Arabia, orient Sept 1
Bag-alar XJnera to Depart.
Alliance, Cooa Bay July 18
Roanoke, San Pedro and way ...July 19
Costa Rica, San Francisco July 20
Breakwater, Coos Bav July it
Q. W. Elder, San Pedro and way. July 14
Columbia, San Francisco July IS
Redondo, Seattle and way July 25
Aleala. orient July 17
Nlcomedla. orient August 6
Numantla. orient Aujrust 28
Arabia, orient September II
Vessels In port.
Johan Poulsen Columbia No. 2
Alesia, Oer. sn. Montgomery No. 1
Tola, Br. ah Klevator dock
Jordanhill, Br. by Astoria
Zlnlta. Br. bk East Pine
Llllebonne, Am. sch...O. R. & N. Albina
Wasnucta, Am. barge. .University Mill
Chehalls. Am. bktn Knappton
J. H. Lunsman, Am. sch Stella I
Paul Jones. U. S. N Astoria
Maori King, Br. aa Stream
Alvena, Am. sch .West port
J. M. Griffith, Am. bktn Rtella
Dalgonar, Br. an Columbia No. 1
Mathilda, jsor sa roruana L,tr co,
Wallacot Am. barge. University Lbr Co.
Alumna, Am. ach Drydock
Bee, Am. ach. . .Willamette I. & 8. Wka.
I.ettttla. Am. sch Rainier
StraChnatrn, Br. as Mersey
rosemlte. Am. as ...Astoria
X.nmber Carriers Eb Boat.
Mabel Gale, Am. sch San Jvpilseo
Retriever, Am. bktn San Tranciaco
South Bay, Am. atr San Francisco
Echo, Am. bktn ...San Francisco
Melrose. Am. sen. Ban Pedro
Sailor Boy, Am. x sch San Francisco
Alden Bess, Am. bk San Francisco
Loulalana, Am. bk Ban Pedro
Irene, Am. ach. ....San ZMee-o
Washington, barge ..San Pedro
Aurella, Am. atr San Francisco
James Rolph, Am. ach . . . San Francisco
Sa Bouts With Cement, and OanaraL
Buccleuch, Br. sh t . .Hasoburg
Brenn, Ft. bk ..... ... .Hull
uon way casus, nr. pa. ..... .Antwerp
Europe, Ft. bk .' Antwerp
Genevieve Mollnoe, Fr. bk. . . . . . London
Rene Kerviler. Fr. ah ...Hamburg
Laennec, Fr. ah Swansea
L PlUer, H-t. bk.. London
Martha Rous. Fr. bk .Hamburg
Moaambique, Br. ah Newcastle. El
Samoa, Br. bk........ ....Shields
Slam. Ger. ah ...... London
Thiers. ;Fr. ah. .....Newcastle, K.
Vlncennea, Fr. bk. . i ..... . . .. .Glasgow
Marechael Turrene, Fr. bk. ., .Hamburg
Till de Mulhousa Fr. bk...,,. An twerp
Guethary, Fr. bk.. .......... ..Antwerp
Pierrl Lot!. FrT bk..... ....... Antwern
Walden Abbey, Br. ah.....,., .Antwerp
Gleaessllo. Br. an. .. .,.Antwr9
Versa lllea. Fr. bk ..Lelth
General de Botadeffre, Fr. bk... London
General de Negrler. Jr. bk London
Bayard, Fr. tk Antwerp
Villa de Dijon. Fr. bk Antweit.
Coal Ships sa Boat.
Belen, Fr. bk Newcastle, A.
Col. de Vlllebola Marenll.Fr. bk
Newcastle, A.
Claverdon, Br. ah Newcastle, A.
Wlllscott. Am. bk Newcastle, A.
Port Patrick, Br. ah Newcastle, A
St. Mirren, Br. ah Newcastle, A.
Crlllon, Fr. bk Newcastle, A.
Ardencrala-. Br. bk Newcastle. A.
Eugene Schneider. Fr. bk. .Newcastle, A.
St. Louis. Fr. sh Newcastle, A.
Tramp Steamers En Boat.
Henrlk Ibsen, Nor. atr... San Franalsco
Queen Alexandra, Br. atr Madras
Thyra. Nor. a. San Francisco
Strathnesa. Br. atr.... Port Lob Angeles
Oil Carrier En Boat.
Argyll. Am. atr Port Harford
Catania, Am. atr Garlota
The American steamer W. S. Potter
arrived In port thla morning with 46,000
barrela of crude oil for the Associated
Oil company.
Special Agent Lewie H. Eddy of the
department of commerce and labor 1 In
Portland from Washington, gathering
statistics and data relative to shipping
out or tnis pore lie is maaing a list
of all the docka and wharfs along the
Willamette ana collecting outer details
whloh will be forwarded to hia depart.
Work of repairing the damage done to
the river steamer Charlea R. Spencor,
wnoae wneei was injured Dy a anag lu
the last trip to The Dalles la consum
ing more time than waa anticipated
when she reached the local docka. It
was stated thla morning that aha would
not be able to resume her regular sched
ule before next Monday.
The British steamer stratnnairn lert
this morninr at T o'clock In ballast for
Seattle and Bound points, where ah will
load lumber. ' '
The DaJlea Cltr of the Regulator line
la to ba hauled on the ways whll car
penters nut a new bottom in the vessel.
The Caoltal Citv. one of the comnanVa
freight boata, will talpe tha former run.
