The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 15, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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: Ymi th fill Trim inn 1 ftrmnrlit
Telegraphers If old Meeting Warmest of Welcomes to the
at New York to Settle the Vice-President, Who Re-
ti e
I ". ' Tltnalr Cnlam Iiv T,Apnl
... !. jsuajv X'iUJU uaiciu u .nwwa
f v Detective Admits His Con
1 i,' '
- S
Strike Question Small
Will Not: Go East Today
spond8 Graciously Pa
rade and Speech Banquet
at Seaside Tonight.
nection in Holdup of Wa
ter Department Inspector.
as Eeported.
IIU l Ulv
. ' With tbe arrest of Gcorg Frsser. a
' tO-year-old youth, by Detectives Tien
' , nor and Jones on a charge of highway
' t robbery the police are confident that
kl thav hivi at lat landed behind tho
' ' bara a tough young criminal and one
who baa bean implicated in Innumerable
v crime.
i. ): 1 Fraser was brought back from Salem
yesterday by Detective Tlchenor, where
i he had been confined In the county jail
on a charge of larceny. After being
' sweated'' for some time the prisoner
made a full confslon or mi paruoi-
; nation In the hold-up of ID. J. Maxwell,
an Inspector In th municipal water
department March It. In polio court
this morning Ftaser admitted that ha
had committed the robbery with an
other youth and waived preliminary
' hearing. He was promptly bound over
to the grand Jury in the sum of 1 1,400.
At 10:30 o'clock on the night of March
18, E. J. Maxwell, while on hla way
home, waa stopped by two masked men
at a point on the Southern PaclAo rail
way tracks near the foot of Uast Clay
, street. While one of the footpads held
a revolver at his head tbe other went
- through Maxwell's pockets and took i
f 12 In gold from a leather purs. After ,
bidding their victim not to look around
under the penalty of death the thugs
disappeared behind a box car. j
Maxwell reported ths matter to the
ponce and to Detectives Jones ana ncn
enor confided his suspicions as to the
Identity of the highwaymen. After the
. crime Fraser left the city and went to
Salem. From there he journeyed te
Roseburg snd later to California. Upon
' returning to Salem three months ago
he broke Into a room in a lodging house i
and stole a suit of clothes. He was
Fort Stevens Camp, Where the Oregon Militia ! Encamped.
(Special Dlipetcb to Tbe Jonratl.)
Fort Stevens, Or., July It. The Third
Oregon regiment of Infantry Is still
maintaining Its reputation for excel
lance and efficiency. Regular army offl
cars are loud in their praise of the relg
ment, but its well-kept streets, correct
deportment and promptness In response
te th calls of duty say more than
words for this body of men.
without a hitch, th troop were
entrained, concentrated at Portland and
Uienoe dispatched to their various posts,
together with their baggage and sup-
ues. Arriveo in camp ana tents naving
een distributed, it Is uniilnr how
quickly a small orderly city of tents will
aria. Within an hour after arrival ex
cellent quarters are ready for the ac
comnfodatlon of the men.
Oaring for ta Damp.
In time of war Uncle Sam always as
sumes th proposition that disease Is
even more deadly than are the bullets
of the enemy.
To say that the United States . gov
ernment s sanitary regulations require
cleanliness la to sav comparatively noth
Ins: they are extremely exacting and are
nniianed witn noining snort or aosoiut
cleanliness. Company sinks are dleln
facted each day. Garbage cans are pro
vided ror tne re ruse or tn Kitchen.
Every mooring these are emptied br th
Dost xarbase cart. Men's uuarters are
cleaned out each morning, the blankets
shaken and the streets cleaned. Every
precaution Is taken aarajnat all kinds of
epidemics. Th camp Is a model of
cleanliness. '
Amerloan Boob Soldiers.
