The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 16, 1907, Page 1, Image 1

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Journal Circulation
The Journal follow? you to
give you all the news from home'
i 9 Xn i "
Th Weathtr-i-Fair' tonight nd
tomorrow; nbrlhwrf 'wind;,1 ft'! :
; VO. VI."; NO. 113. ' 4 ;'f M
II - ,'hC ""ggv I) ,.
wd,: IN
says Senator fulton
1 o l I
r I
: I
w. 1 I
1 .
Republican Speaker at Sea
side Lauds Vice-President
as the Only Logical Suc
cessor to President Boose
veltf s Position.
Something Like $20,000 Ad
ditional Will Be Added to
School District as Result
of Becount, Disclosing
1,909 Karnes Mislaid.
Indiana Man Responds, but
Has Nothing to Say in
Regard to the President's
Administrative Work or
His Policies.
Mistake in Original Compila
tion Called Attention to by
The Journal 31 uch Wrork
Can Be Accomplished as
Result of Increase.
"If we are to have the splen
did nation we deserve, we must
have the right leaders. No one
Is better ntted as a leader than
our distinguished guest here
this evening," said Senator Ful
ton last evening In Introducing
Vice-President Fairbanks at tha
Seaside banquet It was the
most signal utterance of the oc-
iistJI-f ' ana. was .Interpreted by
those present as placing Senator
Fulton In the forefront of those
who will oppose the renomlna-
tlon of President Roosevelt at
the next national Republican
With a vice-president who Is a pres
idential candidate, a United States sen
ator who Is a candidate for reelection,
and several other gentlemen who are not
dodging the senatorial bolt. Seaside laat
venlng was in the "grand rally" class,
and Astoria was trotting In the same
Class during trie day.
"we nonor him as a Dart or the rreat
Roosevelt administration." H. M. Cake
declared at the Astoria, welcome to
Vice-President Charles warren Fair
banks, and it was the only tlms Roose
velt s name was mentioned bv anyone
connected with the exercises.
health and was' In cordial good spirits
ail uie wnue. am not utter a woraaoout
the Roosevelt admlnlstralton. Its work
or policies, nor make a reference to
river and harbor improvements. Irriga
tion, forestry, timber land prosecutions,
railroad policies, land grants, or any
question before the state of Oregon or
the country at large.
aimer Talk ty ralrbanis.
Senator Fulton. In his Introduction
of Mi. Fairbanks at the Seaside ban-
3uet, declared that In the lata Presi
ent McKinley's administration no man
stood closer to the president that did
Charles W. Fairbanks and no man was
so often oonsulted. In his speech fol
lowing: this introduction Mr. Valrhanks
eulogized the late McKinley and ranked
him aa a liberator with Washington and
The Fairbanks sneech wan hv mnnv
classed with "sounding brass and
tinkling cymbals." it was a type of
the good Old glory halleluiah nmtlnn I
wnicn, delivered on the Fourth of July
to sundry yeomen seated on planks In
a oove. would nave been a
Jack. Be spoke It In a strong, sonorous
tone with Inflections that reminded the
eiaeny listener or an old-fash ioned
Treacher delivering a genera sermon
hat was reminiscent to most of the
But In the Seaside instance, the speech
wtua cuupiea wiiu a line dinner served
by Dan Moore and his help, in a bril
liant room decorated with green Oregon
kinnlkinlc and red elderberries, and
washed down with three kinds of excel-
Three week of continuous hunting in
srrluded nooks, shadowed corners and
deep recesses of the city school clerk's
office has succeeded In dislodging 1,909
namra cf children of school age in this
district which were laid carefully away
beneath a big stack of books and papers
in a forgetful moment by School Clerk
II. L. Allen.
Insttad of having 29.1S children of
school age In the county, the figures
first filed hy Mr. Allen with County
Superintendent Robinson ror apportion
ment, the city contains 81.048 names In
the suhseuuent riling made this weeK.
