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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1907)
if - "THE OREGON DAIY JOURNAU PORTLAND; TUESDAY EVENING, JULY. 16, 1907 s 1 GARFIELD PARTY ' nil -sTn J III! .Ill III! .Ill KLAMATH Unique Journey Is That .From Medford to Crater 'Lake. v- " -7 -'. TOUR ABOUT MEDFOBD AS . CITY'S GUESTS Secretary If Astonished on Behold ing the Wealth of the Rogue Blver Valley Itinerary Into and In the Klamath Region. itMm DiaMtck to The Journal.) Medford, Os., July Beoretary of the Ipterlor James K. Oarfleld. and tbe party of government orriciais accom panylng htm, arrived thla afternoon at Crater lake, where they will apand a daynd then proceed to Inspect the -mstlnn works In Drocea Of COll- iMmf An mt Kiimiin u. immx. mini the party atopped at Froepect A.vlsit will be made to the Klamath agency before reaching the project. The party la In charge of Engineer Murphy, who la directing work, on the Irrigation canal a. The trip from Medford to Trail, If mllea, waa made In automobile, mem ber! of the Medford Auto club escort ing the visitors In nine motor cara. At the Rogue Jtiver hatchery, at Ela creek, wagona replaced the autoa. Secretary Oarfleld and other officiate were served with an elaborate luncheon on the banks of the Rogue. The luncheon waa put up by the ladlea of Medford and the aecretary stated that none of the many banquets tendered him waa as much appreciated as thla informal luncheon. Batertalaed at afediord. The Oarfleld party waa received at Medford by a delegation from the Commercial club, headed by Hon. W. I. Vawter and President Perry of the club. The party were the guests of General Fans, agent of the Southern Paclflo company, and accepted the uee of Mr. Judah'a private car, "Sacramento," to thla point. At the Invitation of the Medford Auto club the entire party made a tour of the valley before entering on the Crater lake atage of their trip, aeveral of the finest private cara in the city being filaced at their disposal. W. I. Vawter ed the party, with Secretary Oarfleld and Judge Colvig. I. W. Perkins fol lowed with Chief Newell, of the reclama- , tton service, and Messrs. Wlthlngton and Lawton. Mr. Hutchison wltn coun cilman dwell and A. 8. Blltpu, United Statea commissioner, and Messrs. Perry and others with the remaining members of the party. Surprised Oreat Wealth. Mayor Reddy escorted a party to the coal mines and about the orchard dis trict to the south. On the return of the party the Journey to Crater lake waa begun, under the escort of a delegation from the club In autos. The escort attended the party as far as .the river and the guests con tinued the trip. Mr. Judah ccom- S anted the party as the guest of Mr. arfleld. Mr. Oarfleld expressed the most pro found surprise at the wealth of thla section and con teased that It exceeded his moat sanguine expectation arA H- R. Judah. waa rrana enoixgn to FUTEEII FOOT VEIII OF COAL New Flnd'bf Excellent Qual- Ity Beported in Jack ; son County. SIGNS OF PETR0LEU3I ARE ALSO ABUNDANT Experienced Prospector Will . Make Explortion Capitalists Bond Six Hundred Acre of Land Rich in Fine Coking Coal. (Special Dispatch to The JoanuL) Oold Hill, Or.,, July 18. A. J. Olson of this place reports a new field of coal Just discovered covering some 700 acres, and at the present depths showing a 14-foot vein with the crosscut still run nlng and getting- a better grade of coal all the time. In Sama valley, whloh la tributary to Oold Hill on the north, indications of Dstrolaum are renorted. The around and springs show a thick oil. substance, which burns readily. The nroaDectS OI oil are so a-oori that an experienced rospector haa been attracted, and he now making preparations to examine the terrotory with a view or commeno In drilling- for oil. Loa Angelea capitalists have bonded a water power on Rogue river, Including 110 acres of land on which to erect a power - plant preparatory to running an electric line to the ooal fields 16 mllea north of here. Borings have been car ried to a denth of 80 feet, and the coal haa been tested for coke and found to produce an excellent grade. It Is re ported mat 71 per cent or me coai duik la left In the form of coke. Some too acres have been bonded and will shortly he tested with a diamond drill. R. E. Ioan, one of tire owners, reports that all of the