It tskes a very short time to chane-a
an average American into an excellent
soldier. He learns to obey Instantly, and
is the equal of any regular In getting
iniu iiiiv. nvraiurora no ormttinni
have taken olac at nlrht. but the new
oraer or mings seems to work no Hard
snip on toe cuisen-soiaier. They answer
any summons, day or night with equal
i) . " , f-' rz ''' p A V '
arrested n a charge of burglary, which
a to petty larceny and a
fine of 126 was Imposed.
was lster reduced
The local detectives became cognisant
of Fraser' s Incarceration in the Salem
tail and requested that the prisoner be
. held until an officer could be sent after
him. Detective Tlchenor went to th
capital city Ssturdsv and returned with
' Fraser yesterday. The .youth seems to
vlorv In hla wronsdoln and made a full
statement of the robbwry. He Informed 1
the detectives that the son used in th
hold-up had been thrown In a slough
on the east side, but as yet the police
have been unable to recover the weapon.
A search Is being made for Frsser's
partner in crime and it Is only a matter
' of hours when he will also be brought
, to justice.
w -
Threatening Weather Did ,Ifot Deter
' Teople From Going to City
Park Yesterday.
Xvan with th threatening sky of yes-
. terday Afternoon thousands journeyed to
City park to hear the concert by Da
i Caprlo's band and te njoy th beauties
of th park. The band mad a decidedly
pleasing impression. There will be an
other regular concert tomorrow evening.
' JD Caprio's band waa selected from a
list of several competitors to provide
music ' at the park during th summer.
. . He has selected tbe best available ma
terial In th city and has a band of real
merit. The concert yesterday was
heard by thousands of persons and en
cores were frequent. The band Is com
posed of Ufe following musicians:
A. D'Aultolo, clarinet; Paul Bathe,
piccolo; Q. Oechsle, flute; R. Russell,
oboe; E. I Rice, solo clarinet; J. A.
Appleby, solo clarinet; A. Bellini, first
clarinet; N. Hodgson, first clarinet;
Henry Parrot t, second clarinet; George
Parrlsh, third clarinet; B. A Heit
kempar, bass clarinet; O. Salustl. bass
clarinet: C. 8. Kelty, tenor saxaphone;
J. L. Wsllln, baritone saxaphone. A. J.
Parrott, solo cornet; John Coomer, solo
cornet; Virgil Coomer, first cornet; A. J.
Doyle, second cornet; A. L. Wenner
strom, baritone; D. Qilmore, solo trom
bone; W. N. L Van way, second trom
bone; F. D'Urbano. third trombone; C.
Walratlv first French horn; L. Ruggl,
second French horn; H. C. Banser, third
French horn; John Everest, fourth
French born; A. tn re la, first bass; E. C.
Shipley, secona bass: W. T. Pangle,
snare drum; Bruce Keith, tympanl; A. E.
Everest, bass drum; Blgnor A. De
.Caprlo. director.
y'-issswwwHy'f 1 HJ"a"-"1"'' T"'l".J'"i'-'-J'-""
.f ' o J
, ,
(Journal Special Service.)
New Tork, July IS. It is expected
(Journal Special Service.)
Astoria, Or., July 18. An Itnmens
Light Refreshments at Camp.
that the question of a local strike will I crowd, estimated at over 6,000, greeted
be definitely settled this afternoon I Vic President Fairbanks, Governor
when a special meeting of the exec-1 Oeorge E. Chamberlain, Senator C. W.
utlv commute of telegraohers will be I Fulton and tbe Portland delegation on
held at 4 o'clock. Small has given ths th arrival of the train from Portland!
committee full power to act. Th e- this morning. A procession was formed,
cret board ofatrategy which w)l take headed by a platoon of police, followed
charge of the strige. If one Is called. I by th band of the cruiser Charleston.
has ben in session all day.
Local offloers are raising expense
money rroro outside sources
Local President Anearn said thl
afternoon that the telegraphers and th
western union nave reached the part
ing or tne ways apparently.
(Jon rati SneeUI Servlrs.)
Oakland. Oil.. July 15. The situation
in th telegraphers' strike today is
chiefly on of expectancy. Prenldent
Small is not arolnr east today, as was re
ported. He will not call other strikes
taken any pa
1 11V
Mr. Fairbanks entered the autflsjct11
of Senator Fulton, accompanied by
governor and Senator Fulton. Six othef
automobiles, with other dignitaries,
mad a short parade through tbe city's
streets, which were lavishly decorated.