Dal Harrison, purser on Tha Dallea
City, will go east to visit relative
while renal rs are heinr mada to tMa
been tied up at the Oregon Water Power
docka for aeveral months received or
ders thla morning from Ban Francisco to
ret under way to that port Saturday.
The Llllebonne cam hern from Manila.
where ft had been engaged for four
yaata, aapeoUnai t atr Ui coastwise
Fancy Work Specials
WE have selected some bargains from our
stock that will interest ladies who embroider.
Beautiful, original designs, on exquisite goods, with right ma
terials for working. Make the summer more enjoyable and de
light your friends at Christmas time with valuable hand-made
gifts. The cost is very little.
Sanp4 SOilrt Walata Patterns
for eyelet, French and shadow
embroidery. Regular 1.60 val
ues, special 81.19
Stamped. Hats Handsome pat
terns, complete with floss to
embroidery. Regular 7to values,
special 59
maanpad Pillow Top) Design- la
shadow, tinted, floral and
eyelet patterna. Regular 60o
values, special 394
tamped, 0rt Oovar On extra
quality French cambric, com
plete with cotton to embroider.
Reg. 65o value, special. .. .45t
Buy dainty things at this dainty, quiet shop and get right ma
terials without worry and waste of time.
&e Needlecraft iSKop
lumber trade, but stagnant conditlona
here prevented. She goea to San Fran
cisco in ballast under charter to M. C
Harrison A Co.. the owners.
at 8 a. ra., smooth; wind northwest. 10
miles; weather, cloudy.
Tldea at Astoria tnA- v?it wi"
1:04 a. m.. :4 feet; :7 n. m. 8.1 feet
xjow water; u:os a. i.i rMt; 0:
UV''rr,Z--. re
We have the largest
Trunks and Suit Cases
the city. Our prices are
will convince you. We
assortment of
to be found in
right A call
carry all styles
:02 p.
Aatorla. July IS. Sailed at 10:48 a.
m. Steamer Elmore, for Tillamook.
San FranclBCO, July 18. Sailed at T
a. m. Steamer Auaa wiut narg No.
II In tow, for Portland.
Astoria. Julr IT. Arrived at 1:18 r.
to. Schooner Olendale. from 8an Fran
cisco. Arrived at 1:69 and left up at
8:48 n. as. Bteamer Costa Rica, from
Baa Franclaoo. Arrived at 4 :10 and let t
up at 8:46 p. m. Steamer W. S. Porter,
from Montrv
aan Francisco. July IS. Steamer
Francis H. Legrett with log- raft passed
Cape Blanco, 10 bl m. yesterday; all
well, Sailed laat nightSchooner Rod
erick Dhu In tow of tug Sea, Rover, for
Portland. - - rr-. '
Astoria, July aS-conaiuott of, (at PM Anxenj u4 ast EUUt street 11,647
Tomorrow and Saturday positively
the laat days for discount on east aide
gaa Din. .
On a oertaia day In. each month the
"halto" girl mployd by the Faclfto
Stota Telephon V Telegraph, company
count tn converaation , that ar had
over the telephon.- Th count (or July
waa mad yeatenJay, and when aU the
figure wer added it was found that
J07.914 call wer mad during th day.
At the west side exchange. West Park
and Alder streets, there were 113.867
ealla. At the east aid exchange. Fast
of leather cases in gents and ladies from
$4.50 and up.
We as maanfaotarexa ef BampU, Theatrloal, Bn-
u and aa atria of reoraonal Traaksk
Portland Trunk Mfg.
SCfr. of Klgh-Quality aafTaa,
10T th St. 84 Sd St,
sTaar Stark. Cor. rtna.
conversations war recorded. Calls
made for busy line, or thos that do
not answer ar not counted, so that
yesterday's count Indicate that 101,814
people talked to 107,814 othr paopl on
tn ieiepuun. , . , -
August Erlckson filed Butt In th cir
cuit court yesterday afternoon to ' re
cover from Paul Waaalsgar, 81,105 whloh
It la alleged E rick son paid out at We
singer's request at various times be
tween june, vj, .ana J&uary, 1807.
' Fref erred Stock Canned Ooods-' ':'
Allen , Lwur- Beat Brand. ..,
XX ( Bonding Permits. rl
Alex-- Bockman, one-tory dwelitng,
Orand - between "Falimg anfl SJ:aver,
, V V V , i..' ... U..1J uuiiiiri, ,WV .IDI ,i . T J l"
iiig, iioaJotnerjr and fourteeat stret
81.60,0; S. Stevens, repairs dwelling,
Marguerite between Eaat Clay and East
Market 100; V. Spath, one-atory
dwelling. Corral between Thompson and
Tillamook, 8M00; Smith OwlnnMUh
lah between Thompaoa- nt TlUanvO'ik,
81.900; O. I". Roethe, Eat Tenth be
tween K'hon and Frankfort, $l,l00j J.
IX Morris, two one and a half -story
dwalllnga Thitty-flrat btwen Thur
man and Savier. 84.000; H. A, Hohemer
hora, Taeoma between Kaat Hfteenrti
and East Seventeenth,' 1,6'10: H. rt,
Eckert two-story dwelling. P.n.Iney t
tween Fargo and Monroe, tJ.' un.
Traaka,' Suit Cases, T-' : .
' See Peerless Trunk O., r ,: -
Of travelers' new!. 1 ' ' '
the lH-f i-
d Ki
r t