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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1907)
VCTHE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 1807.; PymgraphK Specials1 Glove and i Handkerc'f Boxes Full sizes, new and attractive 17 designs, reg. 25c. Sale Price Our stock of pyrographic wood is unsurpassed in the city Fly Killers This is the season when you need something in this line. These are all good : Persian Insect Powder 10q and 15c California Insect Powder 10c Poison Fly Paper ...Sc package Tanglefoot Fly Paper. 35c box Powder Guns 10c i i 1 i 1 " "" .v..,,;',,,;, . : Sak of Beautiful Pictuiis Decorate those bare walls. Make your summer home a bower of beauty. See our window display on Fourth Street PASSEPARTOUTS Sizes up to 7x9. An endless variety of subjects mounted and matted, both plain and color effects, ready to hang; values to 25c. Sale Price 10c IMPORTED PICTURES Handsomely mounted and "matted will never wrinkle. Sub jects comprising Landscapes, Mottoes, Marines and Animals. A series of copyright dog subjects, sizes up to 14x20 inches. Pictures in this lot worth up to 35c. Sale Price 10c Garden Hose Don't Soak Your Fe Spoil your clothes and lose your tem per with old, leaky hose-ours is good ; and cheap. Every length is sold com plete,' with couplings and patent noz zle, ready to attach to your faucet. .These prices are for full 50-foot lengths: "Defender," -inch $4.00 "Defender," -inch $4.50 "Dover," -inch $4.50 "Dover," -inch .$5.00 "(Chester -inch $5.50 "Chester," -inch .".....$6.00 "Woodlark," -inch $7.00 "Oregon," -inch $8.00 "Sun Proof," 4-inch $10. "White Lrown" 44-inch .$12.01 Hose Reels $1.00 Easy Menders 5c Sprinklers .35c LAWN SPRINKLERS Regular $1.25, now 89c NOTE Well tend hoM, transportation paid, to any depot or Lanlng within 100 mllea of Portland. efi WD II MIT1NE Tour White Shoes need frequent cleaning. Try a box of "Whltine," and youTl nerer be without or use any other; price 2Sf WOOBMB, ClARKE & CO. STRAWIHE Krs ib Hat yo woe las Iubdm and auk it k like nw With "trawlae," a woade oleaner, eaaily applied also used, for cleaning- mw baskets, willow or easts furniture. JTrloe aso : SHIPPERS FOR MORE BOATS Plenty of Tonnage on Upper ; t Columbia II Facilities Are Provided. iWHEAT SHIPMENTS 3 COtTLB BE INCREASED Failnrs of Portland Companies to Proylde Additional Transportation , on River Responsible for bleary 1 Cargoes to Sound Points. ; : Shippers of wheat on the upper Co lumbia have already made requests of ' ,the river transportation companies to vrovlde more boats to handle the wheat ? (which will be brought down to the ' river this season for shipment to Port ,land. William Warner, of the Alder ' ' idale Trading company, one of the larg . set wheat shippers In the region along: ' the north bank above The Dalles, who spoke before the meeting: of the board f of directors of the Open River Trans . ) Dortatloa company yesterday, states i that not less than 600,000 bushels of ( wheat will be on the banks In that sec lion for the river steamers If facilities '. re provided for handling: the grain. .1 The Question of the Open River com cany providing two or three additional boats to handle the tonnage has been . "brought up strongly, and If cooperation I can be secured with some or the eastern Oregon and Washington people addi--I tional service can probably be had. Mr. Warner, who la familiar with eondl- tloas tin the tipper country, says em phatically that a large part of tho wheat shipments now being made to Tacoma and Sound points can be di verted to this city If the two seotions win cooperate in gaining ice cesired 4 ends.. ' . Farmers along the north bank are saved