Th vice-president's appearance waa
the sitfnal for a great ovation. He re
turned greetings by standing in the au
tomobile with his hat off, bowing to
A grand marine ana mimsry paraa
will take place at 4 o'clock, after which
ier Nelll apsrentlv has not th vice-president will address th po
rt In the affair today. P at Van luaen s grounds snd hold a
., .Tn ii,mi,rM. NrtDt on. At 7 o clock a special train
morning for the purpose of acting upon will leave for Betmlde, where tha grand
a resolution asking Small to call out I banquet will be given tonight
every operator except those not engaged
in commercial worn.
Part of Company H.
JSentence of Toots Bryant, L.
L. Smith and C. J. Eggles
ton Is Postponed.
Heroic Act of Amos Meninger Pre
vents Many Serious Accidents
and Possible Loss of Life.
A. F. ("Toots") Bryant. Lewis L.
Smith and Clauds J. Egglesto'n pleaded
guilty this morning before Judge Charles
E. Wolverton in the United States dis
trlct court to having received stolen
stamps from the Sell wood and St. Johns
postofflces, whloh were robbed last
winter. Upon reauest of Assistan
United States Attorney James Cole sen
tence was postponed in their esses until
August i.
Bryant worked as a bartender at Tom
Fallon a saloon in the north end and
acted as the agent for the stamps Stolen
from the St. Johns office by Wayne,
Carter and Anderson. Smith was th
bartender employed in the Manhattan
saloon on Front street and secured pos-
RFBiun or me si&mps stolen rrom tn
Sellwood offloe by the gang. Egrleston
la a young cigar dealer on Front street
wno purcnaaea a quantity of stamps.
The action today accounts for all con
nected with the robberies. Wayne is
erving nine years ai McNeil's Island
for his part. Anderson and Curler have
pleaded not guilty and are In the county
jail awaiting trial. Qilbrlde, another
man wno secured some of the stolen
properly, nns pleaded guilty and sen
tence will be pronounced in his cee at
the same time that Brrant.mith and
alacrity, and nothing drags her because
of the tardiness of th men in falling In.
On the march it is always necessary
to send outs couts or "feelers." These
men ere the eye of the army. The
men composing these advance parties
must be active snd Intelligent, and they
must, above all, be good shots. For all
these duties the westerner Is admirably
equipped, and th fulness of the In
formation and the efficiency with which
It was procured haa brought forth
much favorable comment from regular
army officers.
Learning ta Beg-olar's way.
i One of the most important phases of
military training is gusrd duty. Thq
men of the Oregon Xatlonal guard are
being mingled with the men of the regu
lar army, and responsible positions given
them. This tends to imbue the men
with the seriousness of such respon
sibility and they gain confidence In
themselves. Active participation for
ten days is productive of more good
than many times that much theoretical
It Is marvelous how quick th average
militiaman Is to learn from his older
brother, the regular. Here at Fort Ste
vens they were placed-at the batteries
with the regulars, ana after three days
were able to manipulate tne nig guns
with almost the accuracy and speed of
the rearulars themselves.
Details for Instruction in submarine
work are rapidly acquiring proficiency,
as also are the details for the communi
cation of Information.
Benefit of JTew Militia Law.
On January 21 Senator Dick of Ohio
succeeded In having passed throush con
gress a bill providing fur the reorgani
zation of all the militia of the I'nlted
Rtatea, and making It a great national
reserve. It was to be supplied with the
snme equipment as the United 8tatcs
armv and part of the expense of en
campment was to be borne br the gov
ernent. The cood effects Of the bill
have already been felt In Oregon, with
the result that the Oregon national
guard stand well to the head of the
states of the union in Dolnt of afflclanev
and readiness for war.
infirm l
Queen of Oregon, at Hundred
and Twenty, Enjoys a
Itoiv Treat.