experiments so far conducted tend to establish the utmost confidence In the value of the coal fields. ELOPEMENT STOPPED BY A THEFT CHARGE HONEST MEDICINE TBY BB. WXLUAKr riOTC TZtAU OB STOMACH nOVMXM. Man Named Tickers In Roaebnrg Jail Awaiting Trial Fanner Wil liams' Home Broken Up. State that he thought Medford the com-Ina- metropolis of southern Oregon. "The freiahl receipts." said he. "are ... . , - M . k. tl. Ikl. ins oest inau x iuv fruwtu ui iun community. OUTPUT OF RIFLES CUT DOWN BY FACTORY Bprlnrfleld, Maaa. July If Following a shut-down of aeveral months the small arms plant at haUnlted States armory bere resumed operationa today. In pur suance of orders from the war depart ment the number of operatives has been considerably reduced, and the out put of the plant will hereafter be 216 rides a day. Totter Schedule fdr Beach This Week. The sailing schedule of the steamer Potter this week front Portland. Ash treet dock. Is as follows: Wednesday and Thursday, 9am.; Saturday, 1 p. m Get tickets and make reservations at city ticket offlce, Third and Washing ton streets. C. W. Stinger, city ticket agent. (SpeeUI Df .pitch to The Jowail.) Roseburg, Or.. July 1. 8. Vlckers, who haa of late been employed at the livery barn of S. T. Smith at this place, la In Jail on a charge of having stolen a sum or money from nis employer. By his arrest. It Is said, an elopement plan was frustrated. According to all the allegations In the caae, Vlckers had won the affee tlona of the wife of a well-to-do Look ing Olass farmer, O. T. B. Williams Their plans for an elopement were polled at i. the eleventh nour when It was discovered that Vlckers had stolen some money from Smith, who gave away the secret of the eloping couple's affection to Williams. Smith and Dep uty Sheriff F. O. Stewart traced .Vlck ers to Cottage Grove, and there found him. with only $6. awaiting the arrival of Mrs. Williams, whose plan It was to meet him there Sunday or Monday and elope. The story of their affections began In Idaho, about six weeks ago, when they first met, Mrs. Williams having a a there to visit some relatives, en she returned here Vlckers came with her and has been making clandes tine visits regularly at the Williams home In Looking Olaaa. Vlckers is now in lau awaiting a hearing, while Mrs. Williams haa gonj to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Tip ton, In Garden Valley, Idaho. COAL LAND FRAUD CASES IN WYOMING (Journal Special 8errlee.) Cheyenne, Wyo., July 16. The eases of E. M. Hoi brook, E. E. Lonabaugh and Robert McPhllamey, Indicted on charge of conspiracy in the acquisition of coal lands, were called for trial today In the United States district court E. T. McCarthy, a wealthy mlneowner who was Indicted on the same charges aa the other three, has been granted separate trial and will be tried as soon aa the other oaaes are disposed os. CoBviaelaf Jlrldenoe Supported by a OaanatM That Mast Convince tbe Most Skeptical. . Pr. Williams Pink Pltla ara a doctor's prescription, used by an eminent prac titioner, and for nearly a generation known ai a reliable household remedy throughout tha united States. Need less to say, no advertised medlolne could retain popular faror for so iong a penoa without havlne- areat jnerit and it la the invaluable curative properties of the pills that have made them a standard remedy in every civilised country In tbe world. Added to. this la tha absolute guarantee that, the pills contain no harmful drug, opiate, narcotlo or stimu lant. A recent evidence of their efficacy la found In the statement of Mrs. N. B. Whitley, of Boxlev. Ark., who "I had suffered Tor a good many years from stomach trouble. For a long time i was subject to bad spells of falntnees and lack of breath accompanied by an Indescribable feeling that seemed to start in my stomach. Whenever I was a little run down or overtired, these . ii. -,M nm. nn They occurred trequently, but did not last very long. J waa connnea to my weeks one time and the doctor pro nounced my trouble chronlo Inflamma tion nt tha itnmirh and bowels. rJince that time I have been subject to the fainting spells and at other times to fluttering of the heart and a feeling aa though I was sroothertna. My ""rj health waa very bad and I. was weak and tr"Tb"adr.een Dr. Williams' Pink Pills mentioned In the newspapers and de cided to try them. When I the pills I was so run down In strength that I could naraiy ao mnj Now I eeuld walk ten miles If neces sary. Both my huaband and myself think Dr. Williams' Pink PlUs the best medicine made and we always recom mend the pills to our friends. