The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 18, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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"The doctor "thinks"
The specialist "KNOWS
The doctor treats
The specialist CURES
The doctor !' relieves the
The specialist goes further
and remoVes the cause.
5 . m!-
Bearers Give Game to Seals
When They Should Have
Won With Ease,
JjocjUs Bat Joy Oat of Box and Hit
' Henley llard, but Vlaitora Win,
" NeTirthelea chlmpff Make
Great One-Handod . Play.
British Writer Points to the
Fact That Isle Is Losing
Her Grip in Sports-
Now Belgium and Australia Excel la
Rowing, Russia In Wrestling,
France in Golf and America In
Boxing and Many Other Sport.
Han Francisco, 6; Portland, 4.
... Los Angeles, ; Oakland. 4.
' Won. Lost. Pi-t
rM InnlM St 88 .688
Ban Franicsco S 44
Oakland JO
Itortl&nd . S3 SI
'1 San Francisco won another gams In
ths ninth Inning after Portland had
thrown away oodlea of chance to bring
i It home.
' ' In many senses K waa a repetition of
Monday's defeat only yesterday the
locals biffed the leather In right hearty
vtyl. , They outbatted their opponents
by 69 per cent, to be exact, but they also
' out.errored the men from tne city ox
ashs-y 160 per cent.
, Lovett toward whom, because of the
unfortunate breaking of a (linger six
. J weeks ago, the inclination is to be
charitable, ngured largely in the loss of
Monday's contest by misjudging a fly
and lettlne- it bound away from his
nnnn vuiarda he mlsludsed an
' easier chance and his miss meant just
two runs for the visitors.
Lcretfs Costly Mlsjudg-ment.
, It was fn the first inning with two
out - and the bases full. Kid Kin sell a
was just pullin' himself out of a nasty
hole wnen wuusms mi an rmm-w hj i
. center field. Lovett made his error and
.two Seals flip-flopped across the bread
The Seals scored twice again in the
third, the sole cause thereof being an
error by Charlie Atherton. Two were
out when Irwin soaked one down to the
Dutch shortstop. Bchlmpff s throw wss
not quit oerfect, but Atherton had no
excuse for dropping the ball. Williams
followed with a single which rang the
bell twice. ,
Monday Atherton starred at bat. Tues-
" "day he starred in the error line.
. .' Joy's Xranesoent Career.
Barney Joy, who essayed to pitch the
visitors into a victory, got his in the
third and Mohler put him out of the
boa with as littlo ceremony a McCredie
has failed to use at times In the past
The innings opened with a hit to right
by Bassey. Mott reached first on
Wheeler's errir, Casey was walked and
the bases were full. Atherton handed
the sphere a clout on the nose which
brought 'in Bassey and Mott and then
Mohler decided that it was , time to
Change pitchers.
Henley, th premier twirler of the
whole league, warfiied up. He struck
' but McCredie, now the, league's premier i
batter, and turned the same trick with I
Lovett, The fans groaned, for there
were two left on the bags. Two strikes
on Donahue. Then blngl. the ball sailed
away for a three-bagger and the score
' was tied. Bchlmpff flew out to Wheeler
ana mere were no runs unin me ninin
when a double br Williams, a sacrifice
by Spencer and a single by Street gave
tne victory to me locals.
jrortlandHa Many Cnanoes.
' There were numerous other times
. when Portland's chances looked very
' bright.. In the sixth, with only one out.
Schimpff hit a three-bagger, but died
on third, while Bassey and Mott swun
Ineffectively. In the seventh Casey too,
first on Mohler's fumble, and made
beautiful run to third on Atherton' sao
rlfice. McCredie was at bat with only
one out. but Casev was Killed in a nit
.and-run play which missed fire because
Henley got onto it and threw wild. In
the eighth Lovett got' away on a safe
swat, took another station on Dona
hue's sacrifice, but when Schimpff hit a
fly he didn't look to ' see whether it
'would be caught or not out ran ror
home. . So the. side was retired on
double Dlav.
Bchlmpff made the star play of the
day. In the seventh Henley soaked one
where it ought to hav been good. It
waa -a sizzling grounder between Mott
and Bchimprr. Tne uutenman aid a
lightning run back, reached far out and
made a successful grab with his bare
ria-ht Hand.'- He did an oven more note
worthy thing. He recovered in time to
hoot the ball across the long expanse
to first beating the slim pitcher out
i and robbing him of a hit. Official score:
' ' ' An. R. H. PO. A. E.