Tracts in Coos Bay Wagog Road Grant, Xow Owned by
the Southern Pacific, Held at Figures Far -Above
Those Fixed by Government.
' Amos Meninger, an employe of the
Home Telephone company, demonstrated
. lit nerve this morning by stopping a
runaway horse on Washington street
near Fifth. A spirited animal hitched
to a delivery wagon of the Washington
creamery took, fright at Eleventh and
Washington streets and dashed down
tbe latter thoroughfare. Meninger, who
was standing at Sixth street, ran into
the street and at the risk of his life
grabbed the lines, which were trailing
alongside the frightened animal.
jiier oeing dragged lor a Clock the
young man brought the horse to a stop
and thereby prevented a serioua collision
wivu several venicies up Uie street, in
auuiuoa io unaouDiediy averting a num
ier or accidents and possibly loss of
(Journal Special Servlea.)
Washington, July 16. Mrs.
Annie Bradley of Utah, slayer of
Arthur L Brown, was today ad
mitted to $1S,000 ball. Friends
are trying to raise It. She Is In
the hospital.
d C. Barker, president of the Penln
aulaiumber company was taken into
f custody this morning by Mounted Pa
trolman Parker at Third and Oak
streets on a charge of falling to have a
license ' tag on his auto. The well
; known-lumberman was driving his tour
ing ear across the intersection of the
two streets named .when the policeman
noted that the regulation numbers went
missing. The arrest followed and
Harktr was released on his own recogni--,
lion to appear 1a court tomorrow morn
ing, -f - - -
' .Anton Maddesoa pleaded 'rarity in
rircult court this morning to the charge
Of annoying people in Hawthorn Fork.
Judr 'Sears sentenced him three
months in th county Jail,-? .'''
. K. C, jRader, arrested I on " th same
oharftv plMied not guilty. Ilia trial
will be had In. circuit court. som tint
la September .-,., .v,;.
Cherry Season Closing.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Brownsville, .Or., July 15. Th
ennnery in this city has had a fine
run, having put up hundreds of gallons
of cherries, out the supply is now al
most exhausted. Fruit has come In
fruin all over the country, and several
wagons were lngaged in hauling straw
berries and cherries from I-ebanon.
Early apples, pears, plums, peas and
stringbeans and corn are now,, beginning
to come Ln, and the can'dery will be run
full blast until autumn.
Suits Involving 8J.000 acres agalnat
the Southern Oregon company, of which
Elijah Smith, his brother, Prosper W.
Smith, and William W. Crapo are the
principal stockholders, will probably be
the neit move on the part of the United
States to enforce the conditions Imposed
in land grants in Oregon. The Southern
Oregon company is tbe present owner of
the land granted to th old Coos Bay
Wagon Road company, which waa grant
ed a strip of land between Roseburg and
Coos bay, a distance of about (S miles.
T fi ITtnnt - lawrvA A flan r.n.
Cisco, is in Portland ln the interests
of a large number of applicants for
the land, and has prepared a bill of
complaint and information showing
mat nis crmts trace legal application
for tbe lan.l and aKing that the courts
compel me company to sen. Mr. Mlnot
has submitted all the papers which
contain the evidence he has gathered
againsi in comoanv to uuraette n.
Townsend, assistant United States at
torney, who was sent out from North
Dakota several weeks aso as the ren-
resentative of A ttornev-fJenernl Rnm.
part in all Oregon land grant mat
ters, in discussing th situation to
day, Mr. Mlnot said;
To Oompl Sal of Xands.
This- sction is brourht tn nnmnet
the company to sell its lands at $2.50
an acre, which it ha refused to do.
The land is valuable for srraslnar mi im
poses and diversified farming. It tlm-
oer resources are wonderful. Some of
the land will run 16.000.00A feat to
the quarter section. .