an uphill pull and considerable t joss or time tj Drmging tneir products to the river, but unless there are boats ; to handle the sacked grain at or near ; the time or delivery, tne proauosrs win , refuse to haul to the Columbia. ' From the Aldsrdals clocks some 60,00 bushels win be consigned this season to the J. N. Teal and the balance of ton nage will be received from various points along the river. Lack of boats to carry the grain is the only hindrance la the way of the shipments reaching Immense figures, and this tetal could again be Increased largely if boat powerful enough and of large enough tonnage were provided to go up tse Umatilla rapids and tap the wheat sec tion In the region above. TOJTNAGE AT CLIFFS People in our circle are in the ring when it comes to footwear. Ring out r,, the old ring in the new in fancy hose and nfeset shoe. The variety of gor geous colorings and bril liant :: designs we can show will razzle-dazzle theordinary optic nrve. Tan Shoes special at $3.00. Fancy Hose, the 50c and 75c kind, now 35c. ClotliinoCto Kew Division Point on North Bank Will Soon Furnish Ileavy Traffic. River steamers on the Columbia will soon be tying up to receive cargoes at a new town on the Washington bank where extensive docks will be under construction within a few weeks to fa cilitate the-handling of grata. Cliffs. "Washington, which is to be one of the chief division points of the north bank road, has been laid out and it Is ez peeted will shortly become a oenter of considerable Industrial activity. The new city i midway between Van couver and tCetinewick to the mile, the dlstaace being 115 miles to each place: The north bank road has reserved more land at this point than 'at any other place on Its line and the yards will be laid with more than 4,000 feet of tracks. In addition to an extensive trackage arrangements are being made for the erection of a roundhouse, shops and other buildings. Docks are to be built by private In dividuals for the purpose of handling a heavy tonnage of grain and other freight which will originate at the point Conetructlon will be In charge of J. J. Held, who has other enterprises on foot in the vicinity. It is probable that lumber will also be a nart of the traf fic provided at the place, negotiations now being unaer way with J. M. Char ters, a Washington lumberman, for the erection or a large mill and planer. It Is estimated that over 1,000,000 bushels of wheat is grown within I stone's throw of Cliffs, a factor of con slderable prominence to both the rail roads and liver transportation com' panles. With the completion of the a grain OutDUt of the entire district will be brought to the river. Jocks the the point providing an easy down-hili nam ror me wneatraisers in ths region. WILL RAISE SUNKEN SHIP Air Bags to Lift Adelana From the Bottom of Tacoma Harbor. (Spedsl Dtepstcb to Th JoorasL) Tacoma, July 16. The full-rlgged ship Andelana, which has been lying In the bottom of the bay for eight years may yet be raised to the surface. v! J. Collins has a scheme of a novel char acter by which he thinks the vessel can be lifted. His plan is to fill the Ande lana with air bags and with the addi tional help of scows lift her from her watery grave. A tube will be run Into the hold of the vessel and the air bags forced down thla. Then they will be Inflated until the buoyancy of the air brlnrs the An. delana to the top. The vessel is an obstruction In the harbor, and It Is not safe for vessels to anchor near her. Inasmuch as there Is danger of them losing their mud hooks In her masts. She was a fine ship and Is still supposed to be In a good state of preservation. The vessel came to Tacoma to load wheat and was lying at anchor in the bay with ballast logs holding her on an even keel. One night the wind came on to blow, and the next morning th Andelana was not to be -seen. One of the ballast logs had broken loose and the Andelana had turned turtle, carry ing down her captain and crew. Several attempts have been made to raise her without suocess. MARINE INTELLIGENCE ,.V.