Shaughnessy, rf. 4 1 1 1 0 0
Mohler, 2b 4 1 1 4 1 1
Wheeler, ss 4 0 0 1 3 1
Hlldebrand, If S 1 0 0 0 0
Irwin. 8b., 4 1 0 4 4 0
Williams, lb 4 1 2 9 0 0
Ppeneer, cf 8 0 0 0 0 0
Street c 3 0 1 8 1 0
Joy, p. 1 0 0 0 0 0
Henley, p. . . , J 0 0 0 4 0
K'"' ..,' y '3H::-Vi-t: I the world is a
LM'f-V V -' s 1 ' ' .7" 5 -1 ProroMional .boxers
V-'-iJ f5-t.S'-:.'! ? C.m;;''t''- I I Americans, at runnini
h - I ' -''TS'.';:- ard and Tale come
f'i& t "-r' t ' s" " v'- 1 Picked athletes of
I :H,.vi-s.;iir nave recently lost our
tV--- ''V ' 4 . ' " - " : -3 his to the son of an
t ' ' ; 4 -;-iw- aire, and there 4s a
I -: ..( . r-vV -V.x,,,. v W i;vV'K.--.i?. v--vi'-rl I of the lawn tennis
r-A-if KT V'-f Si. ' ?' rv:il .yW-.:' '-'?
( - . ' -ja xj. :: - i'-. ,:;wo' fV i; i
Ray Lovett. Portland's Center Fielder.
Total..; 82 S 6 27 18
AB. R.H. PO. A.
Bassey. If 6 1 2 2 0
Mott 3b 6 10 2 0
Casey, 2b 3 116 3
Atherton. lb 8 1 1 7 1
McCredie, rf 3 0 0 1 0
Lovett. cf 8 0 2 1 0
Donahue, c S 0 1 6
Schimpff, ss 3 0 1 2 6
Kinsella, p 2 0 0 1 4
Moore 1 0 0 0 0
(Special Dispatch te Th JoaroaL)
Seattle, July 18. Every ball player
whose size makes him look as if he
might qualify as a heavyweight prize
fighter, at some period in his career has
a proposition made to him to take up
th fighting game. Big Larry McLean,
catcher for .Portland, listened to Tom
Corbett and Johnny Reld in Seattle last
year until he really thoueht he was the
coming heavyweight champion of the
world and he posed for pictures, stripped
to the waist, with his fists doubled un
der his arms to bulge the muscles out.
But Larry conld not lick a postage
stamp, and Corbett and Reld were only
kidding him.
The last one to fall for this kind of
bunk is Jack Meyers, the big Indian
catcher of the Butte team. Biddy
Bishop, who used to promote prize
ftgnts, but who is now a sporting writer
in Tacoma, has been talking to the big
Indian, and the following In the result;
"Jack Meyers, the big, good-natured
catcher for Butte, is to become a pugi
list. ,
"This conclusion was arrived at
Thursday night when in conversation
with Burt Murphy, the pugilistic man
ager, who has been in Tacoma the past'
week, tne bi fellow stated he was
tiring of baseball and that he wanted to
get into some buslneaa where the money
would rou in last and often.
" 'Have you ever thought of going Into
the fighting business?' asked the little
manager. 'You're a big fellow and if
By Richard Dahlgren.
(Jeersel Special Service.)
London, July 18. Is old England los
ing her grip on all forms' of sport?
Ono she stood at tha tqp, but now
a dcllne seems to have set in. This sad
fact is pointed out by a Torkshlrman
who has returned to old England after
an absence of IS years. In a most in
teresting letter to a London dally ha
"When I left home IS years ago Eng
lish sportsmen were preeminent all the
world over. Now ther Is scarcely a
championship remaining to us. A Bel
gian crew holds the Grand Challenge
cup at Henley, the professional sculling
championship is in th possession of an
Australian, th wrestling champion of
Russian, all th great
of recent years are
r, teams from Har
over and beat the
our universities, we
title at court ten
American million-
very srava dancer
chnmnlonshtn roinv
this year to either America or Australia.
rat Olory Xas Departed.