This meaxis that there will be something
like 20, Ooo more money for the district
Journal Called Attention.
Attention was called to the shortage
In the Increase of the school cenau
taken last February over 1906-6 by The
Journal. June 2S. Hy figures turned out
of the school clerk's office It was
shown that the Increase in the enroll
ment In the city schools was over 140
per cent greater than the increase in
tne school population, inis percentage
greatly amazed tho city school authori
ties when It was considered that the
general proportion of the enrollment to
the population Is but 7(1 per cent.
Several of the school directors were
seriously considering a recount, but It
was believed It would be too late in the
year to complete another census In time
for the county superintendent's appor
tionment of school money.
The Increase In the first report made
bv Clerk Allen of 29,139 children of
school ne in the district was an In
crease of 2,171 over 1906-8. The in
crease in the enrollment In the aohools
In the same period was 3,868 pupils.
Since the 1905-6 census was taken five
new districts have been annexed by
Portland Independent school district No.
1. I'eon this showing the school au
thorities could see that something was
wrong and that tha Increase in the
school population should number some
4,000 or 6,000 pupils.
More Work Can Be Done,
With the additional $20,000 which will
come to the district on the usual 110
per capita apportionment, considerable
work can be carried on that must have
been postponed had the error not been
This morning the county school cen
sus was completed and shows a total
of 85,688 pupils. Of this number there
are 18,343 girls and 17,345 boys. This
is an Increase of 1,896 over 1806-6.
Portland school district Is the largest
one and district su wun nve cnnaren
the smallest.
The St. Johns school district baa
forged steadily ahead In the number
of children of school age and has now
graduated from a second to a first class
district. Districts of the first class
must have over 1,000 children of school
age. St. Johns has 1,004 such children.
This gives the district five school di
rectors and an opportunity to make
their own rules and regulations.
Chicago mm
Mrs. Potter Palmer Declares
English Press Must Stop
Annoying Her.
(Journal Special Berries.)
London, July 16. Mrs. Potter-Palmer
is so thoroughly annoyed at the con
stant matrimonial announcements con
cerning her that she has taken steps to
prevent English papers, at least, from
originating such reports and from re
printing similar stories coming from
Through her solicitors she has served
notice on English newspapers that
should they print any unauthorised re
ports concerning her she will commence
suit against them at ones. She Is fully
determined on this course. The report
that she was to marry the Earl of
Munster occasioned both herself and
the earl the keenest annoyance. The
two never met.
An Intimate friend of Mrs. Palmer
says that beyond a doubt she. will re
main unmarried for the remainder of
her life. She Is delighted with her free
dom and so glories In the name of Pot
ter-Palmer that she would not change
It for a title.
Department of Justice Will
Start Fight on Harri
man Next Fall.
(Journal Special Serrlra.)
Washington, July 16. In the opinion
of men close to the president and to the
Interstate commerce commission, prose
cution of E. H. Hsrrlman and his asso
ciates for violation of the Sherman
antl trust act In merging the Union and
Southern Pacific railroads will be
undertaken by the department of Jus
tloe 'Det fall. "Reason given for such
an assumption sre based on the belief
that actual violation of the law has
taken place and that the only reply that
cn be made to Harrlman. who alleges
he is being persecuted, is to file such a
suit and find out which Is right.
There is no doubt that Frank B. Kel
logg, the only government attorney who
has thus rar gone Into the merits Of
the case, is or the opinion thta there
is ground for legal action against Har
rlman on several counts.
While conservatives on tha interstate
commerce commission have had their
way In the preparation of the report
made Saturday, the radicals on the
commission are still outspoken prl-
(Continued on Page Three.)
Anti-Trust Ordinance, Broad!
in Scope, Will Be Present
ed to Council Tomorrow;
Afternoon by Councilman
Proposed Measure Has Beeflj
Prepared With Great Car ,'
by City Attorney Kavan
augh and Council Seems. "'
Fatorable to Its Passaged
Public Learns Plans for the
Fleet Before Men High
in Official Bank.