-'" ; , ir.rt jtv ICS Third St. V. magnlar Unsrs Sne to Arrive. Alliance, Coos Bay July IS nuanuKd, ottil it ou t yj aim vvaj....ouij xii Costa Rica, San Francisco July 17 Breakwater. Coos Bay July 19 Columbia, Ban FTancisco July zz O. W. Elder, Ban fedro ana way-iuiy zs Nloomedla. orient. July 27 Numantia. orient August 1 Arabia, orient Bept Begular Zdnsra to Depart. ' John Paulson ,....July 16 Alliance. Coos Bay July IS Roanoke, San Pedro and way July 18 Costa Rica. 8an Francisco July 20 Redondo. Seattle and way July 21 Breakwater, Coos Bay .....July 21 O. W. Elder. San Pedro and way. July 24 Columbia, San Francisco July 28 Alesla, orient. July 87 Nlcomedla, orient August 6 Numantia. orient. .August It Arabia, orient September XI Vessels In Port. Nome City Albina Alesia, Ger. sh. Montgomery No. 1 Br; h Elevator dock Jordanhlll, Br. by Astoria fn,1. Br. bk East Pins LUlebonne, Am. sch...(X R. A N Albina Wssmicta. Am. barge. .University Mill Chehalls. Am. bktn .Knappton J. H. Lunsman. Am. scb Stella Fu-L,2n""- S- 8- N Astoria Maori King, Br. as ..Stream Alvena, Am. sen ; . . .Westport 3. M. Griffith. Am. bktn Stella ; Dalgonar, Br. sh Columbia No. 1 Mathilda, Nor ss Portland Lbr Co, WallacoL Am. barc.Unlvra4tv 1 -XI- nA Bee. Am. soh.. . Wtllaroette I. A S. Wks. Lattltla, Am. sch Rainier Strathnalm. Br. ss Mersey Tosemlte, Am. ss Astoria X.amber Oarrters Mn Boute. Mabel Oale, Am. sch Ban Frm1co Retriever. Am. bktn San Trancleco South Bay, Am. str San Francisco Echo, Am. bktn Ban Franelsco Melrose, Am. sch. ban Pedro Sailor Boy. Am. sch Ban Francisco Alden Besse, Am. bk San Francisco Louisiana. Am. bk Ban Pedro Irene. Am. sch San Diego Washington, barge ...San Pedro Aurella, Am. str San Francisco James Rolph, Am. sch ...Ssn Francisco En Bouts With Cement and Oeneral. Buccleuch, Br. ah .flamburg Brenn. Fr. bk Hull Conway Castle, Br. bk Antwerp Europe, Fr. bk Antwerp Qenevieve Mollnos. Fr. bk London Rene Kervller. Fr. sh Hamburg Laennec, Fr. sh Swansea Le Plller, r. bk London Martha Roux, Fr. bk Hamburg Mozambique. Br. sh Newcastle. JS. Samoa, Br. bk Shields Siam, Ger. sh , . . . .London Thiers, Fr. sh Newcastle, K. Vlnccnnsa. Fr. bk Glasgow Mareohael Turrene, Fr. bk. .. .Hamburg Tllle de Mulhouse, Fr. bk Antwero Guethary, Fr. bk. Antwerp Pierrl Lotl. Fr. b. . . Walden Abbey. Br. sh Olenesslln. Br. eh.... Versailles. Fr. bk General de Bolsdeffre. Fr. bk... London Oeneral de Negrler, Jr. bk London Bavard. Fr. bk Ant were Vnie de Dijon. Fr. bk Antwerp Goal Ships Sa Bouts. Belen, Fr. bk Newcastle, A. Col. de VUlebois Marenll.Fr. bk Newcastla, A. Claverdon, Br. sh . . . Wlllscott. Am. bk... Port Patrick. Br. sh. St. Mlrren, Br. sh Crlllon. Fr. bk Ardencraig. Br bk Eurene Schneider. Fr. bk St. Louis. Fr. sh Newcastle, A. Tramp Steamers Bn Bouts. Henrlk Ibsen, Nor. str... Ban Francisco Queen Alexandra, Br. str Madras Thyra. Nor. s.s. San Francisco Strathness, Br. str Port Los Angeles Oil Carrier En Bonts. Argyll. Am. str Port Harford Catania, Am. str Gavlota . .Antwerp . .Antwerp ..Antwerp . .Lelth ..Newcastle, A. ..Newcastle. A, . .Newcastle. A. , ..Newcastle, A. ..Newcastle, A. .Newcastle. A. .Newcastle. A. ALONG THE WATERFRONT The Johan Poulsen arrived this morn lng at Astoria from San Francisco and loft ud at 7:u odocic. Balfour, Guthrie & co. are arranging