"Even in purely British games such
as cricket and football our glory hs
to a certain extent departed. ' Cricketers
from Australia and South Africa now
meet us upon equal term, instead of
coming here to learn how to play the
game correctly,, in pupil nas pro
gressed beyond the master, and now we
are the learners, both in batting and
"At football our case appears to be
hopeless. In successive 'year a teams
from New Zealand and Soiith Africa
have made triumphal progresses through
I he country, not only defeating but rout
ing all the teams opposed to them.
Beaten liven at Golf.
"And now. to crown all. a .Frenchman
ha won th aolf chamolonshlD. and
Scotland shares with England the dis
grace of being: defeated bv a strans-er
at nsr national game. I bellev we can
still hold our own at hockey, perhaps
at bowls, but there our superiority ends
"I can only put down our decadence
to lack of enthusiasm and ultra-con
servatlsm. We are content to Jog on
In the same old way, while other nations
are Improving their methods and imple
ment wun eacn succeeding year, and
unles we follow their example we ahall
be speedily left v behind in tha nu fnr
Th trading BpeoUUst,
A good specialist has ALL X
scientific mechanical aids
for his specialty. ' ''
A good doctor . has some in-y
' struments and equipment'
for all ailments'
I have treated hundreds of men who had long suffered a -gradual declina of physical and mental tntrgy
- 1 a i a. - t . a. r 1 ft. a. . at " . . . S a .
as a resuu oi private awmcnis, na nsv Deen interested in noting tne marked general improvement that T
follows a thorough cure of the chief disorder. My aucceaa in caring difficult cases of long itanding hat
made me the foremost specialist treating men's disease!. This lucceas ia due to aeveral thingi. It it due
to the study I have giyen my specialty; to my having ascertained the exact nature of men's ailments, and 7
to the original, distinctive and thoroughly scientific methods of treatment I emolov.
To those in doubt as to their true condition who . wish to avoid the aerioua resulta that may follow T
negiect, i oner iree consultation ana aavice, euncr at my ouice or tnrougn correspondence. If your case '
is one of the few that haa reached an incurable stage, I will not accept it for treatment, nor will I urge
my services upon anyone. I treat curable cases only, and cure all casea I treat
You Pay When -Cured
My Fee in Any Uncompffiated Case
Contracted Disorders
So-called "weakness" in men Is
curable fully curable. It ha not
been cured by those measures
commonly employed, for they ar
methods based upon supposition
and not upon fact Hrematuro
ness snd loss of power in men ia
due to a chronic state of inflam
mation in the prostate gland, and
not to a disordered nervous con
dition, as has been supposed. I
treat the Inflammation by a local
process that does not fall to ac
complish its purpose, and with
this condition corrected full and
complete strength and vigor rer
STRICTURE My treatment is
absolutely painless, and perfect
resalta can be depended upon Ui
every Instance. I do no cutting
or dilating whatever.
Every ca of contracted disease
I treat is thoroughly cured; my pa
tients have no relapse. Whan I
pronouno a case cured there Is not
a particle of Infection or inflamma
tion remaining, and there la not th
slightest danger that th disease
will return In its original form or
work its way Into th general sys
tem. No contracted disorder is so
trivial as to warrant uncertain
method of treatment, and I especl
ally solicit those 4ses that other
doctors hav been Mnabl to cure.
X hav th target jmotJo bo
oanse Z Invariably ralall soy prom-
sfy Colored Chart showta th
male anatomy and affordlaf an lav
Sere sting study In ass's disease)
free at offlo.
Without using knife, llgaturOT
eaustlo, without pain and without
detention from business, I ours
Varicocele In on week. If you
hav sought a cur alsewher and
been disappointed, or if you fear
the harsh method that most phy
siolsns employ in treating this
disease, com to ra and I will
cur you soundly and permanent
ly by a gentle and painless
method. Don't delay. Varloooal
has its dangers and brings Its dla
astrpuasulta If you will sail
I will Be pleased to explain my
method of curing.
no oangerou mineral to any
th virus to th Interior, but
nannies Diooa-ciaansing
die that remov th last poison
ous taint
TTl-iao Tlf TOTT-If rst Corner Uton Md Morrison Sts. Private
llieUr. 1 dyiUl VU. Entrance 2341-2 Morrison SL.PortI.nd, Or.