"We hava mariA ain1ljHtn fn Um
land and the names of 110 amllcants
appear ln this complaint which I have
i n rrrn i em to Mr. Townsend. When we
lslted the offices of th company at
Empire City, with more than $100,000
to pay for the land, our applications
were turned down by R. E. Shine, sec
retary of the company, who ordered us
out of his office. We showed our papers,
offered $1,000 in payment for each sec
tion. $400 for the land and the rest for
taxes which the company has paid slnoe
it secured the grant. This made a legal
tender and will be good evidence ln the
Grant Was for Wagon Boavd.
"When the grant was made to the
company it was for the purpose of se
curing a wagon road. Some of the land
was sold at first under the obligations
of the grant at $2.50 an acre. Later the
road was accepted, although ln many
places no workhad been done and to
this, day there Is nothing hut a tr.n m
show that such an enterprise waa ever
1 have been gathering the evidence
wnicn i nave sunmitted to Mr Tnwn
send ror the past two months and be
lieve that it Is sufficient to com Del the
company to sell its lands. Supreme
court decisions have been made in the
rmsi wnicn upnoid us in our contention.
The company has violated Its rji-lvilea-
according to the provisions of the grant,
and now holds the land at $S0 an acre,
making a total valuation of about $3.-000,000.
Out of Original JUnds.
"The grant was made tn th
Bay Wagon Road company in 18T0
Later it passed to th Oregon Southern
Improvement company and finally to
the Southern Orea-on
SJ.Vh 8m'th, Prosper W Smith and
William W. Capro are the principal
What action tha federal mv,n,nt
will take in the matter could not he
earned today. Mr. Townrnxui fn.4 tr.
uiauuaa m case dui admitted he had
received the evidence Mr. Mlnot had
Southern Pacific Files De
murrer to Commission's
(Special Dlanatch to Th Voaroal.)
Salem. Or.. July 16. The Southern "n ,n 120 yar8 Qrandma Mary Ram
Paciflo today filed a demurrer to th ' Wood- ueen of O"gon. yesUrdsy
"statement" of the state railway com- took rlle ,n " automobile. It was
mission relatlv toth hearing set for hr flr,t an1 in ail Probability her last
tomorrow on the inadequacy of depot f ansporutlon uP-'-aM mnoa
accommodations, whloh th state rail- Grandma wa8 120 years old last May
way commission Is investigating on Its and has not been sway from her homo
(Special Plapatrh to Th Journal.
Hlllsboro. Or , July 15. For tho first
Secretary Garfield's Visit
Promises Better Adminis
tration of Our Lands.
Bollding Permits.
H. A. tJrubb. one-story dwelling, East
Sixteenth between Prescott and Skid
more. $D00: J. F. Lite, one and a half
storv dwelling. East Fourteenth between
Prescott and Skidmore, . $900; James
Kane, one and a half story dwelling,
Morris between Albina and Mississippi,
IJ.S00; Gibson, two-story dwelling, Ross
between Dupont and Dixon. $2,00: C.
H. Losey, two-story dwelling. East
Thirty-fourth between Clinton and ti
vision, $2,000: Mrs. Gillette, repairs, one
una a nan siorv dwelling, 4 rrom
street, $700; Daniel Wood, two-story
dwelling, Schuyler between East
i wenty-ninth and East Thirtieth, $3,100;
1. R. Clark, one-story dwelling. Monro
?vejue between Winters and county
wnnam Donaldson, repairs
dwelling. Fremont between Williams
venue and Cleveland. $100: A. W. Ora
.if1' iw,8tory dwelling. East Twenty.
.i7n Jlst Market and Haw
iho8- stf?0: S. M. McConnell, on.
JLry dwelling. East Fourteenth he
xs-XrZ 5f. " .na okiomor. $200: T. B.
ZvinSf Oft. nf King and Park
Stor Ar!LosePn Healey, repair
vSZt'-Ai fll ,i)Zn & Washington and
sir ntn'i06. w- BimmonS. two
ra1ty 12 MDDrR 1 ElghtH and Wy
fiiinV' m .Rwrthy, two-story
! T1 1 between East
$J 00 Ea" Twenty-aecend,
(Special Dlapateta te Tha JooniaJ.)