to shiD 10.000 feet of lumber to Al- derdale on the Washington bank of the Columbia, where they will build a dock to facilitate the handling of grain this season. The firm will ship a heavy ton- nare from tnat point tnis ran. The steamer ureaKwater ciearea last night for Coos Bay with 260 tons of rreignt and a run passenger list. nrty tons of miscellaneous merchandise was also put on board when the boat rear tied Astoria. The steamer Roanoke from Los An- gelos and way points arrived in As toria this morning and left up at 8:30 o'clock. Over 200 eastern delegates to the Christian Endeavor convention at Se attle took passage on the steamer Tele phone at the Alder street dock this morning ror a trip to cascade locks and return. The party is a personally con ducted excursion in charge of a firm in Philadelphia, from which place the. larger part of them come. After view ing the scenery along the Columbia river the members will leave tomorrow for a trip through California before go ing east over the Southern Pacific. Work on the steamer Lawton. which Is to be put on the run between Frisco and PortlHnd by the San Francisco & Portland steamship company, is being hurried to completion. The vessel in in -Iry dock in the bay town where It Is being refitted throughout It Is ex pected to make Its Initial trip the last of August or early In September. The steamer Nome City arrived at 9 o'clock last night and Is discharging a cargo of asphalturo at the Star Sand company ciock m lower Albina. She will depart Friday night for San Pedro with a carco of railroad ties for the lonopan j ice water railway. Tho Alliance is discharging freight nrniuu b uiniiRiii up mm morning rrom Coos bay. The boat will leave for the latter point Thursday night Colonel W. M. Rice. Rneclnl charge of tha Internal revenue offices fir For Family Use, A. B. C, St. Louis Bohemian Guaranteed Under the FOOD AND DRUGS ACT, Serial No. f 761 EomEiiHBi- taw- v.i 11rTT. Sit nrai . I 1. 1:11 MM kuiim ii;; !" Bottled On at the BREWERY IN ST. LOUIS. ous;theW Mi THE AMERICAN BREWING CO., St. Louis, U. S. A. in Oregon. Washington. Montana. Idaho inn Aiasita. is in tne citr fmm Rutt a vlsHing the local offices in the custom house The British steamer Maori wir. which has been lying In harbor for sev Oral weeks waitlnar for enrrn im r. fiorted chartered to a local firm for umber. The destination Is said to be Shanghai MARINE NOTES ily 16. Arrived down na sauea at a zo at Antoria, Jul i:t-a. m. ana sauea at sun n m Steamer Breakwater, for Coos rv , ir. rlvedfat .'4:40 and left up at 8:30 a, m. Steamer Roanoke, from San Pedro and way porta Arrived at 4:80 and left nn at 7:0 a. m. Steamer Johan Poulsen. from San Francisco. Balled at 7:10 m.-MHeaner Redondo, for Seattle. 8anJ Francisco. July 16. Arrived at a, m. Stesjner Atlas, from Portland. -'Astoria, Jul ; 18. Arrived - down ' at f O0 o4 mUs4 4U CUs fiw in St w mar ROTBCBILD BROS. Distributors, 20-26 N. First St, Porflaaj S Columbia, for San Francisco. Arrived at 3:60 and left up at 4:80 p. m. Steamer Alliance, from Coos Bay. Ar rived down at 8;40 p. m. Schooner Al vpno San Francisco, July 15. Sailed at 4 p. m. Steamer Coaster, for Columbia river. Shanghai. July 16. Arrived previous ly German steamer Numantia and Nor wegian steamer Sark, from Portland. Redondo, July 16. Arrived Steamer F. B. Sander, from Astoria. Astoria, July It. Condition of ths bar at 8 a. m., smooth; wind northwest; weather, cloudy. Tides at Astoria today: High water 4:02 a. m., 7.8 feet; 6:03 p. nw 7.D feet Low water 10:2 a, m., 0.8 of a foot; 11:08 p. m., 8.6 feet Special." pioneer New York before To voir Tork la a Kurry. Leave Chicago any day J:45 p. m. on "The