XOTTBS t A. K TO T. M. BVWDAT9 10 A. X. TO 1 f.K
Patients living out of the city and coming to Portland for treatment will be furlshed fin room fro of chars-.
Check your trunks dirct to 234H Morrison Street. ua
tfttTTTTT rTTTTTTT "fTTTTTTT f T t I ttttnltt
Scott's Santal-Pepsm Capsules
For InflamBstioaerOstarrfc at
the BlMldrand DlewMi El J-
you are In favor of such sport you
"WTX1! had had an earful. FITZ IS BEATEN I SAYS
iiii'uduv g u.ei iiu iuoii inn
conclusion that he waa satisfied to
start. He agreed to sign a five years'
contract to work under Murphy s man
agement which will be the first stroke
toward putting the big fellow-into the
Druising business.
"Meyers Is but 24 years of age, stands
6 feet IH inches tall, and in his present
good condition ne weighs zzb pounds.
"He comes from southern California,
around the same neighborhood where
jim jetrrles developed, and it Is a coin
cidence Inat Meyers used to box with
Hank Grinrtn. the big colored heavy
weight, who was the first man that ever
tackled Jeffries. Meyers says he could
'hang it on' Griffin any time he wanted
"It would be a funny snap if Murphy
made a champion out of Butte's catcher.
If it is in the big fellow Murphy ought
to be able to bring it out, for he under
stands the game. - -
(Journal Hneelal Service.)
Philadelphia. Julv 1. Kx-Chamnlon
pf the world "BOb" Fitxsimmons wss
knocked out In th second round here
tonight by Jack Johnson, the colored
aspirant for heavyweight honors. The
old fighter did not have a look-in at any
stage of the game and Johnson could
have put him out in the first round had
he desired. "Fits" displayed not a bit
of hla old-time speed or shiftiness and
demonstrated beyond a possibility of a
doubt that he is a dead one..
"Ym I'm n ha,.hitn." marlr,i1 Vita
after the battle, "and I'll never go lrUO
the ring again."
&. fl M U
"Ai.V -jar
hti, BOOUBisorAi. uura
quickly sd sermeaeetlr the
worst emm of tllairrlne
ad mtmmt, a ststtsr of Sow
loo ttaadiBf , Afcselatelr
iT.ralMa. fold Vv dracsMs.
Price fl.flft. or by saeil, aost.
aid, ai.0M beans, 14.7ft.
Bellnfoatala. OklS.
hy 111 Brassists,
Local and Otherwise.
Are Now.JTied With Trunks
for First Place Deciding
Games This Week.
Total. 27 4 8 27 18 5
Batted for Kinsella In ninth inning.
San rrancC0.....2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 15
Hits. 2 0 1 0 0 4) 0 0 26
Portland.... 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 04
Hits.. ... ......10 11110 1 08
- .j, , , 'i . SUMMAKT.
Struck outr-By Joy 2, Kinsella 4, Hen-i
lev 6. Bases on balls Off Joy 3, Kin
sella 1, Henley -V Two-base hits 'Wil
liams. ' Three-base - hits Donahue.'
Bchlmpff. Double plays Williams to
Mohler. Sacrifice hits Street, Lovett
Atherton, Donahue, Spencor. Stolen
bases Hlldebrand. Irwin, Bassey, Wil
liams. Kinsella. First base on errors
Oakland , Portland 1. Wlldjitches
. Joy, Kinsella, Left on bases San Fran
cisco Portland- 8. -Innings pitched
By Joy 2, Henley t. Base hits Off
Joy , Henley 6. Kinsella 6. Time of
f a-am S hours. - Umpire Mr. Derrick.
That won't com Cff, appears on baby's
face after one tottle of White' Cream
Vermifuge, the : great worm medicine.
Why not keep that smile on baby's fae
If you keep this raedictn on nan
rou will never see anything else but
.smiles on his face. Mrs. S . Black
well. Oklahoma, writes:
"My baby was peevish and fretful
Would not est snd I feared he would
flte. I used a botUe of White's Cream
Vermifuge and he hss not had a sick
9ay sine."- told toy all druggUtav-ri
The Cuba won their third straight
game at the Chautauqua tournament
yesterday, when they defeated the North
Pacifies in a "swatfest" by a score Of
IS to 6. This ties them with the Trunk-
makers for first place.