Salem. Or., July 15. With th haying
season practically at an end and th
baling process going on unabated, local
dealers are as yet not ready to give quo
tations on the new product. The har
ns or me rodder has been delayed
n account of the lata ralna hut h
output will at least be 28 per cent better
expeciea six weeks ago. Old
hay is eelllng at $8.60 per ton and it is
poB-slble that the new hay will be of
fered at about the same price and may
reach $; loose hay is reported to hav
been contracted for from $ to $6.60 per
tnn h:tt It i a tu l. .. . v. . . '
. ... X. V" '"u"i mai large
quantities have been contracted at that
price. As far as can b ascertained the
au') t me gram win De as good as
usual though the straw will be much
shortet. As a whole the price of hsv
mill Ko l.l.h.. II,.. ..""
erably more clever has been raised than
iui jrriar.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Brownsville. Or- Jttly 16.--Farmers
in this county are lubtlant over th
starting of the oondenaed mils; factory
in Albany. Thl will mean a great op
position to the creameries. The company-
has agreed to pay so much more
ror milk that the creameries will ha
forced to advance prices on butter fst
or go ot or Dusiness. The condensed
milk factory ha engaged about 10,000
cowl The company will be the causa
of a great advance 10 the price of but
ter, a butter must be had for horn
trad ...v. 1
(Special Ptopateh to The Journal.)
Pendleton, Or.. July 15. Charles W.
Irwin n,itn, a . V. . r r. l . .
tionery and a highly respected business
man. died last night of appendicitis
fr ii r uiness. xie located in
Pendleton several years ago. coming
from California. H wu a n.n.
nw j v-aroiina, oorn in 1S83. He leaves
u who, i wo cnuaran and several hi-nth-
ers and sisters, among them James L.
Irwin of. Albany, Oregon J'Th funeral
win iaaJ'"ce tomorrow.
(Journal Soeelal S.1ee.l
Ban Kranclsoo. July 1 k Bv.,ir,w
Button, secretary and tranan... r.t k.
Pacific Telephone company, in the Olass
inm icauuwi mai in January, 1906 he
SlffiS?. .n5mbr of checks for from
$5,000 to $10,000. totaling between $40.-
vvu Buiu iDu.uuir. ror wnion r iu.i-.j
no voucher. He did not know to whom
they were given. The checks were is
sued tn the order of Vice-President
(Journal Special Serrlee.)
Chicaa-o. Julv 11 Hmn diiui, w
is accused of killins six members of
th Vrzal family, la exneetail tn talra. tha
stand tomorrow in his own -defense,
Ths state will close this afternoon. K.
pert witnesses testified today that th
vrsal s died of arsenical poisoning.
That a better administration of public
land in Oregon will be th result of
Secretary Garfield's visit to Portland
Is the opinion of those whof oil owed th
lsunch rides, walks and talks of the sec
retary. United States Attorney William
u Bristol and Judge R. A. Balllnger.
commissioner of the general land office
Saturday. ,
Larger appropriations, more assistsnt
in Mr. Bristol's office and the coopera
tion of the departments of the interior
nd Justice will be recommended by Sec
retary Garfield upon his arrival ln
Washington, the result of which is ex-
f acted to bring about a speedy relief In
he congested condition of land affairs
In this state.
Heretofore, the two deDartments have
been at loggerheads with each other in
Die work to be done. Duplloatlon of the
reoords. Insufficient BDDroDrlatlons and
other dolays have resulted in a conges
tion which will require months of extra
time 10 unravel, retty quibbling be
tween the departments, red tape and
beaurocratlc policies are also said to
have been a chief cause of the delays.
Hundreds of cases, both criminal and
civil are on file In Mr. Bristol's offloa
waiting the action of the department at
Washington. Cases to be tried and
cases to bep resented to the federal
grand Jury are still awaiting the action
of Washington officials. Mr. Bristol
has made applications from time to time
for assistance only to be asked for fur
ther information.