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new blood and give strength and tone to every pari of the body. They hava oured serious disorders of the blood and nerves, such as rheumatism, sciatica, anaemia, nervousness, headaches, partial Saralysis. locomotor ataxia, St. Vitus ance and many forms of weaknesa In either sex. They are sold by all drug gists or will be sent, postpaid, on re ceipt of price, 60 cents per box. six boxes for $1.60. by Dr. Williams Medi cine Company, Schenectady, N. T. NEW BOOKS FOR THE LIBRARY u. s.. 3 P, Tl r jj -iTM Ml f i Ji vi ii nui nil i The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per annnl annArriglon since its Infancy. tCA Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fererishness. It cure Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA M-VAYS Bears the Signature of ThA kinn Ynn hava filwATC Rniiflht In Use For Over 30 Years. PHILOSOPHT. Baldwin Thought and Things: a study of the development and meaning of thought, v. 1 1904. Gates The Relations and Develop ment of the Mind and Brain, 104. Hutchlnaon Dreama and Their Mean- ,n,,im- SOCIOIOOT. Bailey Modern Social Conditional a statistical study of birth, marriage, di vorce, etc. with special reference to the United States, 190. . . Dicer Introduction to the Study or the Law of the ConMltution, Ed. , 102. Rolph Emigration and Colonlsallon, embodying the results or a mission iw Great Britain and Ireland during the years 1S-142, 1844. Interior Discipline and Oovernment. 1907. USEFUL. aRTR Bailey Cyclopedia of American Agri culture, v. 1. 1907. , Cheshire Bees and Bee Keeping. Scientific and Practical, v. 1.18J; Coagrove Principles and Practice oi Plumbing, 1908. Diihoi The Psvchio Treatment of Nervous Disorders, 1906. Hall Three Acres ana inmriy, Noorden Motabollsm and Practical Medicine. 2 v.. 1907. Powell MaKlng- rouitry V. 8. i.lfe-8avlng Service Annual Re- POlt ! . e WOOD uacno iBuuD.iui vm. Ed. 19, Rev. lvoi. FINE ARTS. Keith' Architectural Studies; small hnnui nnatlnar to build under prices auoted from $800 to 21,200 N. D. f nuipp Anuiuiui i .v." Muslo, X v., 1906. AMUSEMENTS. Fette Humorous Dialogues from Dickens, 1902. LITERATURE. Dawson Quest of the Simple Life, 1907. ' ... . .. Oettemy Outline atuaies n mo cviir.iwvr.n Drama, wltn lnaex to nh. .-.- in HhHkenare'g olays. 1906. Kellogg How to Celebrate Washing ton'a Birthday In the Schoolroom. 1894. Kellogg Llnooln the Patriot; a ready program for Lincoln's birthday, 1897. Kellogg New Tear and Midwinter Exercises, 1896. LaMollle & Parsons Favorite Higher Speaker, N. D. . , , , . Sherman What Is Shakespeare T An Introduction to the great playa, 1902. DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL. Broughton Entdeckungsrelse In das Stille meer und vorsugllch naoh der Nordostkuste von Aslen. 1795-1798-.1806. Cook Drltta entdeckungsrelse nach dem NordpoU 1776-1780. 2v.. 1787. Coxe Die neuen entdeckungen der Ruasen swlschen Aalen und America, 178S. Dofleln Von dem Antillen turn fer nen weaten; relsesk4sen elnes natur-forschere,- 1900. . . Owynn Fair Hills of Ireland. 1906. Jajivler An Embaasy to Provence, 1893. Kotaebue Entdeckungsrelse In die Sudsee und nach der Berlngs-Straase, 1816-1818, 8v.. 1825. vrnnlrnnclfr Reisen von Montreal durch Nord-westaamertka nach dam Elsmeer und der Sud-see In den j&hren, 1789 und 1792, 1802. . , , Pauljr seal encyciopaaie aer ciubi schen altertumswlssenschaft; von Oeorg Wlasowa, v. 1-2, 4-5, 1894. molvit I . Hnlhert Pilots of the Republic: the romance of the Pioneer Promoter In the Middle West. 1906. Klrknatrtck Lectures on the History of the Nineteenth Century, 1902. BIOORAPHT. Herel. O. W. F. Hegel; by Edward Calrd. 1ISS. NaDOleon I. jsmperor or mnce i m First Napoleon; a Sketch, Political and Military; by John Codman Ropes. Ed. 12, 1895. Philip II Augustus. King of France Philip Augustus; by William Holdan Hutton. 1894. Ruakin. John John Ruakln. Social Reformer; by J. A. Hobaon, 1898. 