(Journal Special Service.)
St Joseph. Mo.. "July Is. In a figtlt
at the celebration of his daughter's
wedding last night, James Slayton was
killed by a blow on the Jaw which broke
his neck. Fred Kendall, a guest, who Is
supposed to have dealt the fatal blow,
has been arrested.
Kendall and Slayton are both hot-tempered
men, and a sneer on the part of
the guest against the bride preolpltated
?, fight The blows rained thick and
ast, a number of the guests becoming
Involved in the affray. Suddenly Slay
ton dropped to the floor lifeless, pre
sumably under a blow from Kendall.
An examination showed that his neck
had been broken.
Kendall made no attempt to escape
arrest, and surrendered to the officers
peaceably. He declares that he cannot
6a proven guilty of murder, or even
manslaughter, as he was defending him
self from an attack made by his victim, i
An ordlnanrA hmflil enouarh In Its rjKVai :
visions to regulate and curb any, toe!1
organization or association entered titto ,
for the restraint of trade or ' to llmltl
competition has been prepared by
Attorney J. P. Kavanaugh and will t0 '
presented to the city council tomorrows'
afternoon by Councilman Belding.
The ordinance has been drafted by th
olty attorney at the request of Council
man Belding and has grown from a getv
era! demand on the part of the people
of Portland for relief from the oondl
tlons now existing in the city. On every
hand different classes of business have
banded together for their mutual profit
and for the regulation of the price off
commodities of general consumption
government of the quantity and ouaW
ty or output ana general comroi oi me
Inaidjt the oltv. however, ana out oi
the Jurisdiction of the federal law, suol
combinations have flourished as arc '
now maintained In many business lines.
It is to bring these associations 10 dock
that the proposed ordinance has been
drafted by the city attorney.
Oouoll Appeals TavonMsw
From the expressions already mad
by different members of the eounoll
and the known attitude of others who '
have not made nubile utterance It i
probable that the council will pass the :
ordinance. The city attorney has made
xhaustlve investigation into the power
of the city to enact tne law ana,, nas)
come to the conclusion that tha charter '
grants the power.
Tne ordinance as ararcea win o in
troduced tomorrow and will then be
lven into the hands of a commute
for consideration. It will then, aocord -
ng to routine, oome up for final con
deration ana passage at tne next meet
lng two weeks from tomorrow. In view, "
of the popular demand for th enact
ment of some remedial legislation ot . '
this kind It la not thought likely that
the committee will delay its report or
the ordlnanoe. The text of the ordi
nance as prepared by the city attorney!' '
s roiiows:
Proposed Anti-Trust Ordlnano.
"Section 1. That it shall be unlawful
within th city of Portland for any parr
son, firm, partnership, corporation oat '
any association or associations of per- ,
sons to make, enter into or knowinglyr
assent to any agreement, understandings '
arrangement contract trust, pool or
combination, the object purpose or la4 -tent
of which shall be. . '
"1. To restrain trad or eoxnmero)) s.
within said city. , -
"2. To limit or reduce the produotta
or increase or reduce the price of mr-j
chandlse or any commodity produced oat'
sold or offered for sale within said city,
"8. To prevent or interfere with. the
free and unrestricted competition In that
manufacture, transportation, production 1
or sale of merchandise or produc or?
any commodity manufactured, transit
ported, bought or sold within th saidk
city. a , "..
(Continued on Fag Three,)
MEXICAN OUTLAWS AEE 4tVar Cnldad. Victoria, a fw
JUrJV", " " fL mil" frm th Txa border, 23 of th
(Journal Special Serrlce.
Matambras, Mx' July In .
pitefcad bato btia. tt ruraU and I of robbara. ;
latter- wer killed. Th bandits wr
making; fof Texas after murdering and
robbing a party of Hungarians ' and
Mexicans. Flv rural wer killed, v
This, exwrmlaate a dMptrat fan
(Journal Special Service.)