Judge Balllnger will remain In Ore
gon the rest of the week going over the
affairs ln this state that have connec
tion with his office, which is considered
the best evidence that the condition ln
Oregon is not as it should be. He was
closeted with Mr. Bristol -for several
hours today.
Jndge lialllnger will leave tonight in
company with Thomas B. Neuhausen.
acting chief of the Oregon field division,
fnr Th. T a 1 1 o a w hon th. -lr v.
" ' ... . . ... t. .... v. w. j nui . vi mo
land orrice will be investigated. Re
turning from Tho Dalles Judge Balling
er and Mr. Neuhausen will -visit the
KoseDurg land ornoe. -
In FDeaklns- of his visit to Pnrtl&nd
Judg Balllnger said that he was greatly
grKiuiea wnn me personnel or the men
employed in land matters in Oregon,
but discreetly said nothing ln regard
, L. I -1. . I .11.. . . . '
u wuii'ii iho unaiory ineinoas employed
oy ine oepanmeni or justice ln pros
ecutliig the cases on which his depart'
ment had spent months of labor and
thousands Of dollars in sratherlns avl.
As to the trial of rases this ammmar
the matter is still up ln the alr No
wuiu riais Dean received rrom irraaAia
J. Hener. who is to prosecute the 'cssna
against winger Hermann, R. A. Booth
and John H. Hall, since he sent Inform
ation from San Francisco that he ex-
fected to be ln Portland about July 1.
t is doubtful whether any aetlnn -will
be taken on other land fraud cases- un
til Mr. Iienev tries those already named
No Jury has been called.
own motion.
This action of the commission Is be
gun against all railways oneratlng in
Oregon and is to be heard tomorrow.
W. W. Cotton, W. D. Kenton and A. C.
Spencer for the Southern Paciflo allege
that th "statement does not stat facta
sufficient to cause or
ground for ordering any hearing or
making: any order as ' against-this cor
poratlod with respect to the matters
herein mentioned," and further that
several causes of action not In any
way related to th question at issue
ana witn wnicn tn defendant has no
interest have been improperly united
in one statement.
J. S. Land la of Oakland, Oregon, has
written to tne state railway commission
for its assistance ln rectifying the
charges on a bill or emigrant goods
shipped fromManchester Iowa, to Oak
land. Oreo-nn. Mr. Ihndla aaaarta that
th rate given him was $260 for 20,000
pounds and that when the car arrived
at It destination the charges were
$307.46, although th goods weighed but
lB.sou. The matter has been referred
to General Manager O'Brien of th
Southern Paciflo for investigation.
Onloav Ken 111 Complaint,
The commission has received a com
Slatnt from the Confederated Onion
rowers' association, whose business 1
the growing, shipping and marketing
of onions, praying that a time and place
do nxea ror tne investigation or rates
maintained by the Southern Pacific on
onion shipments and asking that new
and reasonable rates and charge be
substituted for those now in force. It
is alleged that the rates established
since January 1, 1907, are unreasonable,
unjust and disorlmnitory and operate
to work irreparable Injury to the mem
bers of the association. Th associa
tion has reference to the charges vn
shipment from Hlllsboro, Beaverton
and Sherwood, in Washington county.
for over six months. Yesterday being a
nice day and grandma's health being
good, Klmer Smith of Portland, who
waa visiting relatives here, called on
grandma and took her for a spin ln his
utomohiie. H'lc enjoved It a great deal
and aald. "It rides o easy."
Notwithstanding the great variation
tn th length of daylight in the arctic
regions, the war department has de
cided that the eight-hour law must be
applied as eisewnere even m connec
Physician Denies That Phys
ical Ailments Threaten
Pontiff's Life.
(Journal Special Serrlce.l
Rome, July 15. Mr. Petacci. th
popes physician, said today that the
pontiff may die' suddenly at any mo
ment from ental nervous strain. II
denies that the pope is suffering from
physical weakness as reported.
,.v ... .
Moghllev. Russia. July IE. Several
lives were lost ln the peyt few days
In a series of Incendiary fires which
destroyed the village- of Hmolyanr.