1 Swift. Jonathan Jonathan Swift: a Biographical and Critical Study: by John Churton Collins, New ed., 1902. FICTION. Castle A Castle The Heart of Lady Anne. Lubbock Jack Derringer; a laie or Deep Water. Ober Th War Chiefs; Story of Spanish Conquerors In 8anto Domingo. Stuart The Story of Babette, a Lit tle Creole Girl. GERMAN AND ITALIAN FICTION. Bulow Im Hexenrlng. ' Bulow Maxgarete u- i Ludwlg; Ro man. Deleddsi Genere: Komanio. Dtckena Daa Heimchen am Harde: Deutsch von Augusts Schelbe. uaisaiei' Hutten im Jttocniana; Ro man. - Kegeler Flam men; Roman. Beehtres in Mourning. A strlklna- Illustration of the super stitious beliefs of Cornish country folk may ba seen la on of the villages of the Duehy. A death recently occurred In tha f amllv of a beekeeper, who there upon fceAievin that If he failed to do ao tha whole of hla bees would also die r r Ladies9 Home Journal Patterns 10c and 1 5c LIS nnrn street toshinqton street sixth street. Mali Orders Promptly Filled Here Men's Ykar Km'i Vaaey Sox, Mmaaa, We have 4 lines and they come in all el see; a regular 2 So sea; apecUl. . , . 1 7 the p.:. ...C Kk'i Tirs, fanoy r plain white, tha " season' newest style All selling at off. lean's Vmaerweat, blue, pink, brown and eorn rib bed balbrtggaa underwear .d. JH Wednesday Will Be Linen Day and There Will Be Bargains Galore 1 v 1 ... It will b a day of linen values that will attract the attention of every bouaekeeper in Portland. We know we have a reputation for good linens, and well live up to it in thl Wednesday ale. Yea, well trenrthen it. Well tell GOOD LINENS at price that appeal irre sistibly to the woman who would aava. Hemstitched Huck Towels$i .25 Doz Here' a rare linen bargain for hoteli and rooming-houiet. These towel are of a good grade of duck, extra heavy weight, with hemmed ends. They are the grade we sell regularly at $1.50 the dozen. For Wednesday only, there is a. clean saving ot lie ( on these splendid towels, already o!d too Tow. Very special, per dozen Regular $1.75 Grade $1.50 the Dozen ie aozen. ror $1.25 J , Bath Towels, large size, hemmed and unbleached; regular price 20c; special, Wednesday, 1 f each ...liJC Fine Huck Towels, with white or red fancy jacquard border; good size; regular value 25c; ID. special, Wednesday IOC Bath Towels, hemmed, extra heavy and double thread; come in white or crearri color; regular 25c values, Weednesday, Qq Huck Towel, all white, with fancy damask patterns; used for bureau scarfs; regular 25c value; special for Wednesday, 1 A each lifC Cotton Towels We have 500 oft, birdseye cotton towels, fringed with colored Dorder; very special, Wednesday, C each C Bed Spread, made of a very fine quality satin finish; very beauti ful raised patterns; they are well made and sell regularly at $4.00; Wednesday .$3.50 Figured Organdie, very beautiful patterns, and all fast colors; only 200. pair in lot; the yard, for Wednesday's selling . . . JC Pattern Cloths Richardson's snow white damask, with border all around: sizes 2x2 yards; regular $3.75 value; special f3; 2x3 yards, $4.50 value; special $3.60 Linen Table Clotha; come in cream color, made of heavy Scotch homespun linen: quality warranted; 2x2 yards; $3.50 value; special, each, $2.75: 2x3 yards; $4.00 value; 40 OP special, each $dtD Table Damask, made of pure bleached linen; snow drop morn ing glory and poppy patterns; 62 inches wide; regular 90c Q. value; special, yard .UJC Crochet Bed Spread, fringed and suitable for brass beds; regular $1.75 value; special $1.48 Nail Polishers Only 12c Fox or olive wood Nail Polishers, with chamois pad; 19c value, each Talcum Powder, violet perfumed; regular value, can, 15c; special Commercial Envelopes, fine quality; 25 in pkg.; 7c value; special :12d 8c 5c Writing Paper, Parisian cloth 1ft finish; value 15c box; special .... lvC Wash Petticoats Women' Petticoat, made of plain cham bray, in bine or gray, in atriped aeeriucker, in black and white tripes, or in neat check gingham. Made with a wide double flounce and finished with ruffles and tucka. A aplendid value at S1.25: special for Wednes day 89c 1 2-Lb Bar of Castile Soap White, floating Castile Soap; regu- 1 C lar value, the bar, 25c; special HXwC Toilet Water, violet, rose and lilac A( odors; large bottle; 60c value HUC Cold Cream, "Pond's Extract," In glass jars; reg. 25c value; special... 