The two teams will line up against
each other on Friday and Saturday and
fight it out for first place. The gam
yesterday was Interesting. Ous Kiser.
at second for the Cubs and "Oora Paul'
Kruger at short for. the same team, dis
tinguished themselves and, gave an ex
hibition of good, clean team work. Em
erlck caught his usual snappy game and
cut -off several Cub runs at third by fake
throws. Little Richie Parrott witn nts
brother's at, brok Into, the hit col
umn with four swats out of four times
up. The score; . .
Parrott 2, Heitzman, Price, Fry. Three
base hit Fry. Double play Sater to
Brown. Sacrifice hit Ray. Stolen
bases Cubs, 6; No. Pacifies, 6. Passed
ball, battery err Heitzman. wild
pitches, battery errors Lerch, Brown
Ray. First base on errors Cubs, 6 ; No.
Pacifies, B. ' Earned-runs Cubs, 8; No.
facirice, 9. . Left on bases Cubs, 8 ; No.
Pacifies, 4. Innings pitched Brown M
Ray 7H- Hits made Oft Ray, 14. Time
of game Two hours. , Attendance
1.500. Tjmpire Cheyne. Scorei-
Northwest League.
At Aberdeen Aberdeen 6, Butte 8.
At Tacoma Tacoma 1 Seattle 0.
At Vancouver Spokane 6, Van
couver 1.
Gains, cf. ..........
Kiser, 2b
Turk, 8b
Kruger, ss. ..........
Tauscher, If.
Parrott, lb. .........
Heitzman. 0.
Barren, rf. ,,.,,
lercn, p
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
4 1 0 11
5 0 0 0 8
4 2 8 4
6 8 1 4 5.1
6 1 -8. 10
4 8 4 If I 0
B 2 6 0
40 0 0 4
Totals . ..... :,..... 18 14 27 20
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Emerick, c. . ,
Day, Sb
Ray, lb.-p. ..,
Fry, 2b
Bhockley, If. ,
Price, cf,
Bater, ss. . . . . ,
Lundberg, rf.
Brown, p.-lb. .
3 I
2 8 0
0 2 0
2 S 2
2 0 1
T 8
10 1
2 J
Totals .82 5 8 24 14 f
Cubs 4 0 8 1 1 2 1 1. ft 12
-THlJ ...2 0 8 1 2 2 1 8 014
No. Pacific 201 20000 8
lu : 2 1201001 1- 8
Struck out By Lerch. 2: -by Ray, 1.
Bases on balls Off Tai-pV 4; nfr r
oft Brown. '2; Two-has T lilta Tiirkl
Many Portland People Fall to Real
ize the Seriousness
Backache is so deceptive.'
It comes and goes keeps you guess
ing. Learn the cause then cure it
Nine times out of ten It comes from
the kidneys.
That's why Doan's Kidney Pills cur
Cur every kidney ill from backache
to diabete. .
Here's a Portland case to prove tt.
James Peterson of 382 East Jefferson
street, Portland, Or., says: "In 1903 I
gave my endorsement of Doan's Kidney
Pills for publication, stating that they
are the best kidney remedy I ever heard
of or used. -1 had previously tried every
medicine recommended for such trou
bles and had Just, paid a. doctor bill of
175, but - without satisfactory results.
I suffered everything for two or three
years with awiui bacKach. lameness
across the loins and a disordered condi
tion of the kidneys, the secretions on
standing . showing a heavy brick-dust
sediment and there were times when I
could not get up after sitting without I
the aid or some support to taxe hold or.
waa in baa snap wnen a mend in
duced me to try Doan's Kidney Pills. I
was benefited from th first and sine
usinr them I hav oeen mora free from
pain and oi scorn fort from my back and
kidneys than for the last twelve years,
rtnan'a Kidnev .Pills are a reliable kid
ney remedy and I wish very sufferer
from backache or kidney trouble could
know of thir merit."
. vnr ssla by all dealer. -Pries 80 cents.
Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, Now Tork,
ol agents for th United States.
Remember too nam wjam b and
tak no othsc - -
'Heinle" Knocks Home Ban.
(Journal Speed) Servlee.l
San Francisco. July 18. It took 11 In
nings for the Angels to put it over the
Commuters here yesterday, 5 to 4. Helt
muller's home run was the feature.