Washington, July 18. There is seri
ous ifrlctlon between high naval officers.
The question is raised, "Are the great
naval movements planned without con
sultation with the heads of bureaus
through which their execution must de
pend?" This question is prompted by
the discovery that no verbal or written
order referring to the movement of the
fleet to the Pacific has been received
by any official of the navy department
The officials and officers have only
known by the public announcement that
the greatest fleet of American battle
ships ever assembled Is to mobilize in
the fall for a Journey to the Pacific
Lcoast. They wonder If they are being
slighted or if the head of the navy
forgot to give them official notice.
lent stimulant, and in the aggregate It
was a rousing success that will ha inni
and pleasantly remembered by everyone
Pulton Declares His views.
Relating In his Introduction a story
of his entrance into the United States
senatorial body. Senator Pulton told of
his first acquaintance with Fairbanks,
mrc a BBimiur. ae was reeling lone
some when Fairbanks walked over to
his desk and asked how he was arettlni
along. In the ensuing conversation Fair
banks, recalling the time when he was
a young senator, offered to do anvthlnc-
he could to assist Fulton, and afterwards
maae good nis tender or friendly services.
when I hear people say the vice-
president is In the refrigerating busi
ness, I wish they knew him aa I know
mm, ana as every young senator knows
him," Fulton declared. "No warmer
heart beats under any coat in publio
life than that which sends the warm
blood through the veins of Charles W.
Fairbanks." Continuing the senator
said: .
"If w are to have the splendid nation
wo desire, we must have the right
leaders. No on is better fitted as a
leader than Is our distinguished guest
her this evening.',.
' Tlo President lauds Pulton.
Vice-president Fairbanks In turn
eulogised Senator Fulton. He said he
has watched th Oregon senator's prog
ress from th bottom f the ladder to a
position of on of the acknowledged de
baters In th greatest legislative body
in the world. f
H iAid th TJnited State government! he country very rich. The plans, how-
ia ma dvbi Kvvvniftieni ueviaea ..ov iDft Uvi. tinvA not naen virv aanniTAiv an-
genius of men sine the stars first sangj nounce. General Manager Helgho oi
together. Ha told of three of its wars j the roud, who is In th city, added to
for liberation, and said that If th the report that his company contem
plated a branch .line . to Lrdo, on th
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.) '
Boise, Ida., July 16. A report from
Weiser is that thera la every Indication
that the P. & I. N. railroad, now operat
ing between Welser and Evergreen, is
planning to build a branch line Into a
part If not clear through, Long valley.
A surveyor and his crew have recently
beon over -the prdposed route and the
mirvevor has reported it auite feasible.
Lasy of construction and that Section of
CaUnud Pt Tvoij,
fajrtt lt and va XarUiar.
(Journal Special Berries.)
Washington, July 16. Eight are dead
and another will probably be added to
the list of fatalities resulting from the
explosion aboard th battleship Georgia
yesterday. Commandant Snow of tha
Boston navy yard wired this morning
that Midshipman Cruse Is growing
worse and that Walsh is fatally In
lured. The list of dead and injured is
as follows:
Goodrich. Lieutenant Casper, Brook-
i . AiA a 1 1 4K tnn1 trh i art hulnff
landed. ....
Goldthwalte, Faulkner, miasnipman,
Thatcher, William J., chief turret cap
tain, Wilmington, Delaware.
Burke, William Joseph, seaman,
Qulncy, Massachusetts.
Hamilton, George G., ordinary seaman.
South Framingham, Massachusetts.
Miller, George E., ordinary seaman,
Brooklyn, New York.
Thomas, William M., seaman, New
port Rhode Island.
Pair, William, Brooklyn.
Cruse, James T., midshipman, Ne
braska: hands and face burned very se
riously; worse today.
Schlapp, Frank H., boatswain's mate,
second class. North Adams, Massachu
setts: back, chest, arms ' and face
burned; condition favorable.