17c Dandruff Cure, Coke's brand; large size, 10-oa. bottle; $1.00 value; CA pecial eJUC Hosiery and Underwear Sale Continued Wednesday Women's Vesta, with ribbon shoulder; a splen did silk finish garment, in a light weight elastic rib. They have lace trimmed yokes and arm holes, and have the ribbon straps over shoul ders, instead of net straps. They are high grade summer vests, sightly, good material; worth 35c each; grand cleanup 19c Women's White Lisle Union Suits, low necks, sleeveless style, knee length, trimmed at knee with lace. These are the famous Merode make, cpme in sizes 3, 4 and 5, and sell regularly at $1.50; special, Monday and Qfi Tuesday 17 OL Children's Under Waiata, white elastic ribbed cotton, for children from 2 to 12 years A of age; very special at 1UC Mother's Friend Waist for Boys A great big lot of superb waists, that sell regularly at 65c, $1.00 and $1.25 each; for boys 4 years of age; one size only; a grand Monday special at i-eJl. Misses' Hose, in tan color, of ribbed lisle; they are very light weight and very elastic; for little maids Qp 6 to 10 years of age; our regular 25c grade for lei. Women's Imported Lisle Hose, in all-over lace patterns; QQ come in white only; special two day price aJaH. Women's Seamless Lace Hose, made of extra twisted yarns, insur ing better than usual wear; very attractive all-over lace patterns, and come in black, white or tan; they are the best reeular erade: special for two days e7l Women's Lisle Hose in fast black and. medium weight, with nar rowed ankle and seamless foot; an unusually good wearing hose that sells regularly at 25c the pair; special, two days' price . . . ..... Infants' Lace Heae, c6oie in black, pink or blue; sizes 4 to 6; regular 25c values; special Boya' Embroidered White Blouse Waists, for little fellows r a 5 and ft vears: recular 95c trade: special price The regular 65c quality; special price 35 19c 16c 50c Men's Vacation Boots t Vacation Boots, made of finest buckskin, a 16-inch boot, hand made and fitted with a heavy single sole. As fine a boot as there is on the market of its style, and the material will stand the hard est kind of wear. This is a boot that sells regularly 6j OQ at $10.00; special for aPlaOe? Men's Calf Boots, 14 or 16-inch, tan, viscolized, with full double sole to heel; strictly welt sewed to heel; the material and work manship the best; regularly sold for $8.00; Men's Black or Tan Boots, 12-inch, stitched with silk, full double aoles to heel, viscolized; this boot is made of extra heavy dC Oft stock, sells regularly at $7.00; special Wednesday ..eDUeO. Men's English Grain Boots, come in black or tan, double soles, brass reinforced shank, 12-inch high and viscolized; d9 Oft regular $5.00 grade; special epJ.Oi7 U. 8. Army Puttee Leggins. We are the appointed agents tor these waterproof leggins. Very light, better than leather. Fit yourself up with a pair of the heavy shoes and leggins. Beach Hats $5.50 Values for 98c There Is a large variety hi styles in this assortment. Dashing models for outing wear. They are exceptionally which run up to $3.50. Special for today 98c 89c BX.OCXXD SUM SJXAraa The leading styles. Jaunty shapes that this season's fashions have made possible. All val ues at $2 and up.-half price, and all shapes; worth up to 12.75, for 2un - ansa dub's nini, over wtr frames. In all colors and styles. Extreme ly smart models of exceptionally good mate rial. The regular values run from $2.60 to $5.00. A roualng good Friday spa cial at the unheard-of low price jjf C of Silk Shirtwaist or Jumper - ... i -1 ii i Hi nn i i i wmmmmmmmmmm Suits Sell at Half Price Materials are plain or fancy silks, and styles are best possible, in plain tailored effects, or exquisitely trimme colors are blues, browns, etc., and the fancy effects are figured and swagger checks. Thev are the sort of suits you want to wear for smart afternoon gowns on your vacation trip. Of the best silks, and m splendid styles. Regu-'l larly $18.50 to $55.00, now ... .'.7. . . . V2 111 CC Women's Silk Jacket Suits, in Eton or Pony styles; come in plain colors and fancy novelty, silks.-Some are in quite plain effects, others are elaborately trimmed with braids, buttons, laces, medallions and appliques. Some come with the verv late kimono sleeves. They are regularly worth A, 1 r, from $25.00 to $T5.00; special, 'Wednesday.-... 1 3 " Regular values .... ..$25.00, $34.00 $13.00 Special ...$ie.e7 v:.c7 3 if. draped each or hla XI re uvea wltn a piece ax Macs crapav t .