T? M K
Los Angeles .0110001200 16 12 2
Oakland 0002100010 04 8 2
Batteries Burns and H. Hogan;
Wright and Dashwood. Umpire Ar-lett.
Marksmen in Competition.
(Joornal Special Serriea.)
Zurich, Switzerland, July 18. The In
ternational rifle and pistol matches, for
which preparations have been going for
ward ror nearly a year, began here to
day, and will continue for two weeks.
The competitions have attracted many
of the best marksmen representing the
armies and rifle associations of many
oi tne European countries.
Sunday's Games.
At Marsbfield Marshfleld
don 1.
At North Bend CoqulU 7
Bend 4.
Percentages Coqutlle, .833;
field. .600: North Bend. .600:
I, Ban-North
Marsh -Bandon,
National League.
Tork Pittsburg
2, New
At New
Tork 0.
At Boston Chicago 3, Boston 2.
At Philadelphia Cincinnati 7. Phila
delphia 1.
At urooiuyn tjrooKiyn s-, Bt JjOuis
Chicago, .78:; New yore, .bzz; Fitts-
burg, .606; Philadelphia, .668; Boston,
.432: Brooklyn. .426: Cincinnati. .410:
St. Louis, .232.
American League.
At Detroit Washington 13, Detroit 2.
At Cleveland Philadelphia 6, Cleve
land 1. . .
At St. Louis et. ixuis t, Boston a.
At Chicago Chicago 5-1, New Tork
i-6 ... . . . ..
Chicago, .954; Cleveland, .ess; Detroit
18. U a K71 Vii-l J T O
St Louis, .418; Boston, .368; Washing
ton, .338, ,
John L. Sullivan, "the noblest Roman
of 'em all," and Jake Kllraln have been
matohed to fight again. What a sensa
tion this would create if the old rivals
were as earnest as they were back in
188. when they met down in old Mis
sisslppi, but, alas, this time they ar
the best of friends and are out for all
the coin" there is in sight.
The mighty John has hooked up with
Jake under the management or Harr;
Clark and the pair Intend to travel a
Over the country giving th veteran
followers of. ring sport and also th
young men of today some idea of how
that celebrated fight was fought. John
and Jake will try their level best to
show:. Just how th blows were struck,
and thev sre both under the lmnres-
slon that they have not forgotten any
vital feature of the most effective wal
lops. The two veterans should make
a big hit, especially with th thou
sands of fight rooters who were unable
to attend that historic tussle.
The Multnomah club baseball nine
will leave tomorrow for Seattle, where
they will r play a match game with the
Seattle Atlrletlc club.
Th San Francisco newspapers speak
well of Otto Pokorny, Portland's new
outfielder. They say that Pokorny is
the real goods with the bat. This tall
young man, who has- sine coming here
played oft the bench, is a brother of
DnVn.MV whA i . mari aunt, a
hit at Toledo this season.
Th Seattle Hlgtl school baseball
team, which started on a trip east sev
eral weeks ago, is having a remarkable
run of victories. Eastern newspapers
glv the players strong praise, some of
tnem going even so rar as to say tnat
they are superior to th big college
Morris Berkowltz, a Russian Socialist
cigar dealer of Los Angeles, has entered
suit against Jim Jeffries for 324,000
damages, alleged to have been sustained
through Jeffries having railed to es
tablish a saloon at a corner on which
he had planned to locate.
Two world's bicycle record were
lowered at Ogden yesterday. A. . J.
Clark, an Australian professional, mad
the mile in 1:48 2-6. The previous rec
ord was i:y. waiter ae Mara, ama
teur, made the quarter mil in 0:28 2-6
Junior Baseball Challenge.
Th Laue-Davls Juniors have a new
change in their lineup 'and wish to chal
lenge any team in the city under. 15.
For games call up East 1208, between
( and 7. The lineup: Dowling or
Pauts, catcher; Brill or Stoops, pitcher;
Spady, Shortstop; Stepp, first base;
Keys, second base; Hendrickson, third
base; Conn, left .field; Grayson, center
field; Mulley or Pauts, right field. -
Progress of GUddenltes.
(Joornal Bpeeial Serriee.)