There wer 115 Jewish. 15 Christian
houses and 70 ahODs burned. It la ha.
lleved the fire was started by anti-S-
mmc ianaucs.
An Important matter ensnatna tf a
attention of the International Typo
graphical union Is the nronnaltlnn t
el pension all disabled members not In th
- I home at Colorado Springs, where many .
tion with th building of roads and other are unable to gain admUsloa on account V
public work. I of lack of room. ajV
y (Journal Special Serrlee )
Berlin. ' July 15. Th marrlan of
United States Senator Beverldira of Tn.
dlana and MIS Catatsnin Eddv of Chi.
rago wiU occur at th American leaa.
lion nere August 7. - it was originally
planned that the wedding should take
piace in America.
11 1 .-,
(Journal Special Service.) "
London. July . 15. Wrlarht and Bah'r.
Americana, today won the doubles tn a
rennunary round for tn xwlght Davis
ennls tronhv. defaatinar Wildinar and
Brooke. Australian, giving the Ameri
can still a chance to win th trotohy.
Ti'lrftuy finds inspiration ln a paper
published in Portland; he says that he
read th paper Weekly and finds ln it
a corroboration of his inmost thought.
In an - interview with the famous
Russian in the New Tork Time Stephen
Bonsai 1 writes of Tolstoy: "He car
ried ln hla hand a little weekly paper
published In Portland, Oregon. He had
his finger on a paragraph and hastened
to say: 'See here, is this not beautlfut?
It is from the Key Thoughts of Lucy
A. Mallory, and I read them every week.
While people in America write aa she
does I know the suit has not yet oulte
lost it savor. Listen. 'We, who know
the truth of life, 'must first change tho
world ourselves internally before the
world can be changed In others exter
nally. If we know the truth of life and
do not, live it, we are as a lighthouse
set upon a hill in which; the lla-ht has
gone out.' " '
. The paper to which the great Russian
philanthropist referred is Th World's
Advance Thought, a .monthly published
by Mrs. Lucy. A.' Mallory, of this city.
Continuing. Count Tolstoy said that ho
fears for the American nation. He
says that th national selfishness which
the subtle men who rule us call patriot
Ism has done more to retard the growth
of the individual than has the Church
of Russia with all Its shackles and
chains mental as well as physical.
"Prosperity, prosperity!'r he repeated,
"What a shameful plea that is which
your American platform makers ad
dress to the voters. They do not sav
'We will give you an honest, righteous
government,' but they say 'Well mak
you all fat and sleek. If vou vote for
me. you wlU have a double chin. And
does no one arise to iv -what win
your full dinner pail profit you, if
while gorging your bellies you lose
your Immortal soulsr "
With impressive earnestness the count
concluded, "Forgive me if my Judg-nr1"-
Al' nly remember you
11 . . "ffhthous set upon a hill ant
that In the last few years it has seemei
to many watchers ffiat the light which
was once the joy and hope of the world,
whose rays penetrated Into the utter
most parts of the earth was about to
be overwhelmed with shadow. I pray
iiat. you.n Americans will see to that
light and tend It dny nnd night. It Is
the flame that their fathers lit and It
has become the llvht f th
well as yours. It would be a dark world
witnout It."
Julius Kallach of Woodlawn lias pro
duced a new - varUty of cherries,
sample of which are now on exhibition
at th exhibit of th Portland Chamber
of Comerce.m Mof Kallach has named
hi new specie - "ths Giant," which
name Is a very atnroirlata nna aa tha
sample shown are as larst in dl&metar
as a half dollar piece. ....
"w t'1' ,a' cro between
the Blng and Lambert cherries and com- '
bine th good qualities of both of th
parent f ruft. "fhe grower now has on
tre that is bearing but haa a number
of young tree which will b bearing in -a
year or two, - Th sample on exhibi
tion ha attracted much attention from '
eastern TP18101"? n account of th large -aia
of tha fnilt - .-..v,,;,"
.. ., : v iv .' ':'" ' -1- f; . -; -.. v; v-v.. i
v. " A M
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