Hansell. Charles, gunner's mate, first
class. New York; face and hands burned;
condition -f a vorablev
Taglund, Orley, chief yeoman. Rich
ford, Minnesota; arms, back and face
burned; critical, but hopeful.
Walsh, Edwin K.. seaman. Lynn, Mas
sachusetts; chest and fac burned fa
tally. Bush, John A., ordinary seaman. New
York; face, arms and chest burned;
oonditlon critical.
Eloh. oharles I. ordinary seaman,
Frankfort Indiana; face, arms and head
burned J condition favorable.
Fon. John A., ordinary seaman.
Bouthwick, Massachusetts' twothlrd
of body, feursed critical, , ,
Midshipman Cruse Is Growing Worse "and Another Sailor
Is Expected to Die From Injuries Received in tho
After Turret of the Georgia. 1 '
Gilbert Herald L ordinary seaman.
Southwick. Massachusetts; two thirds
of body burned; critical.
Maleck, John C.. ordinary seaman, Be
rea, Ohio; arms and face burned; crit
ical. Messe, Louis O., ordinary seaman, Be
rea, Ohio; arms, face and chest burried;
Rosenberger, Samuel L., ordlnaryj.sea
inan, Philadelphia: arms and face
burned; fairly hopeful.
Thomas, James P., ordinary seaman,
Rrooklvn. New York: face. arms, chest
and back surned; critical.
Four other men receivea minor in
juries. Their names were not given out.
ana tney were not uuten on mo nuip.
Caused By Spark.
It appears certain that the explosion
in the after superimposed turret : was
oaused by a floating spark, but whether
It was from one of tne ship' funnels
or floated bock through th port after
a m-evlous discharge of the bis? gun. Is
onlv conjecture. It will b this trueation
that tne Doara oi inquiry wiu Da asaea
to nass udou. - a.
Lieutenant Goodrich wa In eommanri
of the target practlo which was being
neia ai me um ui me explosion. An
8-lnch gun had been: fired one and "th
crew was ready to reload. , A Joader,
whose name ha not been given, had
two 10-pound bag of cowdar In hla
arms ana was aoout to Dasa It tin t
the gun when two of hi Bhlpmates ob
served that one of th bags was smould
ering. They shouted to th loader- who
cropped tne powaer ana fell faoe down
ward upon th - deck. At almost th
same instant th powder flared up,
Wa, Vo BeporV t , v ,
Ther was no report when th powder
burned but every inch of spae In th
turret ,wa filled .with, XlamM and f
eou fumes. Not a man In th gun, crw?
escaped injury and soma of thm .wr
charred beyond recognition almost ln3 '
stantly. Lieutenant Goodrich, and Sea-',
man John C. Maleck, wild with paln:
ran to th aid of th vessel. . and ,
plunged into the water of th harbor
They wer atUrward picked up by the
carpenter who was clos by in his eon '
structlon boat '
Whan th Explosion occurred . th '
hip' offlcar ran to th assistanoa ot
th wounded men and they were Under .
ly carried to th hospital. Evry meani
known to scienc was used ta allay
th liorrlbl pain' they war ufforfn
and when th ' surgeon had finished
their task th victims of th disaster -wr
masses of bandages, All tboic
their fat with hrolo stoicism and bor
the pain In silence, except for an oec
ional involuntary groan ftOir and than..
Ball Po Boston.
A soon th accident occurred Cri
tain MoCra got th Georgia- ui'i-ii
steam and Bailed for Boston where t
injured men wr transferred to t,-
hospital. ,
Admiral Goodrich started for P-n:h-f
as soon a h received the nsw ani . n
kept, posted of his son s' condition
bulUtins which met Ms train evarr
hour.- It was feared tr't Lima
Goodrich would wnrtMw
th arrival of h?s father l. r t
and did svot pas awsy until h i ,
after th admiral ru' i'"i '
At on time aftM- his t'-- r
Avinm man -rmln1 "ti i-'-
endeavored to sriettK
utter v th words
jaiad ...