Pennsylvania epeciai. id-hniir train, reach business begins next morning. Library car with buffet, barber and bath, dining car, private sleeping apartments obser vation parlor. Details about It and other through trains free on reauest to KoUQCk. lit Stalk street. Portland, Ox. GR0CEKY STOBES WILL BE CLOSED TOMORROW On account of ths annual pic nic of ths Portland Retail Gro cers' association, all ths grocery stores In ths city will be closed throughout ths day tomorrow. Tonight ths grooerlea wtU re main open later than usual, to give their customers ao oppor tunity to lay , In a supply to tide them over their holiday. Journal! Beiders. The Journal's frlende. whan natron Islng Journal advertisers, will confer a favor by mentioning that they saw ths ad In The Journal. VrsfsrraA Stoek Oanmed Crooos. AllsaAJUwlBrStatSraa , Why Drugs Won't Cure You Want to know why druga havent eured yeuT Tou are doping your stomach day after day with nauseating medicines, but don't seem to get any better. I'll tell you why. Ths stuff that you take Is nothing, mors than poison, and poison never euros anybody. Instead of giving your body nour- lshment some thing to bulM up, you taks drugs which tear down. To ours any thing you must help nature. Na ture will ours you If she has ths power. This power la electrioity. Tou see, electrioity runs every part of your body. Most all ths ail ments of man can be traced to ths failure or break ing down of ths nerves, stomach, liver, kidneys, heart and dlges tlve apparatua Ths reason any organ falls to do Its work properly Is because It lacks motive power, electricity, Restore that fores whsrs It Is needed, and pain and sickness will disappear. I do this with my Electro-Vigor. Electro-Vigor saturates ths nerves with a soothing strsam of electricity, and thsy carry ths foroo to every part of your body, giving strength and nourishment where it Is needed. It removes ths cause of disease. Elsctro-Vigor Is an electric body battery which you wear while yon mj& v eleop. It makes Its own power and Is always charged, ready for use. Electro-Vigor Is not an slsetrto belt It Is easy and cheap to be eured by Electro-Vigor. There Is nothing to equal Electro Vigor as a cure. It cured me of di gestive trouble- and restored my strength after I ' had tried many other methods without benefit TH08. KELSAT. Smith. Or. This is Free Cut out this coupon and mall It to ma I'U snd you a beautiful 100 -page book which tolls all about my treat ment This book Is Illustrated with piotures of fully developed men and women, showing how Ell ectro-Vigor Is applied, and es plalns many things you want to know. I'll send the book, olosely sealed and pre paid, free, If you will mail me this coupon. S. A.HaJl.M.D. 14M rillaon Street, BAH TBAJTOIBCO. Please send me, prepaid, your fro 100-page Illustrated book. 7-X8-7 Name Address rat'fxtra Trousers Wrth stmt ml oostta isuo or more, during our mid-sum mair olssranos. This Is 'a big concession. In addi tion to ths rsgujar saving hers of a auarter to a third from other first-class tailors' prioss. It's ths best offer In all ths town tou should taks advantage of it quick! SUITS-$20 to $40 Trouscrs-$4 to $10 CMAjrr Fsraounr, Kanageiw SUES' BXJJO, SJSVXjrTH AJTS TABJC. Hand Embroidered Ling ene Dainty, durable and elegant, is within reach of every woman by our plan. We hare nearly 100 exquisite designs foe sett complete. Corset covers lumped on . extra quality French cambric, each, 50c, ( Free lessons in embroidery. If fisiihed complete, hand made and hand smbroid- tred, $3.10 to $10.00. Cwl inor Utttt idsaifor JU IVvmms. 1 kPaetteSU The lleedlseraft Shop, sn WaiUaitoa stnet. PorUand. Ore ton J V a 4 IB .1 i r