Columbus, Ohio, July 18. The GUd
denltes left this city this moraine- at
7:45 for Canton, 150 miles away. They
hav sight hours In which, to mak the
run. , ; ' ,
The extent of the motor eras In Lon
don was recently shown at an auction
of commercial and pleasure motor ve
hicles, over. $10,000 being realised within
the first 16 minutes' bidding.
The government is considering the
advisability of holding motor-car tests
for the war department and the post-
office department at the Jamestown exposition.
Buenos Avres. Argentina, has the
moAt automobiles of any South Amer
ican city, the cars numbering over
200, mostly of French and English
make, with a sprinkling of American.
An up-to-dat automobile express com
pany has been established at Philadel
phia, placing cars at the servicw of the
public at a saving of from 26 to 60 per
cent over norse-arawn veniciea.
, '
Th Royal Automobll club of Great
Britain "1 in a curious, dilemma, being
unable to find a hill within easy reach
of London suitable for bUl-cllmblng
contests. 1 ' - 1
The Florida East Coast - Automobile
association is determined to get th
Vahderbllt annual international cup race
run over - the famou Ormojid-Daytona
Beach If such a thing is possible.
Major Arthur B. Foster, president of
the 4 F. B. CV A. A., had a conference
with W. J. Morgan at th latter' of
fice, and later met former President Asa
PaJn. together- with- First - Vlee-Pr est-:
FOR $10
Consultation Free
We Cure
Ulcers. Chronic Discharge.
Stricture, Prostatic DIsevses
Hydrecele, Ntrvo-VItal Debility
Varicocele, Blood Poison and
Strictly SeUabl
D 1 1 CC ?r Hemorrhoids, ar small vascular tumors situated at th
rl LCD lower opening of the bowels, oc-rectum, and they hav a
ten. ,.u Ii?Bt aes-radlng Influence on the general health. W cur
Pile without cutting; nor do w use injurious ligatures, which treatment
is seldom successful. Our treatment is saf anf reliable, and when you
are dismissed by us you ar cured for lif. -
.nWIi1.Ly2u fnnot, jarL All 1 correspondence strictly confidential
and all replies sent in plain envelopes.
m.T22 12 IUTB BiBATTonmn my mmtzvum mu
A Lifelong: Cure for
Bpoi poxsozt. sror bxbbasb b, sojubs, trxtozaa, tbxotvu tsu
on OKBomo BxsBASBs or tib mms nomn rruaa
K VA" OIMABES Newly-contracted and chronlo cases cured. AM
burning, Itching "nnfiammation stopped hr 24 hours; cures effected In
BEITS, WOBTBXBSB OBATOMB, or other useless methodaTf trtat
ment Our ads ar our own, and whll others may copy them, they n.
-1tJHl!ite2"r superior methods of tnratment WB ABB TBB I.OWO
been located here 25 vears. We dn nnt av.vti.. i flTfiril . vl "
M. JJSHlf. "UiK-. 1 J!?I!S Prienc.r, j&Rk
. . . . " '-L i"uu. jl iwunnvi. vy a give you our skill and
ability lnthe treatment : of diseases of men for a fair fa which mab p"d
TnwVwili.l- EHHli-lSS' JfrnwATB otr KBTXOD I AJtS
Tim BUS mttl M nrmtrm mwHi nim
noon Bvsnings, 7 to 8. . Sundays,
ia.rn.toll jpT
Days Left
$li;00 PER. SHAltE
NOTE.u-You cannot lose as we will always accept our
stock in payment for coal at the market price. This, is a
guarantee that is worth money to you. .-' '
Consumers' Coal Company
Cornmonwealth Trait Co- Flocal Agenti, Ckmunonwetlth BuUdlng,
dent Georg N. Sebring of Ohio, and
chairman of the race committee. Com-. I
modort A. VL, Allen, of Daytona. Th
former gentlemen all own fin winter
residences on th Florida at eoast and
ar strong supporters or in ML A. A., a
their club Is on of th rly members
of th -A. A. A.
A oonf erenc"wag had with sotnof
th national heads of the racing board
or th A. A. A. and the Vanderbilt cup
cMomimon. to H was learned from
the latter that Florida stands a good
chance of securing th great annual
road event . . ... , . .-,
Tomorrow ; and Saturday 'positively
th last days for discount on east sld
gag bills. - gz 7 -
v Id